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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
It THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14. 1806. PflRTI ANfl IN I FAD new block signal system nu n.n mnmu PREVENTS SERIOUS WRECKS ui Dib mAKbin Steamers Coming to the Pacific Coast Head for Oregon Metropolis. SAN FRANCISCO IS SECOND ON THE LIST Meet of the Large Freighters Will Carry Away Lumber, White Four Com Here to Load Wheat for Europe One Brings Cement Thar are nort tramp steamers an route to Portland at the present time than to any other port on the Pacific coast, so that In point of shipping by steamer to foreign ports, the Oregon metropolis holds the lead, erea Ban Francisco falling behind. Figures com piled yesterday show that the total net register tonnage of all foreign steamers bound for Portland, San Francisco snd Pugat Sound porta, la 69.916, of which I tons are to the credit of Port-' land, 4.97 to San Francisco and 18,111 to the several Puget Sound ports com bined. Thus It will be seen that Port land leada by a good substantial margin. Most of the tramp steamers on the way to this port are under charter to load lumbar for the orient, four being under charter to load wheat for Europe. These are the British steamers Strath nalrn and Strathflllan, from San Fran cisco; the British steamer Imogen, from Antwerp, snd the Norwegian steamer Otta. from Vladivostok. The Strathfll lan left the Bay City Friday night, and la expected to arrive bars Monday or Tueadsy. The steamers now on ths list coming here to load lumber aggregate a total of 22,266 tons net register, but there Is a question of the British steam sr St rath more earning hers owing to her having been seriously damaged In collision off Hongkong, wherefore har tonnage haa not been Included In the figures given above, otherwise the total would be still greater. Other tramp steamers en route to load lumbar are the Crusader. Wandsworth, Apollo. Fulham and Vermont, all fly ing the British flag; the Jethou and Terje Viken. under Norwegian colors, and the German steamer Eva. All of these, excepfjgha Jethou, will coma In ballast for. the express purpose of car rying away the product of the sawmills hare. The Jethou brings a cargo of cement from the Belgian port, and waa chartered to load lumber several weeks ago. The British steamer Hasel Dollar la now In port ready to begin loading wheat for Europe, while three steamers have already been started for Europe this season laden to the hatches with grain from the big fields of the Colum- bta river basin. : ' . - V RODE ON WAVE'S CREST FOgj) tila of Bark r.a Vow d'Anvergae Captain P. La Bras, master of the f French bark I' Tour dTAuvergne, wss nearly loat overboard coming around ,th Born to Portland. He related the Eatery for the first time laat night, al- fthsragh Immediately upon the arrival of the vessel here the report of the sal's narrow escape from destruc tion In a gale off tha Horn waa given to the press. It wss about a day before the bark fall into the awful wlnda that sweep around the Cape and lash tha ocean into mountainous sees that a monster wpwwi raiuou mw v ihui waa swept S clean over her deck, submerging every - thing and crushing a lot of the frailer fixtures about the deck, that Captain Le Bras waa caught In the swirl of tha Block Signal System in Operation on the Blue Mountain Division of the O. R. ft N. (Special ninpitrb to The Jnarnsl.) Pendleton. Or., Oct. II. The accom panying Illustration is a roaliatle repro duction of the block signal system which Is now in operation on the O. R. A N. between Pendleton and Hunting ton, a distance of 176 miles, and this is the only place that It la being used in ths entire northwest This picture shows the two arms on each side of the track and the train la just entering. One Is used for east bound trains and on for tha west. One side of trie arm is rod and tha other la white. Whan tha rod aide Is up It means for the train to atop, and when the white aide la up H means that tha train la going tha other way and