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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 'TRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18. 190$. SATURDAYS UNPARALLELED BARGAIN OPPORTUNITIES? Fine SWrts,Coats, Jackets, Suits of H. B. Lilt's, Portland and High-Class Hart Sehaffner & Marx Clothing Prom the Palace Clothing: Co. Fire Damage, St. Paul, Minn. 20 ON THE DOLLAR OF VALUE jfL Hv jwM w . JwSr KKiHHSE'j MQh iSt fcBwww Ki EtwwmZM fl I - """""'"'"aB 14 o HORTWWtST CoRHER FW3T AMD iAUAOW SEARCH FROM i THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC there cannot be found a sale half the equal of this sale. $150,000 Smoke and water damaged extra fine Hart Sehaffner & Marx clothing, in Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Dress and Tuxedo Coats and Vests, at 20 per cent of actual value. I p I ITnp C Extra fine stock of Ladies' Suits, Coats, Jackets and Skirts A iJ A 1 1 at 20 per cent of original value. Two Bona Fide Bargain Events Without an Equal on this Great Continent from the Worth Pole to Panama! Hart, Sehaffner & Marx Clothing, Moore, Biers & Co. Clothing and Others Product! of the Madieaf rim wholesale tailors, that are the pears of the clothing world, will be sold at thia Bale. Quality argument, enough for any person, and 10, 20, 30 and in bo case at over 40 par cant of value, according to condition, la bargain argu- $2.75 $3.75 $4.75 $6.75 aiininb to set the world buying. LOT NO. 1 For H. S. ft M. soiled up to $20.00 Suits. LOT NO. t For H S. ft M better condition. LOT NO. For HL S. ft M. fair condition to $25.00 Suits. ' LOT NO. 4 For H.. S. ft M. good condition to $25.00 Suite. $7.75 $8.75 $9.75 $11.75 Suits. LOT NO. 5 For H , S. ft M. fair condition to $30.00 Suite. LOT NO. 6 For H., S. ft M. best condition to $30.00 Suits. LOT NO. For H.. S. ft M. fair, good condition $35.00 Suite. LOT NO. B For H., 8. ft M. nearly perfect condition to $40 $1.75 $3.75 LOT NO. 10 For H , S. ft M. Full Dress and Tuxedo to $20.00 Coat and Vest These are in soiled con dition. LOT NO. 11 For H., S. ft M. Full Dress and Tuxedo to $25 Coat and Vest. Some in fairly good order. PULL DRESS AND TUXEDOS tC 7C LOT NO. 12 For H., S. ft M. 4HJ. J Full Dress and Tuxedo, silk and satin lined, worth to $35 Coat and Vest. J 7 75 LOT NO. 13 Best condition ePf.feJ an(i quality Full Dress and Tux edo Coat and Vest The top of elegance in style and workmanship. Worth up to $50. Hart, Sehaffner & Marx Overcoats and Cravenettes Una elegant stock of overgarments is a chance of a labels, besides the Palace's own special! and other LOT NO. 14 For soiled and damaged $15.00 Overcoats. & A 7C LOT NO. 15 For soiled and damaged to 44.1 O $25.00 Overcoats. LOT NO. 16 For good condition Over coats and Cravenettes worth up to $30.00. LOT NO. 17 For select condition Over coats and Cravenettes, to $35.00 value. $2.75 $6.75 $9.75 century. Th great brands, all of the finest kinds. $11.75 NO. 18 For best grades and good con dition Overcoats and Cravenettes, the world's best, worth to $40.00. ODD COATS AND VESTS LOT NO. 19 A big lot, all colors, kinds, aises; first lot. choice Coat and Vest 92-25 LOT NO. 20 Second choice, better condition end qualities Coat and Veat ..... .93.75 2000 Pairs Pants Thia stock, mostly in prima condition, ia all of the high-class or finest hand tailor-made H., ft. ft M. and Moon, Biers ft Co. Lot No. 21 84 Great lot, all kinds. Lot No. 22 31-46 Big lot np to $4.00 value. Lot No. 23 91.96 Big lot up to $5.00 value. Lot No. 24 9 3.45 Big lot. up to $7.50 value Lot No. 25 Great lot extra fine, to $10, Young Men's Suits 14 to 21 vears old. For elegant materials, soiled To fit Lot No. 27 3 $10.00 Suits. Lot No. 28 88.T8 For better condition tailor made Suits. Lot ANo. 29 86.76 For almost perfect condition