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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING IrrnRiw mew TODAY. THE FOLKS OF BUGVILLE. BUSINESS CHANCES. WHAT I WOULD like to meet arena oa with 82.800 to toreat hi a (too. I mining pr.uio.ltlsn. Per s hlBsrssgtloa ceil st room 307 .11 laky kldg. A Special Certificate WANTBD Baa an u pat email wSl ssoaey late deseluplug rrnsSlala sstim : sat a slock prooualtkw; artrtetly legitimate woald he pertaetstjy dssk u 10, JouraaL of Deposit . 'la stock ol WITH THK nW COMPANY XM OREftON" WILL DO WO TOD. have tlM wur rty d It far th gy of , BH.IH.T. 'J-.V'' 4, MS baYf1MH M tppuslaiillf st win KM wRb you sad far yau tin; ths e raise of 1 to 4 per MM ssa s draw oat or added ad tar ySau an Um at In- FOB SALE IT -room roomlng-houae, Irat-claaa JW; sasp; owner kr ata 7 tosV . Ckfl ot W.rtlagton tt,. oppoelie utSi PWIII . en. It wtU strengthen end bolls u scssr. avery osiisr d ta a slctorr of win FOB SALE Hardware and talk It ow with sad ImpUment J st Newborg. Oregoa, by BKaovmon over ii,7m,oqo.oo. wawa Boss. 18. ioe. wra. .. . . : ' . IJHI- ITS a,,.M ST ' m Portland Trust Company of Oregon m. or. ad aaa oat at, nou ex. ts. BBNJ. X. COHEN H. L. PITTOCK , E mm Paget J. O. GOLTRA Aa President .Secretary tsry tary : sacral H ERE la valuo received. E L L O VERT thin artistic and modsrn about that new five-room bunga- w on East 18th, near Madison. .171. OOK! We bare a coay four-room cottsgs on Bast 37th. near Haw thorne. 11.600. BT as show you a modern six -room horns on Nob Hill at 14.500. Nsw. NLY a few more days to Investi gate a two-story buslnsss brick on Everett street, 60 feet front. at 110,000. income property. Ost the habit of seeing ua. a x.. yimmiWsT 00. R. HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate. Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. rONCOWp BUQ. fjrONClMAjN 99fi ORE BIN WAY (PORTLAND HEIGHT 8) The most beautiful locations la. this addition remain unsold. Bull Boa wa ter, electric lights, gas and graded streets Superb view of Mt Hood, East Portland aad Willamette river. Cholc ost lota UM each. Terms. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, pots to and stock growers, number In family, ages. etc uaii or write us ror prices. Rural ui rectory Co., II fourth atraat. Business Properties at Attractive Prices Wa oaa not advertise these proper ttss. but If you will call ws will be glad to furnish you with the particu lars ana snow us properties. Sphinx Agency. 101 Stsrk street. watw mom rod ait sMB fas waterfront on Willamette. A choice mill sits tor sawmill or any heavy manufacturing business; deep water. 1 acres of land. Address T 47, Ware Rooms for Rent eOalOO in brick building. First and Couch. Rants reasonable; lease. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E cor. Id aad Oak. Phone Bxo. 71. CHOICE ACRES Oaa to five-scree tracts, close In, on O. W. P. By.; choice black soil; Im proved; SSOO pa acre; easy terms. JORDAN & GARBADE H Wsshlagton at, WEATHER REPORT. The stars yesterday off th Waahlnafam esast -t staved rapidly M.tward .Id tstoEa! W it t aaatral ovar Alberta. A tm," f jsw griaasri eatesda taaawe to "fywartajr aad the barometer la relatively lew ver Colorado. Arlaoaa ssd Maw Mexico Thla 22 TTT'taTTn' ri"' r BBbW are reported: Berth Haad nr..h Wasb' )a aa W". aoaiaaaat: smae, Idaho M ano i PeeatoUa, lso. 40 mllaa, la rlalnv mm m.. fSStde etstea and tea ceaaBUona tr, t,wlh Bar fair weather la thla .li.iri-. a.-..? .J wast a er two. It will be cooler toatab. 'Warn malt freets In Say afterweon It will high ariassi i eras 1 wast fa saw eaatral bsaimalay eesl weatl the yfrgistaa. revelle In the h.r. trrm ercerred as far eeatb aa Chtrleetoe. Sooth DEATHS. taWTHOPT -October 0, m rear. Tag Pettfgi biaeL Mergsretsa Halthaff, (rove. flee of Tmyler. TO reari'oeeamcaagb Vsllaasg,''esrawrea' VmsetsiL Sawareettaas tehee at a. "Peelse time: SaBTWr. CwleraeW. so eS .0 Jle g g E rSfsUfrate : : S id Bw?'i ill THS KINO Say, think up something funny, quick. But don't make ma laugh too hard. MARRIAGE LICENSES. lint H Bswktaa. 28; riorenea I, Graham. igWllltam B. Lester wood, li; Beryl G. G.rat.l. Ham Weathers SaS North Nineteenth street 17; Bertha Hansen. St. Krsraft Dllwtln Idst a dig Coach street. 