all la safe. From La Grande to Pendleton tha signal! are operated by an electric plant at Kernels, and from the other side of i urande to Huntington they are ope rated from a plant at Baker City. The blocks between the signals are from two to four miles long, and when tha train paases over tha signals It raises the arm by breaking the current. aad as long aa the train la in that block It remains elevated and the coming train can see that there is danger and do not dare go on. This system has already been tha means of preventing two serious wrecks, one the passenger wreck of a few weeks ago near Durkee When many Uvea war aaved, and tha other waa a freight wreck near Parry, which might have dona much damage. They are proving so successful that tha company la about to establlah the system all along lta lines. A crew la now In La Qrande placing, the equipments for telephones on trains and freight cabooses, which win mean a great dagl In caaa of accidents or wrecks that msy occur several miles from telegraph atatlona. By thla de vice a conductor on a train may commu nicate With the dispatcher's office at any tlma and from any point on this and of the O. R. N. A rod la used to connect with one of tha telegraph wlrea with which tha phone In tha dispatcher's office is also connected. $1,000 in Cash Prizes to be Given Away Absolutely Free! T people were awarded free trips ta Bsarigs, lasting forty days, all past by aa, from tha laft hoaes they returned N. Mont. Wash Mamma of CtMow PIMPLES. 1 BLACKHEADS Itiet Rid of All Year Face Troubles in a Pew Days' Time With the Wonderful Stuart Calcium Wafers. Trial Tou cannot have an attractive face or beautiful complexion when your blood In bad order and full of impurities. Impure blood means an Impure face. lwaya. f The most wonderful as wall as the noat rapid blood cleanser Is Stuart's Jclum Wafers. Tou use them for a raw days, and the difference tells In vr face right sway. Moat blood purifiers snd skin treat- gents are full of poison. Stuart's Cal cium Wafers are guaranteed free from ejrrry poison, mercury, drug, or optste. ftJThey are aa harmless aa water, but tha results are astonishing. jT The worst cases of skin diseases hare fSieen cured in a week by this qulck-act-Ong remedy. It contains the most ef Aft" Mve working power of any purifier ever discovered calcium sulphite Moat "Woud and skin treatments are terribly alow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have Cured bolls In three days. Every partl I da of impurity Is driven out of your system completely, never to retnrn, and It la done without deranging your sys tem in ths slightest. No matter what your trouble Is, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads. ajgaah, tetter, ecnema or scabby crusts. Calcium Wafers aa never falling. Don't be any longer humiliated by ivlng a splotchy face. Don't hava strangers sure at you, or allow your lands to he ashamed of you because of your fee. Tour blood makes you what you are. men snd women who forgo ahead those with purs blood snd pure Did you ever stop to think of m I Stuart's Calcium Wafers are abso K harraleem, but tha results mighty Satisfying ts) you even st the end of a -Week- They will make you happy be ts nae your face will be a welcome sight ig only to yourself when you look In the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. want to prove to you that Stu art's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt 4he heat and .iulckt blood and ekln purifier In the world so we will send .you a free sample aa soon as we get Bsmr name and address. Sand for It jig gar, and than whan you have triad Who sample f-ou will not rest contented Until you have bought a Mo boa at your druggist'. Send us yoar name and address to Am v mttA mr will at one send von bv sjaafl a sample package free Addreas irt w. si brine and carried bodily with It. Ha yelled for help, but his cries could not be heard above the roar of the onrush- Ing water, and even If they., had no as sistance eould have bean rendered. Lankily ha caught on tha -rati on