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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
TODAY'S MARKETS HOP GROWERS ARE Slowness of Buying Operations Adds to General Weakness at All Points. HIGHER ESTIMATE OUT FOR CALIFORNIA CROP A Few Sales Reported Here During Past 24 Hours Within Former Range of Prices but Buyers Are Taking Their Time. Principal market feetures tonsr: Hopgrowera gat ling fiagusted. - chickens mU at low figure.. Creamery butter mi r market to heavy. Overeopply of cabbage on treat. Halibut la quoted He kicker. Chlttlm bark altuatkm to mixed. ' Bf market holding Ten firm. Many care-bananaa are due. 3 Potatoes firm far fancy. Nothing doing In on lone. Bopgrow.r. Betting Dlagu.ted. There to maeb dlaguat among growera of . hope ovsr the preaent situation. Daaplte tlie fact tbat the crop In England to even anialler than expected gome time ago, the trade to bowing practically no dlepoaltlon to take held of the 1906 erato at any paint. Tula condition la not a local one. There to dullness with very ' Utile buaineaa reported from New York, and Loudon buyers aay they are hot In any need of Immediate shipments. They are content, they 4 gay, to Tlew the samples that come and bay at their lelaare. Jut when they will be at leleuxe to what to pussllng the local trade at thin time. Harry Plucus, of Pines Sou of Tecoma, to In the city today and aaya that but three aatoe of hope hare been made la hto at ate. ao alow to the buaineaa there. Mr. Pin . cut estimates the crop of Washington thto aeaaon at 43,000 be lea He aaya tbat a tele gram from a connection tn California yeeterday laced the California crop at 110.000 bales, the i high eat estimate for that atate recetred thus tar thto aeaaon. Thto yield will be the greatest ' la the htotory of California bop production. The eame meeeage aaid tbat Sonoma hope are being ' rery freely offered there at lac a pound and Sacramento atocks at IX with out tew takers. ' Ideally two or three email lota have been re ' ported cold during the peat at boars at prices wllbln the rente quoted. Butter Market la Heavy With the aupply of cream over a third greater than It waa a few weeks ago the butter market to not In the beet of shape. Country creameries report that they hare a great surplus or butter pa hand which they art trying to unload at shaded prices, one city creamery reported today that lie aupply qf fat was about a half greater than two weals ago, ana mat uaaoagn change In price bad been made by them, the preaent aiTamtatm realty, oemanoeo a decline The one city creamery which advanced Its prices a few days ago to SSVie a pound atill maintains that uiu price win not ne Although a trifle alow at thto time the cheese market Is in somewhat better shape than a few weeks ago. Chlttlm Bark Situation la Mixed. There to a rery mixed altnation in the chlttlm bark buaineaa today. A few dealers hare con trol of moat of the suppllss. which they pur chased at quite good flcaras. several amaii . holilei ire now setting ready to sell, but claim I tbat the prices quoted are hot alwaya obtainable Today'a price en chlttlm at he , pound, bat dei lets aay they can secure no profit st that time at that figure. Chlokana Sell at Low figures. Sales