to $20.00 Suits. Lot No. 30 f.T For extra good order H, 8. ft M. to $30.00 Suits. Knee Pants Suits Lot No. 31 559 For odds worth to $3.00. Lot No. 32 59 For a fine, big lot Tit No. 33 81.68 For an immense fine lot Lot No. 34 3.1 For fine order very fine Suits o. 35 334MI For best qualities, worth up to $8.00. Lot No. 36 93.65 For all kinds worth up to $12. Vests Lot No. 26 669 Silk, etc, worth to $7.50. Men's Furnishings 189 For a big lot odd sample Suspenders, worth 35c to 50c 869 For worsted web double strength 50c Suspen ders. 454 For dresa, negligee or golf to $1 Shirts. 94 For dress, golf or negligee to $1.50 Shirts. UNDERWEAR 404 For lambs fleece Jersey rib 75c value. 994 Glaisenberv and wool rib, broken sizes to $2. 994 For 12 styles balbriggan and wool, $1.50 value; regular sizes, fall styles. Men's UMBRELLAS Women's 399 Rain or shine, for 200 reg. 75c Umbrellas. 494 For natural or metal handles; worth to $1. 4 Vox 150 regular $1.50 Umbrellas. 9S4 For an immense big lot $1.50 and $2, double steel frame, self opening Umbrellas. 91.45 Great bargain in self . opening and other styles of $2 and $250 Umbrellas. 1.85 Silk and Cravenette cloth, Bumbazine cover; natural wood and metal. '' Bill H.B-LJTT'S STOCK At prices that ting good mueic into the ears of all Portland's good dreeaere. H. B. Litt labeled on the garmenta telle the true merit of every auit, coat or ekirt. Yon know bargaina come here and aee them. Skirts Off A startling price for hand tail e?aV.O7 ored pure wool Skirts; a great showing of styles and colors; worth up to $10.00. WOC A grade better; H. B. L's name .Of never was sewed on these to sell at any price like that; see them; you can pick out a $12 value easily. s 42 A OC This line includes Skirts from ft.OO the H. B. Litt stock in fall styles that are worth more than 3 times $4.85. Ladies' Suits dE fiC Will Uke choice of several atylea dH.OO that if you pay $15 they would be splendid value. Q AC H. B. L. has served the best - $y00 dressers of the coast for years. Quality and style waa the motto. H. B. L. Suite in this lot are good values at $30 to $40. Jackets and Coats The woman or girl that geta one of theae H. B. Litt Coats at the Boston sale it'a almost like finding it at the prices we quote. 7 OC Tan covert and cloth Jackets; QC.OD the kind yon pay up to $10 for. J or H. B. Litt waa not much on $4.85 4?.Od Coats; oh,- no; but that is the price at the Boston for up to $15 coats. i OE Geta a $20 garment; the elegance 4U.Ov. of this offering has never been equaled by this establishment. vQ OC Imported materials in London vOi) and Paris modes; Princess Chic and other 'fads of the times; worth up to $40. H. B. Litt garments, you know. Fine Suit Special till fiE Black broadcloth long - form 4iy.OO cost, full flare skirt, all silk lined, hand tailored. H. B. Claflin ft Co. newest New York production. Made to sell at $35. Saturday bargain. Men's Shoes The high grade of this Footwear guarantees service and satisfaction in Oregon rain. $1.45 AU leather insteps, shanks, etc, velour and box calf: are splendid $2.50 values. 91.95 Velour, box, vici and colt, fall's best styles for dress or street; also heavy stock; are all bet ter than $2.50 and most $3 values. 93.45 Bench made patent colt, calf, vici. etc; bale, bluchers and congress; are standard $3.50 and $4 Shoes. 93.45 Hand sewed Goodyear welt patents, French calf and cordovan; $5 Shoea. 94.M Loggers' and mountain climbers', tan or Mack; aoW usually at $6.00 and $6.50. Hats Great buy of John B. Stetaon and other high grades at Columbus, Ohio, enables ua to aave you from 30 to 60 par cant on poor fall Hat 494 Fine lot of soft and stiff up to $2 Hats. 969 Select -fall styles, soft snd stiff,, containing, many of beat-known $2.50 brands. 