the poop deck and to It he clung with the grip of a drowning man. He waa aarl Ouslv bruised, hut did not feel the In Juries until some time after, having) recovered from the excitement IncF dent to his .iair-breadth escape. Bav eral of tha crew were also toased about from one side of the ship to ths other and so badly bruised that they had to take to their berths for weeks. Tha atorm continued for four weeks and for a whole day tha bark rode on her beam ends until It became possible for tha crew to cut the satla. Captain Le Bras aaya the voyage waa the moat exciting he aver experienced, and there were many tlmea that ha feared tha ahip and all handa would go down The cement-laden windjammer Is still at anchor In the stream, but will proha bly mora to Columbia dock No. 1 Mon day morning commence discharging bar STORM OFF THE BAR Tha lookout at North Head reported laat night that the wind had attained a velocity of 60 miles off the bar and that a heavy rain waa almost making It im possible to saa the ocean from the tower on tha cliff. Several wlndjammara are supposed to be outside waiting to get In. If so. among them la the American bark Para mlta, bound for this port to load lum ber for California. Tha Paramlta Is an old-timer and haa probably ridden out mora storms on tha Pacific than many of tha vessels that leave a wake around the earth about once a yaar, and there la little danger of har not weathering the blow In good shape. Tha French bark Baugalnvllle, which waa la company with tha Paramlta all of yesterday, crossed In during ths sft emoon and Is now at anchor in tha bay off Astoria. She brings a cargo of coal from Newcaatla, Australia, and Is tha first coal carrier ta arrive here thla ALONG THE WATERFRONT '.re ' fsU'ri , ii.. Ths steamer Alliance. Captain Kelly, arrived at midnight from Coos bay. bringing a full cargo of freight and a full passenger list Tha oriental liner Aragnnls Will sail at S o'clock this afternoon for China and Japan with a cargo valued at nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Tha principal part of tha cargo consists of flour, of which the. steamer will carry 1 4.900 barrels. The steamer Oao. W. Elder will prob ably be ready for a trial trip tn an other weak and 'be Intention la to have bar make her Srst trip to San Kranclsoo by ths first of November Tha tlma ball on top of the custom houss hss not yet bean connected with tha electric wires that will causs tha ball to drop whan tha time ia aent out from Washington, but It will, probably ha ready soma tlma thla week. MARINE N0TE3 A. Stuart Btaart building. Astoria, Oct. It. Condition of the bar at 6 p. ta., obscured; wind, weat; weather rainy. Arrived down at I ant aalled at 7 a. m.. steamer Whlttler, for Port Harford. Arrived down at (:S0 and sailed at 11:10 a. m.. steamer F. A. Kllbum, for San Francisco and way porta. Sailed at 7:10 a. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, for San Francisco. Sailed at 7:10 a. m.. schooner Irene, for Redondo. Sailed at 7:lg a. m., British steamer Visigoth, for Tien Tsln. Sailed at 1:10 a. at., barkantln Ooorglna, for Ban Pedro, and steamer Nome City, for Saa Pedro, via San Francisco Sailed at l:li a. m. steamer A ite, for San FrsnclKco. Arrived at S:4S a at., J French bark Europe, from Liverpool. Arrived at 8:15 a. m., French bark Bougainville, from Newcaatle, Austra lia. Arrived at 11 :10 a. m., ship Mc Laurln, from , San Pedro. Sailed at 10:16 a. m., schooner Nokomla, for San! pranctsco. Arrived at a. ra.. French bark. La Pe. reuse, from Swansea Arrived at 1 and left up at 2 p. m., steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay. Ar rived at 5 p. m., hark Paramlta. San Francisco, Oct. It. Arrived, ateamer Costa Rica, from Portland. Ballad laat night, steamers Asuncion and Northland and British steamer Strathflllan, for Portland. Talcahuano, Oct. It. Arrived yeeter day. British ship Carnedd Llewellyn, from Portland. Antwerp, Oct. It. Sailed yesterday, Belgian ateamer Hatnaut. Ballway fjtUl AUve. I Special Disss trh to The J earn 1.1 