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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUHNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER If. 1909. THE NATIONAL SHOE AND CLOTHING COMPANY 207 FIRST STREET BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON THE CYCLONE CONTINUED ! UNEXAMPLED ARE THE SALES OF THIS MONSTER BANKRUPT STOCK Of CLOTHING! OVERCOATS, CRAVEN ETTES, HATS, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS AND LADIES SHOES AT -42 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Of its wholesale cost, and ere placed this great purchase on the market last Saturday morning . The instant effect of Its advertisement actually crippled our facilities for waiting upon the Deoole At times we were compelled to close our doors and admit buyers in sections, but additional help will hereafter enable us to give everybody the careful and polite attention that al deserve 1 ERE ARE NO fv ABSOLUTELY THE MOST MONSTROUS SUIT BARGAINS EVER KNOWN IN fORTLAND. 8ve ernwnt is tailodto pjrfeeti In too lot are such as are worn by Chicago's most stylish gentlemen, as well as those suits intended to endure the hardships of the worldngman The Una of shoes covers the whole range of footwear for both Men and Women the common, e very-day kind and the dressy creations of the devotees of fashion, and here are sample prices at which we sell: Governor Chamberlain Attended the Harney County Fair at Barns Last Week, Where He Delivered an Address. Photo Show Burns Band Heading Welcoming Procession, the Governor Being in the Pint Car riage Following. POSTAL STATIONS ARE GRANTED frostoffice Department Creates Two New Ones, Both Located in East Portland. POSTMASTER MINTO 18 PLEASED AT DECISION ays Kxtra Stations Arc Badly Needed and Service Can Be Much Improved Since Department Has Allowed m (Special Dtssateb to The tamL) Washington, D. C, Oct. 11. Two new Stations of the Portland poetofftee Will he established November 1. as follows: Kumber 17 will be at the corner of eighteenth aad Alberta treats, and number IS will be at Twenty-eighth and Cast Ollaan streets. . " When asked concerning the establish Meat of the two new stations. Postmas ter Minto said that these were the two that he had made application for, but that he had not received word aa to what action had been taken upon his recommendations until shown the dis patch by a Journal reporter. Postmas ter Mlnto was highly pleased with the news and said that It would relieve the congestion at the other stations and would be of great benefit te the people -in the neighborhood "The territories In which these sta tions will be established," he said, "ere rapidly growing and are greatly in need of better postal accommodations. Sta tion IS will be in the La ue-Da vie drug tore, while 17 will be In the confec tionery store of Kris. at. A. Murphy. 1 have recommended that the latter sta tion be equipped with carrier service and to Include It In the city carrier de livery. I feel warranted in asking for this, because of the remarkable growth In that portion of the city. "It lies la what ia known aa Vernon's addition, between Irvlngton and Wood lawn. Hundreds of new houses have keen built In the tract within the peat rear, aad all of them are occupied. These people are entitled to carrier serv tos as well aa residents of the down town district, and I hope that my recom mendation will be acted upon favorably. The pay of the hew stations la 10 a year." Br" arf a3yp. m m m mm- MfflM and Education. There la absolutely no legitimate rea son why a child should be nervous; It la an abnormal-condition and should be taken In hand at once, for If not the re sult may be out of ell proportion to the "Generally debilitated for years Had aSck beadachea, lacked ambition, waa ween out and all run down. Burdock Blood Bitters made me a well woman." airs. Chaa. Freltoy. Moosup. Conn. This Wan Sard Week. First lawyer Hew eat yea easts eat Is MstaVsg en eU Getroaa estate) Seeaod lasyst It waa a a a re straggle, wet Laa-yer BeeUr? mat lawyerYea. I sad to wen hard to Saeea the best trow setting part of the estate. Remington Typewriter Sales lastyearweregreat but our business for the first three-quarters of 1 906 ex ceeds that of the entire year 1905 Trans i Jton Typewriter Company 249 Stark Street, The rule of civilisation aeeme to be stimulation. Children are pushed, putled. urged, driven, anything to compel them o do lust a little more than would be possible under natural conditions. The Infant Is coaxed to "take notice when It should be utterly unconscious of surroundings. A little later the child le taught to Imitate others and to memoriae the alphabet and nursery rhymes; then it la time for the school mills to begin their long and Intricate system of grinding, to be continued un til they have accomplished