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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THH OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1908, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Going! tufting!! Ottf Wett Side Acreage Lin Hot Cakes (1BO-81T8 per scrs. elsss lo tu aad eebool; excellent soil, sbundsnce of running water; poeltieely the greeteet snap on the market: Wee party to leave our office Tbursdsy, B s. m ; go with na. Scbuyleman & Co. 27Vs Wsshlagton. Booms MM. Beautiful New Residences L'nlrerslty Park: modern, 8 reome, full con crete bsaeraent. large porch, lota 100x110, fruit, Sowers, alee lawn, corner, blocks from oar line; good aahnel, chert hee. eta,; 11900: terms. leffaat new " room rssldsnce on eve.; fine traded lot and laws with Sowers; bargain tt (S.TOO. line d-room reeldence at Unleeraltr Park: n. run cement basement, lot boxiuu. graded, flue lawn eet with Sowers; carllna neer house; only (3.000; food tarma. A nap rise mem house, concrete base ment, bath, toilet, full lot, high and sightly, IcarUnee. 16 minutes to Third and Waafe Ugtoe its.; 82,880. terms. Scbuyleman & Co. tSTH Wsshluflon st. TWO SFSCIAL BARGAINS IN HOMES. Sl.SfiO aura a perfect home; bath, toilet, large closeti, cement basement, fruit trass, all kinds of shrubbery, nice yard, ehxehea house. Id-foot alley; the house Is new sad perfect; the home Is worth much mora money, but If sold by the loth tbs shore amount wfll take It; half cash If desired $2,250 takee a modern 7 room home; sewers end street lmprorrinents all In and paid for; this home Is worth ( but In order to sell by October IS, 82.250 will take It; terms If desired; eaa't begin to buys a lot In this Ttclottr and place these Uaprora. menu thereon for less than (8,000. Other bsrgalas la homes. for good, cheap lots, see us. STKfNhtETZ CO.. IB Morrison sr. Some Bargains 14.200 4-room house, last Boveata aad Hawthorne see. $1,800 Very modern. rooms, lo Haw thorns rirst addiUon. St. 800 rooms, goad location, assy (TOO Choice lot oa carllna, Hal w thorns run aaaitioa; terms BOO Lots at Seat 21st aad Dlrlson sts.; (lOO Lots In MontselUt. (5 dowa and SS par month; Interest 6 per cent. ,j R. L. Cate 228 BUrk st. Sxehaage 70. (060 e-BOOM house end 80x100 lot; (200 cash, balance (IB per month. J 000 B-room bouse, near Union are. BOO 7 room house. Hoi la day's Addition. 000 7 -rooa bouse, Hollsday Park. 000 7 room bouse. Nob H1B, (1,000 essh, M If tsrinJ. (1.060-lrrlngton tot, owe Mock ear, aast front; terms. (1.000- -Quarter block In Brooklyn, $260 &$X AOaWOY?sMi Stark st. FOR BALB Improved aad aalmproeed farms, wheat aad stock ranches, timber lands and sawmills, city aad suburban property; ex changes a specialty. Turner A Wetter, room 4. SOSM Washington at. (1,600 8 -ROOM cottage, furnished complete ; full lot. .7 large heart a fruit treee, flowers, , fine rlew of mountains; must ha seen to be appreciated. H. o. staler, ltso Winona si.. Woofliewn. . select aelglwschood. near around ; terms; pay S4S Stark tt. 5 MEMBER EAST SfDE PROPERTY IM1ROVINO fit VALTTE RAPIDLY AND A SF IAT "i ARB MAKING CI ALTY OF EAST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. BTJCHTRL B KERNS, Mt Bast Morrison St. FOB SAL-- A chicken ranch. 1H seres land. B room house, bare, chlcken-houee, fruit, running water, well,, close to railroad, coneenlent to attyj price (1.800: will trsde for (roccry, hotel or house sod lot la dty. Acreage 8 acres fine lead, near carlloe, la growing suburb of Portland; (600 per acre; Terms. Jenne. Trimble A Trimble, all Marquam bldg. Paon Psclflc 1781. 100x100 IN Point View Car 800 88x100 la Sunnrslde far 8 STS 40 acre near Vsncoarsr (or $1,100 18 acres neer Besrerton fur. ......... ..(2.800 802 COMMERCIAL BLOCK. "IT PAYS TO SEE US" Do too want a hams a or an lnrestmrnt paying good Income, or acreage son a Die for platting ' ewe HARTMAN A THOMPSON. 8 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER. R. B. Rice, new modern T bouse. 24th sad Wasco, Holladsy Park dlttoa. Phone Bast 1MB. Lots for ssle. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house In Irrlngtoa; owner leasing city. For perticatars ano a R SO. ears Journal. A GOOD HOME 7 room house, bath, base stent, eta., oa 8 lota 120x100, well located. 2 blocks from esrllne; fruits, berries, garden, bam; (2.200; halt dowa. Bocae Land Oa.. 148H First St. BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE. My modera B-room home, full brick xeent. big let 68x141. all kinds large and assail frail, two blocks to best carllne In city, emellbsra. (2.700. half cash. No. 1228 41st aad ESpt Taylor. Owner: phone Bast 8088. BY OWNER LEAVING CITY, modera d-room cottage; gaa and electric lights, finely finished Inside and out. fine lawn, lots of roses sad shade treee, corner lot; at a bar gala; easy terms If desired. 