The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1906, Page 19, Image 19

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Don't Speculate Invest
I Have Made Millions of Dollars for Thousands of People by My Patents
I expect to make millions more. This stock has i ncreased in value more than 100 per cent since Sep
tember 1, 1906. and should make you a life income in handsome dividends. Be a safe and sane in
vestor and get as much of the stock as your mea ns will allow. The natural increase of business and
inquiries for motors has forced the price Of stock u p several times. It will scon go higher. r
The Bidwcll Patents Will Double the Capacity of Any Motor
I never mads an unsuccessful Invention. My first Invention was the electrlo
fan. Just aa It la run all over thla country In hot weather. I didn't set a patent
on It, hut see what a tremendous aucceaa it la!
I nekt Invented the Trolley Car Syatem. Just aa It la run today. I made it
perfect and gucoesHful riant from the start. It has never been improved since
I Invented it Look At the millions of money It haa made for the stockholders.
The atock in the trolley manufacturing companies sold below II cents a. share
in 18$$ and lt4. Poor men could buy that atock then. Thousands of them did
buy it. and every one who held on to It la a rich man today.
No Man on Earth Ever Lost a Penny
He Invested With Me
If so. I will make it good. Next I invented the Railway Car Telephone Syatem.
It la a system by which passengers or train crewe can telephone from still or
moving cars anywhere the aame aa if seated in an office. It la a more perfect
ayatem in operation than any other telephone you ever aaw. Thla ia on the road
toward millions for the stockholders.
This Is fly Greatest Invention
Now I have Invented, something- bigger and greater than either of the above.
It la sailed the Bldwell Cold Motor. It la guaranteed not to urn out, and la
exactly the kind of a motor the ateam railroad people have been looking for.
It will change all the ateam railroad ayatema over to electric roads, beoauae it
will be cheaper to run than ateam and can be ran faster and more safely than
any present method
The one drawback the railroads have had in changing over to electricity
baa been that no motor aa at preaent made can be run ISO miles at SO miles aa
hour without burning out. It would malt the very wires.
By using the Bldwell Cold Motor a train of cars could be run from New
Tork to San Francisco without a atop at the rate of SO or SO miles an hour and
not even warm up and without a hitch.
Besides running faster, they would be more safs and sure than ateam, coat
lesa to operate, and would last longer than any other motor now known.
The Bldwell Cold Motor Is the greatest InvenUoa out ainca I invented the
trolley car.
The Opportunity of a Lifetime
I want to give every man and woman a chance to come In with me on thla
for I expect to make millions for the stockholders out of this new patent
The stock will be sold on the square. There will be no hocue pocua about
preferred or common stock, a or any other scheme, trick or wrinkle by Which
anybody can be froaen out
Every dollar Invested will represent on hundred cents of the beat atock
Inventor of the Trolley oar
of the Oearlea
eg the Railway Oar Tele-
Knights of Columbus Are Visiting
Catholic Institutions and
Hearing Programs.
Student Who Has Beat Averages at
End of School Year in Study of
History Will Receive It Prom
of the Bldwell Oeld Motor.
Investor of the Water aleotrlo Cm
Every share will be exactly like every other share. The profit on every share
will be the aame as the profit on every other share. In abort there will be nothing but a square deal all round. This
stock Is fully paid and non-assessable '
I have a lifelong reputation for square dealing. I will personally see to It that every stockholder gats a square
deal on thla.
More money la made every day by good judgment in tnveatlng money than by all the labor and wages In the
country. Safe and shrewd Investments in this atock will make fortunes.
You will never get rich on wages. No one ever did. Every man In this world who ever got big money got It
either by speculation or Investment Speculation la unaafe. Tou atand more chance to loss than you do to make. In
vestments are right the other way. Make a safe Investment and it le sure to bring you returns.
Don't hesitate about thla stock It la absolutely safe and sure
Here Is an Important Point to Remember
There never has been a failure of consequence In electrical manufacturing. Stop and think of that All are Im
mensely aucceaaful All pay big dividends and have made their Investors wealthy.
