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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
REOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER II. . i ii '' OREGON HAS FlJli-" Niil BONI WOULD PAWN CHILDREN FOR DEBTS sun mam, m n stumm Base yon erer thought why so many women or girls rather walk an hour than stand still for ten minutes? HP. BOYS We hsvs 10,000 bright, new Pennies which we want to give away to as many bright BOYS and GIRLS one for each Coupon like this you may bring to our store See them in our window, yon never saw so many pennies before United Presbyterian Congrega tion of Albany Was Flnrt Or ganized in America. HALF CENTURY MARK 18 PASSED BY PRESBYTERY CHU8CH Mrs. Margaret Monteith, Weltha S. MUler and Miss Elixa Tate of Port kind Are the Three Living Charter Members. . XpcU! Dispatch to The Josrsal.) Albany. Or., Oot. 11 The United Presbytertsn church of Albany yester dny waa M years old. having passed the half cntry mark and today Is one of the most prosperous of the denomlna- tht church and noasibly the bt-A,ni(DDd of snv church In the jAfjrAfvyrdAfertfey I It is because most women suffer from beat-equipped or any cnurcn m in. gome derangement or uteir aencata valley as far as church equipment la j the discomfort of which is concerned. The congregation Is out of I tia( when th M motlon than when standing. In some states lews compel employers to provide resting places for their fe male employees. Rut. nn amount of law can retrulate the hard tasks of these women. They Ida ilnnirlli nlllrll thin WOW demands or run the risk of serioua diseases and the surgeon's knife. Read the experience of Miss (Margret Merkley, S7S 8d Street, Milwaukee, Wis. The Countess Castellans, Nee Gould, and Her Children oo- pro- tHtarst New service.) Paris, Oct. 4. Another hitch ha r3rrad in the Cactellane divorce re., lines, according to well authenticated report. Count Bonl demands tjjat all his debts be psld before he will consent to Countess Anna having the children. While it i not known how much the count's debts amount to. It U believed they total s fabulous sum. It Is known that money lenders have been financing him at enormous rates of fnterest, and It Is generally believed that to satisfy all Jjla creditors would take the greater part of the fortune of the- countess. The final hearing In the caaS Is set for October IT, but If his creditors are not satisfied by that date be will fight fee delay. The count la pot unwilling to take every advantage of Ike desire of the . onunteu and tiia ttOutd family to make ' ...miw. .eat.aa ian Steaa iisisssetyjj M pni 1 1 iw unyi ..! ......... French law regards the marriage part ner!, as making husband sad wife equally respbfislbls for the household expenses and debts. The attachment pro ceedings, however, do not belong to this class. They are almost entirely for moneys borrowed from usurers st ruin ous rates, sad consequently could be legally resisted . The count haa another lever In the dis position of the children, who, under the law, are French cltlsens and subject to military service. He could enter a plea - before the French court that if the chil dren were given Into the custody of the mother they might be taken beyond the Jurisdiction ot France. Buch action would doubtless result in the Imposition tty the court of restrictions embarrassing to the countess in ins luiure. TURN YOUR FACE ' INTO DOLLARS Msny s Men Has Failed Because Hie Fsce Was a Picture of Calamity. It takes, sunshine to produce a rose, s perfect rose. And so men, to be suc cessful, must have sunshine Inside. The life which has It not, which has no health and no happiness. Is aour, curly, pessimistic, and a failure. The world already has too many vinegar faces that breathe ill-will and strife. The world wants Joy, comfort, sunshine, end will cling to the men who he -It, who radiates gladness and triumph wherever be Is snd under all clrcumstsnces. Some people "have s genius for seek ing cut the disagreeable, the crooked, the bad and the ugly. These are the destroyers: they travel In schools, they hsrd together for they love their kind, and the cheerful part of the world will have nothing to do with them. And why is It thst so many peddle disaster knowing a the earns time that If they do, their lives will be ruined? Some people csnnot help It, for per slmlsm usually comes from bodily dls; orders, nd this cannot slways be pre vented. The stomach, for Instance, is . k. - a