1021 Height srs. HOMESTEADS I hers shoot It homeotesda for location; oesrer rum isno. no clearing. SB ml las from Columbia riser aad north bank road. Inquire at BIT Chamber of Corn el ly. AND 10-srre tracts, prims land sad Iocs i tloa far a home, lnreetment Co., 244 Stsrk. HONESTY PAYS East aids moderate-priced houses wanted for rare; I hies (nod raluss In eaburben lots. Foremsn, SOB Bsst Morrison st. Phono Bast 831 BXTRA BARGAIN 7 lots 40x100, clesred, all together la one tract, for JSOO; doss to 10 room school st Lsnte; fine location; water free; Be fare to any part of Portland: terms. 0. B. Additee, owner. Lenta. Oregon. WILLUMBIA On the carllna, between Ports Ktb end Northern Hill; elegant Iota well ted. easy terms. Phone Main 8081. Beaver Realty Co. 4(4 Lumber Exchange. BROOM new modera bouse. SM Rodney as. Take V Or Union are. car to Skldmore It. Owner st home Saturday sad Sunday. Will state sssy terms, or win rent (1.100 -ROOM noose, t block) from car; terms to aalt; furnttare goes with place. State Vsna uo., iaH rirai si POR SALE FARMS. FRUIT LAND IN APPLE SECTION OF OH El ION ( scree with d-room honee. tt mils station, set to all kinds of fruit. 40 scree 10 scree In fruit and IS SMan 1 and 4-room boose. 82.000. acres with 10-sere orchard. s. 5 M.600. acres, all fenced sad fine fruit land. Alas ether trecte to suM the parch esse. or unlmnrosed. SPHINX AGENCY, SMtt Stsrk st IF yon srs looking for s farm that Is ready to oes oa to and make money from the start, with Saa stock, haras fail of feed, good Improvements snd 40 acrss of hope, with driers, etc., complete, aau oa sansnx Agency ilUinNiw Mass, .car; prices FOR SALE FARMS. (10 AOBBS FOB (ALB uuui.Hw, mv wii pwaiura Sana bare aad ostballdlogs; schosUwuse well ws tared, free uiuea rrom .nr. WashladtoB. SHEEP ranch that will esrry 4.000 hssd of eaeea, win piexwy ox wsiea saa iss epw only one day s dries from mountain range. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS 1 SPAN of good work hawses far sals. For. par ticulars call at ins mourn nooo rounry nan. ltt miles east of MonU Tills, on Bsse Line road, or oa Tamer Walker, SMtt Washing ton St., room 4. WANTED Good span of drlrqg horses. 1,100 to lbs., nr easn. Koom as. n Vs wssn lufton St. WANTED Good single and also double-ssated rorered buggies, for cssh. Room B4, 227 tt Washington St. TOD CAR SAYB MONEY In new wagons sad baggies at PORTLAND WAREHOUSE- A TRANSFER 00. 840-842 Xaat Washington Is tbs pises. FOR 8 ALB OB RENT Horses snd carriages bythaday. weekormonth. Portland Biding HOMES and buggies for rent by dsy, week snd month; spectsl rata to business-houses. Sixth and Hawthorns. Beat Tt. BARTER AND EXCHANGE COOS BAT. 1M acrss of land. ltt. miles from Coos hay aad about d miles from Marsh field; eeU cheap or trade. HBNKLB HARRISON, 117 A blag ton Beds. EXCHANGE (100 typewriter la perfect order, for Angora goats or brood sows. 80S McKay .. Portland. WB hare 1M seres of good tillable land In the Alberta country that wa will exchange for rorriana or suoarosn properly ana psy up to (2.000 cash. Call aad lnrsstlgsts. Turner A Walker, 808 tt Washington St., room 4. dl ACHES, 80 miles oat: good bouse, other Im pressments, ror sale or sxebsngs for acrs ago or suburban lota. P 82, cars Journal. A 8-ROOM cottage and S lots In St Johns. What bars yoa to traaal Address L ML, MINES AND INVESTMENTS. TH morH-CLA8t?8TOCTS AND BONDS. Wa are always la the market either to bay or soil any actlre mining or Industrial stoats. J I 1 1 per yoa to get oar prices. I. W. DONA BUB. Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 16-S8 Lsfaystta Bldg. POR SALE LIVESTOCK. FBBBH milch cows. 8 first -class. M St., M on ta Tills. Phone East 4122. COW with young calf tor ssle. 878 H Beet 11th at. FOR SALE Fine young Jersey cow. 088 Bast Brers tt st., oar. Slst osn at TIMBER. SAWMILL 80.000 capacity aad 8.000,000 feet food 80S timber, near i-ortisna. Bpninx Agency, tt Stark st. 25 000.000 FBBT good timber In Lewis county. vv asmngion. nesr isrwnia nrsr, sv ccnis par 1.000. Sphinx Agency, SOBtt Stark st. CERTIFIED scrip, say das pieces; Is a sat prices. W. O. Hosrsll. BBS CBSXSBsr of Co OS- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ELEGANT walnut cased Schaeffar pis no, bought 1 year ago at Phoae cast ama. POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WB bay. ssU or trade say old thing. The Peo Ci rarnirara noose, ustt s-ront ac, gsoa. TsL Mala 4SB0. UriUra. sold sad exehaaged st the x small 1 st. BILLIARD AND POOL tablss for root or tor THE BH UiV W?CnB A LK K COLLBNDER CO. m Third St.. Portland. SEWINO MACHINES bought . M aad up; also rented. WESTERN SALVJ 8 ALV AGE CO.. M7 Washington st WB print soar aasns oti M csinag cards, nscust else aad style. 86c; MO hadasaa cards, 81. A W. Bchaaals Co.. SM First. Pert land. Or. , 1 1 1 i iwn.MmnKM . . - - . i a - - r..- i. cam M. a .11. MS Caash St Phone Clay STL SHOWCASES. exchanged. fagtoa st WB aasd furnttare aad will say fan raise. Phone Pacific 70s. Western Barrage Co.. MY Wssblagtos at CHERRY TREES of tbs only orlgnal pareat tree, tbs aaw ehsrrr, ths Olantl Bret clsse trass. Julius Kantch, Woodlawn, Oregoo. S BAB FIXTURES, pooltsble. safe, tsblos. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 Wsshlngton st M SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at eery low prices: singer, wnesier s nuaon, Domeetle, White. HsaashsH, Desie sad there; ta make room tor saw stock Wheeler A Wilson aad Singers. S. 8. Bigel. SM Mor rleon at, Marquam bldg ARTISTS' mstsrlsls. pictures aad framing. B. H. Msorhoass Co.. SIS Alder at HOLDEN'S BHETTMATIO OUR rbsumsttsm. BOM by an (600 NBW upright plsno. (1M; saothsr upright, (M; orgaa, (IB. (41 tt First, upstairs. FOB SALE Well-equipped (-chair barber shepi good business 212 Main st. MANURE tor sals aad piling done. Beat SWT. FTNB ssddls boras for sale. 782 Vancouver srs., assr Beech. oysters dellrered to any part of city. Lee, 271 Taylor st FOR SALE-Hedge snd holly plants, cheap FOB SALE sr trsde, a first class cow; will be fresh soon, phone Bast 4086. Address til wabash st.. Most taenia. MASSIVB sold frame 4xB feat, lade's blcycls. uypner s incuoator. rnene nan axis. TWO (SS Bxlt A i minster rugs, new, 820 sash: also aew Ingrain rags, large kitchen -rente, coal heating store. (86 mahogany library tshlc. (IB; B-room cottage to real. 420. Bast side. Phone 788. NBW (14 sir-tight store, with pipe aad mat. tar half Its cost: hsrs furnace snd don t need heating store. Apply 888 Hancock, corner Rodney. FOR BALE, CHEAP Good ISO-sag Incubator 648 Bast t iota at., n. raeea neuwoed sr. IAVB farxa aad city mortgagee from MM ta (10.000. bssrlng 8 per cant snd T per cent: no banns. Rooms M aad M. 227 tt Washing ton st. FOR SALE. CHEAP Bull terrier no poles, 400 PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AGENCY Oonddentlal Isrsstlgs tlsas; reports faralahed ss Indlsldnals their eharsctsr. resoonethilfty. etc.: bed debts col. lerteds missing relstless sssstsd; ehsrges ressonsbls; correepondenos solicited. Oresjos Msls 8818. PRESERVE year heir; scientlBc trsetmsnt: dandruff and scaeme posltlsely eared; grey or faded hair restored to natural color with oat the use of lead or dye: French face treat- asset, manicuring, ioaaoa sanitary rsrmrs, aulas MM Belli sg Mlraen bias Wsshlngton. Phoae Peatae MB 10th aad DR. BINB CHOONO. laportar Chlaess rant MANLY rigor restored hr Dr. Boberta' Nstts Olobtlss. One awatt's. trsstmsBt Mi J fsaosd. BOB seres 5s Wssblagtos: worth! J (8.000; terms. (8,000 stocg saa mscsioery eon W. McCrodle. Vaoaoaeer PERSONAL. Doctor Jerome's Original and Private Formula French Suppository Used sxclnalrely (LITTLE TREASURE) aad sact ass rally In ale pries rs practice of woman tor over SB years. Abeilutely hsmtlass. Ba ilable sad coratlre. Nans sennlae without geld sest One bee of three disss, (ABO; all down. So Little Treasuree cannot be obtained by any mesas whsterer, ether than direct order to DOCTOR JEROME COMPANY P. O. Box 448 Portland. Oregon. M A MONTH Btsge eaactas caognt in an in waaeaco a professional tsschsr. late of New ; York ty; 18 rssrs' experience . eagsgemenai ee- c?t; """nsTvVMAN'S thsatbical circuit. 146 tt Mkth st. M CENTS ALL FOR M CENTS Phone FOR A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And swim, strlks the big tank at the Port land Natstoiium Bathe; stesm snd Turkish baths a epeelatty. See the big elgs. "Baths." Open S s. m. to IS p. m. Corner Wsshlngton aad Second sts. Expert chiropodist oa hand. SEX INS PILLS ears an tones s4 asrroas or muscular weakness. For msa se wsrasa Price 61 s box, 6 boxes (6. lth fan gaaraa- SsJond"snd YsmJuSts'orttaisA drsg- ur. A. RJUNBB. PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, fan remodeled, rspajand sarbraeUoa. 'ptone s7lfteqMBr LswUbMg! OF FIOS fat all dlssssss Belmont Fboae East 4084. Bsst DR. 0. V. KETOHUM cans promptly prlrate diseases, kidney, nerroas, skin ead special female troubles. Call or write. OfScs ItM Third at. cor. TaaxbUL Phone Psctne 222. ANY am or woman can he strong snd hsppy by using djaxlas PI Us. ths greet tonic; price (1 a box, B boxes 85. with fall waaraatss. Address or cell J. A. Cleraeaaon. drugglet. est. Second and Yamblll sts . PortlsndT Or. YES, Palmo Tablets maks yoa sleep perfectly; they ears as sad make yes streagi a box, s boxes sx.ov; gxarsstsso. ta. or addreas Brooke Ores vo.. as St.. Portland. Oregon. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Burs rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. HOLD ON There Is ons thins thst win ears rbsumsttsm. Ask your druggist tor bsrk tonic or addreas or can I. u gist, Portland, Oregon. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregoelso bldg.: Ud days, gentlemen nights, stsin DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing sad Ml Ysmhll at THE ADVENTURESS," "Sweet Danger." "A Sarrtage la High Life." "Twenty Years as'Ung." "Prlsonsr of Bands," "A Social Lion," 60 cents sach. A. W. SChmals Co.. 228 First St BURBKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The i breaches; beat ahorthaad system. 248 PHYSICAL culture, all brsarbss. sad massage; Indlrldual snd class Instruction; priests horns treatment It desired. The Rlngler School, SCO Aldsr st Phone Main 1061. YOUR shoes shloed free of ehsrgs st tbs Model Barber-Shop; sbsrlng Us. SUITS preeeed while yon wait 00c Ladlee skirts pressed. 80c. Gilbert. 108 tt wlStb St. next to Quelle. Pbons PsetSe SOOS. YIATI DO.. LsWla bldg.. SHOW Morrison; hssltb tslks to woman Thursdays. 