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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVBMIXQ, OCTOBER tt, HQS. DIAMONDS REVEAL INFLUENCE KEEPS Dander Sne SATURDAY SPECIAL ' ON SALE ALL, DAY BIG SCANDAL WOMAN SILENT Detroit Society Astounded at Authorities Cannot Explain Why Revelations Following Dis covery of Gems. Mrs. Snyder Will Not Disclose Whet She Knows. DEBUTANTE AND MATRON EITHER LOVE OR PEAR BOTH AT ROAD RESORT IS TYING HER TONGUE BREW THIw ham Baa-. ?VwjaBmBBM tSSJHBJPsS 11 1 ' jSHBi f fin 4BxKbb7 Vv i aa as-xY Girl Loses Jewels bat Fears to Claim Them Lest Her Name Be Involved .Married Woman Finds Them and Keeps Them as Her Own. (Journal B Chi Servlae ) Detroit, Mloh.. Oct. It. A sensation which has astounded exclusive Jackson society has brought to an abrupt atop tns criminal proceedings or Msthsw M. Qayney. of Detroit, (or the theft of Mrs. Ktta Salisbury's diamonds snd Inclden tally created intense excitement among the more lively members of the exclu slve aet who fear a possible revelation of their doings at "Dad's" tavern. t popular roadhouae affected by the gayer members of the social set Qayney la a Detroit buslneaa man who ; Uvea with his wife and family at til Brooklyn' avenue. "While spending an I evening at the tavern In company with Mrs. Salisbury, she herself a married woman and a leader In Jackson's social affaire, last summer shs found a purse containing valuable diamonds lying on top of a slot machine. She took the gems and by carefully guarded adver ting sought the owner, and falling to lve a resnonse she decided to keen k I diamonds She caused Qayney s ar net tor the larceny of them, and out of revenge, Qayney told of the trip to "Dad s tavern. BBBBiBBBBBnK!SBBBBs BMSSaJBJ BMBfl BS. SB Bapr . Before thoae interested had finished The Transport Sumner, which sailed from Brooklyn, with nine hundred United States soldiers aboard, all splendidly equipped .for work in Cuba. The picture shows the men in the rigging, waving their good-bys. i gasping at the revelation, a new and moat astonishing shock cams, when lira ' Salisbury was herself arrested for the theft of the diamonds. The complain ant waa join u weoer, a leading mer chant, and it haa developed now that the gems really belonged to Miss Mar garet Wilson, a debutante of a moat exclusive family, and that ahe had vis ited tha roadhouse with Weber on the evening that Mrs. Salisbury found the diamonds there Mies Wilson saw the gems advertise but .did not dare to claim them for fear Officials Believe She Will Finally Break Her Silence snd Give Evi dence That Will Lead to Convic tion of Murderer of Her Husband. DENIES HUSBAND HURLED HER FROM WINDOW of her owe reputation, but at the last 1 1"- rIOrS Howard Uenies mat moment Weber claimed them In the be lief that be could hide Miss Wilson s connection with the affair. Her Spouse Made an At tempt on Her Life. HYDRANT SYSTEM IS PLANNED FOR ALBANY (Special Dispatch ' Albany, Or., Oct. o The JonraaL) it The members ; From a statement made this morning by lira. Flora Howard to Detective Cir cle at the Qood Samaritan hospital, to which institution sne waa taken last night after falling from a second fi? counc11- oonsJeUnw of hfhyor ,tory of a lodging house at 112 Union J 1 ?J, n A DnH avenue, the theory entertained by the ..,.... w, . nucr man . nol ce that the woman had been hurled Bryant, went to Eugene yesterday afterv nooo to Inspect the hydrant system of that city for the protection of property (rem fire. Albany la planning to do away with the engines and introduce the nvdrtnt Bysnstn for fighting fire. ORPHANS POISONED BY ADULTERATED MILK (Journil Special Berries.) Flndlay. O.. Oct. It. Fourteen chil dren at the county orphans' home are critically ill from drinking milk. Two are dying and several babies may not recover. The officials are conducting a strict investigation with the Intention to prosecuting to the fullest extent the persons guilty, If any, of supplying bad milk. to ths pavement by her husband. Philip Howard, a waiter, proves groundless. The woman was found at midnight lying in a pool of blood on the side walk In front of the City block by Dr. McCorkte. Her noes wee brenen, sev eral upper teeth mlsslhg snd there were several scalp wounds about the face and head. She sets removed to the hospital in tne pstroi wagon ana will recover. An Investigation by Patrolman Ten nant showed that the Injured woman had been drinking heavily yesterday and when her husband returned home at 11 p. m. the couple had a quarrel. The landlady In an adjoining room heard the souffle and an examination of tha apartment after the accident showed that these liad been a general "rough house." U which the greater portion of the crockery and some of the furniture had been broken. Mrs. Howard