Thla company will soon be one of the biggest In electrical manufacturing in the world.
Thla la bound to be so. because there la not a place new where a motor or generator is used but will have to
sooner or later change for the Bldwell Cold Motor or Generator. Why? Because .we make something better than aay
ether kind known.
Hetty Green, the Richest
Woman in the World,
Says: 44 The Way to Get
Rich Is to Invest in Ne
cessities." The Bldwell Cold Motor la one of the greateat necessities of
the twentieth century. This stock haa already taken five
jumps up. Now la the time to buy. It will aoon advance.
The profit le yours. Don't speoalata Invest Here you
have a necessity. Look at .thla Hat below. Every one of
these people made his fortune by supplying
Marshall Field
Here Is the way manufacturing etocka In necessities jump:
First Sola at Hew Bell at
lee Sis7.oo
460 S146 00
The anniversary of the landing of
Columbue la being commemorated today
by the Knights of Columbus and the
friends of the order by visiting each
Catholic Institution of learning, where
special programs commemorative of the
day have been prepared. The Knights
of Columbus have appointed commit
tees to attend each school aa follows:
St. Mary's Ana demy J. P. Kar
naugh, David M. Dunne, John Manning.
A L Olanelll. M. 3. Drlacoll. John O.
Keller, Prank A. Haltkemper, Dr. A. P.
Petsel, WfJI J. Bheshy and John B.
Columbia University W. a. Munley,
J. P. O'Brien, J. T. McDonnell. Henry
C. Prudhomme, Prank J. Slnnott, Joseph
Nelderraeyer and W. E. Prudhomme.
Mount Angel College and Academy
Pather Levesque, J. Jacobberger, J. P.
O'Hara, Dr. F. J. Barr. B. C. Jonea. J.
J. Stengel, . H. flangulnet, araee Ballen
tlne, Dr. Cornelius A. OLeary and John
B. Ryan.
St. Mary's. Alblna A. C. Dayton. J.
Kelleher, Bernard Albers, W. 3. Albera.
Harold A Moaer. Prank J. Belger, w
T. Sharkey, Anton R Seller and Prank
St Joseph's School P. 3. Lonergan.
Matt Poeller, Richard Wilson, E. B.
Duffy. Charles W. Stinger, M. J. Walsh.
Joseph M. Heaiy and John E. Mailer.
Blanchet Institute Rev. Pather Mo
Devitt. James J. Plvnn. J. C. McDonald.
George P. Doherty. D. H. Jesaoc W. O.
Manning and James P. Cooke.
St Lawrence Academy P. E. Sulli
van. R, A. Sullivan, L M. Antonte, Ed
ward Murphy, A. M. Cronln. Henry Cof
fey, John P. Sharkey, Joseph E. Wiley.
Prank E. Dooley and John P. Daly.
St Francis School D. J. Malarkey,
Dr. J. P. Ooray,' B. J. Dresser, John N
Casey, W. H. Casey, P. J. Burna, John
W. Kelly. Fred U O'Donnell and J. P.
St Patricks School Roger Slnnott J.
O. Shane. P. J. Tannka. Martin T. Duffy.
Dan J. Coman, Joseph P. ReUly, Patrick
Bacon, W. H Carney. John Coatello and
P. H. McDonnell.
Sacred Heart School Rev. Pather
O'Hara, J. E Sophy. Frank S. Hlckte. J.
Frank Barrett M. P. Brady. Bernard W.
Clement and Thomas H. Oommerford.
The council of the Knights haa also
decided to present a gold medal at each
school at the close of the year to the
atudent who haa been moat thorough
during the year In the study of history.
A committee, consisting of J. Jacohber
ger and B. C. Jones, hag been appointed
to award the medals
Peter Cooper
Senator Clark
He Blectrlo Trust
Quaker Oats, common
jmarlssa sllatai, eeeameai
amentia am illrsg
aoo Si as. oo
AAd thla Is only a few. Safer and eorer than life Insur
ance or trust stocks. Ail this advance has been made In 10
years and less.