2:80 p. m. THE October Matrimonial Register Is Just oat. Met, rerlssd snd enlarged, with photos; most complete eesr published. 24 Russsl bldg. HANDKEBCHIEF kimonos made to order snd far sale. SMtt Second st Room S. BEST msgsslns dabs srsr offered; send tor Klces; sgents wanted. Jonse' Book Store. 1 Aider St., Portlsnd. Or. WEBFOOT Oil Blacking eeree ths testben sb- eolutely waterproof. DR. T. J. PIERCE cures all nerroas, chronic snd prlrate distal si; bath sexes; office treat ment, 60c to 81. Can or writs 181 First st, corner Yamhill. Portland. Or. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Serin and Cotton Baal pills ere- Mr'csTrjF sural remedy for delayed periods, by mall (S per box. i Mesas Dr. Pierce. 181 First St.. Portland. MOLDS, wrinkles, superfluous hair rsmored. No charge to talk It orsr. aba. M. p. HIU. g SM FUsdasr Bldg. Phone PaclBe 186. MARRY 2,000 worth (100 to (100,000; peper 10a, sealed; sets Wished 10 years; bank ref erence, fa. L. Lore. Box 1000, Dearer, Colo. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors; ladles sad geotlemen. (61 tt Morrison tt., roots 14. TWO young ladles giro face and scalp IIAI . , MANICURING, chiropody and alcohol rubbing, ladlee aad gentlemen. Psrlor M, MStt Stark. MISS RAYMOND glees face aad scslp ssgs st SMtt Morrison St., room 14. TOl'NO lady. Just srrired from the east, glees massage treatments. Room d. Mitt Alder tt MADAM VASHTT, psychic snd heeler: patients rscslrsd with room aad board If desired - kind and courteous trsstmont to all. 201 Vs Third St, ear. Taylor . MRS. DR. HUNTLEY Suggestlre therapeutical sU chronic dassssie cured. 8ST Wsshlngton. between IStb snd 10th sts. VITAL Spsrkt quickly derelop energy tnd re store the fire and rigor of youth: S-day trial treatment free. Leon Idas Medical assoclstloa. Portland, Or. GOOD child, ago 8. wants borne with kind family; widow preferred; etate terms with fall psrtlculsrt. Address R M. Journal. DISBASES OF WOMEN Prlrste maternity hoe pltsl. quiet location; epeclsl csrs. Dr. At wood. room S. MOtt Morrison. Tel. Pac. 1T88. ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO Montana Assay Offxea. 1M MstTtssa st. ARCHITECTS. H. SI. MsTNOBB, Architect IIS Ssasad at AUTOMOBILES COVEY A COOK Motor Osr Co.. Firtssath aad Washlngton-Agsnts l for Csdlllsc. Mercs. Greet Arrow aad Btsrsiss-Dsryss ayess Is 1 1 maehlaaa rested, reaalrsa sad stored Msls ART. FREE LESSONS. In embroidery every day I aew stamped shirtwaists, corsst-corsrs, bo lero MckstS, hsts. umbrsllaa, eto. The Nesdlecrsft Shoo. .882 Washington at. bs twses West Pet ead Tenth sts. PROFESSOR R. MAX MBYBR. 848 AMsr. portrait sad landscape srtlst end teacher ATTORNEYS. f. S. WINCHESTER, Bttorney-et-law, notary pobllc. M snd M Wsshlngton bldg. BUTCHERS' 8UPPLIE8. BUTCHER snppUas S. Blrkeowstd Co.. 804 SM 170011 St.; Urgeet butcher supply bosses oa ths cos st. Writs for catalog. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolnb A. Deksm. 181-188 First St. carries s full line end 00 m- iiiiiri!i siti,ti - r- '-js??' BLANKS-BOOR MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 160-111 Bsssad at. mans noon maaoiaeiarvra; utom imrxwrsd Loose lost hrdgsrs: ess ths Baraks leaf, the best or the msrkst CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, tks carpenter. 804Fosrth st Btors and of Bee work. Mala 1TST. CLEANING AND DYEINO. Bait art ma Tsllorlng Co. Prsssl nd cleaning; sales' work s spscisity srasasis at. CLOTHES ettsBsd end areseael 81 per stoat Uslexss Tsllorlar Co., MB Stars st. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST lead! lead! Read! THIS FOB YOD1 BBAD CABEFULLT THE FOLLOWING; WORDS i Madam Barth SrJfrfi msasntlr located ta her own hams. 428 RK ST. This wonderful worn s a. sc- knowledgsd by ths world to ha ths greeteet clsireoysnt slWs. without yoa writing s quas tlon or uttering ens word, she tells you last what yoa easts fur, hew many la your fam ily and all about thsm. Tills osmes. dates sad facta. Telle yoa of byre, marriages. Maths, bast asm speculations, lavsatmenta. etc.: mcetee oil. ass sad minerals of all kinds, re mores sell luBusnces aad tescbes you now to control the oaa you loss, unites the topers ted sad cauass speedy and con genial marriages, Nn matter what POST con dition may be, MADAM BARTH WILL HELP TOU. 4M STARK, COB. 1BJH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOUBS 10 A. M. TILL IP. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKBNT FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. A SPECIAL SB READING FOB (1. ALWAYS CONSULT TUB BEST. PROF. B. Kill MO Oreetsst Wylng astr2l (wsg-trssee. clslr toyant of the age; ADV1SBR ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa win marry, bow to control tna one yoa area though miles swsy; reunites tha era ted; tires secret powers to control. Mrs, s sop- I will do sU others sdrertlse to ITCVbkIn BBS OF TH MT COMMA THE ENTIRE STARTLED WITH TUm T'NAEEN rOltCES I HATS AT IBEI iUUAWr .asat I nmAtoah U KaM tiiU twlfh. br hsTtxsr your NAME TOLD (IN FtJLLl, JtTST WHAT YOU CAMJ FOB. aad ties yoa advtoe absolutely FRBB before yoa decide lo hsrs t reading. WHO CAN OB WILL R MORS TO tNVIN"s THS SKEPTIC! