The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Hon. Jake Moore
Suffered Twenty Years With Indigestion Caret)
Edited by
by Kodol Dyspepsia Core.
The Prison Commission of Georgia
Lv" 7 :r- wskbsibkkP waxBt' ?kI - vrMftv'jl Hfe ' ' ' J
Hv I issss5"3r EnitvH lijkRkxBKk. sses - s ,"BBK5i1' s r. I
iTB ii mi k rrHvLrr KkV jrrKy 4L11rrrr1rrT' I
fJbmX !wBKKKBxt P 5 B' mVhi fcfcBfJRPk. 4
1 mf Wrf PIP ff ffff MMf UF' BHFV , f . M axP?.xwWsx?,
I-V yc ' m ftoaV PACIBLIlA Tfl nnWsW-3k
2uaSi Brl- v kxxkk . "fUt faf BPS EfTwJHn
5 mVv 'AVv, jgw 1 asx, ag j i SJ HB. jb PKr Bsfi BVBBHHVflZrl
College Elevens Throughout the
Country Are Mixing Up in
Many Frays.
Yale Meet. Holy Cross, Harvard
Goe Against Amherst Aggies,
Penn Tries Swarthmore and West
Point Engages Colgate.
Th following football games era
scheduled (or today anions the crack
colics eleven Of thla country:
Washington va Whttworth. at Ta-
Idaho va. Spokane Athletic club, at
O A. C. vs. Albany, at Corvallla
Pacific university va. H1U Military
academy, at Forest Grove.
Tale va. Holy Cross, at New Haven.
Harvard va. Amherst Assies, at Cam
bridge. Prinreton va. Annapolis, at Annapolis.
Pennsylvania VSL Swarthmore at Phil
adelphia Amherst vs. Tofts, at Amherst
West Point ra Colgate, at Wast Point
Pena State va Oettysburs. at Bute
College, Pennsylvania.
Syracuse va Hamilton, at Syracuea
Lehigh va Haverford, at South Beth
lehem. Pennsylvania
Cornell va. BuckneU, at Ithaca Hsw
WlUtasss vs. Mlddlebary, at Wllllams
town. MAaachusetts.
University of Mississippi va Vander
bllt. at Nashville. Tenneasse.
University of Virginia vs Washing
ton sad Las, at Richmond. Virginia.
Clem son va Mercer, at Macon. Qeor-
rgla Technical va. Florida at At
lanta. Georgia
Arkansas va Kansas, at Lawrence,
Tennssaas va Maryvllle college, at
Knoxvtlle, Tinnes ..
When you have a Bad
BreathWake up I
AKBUpl It's Otns to take
s Csscaret,
When the friend yc:
speak to turns bis taos
the other way,
Whan your tongue Is eoated,
When you hare Heartburn. Belch
ing, Add RUngs tn throat,
When Pimple barln to peso out,
When your Stomach Gnaws or
That's the Mm to ohsok ootnlng
Constipation, Indigestion snd Dyspepsia.
One single Candy Cascaret win do K
If taken at the right minute. Just when
you first feel the need of U.
Do It nowl
Casoarets don't Purge, nor Woaksn,
nor waste Dlresthrs Jutosa tn flooding
out the Bowel, hks Salts. Castor Oil,
But, they sot Hks BssroUo on the
Muscles that shrink snd expand the In
testines, thus pushing lbs Pood en Nat
urally to Its Finish.
When your Bowel- Muscle grow flabby
they need Bxerclss to strengthen thorn
pot "Physio" to pamper them.
Casoarets provide the bracing tons
thai U needed .pacifically by the Bowel
muiclci. 0
Than carry the little ten-cent "Vast
Pocket' ' hog ootaaanthr with you, and
take a Cascaret
you need It.
Ons Cascaret at a time aril promptly
deans a foul Breath, or Coated Ton
gue, thus proving clearly Its ready,
steady, sure, but mild and affect! va no
tion. Have the little 10c Emergency box of
Cascaret constantly near yea I
All Drugglata ssU them orer ton mil-
Ion boxes a year, for six years east
Be vary careful to gat the
mads only by the Sterling Remedy
psny and never sold In bulk. Every
tablet siaxnpeoV'CCC.'' sees
North Carolina va Richmond college.
at Chapel Hill.