in her statement to BISHOP SCADDING ARRIVES TODAY Consecration Services Will Be Held in Trinity Church on Sunday Morning. Bishop Sceddfng will arrive In Port land from Seattle title afternoon et 4: JO o'clock. His plene have not been entirely oompleted, bat for a day or two he will be a guest at the home of airs. C. D. Lewis, a reception will be tendered him Tuesday evening, when the clergy and members of the pariah will attend. Conaecratlon services will be held) at Trinity church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Trinity church la to be dedi cated Sunday morning and Bishop Scad dlng will take part In the ceremonies. CARNEGIE'S PURSE IS OPENED BY SCHOOL i - Oearaal Special Service., London, Oet. lh Andrew Carnegie, lord rector of St Andrew'a univeralty, has given en additional 12,100 for a physical laboratory. Detective Circle declared that her hue bend waa not in the room at the time ehe fell from the window. There is no evidence to. show that Howard, who was arretted after his wife waa found Injured on the sidewalk, had any con n action with the affair snd he will be liberated from the city prison. (Special Dispatch Is The Journal.) Hiusboro. Or. Oct. It. Behind the extreme reluctance of lire. Madge Sny der to dlsslsss what ehe knows con cerning the Forest Grove hank robbery end the murder of her husband, offi cials sre convinced there le a powerful Influence that baffles them In all their efforts to break her silence. What tha nature of the lnfiuenoe. whether fear, Or love or oompltclty in some former crime, they have been unable to decide, but are Inclined to be lieve that love for one whom ehe knows Is implicated la the lnfiuenoe which haa caused her to defy them. Today officials visited her in Fort- land, but gained practically nothing for their efforta. She still adherea to the old story ehe has always told, shed ding no' light on the mystery of the rob bery or that of her husband's death. Mrs. Snyder returned to Portland yes terday afternoon Immediately after her lona Interview With the district attor ney, sitting aa a grand Jury. At the same time District Attorney Allen also returned. Both, however, will return to Hills bo ro tomorrow, when another ion will be held at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. It la known that offi cials were led by. the woman to believe that ahe might add to their information at that time. Set wee of I a, a, ass. Ae a result Of the Inquisition yester day officials realise more thoroughly than ever that the robbery end murder were not the work of amateurs and that nothing waa left to chance In covering all traces i those who committed the crimes. The plot was deep and well-laid, so perfectly executed that even, after 11 months have elapsed little le known ex cept that the bank was robbed and that Snyder waa murdered. Every circum stance that has developed points . to Qeorge Perry, Snyder's cousin, but so far there le not sufflotsnt evidence to justify the Issuance of a warrant for his arrest. Ths plot to murder Snyder was laid In Portland, It is believed, and ha lured there to his destruction. He called by telephone and Invited to the city. He readily accepted, and on his arrival he waa Induced to go to the liv ery barn to hire a team. Murder Well Planned. Thoee who planned hie death atayed away from all chances of possible fu ture recognition. Snyder himself waa delegated to provide the team, while his companions waited for him In an other part of the city. They remained aa completely in the background In MARIE MKOWXTOW, Boulevard, ChlsSSffl. Ill- Age 4 Tears. Knowllon's beautiful bead of (olden hair has made her famous the world one is only ioui years oio ana nor aav within one foot of the Boor. Dr. Knowtton, her father, la the discoverer of Den derlae, and attributes the beauty of her wonder ful growta ot hair to tne extraordinary nair strengthening qualities of log remedy. It has been tested on hundreds of ethers snd has proven absolutely successful la IOW on sale at all druggists. 01. OO per bottle. KMOWLIOH D A N DKKINK CO.. Chicago. FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY W00DARD. CLARKE 4 CO. FIREMEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Heavy Engine Rune Off Bridge and Plunges Down an Embankment. While responding to an alarm from box 67 last night. Engine No. S had a narrow escape from being wrecked on Nineteenth street, near Weshfngton. There le aa elevated roadway on this thoroughfare In front of the Exposition building and Driver Freeman in turn ing the horses aside to avoid colliding with a streetcar, drove too near the edge of the bridge and the heavy steamer plunged a short distance ever the embankment. Engineer Croll jumped as the engine started to fall and Lieutenant Heath. who waa riding on