tne mosx cnnmvn zjZT" nr fce recklessness, disgust a now lack of ambition. A bad, stomach there Is the secret of meny a failure. Anyons can have s good storasch. a strong stomach, a stomach that can take cere of snythlng and everything that la put into It. no matter whether U Is a very bsd etomaoh now or not. Then why not hsvs ttT Stuart's Dyspepsia" Tablets do this very thing. One ingredient of these Uttta tablets dlgeeta l.osd grains of food, sad no matter bow be is your dyspepsta or Indigestion, these tsblets will dJsest everything In your stomach, thoroughly snd colSgletely, end better and quicker than, a healthy stomsch csn do ths same thing. Stuart's Dys pepaia Tablet will cure quickly lose of appetite, brash. Irritation, . burning sensations, nausea, heartburn, eructa tions, loss of vis and eplrlf? bad-memory, snd dyspepsia and Indigestion in thetr very worst forma ' No other little tMets In the world esn do so much. Too should carry Htusrf Dyspepsia Tablets around with you wherever you ge and take them after mesls. Then only will yon realise wbst It Is to enjoy a meat snd what perfect digestion mesne. Tour whole body, sad your mind will feel the ef fects: your vim will Increase, you will he mors sstlSfled with what the world does, you will think happier and he hSPffer snd your .face will be one of supreme contentment Thst will bring you success and then mors success. rry kaoh- rta re . k rltnn' attachment case Is settled out of court the count is not ex- pected to make a defense ana it is oe lieved thst the divorce will be granted October 17. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY The dates of sale of summer excur sion tlekeSF to Newport snd Tequlna bay have been extended to October II. with a final return limit of October 31. which will enable those who have not already been to this delightful resort to take the outing st tbe reduced rate of fered during the summer. Full particu lars In regard to rates, etc. by calling at City Ticket Office. Third and Waah lngton treats. Portland WIFE'S TESTIMONY SAVES HER LOVER FROM HUBBY Mrs. Wlngard Says She Took Goods Brace Is Charged With Stealing. conevrnru. i uc iwib.i."" - debt and hs for a house of worship ons of the finest structures In the stats of gon. The nistory or mis cnurvn nu . early organisation ahows thst this le the oldest end first congregation organ imjk i th, iTnitMl Htaim there havtnc been s local union of the associate and associate reformed aonerenia in in is section before' the great union occurred. In 1848 Kev. moms a. "vtnuu, vi. a uoalov Jfnhn IfnCov. Joslah Os- bom and others of the ssaoclate church, together with John Courtney and others of the associate reformed church, came across the plains and settled in Ore gon, settling in Linn county in 1S4. Missionary Oomes. mk.u 1 . ninnMtp, settled near Oakvllle and were augmented by othera of the ssme faith. Ths general synod .u WA, flr thj, asaiclsterl reformed church, realising that a great field waa opening In the west, determined to sroo s missionary to tnese pans io upuuu . v. .. n'k,,Mh i , v. j.aM remote narts. Rev. Wilson Blalh received the appointment, nettling In Oregon, across the river from Oregon urty in wnst was men a . ( T Inn rmintv The SVnod Of the associate church at a meeting held In Allegheny, Pennsylvania, In ,1849, also decided to establish a mission In Oregon. In IsM, Rev. James Miller of Arrvle. New Tork. received the ap- polntment to nm wur m " Rev. 8. Q. Irvine was later sent to this ,1 , ,alr tin the work Of thst church, Rev. MUler locating In Albsny In June, 1861. Rev. irvine ana who came to Oregon by way of the Horn and settled In Linn county In the same year. Six years had now elapsed since theee early settlers and pioneers In religious work - hsd settled in Linn county and during thla time two congregations hsd been organised and many accessions to the membership of these churches took place. The settlers were made up of both the old churches, ths ssaoclate and associate reformed. On eocount of the population being very scsttered the subject of a union of the two branohes was brought up ano iaia oeioro me iwu i,....h.a in tne east bv missionaries Rev. Jamas Miller of the associate church stated to the church thst Dear Mrs. Pinkbam: , " 1 n0 mi 111 hearing-down pains and extreme irritation O 1 ... i mAta .nVTlM The doctor said I had diseased organs and ulcer ation, and advised an operation if I wanted to get well. I objected to this and