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT HE OFFERED TO tnu AUAI.l. sis, trrrasanir iv iu um. FBOF. BT KHTMO. PBOF. B. Psrmsnentl HOURS 10 No. SM Fifth St.. corner Msdlson tt MMB. EINOA. Egyptian seereea; heeling through psychic fores; readlngi dally, 60a apvard. Cosioos, 288 tt Morrison st COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEYT WB COLLECT BAD OEBTB UK MU UUABUa. CITIZENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CIT1 BENS' BANK BUILDING. BOOM IB. 122 Va GRAND AVE. PHU.NB BAST CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Boom 8M Flledner Bldg. Mrs. M. D. BUI. Phone Pee. 1M. COAL AND WOOD. THK PORTLAND FUEL CO.. am sb tt a ears M srs"? BFT . rr Ul MB A'AB. e IB i i au w a Bsst M. SET B. htarrtosa st ALBINA FUEL CO. Dsslrrs ta eordwood. coal aad grees sad dry alabwood, B. R. end Alblas are.. S blocks ssst sf faery. Bast 674. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la Si ana ary OBBGON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal wood. 884 Alder at Phone Beta 66. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Harass aad blacksmith cos Is. Pbons Mala 1018. BOX. Mosk aad slsbweod- Star Boxwood Co. Phons Main 2148. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest pleat Jz&J Hea awes ana sssa; dvu preeeed sir process; renorsuog and fsa there a SANITARY carpet etosnlnc. suction snd pressed sir combined; csrpsts cleaned on : without remortl. Mala BBSs. Main CAPES. TH TRTa25nyar j)ANCINa PORTLAND nasal as Aesdomr. lesdteal school Mnreom etlouette. correct eoclal and classic IZZS. Mlxy."" 'aMst.TsL M. lOBL Prof. Rlngler. dancing m aster. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Osss. M on . Ttjsrs. aad Sat res. I children's class Bet afternoon, octal, fancy and etep dancing taught. Fencing tanght. Western Academy ball. ear. Sad and Morrison. Pacific 1880. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Bur k hard hall. 8871s Bast Burnaioe. I'nons stain aria. Tueedaye. PBOF. EATON Dancing school; eUss for lidles sad Swats Mondsy tnd Thursday erenlngs, Aries aalL Phons Boat 8604. DRNTMTS. THB CHICAOO DBWTISTS, SM Wsshlngton tt., oor. Sixth, uparsatee au wort DRESSMAKING. Anteles Drsssnuik sssr 242 Fifth Msln. Psclflc ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC BLBCTRIO CO 1 tors, repairers electric wiring, supplies. M First cor. Stark. Mala OSS. aT H. Tste. mgr WEST EBB ELECTRIC WOB.B. Sixth St. Contra ctora. electric suppllee, motors sad gyasssss: ses hsstan tight aad passer ptaata. EDUCATIONAL. MABY DAVIS MAGINNIB, teacher of conrsn ttonal and natursllstlc chine: water-color heads s spscisity. Studio SSIB 8t st. N. FURNACES, BOTNTON warm-air furnaeeo ears raeL J. O. Bayer Foraacs Co.. SM Msoid Mais 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIBB IBON WORKS MS Flsnders St.. cor. Third PhOOS Mslu 2000. BAST PORTLAND FENCE dj WIRE WORKS. ISO Bast Water at. Pbsas Bsst STL HAY AND GRAIN. b. L. cooper B CO. Potatoes, read Bear. 128 Unlaw srs. Phoae Bast MIT. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. THB HATTER, IB N. Sixth t. clesns sad blocks soft sad stiff hsts. Psss- mss a specialty, HOTELS.! THB BELI.BVCE. Foarth aad Salmoa sts. Rooms ooc sp; rsssa ny wsox or moniai. out-of-town trsds solicited. Psclflc 2106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooms from 50 rente up. meals H rente. Seraath and Ererstt eta HOTEL Portlsnd. A merles n piss; 88. 86 per dsy. BELVEDERE; 4th aad Alder sts. HARDWARE Portland Hsrdwsrs Co. solicits opportunity oaots prices. 74 Bixta at Pan e ana. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, keek bldg. IAS. Met. WOOD, employers' HsbfHty aad is dividual accident surety bonds st sU kinds Fasas 47. SOS McKay Q8M. MACHINERY. B TRENKMAN 4 CO. Mining, eewmllt. tot gisg BMcatnery; hydrsulle glass, easting : sil glads repaired. 104 North Fourth. CJAIOLINB engines, all slats aad stylea st lowest prices Retrson Machlasry Oa. 188 4 0 Morrison st. TU BL C ALBEB CO ndbsnd ma sad srs. chlaecr. sawmills, stc. 848 Ors A. J. PAUL. 10 First St, engines, hollers. mlU machlnsty; Wlcka Bros.' gtag. THIS IB MONUMENTS KifJ A atTNOStSYr MS First st. Fsttiiad marble aad graalte works. MUSICAL. LESSONS M cento on all Instruments; vocal 76 costs: Isstrumsots tor sale. Mrs. Mar lla. Mitt Mtst st LEVY'S StUaiO H0U8B. 171 Foarth it., fall lines imaiorr, aat-oiiorj. a-ouiou. wooa r, stc. THE WEBBER STUDIO--Mandolin, banjo, sal tar Instruction, Gibson mandolins. 875 Alder. BMIL THtsTLllORN. pupil of SETCIK. rloaa tssensr. atuoio law sum. iei. stain BXPEwT plane toning, repairing, etc. J. W. Logon. 874 Oregon st Pbons, Esst SM. PIANO, rtolta, Blano. trombone, clarinet Pro- feeeor E A. Smith. 264 12th. Mala sTOS. OPTICIANS. a. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArtlSelal Eyes Flttsd. Ttstoa Scleatlflcslly ( orreetod. 128 Sersntb Street. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometrist snd Eyesight Soectalxst. Booms 2B-CT. 828 Washing toa Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DB. ARNOLD LINDSAY, grsdaste of the Ostoopsthlc OOl lege of Klrksrllls. Missouri, who It s spacialttt on rheumatism, stomach aad su ismais axsnssss. vsi uv isiuu usas-. or miru aaa wssoingisw sts. DRS. ADIZ NORTH RUP, 416-le-lT Deksm and Wsshlaxtos sts. Phoas bldg.. Tbli lain 840. lamination free. PRINTING. MODERN PBIrtTBRT ArtlstM printing. Ruseel bldg.. Foarth aad Morrleea. Phone PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH CO. Ths Ptoassr Palat Co.; window-Blast aad glaslng. 186 First st. Phons 1834. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Money Is sssy to gat If yoa know where to get It Ws bars ready money st sU times, tnd yoa can get It oa your salary. (10 to (MM, on bsst terms sad at lowest We loan oa tbs easy peyroent plan the plan that helpe yoa tad gets yoa est of debt. Too get the csth. an yoa ssh for, snd repay In amounts yoa CSS coarenlently spsrs sscn psyosy. Ws do not Sis papers, reqnlrs as la. dorssrs. bo reference to friends or smpVoyse. Opsn Toes, sad Sat eyenlngs anttl S o'clock Hutton Credit Co. 812 (6th Boer) Dekaas bldg. , 7 Per Cent First Mortgages 8221. tn, s years, T per cent. 8.163.00, 2 years, T per cent. 8726.00. ltt years, 7 psr caat. 8772.00. 1 ysar, 7 per ceat (800, 2 years. T per cant. Interest payable sanuslly. All first-class mortgages oa gilt edged se curity. Will sell at face value : bo bonus. Schuyleman and Co. OWNER. 277 tt Wsshlngton St., MONBY TO LOAN On lmproesd city properly or tor building purposes, for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repsy sil sr part of loss sftsr two yssrs. Loans spprovsd from plena sad money sarsnceo aa uniioing mortxares taken no snd reels cod. FRED H. STRONG, FinancUl Agsnt S4S Stark at THB STAB LOAN CO Any salsrlsd employe. an his note, without .mortars Month U Month. W 860 06 Rense to ss SI 8 88 or 88.60 or SS.M Jib JSRcply to us f !no or jl oo or Jtoo 210 McKsy bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS OB selarlr.. lnanrsnce policies, pianos, furnltars, warehouse fs relpte. etc.; sny deeerrlng pereox may as liars s libers I advance, rs paying by eaay weekly or monthly Inatsllments. MEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. SOB Ablngton bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE J sat at year own name no other security; don't banes until too sa me; my eystem to tbs bsst for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, at resteer man snd all other employee; bosl assa strictly eonOdeotlel. F. A. Newton. 434 Ablngton bMg. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest psym.nts: ef fleet to 0 principal cities: sere yourself money by getting oar terms Srst TOLMAIt. Its Abtostaa bldg.. lMtt Thtrd at HEADQUARTERS FOB 8ALABT LOANS Money can be berrowed on esse payment plan, lowest rates; strictly eonfldeetiaL CBESCBNT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third snd Morrison. WANTED Notes, mortgsges or contracts sa sny kind of real estate IB Oregon aad Washtog- ton; second mort gates purchased If well se cured. H. S. Nobis. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN On city improved real eetats st B aad T pat ceat. i or 8 years. Meal tot Scobsy. 801 Columbia bldg. MONBY loaned on furniture, pianos end other securities W. A. HstBSway, room 10. Washington Bldg. Phono Psclflc 1882. PRIVATE monsy to loss oa real estate; rates ressonsblc; mortgages bought snd sold. 0. A. Johnson, 818 Commercial block. LOW rats oa furniture, etc.; eonfldentiel Flledner bldg.. loth sad wa fsshtogtsa Pad- flc 2ftT, MONET WHUaa to loan oa sU kinds af security. Holf. room B Washington bldg. TO LOAN Sums to salt on chsttel security. B, A. Frame. (14 the Marqaaat. PHOTOGRAPHS. DON'T BB DECEIVED Riser, the photogra pher, has not been la the Goodnough bldg. for many months. For year photo work set Klssr Photo Co.. scenic and commercial photograph era, 424 Lumber Exchange. Port land. Orsgon. Phone Main (Ml. or Bast SSST. PLUMBERS. FOX" A CO.', sanitary pin SM Sscsad bet. Mala and Bsimon. Mais SDOL DONNBRBBBO A B A DEM ACH BR. rsmored to BO. 80 RUBBER 8TAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Aldsr st, phone Mala T10: rubber stamps, seals, stsnclls: baggage, trade checks; brsss signs snd plstee. ROOPING. REAL ESTATE PARRISH, W ATKINS A CO., Imuran agents. MO Aid st A. B RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Main 6SM. S22 Chamber of Commerce. SAFES. PORTLAND BAFB CO., sole sgente far Herrtog 11.11 Martin ssfss sad Mtngsnsss Stssl Safe Co.'s bank ssfes. Ths. Urges! aasortmsat of high grade tire tnd burglar proof ssfss Is tbs nortnwsst. ss oevtmtw ss. DIKBOLD manganese and Breprnof ssfes: lock Otits opened, tnstsl flitares; rsnlt snd tail wsrk; jscks. I. B. Davis. M M. Mala 1066. NIQHT sacnud hsnd flroprosf ssfss sad tws eorond hand hank eefee for east assess, at 70 Saitb at. Portstad. Or. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASBB of ersry deeeriptbss; beak, bee sad store Ox 'arse mads to order. Tbs Laths Maaufaetortag Co., Portlsnd. R. H. B1RDSALL, dsslgser: agent M. Winter Lumber Co., T SUSUItoa bldg. Mala saga. FINANCIAL TTXTOkT. sbM.lraxtlJeiJ tea. Bignt axshtaws aad T i, Dsarsr. Omaha. Ma sa. Parts. Berlin. Frssk M a Beaaral Baafcxaa Busiassa. Drafts AB Parts ad lbs WsrVt Bishsss CssTtoathsts Skeoo si sii rrr,f .