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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1108. wear 39c Dress Goods and Silks In the Third Street Store Saturday mens Samples of very high grade Underwear for Women, in Union Suits or tingle garments at a price that is really ridiculous. Every garment in the lot is worth from 75c to $3.00 and it all goes now for shout half original prices. All sixes and all sorts, in wool, silk or fleece lined cotton, priced as below Trim 3KS8J2 FANCY SILKS, 20 inches wide, suitable for waists or suits; regular 65c 1q. quality. Saturday -fV FANCY MIXTURES, in wool dress goods, mohairs, etc.; rattling 65c and iA. 75c vals. Saturday, yd.'WXC BLACK TAFFETA SILK. full yards wide and a grade that you always pay At. $1 JO for. Special..... "C ENTIRE 75c Garments I $1.25 Oar- I $1.50. $1.75 I Worth $2.00 Block h now only tnents goods to $8.00, for ON YAMHILL BROADCLOTH, in the new rede, tans or blue; a mighty (ood $1.75 value. 1 aturday, the yardF 'a Your choice Now only 39c 63c 81c $U3 We Sell Pictorial Patterns 10c&15c SATURDAY THE RED LETTER DAY OF THE GREAT WHITE CORNER SALE The offerings presented for Saturday's selling eclipse anything ever before attempted in the West Even the tremendous values of the first days of this sole pale into insignificance before this extraordinary aggregation of stupendous bargains. Come and look at the small lots that we have not enough of to advertise. Practically YOUR OWN PRICE for all odd lots. : GOLD MERCHANDISE COUPONS WITH EACH FIVE CENTS YOU SPEND HERE Saturday Shoe Specials Pick out a pah of these shoes and save from $1.00 to $2.50 Hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes on big table in the Third Street Store (all the shoes have been moved in here now). Contains every shape and make of women's shoes, and there is nearly every size to be found in the lot. They are odd lots, but any shoe QQf on the table is worth $2.00 or more. Your choice of several hundred pairs Saturday. . CHILDREN'S 8CHQOL SHOES, sizes from to 11; shoes that you can't match for the money now or at any other time. j tr Your choice Saturday S eeea BOYS' SHOES of satin calf, good sturdy shoes with solid soles, made for water and nearly water proof. Special price i aw Saturday ip I Big, Brilliant Basement Bargains . In the Third Street End of the Store Saturday TIN CUPS, from the white Corner stock, dec orated; they sold them at 6c. Saturday y price . .... aVv COVERED DISHES, decorated semi-porcelain, from the White Corner stock. fJr Saturday only UvW CUSPIDORS, granite ware; White Corner price was 50j each. Saturday they're TEA POTS of granite ware and gray enamel ware; White Corner price 60c. Our 3 A price Saturday ejUC SALT BOXES, marbleiaed crockery, nicely decorated. Special for Saturday, 23C SAUCE PANS, granite ware, 4-quart 1A sise. Very special Saturday, each, only. O UC Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! ANOTHER BIG BUY FOR THE GOLDEN EAGLE MORE STARTLING NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC GREAT FIRE SALE OF GROCERIES ' ' We purchased for cash the balance of the grocery stock from the well known firm of Wadhams, Kerr ft Co. Bought these goods for a mere fraction of their value, and now a- gigantic fire sale of groceries starts Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. This stock will be sold at ridiculous prices. These goods are PERFECT, the only damage the fire did was to scorch the labels. For instance, the bottled goods had the labels spoiled; heat was not enough to affect the taste or quality of the goods in the least. Canned goods of all sorts, perfect in every way, except that the labels are marred by fire or water. All these goods are guaranteed to be perfect in every shape and form. An itemised list of part of the goods we otter follows, counters win dc crammed witn tnousanas ot and bottles that we have no room to mention here; must be sold. Extra salespeople to wait on you. Come early: 100 dozen CANNED SOUPS, Dodson's regular 10c cans. Perfect Goods at Wonderfully Small Prices - "if ' ' "Shi .' . ' . -. j Hoi brook's English Worcestershire Sauce, 1,000 dozen on sale; regularly 50c. Saturday at this low price 1 1 C 2,000 dozen jars Dodson ft Co.'s Mustard; regular 25c size. Selling Saturday at, each, only. , CATSUP 600 dozen Dodson ft Co.'s; regular 26c size, at the phenomenally low price of .--.rr.'