Heppner. Or., Oct. It. Tha proposed railroad from Blajock on the Columbia river up through the Eight-Mile country to liardman. known aa the Oregon Rail way company, seems to be still alive. Right-of-way deeda from It landowners along the proposed Una ware filed with the county clerk this weak. Is Oullty. (Special Dispatch to The Josrssl.) Psndleton, Or., Oct. It. Charles Sams of Weston, who was on trial In the cir cuit court yesterdsy for sssault and bat tery upon the person of B. F. Walden, hla neighbor, waa found guilty by tha jury last night. Judge Bean will sentence Monday morning. LEFT SEATTLE FOR PORTLAND F. H. Johnston's Big Brokerage Office Removed to a City Where People Actually Do Business With Cash, and Are Not Afraid to Take a Chance. When It comes right down to busi ness, and when It Is desired to do buslnaaa with business msn for cash, then It .Is quite the thing ta call on Portland. One of tha well-known wide awake citlsena of Seattle made thla dis covery a few weeks ago, and today tha big offices of F. H. Johnston, broker. Seattle, are found at 435-434 Fllednar building. Tenth and Washington, this city, and not tn the hot aamoaphere of the famously-Inflated city of Puget Eouno. Mr. Johnston Is selling shares In the" Bldwall Cold Motor, an Invention of Professor Benson Bldwall, a eontrlv- M that will doubtless revolutionise ths operation of railroad trains, be cause it will entirely supersede steam as motive power. Tha story of how this Is to be dona is too long to tell In a newspaper squib, but that result will oon be attained, and stock that now aella at SO aharea for $31 will soon be selling st more than four times that price. Professor Bldwall la the msn who Invented the trolley car system. the gearleaa motor, railway car tele phone system, the Btdwell cold motor and tha water electric generator. Hun dreds have amassed great wealth from Investing In his Inventions, and thla lataat one Is ssld to be the beat of all. It will make many parsons rleb.too Aa a venture Mr. Johnston Invested a small sum In exploiting thla revelation motive power In Portland, with the result thst he waa soon convinced that Portland knew a good thing when they road about It and had the cash to buy. For this reason this large business waa transferred to this city, and It has bean prosperous ever since. And It will prosper In the future, too. That Is the record of all big enterprises that corns hare ta find a home. F. W. Gillespie, 1810 Cliff St., Pittsburg, pa; Benjamin M. Poarae, Oxford. Chenango Co.. N. T.; W. F. Kane, to Hasel at Texarkana Ark.: W. H. Bat t, West Market St., Warsaw. In.; W. H. Townsand. 1711 Main St., Buffalo. N. Y.; Edgar Fuller, 1111 W. ltd St., Chicago, HI.;' P. T. wooarmge, ventral Fans. n. i.; naran v. omun. 71 ingieeide Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio; Mra Elisabeth Reno, 1714 South J St. Tacoma Wash L S. Scbueler. Wolf Creek. Joaephlne Co, Oregon ; W. H. label 1. ISO Woodland St. Naahvllle. Tann.; 8. F. Ford. It Washington St.. Clarksville, Team.; John. H Nelson, Manassas. Prince Wllllsm Co., Vs.; Caspar Warlay, May villa, N. D. ; Mrs. J. E. Sswtelle. R. F. D. No 1. South Milwaukee. Wis.; B. R Baker Litlts, Pa.; Miss Lillian Auatln. 1SU Weat Walnut Stu. Daa Moines, la.; Dr.' F. A Charles, Water St.. Exeter. N. H.; Samuel K. FranU. R. F. D No l Lancaeter. Pa.; Fred W. Moulton. Smitnland, Iowa; William V Klnter, Plumvtlle, Indiana Co.. Pa.; A O Helander. 3140 ltd Ave.. S., Minneapolis. Minn. Tastes peopie are a isw ox ovex u uaiw tsnsai oi oar earn prise winners, vpaoe wiu not permit aa to publish all shear ansa is bat wa have winners la svery stats aad territory la tha V. S. nrfl every proTtaoa ta QtiHii - "" Arthur W. Madden. PhlUlpaburg. N. J.. I2M a year for Ufa: Mrs. L L Rich. Baton Ranids. Mich . 