decided to five Lydla R. Ptokhsm's Vegetable Com pound a trial. I soon found thst all the good tilings said about this great medicine were true. The ulceration soon healed, backache, headache and nervousness disappeared, and in a short time I was strong, vigorous and perfectly wen. I wish every working girl who suffers would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is s vegetable tonic which invig orates snd strengthens the entire fe- U Annmnlam anrl will nmdlice the ssme beneficial results in the cases of ether sick women as with miss venue. Boys' SchooT Suits At modest prices $3.95 to $10 8. O Irvine, the psstor of the Oakvllle church. His wad a long and faithful pastorate of over 40 yeara AT THE THEATRES Jane Corcoran at Heilig Tonight. The brfOtsst young actress. Jane Corcoran, supported by James M. Brophy sad a most caMbte eoanosny of plsyera, will bests eogaasraest of three nights at the Hellif -theatre tonight at 8: 10 o'clock in the delightfully happy comedy. ."The Freedom of Susanna." Tomorrow afternoon st the special price matinee Ibsen' a -The Doff Hon--' will bs tbe hill. IN our bright, new juvenile department mothers will find the largest assortment of BOYS' and CHIL DREN'S Clothing in Portland you win also find the most comfortable shopping place fine light airy show rooms-comfortable chairs for resting plenty courte ous salesmen and the best values. MISSES TAILOR-MADE COATS $11.85 to $25.00 e - ' ' ' ;8j BEN SELLING cSR (Special Dtsprtch to The Josrnal.) Walla Walls, Wssh.. Oct. 11 By tes tifying thst she took the goods from her husband's store. Mrs. i,ueiia Win gs rd saved Harry Brace, charged with larceny, from being convicted in the superior court yesterdsy sftemoen. Mrs. Wlnkard's testimony wss highly sensational, especially when under cross-examination she admitted that she had resided with Brace two montna at La Orande before securing a divorce from her husband. Braee le at present serving a three-year sentence In the penitentiary for forgery. Lest year Brsce was employed by Mr. Wlngsrd in sn elect -la store. Brace left Walla Walla and Mrs. Wlngard left shortly afterward. They were traced to North voirtma where Brace forced some checks and waa convicted. Wlngard swore out a complaint charging Brace with the theft of some electrical goods. During the trial yes terday Mra Wlngard was called by the defense snd sprung a surprise by openly declaring that shs had taken the goods alleged to have been atolsn by Braee. Mrs. Wlngsrd gave ss a resson for taking the goods that she was without money and Mr. Wlngard would not fur nish her with any. She took the goods, completed contracts, with Brace's help, snd afterward collected the money. BOOKER WASHINGTON UPON NEGRO PROBLEM Educator Advisee Calmness and Self Control Would Elim inate Criminal Element. Your face will brine you noiiars It Tt will cost vou lust 50c for n aae ot theee wneasWSSI Stuart s Ugspep sis Tablets at any drug store on es Uosraal Special ferric 1 New Tork. Oct. 11. The annual ses sion of the National Afro-American council wss brought to a close lsst night with sn sddress by Booker T. waMntnn. who said in Dart: '-In this season of disturbance and excttsmant. If others yield to the temntation of loalng control or tneir judgment and give way to passion snd M4..aii u, as as a sees, teach tbe world that we have teamed the great lesson of calmness and self-control, snd thst we are determined to be governed hv reason rather than by feeling. in this connect ion I reseat whet I have uttered on a recent occasion nf influence that we nnesaei .k.,'iH h used to set rid of the crimi nal end losSng element of our people and to maae owsai, utw-minuma ; tar. cmnnt remain separated; It Is eecleslaatlcslly our death If you de msnd It." Tha rephy of the church was: t "If you csnnot. you csnnot, and we authorise you to do aa the Lord gives you light." The associate presbytery was, organ ised In 18S1 by Rev. James P. Miller and Rev. 8. O. Irvine, missionaries of the eesoclete synod of North America to Oregon. At this msettng the subject of a union wae omciaiiy mrauoom. convention was caiiea u Mesley's school house on Christmas, ion .a hnh churches were to send delegates, ths delegates of the associate church being iev. aenaau. rtev. u uu, , m -t A Tlamlltnn Tha jonn aim . " . ---- associate reformed delegates were Rev. Blefn, josisn usoorn ana aonn lap. Rev. Kendall waa chairman. A resolution was passeo in rsvor or a union. At the