.". , COCKTAIL SAUCE--400 dozen Dodson ft Co.'s. 26c size. Sale price Saturday 400 dozen Dodson's Assorted Pickles ; regular 26c and 86c size, at the very low price of, each JAMS 200 dozen assorted kinds, Dodson ft Co.'s; 26c size. Sale price He lie 10c lie 10c Offered at this ridiculously low price Saturday 620 dozen, Holb rook's Worcestershire Sauce; regular 26c bottles. Selling here at, bottle 1,000 dozen, Dodson ft Co.'s Mustard; regular 16c size. Selling here Saturday at very special price of 2c 9c 7c MASON'S FRUIT JARS, pint size, 100 dozen in the lot f Very special price, the dozen. ...... OOC PEPPER SAUCE, 600 dozen; regular 10c size. Selling in the Fire Sale at, the bottle BROKEN RICE, splendid quality, perfect in every way, but broken kernels. Special 21 LBS. NAPTHA 80AP, the beet laundry soap made. At the P. very special price of 7 BARS estOV 3c $1.00 A REMARKABLE Curtain Special MU8LIN CURTAINS, such aa you are in the habit of paying 76c the pair for. Very dainty and well made, with ruffle. Just 93 pairs of them for this Saturday special, and the price will be, the pair 47 Cents ? On Third Street Balcony Children's Hose Last Saturday we sold bundreos ot pairs ot una same hose, and we are lucky enough to hare another lot for this week: fast black; worth 15c the f nsir: ancciaL only 3'" Suit Section in the Second Street Annex Plenty of room now to show tho bar gains we have for you in the salt room end better still plenty of bargains. CHILDREN'S COATS New arrivals, reedy for Sat urday's selling, and they'll sell, too, at the price we make. Made of heavy novelty wool cloth, loose back style, col larlees effect, with cuffs and around collar trimmed with solid color material and two rows of braid. Colors are green, blue, red or brown mixtures. For children of six to twelve years of age. Special price FURS Scarfs full of style and originality, cheaper here than anywhere else, beautiful scarfs with or without tails or fringe. Special priced at, each , wsnsa m au v $3.98 -- i incapcr ncrc $3.50 Saturday's Sensational Specials Childr en's Dresses, mad of splen did Materials in fancy mixtures and Scotch plaids. Belted waist with tucked guimp, trimmed with braid and buttons, extra lapels, collars and cuffs trimmed with braid, for children from eight to .fourteen years of age. Special , WOMEN'S SUITS Made of plain colored or fancy wool goods, in the semi-fitting styles, all sizes; suits that should bring at least twice this price. Selling in this store at unions, extra $3.98 or iancy wool $9.98 WOMEN'S Outing Gowns FOR 99c GOWNS of first class quality of outing flannel, in plain colors, come in pink, blue or white. Very nicely made and the best special on night gowns this season. Very special, Saturday only 99 Cents Third St.. Right Aisle Women's Hose Prime quality of lisle of exceptionally fine finish they're hose that aeU in any store at 35c the pair, but we offer them Saturday as a big special t at, pair atrOC Side Talks Have VOU sent In a suggestion for the good of the GOLDEN EAGLE? If not, you better get one in. for it might be that yours nmuM he the best one in the lot that we'll receive and then you'd get the Ten Dollars in Gold Write in and tell us of some point that you think could be improved upon. Tell us wnere we can make the store one that you will like BETTER. Read our ads and tell us where we could make them suit you bet ter. And remember this, too, we will pay for any suggestion that proves of value. ANY SUGGESTION FOR THE GOOD OF THE 8TORE THAT WE CAN U8E WE WILL PAY $8.00 FOR. ADDRESS ALL SUGGES TIONS TO THE ADV. DEPT., GOLDEN EAGLE Untrimmed Hats Worth at High as $3 at 49c Each A Millinery Bargain, Really Marvel ous in Us Magnitude and Merit A stupendous sale of stylish' shapes that can easily be made to resemble the high priced affairs that you see every day in other stores priced st $10 or more. Add just a little trimming (that you can buy here at mighty email cost) and you have as pretty and as good a hat as the one you have been expecting to pay from $0 to $10 for. Don't Miss this Golden Opportunity This sale Involves hundreds and hundreds of high grade untrim med hate, the greatest sale ever held in Portland. Save from ft to $3 by taking advantage of this chance. Bargains Almost Beyond Belief SECOND STREET STORE Rnvc' Cnitc In blouse or coat style, suits worth to $8.00 DUJ9 UIIB Mch fo,. boy! from 3 to 10 years. afe BA Your choice of over 800 at ePl.sJV ftinnhnmc Dre or Pron ginghams that you well a UlliyiUUira know Mu for 7c the yd. Saturday, yd., only. V Pprialp In li8ht color onlv' ful1 36 inches wide and fr ClldlXS rcmlar 12r value Saturday, the vard....vC Buttons QuroatPPSi For bovs Splendid Jerseys that sell everywhere Saturday. regular 12c values. Saturday, the yard, Of all sorts. For the last time we offer them a Saturday at this price, your choice, dozen 1" for 78c each. To close. 