the highly to-be -desired reeult (?) of millions of children, esch and all exactly alike. Alike except, perhaps. In the matter of nervousness and Ill-health! and In these there are varying degreee owing to the Indisputable fact thst some chil dren, being born etroqger, can withstand the push and pull system longer than others. Parents need more common sense. more regard for the physical well-being of their children lneteed of the constsnt deelre to have their children lust a little further advanced than the children next door no matter at what coat. The present spirit of emulation In children is working havoc In health and morals and la one of the moat potent causes of the prevalence of high-strung nervous children. They are started to school when too young and are kept in school too long to learn much however paradoxical that may sound. If more attention were paid to qual ity and less to quantity; if the child's brain were net dulled by Incessant teach ing (not study), we would have more educated individuals la' piece of half educated masses. , ft W As to the New Hats. In the first place there la a wide latitude both In shapes and trimmings Just, so a hat haa an "air" It is la style and the more different from other hats, the better providing that It le becom ing. It is not necessary to wear a hat that makes one look hideous lust be cause it Is "going to be worn." Buy headgear that la becoming If you have to trust to luck In regard to style. Fashions should be suggestive "hut Set followed blindly. The smaller hats are best for s treat wear aad they are turned and . twisted is every con ceivable shape and are so trimmed that It te possible to suit them to all faces. The bandeau le used on all the hats thle winter end the effect le to tilt the hat over the face or to one side. Plow ers and fruit win be used more than ever this winter and some of the hate show both. Veils aad telle are used in profusion, j In fact, some of the hats are beautifully trimmed aad then completely covered with a telle veil. Brown tulle le used on the bead i ana so as to come nest te the hair and le especially becoming to women with brown hale. - Soft ribbon trims some ef the street hate and makes a good showing at little cost. The ribbon should be very ! soft. Large mushroom shapes are much In evldenoe at afternoon functions and are extremely becoming. One that waa es- I pec sally noticeable was made of light pink silk braided with a slightly darker shade of serpentine braid The soft crown waa surrounded with tiny pink rosebuds and on oae side was a bunch of delicate pink tinted ostrich tlpe. The hat waa tilted te oae aide and waa de cidedly chic. ft ft ft The Coupon-Mad Woman. The lure of the coupon what woman aacsaas it? We are coupon-mad and the firm that will issue coupons no matter what they are for la the firm patronised by a very large clase of AVE YOU EVER SEEN the LIKE si HIS BEFORE? Men's single and double breasted $10 Sack Suits at.e)4.eO Mer7S SIS single or double breasted Worstedf, Tweed, es and Cheviots mt.w Cassimeres and S9.SO 4.90 t..$T..w S9.80 11. OO 14.90 1.39 1.89 style we s .45 .45 19et .854 Men's superbly tailored $18 Suits in great variety ..88J V) atvles men a hand tailored S20 Suits Rll. Great assortment of men's magnificently constructed $18 Suits Elegant $10 Overcoats every one a gem Pure wool $15 Overcoats; 400 to select from.. $18.00 Overcoats $22.50 Cravenettes end Overcoats at $25.00 Cravenettes and Overcoats 2.000 men's $2 and $3 Hats; your choice at 1.400 men's $3 and $4 Hats; take your pick at.., SO dozen men's 50c Caps can't think of a haven't got BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Ages 3 to 16 Years. S.O0 Values at fl.59 $4.50 Values st. .50 Values at f.5 $6.00 Values at. BOYS' KNEE PANTS 40c Knee Pants, 3 to 16 years 75c Knee Pants. 3 to 15 years $1.00 Knee Pants, 3 to 16 years YOUTHS' LONG PANTS SUITS At an average price of 50c on the dollar. Youths' Suits, ages 14 to 20 years. $6 00 Suits at $3.50 $10.00 Suits at . . ... .58.T8 . S3.TS to S19 suits BOYS' LONG PANTS 500 Pairs at 50c on the Hollar. Boys' Long Pants '"21 Boys' Long Pants .25 Boys' Long Pants f Long Fants sja.ww MEN'S ODD PANTS Men s $1.50 and $2.00 Work Pants 884 Men's $2.00 and $2.50 Dress Pants ? Men's. $4.00 and $4.50 Dress Pants $1.M Mens $4.50 Worsted Pants 88.48 Men's $5.00 Fine Custom Msde Pants fa. 95 Men's $o,00 Tailor Made Dress Pants 53.46 MEN'S SHOES American Clothing company's $2.00 Shoes st 81.88 American Clothing company's $2 50 Shoes at 81.88 American Clothing company's vici aid, kangaroo and Eng lish kids at 81-87 American Clothing company's fine dressy $3 Shoes $8.50 Suits at.. Boys' s.i o 8149 us ii.'dv J1.89 ti: American Clothing company's $4X10 Shoes; 500 pairs to select from .s)S4 American Clothing company's superb Potay, College