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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
TITS OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER It. 1101. Town Tpks"fl voTxra so The Journal tpncjr at Salem baa been transferred to Russell M. Brooks, haadauartara at Caoltol Drue Store. 404 BUta atraat. phone Mala 17 1, and all changes, new suosoripuons ana w plalnta will reoalva prompt attention. it - i -i - mi i n i i m - i i i i xovioxrt uwuuiit, Helll- . .Jan. Snplr. Mar.... Corcoran la "The Crnd . . Pantsges Freedom of sueesae' Vssdeellla VeuaerlUe George Brown haa filed in the circuit court a petition seating that a divorce decree of the court be so modified as to aire him or some fit person the cus tody of hla minor daughter. A divorce was (ranted Brown's former wife. Myr tle Brown, in January. 104, by which the custody of the child waa awarded to Mrs. Katie L. Griffith, mother of Mrs. Brown. Brown a bargee that his former wife was married again to Wal ter Hanson, who, ha says, is a man of dissolute habits, and his frequent visits to the child are a detriment to her. Brown charges also that his former wife and her mother have endeavored to alienate the affectiona of the child from the father. A citation was Issued directing Mra Griffith to appear In court at a future data and show cause why tbs decree should not be modified M Brown requests. The members of-the Grace Methodist church have planned a reception to be given this evening to the pastor. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, and to Dr. W. B. HoUtngehead. the presiding; elder. The program will constat of mualo by Pro fessor Wilder' quartet. Dr. Richmond Kalley will deliver the address to the pastor. There will be response by the pastor and the elder. The reception committee la composed of Mr. and Mre. J. K. GUI, Mr. and Mrs B. C. frost and Dr. Osmon Royal. Refreshments will be served by the Ladles' Aid society, of which Mrs. JU X Ralston is the president. Suit for a divorce from John L Hen geveld has been filed In the state cir cuit court by Sadie L. Hengeveld. charg ing cruelty. They wars married at Vancouver. Washington, in June, 1811, and hsve since resided at Llnnton. Ore- ?on. They have three children, aged It, and I years, respectively, whose custody Mra Hengeveld asks. She asks also a decree giving her a house and two lots at Llnnton. M. H. Bloomfleld ap pears as attorney for Mra Hengeveld. . Judge Arthur L. Ftaser oT the state circuit court will leave tomorrow for Piinevllle, where he will preside at the October term of ths circuit court of Crook county. Judge W. I Bradshaw. Judge of that district, wlU be In the east as a delegate to the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias. Judge Fraaer will be absent about two -weeks. A heavy docket of oases awaits trial In the Crook county court, there being two murder cases among; thorn. May wo tall you, mister, that your clothes ought to bo replaced with new onesT Tour appearance is not a credit to yourself. Just ask your neighbor about It Armstrong the tailor. Raleigh building. Sis Washington street Is the seamster who makes man a credit to everybody. Fine business salts, oat like the garments of a king, at tit. Goaevtsva Gibson, formerly a Port land girl, is playing the role of Trixle Evergreen with The Maid and the Mummy" company. Until a week ago she was understudy for Elisabeth Spen cer, who was than in the role. Her chance cams whan Miss Spencer left the company, and she has made good fn a. surprising manner. Paper Whits Grand! flora! Do you know what they arsT Portland florists force them by the thousands for flow ers for the holidays. Ton can bo just as successful, as their culture Is easy. Our Illustrated and descriptive bulb cat alog tells all. Call or phone Main 478. Portland Seed Co., Front and Yamhill atreeta. FEDERATION MAY JEM Young People's Societies May All Merge With General Christian Endeavor Organization. SUCH 18 THE WISH OF SOME LEADERS Exptrinmt Will Bt First Triad in First Congregational Church by Dr. E. L, Hopes Convention Will Be gin Tonight in Portland. Shall all the young people's societies of the Protestant ohurohes federate under the Christian Endeavor banner? la the question of most importance that will come up for consideration during the Christian Endeavor convention which begins tonight at the First Con