the rear of the ap paratus with him, failed to do like wise and received a severe shaklng-up. The hose wagon continued to the box from which the alarm waa sounded. It required the oomblned efforts of a num ber of employee of the Central stsbles. the firemen end several streetcar nsen With hydraulic leeks to raise the en gine to the street. The three horses every transaction, and one of the pair I J"10 th tmr were not Injured. Restores Vigor in Old Age .eSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhw BBBBBB BBS SBJ lea. m IW BB m ssV ' SBBml " BBBBM 8 W BBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBKSiffc vSbBBBBBBBBBBBBBW M Btwsw Wr M BBBBBBBBBxei fl BBBBBBa SjBfl nP Av .SBm ' --aSBBBs fiBhw MRS. KUZA SCHBIBSa. TS TRASS 014). Mrs. Eliza Scheirer, who Uvea at JVYacungie, Pa., and who has passed a very strenuous life, found at the age of 76 some of the old time vigor and energy lacking. She felt that she needed something to give her strength in her declining years, for over a year she has used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a tonic-medicine and has found in it the very thing needed for one at her time of JIfe. She writes the follow ing and cordially recom mends Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to both young and Id: "I would saythst I am now in my seventy-sixth year. Have always lived sn sctive life. About s year. s(o I began using DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ss a restorative, snd I can heartily recommend it ss a very valuable preservative for young and old." MRS. EUZA SCHIERER. May 6, '06. was eo clever that only the faintest traces of hie having been in the vicinity of Hilleboro or Forest Grove have been discovered. But officials claim to have convincing svldencs that Mrs. Snyder knows whom her husband went to meet on hie fatal trip to Portland. And they have other evidence which convinces thorn that she Is abls to provlds evidence which might result In the aporehenslon of the mur derers. The woman, however, withheld the' desired Information, and officials are now trying to ascertain the nature of the lnfiuenoe which dominates the woman eo completely. VOTE ASKED (Continued from Page One.) Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey rections, snd take no other medicine. It is dangerous to fill your system with drugs, they poison the body snd depress the heart while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tones snd strengthens ths heart action and purifies the entire system It le the only whiskey that le recognised as a medicine and contains no fuse i olL This is a guarantee. Duffy's Pure Malt Whlekey has stood sever, teeteor fifty years and kaamlways been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties. CAUTIOHv When you ask your druggist or grocer for Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey be sure you get tha genuine. It's tha only ab solutely pur medicinal whiskey and is sold only in sealed bottles never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist." on the label and make sure the seal over the cork id unbroken. Price $1.00. Medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co Rochester, N. Y. ' , Under the law a measure that haa been passed by the city council over the mayor's veto becomes effective within If daya unless a petition In voking the referendum haa been died within that time limit. A legal peti tion muet contain II per cent of the votea cast at the last city election. In the present Instance a petition would have to contain about 1,100 signatures. It la proposed that the neeeseary ac tion be taken In time to piece a peti tion on file before the expiration of tha II days. There remsln but a few days' time and only an organisation such as the Initiative One Hundred. It le said, could accomplish the feat. , Mayor Lane Sold: "I think the Importance of the Ques tion makes It wo-th while to Invoke the referendum, and let the people decide the matter. There should be not only a common ueer clause In the franchise, but the open cut should be eliminated and the railroad company should drive a tunnel. As eoon as this open cut le done the people will regret that It was permitted. The railroad company haa accepted e common ueer clause In Its bridge charter, but there Is no way for another tenant company to get to the bridge. There are certain rights which a olty should maintain at tha same tlms recognising every right of a railroad company, and giving to the company all mat ii nnoum nave. Further the mayor ssld he did not think a common user clsuse In the fran chise le sn unresaonable thing to dee mand, and that It would In future prove to be of great benefit to the city. The cut that Is being made will be aa Im passable gulf through the peninsula, he said, and