I will supply the greateat necessity new known la the
bualneaa world. The demand Is so large that it will make
all of us rich. It you want to get in with me on thle you
will have to be quick about it The stock Is aeUlng lias hot
These Are Cold Pacts You Must Act Quickly
If you want some of thla atock at the present low price you must come In now. There is only a small amount to
be sold st the present price.
I firmly believe that within a short time the atock will be selling at tt a share. Thla la your opportunity. It Is
a ease of come quick or not at all. Aa to our reliability and financial standing we refer you to amy commercial
In order to. make It possible for every man and woman to get In with me on thld big deal I have decided to aeU
the atock for a short time only at the following prices
, Sash, gSS; log Shares. Cash. $70; ISO Shares, Cash. SUM; 800 Shares, Cash. SI 40) SSO Shares, Cash, $175;
); BOO Shares, Cash. $300; 1,000 Shares, Cash. $700; 8,000 Shares, Oaah, $3,500. '
Our Monthly Payment Plan
90 Shaves, SSJM oaah, Ave monthly paymsata erf $5. AO each
ioe Ska rea, sn.oo eaah, six moathiy aijsiaafr of $10.00 seek.
aSS Baa 1 as, giaao sash, eta as sa tAly psyaaBta of $15. 00 sash.
$00 Shares, $30-00 oaah'. eevsa monthly payments of $01 -OO each.
$00 attars SUBO aalrA. etgwt monthly paymeawj of SSBOO eeob!
1.0OO Shares, STO-00 eases, Sea Bhoathlj paymeats of $$fcBB each.
O.OOO Shares, BSBS.OB oaah, tea monthly paymeats of SSOO.OO each.
Laying Deep and Intricate Plans
to Capture Important Offices
at Next Election.
Send all money by bank draft, express money order, postoffke order or registered letter.
Special to Electric Light Men and Manufacturers
We are now prepared to accept your orders in our own new factory, where we have room to employ 10$ people.
We are aow manufacturing the Bldwell Cold Motors. Ws are taking orders for cold motors and cold generators for are
aad Incandescent lights on a guarantee nek to burn out for i$ years. Also self-cooling mot ore and generators, guar
anteed not to ham out for three year a ,
Bidwell Electric Company, Chicago
The undersigned le an authorised broker for the aale of our atock In the west Call and see him and let him explain
anything yen do not understand.
Office Open Saturday Evening Until 9 o'clock
A rim i nl.u DIJ- In aL ,A U..klM4. C. n.l. tm
a7a,4eU I ICIUBCr DlttX. I villi! IIU vT eaUIUJ$,VII OU( rui tianu, ui.
The local Republicans are getting
ready for the next campaign. They say
they have the men and the people have
the offices, and they are forming aa
organisation that will bring the two
Into more harmonious relatione from
party and financial standpoints.
Shortly after the last campaign some
ef the prominent members of the O. O.
P. who wondered) how It was that la a
etate so overwehlmlngly Republican a
Democrat eould win the governorship,
naked F. B. Reed to discover the cause.
Mr. Reed had been an active worker In
the political vineyards of the east aad
had gained some experience from
young Carter Harrison. Mayor Dunne
and ethers in Chicago: his answer to
the question, "Why can't we get the of-
flceeT" was succinct.
"Tou have no organisation."
The Republicans told him to go out
and get an organisation which would
win offices and the emoluments there
of; for some months Mr. Reed haa been
engaged In the good work, which has
reached a point where progress haa
to be reported.
It le eald that ovar 1.$$$ voters from
the preclncte In the cttye 10 warda
have been enrolled In the army that la
ready to anarch to the polls In ootid
phalanx and snatch the remunerative
office from i the ballot box. Already
nearly 100 loyal Republicans have
agreed to finance the organisation,
whose leaders say that at election time
not one cent will he taken from the
candidates. The oervicee of the machine
will be as free aa air. Oood govern
ment the Improvement of the city, the
rewarding of honorable men who for
yeara have fought and been bled in the
partya Interests are the objects desired.