gregational church. Dr. William Shaw, business manager and treasurer of the United Christian Endeavor society, will present this question In an address to the delegates. Dr. B. I House will be urged to try the now plan first in his church and If successful all western churches will federate the young people's societies, under the Christian Endeavor society. There are two young people's societies In too First Congregational church be sides the Christian Endeavor, but if Dr. House consents to try ths now plan the present societies, the King's guild and ths Minute Man, will become branches of the Christian Endeavor and be gov erned by the same officers. "I am not euro that such a movement would be successful," said Dr. House whan asked what he thought of ths Idea. "It has always been a pet scheme of Dr. Francis Clark, founder of the Christian Endeavor movement, and the officers of the United society are anx ious to have ma try it in my church en acoount of the strength of our young people's societies." Dr. Shaw is also very much Inter ested In making the Christian Endeavor international convention, whloh is to be held at Seattle next year, a suocesa anu will ask the Portland Endeavorers to do all In their power to make It so. The Portland Christian Endeavor will Invite ths members Of the International convention to come to Portland after ths convention and it la expected that about delegates will accept the Invitation to spend a day In Portland. Receptions will bo given by the Chris tian Endeavor and the visitors shown the sights of the Ross City. Tonight Dr. E L. House will make the address of welcome. department will bo hold October It and permanent appointments will follow on after that day. Drivers, hosemen and truckmen are wanted. Among the vacancies In other departments is that or draftsman in the snarl nacre depart tent, a place whloh la worth ttt i month. EVENTS IN REAL ESTATE WORLD Board of Trad Mikes Move to Build Large Auditorium for Use of Public. WOULD ERECT IT ON ONE OF PARK BLOCKS Building Largo Enough to Accommo date Any Public Meeting or Con vention Is Proposed Board May Also Bract Homo of Its Own. Big bargaina Saturday evening at the uptown city market. 1SI First street. corner Columbia. Everything V In the fresh meat, lino will go at I oenta par pound list so tao hours of and I Order your Sunday dinner than. Main 111. Phone Tbs Northwestern Warehouse com pany has leased Columbia dock No. t from the owner of the property and haa possession of the dock and is re sponsible for too employing of men. Allen Lewis have not had an Interest In or con t roi of this dock at any time. The street cleaning committee of the executive board this morning opened bids and awarded contracts as follows: Eastern Oregon hay. also bran. Hall a Brown, tie per ton for hay and tit per ton for bran. Oats, No. 1. white, Albers Bros- Milling company, per ton. There most be no guesswork about the tailoring business. It must be satis factory. W make any suit in the bouse for til; no more, no less, and guarantee the suit to be equal to til and 140 else where. Unique Tailoring Co., I0 Stark, near Sixth treat. Articles of Incorporation of the Rig Hill Coal Mining company have been filed In the office of the county clerk by A. H. Bastlan. J. W. Caldwell and F. O. Weeks They will develop and operate mining proportlea Capital stock. $200,000. Civic Improvement. Don't litter yoar street with wood. Burn coal. We de liver it in your basement. Independent Coal a Ice company, successor to Holmes Coal a .Ice company. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise,' the briUlsnt and ripular rabbi who Is about to leave ortland. will deliver his farewell ser mon tonight at 1:1 at Temple Beth Tare at. There are now 11 vacancies In the Are department which are being filled by temporary appointments The civil service examinations for positions In the TTTB may gain your attention with word, bat your appre ciation only by service. C The printing we pro duce is good printing. We do not waste our time and your money on fakes and fade, but inf nse into our work the skill and knowledge of artistic principle that makos it attractive not only for a day bat for all time, HMmin 165. F. W. B ALTBS & GO. First and Oak Streets Big offerings at the uptown city arket. Friedman Packing Co, lit First street, corner Columbia. Bet tao hours of I