of chickens ere reported i today along Front afreet ss low aa lac a noand coope of fancy bene are reported sold at 12lr, bat this see me tne oamnae limit ar vsraea taoay Springs are quoted at 12c and l$He, with aalet reported at both figures. Receipts of turkey a are beginning to lucres ao, ao la the and price are being maintained Baas continue quite scarce fo Block wltk prices at yaaterday'a range Brief kotos of the Trade. Supply of cabbage to greater and prices are Cauliflower to coming la better aupply. but demand continue! good. v Several rare of bananaa are dae to arrive during the next St hoars. J Market in good shape. ,. Fancy potatoes retain former firm tone with prlcea ruling unchanged. On lone fully aa alow aa ever, with growers getting anxious. BalHmt to quoted at aa advenes of He pound today owing to mailer auppllea. Hay to holding firmer with prlcea unchanged Apple market rather alow with auppllea very . heavy. The trade paya the following prices aa Front street. Prices to shippers are toga regular commlaaloaa: , ejieje. Fleer asd reed. GRAIN Ft AG ft Calcutta. SHe buying price aelUnir. ssee. WHEAT New club, 4c; red Bnealan, Sic; blneeten. ear; valley. STc. HA HI. BY New reed. 121.00; rolled. erewmg. aaa.tpo. CORN Whole. 127.00; I BIB SUI see cwt. . OATS New Producers price No. I white Saw..m.sray. anas. fuiuk aiaat netenta. SB SS atraigata,; export, sa.uo; vaney, gx.eo graham. Ha. aS-bV; whole wheat, $8.T$i rye. bob, sow: Bales, ax. id. MILLSTCFrS Bran. 115.60 per ten; mid dluga. $54.00; ahoria. country, $17.00; city, ain.ou; coop, fio wai.w. HAY Producers' price Ttatotbv Wlllemetra vaney. fancy, f ll.00aJIS.O0; ordinary. 19 on a 10.00; eaatera Oregon. $15.00jie.00; mixed. Sio.ooqio 60; clover. ST.00; graTn. $T.60b$.B0; cneat. BUTTER F AT T. a. . . a. Portia Dd-S wee t cream, aHOlc; sour, aBHajroc. BUmS-City ereamery,J0JHe: outalde fancy, a7Hc: ordinary, STHc; atore, Itvt 16c. EGGS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, S1Q SSHc; uncandled, 60c; local tad eaatera a tonga, OHSB8E New faU cream, flats, 14e: Xouna America, iBnivwv. POL t.TRY Mixed ehjekana, 13c per lb; fancy bene. Hc per lb: roosters, old. 10c ner lb; fryers 13c per lb; broilers, IS per b; old docks lJHc per lb; aprlng dnckaT 13Hc per i; geese, sapxuo par id; ruraeys lac per lb: dresaed. SOe per lb; aqaaba. $3.6088.00 aer.Soa; ge. HOPS 1900 crop, choloe, ISHOITc; prime to rholce, lStJl.iHc; medium to prime, 11 4 wool isos rir.on 10c. clip-Valley. 302bc; MOHAIR New. oomfaaL . SHEEPSKINS; Shearing. ISOSn. each! wool, aopeoci aami Una wool. TbeelSl.OO TALLOW Prime, par lb, SHeytat Ne. 3 and eWlWat IHeaSHc: a IS to SO (be, Sc; calf, eooad. Krees. unaaitcd. la leaa: are aaldn , salted, eech. : mile. Is per M ei esaet vs. a. ate IS leaa; Il.00fli.60; celt hides. S5S0ei goat aklaa raeaniwe. each, ISdjlSai Angora, each. cS iraaa, Era Ha aad Vigiaahtoe POTATOES Buying nrlce. TSaSSc; Jobbing. 11.00 per cwt; tweets. fUe. ONIONS Jobbing pries New Oregon, SOedj H 00; baying price, SOflSdc; garlic, StJSe per FRESH FRUITS Apples, 78c)$l.t8; urangee. ralencta. $6.00: bananaa. bOSHc Bar lb: Imona. choice, $a.60flA.75 per 7 per box: llmea. Mexlcaa choice, SS.notf.T5 per box: fancy IT per box: llmea. Mexican, $136 pec oil; plume. 