The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Towd Topics"!
The Journal inner at
been transferred to Russell M Broeka,
headquarters at Capitol Drue Store, 40
rat street. Phone Main 1071, and all
chancre, naw subscriptions and oom
platnta will rclv prompt attention.
Jaae Corcoran la "Tn FnedMavaf M '
rae uey-tero unci-
"Uncle Joan Ferklse'
"That Oarl Prom TaXM'
John O. MUlen, admlnlatrator of the
Mtata of John H. Larson. w awarded
14.000 damage from the Pacific Bridge
company by a jury In Judge Freser's
department of the circuit court yester-
day afternoon, it waa auegea mat uar
aon waa employed aa a laborer at a
ewer at Eaat Seventh and Thompaon
treota. On each of theae atreeta the
war had bean du by machinery, and
It waa determined to connect them by
mean of a tunnel, Larson waa em
ployed In the tunnel and becauae the
company waa negligent in not pro via-
Ins proper brace and Umber In the
tunnel, It waa aliased, a cave-ln oo
curred tn which Laraon waa ad badly
crushed that he died two daya later.
The complaint aliased that the damase
dona Larson's estate amounted to $20,-
00 but under the lawa of thl a tat
$8,000 la the maximum amount of dam
sea that can be collected for a death.
A claaa In design, clay-modal lng and
drawing- will commence Monday even
Ins at 7: JO o'clock, under the auspices
of the Oregon Art Student' league, at
the Museum of Art. This clae la to
meet every Monday evening and will be
In charge of H. F. Went, manual
training and drawing instructor; Mis
Roma McKnlght. pupil of Frank A van
Parson of the Chaaa School of Art,
New York; Arthur Dow, M. Much and
other.' The work la Intended to meet
the need of be sinner as well aa mora
advanced students and to be accessible
to any one Interested In the study of
tha fundamental of form and color.
Further particulars may be obtained
at the Muaeum of Art, Fifth and Tay
lor atreeta.
Judge Sear In tha circuit court this
mornlns hId that the Multnomah
county circuit court has Jurisdiction to
restrain the work of tha Panda com
pany in Washington county, the court'
Jurisdiction being taken over the per
son of the defendant rather than over
the lands In question. The Injunction
wa aecured by Ooaslln and Oamblett,
k firm of real estate dealer, on who
land Pence was building a flume with
out their consent. Pence' attorneys
filed a motion to dissolve the motion
on the grounds that tha local court had
no jurisdiction over lands In Washing
ton county. Judge Sear danled the mo
tion, thereby rat using to dissolve the In
junction. Several complaints have been received
by the police recently from tha O. R.
N. official to tha afreet that a
crowd of hoodlums, who have their
rendezvous near the steel bridge, have
been throwing stone at passing freight
train. A few days ago every window
In a caboose waa broken by the miscre
ant and one of tha brakemen Injured,
being struck on the head with a rock.
An effort will be made by the authori
ties to arrest the offenders.
Information was received In Portland
last night of the sudden death of Elken
Ounst. tha 1 4-year-old son of M. A.
Ounat, the tobacco magnate. My. Ounat
waa in Portland this weak on hla way
to New Tork and Cuba, but returned to
San Francisco Thursday upon receipt
of new telling him of the erlou 111-
of his son.
The northwest Christian
convention will have . Its closing ses
lona at th First Congregational church
tomorrow. William Shaw of Boston, a
gifted speaker, will deliver an addreoa
In th morning it the usual hour of r
vlo. In the evening both Mr. Shaw and
Robert Spear will address th conven
tion, it I expected that tha public night
aehool will open" for tha year In tha
High school building Monday. October
22. The director will hold a special
meeting In a few daya to complete the
arrangomente. Th attendance at the
night aehool has Increased every year.
Last year 414 pupil were registered.
Robert E. Speer will give tha address
at th T. W. C. A. "at horn" tomor
row and a large attendance I assured.