and I o'clock Saturday evening everything In the fresh meat Una will bo sold St. f cents per pound. Phone Main ill. Special round trip tickets to Chicago on sale Oetober IS and II. For partloo laia cell on or address Chicago, Mil waukee a St. Paul By.. 114 Third street. Tour Byes Examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses at 1100. A per fect St guaranteed. Metsger a Co.. Jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street Watches, diamonds and jewelry on easy payments; si down, SOo a week. Don't go wit hour a goad timepiece Metsger 4k Co.. 1U Sixth street. A select children's dancing class meets Saturday at 1 p. m. Professor Rlngler and Miss Bunkoamsysr instruc tors, lot Alder street. Acme OH Co. sells the best safety ooel oU and One gasoline. Phone Bast 711. Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to S; business mane lunch. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal lace, Agt.. ItS Sd St Tel. Pacific IMS. J. Bnkells, lad lea' tailor, has moved from IS to IS1 Alder street For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris restaurant. Dr. B. C Brown, Bye-Bar. Marquam. ANNA SELKIRK NORTON WILL GIVE RECITAL . Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, who will leave Tuesday for Pendleton, will be tendered a testimonial recital tomor row evening at the Nortonla Mra. Norton has been one of the leading singers' In the city since her arrraal here about two years ago, and her rich, well-trained, contralto has mat with much favor. In her departure Portland will lose' one of its beet musicians and there is much regret over her decision, though all good wishes accompany her and Pendleton la congratulated on its gain. Mra. Norton has arranged a pleasing program for tomorrow evening, and all he.- numbers will be given by request from her bast numbers given at pre vious recitals. The Schumann song cycle. "A Woman's Love." whloh aha has given before with splendid effect. win be sn especially popular number. Two Indian songs entirely now to Pert- tang win attract much attention. They were written by Carlos Troyer of San Francisco, a friend of the singer. Ar thur Alexander will accompany Mra. Norton and it la aesdlaea to say that he ill bring out the spirit of the songs. The patronesses for the evening "of song are Mrs. H. D. Green. Mrs. C. E. a Wood, Mm H W. Ooode. Mrs. A. K. Rocker. Mrs. R. R Hog. Mrs. J Wen ley Led. Mra Oevld Chambers Lewis, Mrs. J. B Montgomery. Mra. J. K. Clark. Mra A a Norton. Mrs BL De Wltt ConnelL Mrs. Frank Kerr, Mrs. Walter Cook. Mra P. H. Carroll. Mra Max Hlrach and Mra Oay Lombard. If plans of some of the members of the board of trade are successful, Port land will In another year or two have a big auditorium, capable of accommodat ing the largest kind of gathering. The move for suoh a building .has already mat with much encouragement. At present the city la without a suitable convention ball, and the need of one is felt. While the movement has been under discussion among the members for some time, J. B. Labor, secretary of the board, ia pushing matters and gath ering figures aa to cost and probable revenues. While no definite plans have been made, it la believed that Inasmuch aa it would be a public enterprise and the revenues would not be more than enough to meet the expenses, such a public building could be located on one of the city blocks on Park street, the city receiving rent for the use of the ground, or probably the city might be Induced to donate the ground for such a purpose. While the object of the promoters, of the plan is In the first place to provide an auditorium whloh will accommodate conventions of a national character, the building could also be put to other uses; In tact, it could be made tb answer the purpose of a state museum, where the collection at present in the city hell could be housed and where also the per manent exhibition of Oregon products at present maintained by the board, of trade could also find a place. In this way the building would be entirely a public affair, and it Is claimed that the city could readily donate to suoh a uae one of the public squares. While the board of trade le consider ing the erection of a large public ball. It la also going ahead with, plans for a home of Its own, and two Important steps have already been taken In that direction. The first of these Is that a