The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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avavavavaaai ni m
a see:
for 1907
D4 $1950 Mitchell Did
Right Lately, Too Not Months or Years Ago
May 30, 1906 Won Minneapolis Hill Climbing Contest, winning silver cup.
One Mitchell entered. Defeated Oldsmobile (4 cyl.), Ford (6 cyl.), Frank
lin, Rambler, Queen, National, Frayer-Miller, Marmon, Thomas and Royal
July 4, 1906 Won 100-Mile Endurance Race, breaking World's Record, at
Hawthorne Race Track, Chicago, defeating cars at more than double the
price. The one other Mitchell entered finished second.
July 7, 19011 Won 50-Mile Endurancce Race at Milwaukee, ap"
the World's Record, and still again defeating high priced cans.
ell entered.
July 80. 1906 Won 60-Mile Endurance Race at Detroit, . '
" - . - -.a. m v v r w- e r . . M e . a
miles as low as 1 :08, which is World s Kecord tor stock can ni equipped.
This has alone been equated by the 50 h. p. Thomas Flyer. The one
other Mitchell entered finished second. .. ' "
In the Uat three centeets the Mitchell defeated the following crs: Queen, JacksW TVjjbsnas.
Maxwell, Colombia, Knox. Bulok. Pope-Toledo, Pope-Hartford. "
Peerless, Rambler and Cadillac. - 1
July 27, 1906 Elgin-Aurora Endurance Contest, Two Mitchells entered.
One finished with perfect score. The other was penalized for mistake of
the driver. Dozens of high priced csrs fell by the wayside or were heavily
f thanr
p Mjfch-
t single
All With Stock Cars Right Oil the Selling Floor
Doesn't this cover what you want in an Automobile?
The ability to go up almost any hill oa the high speed
The ability to go hundreds of miles over any kind of a road without a
hitch or worry of any kind.
The ability to go almost anywhere at all speeds from 8 miles to 45 miles
per hour on the high gear.
, In a word Satisfaction, Power,, Speed and Freedom from Trouble.
' Is it not a fact that it is waste of money to pay $2,500 to $4,000 for a
car when the Hardy, Powerful, Troub leless Mitchell at $1,800 has demon
strated its superiority in every teat, no matter how severe not years ago,
The Mitchell is a "Show me" car. Whenever you are ready we will
take you in the car you are to get and show you what the Mitchell will do on
hills, in deep sand, on country roads any test you like.
We'll PROVE to you that in actual use on the road the Mitchell rep
resents the ideal you have had in your mind when thinking of an automobile.
If it doesn't meet your Ideal in every particular no matter how sever
the test you wish it subjected to then simply don't buy it.
If any car can do your "stunt," the Mitchell will do it better, and you
can see it do it yourself.
Automobiles !
The cut shows Model D-4. Price f 1,950 at Portland. Wo
have a sample of this machine in stotk. i
Now en route, Model F, 35 H. P. Touring Car. Price
92,150 at Portland.
Model E, 18 H. P. 4 Cyl. Runabout. Price 11,100 at
Mitchell Motor, Car Co., Racine. Wis.
First and Taylor
Selling Agents for the Northwest
Fourteenth and Lownsdale Streets
Punishes Gould Lints by Closing
Salt Lake Gateway of Inter
change Business.
Events Strengthen Belief That Gould
People Have Acquired the Corvallis
ft Eastern and An Behind Other
Projects in Northwest.
As Wall street railroad manager be
come more fully aware of the plans of
the Gould people for invading Pacific
coast territory, the results are seen In
moves mad by the traffic departments
of the Harrlman lines. The closing of
the Salt Lake gateway to Interchange
of freight business between the Gould
roads In Colorado and Utah and ths
Oregon Short. Ldne in Montana and
T Satin 1 taken to mean that Harrlman
bos been apprised of Gould's plans In
the Par) fib Northwest, and has begun
retaliatory action.
The Denver A Rio Grande and
the Colorado Midland are now clos
ing; their freight offices at Butte
and Helena, sad will retire from that
field so far as freight traffic is con
oerned. At the Portland offices of the
Denver A Rio Grand, there Is apparent
uneasiness as to the future relations
that are to exist betwen the OtR. A N.
and Short Line and the Colorado roads
of the Gould system. A large business
is done in both' freight and passenger
traffic over the Joint lines from this
territory, and the Gould roads are de
pendent on the Harrlman lines to carry
the business between Portland and Og
4mm: It is thought the Short Line and
O. R. A N. will keep the gateway open
so far as Oregon business is concerned
until the Invasion of Gould lines into
this territory reaches a more advanced
stage. The policy of the Harrlman
management Is to do nothing hastily.
Events are dally strengthening the
belief In well informed quarters that
the Gould people have acquired the Cor
vallis A Eastern, that they are behind
the Oregon Coast A Eastern project
that Is being promoted through Baker
and Crabtree of St. Louis, and that they
are quietly completing plans, soon te
be openly announced, for coming after
some of the timber tonnage of the Pa
cific northwest.
Mysterious moves along the line of
the C A HL recently have given color
to the report that construction is soon
to be commenced at ths easterly end
of the road, and that It will be puahed
through Oregon as far as the Owyhee
river, where It will turn southeast, fol
lowing; that stream to the divide and
cross over to a connection with the West
ern Pacific at Wells. Such a line would
be a direct route between Portland and
Salt Lake, and would at once put the
Gould system In a very strong position
In Oregon. It Is known that Oregon
Coast A Eastern engineers have sur
veyed a Una from the end of the CAB.
at Idanah te Burns, In central Oregon,
and that a few days ago a second en
gineering; party was started out of
Idanah over the same route.