Davidson va Georgia, at Athena Geor
gia, Wabash va Illinois, at Urbane, Illi
nois. Drake va Nebraska at Lincoln. Ne
braska, Belolt va Plattevllle Normal, at Be
loit, Wisconsin.
Ohio State va Wittenberg, at Colum
bus. Otterbeln va Ohio Wealeyan, at Dela
ware, Ohio.
Oberlln va Kenyan, at Oberlla, Ohio.
Miami va. University of Cincinnati,
at Cincinnati.
Wooeter va. Case, at Cleveland. Ohio.
Seattle Athletic Club's Star Man
More Than a Match for
the Big Follow.
(Sseetel Disss tea to las Jooroai.l
Seattle. Oct. It. Dr. Roller of the
Seattle Athletic club won a great vic
tory over Prank Gotch. the American
wrestling champion, last night by stay
ing on the mat one nour with' Gotch
without being thrown. According to
the terms of the mat ch. Gotch wss to
throw Roller twice in an hour, or else
lose the puree.
Boiler., was. la. tins form, .snd, al
though Gotch tried every one of his
well-known tricks snd exerted every
hit of his wonderful strength, he could
not put the Seattle man on his back.
The local friend of Dr. Roller were
very enthusiastic last night and show
ered their hero with oongratulstlons.
Dr. Roller Bays h has quit the wrest
ling business, sad will now attend to
his prsctlca
Dr. Roller Is well known in Portland
through hi connection with the Seattle
dub's football team. His playing
against Multnomah in thla city last sea
aoa sad the year before ta well remem
bered by those who witnessed the eon
testa He is a splendidly built man.
standing six feat In his stocking feet
and weighs about lis pounds. Ha la
an a ggress I v football 1st snd la a stu
dent of the same. Off the field he is a
most companionable fellow, and one of
hi chief traits Is hie extreme modaaty.
The Cube managed to. take the second
gam of the series yesterday from the
White Sox. following I the official
line-up and soors of the contest:
AB R. H. PO. A. E
Hahn. rf 4 0 110 0
Isbell! lb... 4 6 1110
Rohe. Sb 8 S 0 4
Donohue. lb. 1 0 0 IS J 0
Dougherty, If 1 0 0 i 0 o
Davis, sa S t 4 I 1
Sullivan, e t S 1
Altrock. p I 0 0 I 0
MeFariand 1 S t. o
Totals r. . . IT S I? is "I
Batted for Altrock In the ninth ln-
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Hoffman, ef...:.... 4 S I e
Shecksrd. If S i 1 0 0
Dcbulte, rf 4 0 0 10 0
Chance, lb... 4 1 t It 1
Stslnfeldt, lb z o l l r l
Tinker, as 1 0 1 4 0
Ever, tb. 10 114 0
Kllng. a I o o J o
Brown, p 10 116 0
Totals ft 1 T 17 It 1
Nationals vvvvevi wi
Left on bases. Americana t: Nation
al a, t. Two-base hit. Hoffman. Sacri
fice hits. Tinker, t; Stelnfeldt. t; Dono
hue, 1. Stolsn base, Shecksrd. Double
Rtajr, Kilns and Ever: Altrock, Dana
u and Sullivan. Struck out, by
. . i . - TV- v.lf
Drown, e, 07 Aitivw- m. rw uaii.
Kilns. Bee an bails, off Brown, 1;
.... 1H...I, 1 Tim. nt Mn,. 1 . f
"ll nium., - " - y m . - . -
Umpires, OXougblln and Johnstons.
(Speelsl Disputes t The
I.ewlston. IdShO, Oct.
Five furlongs, purse Main won.
Mine Psfkar second. Scorcher third;
time. 1:04 H. Won by a half length.
Five furlongs, purs Irish Jew won.
Idora second. Canopus II third; time,
1:01. Won by a half length.
pour and one half furlong, purse
Soundly won. Effervescence second. Ctrl
tone third; Urn. :. Won. by a
Seven furlong, puree Follow Me
won. Flourish second, Harbor third,
time, l 10. Won by s half length.
The five best trotters on the grand
fwtrcutt thla season are Nutboy. Maln
lheet. Brilliant Girl. Sweet Marie and
Gold Dust Maid. Nutboy is the star
of tk est.
Batted Ball Hits Umpire Perrine
and Schimpff Scores the
Winning Run.