18; Edsa Kyler. 10. Charlea H. Dodd, S; Carlisto M. Praaar. 03: B. Bee N orris, Oregoa City, Oregon, ft; Ida Bowie SB. Charlea Arthur Bayley. 817 Jefferson afreet, 1; Katie Henry. 18. eddlng as sMg. Wit sV Oe.. Waasr sat Washlagloa ata. Foi Wadding aad eelflag esrds rngrarad . printed. Xl. T. Rash ton. satis Washington Mtae Bertha Martin, raom gU AUaky Stsmptng aad On needlework: leeeone mil dress salts for rest Tailoring Co, SOS stark at. Ualqea UNDERTAKERS. Donning. MrEntee Qlfkaegh. endertakara ana emosamera; moo era is every setau. seveais aaa nee. Mala ego. Lady seals tent. ah. sadartakar aad emhelsner. te and Umatilla are. Erlakaoa Alder at. Undertaking Co.. asd emba Mala lis. Lady J. P. rtsler g Third asd Office of eonaty Phone Mali S. CLARKE BROS.. riorW- Pine flowers ead floral designs. SOS Morrlaoa at. Bti lie grevea 110. Fealty lot ITS to gl.000. eary cemetery Is Portland which per Hy aaalatarna sag cares far lets. Per fall Tee apply to W. B. Mackeasto. Wer- . my. w. si. i see. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry P. Cesser to Lewia H. Blnghoose, acrea beelnnlae at aoatb. is ss-ioo acres eaet corner of Nathaniel Hamlin do nation land claim , t a 116 nu..Bw uTunoie ana wire TO ssa uurband. 'east t of lou 7 asd s. o a rS Btensews addition a.noo w. n . iwq aao who ro v. w. Walla. pert of lot 8. block t. Stewart Park. yVH """t "ad wife end George H. Nottage Jr to Janice N. ynllllove, , and 10. block 11. Borragc tract John J. labia to Mrs. Mark O Nalll andlvlded H of lota 7 aad 8. block 17. cteara' addition; abw the undi vided u of lota 1 asd . block 80. t ortiaiMi 44.M0 mD neesisg to Elisabeth Brown, weet 00 feet of lot 1. block "h ' J 1-.V ... 8.800 ana win ro leTiSQet M. Wright, lots g end 7, block 188. 2e dditioe . 11.000 . . u "mnnes inveetmrnt Trnet. Ltd.. to Oeoret p. Lam sad wife, -f' . 8 sad 7. block 4. eabdlrtaon of Blverrlew addition tn a Harriet L. Ornber ssd huabend to Mary " 2 i"--""i " "t oioca si. First addition te Relladay Park addition... ay gbosTes to W. L. Meager, weet 80 fest of let 8. block lg. Cam then' addition 8.000 H. Metsger asd wife te Loranao 7 and 8. block a Uot ltloa te Oreeham In aaatlnai 10. townahln 1 aonth. ranaa S u.. 180 Werrea Miller end wife to Henry MoOBtS. lot IT. block SS .ll.i.l B. Harrington asd wife to M In a la tl' lP'J?L1L!aa 16 " ' f lot IS. block MR Oonch iitiHHn. ,08 M. E. Thompeon ft al. to Martha "dir. leas, lot 10. block 1. ssbdlvlalos of northetet M of tract D la M. Pattoa trset 878 Arlete Land company te Clara Pander. ss i ssa z. niora 8, Arlete Perk Be. 8 Oseeer Bcbwardtmann asd wife to 'We'll cswe- weiaseoaaeh, eons feet begin Blag st Bortbeeat corner of eee&aa 10, toWDBhlp 1 eoafk. rente 1 east. . B. Laa ead wife to Maggie and Class unebeogn. eaat 88 1-8 feet of lot 11, block Mt. Couch addition . J A Hlgglss to John W. Armstrong, lota S sad I Mock 14. Ktnael Park.. Bobert A. Littie to Clement never and wife, lots IB and 18. block 10, Norte IrrlBgion M. B. Lee ead wife to M. B. Oonld.' mi 100 feet commencing et stake on aonth aide of -Clay treat Is center of Bli- ar 1.750 ntl Uoarantae a Trnet compear to J. B. Thoma. let 7, block 10, West Piedmont Jsmee Meckenste and wife to Albert's'. Helnta, lot 18. block 41. Tremost.... BOJs 0. sad M. Is. Haghea te J. C. Bryant lets 7 end 8. block 0. John IrvlBg-a first addition te east Pert land Ints Salomon to Loais A. Custer, an ef bUick 1. Simon's addition John Bwsld to Blrbard Pest, tot 7, block tt, Lisstsa ... A. t. Stone end wlfs to Aeroa Pox. Jots 8, 10 aad 11. block 17. and lot 8. block It. Palrvtew Louts Ooldamlth and wife te W. W Banks. 100x50 feet beginning at point ISO feet waet from the northeast cor ner of block IB, Goldsmith's addition. A. W. Schmsle end wife to Uaeett irir' M lets tt sag M. steak 4. HlshUnd Perk Minnie end Era Lewis to . Oeeser. uadlvded H of lot 1. sleek 84, Couch addition .77. , . Samuel W. Wlsgate and wife to Anns L. Weet. lata and 7, block 8, Irving. tea Heights 77. Meere Iavestesent comsaay te NiefcsUa Innls, lot 8. block 47 Tersea Tit la Guar an Ice A Treat compear to rul S. Reader weet U. ef art 11 and eaet 17.70 1J feet of let 18. block 70, Sonnyelda Third addition Daniel Pabey aad wife te W. H. Hacker. 