40060c per crat;cantaJoapes, $1.1$; water naara. ocaii-w mm. raw. bp isr in: packed. VRMRTABLSS Torn lee. new. $1.00 per sect armt. $1 aack: beets. $1 60 aack! ofagaa Qiaoes. aw cahhaas me; hen papnera, Sc per lb: totnatoee hot : na rani pa. 80cfl$l 00. triag E ng naaaa. Oregon. rj$Tr lb: caalt .dtohV MOM-. t&GL. WriSSZ DISGUSTED HIDES Pry. ra. i. ie traj ine a p. lBHfJ PraT& r-air rvL .rj&3k mm. eaaad. SO lbs and over, lfreflle: cows. waa and buna, eaaad SUPPLIES OF TURKEYS PROMISE AN INCREASE . -. It baaing to loon aa ir inn auppllea of turkeys will be con siderably larger than usual this aeaaon. Special reeprt rsoeTVed by The Journal from . country points aay that tha production of turkeys waa vary heavy thla aeaaon and that a larger par cant of tha birds aurvtvad on acoount of tha dry weather. Whlla demand la still a trifle slow for turkey a tha trade ex pects batter buying tha next two weeks. At turkey time It la the general rule for chickens to be quoted lower. squash TSeeJ$1.00 par box : eggplant. 11.60 per rtos buachea umoera. sue pea ma, cicrr. SofflPOc dox: areea corn. 11.60 aack aqaaak. 70$JOO per box; eggplant. $1.76 To per t-M crate; pampxiaa, ic; cranoarnea, meal. caps coo, av per dm. DBIKH I'SUITB Apples, evaoorsted. ISO lie per lb: apricots. lSttejls per lb; peach aa. lSSJlSUe per lb; eaeke. He pr lb leaf; prunes. SO to 40. Be: He drop aa each MS .mailer atae; das. California black. SeyStte per Bt California white. ee)Ue per lb: datee. golden, I He par lb; tarda. $1 todl 60 par lb-lb box. SUOAB All refineries Cube. SS.TSl pon dered. S6.80; trait, granulated. $6.85; dry grenuUted, $6.4$: con!. A. $5.6; extra C. M M; golden C, St. SSt D. yellow. $t.8; bbla, 10c;H bbto, 26c; boxea. 50c adTance oa aa.-k (Above prlcea are SO days net eaeb quota. BwawajasirM t t , .. t HONST SS.dO nee ereta. fJOrriB Package braada. $IT.2Stjl5.T8. osiii uoaree nair ground tons. ton; 60a. SS.SO: table, dairy. 00a. $18.00; lflOe, $12.75; bales. $1.86; imported Liverpool. 50a. $17.00; 100a. $16.00; 334a, $19.00; extra bbto, ie. 6a, 10a, $4.5005.50; Liverpool lump reek, $19.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, Sb.oO; 100a, (Above prleee apply to tales of leaa then ear Iota. Car lota at aped a 1 prices aubject to fluct ua t lone. I RlChV-Imperial Japan, No. l. dc. No. 3. SeUHc: New OrleSns head. Tel AJax. Set Creole. 5 He. BEANS Small white, $3.80; Urge white, 823; pink. $2.30; baron, $3.75; Ltmaa. $4.50; ixtcan rede, 4c. NHTS Peanata, Jumbo. 8c per lb: Virginia. StaSHc per lb: rotated. 8J8Hc per lb: Jae. aeee. ftfJSUc; rotated. 7$THv per lb: cocoa, nnta. SSflOOe per doe: walnnta, ISfjISHe per lb; plneaats. lOCjlSHe per lb; hlekorr ante, lOe per lb; cheetnuU, eaa'.err.. laflldc bar St) Brasil aata. 16c per lb: filberts. 14fll6e pel lb; fancy pecans. 16c; almonda. ISHcTlSe. Mesta. Ftoh aad BinialiBl FRESH MBATS Front Street Hogs, fancy. SajgHc per lb; balk, SdJSHc per lb; veal, extra, ' Sc per lb: ordinary, 7 He per lb; rl 8c per lb; uiutton. fancy, SflSHe pet lamba, 8fl0c HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) bama. 10 to 14 lba. 15He per lb: 14 to IS lbs, 15c par lb; breakfast bacon. ldHttSlc ner lb; picnics. lOHc per lb; cottage. lOUe par lb; regular abort cleara. unamoked. 