The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Organized Gang of Sneak
Thieve Rounded Up by Police
Officials of Seattle.
Sensational Chase on Second Avenue
Results in Capture of Three Crim
inals While Two Associates Make
Their Escape.
BsflLKStSrV ft !Mr-j'
(Special Dlapateb I The Joornal)
flMttla. Oct. IS. Threa men. whom
the. police say have national reputations
aa bank thlerea and pickpockets, and
who last Saturday ara believed to have
stolen 1500 In caah from Andrea Anssr
, eon at 124 North street. Ballard, ware
cantured yesterday after at exciting
' chase down Second avenue after the
i three man. with two others, left the
National Bank of Commerce on Second
i avenue and Cherry street Tha actual
i caDturea were made by Captain Ward
' Sergeant of Detectives Tennant and De
, tectlves Phllbrlok and ward.
At headquarters they cava their
' names, ages and occupations aa follows:
Ike Barnesteln, aged 20, a tailor; John
Murray, aged 28. clerk; John Thomas,
aged 27. clerk. The police do not be
lieve their right names are siren,
Two members of the gang e soaped.
who are believed to be Q. A. Hanlon
alias J. J. Johnson, and A. L. Stafford,
alias "PrltslS" and "Dhelm," the latter
being the most noted bank and jewelry
store sneak thieves in the country,
The three men answer minutely the
' descriptions of the men whom Anderson
saya robbed him.
Knowledge that aa organised gang of
banks sneaks and pickpockets, who rob
,anks and persons where they see them
drawing money In hanks, was In the west
came to Chief of Polios Wappensteln
two weeks ago from the PIVJcerton.
One week ago the chief got Information
that the gang had been operating in
Westminster, B. C. where they robbed
I three men of $400, $450 and 1600, re
spectively, and that they had escaped
tha officers.
Their plan of action waa to loaf about
the bank corridors, watching men draw
- out depoalta, then follow them to street
cars or Into buildings or on the streets
and at opportune times steal the money
; from their pockets.
After leaving Westminster the thieves
are supposed to have come to Seattle.
One of them waa known to be in Seattle
last, Friday. Nothing definite waa Heard
of any of the gang until laat Saturday
afternoon when Andeaa Anderson of Bal
lard reported that ha had boon robbed
of 1500 in the elevator of tha Pacific
block. Anderson had drawn 1500 at tha
Scandinavian American bank and wnl
with It to the Pacific block, intending
, to take part of it to tha office of O. P.
j Rossman, an attorney. Anderson got In
' the elevator and waa closely followed
c, by four or five men who at tha time
.did not arouse his auaplclona
weak and sickly.
His arms were soft mad flabby.
He didn't bar a strong muscle in hit
entire body.
sb- . I . " - L 1J .is J-J
the famfly for thirty years prescribed
Scoffs Emulsion.
To fed that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
First The Whlto Temple Twelfth and Tay
lor attests; Bit. I. Wbltrossb Breusber. D. D.
At S a. a., Bible school at SavWr-atreet breach;
IS a. no., oae-sceerd prayer meeting: 11 a. m..
worship with aersws, "Why Peter Deoied His
Lord"; 12:18 p. m., temple Bible school; S:B0
a. aa.. B. V. P. U. meeting; 7:45 p. m., Ma
lar service, preaching. "A Ben and (Llcseue;
or. Scratching tor a Living"; apsclal music.
fleceaS geveath and East Ankenr streets;
Bar. Stasias O. Lepsam. Servieee at 10:30
a. m., with sermon; aermoa at T:S0 p. .;
Bible echool st naoa.
Orsee MaatsTtUs; Bev. Oilman Parker.
R& .' p-kecflvr
lea"; special music.
I aaansal Second aad Meade etreeta; Bev.
O. W Ortfta. Sunday school. 10 a. at.; B. Y.
P. V.. 0:48 p. SI.; prtachlng. 11 S. Si. sad
7:44 p. a
rnlveraMj Perk Bev. John Bantalrn. Sun
day school. 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m..
by Bev. A. L. Johnston; T:tO p. m. addteaa
to young people by Mies Carrie MUlapaagk.