Sep eras Trom Mew York.
Reports from New Tork to Ths Jour
nal are to the effect that Crabtree and
Baker have been negotiating for certain
properties in the vicinity of Coos bay
The recent visit of jr. B. McClement of
New Tork, a director In various Gould
corporations, is believed to have great
significance. Mr. McClement Is the
man who negotiated the sale of the Rio
Grande A Western to the Gould system
He remained in Oregon for nearly three
weeks, and to all inquiries he replied
that he was here for health, and recrea
tion, notwithstanding the patent fact
that be was extremely robust' physic
ally, and had no cause to complain on
that score. It Is said that while here
he made a careful canvass of ths mil-
road situation, business conditions, and
prospects, and that he gave special at
tention to the coast counties. One re
port came through absolutely reliable
channels that he had closed a deal for
the southern Oregon properties st Em
pire, but this was denied by Elijsh
Smith, who with his brother owns that
Crowd Gathers In Church Parlors
to Welcome Return of Pastor
to His Congregation.
Ths yeas-
Ads lately yon have gotten
wttk things.
Columbia Discs
or Cylinders
i.gtti A
llllftlK I
via sag say
$1.00 Down
$1.00 Per Week W
Columbia Phonograph Co.
Columbia Building
171 WntogH" St Ptrflud, Or.
Msm v
r i aw
Grace M. E. church gave its pastor.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson, and Presid
ing Elder Dr W. -B. Holllngshead, a
reception In the church parlor last
evening. An elegant musical program
was rendered by Professor William If.
Wilder, harp and string quartet The
address of welcome was delivered by
Dr. Richmond Kelly, setting forth in
eloquent langtag the pleasure of the
church In the pastor's return.
Dr. Wilson responded In an address
reviewing the work of last year and
showing that more than 120,000 had
been raised for benevolences and church
purposes, during his pastorate of one
year, and also showing that an average
of 100 atrangers ' attend church every
Sunday, and that f of them united with
the church membership during the past
year. He said in part:
"Now with a church property worth
$120,000 and free from debt, with a
membership of 428, and with a constit
uency of more than 1,000 persons, who
can predict the future of Grace church
or estimate the good it may do during;
the cemmg li months T ut us seek
to Impress every visitor who comes
smong us with higher Ideals of lit.
Let us give loyal support to the senlueo
and enterprises of this church. Then
with our united cooperation, we shall
have the greatest year of our history."
Dr. and Mrs. Holllngshead also re
sponded In apt and pleasing address.
The ladles of the church served refresh
ments and all congratulated Mr. TU O.
Ralston on ths splendid way in which,
as president of the Ladles' Aid eoclety.
she had arranged for and conducted the
reception. -
Because the water board will not lay
water pipe until after a street I
graded, ths street committee of tb
council yesterday afternoon turned
down n petition for a 70-foot thorough
fare which will be an extension of East
Gllsan street.
There will be no opposition to a (10
foot etreet through the Ladd tract and
the new highway win connect with villa
avenue and form a continuous street
nearly 11 mile long, from the river
almost to Pairview. Dr. William De
Veay. representing the Montavilla board
of trade, declared that It .would be neo
essary for ths water main for that
suburb to run out the new etreet, and
that opening were delayed Monta
villa -would bo - short of water next
The committee overruled a remon-
trace against the filling of Bast Stark
street from Boat Water to Bast Seventh.
Kelso, Or., Oct. II. Northern Pacific
officials have Inspected their depot at
this place, and after looking over the
town and their freight books bore have
decided that thetr present sfii)ds
tlons do not fit the town.
In Our Own Building, 100 Feet Deep. Running Clear Through the Block From First to
Front. First St. Entrance. No. ISO. Bet Washington and Aider
finest Hardware, Range, ftfove and Tool Store In Oregon. All kind of Cutlery
$65 Sewing Machines at $25
We Have No Kent to Pay. We Are Nobody' Tenant.
Our Patrons Mall Have the Benefit.
J a k a n n f u i y m FIRST street
Bm "m WW MM BV Tel. Hail 1382 BeL Washington 4 AMer
DRIND i-axa''ve ffu" Syrup
HP Wm m mm -1 mmw Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate
Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble
Stimulation Without Irritation.
Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new
laxative syrup combined with the deli
cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas
ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken.
It is much more pleasant and effective
than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters,
as it does not derange the Stomach, or
irritate ths Kidneys, Liver or Bowels.
Oiore Laxative Fruit 8ymp will posi
tively cure chronic constipation as it re
stores the natural action or the intestinal
tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem
porary relief but the stomach is upset
sad the bowels are irritated without any
permanent benefit having been derived.'
The condition of the patient remains un
changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels
have not been stimulated and in s few
days a stronger purgative may have to" be
tscen. inis is wny rins ana Aperient
Waters never give permanent relief.
Their violent action results in an unnat
ural movement of the bowels and it isnec
essary to Keep taking them indefinitely.
Why OR I NO la different.
Oanro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only
preparation that really acts upon all
of the digestive organs. Other prepar
ations sea upon the lower bowel only and
do not touch the Liver. It can very read
ily be seen that a preparation that does
not set upon all of the digestive organ
ean not core Chronic Constipation, Torpid
Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomsch, etc.
For Biliousness and Sick
Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It
sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and
acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and
bowels without irritating these organs.
Clears the Complexion.
Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates
the liver and thoroughly cleanses the
system , and clears the complexion of
pimples sod blotches. It is the best lax
ative for women and children as it is
mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or
sicken. xVefuse substitutes.
Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you
are not aatlafied your money will be refunded.
rrsaarsS only toy FOLEY a co., chic. in.