11 He per lb; moked. ISe per '.b; clear backs arimoked, 13c per lb; aaaaeted 13a. per lb; Oakea be Ma 10 to 18 lba; tnamoked. 8c per lb: a evoked. Sa per lb; clear bellies, u asmoa ed. 14e pat B; amahed, ISe per lb; ahoaldera, ISHe par lb; pickled tongues. $8.00 quarter bbL LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. lot. IgtAe set lb; 5s. I8e per lb: SO-lh. tins. IS per is; team rendered. Ids, 11 He pat lb; 5a, lltge C A N N gpm8A LMO N Celumble rivet. I.b telle. $1 80; 2-lb tall. $2.76; fancy, l ib aata. Sl.SOl H-lb fancy data. $1 15; fancy 1 lb ovala. $3 76: Alaakattlla.lnk. ndJatWl red. $1.50; nominal r 1SH Rock and. Te. par lb; flounders. St pat lb: halibut, SH per lb; ersbs. $1.0031.50 doi irlped baaa. ISHe per lb: catish. Be per lb; salmon, Columbia river Chinook, 7c; xti vers Ida, Sc; Bteet Seed. Te lb; herring. Se par lb; Boles. Sa nor lb: ahrlmns. 10c ner lb: doSi perch. 5c per lb; black end. To per Uj.lWhei toBtcett Te per lb: aflvet .amart, Se per ibrScorn lobsters. ISe pet lb; freak ancke el, Se par at; Te rrawnen, m per 00a; snao. ac psr in; aiurgeea, IOC per lb: black beat, SOe. at?W8" sTooT fetT Kru $i $3.23; per lltf-Ib sack. 0M. clabw rtarasaeu. par box. gx-ooi eli ma. $3af0 per box. Paints. Goal Oil. Eta. ROPE Pure Manila. lefAci etaadard, 18Hc; to!- II- . . . . COAL OIL-Peatl or Astral Cases ISHe par tar wklts, Iron barrels 14c pet gal. lfc per aal: headlixht. 170-des. rasas sal; wat gal; headlight, 170-deg gaaiSirre ssdeg. bbla IS per gal. eases 34 He per gal. trea ile 18 per gal. BENZINE OS-deg, to UHe per gal. ease SB see asj. He per BejL . TCR PEN TINE la TURPENTINE) la caaee bbto eac Mr gal. i WHIT B LEAD Iota, se WIRS LINSEED l-bbl let, $$.; naaaa. SB per gal: genuine klttW boiled., 80 per gel; 5-bbl lots. 54c; 1-bb let 55c per gal: ground cake, car lets, SJO.Su HOG MARKET IS 15 CEKTS LOWER HI YARDS Price Unable to Withstand Heavy Pressure Occasioned by Re cant Declines in tha East. Portland Union Stackyard, Oct. 13. Live. ttork receipts: Cattle 233 St 340 8hTs Week' ago!......'.! Montb ago 'si sso xear ago. 457 14T The local bog market was unable to wlthatan. weakness today and the price loot 15c. tha aanu anm ae tne advance earir in tne week a r- ago today there waa a drop of 35c tn hogs owing 10 gsiirei lug wessons. Cattle are laat ateady today. Mixed and lamba very firm bnt unchanged. Official livestock or Ires: - Hogs Beet eaatera Oregon. $8.60; Mockers and China fata, $8.0038.36. Cattle Beet eattern Oregon ateer. $3.60J, nsH cows ami awusra, BS.eulx.i0; Btocg era and feeders, $2.7528.00: bulla. $1.60. aaaeep mixeo. igtst; lamoa, aejaH. EASTERN TONE STRONG V Ue anc Oh lea go, Oct. IS. Uvsetoek raeelpta: Hnca. Cattle. Chicago 15.(500 6.000 Kansas City 5.000 3,500 uaneoa i.wv aiMI 2,000 Hoge are etrong with 3.100 left over. Rs- ovipra a year ago wars sn.wu. rncea Ba.30Q.n: heavy, ga.iaejs.aB; Sheep Strong. BBW TOBK OOTTOE New Tork. Oct. 13. Cotton res closed Starr a 31 to 88 points lower. Official anotatl by Overbeck, cooke compi t Low. Oct. 13 Oct. 11. January JUKI HW7 1131 r enruery March . 1108 UOS HIT HOP 1110 DOS 1104 lilS 1113 1116 lOfT 113$ 1187 114$ Jane July ... 