next meeting, held February 10, 152, resolutions were sdopted ratifying the union and a basis of union agreed upon, un uciomr , 1 85J, both presbyteries met ana arier ratifvlns- the basis of union the two own nfflclallv nrssnlSSd into the United Presbyterian presoytery of Oregon, mis nnni mi um unuou Krescyterian iresyiwry miuini ,,, America. y , ' Organised by Be. Sillier. ifi l!han (vinr,nHnn WSS organ ised by Rev. James p. Miller on October 10, l Mt. This waa tbs first congrega tion orgenlced In the United States under the rtlstlnettvs name of United Presbyterlei.. Rev. Jsmes P. MUler, the organizer of the Albsny church, wss s great man ana one greany Deiovea ay the membership of his church, his family being promlaent In the affairs of the state. A eon belonged to the regu lar army and held a commission, s daughter married an officer In the army , ha mrmm tha father-in-law of Hon. Joseph O. Wilson, a formsr congress man from this siate, aiso oi unueu a . , - Hanafor l,m K KeilOV. RfV. MUler wae an author of note, being the writer of several books of recognised worth on theolorfcsi subjects. The congregation and presbytery sustained . ..vara Inn In the death Of RSV. Miller, who lost hie life in a steamboat explosion nesr Csneman, just aoove mo fails at Oresmn City. He was one of . nantiwl aunnnrtera of the union wr and tbe chief author of the basis of union. Three Charter Members tiring. In lttt the union of the two grest nhiirxh,, waa conaummated in PlttS burg, Pennsylvsnla snd artsr mis union the Oregon presbytery, which was i.ii,raiiiii hrsnch. wss asked to loin and become a pert of the United Presbyterian church of North America. Thla waa accented and the union was made complete. Among tne memoersnip oi me aidbhj congregation are three Urine member U a r..rl of tha Tlfflion and ...... u.. ni.r members of the church -. i , uim uirnnii annmin. vney mini -' a- -' : weltha 8. Miller and Mlee Ellas Tete of Port! h 14 Rev. Jsmes Miller, sfter his desth. was followed In the pastorate py ur n.. Mm,r must also lesrn to dtf fsrentlste between WSch people. It le s mistake to piece all In ths same erase when referring to labor, morality or i .nndnrt There le a vicious class thst disgraces us; there is slso a worthy clrurS which should slwsys re ceive commendation further, we must a ... .u the fact that the areat body of our people ere to dwell In the south, and any policy mai a.w x. . haMAMH ihh I wfj mrr, ant. isaeat them Is unwise and dangerous." Hi Henry's Minstrels Coming. HI Hsnry's big minstrel win be the attrac tion at loe items ineau-e iiexi rnwoi; aou Wednesday nights. October 10 and IT, with a bargain price matinee Wednesday. Seat aale will open next Sunday morning. October 14, st the box office of tbe theatre. m Next Week st tbe Bsker. HJ auniswui iu a rr iiumn . bill at tbe Baker next week, beginning Sunday ... -w. i - . r M.i l.. mSanSS. llf IVTU I' iniuin v, hi- yiwwiiivii will be op to the Baker standard, and tbe cast . ..all aalalaS hw niractnr Salsnnlla. "Lady Hsatswortb'a experiment" promiaea to b one of tbe blta of tbe present season at this popular stock theatre. OOVOST. J. M. Oover, 101 N. Main 8t.t Ottawa. Kan. wrltea: "Wvery fall it has been my wlfe'e trouble to catch a sever la a ikaMtn,, to roti ah sll winter long" Last fall T get hif a bettU of Horehound 8yrnp. She used It and has been sbls to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever ?te cough troubles her two or three doset stop the cough, snd she is sble to be jp snd wen. inc. 50c snd $1.00. Sold by WoodaaB. Clarke Oa . "The Gay Lord Quex." fa -TK. Oav laal Owe." which ta tha hill ihla aaai at tha Baker theatre, tbs oopulsr stock company bas given tbe public Ita bast production so far thla rear. William lHlla ta back thh week snd la being warmly greeted by hi admirer. Blcbard Thornton sad 1.1111a a Lawrence an making great nita in tsetr re spective rolsa. The play Is elegantly staged. Matinee tomorrow and last time tomorrow night. "Tbe Day Lord Qoer la a itaero piay. ana its lines sr beautiful and tall a grest story. "Uncle Josh" Mstinee Tomorrow. r' a .,a rnnla litah I'u.Hn,' r-U1 ..... U and delight tbe children mt tomorios't popnlax- . a . - ,K L- - Tyitm .M.1 Mlr.1 priCVO HJaitaaa a, - ' a'--. play la J oat the sort that the young folks moat (leerra. ll ia inn ot caii iiu iuii ih an lataraattns iton almnle to naderaiaod. "Usele Josh Perkhu" will be st ths Empire bat three more time, tonight, tomorrow matinee