3S00 a vaar for lira. Mra u.nh. w. ---- Ontario. Can., an annuity of Site a year for life: Mra. A. W. Hoe, II Waban St, Newton, Mass . IS.OOO; Annie Dolan, II Cross St., Wsltham, Mass. 11.000; P. O. Turner, 1 South Fifth St., Ooahen. Elkhart Co. Ind., 11.000; Ous J. MundWUler, Little Berger. Gasconade Co., Ma, 11,000: Mrs O T Boons' 106 Montgomery St.. Birmingham. Ala., I3S3.II; Howard T. Kllta. Waapaoo, Wla.. tl.000; Mrs. M L. Hall. Edes Falls, Maine. S1.00; W Slaughter Springdale. Ark.. S1.OO0. Kate Q. Pope. 4 Blossom St, Leominster, Maaa. 11.009, Mrs M. Coffmaa. Parsons. W. Vs., M00; B. N. Brltt, It Wlllat St.. Sort Cheater. N. Y.. $133 14; Mrs. H-len MoDowell. 832 17th St, Milwaukaa. Wla, SSI3S4; Mlaa A. M. Work. 310 South Main St, Ottawa, Kan. 1150 T. H Carroll. 114 First PJacs, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 1250; Mrs. Nancy Boone, 104 Montgomery St, Birmingham, Ala, $100; Mra Jennie Oht 19 Miami St, Tiffin. Senecs Co, Ohio, $600; Mrs J. C. Pouchsr. tmstead, Suwanae Co.. Fla, $100; Mrs. M Nellie Been. York Beach. Me, $600, Mildred Balrd Createn. Wayne Co, Ohio, $8,76; M. M. Lane. 1161 Lexington Ave, Chicago, 111, $17; V. M. Walla, 16 West Pierce St, Coldwater. Branch Co.. Mleh, $$60: Robert Scharff Hastlngs-on-HudsoQ, N. Y, $160; A. D. Huntoou, Hanniker. N. H, $333.34; W. Q. Topafield, 31 University Place. N. Y. City, $$ 14; M U Blaakburn Pueblo. Colo, 1133.14; Mrs. C. H. Baldwin, Montpeller. Vt.. $160; E. 8. Stall, Wyncote, Pa, $260; Laura A. CUmerStO Fulton St., Chicago, 111 $160; Laura Barlow. Macon. Os, $260; Mrs. W. McCurry, 5$t Carpenter 8L, Chicago, 111, $150; J. 8. McCue, Daa Molnss, la, $260 T. 8. Turner Hllisboro, Hills Co, Texas, $260; Rosa Phllpot, Hayfork, Trinity Co., Cel.. $260; B. O. H. Melaaler. M. D, Crete. Will Co, 111.. $100: Mrs. Carl Alstrom. Jamestown. Y, $100; Ocora-e C. Cone. Una, Davidson Co, Tann, $100; Alfred Heritage, Shaleravllle, Ohio. $200: Llssle O. Marsh. Ill South Wyoming St, Butte. $116; Mrs. C. B. Dovey, Denver, Colo, $135; L. J. Smith, Sill Garfield Aye.. 8t Louie. Mo, $100; William 8. Arnold, 01 South M St., Tacoma. $100; J. McLaughlin. Manchaug. Masa, $100; Rosa Holmes. Cora, Smith Co, Kansas, $100; Carrie Dutton. Oak St, Brattlsboro, Vt, $6$.$$; Jamea weiBh. lio Weat 81st st, N. T. City. N Y, 168.11; K. H. Warren. 16$$ Union St, Alameda, Cel., 6$.tt; Mrs. Nancy Wlnset, lth St, Port Smith, Ark, $58.13; Rsv. M. D. Collins, Joneaburg. Montgomery Co, Mo, $68 14; Fred Harafall. Wlckford, B. I, $61.14. Mabel Lynch. Crawford. Vs.. $600; Mrs. M. C. Hurlburt, Falrburg, Neb, $160; Luoy Dowse, 1$ Superior St, Fond Du' Lac. Win. $160; N. M. Young, 111 Franklin St, Wllkesbarre, Pa, $100; L. M. Carpenter. Blooming Valley, Pa, $600; Mlaa Dolly Burkholder. 1680 Broadway, Hannibal. Mo, (600; L Rana Stiles, Kallspsll Mont, $66.61; Mrs. William Abbott, lot North 8th St, Hannlford, Car, $56.66; John W. Gibson, Washburn. Wla, $66.66; Adlna Larkln, Walnut St, Hllisboro. Ohio. $66.16; Miss B. E. Spencer, 3$S0 Shattuck Ave, E. Berkeley, Cal, $61.15; Mrs. Irving Rlagel, 20 South Jardln St, Shenandoah. Pa, $56.56; Mrs. M. P. Cotter, Barnsvllls, Georgia. $56.(6; Miss Florence M. Shores, rookvllte. Mass, $55.65; Mrs. Charles Brooksby, 41 Trinity Place, Albany, N. Y, $66.66; John Plehler. 4$ Rich mond St, Rochester. N. Y, $60; B. H Gardner, 141 Royal St, Palestine Texas, $60; Howard Woods, Spring Valley. Ohio, $60; G. W. Curtis, tI7 Grand Ave, Toledo, Ohio, $60; Joaeph Anderson. Wawanera. Manitoba, Canada, $50; W. B. Wtlhmott ( 7), II College St, Toronto, Canada, $50; Thomas Marsh. St Hunter Ave, Albany. N. Y, (60; C. 8. Jackins, Sparrow Point. Baltimore. Md, $60; Charles Innee, $51 Thomas St , Milwaukee, Wla. $50; Winnie Crane, Tippecanoe, Marshall Co, Ind, (60; Miss Lena Barnes. 1116 North 44th St, Philadelphia, Pa, $60; R. P. Buokmsster, Frank fort, Ky $60; Cora J. Volgt. Centra Mills St, Blmlra. N. Y, $60; Fred Ward. Bitumen. Clinton Co, Pa , $50; Mrs. Joaeph, Ehrllch, $03 North 7th St, Philadelphia, Pa, $60; Eleanor I. Adams, 1110 Ball Ave, Galveston, Texas, $60; George A Parker. 182 Larrabee St, Chicago. Ill, $60; H. D. Corquodale. 