. Central Beat Twelfth and Askeay streets;
W. T. Jordan Preaching. 10 SO a. St.. "The
Awakaslsg"; Snndaj school. 11 in.; serTlres
at 7:S0 p. m , "The Happy MSB."
Arista Sav. Jobs Beatstes. Sunday school.
10 a. m.; neeachtag. 11 a. m., "The Price of a
Bevlvsl ': T:4fi p. m.. aermoa. "The Unpardos
ahte Sin.' .
Mount olive Seventh and Bverett streets.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
at leAa'a Bee. B a Leonard.
school. 10 a. a.i sresehlBg. 11 a. m.; 7
p. ni , preaching.
Third Vancouver avenae and Knott street;
Bev. E. M. Biles. At IS a. re . Sunday sebssi;
11 a. m . siassBlsg; ssrmea. 7 SO p. a.
Swedish-Bert and rtfteeath streets: Bev,
Srlt Scserstrem. Preaching. 10:46 a. at. sad
TiiO s. m.; Sudsy echool li a
Highland Alberta aad Sixth streets. Presch-
afHiol S B0 annoay
Mount ' Car rail Fourteenth aad Flaoasrs
streets; Bev. A. J. Shepherd. Sunday school.
It a. ; preset log. u a. m. sad 8 p. m.
Sallweod KlSTeoth sad Umatilla etreeta;
Bev. George A. Learn. Sends; echool. 10 a.
a.: Breaching, II a. m. and 7 45 p. aa.
First Oermas Fourth and Mill etreeta; Bev.
J. Presehlng at 10:45 a. m. and 7:80
f :eo p. m. , iuoij scdooi.
Sun as?
vat or.
elevator at the same time. The car was b
BaaBBaaa and Anderson was lammed lntoi
earner. When he wot out to thai etrept atev
he noticed that hla veet waa unbuttoned
'and hla wallet containing the money
had been stolen. Tha man whom ha
had aeen In, the elevator wars nowhere
to be found. Anderson reported tha
0 caaa to Chief of Police Wappensteln.
On Monrlav afternoon a man erhn live.
at (senrsrasnwn notified tha notice t net ! rneon.
thra e,ee.hiA4i4Ll .tM V. I. i ' T P-
In a streetcar, but had failed, for he
had his money .In plaoe they could
not reach.
Ever since tha Anderson robbery every
bank In the city hss been covered.
Shortly after noon today Captain Ward
was walking up Second avenue, when
glancing acroaa the street in front of
the National Bank of Commerce, he saw
two men whom ha thought resembled
tha description he had beard given by
Anderson 'Ward walked across tha
Street sad assured himself. Tha two
I men separated. Aa one of them started
to walk down Second svenue Ward
grabbed him. That man was John
Thomas. Thomas' partner and another
- man who was not than seen by Ward,
seeing the capture of Thomas, started
ia opposite directions. Oaa of them.
John Murray, started to run up Second
'avenue. Detective Phllbrlok. who had
been watching the Scandinavian Ameri
can bank, aaw tha man'a attempt to es
oaps and went In pursuit. Murray ran
wildly up. Second avenue, the detective
following. At Columbia street the offi
cer overtook the man and quickly hand
cuffed htm. Barneeteln started down
Cherry street from Second avsntie. De-
, tectlves Tennant and Brown ware turn
ing the corner of Cherry street and
Barnesteln dodged them. He ran but a
few steps, however, until Tennant
Tabbed him. Brown was oloaa behind,
and although Barnesteln mads aa at
tempt to break away In the crowd, tha
. jjlg detective had bo trouble In holding
d not arouse hla suspicions. Anderson p. m.i B. Y. P. u
east, la the lAsrvar'm of flea, hut asS not 6:45 sJ am.
nrf Kim th . U .' ... In rrU IhT wtit SeertlS Oenssn- rlr,
ator. -The aree faur msn took She I "JJ,V .J" r, ""V'S.