Mrs J. 6. Hamilton and Miss Edith
Wlekham will be th soloists and Mtas
Eugenia Craig will give a recitation.
The first half hour' entertainment will
be In charge of Miss Adelaide Rogers.
Deputy Coroner Arthur L Flnley ha
ascertained that Paoll Dl Paaqual wa
th name, of the Italian who waa
drowned yeterdy afternoon at the foot
of Hull street. As It Is evident from
the circumstance surrounding the af
fair that death waa accidental no in
quest will be held.
Dr. Joeephl announce that the free
dispensary heretofore conducted at
Pilgrim chapel baa been moved to the
Medloal School of the State university,
St Twenty -third and Love Joy atreeta,
where free medical attendance will be
given every week day from $ to 8 p. m.
Robert Little, residing at Tenth and
Skldmore street, expired suddenly last
night of heart failure, while
. J 1 1 rsV ltVJaTal nl
1 1 1 1 T 1 'm."Lal 'il'l itaj'aYw, S 1 1
urn m a sssssssr IBB mm sssssl mm mm I SB Ban
weak to th account and see it steadily climb to $799 In leas than
ten yearsl Begin now, under the terms of our Free Deposit Offer. 4
We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings Accounts
rtraa. ha
None adUeaalf. far Ovoree.
Sad w say la sfi sincerity w. sy it as
W better that Knat d It yes. w
It (or a an.
Staa'a th wlf ef pujralclnn a big nllnmurr
Aad charging hla with km Haass has m
She ku Make soar ef minora and has
busted up hat hoias,
Aad la "grttlag there, Era!." aa
"etnas" would, of coara.
Oh, if
fa grt to b aa "aetr
'ef1, spaa the tag. .
rtreaa," and
After havtas the "act-as"
requlelte la
Wj hKrodaa . bread f oeadaet filing a
Aadaheot ttf 'whoU eurrlculuai obnoxloun
to wile.
Bat when Bertha's throe with "acting." and
aad awakened front her drsfk.
The Union Laundry'- ope ita door and give
Wot soon ate"? Badncoag" thing, are apt
Tost what way aeem
noun i sera a jeweia
before her la
at the pace."
Tel. Mala set. teeoad sad Columbia.
In th parlor of hla home convening
with a number of friend. Dr. C. B41
Ung" waa summoned, but'death ensued
before, his arrival. Deceased was a
bachelor and has no relatives residing
In this olty. Ha waa aged 74 year and
was a member of the O. A. It Deputy
Coroner Finley made an Investigation
but decided that an inquest la not neces
sary, as death undoubtedly occurred
from natural causes. -
Tatsuya Kato. Japanese Journalist and
war correspondent, will deliver a free
lecture tomorrow evening In T. M. C. A.
hall. He give sn Interesting account
of the Russian-Japan war, and Illus
trates his remark with 100 fin view.
Civic Improvement. Don't litter your
treat. with wood. Burn coal. We de
liver It In your basement Independent
Coal A Ios company, succeaaor to
Holme Coal 4k Ice company.
Tour Eye Examined Free. We are
till selling eyeglasses at $1.00. A per
fect fit guaranteed. Metsger ft Co.,
jewelers and optician. Ill Sixth treet.
Watchea, diamond and jewelry on
easy payments; tl down, 80c a week.
Don't go without a good timepiece.
Metsger ft Co.. ill Sixth street.
Load) Load up for Sunday reading.
The November Argosy la in. All lead
ing dallies Carl Jonea, 278 Washington,
corner Fourth
Steamer Jessl Harkln for Cam,
Waahougal and way landing dally ex
cept Sunday. Leave Alder street dock
aft I t m.
Oil and gasoline. Red Tank Oil com
pany, 141 First, corner Aider. r-none
Main 1882.
Acme Oil Co. 11 tha beat afety ooal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East Tit.
Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street
lunch 11:10 to I; buaine man' lunch.
Wilholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wl-
lao. Agt.. 168 Id St. Tel. Pacific 1800.