1st T, Mock 14. Willamette . W. H. Hacker aad wife to W. It. Os trander. tot T, block 14. Willamette M. B. Thumps US at al. to James D. Og des and wife, lot It. black I. eahdl vlson af asset of trset 6. M. Patton Tract Title Gnarsntee Treat company to George MrKeaste. lota lg sad IT, block 14. South St. John P. W. and Ids B. Tergler to Charles E. aad Ethel B. Puller, aeet M feet of aw is 1.500 S.TOS 108 10 X.JBO BOO 1 10 880 M0 lots s snd 4, block st. Hanson s eddt- tlon te East Pswilsnd X8B0 re Beal Batata comnenv to John a. bum. lata as, is. is, is. Mock g. Kern Park Grand Army Osssstsry saeodatlon to Jacob Hartmaa. tot 144 A, Is sec tion 4. Grand Amy cemetery B. C. Howard te Cherts S. Marsh, tote 1 sad X Meek 14. Point View... Lsatss E. Prasp te Vera M. Plaid, north ion fact of kit 8 aad Berth loo feet ef 800 east as t i, Blocs s. Jobs Irving'- First sdditloa te Bast Portland. Phil T. Oetaeld sad wife te Jeaeok eta 14 sad 18, block 48. Sell. 18. block 48 Par sbetrscta tills, tnaaraaee ar ISS. rail mm B amSlB' XiriC S Trmmt sssmssssm -C- St iwer lasnrssee ssd strsrt to real aetata The Bugvllle Aero Club NOTICE, NOTICE or BALE circuit court, state of Ore gon, county of Multnomah W. B. Kdwarda, plalnllff. re. 1. T. Bartbwlck. defendant: The uuurraigresu, s. a. Cobb, receiver of the co- PBrinereuip or uie Hamlwlld Lumbar com psay, wm reeeired sealed diss for the pi arty end aaaeta of the aald aetata at office, at Beet Water asd Pine atreeta. Pert lead. Oraeast : lat Th mrohnril - ..A k on hand. td. Horses, tools, lmplemeate ssd fixtures. 3d. Lease ssd buildings. 4th. Notes saa aceounta receivable, otn. ror the whole of aald property asd aaaeta. A complete schedule of the property and asset, la on flle et the office of the aald receiver, at the pleat of saiu estate, at naaeiwiis. Mniraomah eeasty, Oregoa. and at the office of Wllklae A Ben nett Mohewk building, rortland. Orsgoa. A wrunso cnecs of iu per eeat mast sec P""y !. se ror ta l tea m case the pur cbaaer fells to complete hla purchase. The aesasa nans win Da opened et the office of aald receiver on Saturday, the 10th day of - f' ,m nour OI ., sock selss to he subject to the confirmation of the October B, 1808, S. B. COBB. Receiver district eosrt of the United States, for the district of Oregoa. In the metier of Charles B. Thornbrse, bankrupt. Notice la wssuj grvea mat on the ninth day of October, u. iri. Charlea B. Thornbru of Portland Orsgoa. was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and . uiv mi ujfrii ng of hla creditors will be held at room. 104-8 Penton bids. Oregjn. on the twenty-second day ef October. lOOt, sf 11:80 e. .. at which time the aald creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee exemine the bankrupt and transact each other baslnees ss may properly come before each meeting. Dated October 11. 1808. CHESTER O. MUBPHT, Referee Is Bankruptcy. MEETINO NOTICES MULTNOMAH Camp. No. TT. W. 0. W.. meets tonight is their Ball. Eaat Sixth, near Bast 'Alder. All' netting neighbors ssnasuy welcomes. J. c joNBs, c a j. m. woodworthTc. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for all cessions, vary reaeoneoie. Mala g Lscretla St. M. W. A BTBBOBBEN 0AMP. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Pecelmlle typewrit ten letters; eddreaelng. mailing. Ml Uj Stark M. W. A.. Oeegew Grape Camp. Ho. t.STt. Mas days. lTtt asd Marshall; vlaltore wilsimi. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Oa Wedneedey evening, between 10th ana lets an., on East ana any. a gold watch charm on a black ribbon, marked on back. "B t-M-08"; reward for return to M Beat aeveatn sr. LOST On Third at., hex containing a aew salt. Return to Planner. 100 Third at., sad receive lewara. LOST Small black from 85 r. Snder return end receive sard. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 1 energetic real aetata men or entry, to nana) our department for "Farm Lands" exclusively; mast snder tend Oregon and Washington soil thoroughly, have good Judgment ss te valaee; man of good addrees between the agee of 17 to 40 year; men who went to grow up with a It seines that assures them s promlang llveuaosdl salary or commiaaloa, er both! we will pay for abllty, wages no object; asas bat Sara or niftiest msnaeettons sssd apply. 84. zftu, Washington st. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH BT. Pree employ aaest te ear pat rose. .. TX "lmmi sua ap; onara. ea.ov up. WABTBD Salesmen mssy msks 8100 to 1150 per montn: soma era more; stock rlesn; grown as reservation, far from old orchards; caah advaaesd weekly: choice of territory. Aaareaa Washington nursery company. Top. Waatytagtoa. ' WANTBD 1 well-grseaed. educe ted axes to sail Charles Dudley Warner library, world's best literature: call only en nersona who have written for particulars; aew proposition: liberal commission. Anolv bale aew a and 18. Globe Publishing Co., Columbia bldg. MEN AND WOMEN to leer, barber trass la sight weeks; graduates ears from fU) to Ml wssklyi export Instructors; catalogs tr. Moler System af College. M North Fosrtk st,. WANTBD A maa with 8800 to tsks sas of pas neatest uttis cigar aaa candy stands te th olty. located on the best business et.. et 181 Morrison at.: buv direct or WANTBD Boy; steady work. M N. rasas. asr uavxe. NTED Tw tlite first cUss a chine men : nermanent position. Oregoa Fat Bit Bis Mfg. Co. Macadam read. AOENTB TO INTRO DC UCB THE Rnrbank'a GREATEST norrjcaiiarsi WANTED Math saaiaakerai steady work. 88 Front, cornsr Dart. YOUNG man at tending bsslnees college want place to work for board ssd room. P SB, rare Journal. AGENTS waatsd to eel so parlor, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished tree cash weekly: write today for choice of ter ritory Capital dtp Bursary company, Bshrm. or. WANT ED Most bsvs M sseee young men re) themselves tor railway telreri c; big demand for graduates. Call i proin aph day ssrvics er evening Expert Coltsse of Telastrsnhv nm wpaiiii oiog., eiawxi ana SBsesy StB BOOKKEEPBK sad of See man; must be ac curate and a good penman: good opportunity; state age. experience and salary expected. Address R M, cars Jewess!. WANTED Young men to prepere for poaltloae T """"eepar ar eianogra peeve ay our Decern plsn; win place yea la pnelttoa. B. SBW-esa wrceter hlk. WANTED- -Ooatmskars sad Tr'Sm'titon hlig! eex prwa past. A. J ROOFERS w.ntod. tlnawrs wsated. waters wasted. Apply Wyakoet t metal Roofer, eal ASS at. fSSLTTSi V,Uwtep,o7e,r IF good ebehee Bar ad t secernent ; state raf- leaostlsg aad atrlUty. H 18. Journal. IF you a ws l ajga makea an ascension. HELP WANTED MALE. SIQNPA1NTEB wanted. Washington at. J, P. Slrsgishel. 108 8 SHOVBLBBS waatsd at corner of KM Unas worth and Alblaa avee. Take L ear to end or Hue. ASSAY EB who knows aomethlng of aarveylag - wv" onui cwipaaj; goua open Ing for s yosag maa. Hsnaes, 18 N . Second st W ANTED Star, holt entitle: ann.1 Ap- ply Western Cooperege Co., 800 Steems bldg city.' or Houlton. Or. CO ATFIrTTS HE R wanted at ones Columbia woolen mum lo, Beventh ead Stark. GOOD opportunity for the right bey; wage to par wees: sure age. references, schooling aooreaa it on, care journal. ROtTLEDGB OY8TKR TO. wants young man apout 10 or is years or sge; goea wages. 17 wand ave., north. ORG AMEERS wanted, salary and commission imparls i ootei, Saturday, 10 to 12. II BOT to run errands. Apply to Lowengsrt A Co.. 81 rront at. BOYS wanted to wrap soap. Lurkel. King case soap co. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED ir you wort, way an ears more thaa living! Be Independeut: do good. The Vtavl uo. aireeay employs 1K.OUO woman; the work covera 23 countries of the world; we win entertain applications from capable women not easvaaslag. but helpful, dignlaed work Address by avail only. Vlavl Co.. Lewis bldg WANTED Young people to prepere tesasaalvea ss bookkeeper ssd stenographere; have bad 848 calls since September 1; placed Mg ta position, w win puce yen potent. Day ar night. Catalogue. rraiaer Daaineea eoissg. rslksr BOMB LADIES AGENCY. Morrison', spstaiw. Alongside the X. M. a A. bldg. SIBLS WANTBD-tOneratore te wwrk aa snd Eaat Taylor et. WANTED Girt to msks aBs at Tt First St. "Bo, ef ABW - WANTED Competeat girl for general Apply 1BB East IStk st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. BSBtA Wessiag- toa st.. cor. stresses, spstesrs. Pboa Mala M8S female help wanted. WANTBD Girl, steady work, et 88 M. uerie. GIRLS, wbea you went work call ea the Sesn- wBavma uaise Agency, ioth sixth at eisiu oeuw. wonn GIRLS Cttoeolate dippers sad paeksrs. Oldos anay us, lirtn aaa unssn. WANTED BxperleBced body Ironar; steady sm- vaoysssss. vrgi on Laundry Co. Bast GIRLS wanted for aaaasal Basaaaarork; aad waitress. City Employment Ofaee, suits 1. 