T. P. ft. 0:45 B. SB,
Calvary Beat eighth and' Grant afreete
Street: Bev. r. Baeerstsa. Preaching. 11 a. m.
aan t'sd p. sv : aaaaar acsooi. i a.
A. Lawrence Black. Bible echool IS
rrraon. 11 a, m. : S:W p. to . Young Peo-
meeung; 7 30 p. m., sermon oy A. u.
Mlspab Mary and Powell st recti; Bev. Je-
rasne R. McQlsda. o. D. At 10:80 a. m
emiltee eadsr anaperea of Men . League, with
"The Spirit ef Christian Brotherhood
Calvarr Bleveatb and Clay streets: Bev
Ben-Kara St I lea BV Jr.. P.. D. Serrleea. 10:30
a. m.. reception by Bev. W. U. Landon of Call
tor ula: bo evening service.
Third Bast Thirteenth end Pins treats
Bev. Aadrsw J. Moataosasry., Preaching s
10:30 e. .. rsospUea of new members; 7:46 p
m serasaa.
Fourth Flret and Oibba etreeta: Bev. John
B. Welsh. Pveeealng at 10:Be a. m.: San
day acbool. 12 m.; T. P. S. C. B.. 0:30 p. a.
ssraien at 7:80 o. m.
Bawtherae Park Twentieth and Bait Taylor;
Bev. C. W Hays. Bandsy school, 10 s. m.;
presehlng. II s. m.; eermon st 7:30 p. m.;
V. P. S. C. E.. S:S0 P. m.
Piedmont Clevelaad avenue asd Jarrett
street; Bsv. L. Myroa Bnoeer. Preaching at
II a. m ; minor ecnooi. p. a.;
taut. 7:80 d. as,.
Weat minster Beat Tenjh and Wledler atreeta
Bev. Besrr Msrcottr. Mornlns eermoa. 1
o'clock: evealag sermon, 7:45 o'clock, by Bsv,
A. it. inggs; suoaar acnooi, iz:w
Y. P. B C. .. 45 n. m.
First Twelfth and Aider etreeta.
a. in., aervlcea: 7:45 o. m. . nreachlns
Sellwood Seventeenth street sad Bpekaue
avenue; Bev. D. A. motnpoon. Hundar acaool.
10 a. m. i Sermon. II a. m. ; C'hrlatlan Kn
deavor. T s. m. ; eermon. 8 p. m.
Fultea Bev. A. H. Barkholder. Sermon at
7 46 p. m.
At 10-0
J M. Nervlg. Servieea at 11 a. as. sad 7 30
Swedish I mmansel-Nineteenth sad Irvteg
traets; Bsv. C. J. Banhsrd. Service, at 11 a.
. and 8 p. m. ; Suaday ecbool. 45 a. aa.
Swedish Rodney avesse aad Stanton .treat.
acaool. vsu a. m.i aervlcea, 10:S0 a.
Ice.. 7:46 p. m.
Board of Regents Votes to Erect
On at Cost of Seventy-Five
Thousand Dollars.
Unlversltv Park Artleene' tenele Bee n
B. tlrsr. At 11 a. m "Waa It a Good ex
change?"; Ssadsy echool. 10 a. m.
naaaaaa-atreei seat aeventn aad Heee.lo.
At J0.80 o'clock, aermoa by Bev. Charlee Shaw;
IS m. , Sunday echool; so evening aervlcea.
First MsatlasB aad Park etreeta; Bev. B.
L. House, D. D. Sermon. 10:30 a. St.. CbrlsttsB
Kndesvor addreeara: 7:43 n. m. mrktrian En
deavor aervlces; Sunder school. 11 in.
BaiaaS. Baat Tar lor and Baal Thlrtv.
fourth atreeta; Bev. J. J. Btaub. Morning serv
Ice. II o'clock, with sermon. "A Glorious
Temple"; Ssadsy echool, 10 a. m.; Senior
("hrtetlen Endeavor, T p. aa.; urmia at 7:80
p. at., "The Maa la the Lest Pew."