building company of the board haa al ready been granted a charter, with & L. Bamett, E. R. Hlckson and R. W. Wilbur as the Incorporators. The capital stock Is The plan Is to provide s permanent and modern home for the board of trade, and it is understood that a site for snob a building has already been selected and bonded for a suffi cient Urns to allow the building com pany to get under way and eee If it con raise the necessary funds for the pur chase of the lot and the building of i a suitable structure. If the plans of the board of trade are successful It will be the second seml-pubtto organisation that haa recently taken step for a home of Its home, the Commercial club already being well under way In Ha plans for a structure on Fifth street T. B. Snhell hammer haa started work on a 16,000 residence for W. C. Kemp st Twenty-second and Weidler streets. He is also building a 14.500 home for O. A. Hartmaa at Nineteenth and Tilla mook streets and a 11,600 house on Lu- oretla street, near Kverett, ror . A. Citron. Travis and Wilson, the architects, are receiving bids for the construction of a large annex to the Hill hotel, at Wash ington and Lucre tie atreeta, owned by S. SUverfield. The annex will face on Lucretla street and will he it by It feet and six stories high. It wlU follow the general architectural scheme of the building erected last year. It will con tain about 40 rooms la addition to bath rooms, dining-room and servants' quar tan. Bide for the construction of the annex Will close on October le. The same architects are also receiving bids for a handsome home for Judge Thomas O'Day, to he built at Twenty-sixth and Lovejoy streets, and whieh will cost about 17,000; a home for S. H Schwab, on Overton street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, and a house for William Supple, on Sixth street, between Market and Clay. Tke Paolfle States Telephone company will make a number of alterations and Improvements to their exchsnge build ing at Park and Alder streets. The re modeling of the etructur will coot up ward of 16.000. Alexander M. Wright has purchased from H. H. Jones the quarter block at the southeast corner of Seventeenth end Lovejoy streets for 112.000. There are three dwellings on the property and also room to put another on there, a part of the quarter block having a 10-foot frontage being at present unoccupied. ELABORATE LUNCHEON FOR MISS THOMPSON Farmer, merchants, railroaders, la borers rely on Or Thomas' Delect Ho Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or braises at' once. Pain cannot stay where It Is use Allan Le wts- The most elaborate luncheon of the season and one of tb prettiest pre nuptlal entertainments was. given at the Portland today by Miss Genevieve Thompson In honor of Miss Ruth Smith, a bride of next week, at whoae wedding she will be one of the bridesmaids. Ths decorations were all In yellow and mostly of pearl roese, and covers were laid for, IS. The appointments were In exquisite taste and It waa one of the prettiest luncheons ever given at the hotel. The party included the- bridal party Miss Ruth Smith. Mlse Joseph ine Smith, Miss Oenevleve Thompson. MOse. Hasel Dolph. Miss Rhode Failing and Miss Katharine Woolsey of Tacoma. and the other guests were Miss Greco Warren, Mra David Chambers Lewis. Mra Walter V. Smith. Miss Margswet Catlln, Mlas Maud Moray, Mlse Mar garet Morrison. Miss Lisa wood. Miss Mabelle Bronte of Walla Walla, Mra, George K. Wentworth. Miss Harriet Kinney. Mlae Clementine Hlrech. Miss Helen Bastham, Mrs Walter Cook. Miss Hasel Crocker. Miss Carlotta Parker. Miss Nsn Robertson. Miss Vide Nichols, Miss Effl Houghton. Miss Leslie Knapp, Mlas Carolyn Burns and Miss Marlon Jackson. The Oaks rink mans genu snt wish to announce that the school children of tha city wilt be admitted free Into the rink tomorrow afternoon, enabling them to aee "Baby Lillian of Boston In her wonderful fancy skstlng exhibition free of charge. The opening of the rink Tuesday evening. October IS, for the winter season with the largest snd most elaborate masquerade ever attempted on the eoaet le being talked cf with a grant deal of enthusiasm by the old and young of the etty. Car service of IS minutes from First and Washington streets will carry the people to the new board wslk to the rest of the rink, making it hot The Meier & Frank Store News Picture Department