J. Enkelt. ladles' tailor, has moved
from lit to Itl Alder street
Tony Arnaud's north hnd resort was
again th acane of a sensational raid by
th polios last night and 10 women
found in the place were bundled off to
police headquarters M. Rodgers, who
la alleged to have been found In the
act of enticing a man Into the place,
was arrested and required to deposit
$100 to guarantee hi appearance In the
police court All of the women taken
Into custody were released on $20 ball
Arnaud maintains that he la conduct
ing an orderly resort and attributes the
raid to spite work on the part of Cap
tain Bruin., The cases were continued
In the municipal court thl morning
and a Jury trial may be demanded.
J. Mcintosh, who was arrested last
Bight by Patrolmen Burrl and Mallett
on a charge of drunkenness, would have
proved a veritable gold mine for some
industrious pickpocket. When searched
at th city prtaon two watches, t7l.ll
Is cash aad certificate ef depoalt on
Ladd and Til ton's bank for $3,124 Were
found In hi posaeeslon. Mcintosh waa
released from the jail this morning
upon becoming sober end waa "dee.
lighted'' for having fallen Into the hand
of th police, inataao or some evildoer.
Seaside Sunday Excursions.
81.80 round trip $1.80. Until further
notice, the Astoria A Columbia River
Railroad company will run an excursion
to Seaaid and return each Sunday at
the exceptionally low rate of $1.80 for
the round trip. This is tne season of
tha year when a visit to tn ocean la s
ourc of pleasure and a Joy never to
be forgotten. No smoke, dust or cin
ders, and plenty of room for all, giving
one a delightful trip aiong tne snores
of th matchl Columbia river. Train
leave union depot at 8 a. nv, returning
leavea seaside si p. m., giving
hours at the beach. Ticket at 248
Alder street and at anion depot Phone
Main 908.
.M .1 -fair J J 1 L aTel
mm 1 mm w Bl SB assss an urn sssa,
Pip this announcement and bring
it in pawn or send it in by mait
with $4.50 and we will start a bank
account for your child with a credit
of 95.00, which will earn inter
est. The account may be canned
in the name of any child under
twelve years of age. Teach
inj young yowya iu aaavw. aiaw
only practical way to do it is with
a bank account Add a dollar
Citizens Will Appeal to Council
for Opportunity to Vote on
the Subject.
People Willing to Become Part of
Portland in Exchange for Bull Ron
Water Mt. Scott Towns Abo
Want Annexation.
Woodstock will appeal to the Fort
land city council for an opportunity to
vote on annexation at the general elec
tion' next June. At the meeting last
night of the Woodstock Push club it
waa voted to proper a petition for gen
eral circulation to be presented to th
city council, asking that body to vot
on th proposition. It waa found that
only by annexation could Bull ,Run
water be expected at an early data
Since the Mount Scott town ar In th
position with reference to getting Bull
Run ss is Woodstock, it is expected
that they will also ask to be annexed to
the city. It wa argued last night that
aa the most Important local Institution
in th suburbs, the sohool, war al
ready a part of the city system, there
was no good reason why all theae sub
urb should not belong to th city.
Th committee, appointed at the last
mUng to aee Vlce-Preidnt Fuller
relative v to an extenalon of the Wood
stock line, reported that Mr. Fuller said
that the Portland Street Railway com
pany was not making any extensions st
the present time, but waa devoting ita
resource altogether to betterment.
However, he eald that if a bonus of
about $8,000 were raised by the people
of the district to be benefited the ex
tension might be made. Tbla proposi
tion didn't seem to take very well.
It was announced by county Commis
sioner Llghtner that the road from the
city of Woodstock would do at onoe
covered with crushed rook.
A movement wa atarted to ecure
free mall delivery. A oommlttee of on
waa appointed to Interview Postmaster
Mlnto on the subject.
Another effort will be mad to induce
th street railway company to relieve)
the congestion in travel on the Wood
stock line, and a committee wa ap
pointed to again take up the matter
with Vice-President Fuller.