Mtasiaelppl.Aveaae Mleelealppl aveaue aad
Fremont afreet: Bee. William I. Uneaaw. Son.
dsy echool. 10 a. m.; aermoa, 11 a. as., "Com-
par.tlr. service"; Christian Endeavor. 7 p.
m.; sitassa, 7:30 p. m . "The Caeae That Ksvsr
HlsbUnd Best Sixth aad Preeeott etreeta.
Sunday acbool, 10 a. m. ; eermon. 10:10 a. ss.j
Chriatlan lsSaa.m, S:f p. m.; eerviee at 7:45
p. m . with eermon
uiursiwona Arista sau; bt.
indsr echool. 10 a. m .: Y.
7:30 p. m.
D B. Gray.
p. a c. st,
Plret Park asd Columbia atreeta: Bev. B B
Murkier At 10:80 a. eermon by Bev.
Mr. Laipsr oa "Sunder Observance"; 7:30 p.
eermon kr Bev. B M. Patteraon. "The
Ufa ef Power'': ChriaUan gsSsasil. 4:45 p. m. ;
Bible school. 11:1 p. m.
Contra! Bast Twelfth aad Bast- Salmon
streets; Bev. J. B. Ohormley D. D. At 10:46
a. m., "The Christ In the Prophet"; Sunday
echool, 11:13 p. m.i Senior Endeavor. 0:43 o.
m.; aermoa, T o p, a., "The Dlaeovery of the
Yoaag Panels."
Heaasy-Avsaae Boaaey avaaae and Knott
reet: Bev. P. Elmo Boblnaon. At S:4S a. m .
Bible aebeel; 11 s. m.. oammaalee sad eermon.
"The rather lend of God": 8:80 n. m . Y. P.
S. 0. B. ; 7:80 p. m.. aermon. "Tha Meet Popu
lar Form of Suicide."
Wood lawn Bandsy echool, 10 s. as. : SSeasb.
tag. li a. m.i canatiaa Bndeavor. 7 p. m ;
eat ikjaa 8 p. as., with apeelal maate.
At s masting of tha board of re
gent a of tha Oregon agricultural col
lege laat evening It WBS decided to au
thorise the erection of a stela dormi
tory st the college, oostlng I7J.000. Tha
meeting wee bald In the parlors of the
Imperial hotel and before Its conclu
sion President J. K. Weatherford of
Albany sad Secretory John D. Daly of
Corvallla ware Instructed to award bids
for the structure.
The naw dormitory will have accom
motlon for 100 students end will be
equipped In modern style throughout.
It will be m readiness for oolloge work
by next fall.
The meeting last night was callsd ee
pac tally for the oonaideratlon of ths
crowded condition sf the college. An
appropriation may be asked from ths
next legislature for ths construction of
another dormitory for tha boys. Pres
ident Weatherford was authorised to
make a requisition on tha chief of ordi
nance of tha United States artillery for
100 Springfield rifles to replace the
cadet rlflee used in drill by the stu
dents; to replace tha cannon st tha col
lege with modern field artillery; aad an
additions 11 rlflee of tha Springfield
typo. A requisition ia also to am nan
rer two ut. at ademwllner annaratua
Including heliographs, torches and flsgs.
In addition to Prealdent Weatherford
and Secretary Daly, ths following ware
present lsst night: uovernor unamoer
laln. Secretary Dunbar, . Superintendent
e Piihlln instruction iflksrmia hi re.
John B. Waldo, Marlon county; B. F.
Irvm, W. W. cotton, w. r. nemay,
way Oonple Arrested.
(Special Dispatch to Tea Journal.)
Milton, Or., Oct. 11 Mayland Brock
of lone and Mlaa Ruth Andrews of
Happnar wars arrested st this place
Thuraday afternoon upon instructions
from Morrow county. Thsy ara a
coupla who ran away from their homes
In that county about three weeks ago
and ths arreat waa made at ths In
stance of the girl's parents.