1211 Maplewood Ave, Chicago, 111, $60; F. L Sawyer, Box 2S3, Mitchell, Ontario, Can, $50; Laura Lyons, Saltsburg, Indiana Co, Pa, $60; Benjamin N. Roof, Sparter, Sussex Co, N. J, $50; Ordway R. Hall. Newcaatle Ave, Portsmouth, N. H, $10; Lillian & Clark, Port Elgin, Cast Co. New Brunswick. Canada, $50; Suale Cooper. Commerce, W. Vs., $60; Thomas Dulling, Salem, Maaa, $710; W. B. Surbury. Beverly, Maaa, (500; Frances Q. Laudis. 1704 Market St, Logansport. Ind, $.; D. J. O'Houlihan. Whjts River Junction. Vt, $!.; Lyman E. Crane, Montgomery St, Birmingham, Ala., $61.11; Mra. B. O. Roley, 104 Chestnut St, Nashua. N. H, $60; Anna Hendrlcka, ITS Walnut St.. Reading. Pa, $60; Canon Boone, Montgomery St, Birmingham, Ala, $50; Anna M. Polk, 18IS E. Capitol St, Washington. D. C, $60; Mrs. Annls O'Farrell. Colllnsville, Madison Co, 111, $60; Charles Mason, 170 Washington St, Dcdham. Mass, (60; H. Soother. Rochester, N. H, $60; Miss Annie A. Smith. 21 B. Canton St, Boaton. Masa, $60; Lucille Buriew, 111 Book out St, Dallas. Texas, $50; C. T. Nemann, 4420 Calumet Ave, Chicago, 111, $60; Mrs. O. T Boone, Montgomery St, Birmingham, Ala, $60; Agalena Aldrioh, Wlllard School. Cambridge. Mass, $50; L. J. D. Carteur. Lowell, Masa, $60; Mra. R. A. Adams, $0$$ Linden 8q Philadelphia, Pa, $61; Ella K. Vsssar. Madlaon St, Hamilton, N. Y, ((0; J. P. Easterly, SOS B. 8th St, Coffey vtlle. Kanaaa, $60; Mra. L C. Boone. Saltaburg. Pa, $60: Mra. E. L Powers, 360 Lexington St, B Boston, Maaa, $60; Mra. Fannie Boone, Montgomery St, Birming ham. Ala, $60; J. C. Shepherd, N. G. A McCarver Sts.-. Tacoma, Wash, $60; C. T. Hill, & A MY Freight Office, Manchester. N. H, $50; Mabel M Dearborn, 8 Dicker man St, Augusta, Maine, $60; Jefferson Crane, 806 Montgomery St, Birmingham, Ala, $50; J. E. Jsnelle, Caughnawaga, P. Q, Canada. (1,000. The following;. named partlea have served on' our Committees to award tha prises In our various contests: Mary A. Dlckerson, Cleveland, Ohio; Mabel A. Evans. Cambridge, Maaa, Annie Msy Bell, Amerlcus, Ga.; Alice S. Smith. Jennings. Mo.: J. Alf, Rea. San Joao, Cal.; "Fits Jamea E. Browne, Montreal, Canada; C. D. Baldwin, Cascade, Iowa; Mra Francis Little, Lincoln, Neb.; Mrs. R. Ryan. Houston, Texas; Fred T. Tremble. Saranac Lake. N Y.r W. K. Allen. Amherst. Va: K. G. Pope. 4 Blossom St, Leominster, Maaa ; viota House, urtstow. ind. Tar.; A. H. at h&k ""83f AN Jr Tremble, 8a rana Patterson. 1$$$ Sauth Wi ha. a a o. i Ki.u . t ifi a 4sb R tufa rl ( amn Kf Rrwfhoai t ar V Before answering this advertisement If there Is the least doubt In your mind as to ths genuineness of the sams, ws want you to write to the persons whose nsmes we publish her. Surely, this la a very honorable record for a magaslne publisher to have, and we are proud or IV Now, for the particulars of our offer. In thla advertisement we publish nine rebus pictures, each one spelling the nam of a city located in the United States. Can you name them correctly? If you can. nil in the slip and send It to us together with a fifty word article on tha city No. l. We will give $$00 in cash to the party whose list Is absolutely correct and whose article la beat. In the estimation of tha committee: for the next beat answer $160 In cash; for the next best answer $76 In cash; for the next bast answer $60 in cash; for ths next bst answer $25 In caoh; for tha ten next beat snswer $10 In cash each; for the ten neat best answers $6 In cash each; for the fifty neat best answers (2 in cash each; for the 10 next beet anawers $1 U cash each, and every one naming four or mora of thess cities correctly will receive a beautiful Photo Engraving of that magnificent frontier scene (by R. Farrlngton Elwell) entitled ""The Overland Stage," which created auch a furor when It appeared In the Brown Book. November, 1802. This handsome picture shows a band of Indiana attacking the Overland Stage, and Is a masterpiece. It Is a Photo on heavy plat paper suitable for framing, slae 11 x 14. Someone Is going to win these prises, and It may be you; anyway. It does not coat you any money to try. Tm Thas rbus plcturaa are not aa easy as thsy appear, and It will take a great deal of brain work to solve the nine cities correctly. Bvsryoae win hav aa equal ehaaoa. Ta tha event of a tie, ta each oaae, the pnss will be annasa. Ws are noted for our munincent prises, snd. while everyone cannot poeslbly win tha largest prises, everyone haa the aame opportunity. 