sad night "Pete Peterson" Next Week. Para Peterson." s sew and clever atorv of flat innocent Swede boy. just lanaeo. wiu open a tha Vmnlra Sundav matin. Thla la Elmer Walters' latest offering, sad la considered tbe best of sll the Swedish dialect dramaa of recent year. Pete Peterson la the hired mas at a country betel and Ms msny sdventnrea furnlab material Cor a most eosnlcsl sad lstereathjg play. U aest week st tbe Einplrs. Gogorza Sals Tomorrow Morning. The Helllg box of flee will bs a basy place tstsorrow morning, for sf 10 o'clV tb aets for tb Qogorss aong recital will be put on sale. When one thinks of the latersat s weaaa singer always arouse, quite aa much among tb sterner sax aa among bar own, it st rery interesting to Bote tbe bold a man'a vote aV way aa upon members of his owe ssx. Tb recital os Monday at ths Helllg will not be toft to tb women to appreciate, Mr it has created a great deal of entbualaam among the rasa sad they will b largely In evidence. Tbs rseltel to under tbe direction of tat Steers-Wyns Ooman. ... At the Grand. "Mil Manhattan." the eondensed musical comedy at tb Grand. 1 but one of s number of more than ordinarily good vaodevUle special tie wbleb tbia boose ia dishing up thla was. Oas Leonard, with hla fake magic and sis funny music to a kit, sad so are the Dlamossd Comedy roar and O'Brien and Weat, singers sad dancers "That Girl Prom Texas." Thar 1 nothing so p lessee aa audience ss a play which tells a heart tory and at the same tlms haa a vela of comedy. This Is a sort of Slay which tb Alias stock company is giving ttls week st tbs Star. It Is "That Olrl From Taxes." Miss Vara Feitoo to assaying tha title Lrol. There will b matinees Saturday and Sunday. HXl wees, IBS vtyuaaa. At the Lyric. , - a) mm Spice Perfection Sold on Merit J.A.F0LGER4C rCII n s Fl SPICES Always the Same J. A. Folger Co. San Franciseo "Lives there a men with seel so dead who , -I mm tat "Thla ta eia w s-snsrn Bat nCTtT U Uimawn uas "- r natiT Und? " 8cb Im U central W In th miUrnrr drama at thm LrM VMI. -in IWasstae" la B hilt Whlfh IDDflll tO tb M' i wLr,tir Mtititnanra oi em agjianBa. mmm n m 1 provinf on of tba Lyrtc'i moat ecaafnl pro- Ooctiona. SEEK APPREHENSION OF DEFAULTING CUBAN (Journal asocial Service.) New Tork, Oct. 12. Cablegrams have been sent to all oorts In the world ask' ma authorities to keep watch for Manuel Silvelra. tbe Havana banker, who la acoused of having abaconded with more than 11.000.000. thereby causing tn as signment In this city of the banking and commission bouss of Jsum sf. CO halloa A Co. Silvelra Is not on board the stesmer Carmellna, upon which he left Havana October 2. but on another ateamer. which be boarded at sea two days after leaving tha Cuban capital. As the financial agent of Cabal loe a Co.. Bllvelre.'s firm hsndled money in bulk snd olten had on hand an exct holding of more than $1,000,000. Ce- ballos A Ca were the bualneae agents for many New York firms and indl vlduals Inter ted In Cuban project, and In this business hsndlad large sums of money for their customers. HUGHES SAYS HEARST IS MENACE TO NATION Nsw Tork. Oct. 11. C. B, Hughee, Republican candidate for governor. In bis speech at Oeneva last night said amonar other things: "Nothing Is more reprehensible to tha United State than an appeal to nassloa "Not since ths civil war has there been such aa issue aa now; never be fore, that I know ox. has there been aa attempt, through newspapers estsb llshed In different communities In the United mates, to focus ths whole at tention of the country upon alleged wrongs and create discontent, envy snd hatred, and arouse the worst paaslons of the multitude. That le the menace to thla country, and there la the menace w propose to deal with ea election day ALL BRANDS OF TOBACCOS ABSOLUTELY AT WHOLESALE PRICES We Make No Pretense of Profits on Tobaccos You Never Would Pay More if You Once Examined OurCravenettes At SIO They are perfect rain-proof coats, in every respect the, equal of the $12.50 and $18 kinds sold at other stores Our $10 Overcoats Are of the same quality the $12.60 and $15 coats of com peting merchants Our $10 Suits Are also the $12.50 and $15 garments measured from values elsewhere. It is the same sll over the store Prices the Lowest on the Pacific Coaft Men's Pall and Winter Un derwear and Shoes we save you money on every buy. This has been the People a 8tore for more than 20 years THE RED FRONT -SELLS IT CHEAPER NORTHWEST CORNER FIRST AN!