Youna Brock la 31 years of age wnue
tha Andrews girls Is but 1. On bslng
arreatad the young man told tha con
b table that ho was Intending to marry
tha girl. Tha Two will be sent back to
Morrow county, however.
be twees Taylor aad Salmon; Bsv. George A.
Snyder. Saadsy school, 10 s. m. ; preaching.
11 a. m.: eermoa at 7:30 p. m.. Program of
the Tine Chat us Asslaat, Medieval and Mod
T, M. a A.
b.,.i.t s an n. m.. addreea bv Robert B.
StiesT of New fork on "The Value of a Clean
Millennial Dawn G. A. B. hall. Second and
Minihsea streets, lateleaa at 1:80 p. m.
Bait Tenth aad Sherman atreeta
A. A. Winter. At 10 a. m., Bonds
preaching, 11 a. as.; S a. ex., eermon.
Second Fargo sad Berby atreeta: Bsv. J.
owaraox. At s. m.. preeentng; t:SO a.
m.. aarmee: Snaday esbael. 10 s. m.: B. L.
" 1., 7 s. a
St. Jobs' Ivasbes sad John atreeta: Bsv.
B B McYlcker. Sunday ecbool. 10 a. as.;
preaching, lla. .; K. L CtL. iB . nr;
Ocitley n'nsa Sasasy' Sskeel. 10 a. m : ll .
m.. preachlag by Bev. 0. P. Welgle; Yoong
People's meeting. T p. m.; preachlag. S p. at,
First Esgllab Bsat Sixth and Market atreeta;
Bsv. S. A. Slewert. Presehlng st 11 s. St..
"Spiritual riynssslee": Suaday school. 10 a Shi
7:45 p. m . aermoa; Young People's Alliance,
0:4ft p. at.
Grace Lexta; Bev. B. O. Beadsrasa. Preach
ing. 11 a. A. and p. St.; Yoaag People's Al-
annoay ecnooi, 10 a. as.
Tenth sad Clay streets; Bsv.
Ssadsy ecbool. S;S0 a. aa.;
BV preaching, 7:4 p. SB.j
m. ,
itta and Klsbteeath ateeets:
Bsv. L. C. Hoover. Sunday school, 10 s. m :
preeehlBg, 11 a. m. snd 7:80 p. m. : X. P. A.
devotional aervlcea, 0:80 p. m.
ragman ef ths Strangers Waeco street sod
Grand1 aveaaa; Bev. S. Earl Do Bole Miraseg
serrtee. 10:4ft. with aermon; so evealag serv
ices: Sunday school, IS m.
Hence. 7 p.
first Oeratai
Thee. Schaurr.
ear moo. 10:45
T. P,
A.. T n.
Memorial -Tlbhetta
Pi rat Church of Christ. Scientist Scottish
Bite cethedrsl, Morrtsos sad Lownadsle
streets. Sen lees at 11 a. m., suSJeet. "Ths
triaeatof Atonement": Sunder echool at close
of morning service; aervlce at S p. m.
Second Church of Cartel. Scientist Elks'
temple. Stark aad Seventh streets. Saadsy
service. 11 a as. sad S p. .. subject. "Doc
trine of Atonement'; Ssadsy school. 11 s. m.
Why Portland People Should
Follow This Valuable Advice.
Becauee the proof is In Portland
" Tou can easily Investigate It.
1 Not necessary to experiment
. With aome untried remedy.
Profit by the experience of a cltleen
J. C. Buckler, building contractor, of
S Bast Wlnth atreet. Portland. Oregon,
eaya: "After having tssted Doan'a Kld
tsey Pills for over three years I can
eonec lent tou sly say that I know of no
remedy for tha kidneya that la Its equal
JSafore using Dean's Kidnap Plile m
lSSl I rtad a constant soreness In the
small of the b7k and to stoop or
Straighten cwuaed the pain to catch ma
hard In tha JBck. There waa also a
weaknees of the action of tha kidneya,
vary noticeable at night, and the se.
I emotions contained a sediment Having
tried one remedy efter another without
results. I Anally began nelng Donna
Kldniy Pllle I found benefit from the
art art and In time they completely rid
me of the aching end peln In the back.