81.65 Boas, in Dunlap, Knox and Youman ahapea; high standard, $3 to $3 50 qualities. 93-45 J. B. Stetaon, newest fsll styles; black, brown, etc ; Stetson that sell st $5. Furnishings 899 for up to 11.00 Underwear. 69s for up to 1. B0 Underwear. 994 for up to $1.80 Underwear. SHIRTS 399 for up to 11.00 Shirts. 594 for up to $1 60 Shirt. 999 ror UP o ftfO Shirts; eaaslmere. We wUl sot, undertake to list Bad th. hi fnrmUhlBir mil Soak. Si net mn, youths sad aera wear wui as la this sale. The area eeeftftee of thia rail stook, Juet a th. sealaatar of the wui oauae uw jaaa or jaaae m tau aa Oesue early; oesae before soon. BOSTON STORE Mail Order Department For the benefit of out-of-town trade Send cash or equivalent and gat fall benefit of the goods advertised. In caae of any die aatiafaction goods can be returned and ex changed or money returned if so daafnad. We fill mail orders in thia just the aame as if yon were at the store. Women's Cravenettes Clearing sale of drummers' samples. The money-eaving Cravenette sale of the year. 98.98 Special lot dark gray; were easily $7.50 values. 99.95 Special lot, several styles and col ors, real tailor made, imported material; $10.00 and $12.00 values. SKIRTS 52.85 for a big lot Women's Skirts; worth up to tli.00. JACKETS 92.85 and 95.85 for t M, lot of Coat.; worth up to 120.00. Women's Shoes 85 Damaged but good quality. 85e Oood order; good atylea. 91.45 Patents, etc. 91.95 Great blf lot of the freest and beet trade, end atylea known. MISSES' SHOES 659 tOT b' lot sood eues. 954 for a fine lot aood condition. 91.45 best quality end etreet wear. Foot- Ma2NS SHOES The high easaTsntst of ao Introduction. Th. p footwear aeeaa quoted are only 899 for bis lot. all klnde. 1.45 Calf, Velour. Viet. Box, etc. 91.95 bench-made Ooodyear welta; 1,000 pairs; all slsee, atylea and laata. 92.65 hand bench-made, lateet at y lee; mere than 2.000 pairs of the finest. LITTLE BOY SHOES 569 for big lot to fl. IK value. 969 for big lot to $1 00 value. BIG BOYS' SHOES 709 ,or n, ,ot broken to $i.7K value. 81.15 fine lot to I2.2K value. 91.66 extra fine lot hand bench sooda. Hats 454 for a big lot. worth to 12.00. IB for a Mc lot, worth to tt.00. 1.65 for a big lot; 600 atylea; sett aad eiirr; leteai eiyiee; worm 10 ss.ev. 2000 PAIRS BLANKETS Direct from the milla-Uo caaea wool and Vernon Blankets gray, white and fancy; sixes 8-4 to 134; will be sold in singlea, dozens or case lota at the following rates, which is about 40 par cent actual diacount : 764 Full weight and sice; $1.25 vahie. 91.69 Full weight and size; $1.50 to $1.75 value. 81.50 Full weight, select stock; $2.50 val. 93.00 Long combed, full weight; $3.50 val. 93.50 Select fleece, overweight; $4 value. BED SPREADS 799 For regular $1.25 Marseilles Spreads. 999 For choice of all our $1.50 and $1.75 values. LACE CURTAINS 500 pairs consigned by Importing broker to New York auction, bought -by ua at 40 per cent, go on sale tomorrow. T69 a pair 3J4xl4 yards, Valenciennes; $1.50 and $2.00 values. 989 a pair Largest size Brussels Net, eje; $2.00 to $3.50 values. TABLE SPREADS This lot are exceptionally beautiful and select styles. 989 Turkey red, green and gold; sizes 2 to 3 yards; warranted out boiled color; $2.50 to $4.00 values. TABLE LINENS 1,000 yard Mill Ends, perfect condition, satin finish, at lesa than V value. 259 per yard for 500 pieces, y, to 3 yards length; regular value 60c. Housekeepers. Rooming-Houses, Hotels, Barbara, Barkeepers, ate. TOWELS The entire surplus stock of a New England milL 19 Last lot 500 dozen mill ends; imper fects; 5c to 10c Towels. 99 Select mill ends, 10c tq 20c Towels. 69 For 1,000 dozen best quality 10c Towels. 99 For 45-inch hemmed huck 20c Towels. 109 For 54 fringe hemmed huck 25c Towels. "1 , SOFA PILLOW TOPS. 59 20 dozen dark color; reg. 25c to 50c val.