1H Washington st GIRLS to press skirt. Ml Alder street. wanted to aaatet eahfaa a.. faaey work spars time st home: aaed steady CSV. "JZl'T1- n,,to WANTED A girl to assist la general koala vjwk 11U - . k .T.tT f , im ewia ion ea. WANTED Address of lady who does , me and mending. D-J. ears Journal. LADY STENOGRAPHERS drilled by our Decern piau are mire er ta nest positions; enroll now; day aad night elaaaaa, conducted by the ciectic Hustiieee inirerslty. 48B-4M Wor- hlk. WANTED Experienced sewer ta lag. Apply Ban Francisco Tailoring Co., Apply ssi Taylor st. GIRLS wssted to wrap soap. Lacks', King SL ss. iaaa, etaaae tea Bl 1.BBB tWRU VeSS. ASSISTANT bookkeeper a position offering fair wages with t start and a chance for Improvement steady wi nperieacs, give detailed eceonnt of your cxp end references. Addrees R g. car Journal. WANTED Girl for i enersl homework ; email children: alee home; residence district Apply 747 Gllssn st. Call mornings or ketore x in s nermann. WANTED AT ONCE Good lady Dreoaars; good wagae. Berlin Dye Worse. 347 Second at. WANTbsB Chambermaids. wsltTSBSss aad all Room IS, 281V Alder. kinds of domestic help. WANTED Cook for hotel. 940. Ington at., room L 2S8H Wssh MALE AND FEMALE HELP. UNLESS XOU'BB "DEAD WOOD" YOU'LL LEARN THE ADVERTISING sad ef baste. PAOB-DAVIS CO. will back yoa. wherever you live, whstevsr your work, till you'r lo- cote.,.ih;lpiuTnr' "u MEN who are employed so knew that dictation msy Holmes Buslneee College, stenogrsphers p reeeivra st Waahlagtoa and loth ata. lev Moadar. Wedi needsy aad Frldsy evening, from 7:80 to 8:80 'E1J wasted eed aarwlte. ee femele. B G. Drib, 206 Vs Wash I Baton et. PsclSr ItT WANTBD In country hoax, two chlldrss to cere fur good school. Addrss M. M. W., pnstofftce be 08, Scspposss. Or. WANTBD First -rises lady aad gentlemen eaa ssr: aslsrr and iisslaffl. Can at Agency Bsrean. 82 Fourth at.. Portland. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A YOUNG msn desire position In clerk; 7 Jeare' experience; refer oca meet. Address Jacob Momlnger, ran Macadam at.. Portland. Oregoa. cats 1571 H. H. RICHARDS Book pa tod. ert lectin, general elericsl works tiflrasi. Ml 4th St. FIBST .i, s-Bor,rfbtirdp.r; AN experlanred ofSc maa that ess operate typewriter waata sit oat toe ta of Br a Ad or K M, cars Journal. WANTBD By mas sad wlfs posit toe as Cook to Barrel ar eebact boardtee ssubb. la at Is or oat of city; satisfaction swer- sstesd. R 71 care Journal. B700- wsat say high class labor cell Msln SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE orders far tabor promptly. Call .1--": ?'r!!rMy 0od",-v ,lm- 0- MR. ting hard. This confounded fly paper trust Is be so getting everything SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady desire chamber work la nice roomtn itng-l 1785 tfSuec; month and room. Mrs. Rllsy, Clackamas ave. Sell wood. Eaat S4M. 8TUDSNT. rood nenman an Id like Address kfter school and on Saturday. Journal. PLAIN sewl a by the day one East Ml or piece. 385 Eaat Ask any XOUNO tedy wishes position ss chambermaid Address B 74, car Journal. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, csavsassrs sad street work era. gar roar supplies from a. al. PI M0 intra new goods, bottom prices. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS FOB MEN M North Be coat at Phea Mala IBM. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., aw Morrison St. Pboa Psclfle MB. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE To The Portland Capitalist Ws make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS et LARUE BUILDINGS, piecing r i tlbs msuaanui, payment or taxes and GBNBBAL CABS OF PROPEBTT. Wa as tea neet or raciiiiics for csrrylng out y wishes aa aa aseat. Ws solicit your patmnag. Our raferea A Tllton. bankers, sad Msrcsata' National bank. B. H. BLOSSOM, BIB OHAMBBB OP COMMBBCB. a A. r. A.. Mysrs. Bl SIB LAND (OKFA.N1. Bsslnees lnnatments Baal Xstate. lee Be built and sold upon lBstslImrnta say part ef city. 1UM FIRST ST., COR. ALDER. . L. PARRISH A CO. bavs opened a general reel sstets sfflcs st AM Lumber Exchange