The expenaea ef the organisation will
be mat by the Involuntary contribu
tlona of those who cannot be reetralned
from giving.
The block system will be need In per
fecting the machine. In each block
one or two men will represent the or
ganisation; these will report what's
doing to a precinct lieutenant, who will
tell the captain, who will carry the
news to Teddy. Teddy will determine
what should be done to the man on the
block who refuses to ride the elephant.
Punlabment will Include many th Intra,
from refusal to buy groceries from
him to ostracising his babies en the
The organisation has no officers yet.
but a meeting will be held In the near
future when what promises to be a
very Important factor hi the political
life ef the city and etate will be
launched under the management of Mr.
Reed, from whom polities and poll
tlclane withhold few secrets
C. M. Oonry ef Ills fifth street la
looking for Qua tare Louts Bert rand, or
his heirs, aa he le anstoua to transmit
Information which will enable Bert ran.:
to gather In a little fortune of IM.OOo
which Is awaiting htm. Bert rand was
last seen ia Louisville, Kentucky . about
1$ yeara sgo, hut since that time he haa
vanished frOtn sight. It la auppoaed
that the man. If alive, la wetrklng for
the Southern Pacific out this way seese
place, as he le a machinist and for
merly waa employed by eastern rail-
0BB$a BBB- aasmtaSM amm ess. MY PB8 ONLY
MEN $12.50
Which You Pay When
I want to Impress It upon every weak man that
I can make him strung, vigorous, healthy, alert
and free from every taint of dleaeae, and weak
ness. I have limited my specialty in practice to
only a few of the mora Important disorder a, ad
that I could KNOW theae thoroughly. My ex
perience along thla one path for twenty-five yeara
qualifies me to aay poattlvely that such troubles
as Spermatorrhoea, lost Tiger, varicocele, Ry
drooele, gonorrhoea. Syphilis, Btrictnre aad
"Waaistea" can' be cured perfectly eo as to
stay cured.' Of course I uss different methods
than the ordinary physician. Moat of these are
original with me and were devised for lust such
casea aa the ordinary course of treatment fall to
amaBmama '.Ammc
The Scientific Treatment of Weakness
Dosing the system with powerful stimulants and tonics In an effort to
restore functional vigor can have but one final resultt The condition la
rendered worse then before. "Weaknees" Is mstely sn Indication of a low
form' of Inflammation In the prostate gland, and thla Inflammation Is but
aggravated by stimulating remedies that sxclte temporary activity. I em
ploy the only scientific and fully effective treatment for "weakneaa." which
effects a permanent cure by restoring the prostate gland to a sound and
healthy state. I obtain complete reaulta In every case I treat. Interesting
literature and at beautifully engraved chart free If you wilt call.
Examination - Free
I offer not only PR BR consultation and advice, but of every ease that
cornea to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without charge.
No ailing man ahould neglect thle opportunity to get expert opinion about
hie trouble.
If you cannot call write for Diagnosis Chart. My of fleas are open all
day from $ a. m. to $ p. m. and Sundays from 10 to 1 only.
the DR. TAYLOR co.
234J4 Morrison Street, Corner Second
We Will Cure Any Man
Who eomes to us afflicted with any of the
dlssaats we treat. If the caas Is not already be
yond medical aid, and our chargee for i com
plete cure by our accurate, scientific, positive
methoda, will be leea than half what other phy
sicians, without experience or skill, will charge
for experimenting with his misfortune.
Ws charge thle low fee for curee not for
experimental treatment, for that stags of treat
ment has never been ueed by ua. If we can not
cure you we will tell you eo, aa we do not ac
cept incuniDll ummvm.
Ot A Art DAI CAN There Is no case of Blood Poison we can not ben-
DLUUU ruirvUn flt w1th our gpECinc treatment.
Blotches and eruptions are removed, running aorea healed up, poisons
eradicated from the system, and in most canes a complete cure to
veala to us ths hidden secret of CTSTITIB. SCROFULA. PROSTA
TITIS and all dleeaaee of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Tract.