113 llto 1118 1116 1114 lOPt oeteeer cfovember Oecember 10 Bew Tor Cash Coffee. New Tork. Oct. IS. Cath coffee: No. T Rio, SHe; Ne. 4 Santo. OH. SOOAB MARKET LOWEB. New York. Oct. IS. All grade at rsfhstd agar were reduced 10c per 100 psaada today. Bew Tork Losdea Silver New York. Oct. IS Bar etlvar. New Y don .12d S He; Lea Sterling Bataa. New Tork, Oct. tSSS; SO day a, 411 13. -Starling; Deraanl. Toe iota, 7H per lb; bOS-lt VArxJhaTefcE rare raw. in o-DDl kits, owe: -n Bar: iipen m ign . HO 1U3 1107 1108 1130 1128 HIT HIT ::::M life 1133 11$$ , 1080 1 105 1100 use IQSS 1108 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY But Little Trad at This Time Orders to Buy EXP0RTERSBUYIN6 MORE WHEAT Local Wheat Is Still in a Good Position With Former Prices . Holding Unchanged. CABLES IMPROVE OUR MARKET IN AMERICA Liverpool Opens so Eighth Up and Closed Three Eighths Higher Chi cago a Quarter to Five Eighths Cent Over Thursday. BBLATIVB) WHBAT VALUES. Oct. IS. Oct. 11 Gain December. ... May July l.. S I Improvement In the tone abroad la holding the Portland wheat market very ateady. Salae for export are increasing and demand from miller Htm oi abatement around preaent figure. Only email tale or flour were reported for export, aa millers cannot accept big orders ior early oeiivery. Higher cables caused a gala In the Chicago wheat market at the atart and thto lone waa maintained during the rest of the dsy. Chicago closed He to c higher. Liverpool opened Hd np and closed Hd higher than Thursday for ootn ueeemoer ana Marcn. Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr uoos oompany: WHEAT omen. High. 14 ?Ab High Lew. is H p sao 837 80$ fir Close. T4- December May Hir . .. December May Inly .... T8Tb 7 . 78 TSH COBN. 41 42 Sh OATS. 42A 4SB 48 H 84 Mar July ... January October Decern bei January October January MESS PORK. ...1890 1393 ...1370 1875 LA ED. .- SS3 33S ... 830 880 ... 810 313 SHORT BIBS. ... 830 830 .740 742 lsesN 1887 sso 8S0B 810 MSN T40B UVEBPOOL OH AIM MARKET. Uverpool. Oct. 13. Official prlcea: WHEAT. Open. Cine. December. .8 5Hd 6a 8d March S 6d Oa BHS. Oct. 11. 'ea S 6Hd Gain. COBN December. 4a 4Hd da 4Hd January.. 4 Hd 4 Hd PRIMARY OEAJN MOVEMENT. Chicago, Oct. 13 Primary receipts: Today Tear ago Wheat Cora . i... i..l05COOo' lTS.OM tta.otw Ship, nts: Wheat $78,000 410.000 era ncm aas nno 1ULB1 clearances; wnear. zxh immi kimIiaI. - oorn68r CWboshsla ; aata, 44.000 buaheto; flour. Chicago Caeh Whsat. ..Chicago, Oct. 12. -Cash wheat: No. S red YtaTHUr: .No. X red 71 eSTVj. V, a k.l lHdTc; No. $ bard. T34J7Tc; No. 1 northern! .W.HtV-,bvj,. ' oortb-'' No. i PORTLAND STOCK MARKET for Fetrolsum IT Demand for Alaska Petroleum I Increasing and today 3,000 sbarea were sold on the Fact land market tt ITc. During the eaeatea 8, OS hares Tscoma Steel ware Bold at 11 He. OfSctal quotations: BANK STOCKS V Bid. Ask. Bank of California Merchants National Oregon Treat e Ravings ISO m ICS r-orusnu trusx t.o Bankers' Lumbermen's United atatee National 300 MISCKLLANBOl'S STOCKS. Campbell's Uaa Burner Cnlon OH Associated Oil Alaaka Packers' , Psclflc States Telephone Home Telephone Puget Sound Telephone Oregon Life Insurance. s 308 i .. 8T .. 