bldg.. corner Second sad Stsrk eta., end will buy snd sell realty, collect rents aad nesotltt man; ftrst-clsss. reference: asasst aaahai who our cuou. raoas main asis. WABTBD A modern 8 or 7 room houae aa esst sms; mast tw cheap for cash 848 Beat 18th 87. WANTED TO RUNT. WANTED TO RBNT flats. lords win do well to call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBEGOS SUi 7X ax. ix. a. a. cwr. gg sag WANTED To rest i 14 block, or small acreage earn la; tenant. Address B M. cars Joun .r WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE WANTED FOR PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS ail rarer sr. HIGHEST pries paid for men s cast-off cloth lag. Phone PsciOc 48. Unci Jo. 81 Third. WI WILL BUT, BELL OR TBADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., SST- WASHINOTON. PACIFIC 788. WE WILL BUT year feral tar ear old time. Waaler salvage uo.. SZT w a sat as tea at. THE DOLLAR " wants 15.000 worth of head furniture, or will trad asw for old. W are jsst opening a rargs asw sag second-hand store at first and Mara. See ss shoot tt. We want trsde. The Dollar." WANTBD 1 good roll-top cash ; mast be reaaosskla. M, M7a Wsahlngton at. offlce deaka, for ami FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. 850U Alder st 7 Steam beet electric electric lights, hot asd cold water. tree Betas, porcelain tuna; a raw noweeaeep lag suite with (Ss ranges; msld service 82-50 per week ap. LARGE oatatds room, newly furnished, suitable for two centlemen: siestn heal, electric Hrhta. i; steam neat, el welkins distance, bath aad phone; walking distance. 408 Harri et. 08 COLUMBIA ST.. beautiful bar window oar lor, wltb heater, gas, bath end phone, central location; also 1 email rooms; between Fifth and sixth. THE RICHELIEU. Mt North 'glxth St. gsstly famished : stesur beat sad Baths, "TBS HUB." M Eleventh St.. corner Stark; . rooms wira sttsm rest aaa beta. LINDA VISTA. 847 Vt Flftlr Housekeeping rooms witn nay winnows, aaa sleeping rooms ELBGANTLY furnished rooms, furnace bests'. sna osts. T salmon et. FOR RENT Furnished, front room with ua of sitcnen new ass anises n. to man and wire 810. 888 vy at.; Woodlawn or U car. Teje- jnii'ub nuowawn wem. FURNISHED rooms snd furnished room for rent at 782 Vancouver eve. TBS GRAND. 483 Forth Third .- gentlemea 81.28 per week sad ap. FURNISHED rooms, i vry desire Me. Tel. r part af Msln 1481 rut 3. FOR RENT, far oa or two gentlemen, alee cosy tresst roam; also single room; I arms BMScret: ga sad ksrih M4 12th, Pboa Msln 4708 THK WOODLAND Elegant asoawra furMshed annms la beautiful private rcMdeaee, 81 per day MB Sixth st. cor. Madison. DAY, wk or month; heart of city. Fourth st. Hind bub. 18SV4 NEWLY cestrel furnished room, new Sat. 8B North 13th st. FOR BENT Nicely furnished roots for en er two gentlemen. a Han tt. NEWLY furnished M Eaat 16th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE Ml Roam, veaieatt MITCHELL. Pleaders sad Swear traaeleati ewa- boasakssplBg aad a sss. II. M WEEK UP. cleen. fur ralabed heuseksep- Ing room; parlor, bth. lanndry. furnace heat, yard. aw staatoo. u car. 11.80 WEBK ap. Urge e aan, furnished boues sad bath. 184 Sbsr gawping room, isanary bus south. Portland. 831 SALMON ST.. cor. Seventh-8 downstairs bosawk seplag rMSjsadsiisavaslasisa FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HALL and ballr mmm WftB I -J - 1 MOTH Wall, evelll Who'd a-thought I'd wealthy T UNFURNISHED ROOMS. t PLEASANT ua furs la bed rooms at 880 Moat gomsry at. Call 81 Fifth tt. 1 .'!CB w,r,or ,ot "st rcetonahla at 10th and Buruelde, The Clayton. ROOMS AND BOARD. A QI'IET home for eld gentleman la suburbs. K SO. c rejourns! WANTBD Board and room for elderly maa. la valid; elate term. R I. cars Journal NICELY furnished room fc board, prtvete .or m yowag men. see IB laso. a 14th St. A NICE Urge front room 1b prlette fslllv. with or without board. 843 Third at. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RBNT HOUSES 8, nsw T room houses. Just finished: strictly madsra. gas. electric light, porcelain bsth. furnace, cement cellar; Washington -at. car H block away: T81 and TS3 York tt.. sear corner 24th ; eT7.BC. end 30 rent. Inquire Moore Investmeut Co.. Staarea hide slloh snd Morrlaoa ate 0 ROOM new modern house. SB Rodney see. to Skldasur st. Tsks U or Union ave. car Owner st boas Saturday and Sunday Would en oa easy terms It on i reel KADDBBLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re Utbst pisno sad furniture-mevers; shm stor sge. Phone Mais 1888. Ofaee HO N. Third. FOR RBNT-1 Tatrdat! "oarUssl'VlO, conveniently located aa BIS sad M4 Corbett tt; rest daelrshle tea st. David 8 Wsahlngton at. reasoaanie te Steeme. S48 MODERN 6-room boas, farnlehsd. esst side. sbbsss msstton can after 8 o'clock esso ins. Phone East 443. FthM RBNT Cottage, corner 17th aad OUsaa ate. Max Smith, th Savoy Restaurant. 1M Beventh St. FOR BENT New 5 room boa S 0t FOOfls. fls t H. T. Palmer at East 34th and Dlvlaloa. Bast 84th aad Dlvlaloa. HOUSE SW rant cheap. Ml Third st. 8-ROOM Madera hoass, choirs IsamtJoa, TM Ess t main nensie a Harrison. XI T bldg. g ROOM cot tare ooraar lStb sad B. AMsr. 120 Phone Earn 788. t 7a FOR RENT-FLATS. PLATS 1 furnished housekeeplng-i bath. 881 Ssvaath st. MODERN B room flat, atssl aad gag rsass. win dow shades. Urge cement msstsaiat. SOBUj Hslaey. aear steal bridge. w -BOOM Sat. 1M Orover St. Peclgc FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop te rest, soluble far painter er plumber. BOB Poartb st. OFFICE-BOOMS, s.ifurnlsbed rooms tad sampW- room tor rant Good Bough Mdg. Apply ele vator. DESIRABLE offices. Including electric lights. hot aad cold water. Janitor aad ale Ta tor aervtce. Ib the aew. airy Comma wealth bldg . old postofaco site. Bit lb aad Bsrnslde sts. Agent room tlx. STORE 80x90, 20 rooms, furnished, for rant. or sale. Vancouver. J. H. ElwslL 8d aad Mala, Vancouver. FOR RENT Desirable storeroom, Us lea ave. ana Belmont. Hartmaa a 3 Chamber of Commerce. STOKE at Stewart station, Mount Scott; very. taus in snap ror ocenpancy; oouBtera. skelrlag, stc - lease at reasonsble rent. Pbeae racias sum. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. iioo.m houes (or rsat. fsmirara strictly central aad modern 81 17. r FURNISHED tot rent. 8 all CaO Woodltwa Mil FOR RENT FARMS. FOR HENT 100 seres, all la caltlvstloa. near R eed vllle : good bouse ssd bars. Aivord Aivord, US Mc st. MANURE FOR SALB ssd denverad say pert of city; plowing done. Phone East 8067. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTBD Partner with 16.000. to tsks fall rnarge ot manufacturing natal irtoe eeteunsoea; canny, cigar atsad for sale, or will trade for ous tad lot: dally tales IBS. A IB-room rooming -house for asm ar trad. A ffood-oarlas sslaao for aale. or will trad The abore are all laartes nroooaltlona. anal wui pear run iBveecigatioa. Room SOT Alhtkr Bldg. NYLANDER A M'AULBT. MUST sell furnishing goods, clothing sad shoe iiumasm is psssssuoaa rows er x.avo. ror res so that will b fulls einUfsed to barer: well estsMtehed aad stems the final a see of a large ead grow tog section. will lavetcs MiOUS to M.0OS: ess ba rsdussd meterUUy; only barer said si P M, care lata sal. , . - PHENOMENAL rtee Is iwtes of Hsrst Switch aspeetea any oay: tarn mar be soar test ,oj.t i-srs. are Kny bids SMALL restaurant and lunch counter in good lotatlon with r sale. Y SB. Journal LOAN money, examine abstracts, draw wills. sweat to etaer legal paper: charges ' legal Dai A. J oh naB, lawyer. 811 Miarrtel htecit. FOR SALE- Apartment-bonne ef IS two ma; all nvwiy rurnisnee; esay trm IX Bsesasary ; la- 1190; rant 860; located ea Morrison tt Apply Cobs Bros.' Far alt are 0., 1M First. FOR SALB Good stock of general merchan dise on route ef nsw S. P. railroad; will la voice about 88,800; sell or rest saw store building. Writ or asll J. O. Lyons. BUtea. Oregon. FOR BALE Grocery store, i Sim rstsa4i 1 asaimmd Is, EjajaRj sTssBaTSlMHBs WsjarC fslr bustaees; will In Phon Pscllc 841. sine, cioee in, aoini volee 1080 or 1700. FOB SALS Puritan Dellcatesaea. BOTH First ; rant, with II ring rooms, 120; atast U st. at GOOD CHANCE for sals, cigar, caady, fruit, books sad ststtosevr. with llvag-roata. ragulsr asd tranalent trade; rsssoasbl; otksr baalsesa. O I, car JouraaL FOR SALB Oat of the beat grocery star ta Eugene. Oregon, doing s good business ta good location and light aipeaea; swear bat otbsr bnsloeaa. Addssss George W. Dlsoa, Thsstra hlk., Cugeae, Orsgoa. BAKERY roB SALS. R 88. cars Journal. FOB SALE OB RENT Furniture ef 8 rendu rosm B 0 ,Bd 8 toi t.. FOR SALE Small srocerr: Invoice aaaaw ssraa. 