Specials Great special value in Chain Medallions 10-inch circlet of fruit, flowers and religious subjects. Regular 35c values, on Q-e sale today at this low price A 7v 4-inch circles of heads and religious subjects for, each lOe) Large assortment of fruit, game, scenes and flowers, in square, oval and round frames. Regular $1.50 values, on sal today at AO. this unusually low price, each Sr 16x20 Colored Pictures of scenes and flowers, framed in 3-inch fancy black, brown and gilt frames. Regular $2.25 values, sf if ' on sale today at this low price, each, W erasf Pyrogrsphy Sets and Supplies Stamped pieces in immense as sortment. Our prices are always the lowest. New Pictures arriving eVery, day. See them on the Second Floor. Sale of Men's Clothing SECOND FLOOR. The Men's Clothing Department, Second Floor, is prepared to supply every want in men's ready-to-wear apparel. The display of Suits is by far the largest and best we aver made. Every prom inent maker is represented with his newest fash ions and materials, st prices ranging from S1S.SO to B35.00. Second Floor. Men's Tan Covert Topcoats ... fat to S1S.OO Merfs Black Worsted and Thibet Topcoats at prices from ta.50 o SSO.OO Men's Dress Overcoats, silk-lined, at. each 20.00 and SSS.S Men's silk-faced Overcoats. VSS6.00 to "Priestley" Cravenette Raincoats, in great as sortment, at :...fl.SO to a 85.00 Young Men's Suits and Overcoats. 50c Hose 29c Sale extraordinary of hand some new fancy Half Hosjti Plaids, trip and plain col ors in endlong afaortment Helios, grays, lace effects, etc. In all etaes Hosiery that finds ready sale every da . . . grs day in tne year at. avc g Your choice at.SF v Salt Dinner Sets English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, pink rose decoration; gold edge. Both 60 and 100 piece sets at greatly reduced prices: 60-piece set for ST.08 100-piece set for f 12.18 Pink and green decorated Semi Porcelain Seta, very neat and effective design; gold edge; great special value at these prices: 60-piece set for ...S7.S4 100-piece set for S10.S8 Hand-EmbroM Tnmover Sets $6 Values $129 Set On sale tomorrow, in the Neckwear Section, we offer women's hand embroidered Turnover Collar and Cuff Sets or sheer and heavy linen, beautifully embroidered by hand in pretty floral designs a large and handsome assortment to select from; 1 regular $6.00 values, on sale at this low price, set ep 1 sea? sF $3.50 Sets at 69c Set Special lot of women's hand-embroidered Turnover Collar and Cuff Sets of sheer linen and with hand-embroidered edge very attract ive designs, in large assortment; regular $3 50 values, QQ. on sale at this low price, per set .OC Grand showing of new Fall and Winter Neckwear, the very lstest ideas and novelties. The best display in the city; let us show you. Handkerchiefs 13KcVoL4cEa. On sale today, 500 doxen wom en's Handkerchiefs with hem stitching and beautifully em broidered designs; also hem stitched with Val. lace edging and insertion; immense assort ment of choice patterns; regu lar 12yic values 500 dozen Women's Handker chiefs in a large assortment of the very best styles; hem stitched and embroidered Val. lace and insertion trimmed; regular 25c values, in great va riety, on sale at this low D-, price, each Ov $1.00 VEILING 23c. On sale today and tomorrow, silk-embroidered and fancy vel vet dotted chiffon veiling; handsomely finished borders beautiful styles; all the new, staple shades; values from 75c to $1.00 yard, for S3e Heavy quality chiffon cloth veil ing, 18 inches wide; black, white, brown- and navy, fin ished borders; 75c T values for, yard enrJC Women's Fine Shoes $3 Values $1.98 Pair 1000 paira of Wofssa't Hm Shorn oa sola at a pries far Below wast ws csa bay tintm tor at ths factory AM this taaaos's vary aswsat .A lasts ia patest coh; vie, kid, jflft mZ as patani up ass vstoar can Ught and lasavy soles All aissa aad wMtha-Joltston Bros.' relator $3.00 Every pair fssrantssd to ffivs yon aatiafatetory asrv ics Yoar choJcs toaiorrow attbiaoiuiMialry jf AA low pries aar... O Look to Yoar Nasas inasnBBJBJBaaBBB-sx 'i rSjaw i Drag Srodry Department iWgaina Women's Perfections! Vaginal Syringe, all rubber; great special value today at this low price, each Premium Fountain Syringes 3-quart size; best quality, fully guaranteed; $125 value, on sale at Glogan's Spirit Gas Stove, the genuine article, each: Varge sue bottle of Listerine antiseptic and disinfectant; great special value at, per bottle Pond's Extract, the great pain destroyer, 50c bottle Tetlow's Talcum Powder, 1-pound patent cans, each Wood back Hair Brushes, white bristles; special, each 65c Chamois for household use grand value st Hardwood Polished Toothpicks, large boxes, each "Nysa" Soap, for toilet and bath; 10c cakes for Knickerbocker Toilet Paper, fine quality, dosen rolls 49c 98c .. 