What othera gueea at ws see and know, and It often bappena that we
discover dlseaaea In the Kldneye In patients who have been the
rounda of doctors, and who have undergone treatment for every con
ceivable ailment except for the real cause of their trouble. Our DIS
SOLVENT ELIMINATING METHOD reetorea the health and
strength of these organs, and all complications rapidly disappear.
D la one of.
the moat Important branches of
, ask our patients.
e treat and cure Debility, leek of Tttality.
We are dally receiving applications from oatlents who have been
unsuccessfully treated eleewhere, and who heve heard of our wonder
ful success. We cure them and that explains why we have established
euch a large practice. All who are sick from any of the diseases In
our specialty, all whom othera have been unable to cure, ell cases of
long standing, ws are anxloua to eee. We can give you health, add
rears of happiness to your life, and aave you time and money. Why?
Because Oust kazaOM CURB.
One of the most nerve-rending dlseaaea that man
kind can be afflicted with, keeping the entire
aystem In one continual spaam of pain, causing wakefulness at night,
lose of appetite and a general decreasing of the general health. Many
ttmee thla disease, if it haa not received the proper treatment, termin
atea In paralyaia. "A word to the wlee ought to be sufficient" Have
your rheumatiam cured and save all of thla time spent In pain and
ml "write if you cannot call. All correspondence le sacredly confidential.
Dcrni nicciCCC The treatment
ni:VlftL, ULlLflOLJ ILEI. 1-IBTUr.A. .
HOURS $ a. m. to p. m. Evenings 7 to $:p. nv Sunday a, t to It.
St Louts
i arm
$:l$est $ $
CIS pa f:l$ea
Union Pacific
3 Trains to the Eaat Daily 3
Throes PaUssn stsedard aad
2-r$T efi&etef-STI
Tkroacb reelfaM iaau
. aest dally.
Uaiea Depot- Leave. MIM
asm. w. e
fTi ' "w aa
tT'.'f'- Ooeer 4'AIee
V SS'lS!0. Jelly , $ilesa t 1$ set
R1" m far ad
.! etwees Biggs sad
lssa. astir 7Z. .. .77 $:! est $t$Sgat
LULuafBiA arrsB Dirtatow
, : seraroay, to p. m.
sheet $ p. except swadsr.
mn 1.1, HIVBB BOUTS.
PCi- X eaaier Speksse sad Uwts-
!? hsr : a. a., or aaea srrtval fagmr,
ne- 4. dally except mtsrday. Arrive 4 p. av
"v assess maty.
"a-- " eMagfcat s$s.
CJf. gftKOBB. CTty tieke
Da lea
Las re. Aietve.
Bxseea Trsha
far Sa lea. Bosetmrs.
leas. fUrr.Mntn rue..
Haa rresehMo, Sleek toe.
M Pate.
seat. $:$ aa erilSgat
L Aageka.
New orleesa a
Morals train j leant! at
wesaseis sally except
foaday with train fee
Mosat Aseel. BlliMlM
tact aw $:00.a
"wWeaw) 99mWtk9t9f 5at
aeeta at Weodhara with
Moont Ansel and gthrartoa
kwa aa.;
drove Dsearer....llll'
Ornve -- lia-S
-uaiiy. upany xeast swadsv.
jgrrgasON stbbbt station.
poiata daily, Ttae
e rwtiad 10:1$
s irss
mSS iiioiSB
Opa ll:$0pa
rer Delias aad aieiaetlate
e. a. aad 4jl$ p. a. Arrh
a. a. sad o:at p. a
Per time sad card ef Oawase
see It st Ottr Tteket Offlee. a ststlee
Tleketi a Baatera points aad Bui use;
City tlefcet Office eeraer Third aa
tsatea atreeta. Pheas Bain Til.
City Ticket Aseat. was. Pass. Agist
Leers. Arrirs.
Inwstsas ran assess crty
Losts Bjijlsl far rh stalk).
usstrsBS, uiyapa. uray a
Harbor. Booth Bead. Ttreas.