2PC fjkUrnaq In red only, good calicoes, good patterns and very vautUCS good qualities. You know what you always have to pay for any sort of calico. Saturday e5C rnmfnrtc Covered with good silkoline and filled with fwVUllVl 19 white cotton; worth $1.80. Saturday, each. Tahlo linon In fast color, turkey red, fine width lauie LIIICI! Ind quauty; worth 48c yd. Saturday. 98c 23c HWlr TniApk Quite 8ood ized Towel with striped r DUtn IUWC15 border; usually sold for 10c. Saturday. .OC DnpfiM Hand Purses or Wrist Bags, that have sold in e r Urates Whit- Corner for 80c each. Saturday IdC Dress Goeds JJSSft.-Oc Corsets tor 10c each A clean sweep of all small size Corsets in one day. A mar velous bargain that will never come again. All the good makes are in this lot, but they are nearly all sue 18 and size 80. Take your choice Saturday at, pair 10c Your Choice for 10c A treat big GRAB BIN filled with anode of all aorta- Women's Waists, Hoods, Towels, hundreds of articles that we haven't enough of to make an ad on; some worth $1.00 each. All go Saturday at, your choice nuwa umi 10c HERMANN HAS NEW LEASE OF LIFE Uvaraal Saectai Service.) Waahlngton, D. C, Oct. It. United Stafaa attorney for th Dletrlct of Co lumbia haa Informed t)ie department of the uaunaon lana, fraud criminal caaea cannot be heard bafora December. Thar war aat down for hearing during tha October term, but no' action will be taken by tha gov ernment la civil aulta to" cancel land patents until the criminal caaea are tried. Blnger Hermann. It appease la have another leaae on life, aa about to have another leaae on Ufa, and tha Hrde-Benaon land fraudlata are la all probability to enjoy a longer period be fore the atrenuoua daya of tha Waahlng ton trtala come. The Oregon land caaea, however. In the opinion of United 8tatea Dletrlct Attorney Hrlatol. will not he delayed longer than bag already bean announced, by tha aaw torn In tha Hyde-Reneon eaaea In Waahlngton. Judge Arthur B Pugh, special assis tant attorney general for the Interior department, who baa boon In Portland for soma time Investigating various Oregon phases of tha Hyde-Benson frauds, does not think that the caaea mentioned In tha dlapatch will be tried before the flrat of the year. Investi gations are now being conducted- and work being done which will preclude tha conalderatlon of tha caaea before that time. Judge Pugh haa been In Portland looking Into the caaea hare. Prancla J. Haney haa been working with W. 1. Burns, the deteoUve, b Saa Fran cisco and California' for some time pre paring testimony and finding witnesses who will teattfy before tho court at Washington All thla work, and other departments of the same taak will de lay the trial until December at tha earliest date with January aa' the more probable time. Civil Oaaea Hot Abandoned. Tha consideration of tho civil, caaea growing out of 'ha Hyda-Benaon caaea will not bo entirely abandoned, however, on account of the postponement. While It la true that tha trlala of tjte civil oaaea nay not be heard. It la alao cer tain that all preliminary work will bo done ao that tha actlona may be hurried through to tbalr final conclusion aa aoon aa tho criminal caaea are dis posed ot. The Oregon, land fraud caaea will not bo affected by tho change In tho Waah lngton program, however, according to Mr. Bristol It la the deelre of Mr. Honey to aaka up tha Oregon caaea 41 soon aa ha ia able to try then here. As noon, therefore, aa' Judge Hunt can return to Portland from flan Franc umbo, tho Oregon oaaaa wlU be taken up again. Thla perhupi will bo wall towards Jan uary 1. Ia that event the Hyde-Benton caaea will in all probability have to be postponed uutu after Mr. Heney saa finished with his Oroaon bu he la to try txfth the Oregon and- tho Waahlngton oaaaa. The only person who seems to have benefited by the postponement la Bin ger Hermann, whoee Washington case la to be tried flrat, and yet by stipula tion after the conclusion of tha -Hyde-Benson caaea In Waahlngton. IT thla program la followed out It will be wall Into spring before Mr. Hermann will face tha Jury to anawor the allegattona made s gains his conduct while commis sioner of tha land offloo at Waahlngton. Loatina la to have ao opaga bouao. H000 RIVER FRUIT FAIR 0. av a sr. jreotn October 11 to 11 the Hood attvajg Biennial Pratt Pair and Oregon ItVSgaV Hon aeaoetaHon laeetlag will be held at ood Hirer, and for thla oceaetem the O. R. N will make a round-trie) taw ireea Portland or ii it. at the city oaaaa afftoa. eon secured, at the elty ticket offloo Third and Waabi.gtoa atreeta. war oaTUa kuLmSS 1