and Rugby lasts, some Royals and Douglas Shoes; $5.00 values, at 55-45 600 pairs splendid bench msde Shoes, newest styles and leathers 55.55 $6.00 Shoes at $3.75200 pairs in this lot, all fine hand made bhoes. Best shoes on earth at $2 50 Men's Work Shoes at p.OO Men's Work Shoes at $4.00 BOY8 8HOE8 $1.75 Boys' Shoes, all sizes 81.55) $2.25 Boys' Shoes, all sixes 51.69 $3.00 Boys' Shoes, all sises ..fl.S If your boy needs shoes be sure aad bring him here. EXAMPLES of 01)1 SLAUGHTER of LADIES' SI0ES Ladies' $2.00 vici kid, Burai calf and Samson welts, ex tension soles Ladies$ 2.50 handsome and substantial dress Shoes. Ladies' $3 fashionable footwear, very latest styles. I Ladies' $4 society footwear, suiuble for the most dressy occasions ...... 85.48 Ladies' $5 Shoes; the kind the belles and the "Miladies" of Chicago wear MISSES' AND GIRLS' SHOES $1.50 kind at .88e $200 kind at., 1. 12.50 kind at 81.50 $3.00 kind at 8tJ Child's Shoes at 184, 484, T54 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Must go we need the room we have cut them from 25c to 50c on the dollar of value. MEN'S PINE DRESS SHIRTS 884 For the 50c and 75c grades 484 For the 85c and $1 00 grades 88e For the $1.25 and $1.50 grades MEN'S DURABLE WORK SHIRTS '.For the 65c grades 484. For the 75c grades For the $1.00 grades MEN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR ,.J For regular $1.00 Wool Underwear T54 For regular $1.25 Wool Underwear 954 For regular $1.50 Wool Underwear For regular 75c Cotton Underwear For regular 65c Cotton Underwear MEN'S COTTON SOX 44... For the reg. 10c kind 84... For the rcg. 15c kind IS? For the regular 25c kind I '49 liWatafaarw grades MEN'S WOOL H08E 194 For 35c grades 18y,c . . . . For 20c MEN'S PINE HANDKERCHIEFS 84.. For the reg. 10c grade 84.. For the reg. ISc grade 18)44 For the regular 25c grade MEN'S SUSPENDERS 184.. For rag. 25c qualities 184.. For reg. 40c qualities 884.. For reg. 50c qualities 884.. For rcg. 75c qualities MEN'S PIKE NECKWEAR Up-to-Date New Goods. 184 . For up to 33c values 184.. For up to 50c values 884 For up to 75c values MEN'S COTTON AND WOOL SWEATERS For )c grade Cotton sweaters For 75c grade Cotton Sweaters ..For $1.50 grade in Wool Sweaters ..For $2.50 grade in Wool Sweaters MEN'S CAPS 19et For 50c grades UMBRELLAS AT LESS THAN COST 484 For choice 75c and $1.00 grades 88 For choice 50 grades 81.45 For choice $2.50 and $3.00 grades MEN'S OVERALLS Bib or without bib, strongly sewed, all sires 884 Worth 50c and 75c CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Heavy ribbed 15c grades at ..8 Ironclad and Black Cat Hosiery at T LADIES' HOSE Fast Black Cotton, 25c grade 18H Fine Lisle Thread, 50c grade 884 MEN'S MACKINTOSHES Guaranteed Waterproof, at 50c on the Dollar. $4 00 Mackintosh with cape, in black and colors.. 81-55 $5.00 Mackintoshes 88.t $7.50 Mackintoshes, all new style patterns and absolute ly waterproof fr $10.00 grades at ...88.48 LADIES' NECKWEAR All Kinds and 8tyles. For beat quality nb cotton .For cotton, wool and merino, worth up to $100 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Two cases fleece lined Royal ribbed, best 40c grade st 884 All sixes from 4 to 16 years TRUNKS, SUIT CA8E8 AND GRIPS MUST OO 11200 Trunks go at. ,W9.wm siu.w l ninks go st. . 1.00 Trunks go at. . .sjn.ou jo.wj trunks go st. . . !.50 Suit Cases at. . .81.88 $3.50 Suit Cases st. ., 5.00 Suit Caaes at . . . 88.50 $7.50 Suit Cases at . . La aa, aSase, 1 a . IIUUU dull ush at a 854. The National Shoe and Clothing Company IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON It is the same Instinct that leads us to stand In line for hours waiting foe the store to open on bargain day," We buy things tor which we have no use, simply because they are "sold at leee than coat" the cost must have been exorbitant or alee we are allured by the Information that a coupon, entitling the holder to a chance on the beautiful dinner Set on display In the window will be given with every 11 purchase. When will we realise that a firm la not going te sell at lees tbsa the coat price unless the article to he sold is worthless, owing: to change of style or the extreme poor quality of the goods. Poor women and the ones who live In the country are hurt the most fey the coupon system, for the reason that they are the mare willing to be bunkoed. The picture coupon agent gets a large percentage of the savings of this class ef women. Just why they should be willing te spend their hard-earned money en pictures, of the family, le hard te tell, hut It seems aa If the more highly colored, life slse" aad gilt framed pictures they possess the mere they want. They are will log te me he any sacrifice in order to indulge their taste la this direction The I pa ding stamp evil te net quite so serious eg It waa twe or three years