Portland Holds the Lead From the
Fourth, but Tigers Tie Up Game in
the Ninth Bill Sweeney Makes
Three of the Leaders' Hits.
(Joarssl Bpselsl Ssrviea)
Fresno. Oct. 11. The Giants have de
cided not to give the Tigers one gsme
out of the series. Yeeterday the Port-
lenders took the lively fishermen Into
camp la a tea-lnntng to the sogre of
I to I. Bcnmtprr was in tne nox ror
Portland and held the local to four
hits. Portland touched up McGregor
for seven aaf ones, one of which pro
duced two runs . in the fourth tnnlng.
The Tigers scored one tn the seventh
snd tied the. ninth. In the tenth,
Schimpff was on third, snd Sweeney's
liner hit Umpire Perrine, and he al
lowed Schimpff to score, whet proved
to be the wlaalng ran. The Tlsers
could do nothing In their half of the
tenth, so another victory was recorded
for the pennant winners Score:
Sweeney, as 6 0 114 0
Carson, rf : 4 I 0 l
Mitchell. If
4 t i t e
McCredle, cf 4 1 4 0
so 4 i l e t e
Wanner, lb. 4' 0 1 1 l
Donahue, a toosoo
Lister, lb .4 0 1 It 0 0
Schimpff, p 4 1114 4
Total IT 1 T l 11 1
. AB. R. BH PO. A. E
Casey. lb 4 0 0 1 1 0
Doyle, cf 4 0 o t 0 0
Wolters, rf t 1 1 0 0
McLaughlin. If. t 1 0 0 0 1
Easan. tb ,4 1 1 t f 1
Del mas. as 4 0 1 I 4 0
Cart wrtght, lb 4 0 1 IT 1 1
Hogan, c e a s s i o
McGregor, p 1 0 0 0 6 :
Dash wood 1 0 0 0
tt t 4 10 It I
'Batted for McGregor in tenth In-nlns-
Portland 000100000 11
Base hits 110110101 o 7
Fresno 0 0000101 0 I
Base hit 1 00000102 0 4
Sacrifice hlta Carson. Doyle. Two-
base hit, Sweeney. Three base hlta
Wolters, Cartwright. Esgan. Bases on
halls, off McGregor, I; off Schimpff. 1.
USll OB WM. (VI IWIIU, I , I a 1 1 u, v.
Double play. Began unassisted. Wild
OMouregor. xime or
re, Perrtna
Won. Lost. P. C.
Portland 106 40 .011
Seattle II 74 .141
Ban Francisco tt T4 .420
Dos Anrelea i .o
Oakland l l -40
Fresno iea .
Jack O'Brien Is still making and
breaking pugilUtlc metchee and work
log the press end of the gsme to the
e s
Phil NI11, a member of the Cornell
football team In 100, 1 helping the
coaches at Ithaca.
la Ana Arbor they say that Garrsls.
ons of Michigan's ends. I est of the
greatest punter the game ever has
s s
Hall Dsvld SklUmsn. the progoostl
cator on snorts t Princeton, has not yet
tipped the score of the coming Yale-
Princeton game.
e s
If It had been fixed, brother, you eaa
cllo the rubber band and bet your limit
that It would have been fixed for the
Highlanders. The mogulo of both
J. E. Oover. 11 N. Main St., Ottawa,
Kan. writ: "Every fall It has beast
my wife's trouble to catch a severe
cold, snd therefore to cough ell winter
loess. Last fll I got her a bottle of
Horehound Syrup. She used it and ha
boas sbje ta sleep soundly aU night
long. Whenever tne cough 1 roubles her
two or three doeet stops the cough, snd
she Is able to be up and well " fie, tec
and 1. 0. Sold by Woodard. Clark a
Co. .
leagues know that having the two
champion teams In one city will not do
the game any good, finally at any rate,
e s
Tha Carlisle Indlsns have run up
enormous scores la the football game
played ao far thla season.
e ' e."
Tha work of the Lehigh eleven has
not been satisfactory to Coach Dockaon.
snd to make matters worse several of
the bast players are crippled.
, s
Bergsr, left halfback, has been doing
tar work on tb Yale acrub team. H
will probably get tha opportunity to
line up with the 'varsity before long,
e e
Tha Highlanders did not win ths pen
nant, but they took throe out of four
games in the last series with the Whit
e e
A baseball scribe recently said: "That
race In the American league la pretty
enough to make it look as If It had been
e e
Casey, Jordan and Al perm an of the
Brooklyn ball club made four hits each
in the opening gams of the last series
with Boston.