5T matter la taken entirely ot of ohr hands by the committee. They are given quarters by themselves so that they will not be hampered by any lift ference or any of our clerks in the impartial selection of the winners, enraiy, aosaug oonia d zairsr. Remember, you have aa opportunity to whs and ssours from aa. without any monetary expense or any other condition whatsoever on yaar pari, any of tha above-mentioned 111 Issa, There ta posrttvsly no decewetea. Ws believe we are the only publishing firm In the -world who hnve given away the largest cash prises In contests arranged by a single firm; therefore, don't throw thla advertisement aalde and aay. "Oh. pahaw! I have answered pussies before and received nothing for it." for. if you do, you will regret It. Someone will win these prises, and It may be you; anyway, ther la no expense on your part we don't want any money or exact any agreement or promise whatever from you. and. surely the prises are worth trying for. I wish we had space to publish the many nice things which our contestanta and committee say about th fair manner In which all our prises have bean awarded I can aaaura you that they are very flattering; but nothiag more, than the truth, for we don't want any one to aay anything but what Is absolutely true concerning the dealings which they have with us. Candidly, do you know of any firm who have mad suoh liberal offer in such a fair manner? Of courae you have no aasurance except our word that we are financially able to carry out the promises which we have made. If you hnve the least doubt, look us up. and you will find that we have lived up to every promise we have made, and we have thousands upon thousanda of letters from prise winners on flie at our Office. We are a responsible company, and we number among our stockholders, bank presidents, bank cashiers, lawyers, doctors, srmy officers, merchants and prominent people In every station of Ufa, and our reputation for fair dealing la auch that we cannot afford to have a single dissatisfied contestant. Our sole object In giving away such princely prises is to lead our competitors, and we will leave no stone unturned to accomplish, by honest methods only, our object. Everyone In this contest will receive honest treatment, and you will hav th same opportunity whether you live la California. Canada or Massa chusettsdistance positively make no difference, providing you live In the United States or Canada; persons living outside of this territory will not be permitted to compete for thess prises. No officer or employe of this company nor anyone connected directly or Indirectly with them will be permitted to compete, therefore, send your answer to ua at once. This competition la open to every person In the United States and Canada. You need not be a subacritor to compete. Addr u. tut. w.y- MODERN WOMEN, J. P. Cootest Department, 99 and 101 Broad St., Boston, Mas. 41 ROOSEVELT FRUIT IS ECLIPSED Hood River Democratic Club Sends Best Box of Apples in World to Bryan. PORTLAND MEN BOUGHT AN INFERIOR VARIETY Orchardists Consign Prise Winning SpiUenburgs to the Commoner Ad draaamg Him eg "Next Pre aidant of the United States." (Speetsl Dlsaatek ts The Josraal.l Hood River. Or., Oct. IS. Within the next few days President Roosevelt will receive s box of pretty apples which will bear the card of the Portland Com merctal club. About the same time William J. Bryan will also receive the premium -box of apples, winners at tha Hood River fair, the finest apples ever rrown and In taste and quality far su perlor to the Banana apple consigned to th cmei executive or ine nation. This box will be the gift of th Hood River members of the Democratic party find will be addressed to "Wllllsm J Brysn, ths next president of ths United Stat. When the Portland commercial men were seised with the Idea of Bending the president a box