4 llvng-rooma. Phone Mala BIST. ' ''I WUJ hoy prospecting machine sad mat per day In southern Oregon sarlsg rasty ounce 211 H Motrxso st "evsiopnissi company, eTntl: " ? Jmtatows WE bar Just found s few chores komastoada ZfS ZtSt 'm elalme. aad can locate "a"1!!?0.,'0 Pv1aad man ta real sstets f " ,71 uirereei in real eetate sad timber Una office. Addrss H 2. car JourosL DO you want a In little cigar, caudv and vord. 1M Morrleon it. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Hurry! Hurry!! iurry!! Osr West sBdsrtae to going ilk 1180-1176 par acre, close to ear tad school t "celUnt toll, ahundaace of running water positively th greatest snap on the market W party to leave our ofVe Thursday, i a. m : go with us. Schnyleman and Co. BBTt Waahlagtoa 16001 ACR ES 1 .blocks from oarUat, smaU r Lents, with wvsrsl Issabstert. house, ncsr 84i 000 to seres, H cultivation, near w.Ver" saamsld1w.iks ' iooxioo, Brim a No. l 7 -room J.umb w"t wtOO to com plate It. worth 81.800 when completed. BBe tote near Prsttyma ststlo. Meuot Jdatr; lot at fruit; wUl ssU cheap; part for,(MB0 " MMa rth"- " " wtH BC'B.MIDB, ST. BOOK Ml Phone PaclBc ltll. Send One Dollar Aad ws will lut poor property with 1 SM leal estate dtsjars who ar. sanxloui T to lr. a commlesloa ss you are to eeU: onr nlaa wsrriprioB: ws ar Sslplag t youl Addree The ln Marquam bldg.. PortUad. otaars. way a aside, in 500 Homes For Sale tre'-iTtesVb.- ci, 811 Harquam bldg.. PortUad. Orag Sellwood Preach, 1870 B. properly with ua; we will eall It. HOLLADA Y'S ADDITION kg Meek. I dwelllnge, csatsat sss sm l sts, Uwn. fruit, 878 nowers, cement sine wait; cheap rer assi intra st. COZY Uttis hems. Al condition, agar asr; high. aNTIN5?&!; Stttort at. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL HOUS FOR SALS. 17.600 Full lot aad 8 rasas run i -room house; bat water bells. spsklng tabs hip: ftasst ftew o nesting, aiecirio can ssiu and toe best workmanship win cuakM He met te Heights, asw sad saver been oc Isd: sent going to leave th city; s splendid barge la; easy terms. Also th prstttest bems of T twos la Ira- fuf;ta,"- '' GEORGE W. HAEBN. otx chsmnsr or camsstr Pboa Mate 4S. S-BOOM hlssl. from ear Una TBalAO K. ni Mies 8X000; Is bsat snburb. 10 minutes to Msrraum ssldg. Bit Sptaen tt., MonlavHU. Willamette Tract Oa Wluaaette bsulsvsrd. rrarteoklsg city aad rirsr. Brent fare, lots 50x1 uu feet; price rO tad up; SM eesh. per oath. Bm A. Eygowakl. WUlaavstto station. St. Johns THREE BARGAINS g-room cottage, busman t. hall, pea try. 1st 68 test front, eoasrsts wslks. fins Improved tracts, treats on Brookyn sat last; 11.000. t-iwem cottage, hall, pantry bsth, gas. baee tesatoencrsts walka. on Jefferson at., full v r.i?Tfi.."Tl, Ftatry, cloeets. hath: bout built of first-class material; concrat walks around boats, ales Uwn. choice fruits strosts Improved, wslks laid, ales view, con rsatent to ear In Woodlawn: only 11,800. HBNKLB nAKHlBON, lit Ablngton Bldg. ' MODERN 8 sad tisr w'JSLw. ST' Phon FOB SALB Br new A room nesia bums low styls yU: bath. aaa. furnace. W Xha 100. street Imsrovsmaata made .... to thorn sv. Pasts Sellwood 102. FINE 14.000: tm fc.i 0-room mndsiB""J i $8,000 balance 820 monthly. Quasi! '178 phime WB HAVE Jsst computed two asw mm rss- -mithi, p-v-riAoN-'rcx?., SM MeKsy bldg. Third sad stsrk sts. EXTRA I BXTRAI 7 roam mod am lot 80100, Beat 80th, 82.400: to bay let snd owu Dome wouia cost s,BOU, 4. 1. Qgt, a nwva aim saw. $325 Per Acre M sera os th earUnt: Is sell, m TVWKB. "I Pboa PactSt MIA 420 Commercial Mdg. avass-a sss ruses rer a cklcksa-raaeh: to B canines; gtno; f ion caah. balaace .rlTa1' -l?WD' " CBtamrcUl Mdg. MODERN 7 room haost! owsr tasrlag. ttll; eaeap. tons. Phone Wood Uwn 001 NEAT boms, fail lot. groom hoass. (M0i 1800 East Ikth, down, saisaes io par moatk. IBM Sellwood. rB hsve 10 choice lots la the Zlmmsrmas trset, east of Irvlngton, from B0 aa: saer terms: also 1 lots In riartestoB addition for EX 'VeooTps&V0 & NrvWT- .pBeLara.?w. -P?rL4 1.080 if tskta. aaoa: houaa tsaarad tor SefM paag ap tin ipua. IS1H Morrteo at., owger. A BARGAIN Bcsstlfal aew modern heme rooms; psrtlcsUrty wait ceaatraeted, sruatte N 40,' care Jour as I. '