The Bowling match last night wss s
one-elded affair, tha Montavtlla team
having four men, while the Portland
was the" with a full team, and two
eubetltutee. Captain Case of the latter
team worked out Hanson and Ullmsn
both rolled good averages. Ullmsn had
tha highest single score. 141, also high
SVSraSS, 11. The scores:
(1) (I) (t) AT.
Sloan 10 111 14 171
Anspach 16 171 lt 1
Parent lt 111 111 144
MoCsslte. 11 lt 14010
Total 704 111 III
(1) (I) (I) At.
Moor 171 ISO 17 17S
Hanson lit 17 lit 114
Ullman 172 lit tit 111
McMontos 1TI 17t lib 174
McMenomy. , 170 111 110171
,ltt 171 III
The first snd second elevens of the
Portland high school net yesterday
afternon on Multnomah field and en
joyed a lively scrimmage for two brief
halves, ths first team being victorious
by the soors of 11 to The playing
of the 'varsity was not up to expects
tiona. fumbling and poor punting being
the principal defects. Coach Henderson
was not at all pleased with the work of
his man and there will be aome rapid
change mad If ths youngsters do not
follow the rules lata down by the coach.
Ths Hill Military squad, under direc
tion of Manager Von Egloffeteln and
Coach Kerron. left this morning tpr For
sst Grove, where they will engage the
Pacific university team this afternoon.
Last rear the cadet ware aucceful
gainst ths raclflc men Tha Pacific
plsysrs outweigh the military lada, but
the Port lander nave plenty of grit and
strength, . and hop to hold tha Forest
Grove men down.
On week from today tha local foot
ball season will open with a match be
tween Multnomah and tha Albany Ath
letic club. The local boys are looking
forward to this game with mors than
customary curiosity, ss it Is not known
what tricks the visitors will try. The
club men have held but one practice this
week, and, r not vary wall versed In
the game. Tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock It la the Intention of tha club
men to hold a meeting of all the foot
ball candidate la order that some 11a
may be had about the atrength and
peed of tb players.
Captain Jordan of ths Multnomah
'varsity has mad a call for every man
In the club to meet tomorrow morning.
Tae list includes McMUlsn. Pratt. Dow
ling. Wilder. Bert. Horso, Kerron, Hen
derson. Alexander, Dotph, Lonergan,
James, Crosby, Butler. Ross, Austin.
King, Rupert. Blockmsn. Ringer. Jones.
Keel. Bennett, Smith, Thomas snd every
member of the second team. Captain
Jordan aays that It la vary eseentlal
that every man turn out, as new signals
and nsw plays srs to be triad.
(Jeeresl SsIfUI Ssrrleal
Lea Angeles, Oct. 14. Jones' pitching
was too much for tb Angele yesterday
LOS Angetoe . . 1 0 1 2 4 1
Seattle . lOOIObOlO 4 t
Bsttsrtss Bar i
and Eager . Jones
and Blsnksnship
A Young 1
"II v mother has suddenly boss seeds
young at 7. Twenty years of Intense
suffering from dyspepsia baa entirely
disabled her, until six months ago, when
he began taxing ciecmo Bitters,
which bsve completely cured her snd
restored the strength sod activity she
had tn the prime or lire wnrae air.
W. L. Ollpatrk of Dsaforth. Ms
Grestest j-oaoraitve Bsedickee oa the
irKa Sets Sttmaeh. Liver and Kid
neys right, purl a the blood and earos
Mslarts. Blllouen and Weaknesses
Wonderful Morv Tonte. Price Me.
Guaranteed ar Red
Good Going at Lexington, Louis
ville and Belmont Park
Racing Courses.
(Joarssl SpseUl Service.)
Lexington, Ky Oct. II. Ysstsrday'e
race summary:
1:10 class, trotting, purs 11,000, three
In five Van Zandt won the third, fourth
and fifth heats and ths race In 2:10,
1:10, 1:01. Monroe won ths first and
second heats In 2:084. 2:004.
Ths Kentucky, 1-year-old trotting,
value 11,000, two In three The Abbe
won two straight heat and the race In
1:11, t:io.