4Ss 67c ia as sa ASrCSSBEBSTTB. waVaSrts. The BcfDg Theatre aST jastx ooaooaav. Totigbt, Sstaroay sad Seaasr Klatts, Ortobr l IS sod la, la the Happy Cemedr. the razxsox or svaasas." Sstaraay Mstlaee XMea's "Tke Dell I rrdnlni tMmLMKr Boor. Snt S Si 80. last 10 rows. SI ; baleear. 1S as SOe; galtery, SSc sad SSe. kfattaea rrwsi SSc to Si. Seat New Be ma at Meiug TBaatr. BaKer Theatrt oregea nutn Co.. Lessee OEOBOR I B&KBB. Btssager. Bona et tke raaaoas Baker Stock Oa. AU Takf Week, ntattsee Satsrdsy, "the ear lord auxx." A Brest London sac Kew York Seecaaa. PRICES Er.nlnei. SSc. SSc ssd SOc. Man atee, ISe a ad See. Best Waab "Lady XaatnrarkVl aspsrhaeet.'' EMPIRE, THEATRE AU Matinees 10c and SSe. Pboac Mats 1 IT. ' Matlasa WlSsillly sal Satnrdajr This Weak the Sraatest Bars! OibjUj. "UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" Dea't Bias U. Oas of gas big read attrac tions. Evening prices, inc. , AU aattoees We and SOc. Bast BMmiMib. Fata LYRIC THEATRE BEGINNING MONDAY. OCTOBCB a 1SOS, Every Aftaraeoa and amnios . PORTLAND'S POPt'LAB STOCK HOUSE. A Bt are of the War. ssTHB DB8BRTBRW A Starr ef Brotherly Lee, lit roun ACT. Follow the Crowd. Contlnoous Fwferaaace. Aawlsslss Me. Biswiis Seata SSe. IS. .asne' VasBTr ' VaaBaaaawsBBaBc a Bhartsg. ever t SB sua Sea Baby art Lllllaa'a 'ihlkrttae aee enniaa. as ear servers the rink. Fancy skating exhibition by Prof. Prank ass Baby UUlan for the to etty to next 14 oeys. SONG RECITAL BT Anna Selkirk Norton ,T, OOTOl is AT Patronesses Mrs. CUB. Wood, Mr. A. K. Rockey. Mrs. R. R. Hoars. Mrs. B. Do Witt Coanell. Mrs. Frank Kerr, Mra Walter Cook. Mr J. B. Montsomerv. Mrs. J. Wesley Laid. Mrs. H. W. 00000, Mra. oar txmDra, Mrs. A. b. Norton. Mra P. H. Carroll. Mrs. D. C Lewis, Mrs. J. K Clark. Mrs Max Hlrsch. SEAT SALE TOMORROW tlEILIC THEATRE GOGORZA DIRECTION MONDAY EVE, OCT. 13 Prices, tl 50. tJ.00. tl.BO. tl.OO. Gallery Reserved, $1 00. Admission, T6c. Boxee. til. OS PANTAQES OdaU Bart, Taratty La Taaapla. U LATEST MOVTBO PICTUKES. Bwfuwssaea dear a SiSS. 7 so a. m. Adsieelen lea sad SSc. 1 Ladlaa sod children take say seat aliases for lea. sad S THE STAR Week October a Phase Mala hM Girl from Texas" Matlneee Tsaadare. Theiaeaya. Bstereays see sender. races, wc ana sec. et anise prl tes. 10c. SSe and SSc. Best Week "TMB TWO OBPHAXS." meGrand Week ef Oct. a Taaaea and Sadie LEOBABD Saaeorted by Q'BHsa js West, Ihsaw-eOw-dy Bau'BstT. FREE ! Msvlnj Pictures Other Miami is neons very evening t o'clock. BUM Meet Rrlna? the eases r CORNER MORRISON AND THIRZX HARR Casnsre of Prosrraaa Weekly 1ST SHTJMAN. general Avwtler. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY PARSIFAL HEILIC THEATRE OCTOBER. 19. 30, 31, 1906 yaosvonov. Oionesiia. FisMas at TSJ amzoaai Lower Floor. Bret IS rows. tl.OO: last S rows, tl SO eony, first 4 rows, S1.SS; next rows. tl.OO: last rows. To. Helllg Theatre. Inclosing self-addressed stamped envelope with Order. ayaas v m BBPzaaBnaaa BA t WS" VN.-L ij A Bird in the Hand le worth two In the bush, and If yovir hardware buying ! a done here the bird's In head in the way of dopendanbte quality at far leas cost than you're ac customed to pay. Avery Et Co. LILY DENTAL CO. tbx rAisTLSSs DSBTurra. B aaSBB Streets. II V 1 orx TSTBD orr f- LI 1 I M BIOV LAS PBXpa . M w lr nvat- 'Mt jLW m.t.ilala. w the HjHI ed SffTjjB Do It Now Are yon providing against old age, sickness, sccident or mis fortune? If not, you cannot be gin too soon. Your sctirities will soon begin to lessen st best. Call for one of our New Home Savings Banks, models of neatness and convenience, and begin saving st once. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits, current rstes on Sav ings Accounts, accept accounts subject to check and do a gen eral BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 WASRSKTOS ST RET Capital $150,000.00 J. Frank Wataon. R. L. Durham. . .Vic-Pros r ye i Want Ad eg toweh wt