' sai ratted tha secretions and brought
' thorough relief. Tha above facte i
related In auhatance In s testimonial
given at that time, which I am pleased
ta confirm now."
Por sale by all dealers Price 80 rents
meter Milhut n Ce , Buffalo, New York,
stole agents for the T'nlted Statee.
Keraember tha name DOAN'S end
take no other.
v.; i.iirenrt
:- iertk
m. ''What
Central Basse!! sad Kerhy etreeta; Bev. J.
T Aebett. Cases SSSsMsg, S:S a. in.; eermon.
10:90 A as.; Sondsy school. 12 as.; League,
S:S p. m.; aermoa, 7:10'j. at.
Trinity Beat Teatb and Grant etreats; Bev.
1. P. Smith. Saodey school, in a. m.; preach
lag, 11 a. as.; Bpworth League, 8:30 p. ss.
eermon et 7 :S0 p. SB.
Montavllls Bev. Harold Oberg. Presehlng.
11 a. m sad 7:80 p. ss.; Sunday acbool, 10 a.
in ; Epemrtb I eeaoe. 0:30 p. m.
Taylor Street Br. FV ancle Burgette Short.
Claeeea. 0:10 s. as.; aermon 10:80 a. m, "Ths
Holy G boat His Mission"; Sunday echool.
11:18 p. a.; Epworth Leans. S:80 p. St.; ser
mon, 7:30 p. in. '1st' til You Owe; Will
You Pay Hlrnr'
(trace Twenru ana l.ytor street.; i.i.renre
True Wlleon. D. P.. paster, aermon,
a.; Ssadsy acbool. 11:13 p. m.
Pattaa Mlehigaa and Carpenter etreeta; See.
Melville T. wire. Sermon. 11 a m. and at 7 SO
p in.; Suaday echool. 10 s. m.; Bfworlh
League. S:S0 p. m. ,
Trlulty Nineteenth, aad Everett streets:
Rev. Dr. A. A. MatilauB. Holy rxmwaonlon.
8 Be as. I morning service. 11 o'clock wirh con.
aecrstlOB of new church by Bishop SdaSSisg; ng aervlee. .1:30 o'clock; Sunday school,
Bt. " Derid e Beat Twelfth sad Belasont
streets; Bee. 1. B. Tea Waters Sunday
4, S:SS a. m. ; me. bibs prayer ana eermon
ana eermue al
a. m.
Hav W. B.
Powell. Serrice and sarssea. II s. m ; Ban
dar school, 10 s. m.
St. John's MeianHsl Sell weed; let. W. B
Powell Sunday school. 11 A aa. i service sad
sermon. T:4S p. m.
Good Shepherd Seiiwoad atreet asd Tsn
roeter avaaue; Bev. Jobs Dawaea; so starnlsg
sat ilea; Sasdsy school. S:4ft a. m.; prayer
and asrmos. 7:80 s. a.
Hi. Matthew's Plret snd raniMiera atreeta;
Bev. W. A. M. Breck. Holy communion, 7:80
a. a.; Sunday echool. S:4S a. a.; Baa la. 11
A a. 1 service and aermoa. 7:80 p. a.
St. Mark's Nineteenth aad Qnlmhy streets;
Bev. i. B Stapeon. Bely communion S s. a.:
Sunday school. 10 a. m : morning prayer aad
Ilium 11 o clock; erenenng and aermon. "What
la the Pas ef S Creed!" T:B o'clock.
Jsaaae ErillaU- Wsat Park asd Jetfsvsoa
if. A. Lea. Serrleea at II a. a. with
ecbool. s o a. m. ; owning preyer
st 11 s'elocki evealag prsyer and
T:80 o'clock: how eomnrrfnlon. 8
St. Andrew -t nleerslly Perk.
eetteal. la e.
Lessen, f p. a
l nton aveesa a
aad Orlll. Beads
and II ocr la
aday an 1 la as.
S p. a.; Luther l.ea
Betaela UeatSh
street; Key. Gndnsad
11 s. a. saa a p. a.