1:10 class, peeing, vslus 11,000, three
In five Phslla won three straight heats
and ths race In 1:01, t:07M, 2:07.
1:1 class, trotting, purse 11. 000, three
In five Budd won the second, third and
fourth heats and the race In 1:11,
1:11H, t:ll. XstreU won ths first
best In !:..
Special to beat 2:02 trotting Sweat
Marie loat; time, 2:01.
At IroulsvUls.
(Jeanwl Spseisl Ssrvies.i
LouiavlU. Ky., Oct. 11. Rac re
sults: Ons mils, selling Lady Ethel won.
Suzanne Rocsmorro second, Oulens
third; time. 1;2.
Five and one half furlongs, sailing
Lightning Conductor won, Tom Dolan
second, Csper third; time, 1:07.
Seven furlongs Hector won. Envoy
second, Pontotoc third; time. 1:24 4-1.
Free steeplechase handicap, short
course Lady Jocelyn won, Creolln sec
ond. Reject able third; time, 2:11-11.
Six furlongs, sailing Ingol Thrift
won, Topsy Robinson second, Mia
Leed third; time. 1:14.
On mils, sailing Whtppoorwlll won.
Ban Shsw second. Sanction third; time.
1:141-1. ,
At Belmont Park.
(Xseraal Sairlsl Berries.
New York. Oct. It. Result of races:
On mil, sailing Winning Hand won.
Cloister second. Prill third; time,
cttx furlong, straight George S. Da
vis won; Strsy second. Toddles third;
tlx, 1:14.
Six furlongs straight, ths Manhat
tan handles p Rose ben won. Suffrage
second. Hsndisrra third; Urn. 1.11 1-1.
On mil, tho Dlxlana stakes Hot
Toddy won. Security second. Pater
third; time. 1:11.
Six furlongs, straight. aaUiag Oracu
lum won, Bartngo second. Lady Vera
third; time, 1:11 2-1.
On mile, selling Optician won. Dek
abar second. Panlque third; time.
1:11 4-4
PAr the benefit of Journal reader the
following extracts from the Oregon fish
snd game laws ars printed herewith:
Open Saoa for Flat sad Oame.
Upland birds, October 1 to December
L Killing of more than 10 bird In oa
day prohibited. Sale prohibited-
Prairie chicken snd quail In Wasco
county from August 1 to October 11.
Sal prohibited.
Ducks, gss and swan, September 1
to February 1. Killing more than I In
on week .prohibited. Sale prohibited.
Moo, bock deer and mountain sheep,
Ausuat 11 to November 1.
Female deer, September 11 to No
vember 1. Use of doga prohibited la
hunting deer. Bale prohibited.
Elk protected until 17.
Open season for trout. April 1 to No
vember 1. Sale prohibited. Black bass
not protected.
Silver gray squirrel. October 1 to
January 1.
Hunting lteenes for residents of the
stste. 1; for non-residents, 1.
raseetsl OtsssM to Tss Joerssl.)
Moscow, Idaho, Oct. II. By Jumping
from a fire escape landing at the sec
ond story of tb Commercial hotel this
morning, a dog, blsck aod yellow and
without a collar to give an Indication
aa to who hi master might be. com
mitted suicide, the fall breaking his
safe aad back and bruising him so that
he had to b IBM by ths chief of po
resirhl meeetek ts The Jeerasl.l
Kalao, Or, Oct. 1. Kelso's old bras
band ha been i rrscted. Infused with
corns new blood snd is hard st work
getting ready to take an active part tn
tb county east campaign. It will toot
Its first toot for Kalso. ths county seat
of Co wilts county, eat Fl tasty night, Oc
tober II, when Coagrsssass Joae will
address a
E. C. DeWItt ik Co., Chicago, HL
Dear Sirs: "I have suffered
gestion. About eighteen months
that I could not digest a crust of corn bread sad could not retain
anything on my stomach. My heart would beat so fast I could not
sleep, at times I would almost draw double with pain in the "pH of my
stomach. I lost twenty-five pounds; in fact, I made up my mind
that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recom
mended Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him
and I was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in
my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it,
I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will
be benefited." Yours vary truly,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only digestant or combination of
digeatants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this
fact, it contains, in assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and
reconstructive properties. All other digeatants and dyspepsia rem
edies digest certain classes of food only, snd are lacking in recon
structive properties.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is prepared at the laboratory of E. C.