Seattle, apokaae. Lis awe.
aa. Kaaaaa City. $t.' Leeds
aad ewstheaat : 4s0y tsOea IS pa
lighted, rer Tali as. Seattle.
srVs-i sSTas ssrss: $.-$$$1 to sa
a Leaites. a
tralla. Taeeas sag Seattle
aaiiy.. ,
In Vtr Kxptim ior Tco-
, ewMttgW. HpOm rt, gSteTeM.
Its. St PaiT MassMpota.
4:$0pa $:$$$
City, Omaha. St. Loea, wlth
oat ehssge ef ears. Dweet
eesaestase fee all aetata Bast
aad ioaraeeet. ealbr I
II 4 aa te $$sa
hie. he
snd all
and atomach troubles, nervoue
kidney diseases, bladder trou
trt disease, diseases of . the
and bowels, bronchial or lung
blood diseases, special dlseaaea.
or tne prooiace fftanu, .lmjiui.
forma of nervous and chronlo
fthat are curable). CONSUL-
Do not despair because you live at a
distance from the city. Our new system
- ...-.. . .aaave Was It
or nnaii i ih.a t . - -
to get expert advice and treatment at BBv
E Mr . nnv. SaaW
nome. i neir new '"' -ere
every symptom of dlseaee. whleh
enables them to diagnose your case and
ten what your trouble la, what can be
done .or you and what the cost of a
cure will De. vv rw l a. lor inair new
symptom list snd tske advantage of the
take treatment or not, the advice coete
you n inning.
Sn Fee,
If you suffer from any of the weaknesses er disease caused by Ig
norance excess or contagion TOU ARB THE VERT PERSON W
WANT TO TALK TO. Wataaf elw-rt-
We cur you first and then aak a REASONABLE FEE when you are
cured You can depend upon our word: thousand ef patients have In
dorsed us. NOW WBWANT TO CURB TOU, with the distinct under
standing that ws will not demand a FEE until we cure you. This ap
plies to loot vigor, organic weakness, spermatorrhea, varicocele, dhs
eaeee of the prostate gland, contracted disorders, strictures, etc.. dwn
tagioua blood poison and ALL WEAKNESSES of men.
$ a cost eg SIS and
Consultation and advice FREE by letter or In person. CALL OR
Office Hours t a. m. to p. m. Sundays and Holldaya, 10 a. m. to 12.
SBH Third St..
BewUaad. Or.
2 Overland Train Daily 2
m The OrteaaJ Limited, the yaet alaa"
Fort la ad Baa
Daily. Betty.
Leer. Arrive,
Peats asa an petals
set vie Seattle so aa T SOaa
11:4$ pa $$pa
To aad frea It. PasL
MlnsespeBs. Danfb
srl pi
stats Seat
$:I$bbi $:00em
Ssflieg frea heart le la Japes aad
Chtaa parts sad MaaBs. earyBhl pas-
see rretgat.
B Blss lists, Oetehet $$.
.. iTaaW-wS- aw.
aftl ertptnrt Of tulwar i$v Jto-aasi
aaal Cbtwmm WM 0ll Jbw-1
rates, berth,
tteea. etc.. rati rm m sdkas
P. T.-iV.
rt.. Pertisad.
Columbia River
Chas. R. Spencer
bolnta as far east aa stWTaBJst BBBSBBfl
Kg" arrtwos fuad. Tueaaar, Thure
day en asVWeay at p. a. ltM
and excsllent aervtee. Pneaea MM
$$$ aad $$! .
roads. Hs Is now wanted to receive an
estate left him and Mr. Cenry would
like to hear from him, or have some In
formation sent to Attorney John O'Oor
man of Saginaw. Michigan, who repre
eents the eetate.
Hermtaton has a paper, toe Herald.
S. S. Pa A. Kilburn
w)wyw) Bsaafet www)awPws)(Pah
Astoria k Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Neat Minsg froa Pert la e4 PrMey. Orteher It. Aa
Bee rrsectaee. There.. Oet. A del
TB. Ageet. mU .1
Oak Street Dock, Phone