Mnrwegtm Synod -Rant Teeth aad Oram
atreeta; Rev. O. Hsgoea. Saejdey erhonl. 0:30
A a.: eerrlcee. II a. m asd 8 p. a.
St. Past's German - Beet Twelfth and Clin
ton atreeta: Bev. A. Krease. Service, 10:80
e. a.; eeevtra. 7 SO p. a.: Sundsy echool. 8:80
a. a.
SerwegUB 45 Hsttb rasrtaasth street: Bar.
Lbrht Mlsaloa II Poertb
Berth. Preeehieg every night and Sunday
at S p. m.
Olive Branch Mission 2SS First street near
Columhle. Preaching erery night at 7:10;
Sundays. 8 p. m. ; Sunday acaool. 1 m p.
It. Jena's Bollneea MUslea US Sevens'
near stain: Be.. John P. 0,1. eon Si
every nlgbt end Sunday at S sad 7:80 a. ss.
Chtsees Baptist S4S Second street. BanMaS
at 7:80 p. m. j-
Penlel MS Flret atreet. Services st 1:80 snd
S p. a. by Evangelist E. J
First East Fifteenth asd Morrison streets;
Rev. H. C Sheerer MIMe acbool at 10 a. m.;
sermon at 11 a. a.; eermon at 7:10 p. a.; T. P.
S. C. B., 7 p. as.
rlscoad Sixth sad Mechanic etreeta ; Bev.
C, P. Blancberd. Sunday acbool. 10 a, m.; ser
mon. 11 s. a., by Bishop Berkley; sermon at
7:80 p. a . "Power of Though 1"
Pint Spiritual Society lOSte Third street.
Bet. less at 11 s. a. aad 7:48 p. a. lecture
by H. J. Moore on "The Woman of tod or, as
a Medium sad Ideal ChsrscSsr."
Church of Our father Se Tenth aad Yamhill
etreats: Bev. W. 0. JOint Jr., minister: Rev.
T. L. Eliot, D. D.. minister emeritus Service
St 11 S. a., subject of eermon. "Tenth"; Sun
der ecbool st 0:4ft s. a.; els sees st II a. a.
and 11:00 p. a.
Ninth sad Mill
8B.L 'UflaeH
psv" Hal
b H
Sf. aT. JftJIiTOM,
BOIT you punish that poor stomach
With a lot of patent medicine poison.
BOSrY get It into your thoughtless
head that you must drench that stom
ach with drugs 01 die. If you really
desire to die, die decently without
ths nostrums only you will not dls
so soon.
SOXTT Imagine that "I muat talis a
tonic to build mc up." If you MUST
drink, buy your liquor by the gallon
and "doctor" yourself. It will cost
you a heap less money.
First 171 "j Second atreet. Foresters' hall;
Bev. E. H. Mewre. At 10 a. a., Sunday
school: II S. a., Woaas'a Home Mission earv
isae: S:S0 p. a., Bpworth League; 7:10 p. a..
presehlng ,
0. AND M. A.
CbrlstlaB and Mleakiejary aad
MslB streets; Rev. C. t. Sswtella. Preaching.
in:so s. m ; Saadsy school. II: 16 p. a.; Yaaas
People s meeting. 6 80 B. m, ;
servlcsA 7:80 p. ss.
Christies Adieat Second street between Hall
aad Lincoln: Bev. Charles lleffenden. Sunday
echoed. 10:80
pre lee
r p-
preacbtag, 11:80 a.
Sk.1 ssrmoA S p. a
Cbristisa Cstholic Church Is Elen Allsky
ball, eecot.d Seer, Third sad Mm have streets:
Rev. Charles A. Hoy. elder la chsrgs. Al
p. a.. Bible stadyi 3 p. as., savvtees.
Church of Jesse Christ of Latter
-Hsll 400. Allsk. bunding. Third
eon streets Serrleea at 1 1.80 a S
m.; Sasdsy scBosl st 10 s. a.
Oar gain's
7 p.