The proposition to widen Villa ave
nue to a 70-foot atreet was turned
down by the street committee yester
day afternoon., The Montavllla Im
provement league presented a petition
to the committee signed by It property
owner, aaklng that th avenue be made
70-foot highway from tne eaat
boundary of th Ladd tract to th city
limit on th east. The Montavllla
Board of Trad and the Center Addi
tion Push club cam forward- with a
remonstrance signed by 88 abutting
property-holder. Upon the showing
made by the remonstranoe the commit
tee refused to recommend the improve
ment. The three Improvement organisation
of the district have now agreed to
work for a 00-foot street along Villa
avenue. They are of Of the opinion
that the Ladd estate will not resist
the effort to -continue th '.highway
through their tract In which event a
full 80-foot thoroughfare la enured
from th Willamette river to the east
ern limits Of Montavllla.
The gross earnings of th St Johns
drydock for the year ending September
30 were t23.267.7S, While th operating
expenses amounted to tlt,207.4S. leav
ing the net Income at little over 37.000.
The drydock coat th Port of Portland
3327,332.10, on which th net earning
during the year just closed amounted to
a trifle more than two per cent. Thirty
one vessel were plaoed on th dock
during th year.
Ex -Governor and Mrs. Fletcher, for
mer resident of Jefferson, North Da
kota, have taken up their residence at
St. Johns. Governor Fletcher ha let
th contract for a handsome residence
on Willamette boulevard, to coat about
Ground wa broken yesterday on the
excavation for the new city hall at St.
Johns. A crew of tt men Is engaged
on the work today. The contractor
promises to have the building- ready not
later than January 1. AU talk of
preventing the construction of the hall
by mean 'of an Injunction seem to
have died out. It la not believed that
Councilman Norton will carry out hi
threat to .enjoin th etty from proceed
ing with the building.
A reception waa tendered Rev. a. S.
Bollinger, the new pastor of tha High
land Congregational church, and family
by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mann, at their
residence, 486 Going street, between t
and 10 o'clock last night Rev. and
Mrs. Bollinger were given an enthu
laatlo greeting by the member and
those Interested In ths Highland church.
Several of the other Congregational
churches in the city were represented
at the reception. Among the ware
Rev. Mr. tip haw. Rev. Mr. Jonea and
Rv. D. B. Gray, who waa th organiser
and first pastor of th Highland church
Rev. Mr. Bollinger ha juet closed a
successful pastorate at Oregon City.
He expressed himself aa pleased with
hla new field. He will be the second
pastor at thl church, which, though
aulte young, I growing rapidly.
The Ions-drawn-out Improvement of
Dawson atreet, the main Highway be
tween university Park and St. John.
ta Bearing the end. The original paci
fications failed to specify the kind of
sidewalk to' be put down, however,
most of th proprtvrholder recognis
ing the superior value of cement walk.
Several miles of thl substantial Im
provement is being made. The present
plan Is to carry the improvement as
Car east aa Piedmont. If this I carried
out. It will be posstbl 1 to walk from
the central west aid to St. John on a
sidewalk. A great deal of work remains
to be done on that street. Several miles
Of the St. Johns car line, which Is
double track, has to be lowered from
on to three feet In Order to conform
to th established grade of th penin
sula streets.
Jo Linden threw the district sdjs
cent to East Thirtieth snd Flanders
streets Into a great atat ef excitement
thte morning by running through the
streets brandishing a huge axe. He de
clared that he wes doomed to die at t
o'clock Sunday afternoon and Intended
to take someone with htm. Patrolmen
"Chief price and Robeon responded to
telephone call and brought Linden to
the station lie wa ubaqUrnYly re
moved to th county jail to await ax-
Jt Commroatlom Cum tod tan"
Pay 4 par coot interest on
savings accounts, compounded
aetnl-annually. Pays 4 per cent
interest on yearly and. 3 per
cent on oix month' time de
posit. Call and tee ut at our new
banking rooms in the Labbe
building, corner of Second and
Washington streets, for further
ANDREW C. SMITH, President.