ago when whole neighborhoods were j engaged la a trading stamp competition. I The house was furnished with gaudy i brtc-e-arpe at tne expanse of the di gestion of the family and the real neces sities of life. For tat order te obtain ae many stamps ae possible everything wee purchased free stores where the sense should have warned women that the storekeepers would he obliged to sell a cheaper grade of goods ee es to be eble to give presents through the trad ing stamp. The thought that they are getting something for nothing will Induce other wise sensible women to use adulterated roods for the benefit of the premiums. Of course, reliable firms do Issue cou pons aad give away presents, but the money loet In this way is maoe up in another, and usually In the easier aad harder-to-be-detected way of adultera tion. If the women ere so foolish a to want something for nothing they de serve -to he fleeced In the transaction we must pay the price. If not In one way then In another but we most pay. It Pineapple Salad. Remove the center of the pineepple without breaking the outer shell and cut the removed portion In dice. Cut a grape fruit In similar dice aad cover the whole with a dressing of powdered augae and sherry or maraschino, add ing seme of the maraschino cherries for decorative effect. Add the leaves of the pineapple to the top and base. m Amusing Children. The advertising columns ef maga slnea may afford amusement and pas times for many a child ea a rainy day in furnishing a paper doll house. Pro vided with a good-else scrapbook, the child then cuts eat the pictures of fur niture, etc, and pastes thesa In the book, according to his or her fancy. mall tables, 14x14 Inches, can fee bought and are a source of delight for children to use for dishes, drawing or cutting pictures These tablee fold and take up no room In a house or can be packed le a trunk. SPECIAL SALE Pull half-gallon Newberger's Special Rya or Bourbon $1.50 . Pull gallon Newbcrger'a Special Rya or Bourbon $2.75 Fall Measure Bouse 117 SL 25)4 Handy to Have Around either house, barn or shop are our BAT state pa; ota. Paint is a great preserver and money-saver, as well ae keeping wagons and fences looking fresh end bright. In the home It Is In dispensable. When your wagons, shelves or floors need refurnishing in shops or stores try bat state paints. Fisher, I hor sen & Co. rsosT asm MoaausosT ELECTRIC LINE IS PUSHED TO PORTLAND Chemawa, Or., Oct. 12. The Oregon Construction company le rapidly push lag to the north with Its electric line. The grading now extends several miles north of Chemawa and ties are being distributed and It will not be many days before they aye again laying steel end the care will be running to the north of Lake Lablsh. The work net le being put od tale read la drat clase In every particular. The grading of the roadbed le wide enough for double tracks. There Is very tittle grade and the raile are very heavy. The work over Lake Lablsh was facilitated by using piling and this will bo filled In later. A NEW DEPARTURE Heretofore It hae been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com- Kny, the leading funeral directors ef rtland. beginning Jaly f lo, will depert from this old custom. When the casket Is furnished by us its cost will Include all harsrs. such ae conveying the remains te ear a he pel, outside box, embalming, hears to cemetery and all sag i leee which mey fee required of us except clothing, cemetery end carriage thus effecting a saving of lit to ITS ea each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLM AM UHDMtTAK IHO COMPAMT. Didn't Hurt a Bit Jajfit THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET Pine Set Teeth, to m or ao pay Flexible flesh-Colored Plates -a. eld Crowns -SL Bridge Week. 510.00 53.5 85.55 A IS rear srstertlra guarantee with all weh. Cams sad Sake advantage ef ear San radacnasa Save rear teeth aad year aMsav. Sees ersassgs sad Ssaeays. Eight Thousand Cords 88 Drv Slab wood Be sold 58 55 pee lead 4-foot wooa ga.25 per eoea Portland Slabwsod Co. SL Mala SUa, fl Autumn River Excursion to Astoria SUNDAY, OCT. 14 StcamcrTELEGRAPH "rrivw ai aiumi at w 11 en a Leave Astoria far home at S p. m. I I f I f" Arrive in Portland at S p. as. R 5 1 lS o a e .--I Round CI Aft pi.uv la M Ten Charmingly Furnished Cabins Warm and Cosy if It's Cold Bright and Airy if It's Warm. AN HOUR FOR SIGHT-SEEING IN THE CITY BY THE SEA IMPORTANT Notice to Gas Coranmsjrt All Gas Bills Are Now Being Delivered' Since all our gaa bills arc now being delivered, kindly bring or send gaa bill to this office when making payment. Diacount will be allowed on all bills for a period of ten (10) days from date of bilL Portland Gas Co. Il5 4 T TS. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NIWIMMI WOK ALL TNI IOHt Or. trading stamp 4lt Third street.