-rrr rr w-r I TaTlTBD BTATBB NATIONAL BANK OY PORTLAND. V .. . "'-rttrwrst Corner Third sad Me Catted States sua Europe srwsssoxs s asnsrsl aasklnc Buslssss. . k ... VW ProatosM'. . '. .J. C AINS WORTH B. LEA BARNES item i at Caahlsr D ANKERS' B LTJxTBKBKTSrS BANK-Portlsad. U . waamttcisi jasd, ssrlaga topsrttsaat. I assrctal sad ssrlnas department Interest paid an Ssetags letters sf aT KBA1 nn, si sreair issnsd sesiisni. is sil os lit Issnsd svsllsble In sil psrts D. 0. FBBD JOHN st I OTH CHILD. . . First Tles-i a ATI HO Hecoad vice-1 THZ lAVI ot rtMf rrrtatwr a ra.aaKM.h,a.aa i blbvb .r A-'oi-BsnkiW -m &ir.xi Interest oa Mass deposits. Accounts oaeaed far sums of (16 and upward. Portlsnd Brsnch Chsmhsr of Commerce Bnfldtsg. WM. A. MACBAB Msaaaar I Maaaaar FntST NATIONAL BANK SF POBTLAND. OBEOON. . ' Dsalgnstsd Depository and Financial Agent ot ths Unltsd flislllisl at Uir M I fasha Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD I Letters sf Credit Arsllehls In Sight Bxehanae and Telearanhlc Transfers told sa New York. Bostos. Chisago. Pssl. Omshs. tota Fraaetoes tnd the nrinclpsl points In ae Not tow sat Blsht and tim. kin. s... i. .. , i-i, i.,.a.. wuta switn Franktort-os-toe-Mala, Tokohsms. CaxBsahsgsa. ttorlrttaala. Btockboba. St rwtsrsoarg. Msssiw. swxrtoBJ ' TRUST COMPANTES sr-s.nart awn ts no's cawvimt oar aaMOv ev. ' eiaa Oamsaasrr la f RESOURCES OVER (1.750.000. Osneral banking. S par cant Interest on check occoosja " (seen hundreds) on dolly bslsnees sf (SM or oyer. Lettera of credit end etchsnga oajw parts of ths world. Strings teeoonu. Ttms certificates. S to 4 per cent: ehmrteaH special, certificates. (800 or orsr. 2 to 4 per coat. Call for Book of ILLUSTBATIOWS. Postheest Cneser Third and Oak Btnasta Phone PrteStS BXcbtBgO TSL BENJ. I. OontN President I H. B. LBB PAGET BscrataiT 1- a-w EOURITY SA' 13 Transacts s SB Tims SIS SA VINOS B TRUST COMPANY Bask In. Baslssss. rings Aecounta. Acts ss Trsslse far oatttse crsdlt ArslUble la All Psrts sf tbs World I t mill?. Preeldeat 1 BaeonA Vlc.Praaldesl GEO. p. RUSSELL a3 MOBTOAOE UABAaTTxTE A TRUST Trsnasrts a General Banking Business. Interest Psld sa Tims Dspsrtment; 4 par cent Istsrsst allowed, sassmnaadsd mial tarty. CAPITAL W. WATEBBUBT la" S. LOGAN HAYS. BTks TeaipM Seeenth sad Stsrk Streets. Pwsbb NORTHWESTERN GUAR ANTES B TRUST COMPANY Portland. Orsgos. Lumber Exchenge S. B. Corner Sseond sad Start Streets (second Boor) ansvar. inrvT rut corporations. AOBNT kfnnlrtnal and Cornoeatloo Ron, aad flnsnced. assaas 'ITLE wUARANTFE B TRUST COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS sa Portlsnd Bssl B Titlss lBSBted. 2. THORBPRN ...... President Vlcs-Preeldsat GEORGE H. HILL BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS railroad aad OWNTNO.HOPKTHS COMPANY Established STOCKS. BONDS. 0 RAIN Bought Prlrate Wares. BOOM d CHAMBBB J. 0. LBB COMPANY 18-M Lafayette Brokerage Depart ssest Us Before Baying sr Bsfllug Steak t Baa JOTJIB J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Bxchanjtt. . Corner Sixth sad Wsshlngton Streets. Portland. Oregon. Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. TO Y STRICTLY0 COMMISSI Maxheta S, 3S-A&3t " SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A BXBISBB BIONS. , - )..,!, nn M.. UmSt slSO bBStBSSS In ths city by .Hrst-claxw. work snd keeplnx oar ncomlass. Oar ssrtsss ate rtsht. FIDh and Everett sts. Phone Ba. 56. 7. p. BERG SB B SON. SM YamhlU ot all kinds. Phone Psclflc SMB. st Signs 8IONS THAT ATTRACT A H. MT Msrk st Phons Paeltle IBM. Boal Os. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Os.. street paring, slds wsBts sad crossings. 814 Lumber Exchsngs. THE Bsrber Asphslt Pselng Co. of OfSoe 866 Worcester blk. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFEB CO cor. Sixth snd Osk sts.; baggage checked from betel or roMdSBCS direct to dentins Hon; ps socagers therefore avaM aasa st depots. Priests SAFES, ready dos snd furniture moeed, pscksd ping ssd sesppes; au wort we. 8-story brick. Sre-proof guaranteed; weret.ouse for storage. OfAoe 808 OsB . Otosn A Boa. Phons Mala MT. C. 0. PfCK. office M First St. between Stsrk sad Osk sts.. pnone aaw: pianos ano inmnurs Bstfseu una psewsw iw winna. brick wsrebouse with separate Iron Frost sod Clay Its. CUT ratss sa hoasehold goods to an points ssst: ws maks sp carloads; special room for trunks while waiting. Oregon Anto-Despatch. IS First st Pbons Mala Tit. PENINSULAR express; dally trips between dty aad petUnaator: tranM deBrered at city rates. 247 Alder. Pbons Msln till; residence. Union llOd. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1(4 North Sixth. Phoae Mala SB. Hoary hauling aad storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER 00. Storage. Sts Stark et Mala 407. POST SPECIAL BBLIYBRY, Na. MOtt Weah Inxtoa st. Phoae Mala tdt. TYPEWRITERS. FB tall JUaHngtons. Smlth-Prsmlsrs. Dsns xeerea. otT, lower than ssiy e roaapssy ; lnreatlgats. UnderwoxHl Typewrttsar Co.. M Ota. NBW typowrttere. all mokes. mMAMN aad repaired, ast Agency, Ml tart- Tal. 1MT. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, SOS p, SI psr month, l ortlsnd Laundry snd Towel Supply Co., Nlsth sW ChaeB. Hons 410v TELEPHONES THE only esetactrs UMMotil tsasi, H.-B. Electric A Tslepboae Mssufacturlng eem- psny. 82 Fifth at WINDOW SHADES SALS WINDOW SHADS CO.. MT Misses St. plain sad fancy thtdes made to order at lowest prices. Phoas Mala BBTB. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. 'TUB BBBYMAN LEATHER CO. Jobbers ol saddlery, nsruware, noree gooos ssstasr. naa Inga and shoo state supplies. Fifth sad Oak. U. A. OUNST A CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF rlNB CI OA Bat PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing OaBepsay Msnnfsctursre of furs Hsrs fag tbs trsds. Portland. Orsgon. HEBK. OAEB A GBAHAM (lac), commission merrhents. Jobbers of fruits, prodoce. stc; FUBNITUBB sxaaafassMrtw oax'gsssl"iSwa, L. Bsrsasars rarattata xaapsg(Y two trial at. WAOHAM8 A CO.. festarsrs saa sots snd Osk sts. EVBBD1NG A FARRELL. m sins mar chants. 180 Frsers Pboa, Main 1TB. ai.i.en A lewis, nimmlmiis sad Jiijimi esar chsnts. Frost snd BotIs sea. Per ths sd Or 1 .Mill i an Ti I , i Oti ,SJ0 STEIN WHOLESAU srockeey ( glaaewsn sgals A Ot ISC ss IBB Stgta. see. AYNB tsbbss. ead T BANKS to l sad ! and Lettera sf .Credit tssaed Aesjasaas sw frjttoaa a sMtsMtM , , r Oaki ptrost. caarts. at UBins iwmumv m-rwimvm - - y..lh r-AllAOtlnaa BtnBS SB rSISSSVIV - sf the world. wa aMbb 2. T. BUBTCHABLL Aaststsat Mssavgar Second Assistant Cashier B. P. Europe nod the garters States St. Lost. L. PrTTOCK Vlcs-P 0. OOLTRA Aswtotaat 8M Morrises aVtrsat SAVINGS DBPABTME ENT. totarast ATtosraa Dsarre aaa tessswa t. A. LBWTS. B O. ITTBITB ESSSr Assists st Secretary COMPANY BANK. w-MiiH-r" . stars nt Secretary Msln 164. Opes Mtardsy S to B FOB CORPORATIONS. Is Bnneht I asso. saa ss gaaraxeasws. - MO WASHTNwTON stale tt Uoweat He ret Abstracts Furs'she nea. JNO. R. AITCHISON. T. T BCBKHART psblle ssrrlcs corporstlos boasts. 1688 BROKERS. aad Bold for Cash aad oa Msrgin. sf COMMERCE. rtc asata aa,. Bldg.. Maaager. Can Always Bare Ysa Msaaa, 10. t,T&"Hl-w-. ABD ON Bl REFERENCES Ladd TUtoa. WINES AND LIQUORS COLUMBUS. California wins depot: sil kinds of wine, Be B Bless. Cooks' and Coots' Help ers Headquarters, 14S Foarth St. Facets Pa cific 21M. P. Loratl. YANKEES I BY AMBASSADOR Russian Diplomat in Japan Re fuses to Breathe Same Atmos phere With Blue Jackets. DEMANDED THAT SAILORS BE EJECTED rROM HOTEL Wishes Complied With Amid Pro tests of Guests Who Surrounded Titled Foreigner snd His AnMrican Wife and Denounced Act. (Jooruel Special Her ties.) Ban Francesco. Oct. 12. Tha Atntrt can colony ltt Japan la up la arms against the ropreaon ts tives of the) Rus sian government over tha action of tha Russian ambassador In refusing to breaths tha aagna atmosphere with three American blue Jackets. Ho was dining with his wife at the Nikko hotel, which is a famous Japa nese resort near Tokio. when the Amer icana entered, aad' he Immediately de manded of the m sser that the sailors ba elected or he would leave. Not wish ing to lose tha business of this promi nent aSTsrsjaaga. Ms wlah was complied with, and it called forth a protest from nearly every one in the place. ' Passengers arriving here yesterday on the Uttar Doric tell news ot lata dis turbances In diplomatic circles In Japan. The Russian ambassador, whoso name Is Baahltoff, with hla wife, who la of a Philadelphia family, were dining at ths hotel, and with them and occupying separate chair was hie wife's pet poodle on exhibition. The doors of the dining saloon swung open and three American blue Jacket, one-of whom whs a petty officer, were escorted in. They wore tall and manly looking fellows In whlto duck suits aad made such a handsome allowing that every eye of tha aascmblago was turned) in their direction. They were shown M a table and commenced to give their at tention to the menu card. At this point the Russian ambassador called Tor ths manager end In a loud tone demaadwd) that the Americans be ssked to leave the rod The man was startled, hot After a few momenta' hwgttatton walked to where the Americans eat aad lth profuse sryrtrstxea requested these te i hstVa. The salvors showed the humilia tion by blushing, but without a word thev walked oat. This was tho signal fer a vigorous outburst from aearly svtryons Is) the room and the American ladles ir' rounded the Russian dlpteesax say tsM him what they thought ef him. tod. tried to any It was not the auatoM fsf j Russia for ssllors or soldiers aad thsMKl of the upper strata of Russian seel to dins in the earns room en ts 1 tipinste tn oleasures In the m.s american woman however eon! tinned their denunciation nntlt the. Buss aristocrat was eomadeeely at lend sd Milwaukfe astern sad Ssnwd sag aad Alder. ' 'TKm'YJr iTMbtoaTto Astsat CasBxst.'LV.' wT . ...A. M. WBIOBTY , Oxoasa. Csrner Sssead tad Jtarh streets. sseeaats. aaaata siss NSULTED ureaen lvit SHBLaBssxaaaaaaaBBBBi iMBVajtesAite BJHtJBSJtotoU