DAVID M. DUNNE. Vice-President
C B. SEW ALL. Assistant Cashier.
Ths San Francisco Disaster
Teaches Lesson on Cart) of
Valuable Papers.
- A molt valuable lesson waa given the
general public by the great Saa Fran
cisco disaster and that lesson eras the
fact that absolute security Is to be had
in th aafe depoalt vault
When the disastrous earthquake came,
wrecking acre and acre of powerful
and modern buildings, followed by day
and daya of raging fire, millions of
dollars' worth of valuable paper stored
in ordinary vaulta want up In amoke.
Great anxiety was felt regarding bonds,
stock ocrtlflcatas. Insurance policies,
contracts deeds, wills, family papers,
helrlnoma and jewels, which had been
placed In the safe deposit vault. A
ajoon aa possible after th calamity the
work of opening the safe deposit vaults
was begun, and without a single ex
ception the contents of theae vaulta
were found to be absolutely secure and
uninjured. Those who had-placed their
Insurance papers in a safe deposit vault
were not Inconvenienced by the long de
lay necessitated in securing record
from th offices of tha Insurance com
pany but at once presented their policies
and th work of adjustment was begun,
with the result that within a very short
time the insurance money wa paid over
to th policy holder. Contracts, which
ware worth large sums of money, were
available within a vary short time, while
family Jewel which war of almost In
estimable value were aecured by the
holders) of safe depoalt vault boxes.
Great was the rejoicing, and many
times over has been the demand for safe
deposit boxes since the Are and earth
quake. Portland waa quick to learn the
lesson and the fact that the earn pro
tection la offered it citizens In the
way of a safe deposit vault Is highly
appreciated. The manager of a Port
land safe deposit vault yesterday aald:
The workings of a safe deposit box
Is simple, all th key being given to the
renter of the box, but the boxes cannot
be opened without the assistance of
the custodian In charge of the vault
whose key must be first Inserted In
the lock before the box can be opened.
However, the custodian's key alone will
not unlock th box.
"All the modern metals . and at eel a
are used in the construction of a aafe
deposit vault, dependence not being
placed In one. ainoe veral possess
great merit but In the combination of
all the greatest strength I secured.
The past few years have seen great
strides In the production of high grade
steels, while a short time ago a few
simple forma of carbonised steal war
used In this claaa of work. Today great
Intricacy and car are required In the
production of the new metals aome o'f
which possess over II times the tensile
strength and hardness of those formerly
used. In addition to being steel-lined,
the vaults have heavy, reinforced con
crete walla with electric wiring of the
latest device to show th slightest tam
pering. The doors to the vaults are
provided with the most perfect system
of time locks and bolting mechanism,
provision being made for every contin
gency known to . mechanical aclenee.
"Added to the fact that the eafa
deposit vault offer abaolute protection
agalnat destruction by fir and loss by
robbery, la convenience, privacy and se
curity three great requlsltee '
At th monthly meeting of th Boys'
snd Girls' Aid society yesterday after
noon. Superintendent Gardner reported
that tt children had been admitted Into
the oar of th society in September.
Of the, 34 were new eases and 11
were returned from family homes for
replacement. The meeting was held
in the chambers of Judge Gilbert In the
postofflce building. Those attending
were: George H. Williams, president;
F. E. Beach, secretary ; Robert S. Far
roll. Judge Wolverton. Mrs. Levi White,
Miss Helen F. Spauldlng. Mrs. A. Q.
Barker, Mrs C. R. Templeton, Mr. J. A
Bladen. Mr. H. H. Northup and Super
intendent Gardner.
Artistic tailoring, perfect fit and rea
sonable prices; new fall goods now in.
Armstrong, the tailor, Raleigh Build
ing, Washington snd Sixth atreeta. Pa
clflc 1602.