of Oregon apples they Immediately started out to secure the best product of the state orcnaras. They psssed from on box of prise win ners to another, carefully Inspecting each, determined that ther should be np better fruit of th kind tn th land then that which they tendered President Theodora Roosevelt At last, sftejr an exhaustive search, they decided that nothing could be finer than a box of Banana applss which had carried off the flrat prise for their kind. Accord ingly, the box waa purchased and plac arded aa their gift. Ala, the Portland men failed to ask tha advlcs of pro fessional orchardists and their self confidence waa their undoing. lag of Apples. In the meanwhile the Hood River Democratic club, while approving the SHORTHAND ONLY FOUR DOLLARS Easily learned st your owitjahome snd you pay ss you learn. As presented by us Short hand is very conveniently arranged. It is so clearly outlined that anyone who can read the English lan guage can learn it with out difficulty. It is sim- pie and it is practical. The study of Shorthand develops the mind and is a splendid means of men tal recreation. The $4 enrollment covers everything. We have noth ing to sell. 28-PAQE BOOK FREE W - t - i r - -1 -v Practical Shorthand Co. Nirun, oaasos. Shorthand is a fascinat ing and interesting study ; it is a practical accom plishment and can be used in every walk of life; it is a business ' necessity and a private convenience. One cannot realize the many benefits of Short hand till a practical knowledge has been actu ally acquired. Better write for booklet today while price is only $4.00. cours of th commercial men of the Ross City In maklna so fitting a pres ent to the head of th Republican party, thought it only riht that the lesder of Democracy, and the next presi dent of the United States, be ramem bered. 'Being orchardists snd fully in formed as to th relative merits of dif ferent -varieties of fruit, they hesltsted net a moment hut promptly purchased the prise-winning box of Spltsenburgs, th kin of varieties, for their present. Thus It happens that President Rooaevelt Is soon to receive the next best box of apples in ths world, while Wllllsm 1. Bryan w.a be presented with a quantity of the fruit which will be unequaled anywhere. White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 Machines aWated aad Ssewatred. Used htaohiaa AU NEW CORPORATIONS FILE THEIR ARTICLES (SpseUl DMpatek to The Josrssl.) Salem. Oct. 13. Article of Ineorpor tlon war flliS yesterday aa follows with th secretary of state: Warren ton Clam company; Incorporators, Alvsdur Slaurdson. Anna Blgurdson snd T. W. Preaton; prtnelpsl offlc, WerrentonJ Clatsop county; npiwi nvw, . , The company will engage In the can ning and preserving of clams and of other shU fish. The American Importing company; Max ghlbb. John P. afoCann and Mar tin Francovlch, lnooraoratore ; capital stordc SlS.oat); principal offlc. Astorls, Oregon Th company will engsg In th general marchaadla business and dssl m real estate, etc. Astoria Timber and Lumbar i pany; incorporators. Asm us Brlx, P. J. Prix, and Albert Brlx; capital stock. 10,000. Th Chambers McCune company; In corporatora. J. K. Chambers, B. H. Mc Cune, snd P-ed Ward; principal office, Albany; capital stock. SlO.tOU. tratea Talma ties, (pert. I MsssSrti m Ths Jeersal l La Orsnds. Or., Oct IS The total as sessed valuation of property In linlon connty for 10 Is SS.US .173 This la an increase of about .000 over last Hotel Eaton co a. Moaaisoa avd win vasx gxa N EW aasdeosMly fnreliked, elsgsstly seats, area roof, gee attaates walk frosi heerf it gopMas sss bmlssM atstrM. en largs. awy, ee4sU runts, etessi heated, elesartt Hsbta. ttlepaess Is sen asertSMet, at. Lars et hwsstsr nostag. wrlthig, MAsM fortify llOfll pflVWffw. emOOathS f SSaf Vf by man sr telephone.' rrivau eats (tea aests trsiss sad mm in Roomi 01. OO to $S.OO a Day . Ssiisil Sates OaaMMretal She, BBS. MAS XATOa, rrawrty e Bat.: riapark. pests.) year, and about half the Increaee la due to personal property heretofore la th xemptlon list. -