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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVENINO, ' OCTOBER It. 190$. BHHaHHeSHJHSHBBJBjBHSMHsHHSHBHt t WINNERS OF WHO WHEMHAT PRINCIPALS IN CHEHALIS TRAGEDY. HARBOR LINE MAY ThStoraof fWhHm BE EXTENDED Port Commission'Grants Permis sion to Owners on West Side of the River. tiUALITYUAN' tear Stacks of Answer but Few Ab solutely Correct Ones Many Unique Answers. EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF THE CONTEST PAID Merchants Were Busy for Days Answering Personal and Phone Calls One Merchant Had 1536 Phone Calls by Actual Count. The Journal' "Who. Where and What contest ha cloaed. The winners Are all figured out The firet prla of 171 waa cured by Mrs. J. 9. McKln atry of 4H Seventh atreet. and the eecond prise of SIS toes to Mrs. Wtl llam T. Barker, tw East Ninth. W. B Holllns. rth of the sheriff offloe gets fhe third prise of lie, while Mrs K 8- Brwln of 102 H Park atreet se cures the fourth of ft. A. Inns Reln- hardt, North Eleventh atreet. vets fifth prise of II and Harold F. hardt of SSI Kearney street the sixth arise of $:. A complete list of the winners le below. T-lrst Frlse, Mrs. J. a. Seventh street, otty. Second Prise, Mrs. SB Bast snath street, otty Third Prise, W. B. XoUlngsworth. sheriffs office, otty. Fourth Prise, Mrs. X. U. Brwln, SOSH Park rtrtst, city. Fifth Prise, A. Inu Worth Eleventh Btises, otty, Btsth Prise, Harold. F, Kearney street otty. Seventh Frtae Mrs. F. B. Bnrdlok, 100 Kearney street, MontavUla, Oregon. The following awarded SI each. JWI Bruoe, 416 Okford street, otty. Alas Xotttagsworth, tea He da ay ave nne, otty J. A. McBlroy, 848 Second Mrs. Boss Tense, T4S Foorth sty. Myer Xlrsoh, 38 Mill MtSBtod Aube, 748 Bdith M. Karris, it Stalls Donsmore Fording, 673 Kaw thorne Terrace, otty. J. A. Sastmaa. Ill Boyal avsnna. Mount Tabor Helghta, city. Minnie women, Saldino re Dm Oo Olty. B. Jacobs, 970 Sheridan street, city. Uxsle Paul, Uoyd, V Stiff, the Oelaiaat, otty. Joseph X. Jones, 68 Kawthorne F airs. K. S. ataley, MIS Winona tty. Mrs. . A. Case, 4B College olty. aeeife F, John Spitzner and Family. Below la Judge Moses Yoder, Whose House Spitzncr Dynamited Because Yodct Aided Mrs. Spitzner to Obtain a Divorce. Spitzner Then Blew Out His Own Brains. a. o. kve- Br. nue. olty. Katharine O. aaa, otty. Batty lipping, Bast Porty-etglrtb. asraet, otty. atreet, otty. PSraSt, city. Mrs. Oeorre B. Heed, box 108, Ar ista, Oregon. Marlon Oaae. The contest was one of the moat In tensely Interesting In the history of the advertising; business in Portland. It developed spirited rivalry and educated the people as to who are In buaineaa In certain lines in this city that was reve lation alike to the people and to the dealers who were in the contest. The 79 firms represented in the con test have expressed their unbounded sat isfaction with the plans and are certain that It has bean of great value to them In their business. One of the contestants who filed his ltat very late in the day probably had misgivings aa to being In the class of winners. Re said: "I want to say that even If I do not win a prise I have gained 97 ( worth of knowledge In regard to my fellow citizens and their busl- (8 College K. Fairfax, etty. J. a fa., city. B. A. Brick, 687 Madison street. plee, SUdzoore Drag That la the way hundreds of people feel who have been making up llata for. the contest editor to examine and Baas upon. They nave learned things about the people who are In special lines of business In this city that they never before imagined, and they will be able to go to the right place at ones whan they are In need of any of the many things that were represented in the contest The educative value of the contest has not bean overestimated by those enthusiasts who asaert that It la the greatest thing ever Invented for making people acquainted with the business ooncerns of the city. The contest has opened the eyee of the people to many thlnga. It has also surprised most of the advert laere. It has been the cheapest, most effective end beneficial advertis ing that the business aten of Portland have ever had. There la no one to dis pute the value of a line In The Journal who has observed the effect of fhe con test wjhich has fust closed. The winners msy secure their prises by calling at the business offloe of The Journal st sny time after t o'clock Sat urday morning. HEARST REPLIES TO MCDONALD'S