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
White Temple -
Twelfth aad Taylor
10130 A. Sf.
'Why Peter Denied His Lord'
TatS P. IS.
"Hen and Chickens"
or "ScratoSlag fee a
Baptism at opening of service.
Th Torrer- Alexander arrange
ment of "Where la tfp Wlirfag
Boy Tomlgktf with quartet re
sponse, '"ran Mother I'll Be
There." will be sung.
rest Song,
Stagers, ojrssO
On of Oregon's Oldest Pioneers
Diss at Hsr Home After
Short Illness.
Mr. Baseline Bradbury, on of Ore
gon'e oldaat pioneers died last night
after a brief Ulneee at her home. 473
Salmon street. Mrs. Bradbury came to
Oregon In M47 and settled at Mllwaukle
when that little village was larger than
Portland. She had lived In Portland for
the past 10 years. Mrs Bradbury waa
the mother of Mrs F. O. Buffura and
Mrs. Sarah Forbes and for many rears
had blew a prominent member of the
Congregational church of thle olty aad
tireless In charitable and philanthropic
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at her late home at 1:30
o'clock. Dr. House of the Congregational
church officiating. Interment will he
made in the family plot In Rlvervlew
Moy Baok Hln, Who was recently ap
pointed Chinese consul, and who has -tabllahed
his office at the Madison
building, 360 H Third street, baa been
given a reception by the Chinee cham
ber ef commerce, which Includes sll the
prominent Chinese In the etty, aad this
evening will be tendered a banquet by
the Chlneks eUbmna of Portland. Hla
appointment as conaul has given greet
satisfaction to the Chinese population.
His territory extend over Oregon,
Washington. Idaho and Montana.
Tha new consul has been for years
s prominent bualneaa man of Portland.
Being In t reeled In oriental trad he la
anxious to promote the beat Interests
of the United States In China as well
aa to encourage a better feeling between
the two oountrle- The reception and
the hoautnet are for the purpose of
greeting th new consul in hie official
At the Heilig Monday Night
then hear him on the
It will be difficult to distln
ruish between the original
end the reproduction.
We have ell his records, in
cluding his duets with
Emma Eames.
Sherman Clay & Co.
Allen & Gilbert -Ramakcr Co.
Corner Sixth snd Morrison
Tonight and Sunday
tall orsamro
Masquerade Carnival
Tuesday Night, Oct 16
Professor Pranks In his wonderful
Ar aot, over th new board walk.
Special music, new floor.
Every Afternoon aad BTtalsg.
raruaa a royniar anacs uoaae.
A Sisibsi of the War
A Itoty of Brotherly Love.
IN rocs ACTS
rW fttf tmm W99 .
ass ft.
n-i. ..TL..,..
Deliver I HCeUIX Oresa Theatre O.. Lessee
All Tsle Week. Ma Mae Batnrsar,
A Ureal London si
fBJCgl tiaMsa,
as, ItVaad tie.
Ureal London aad New Tork Meaess.
.as, aaa see. Man.
i Contest for Men, Women, Boys and Girls
ua r.f. u. x
'JmmVmW mU 7 aa " n , ,
eaW IsattVT I J I rwP """aw X X aafJB Hat I "" X g . X ' .amV
Ths above picture represents W.
I have for mere than tt years unceasingly hammered truths for the
upbuilding of
Portland, Oregon-Land Between the Rivers
A Reward of ttt.e will be paid to the first it parsons, te.00 each,
who send me a correct reading of the above sparks of truth rung frees)
the anvil of experience. There are It words and when correctly arranged
will make known some of th fact about WAUTOT Mil. Thl con
tent le open to all. Men. Women. Boys and Girls. It la my firm, fixed
determination to make WAtaTUT PaBI th beat known property west of
New Tork City, aa tt la. In truth, now the best residence property. The
Public shall and must know all about WAUTOT FAaUC, for It certainly
will become the center, setting the progressive pace of progress and of
values for all first -elaes, XI residence property of Portland.