ran be crossed only by a few bridges, which, though the railroad may build. It wilt not have to maintain. So far aa he had been able-io ascertain, the company's only reeeon for msklng sn open cut wae to secure the dirt for filling the lowlands toward ths Colum bia river, and hut for this .reason s tunnel would have been aa well for rail road purposes. The fire at Seventeenth and Taylor streets, for which the alarm waa turned In, waa a burning flue and no damage was dona flSfcSMri w AsBBBmi BBM aNtsaV'- m B BBBB'BBBSk' "' 19 BHBEBBP.BBa SKftj sSsflBsflK 99c Regular Value $2.00 Regular Value $2.18 Picture 21x25 Inches Frames in Golden or Weathered Oak, Brown and OOt BBBBaJ SUNNY JIM TO VISIT ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsbT .Bmmfl aeBBBBBBBBBBfe ft flH frvrflfl BBaV The Brewer Hat Satisfies Even. Careful DnsssK Aladeto Su it Every Face as4 "BEST HAT in th World for the MONEY $3 BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER James M. Miller. James M. Miller, known in Portland's musical world as "Sunny Jim," leaves In a few days for a visit to hie old home la England and Scotland. Mr. Miller ie regarded aa one of the best trombone soloists In the country He waa a member of the Administration band of the Lewie and Clark fair and was a soloist In the Hotel Portland or chestra during the past summsr. Mr. Miller Is a general -favorite with tha musicians of Portland. He expects to return to Portland after a vlalt of several weeks with hie people. TURKS MEET ARABS IN BLOODY BATTLE e (Jaerasl Special Service.) Constantinople. Oct. 12. The Turk ish troops have fought a battle with the rebels In Yemen prevlnoe, Arabia. The Turks loot 111 killed and II wounded and the Arabs lost 100 killed, DANIEL FRANCIS IS HANGED AT CHICAGO Ueernsl Special Series I Chicago. Oct. IS. Denial Franda, a r.egro, was hanged at II o'clock thle morning for killing hie wife and Dora Scroggs, whom he eccused of persuading tela wife to ieave him. COMMITS SUICIDE BY ENTERING LIONS' CAGE : CORNELL COLLEGE IS DAMAGED BY f"LAMES Journal Special Service.) Lisbon. Oct. lit A dispatch from Rio de Janeiro state that Viscount Almeida, a well-known member of society, oommtUed sulctds In a sensationally novel manner. He Invited a number of ble friends to a sumptuous dinner and afterward led them to a cage of lions be bad hired from a traveling menagerie. When all were watching the ani mals and chstttlng ths vlsoount opened the door of the nags and entered. The lions pounced upon htm snd he waa fatally mutl Istsd before he could be dragged out. It Is stated he waa ever- whelmed by gambling debts. r Bargains on Clothing and Shoes Among our latest arrived Men's Suits and Over coats we have some broken lots to close out at One Half of their value; also a lot of Shoes at a great reduction. ' JOHN DELLARj) 181-183 FIRST STREET, COR. YAMHILL. AND 53-55 NORTH THIRD STREET, COR. DAVIS IV1 (Jooraal Special , N. T., DOCKS ARE INVADED (Continued from Page One.) Ithaoa, N. t., Oct, 11 Sleley college of Cornell university wae afire thin morning and dameged to ths sxlent of Its destruction wae prevented by Bremen aided by studs!. grain eway, from the "unfair" ware houses la not sf footing them In the leaat. Though the hauling IS light Just new, it la claimed thst It le In no way caused by the action or tne team atsrs The ship liners are still working. Since about I o'clock this morning the office of Brown and McCabe, boas stevedores, at Second and Ash street, wae surrounded by union pickets. Nine members of Longshoremen's union No. 111. divided into three equsl-slsed nuada. occunied points of vantage on street corners and accosted all working men who Issued from the offleee of the stevedoring firm. Brown and McCabe are advertising eatanelvely In an at tempt to get together an efficient gang of wheat loaders. Quits s number or worklagmen responded lb person this morning. As theee men left the steve doring offloe they were met by the unionists sad the eondlUone as) the waterfront, aa they view them, were eet forth by the union men, the purfjBee being to persuade tha worklngmen from Joining strlkebreakefa, A. J. Bums announced umay that hs had received authentic Information from Seeltle that both gralnhandjere and longshoremen are working on the docks In that city for 10 cents an hour. MODERATES CHANGE NAME BLAME AMERICAN TRUSTS (Journal Special Service ) Havana, Oet. 11 Agitation against the United Staves haa been started ac tively by the Moderates They de nounce the provisional government gen erally and charge that Intervention 1st the result of the Influence of the sugar and tobacco trusts. The Moderates nave changed the party name to National Republicans and called a national mess meeting for Movemoer s. rae unereM are avoaaiag oaadidatea for