DESERTION GOVERNMENT MAY NOT APPROVE IT. HOWEVER Colonel Roeaaler Says He Will Ex amine Situation Thoroughly Before Recommending Adoption of Port of Portland Commlsaion's Report. New Tork. Oct 11 W. R Hearst who Is campaigning In northern New Tork, has Issued the following regarding John B. McDonald's desertion to Re publican ranks: "Another guarantee of Mr. Hughes' sincerity is John & McDonald. He Is the man who built the New Tork sub way at great profit and bad a succes sion of strikes and labor difficulties from the time he began It until It ended. Mr. McDonald declares for Mr. Hughes snd flourishes the check in support of Mr. Hughes and says he Is against me because I am not an enemy of union labor." & The Port of Portland commission terday afternoon decided to grant the owners of waterfront property on the west aide of the river between the Burnslde and steel bridges permission to extend the harbor line for a distance not exceeding 40 feet Originally the property owners asked for SO feet, but this request wss finally modified atnoe It became plain that the permission would not be granted. The permission was granted upon recommendation of a report prepared by Engineer J. B. C Lockwood. who had been employed by the Port of Portland to Investigate the queatlon whether or not the extension of the wharf Una would Injure the channel or encroach upon the harbor. According to Engineer Loekwood, the extension of the line will not prove damaging to the harbor or navigation. This matter was taken up before Colonel S. W- Roeasler. United Statea engineer, several weeks ago, but the proposition ss originally put did not set with the approval of that of ficial. Whether he will approve the compromise line with which the Port of Portland yesterday declared Itself eatlstied remains to be seen when It is again laid before hint. Prom tho drift of his remarks thla morning when Informed of the port commission's ac tion yeaterday, Colonel Roeasler does not appear favorably lmpreased with granting any extension at ail, and pos sibly the decision arrived at yeaterday will be disapproved. Pfllsburys name it a guar antee of the best the world over. Pillsbury's Beit Break fast Food it the white heart of the wheat berry the best part of the whole wheat. It's the food of the people whose motto it "buy tr; best " A 20cent package of Pflls- bury's Best Breakfast Cereal makes 1 2 pounds of dainty ap petizing food or more than 12 packages of the ordinary 15 cent dry foods. It is the most economical food in all the world, but more, its the best day in til Never sticky or lumpy. Easily and quickly BMB aBMSMBwr awsss SSBBSBBBSSBW Banana aBBaNLt. SBURYS i BrwaiRTS Want Ada la tnnraal that will interest yew. "I have not yet heard from the Port of Portland regarding the proposed ex tension of the harbor Una between the Burnslde and steel bridges." said Colo nel Roeasler. "but can say that I will give the matter a very thorough Inves tigation before giving my approval. While an extension of ths wharves st thla time will perhaps not prove damag ing to ths shipping of the port the future haa to be guarded, and I shall satisfy myself on the point of whst future effect the extension might have upon the harbor before approving the plana now suggested and approved by the Port of Portland. . "My predeoesaor here. Major Lang fltt. had been requested to grant this extension, so I understand, but he al ways disapproved It and I do not know that conditions are more favorable now for the change than they ware then." The property owners Allen a Lewis, ths Flanders estate, the Northern Pa cific Railroad company and the Portland Qae company Insist that their wharf- , age la of very little aae under present In front of their docks. Represents. Uvea of the gas company have always contended at the hearings that have come up in the pest that K la almost Impossible to bring ooal cargoes to the dock because the ships have to lie far out . in the stream until almost emptied of half of their cargo. ' The proposed axtenalon oalla for 40 feet at He wldeat point only, tapering to the old line near the two bridges. RAINCOATS When you need a Rain Coat you need it bad. No matter how many overcoats you may have, there is nothing to take the place of the useful Rain Coat. When the weather man says "Rain" put on your Rain Coat, and if his pre diction doesn't come true it will answer All the Purposes of an Overcoat They are not clumsy