Mow selling for only $20.00 a front foot In a few years 1100 00 or
more will he the cuatomary price.
0od (or Walnut Park Map free. Or. better still. If In olty, phone
me. Mala MIT. Ton will save time by bringing cash or check hook.
The world le moving. Why not yout Secure a home TMM 1IR
also some of thle money.
AH answers will be placed In a box. A disinterested party will draw
one, giving same to a committee that will open and compare with the
original. If correct will mark Success No. 1, and to thus continue until
It answers are found. Checks will be Immediately drawn to each one
or ten successful persona.
An answers must be In on or before October list. ltot. Address all
letter to W. SL m,T.TsTSnTWOBTSt, Walnut Park Contest. Office. Ill
Chamber of Commerce. Name paper.
p. a 10.000 will buy 10 acre
e that will make yon In a few rears-
: bargains aver offered in Portland
Augmsnted Orchestra,
i Lower Floor, nrst iu
eony, flrt 4 rows, tl.SO; next t rows, 11.00; laet 6 row. 7c.
ADsant OtTT-OT-TOWsT UeiieBat to W. T. Pengl. Manager
Hsllig Theatre, Inclosing self -add rasaed stamped envelope with Money
Anna Selkirk Norton
AS Tad somTOWlA
Patronesses Mrs. C. K. B. Wood, Mrs
A. E. Rockey. Mrs R. R. Hoge, Mrs. B.
De Witt Conn ell, Mrs. Prank Kerr, Mrs
Walter Cook, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery.
Mrs. J. Weeley Ladd. Mrs. H W. Qoode,
Mrs Oay Lombard, Mrs. A. B. Norton,
Mrs. p. H. Carroll. Mrs D. C. Lewie,
Mrs. J. X. Clark. Mrs Max Hlrsoh.
Prices. IJ.60. 12.00. ti lt. Ii.oo.
Gallery Reserved, tl 10.
Admission, 75c
Boxes. 115.00.
Utta aad The Hpillrf Thpstrf
Waaslagto . -
Th. Brllllent Y
ssd 'teaaerrewCBSadayl Nlgat, SIS
TBS Dengarrai qeaainy
tl 10. Mat 10 nw. til JS?i3e. "?!:
gallery, tts aad Mr Mstfso rrMea tl to t.
" iiata Bow Sollusj st atsulg Theatre.
Inning Prlcea lower
ant a rwt,
FREE 1 Mewing Pictures
other Mlac-Mlanentis Subjecta
Kvery evening 7 o'clock. Bring tha
a wej
unjwrwa. . , ,
os ?i 7 .
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of land aVSTWMsT
a fortune This Is one of ths best
property. I'll show the good and make
Vrelnd at TsW o'clock.
rows, si.oo; laei rows, i.v. nai-
empire; theatre
All Matinee lOe and tne. Pboa Mala UT.
Don't Bias It. Oae of the Mf road attrac
tions. Brasilia prlcea, 15e, ate, tic ssd MS
AH ansae lee ana sue.
est Attmetien. Vet
Weak October A Pa Mam MM.
'That Girl From Texas
Mstlsees Tutsan ra. Tn erase ye. Saturday
aad Snadare. Prion, lOe and sDe.
Teniae prlcea, 10a. Sue and SM.
pantaqbs sattfif
OdaU A Bart, VaraskT Ssaitst.
la Teaanla. Ioe warn.
lattst Morula riCTtntXA
Aeilr a l:M. fiM Mat S
a. st. Adalsslea He aad as, awsee
La tan saa UBS i a auna say eaat
maUnsa far It.
. 0 "Brian aad Wast,
iv Grand mmmvjrsu
Weak of Oat. I. mU aad Tegs.
Diamond Oemadv
huna a4 tadf """"T""
Support ad UT Karals Beff.
lloaard Aaderaoa. draslaaaaaa.
by the aiiaaistav.
Week "Lady
MA. hAaw ,;ei. . ti JtA&t