Eaet mghth and Coach etreeta At 11
sermon. "Tha Cost aad Reward ef
' Sunday srwsel
10 a.
New Chsreh SocWtr-glevvsth aad Alder
street.; Rev. Hiram Vroossaa. At 11 s. a.,
Seventh Day Adr.oUsts- B3SS4 Thltd street.
get It Into your head that sci
ence went to sleep when medical col
leges opened their doors, snd that
"we're all dummies" If wa have not
an M. D. appendix to our names.
And If you are eiok and will coma to ma
before you are half way In ths grave, I
will cure you as quickly that you will
wonder hew It happened. And I have
taken man and women that seemed to
be half way Into ths ground and have
cured them soundly without a drug at
all. a
Imperially rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff
ened joints, weak atoms etiA Insomnia,
nervoueneBS. women's diseases, ate. 1
Not "reliefs" that last for s few days
snd return to torment ths sufferer.
Dr. N. J. Fulton
corner Clay, aae block from M O ear, ess from
18th street eer. 3 tret
Big Winners
$875.00 Earned $665.00
in Six Months
86 Per Cent Profit on Jumping Jack
20 Per Cent Profit on Stray Dog
The Sullivan stocks, promoted In February. March and April, are now standard
securities, heavily traded in on the San Francisco, Salt Lake and Goldfield Stock
Exchanges and on the Jersey City curb, and command premiums as follows:
Date of
. . February, 1806
..March. 1806
..April, 1806
Prios Today's Profit
Paid by Market Par
Publlo Value Cent
80 58 86
66 66 80
80 66 116
1000 shares Jumping Jack at 80, Cost $300, now worth $ 860
600 shares Stray Dog at 85 e . . vCost $275, now worth $ 880
1000 shares Indian Camp at 30 i. Cost $300, now worth $ 660
Cost $875, now worth $1,840
' -
We Offer for Immediate Subscription Unsold Portion of
250,000 Shares Treasury Stoek of Each
ot These Complies:
Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Co. . . .
Lou Dillon Goldfield Mining Co. . . .
As-You-Like-lt Manhattan Mining Co. . .
3k Per Share
Mc Per Share
25c Per Share
These stocks win be promptly listed on tha leading exchangee of the eountry after the treasury
offering of each is over, and era bound to command an Immediate premium. .
The Stamp of Merit
.- " ! ''.'. '"' . '' r ..
Bach of these companies owns s great gold mining property, situated In the Immediate vicinity
of ether honanaa mines of 1U reapeottve dlstriot and believed by our famous mining engineer, who baa
never boon connected with a mining failure, to have a tremendoue future.
All throS are under tha eame capable, honest management
Ths directorate of tho three compenles Is the sense,
i Governor of Nevada.
Conoultlng Engineer; President of Indian Camp Manhattan Mining Co.; Prealdent ef Stray Dos Man
hattan Mining Co.: General Manager of' Jumping Jack Manhattan Mining Co.; formerly Chief
Engineer for Chaa M. Schwab sad John MeKane la Nevada.
' President of I M. Sullivan Trust Co.
JAMES E. DEOAN v Secretary
Cashier Nye Ormsby Co. Bang, Goldfield. Member Sea Francisco Stock Bad Bzehaage Board.
GEO. D. PYNE ... Counsel
Attorney-at-Law. Goldfield.
These Fall Issues have bean practically oversubscribed, in advance of public an
nouncement, by bankers, brokers and mining men throughout the country, and wa have
been able to reserve only 100,000 shares of each for investors who shall now make direct
subscription. These stocks will be listed on the important exchanges, of San Francisco.
Salt Lake, Goldfield and New York immediately attar subscriptions ara closed, and
will, beyond a doubt, at once command a premium. We recommend both stocks as
high class speculative investments and probable big future dividend psyers.
Reservations should be made by telegraph to insure consideration, and remittances
in full by bank draft or certified check must be forwarded immediately after allotment
is made. Otherwise allotment will be rendered void. The right ia reserved to reduce
or refuse any subscription tendered.
L. M. Sullivan Trust
-rim- tkmmudmik
. , .,