and yet their length protects the limbs. The latest cuts and the latest patterns are to be had here from to $30 $10 (W m W wm JBZ J -..... m w . .t IK Beaver uv3 as A Hat made especially for use in Oregon. Fifty styles, thirty shades and colors. A shape for every face. A size for every head. f LION tv Clothing Co GutfKuhnProp' We've Everything to Wear for Men and Boys 1M-1M THIRD STREET MOHAWK BUILDING Waterproof Shoes Service and comfort com bined keep your feet dry and warm at the moderate cost of $3, $3.50 and $4 HIS WIFE DIDN'T LIKE THE FARM And So She Deserted Him and Charles Corser Applied for His Divorce. Best Breakfast rood- yiTos Ask Your OTHER MISMATED COUPLES TORN ASUNDER BY JUDGE All Decrees Are Granted on Grounds of Desertion and Other Sensational Charges Are Pushed Into the Background. "My wife didn't like to live on a farm. I could not move away from the farm then, so she left me," testified Charles Corser before Judge Sears In the circuit court this morning at the hearing of hla suit for a divorce from Lena Corser. They were married at San Francisco, California, in ' November, 1803. Coraer said his wlfa deserted him at EddyvUle. Oregon. In June. 10S. Di vorce was granted. Four decrees of di vorce were granted by Judge Sears thla morning, sll on the grounds of deser tion. After Jessie M Bell end Harvey W. Bell had lived together two months Mrs. Bsll suspected that her huaband had a wife living, she told ths Judge. She accused htm of being a married men. and he denied It, but left her, and aha hss not seen him since. Her testi mony was corroborated by that of her sister, who said they had good proof that Bell hed bean married before. The tttlganta were married In Portland In June. 1(05, snd Bell Isft the country in August of the same year. Mrs. Bell was allowed to resume her maiden name. Wing. Cynthia J. Colwell waa given a di vorce from John E. Colwell because of desertion beginning at Spokane, Wash ington. In June, 104. she said ha was e traveling man and that ha Went away to work ana rerueed to coma back. 8he testified that aha saw him afterward and asked him to make seme provision for the maintenance of their children and he turned his back on hen They were married at Walla Walla. Washing ton, in November, iss. Mrs. Colwell Saturday All-Day Special Majoloka Pitchers Exactly as Shown Height 6 Inches Width 4 Inches Regular Price 25c BBSa BHHH KfH Special Price 10c Special inducements on Room-size Rugs, Carpets and Draperies; also special prices on Dining Tables and Buffets. ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT. COVELL Portland Agents for LAUREL Stoves and Ranges The Fuel Saving Kind FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST ST. CARTONS Cost us lots of money but our Customers are the gainers because of the Protection the wax boxes give. T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 44-46 SECOND STREET, PORTLAND BRANCHES ASTORIA AND SEATTLE CASTOR I A For Infants sad Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears" the Signature of waa granted the custody of two minor children. Katie J. Wilson was divorced from Joshua B. Wilson on lh - desertion beginning la June, 101. Three complaints had Been luw ... .... oontatning many sensational charges, but the couple finally effected a settle ment regarding property and the cus tody of their children end agreed that the divorce be tried en the charge of desertion, said Attorney John F. Logan, who appeared for Mrs. Wilson. The de cree was granted to Mrs Wilson and custody ofi the children awarded to her husband, the right to vtelt them being given to the wife. They were married at Stella. Oklahoma, In ls4. Mrs Wil son said she waa but If years old whan married. EAST STARK STREET VIEWERS MAKE REPORT J. P. Menefee, Oglesby Toung snd H. J. Morrison, viewers of the proposed widening of- Bast Stark street, todsy filed their report with the city auditor. The Lone Sir cemetery occupies a atrip of the thoroughfare which Is to be con verted from a country road Into a city atreet. The matter haa beta 'threshed out before the Judiciary committee of the council. The city will nay the ceme tery saaeelatton $100 for the relinquish ment of Its rights. Several graves must be opened and the bodies transferred to ether late further from the atreet Kne. Special Sale 12.50 Pall Waists sad Japanese Silk Waists, now Better Come Etrly. Man Sin & Co. Ss SIXTH ST.. Between Stark and Oak i