DeWitt k Co., Chicago, and is sold by leading druggists everywhere.
Kodol Dyspepsia Core
Sold by Woodard, Clarke ft Co. and Slddmore Drug Co.
HERE is a reason
RehnWr-Walker Business Colleee.
unsolicited testimonial oi a man wno Know, s
great business educator who has visited all the
schools of tha United States said recently, while
visiting our school :
"In tkm clattlflcatlon of ichooli your
rank aw on mf thm Ue leading bush
ml coll ft of tho country."
In this estimate he considered our unsurpassed equip
ment, our progressive methods, our superior teachers and
our unparalleled success In placing students when qualified.
Phono Main 390
Daf and
Poeses Scouring Country for
Lone Bandit but Find No
Trace of Him.
(Josraal axeeUI Ssrvtst.)
Tonopah. Neva, Oct. II Forty
m minted men sr scouring ths hills In
search of the lone bsadlt who held up
the Round Mountain stae between tht
plies and Manhattan yesterday morning.
Nothing has ba ' OS hlgh
wayman sine he ordered th stage to
proceed snd then struck Into the hills.
He nes probably cached his booty and Is
making his way Into ths mountain In
the hopee of leaving his pursuers behind
and getting oat of th neighborhood,
to rtsrn lntr nd dig up his gold.
It is stated at Round mountain by min
ing men concerned htat the bold crime
netted th hlghwymsn It., mostly
In gold coin, snd thst hs could not carry
It any great distsnoa
Ths dperdo I hvlly armed, and
It is thought that a battls will rssult
when ths poos easaee upon him. The
road to Round mountain runs along the
east side of a big emoky valley and it
Is mile across to Tor be range on
ths other side. Ths floor of ths valley
la perfectly level. The robber did not
cross this or hs woura have been sn
by Round mountain men, who arrived
within an boar after th holdup oc
currod. In that time he could not have
gone hslf way to the other side.
The pees has aptlt up into squads,
snd the srs see renin every canyon
snd gully In tbs hill. Lack of water
will drlv th outlaw Inta tho wU
known canyons In s short time and his
castor ssems certain.
Kslso. Or- Oct- II At s special ales-
tin. lt aaturdav th people of Kslso
vetas It SO bonds for th erection of
...iiu tn tk. WAshinsrtosi aaa
houaa. which I to assail thle year to
accommodate the greatly ksi sa
reilssent of pupUa ut one lsinthg
Finns "sod specincatlon are astea pre
pared and tb building af th addition
m t .i.riu one Meanwhile the
lower fleer of tha city hall la bains
fitted up aa a saaslrae. so sa soon
it Will
snd the
nrst-elass high
town will 0MM naW
this place jsehaol sHt l lntf-lfO' sours.
Atlanta, August 10, 1904.
mors than twenty pears from Indi
aero I bad grown so much
for the
Oooularirv of
- - sT"r
. Listen to tne
MUei' Building
(Seeds! PtssUsS ts TS Joarsai l
Forest drove, Oct. It. Th waal
Sigma society of Fad fie University haa
elected the following officers ror this
term of school: A. C. Allen, prestdeat;
W. I. Oregory. vlce-preeldeet; Alber
Kirk wood, secretary; Harry Humphreys,
secretsry; H. W. Spsrka. financial sss
rstarr. and Samuel Lawrence, sergeant-
ar arms Th new offieere begad their
duties at the meeting last evsnlng.
Th Junior cl of th Pacific Uni
versity at their meeting Thursday
leeted ths following offlesrs for ths
year: VlrgU Waterman, president;
Fraaee Clapp, vie-prasisni; asuur
Silverman, secretary . Ralph Logan,
treasurer; Gordon Clapp. eergoaat-at-
ri,. ...Ur. a TmliHn academv BBMSB
U .i, th. fnllowlnev lllss Fsarl
Oreer. president: Mr. Fred Knight.
rl os-p rssldsn t ; ueien boi linger, secre
tary: Christian Wilson, treasurer; Tee
Ballsy, aorgeaat-st-srsas.
Mirwaukla Country Club.
Esstsrn snd Callforaia reoea Tafe
Ssllwood and Oregon City car al First
and Alder.
Shorthand $4
Easily learned tt your own
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