63 101 H 104 SO SO 1000 so 140 101 H las 07 s 26 1TM 'it Cement Products ....... C. Lee Co 0. B. N. By. 4s..., 100 Lesser Manafsctiirlng MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal 08 British Columbia Amal 04U International Coal 80 Pacific Metal Ei traction t. , Alaska Petroleum 16 Alaska Pioneer 60 Standard Consolidated OS Oregon Securities ittu Snowstorm , Sflo Snoeehoe 00 Lees Creek OoM aa v 03 IS OS 01 h 04H 04 Tacoms Steel 11 g Csllce Consolidated Oallaher OS Golden Rale Coneolldated Bullfrog Terrible , ... Oolconda North Fair view 04 Boy 01 aw tha 01 Caeradla ,. 34 Lucky Boy Hcela 326 SI sat so os it 1000 100 Rambler-Cariboo Dili Meadows u. OS Great Northern Mountsln View Blue River Gold Garvin Cy snide 1 SL'OAR STOCKS Hawaftoa Hotiokss IS I2W oh IB 18H '.-j::;:::::::::::::::: S : S3 Hutchinson Make well Paauba Union . BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Oct. IS. Official close, bid Adventure. 88.38: Alloues. $30.50: Atlantic . . -A .. , u .0. . 1 . eaea on. c tenalti, $38.75; Copper Mt . $84 60; Copper Range.; uaiy waar, sin.uu; r rana 111. 1.75; Ursene con . S3B.BP: Granby, $14.00; Mass $8.T6: Michigan. $17 83t4: Mohawk 188.00: Nevada Con.. $3300: north Butte. I113.3TH; Old kuiiBiM, aas An Osesols. 1ST 50; Parrot $27.50: Phoenix, 81.00 fel OO: Rhode (.land. c 108.00; Royal 1 isnuon. $16 73. Tamarack, $106 00; trinity. 11.00: Catted Capper. $T.T; Utah. $88.00: Ictoris. $0.75: Winona. $12.60; Wolverine. KB. 00 asked; U. S. Mining. SaT.llH.; I la.. $33.60; Ceramet Arlsena. $187 00 HEIIIZE REPORTED IN DEATH VALLEY MINES f't x (Journal Special Service. 1 New York. Oct. If. It la an- d nounced st (Jreejnwater, Osll a ' fornls, that the Helnae interest have purchased is eiaima adjoin ing the Clark. Furnace creek and Oreenwater, Death valley copper properties. la Shown In the Hop Market Dealers Claim They Have No at Asked Price at This Tim. PROFIT TAKING IS CAUSE OF LOSS Early Advances Are Made in Stock Pricaa but Profits Are Cut Down Later. NEW YORK MARKET IS MIXED IN CLOSING London Is Irregular for Americana and This Hurts Toward the Close Changes in Values for Very Small Amounts. NET GAINS. Smelter .... Baltimore ... St. Paul C. N. W.., Chesapeake . , Canadian .... Locomotive Woo lab Erie Anaconda . . . I Illinois Central . asisaonri racutc. People's Gas.... lading U. S- Rubber ... U. 8. Steel .... U. S. Steel, nfd. ... til NET LOSSES. Pennay It anla .... Bap. Steel Rep. Steel, pfd.. Rock Island, pfd . Texas Pacific .. I nlou Pacific Amslgsmsted . . Atchtoon Car B Foundry . Colorado Fuel .. Northern PaciSc. The New Tork stock market waa vary bullish early and general galna were mads In tne list, Americans were irregular ana mostly lower In London end this bad an effect upon thla market later In the day, resulting la profit taking. Changes In values were tor small amounts. OfScial New Tork quotations by Overbeck. Starr B Cook cobs pa ay: DESCRIPTION. Conner On Am. Car It round., com. do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, com. Am. Locbtnotive. com.. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred Anaconda Mining Co.. Am. Woolen, com Atchtoon, com do preferred Baltimore Ohio, com do d referred Brooklyn Rapid Trenatt. Canadian Pacific, com.. Central Leather. 00m. . , do preferred , Chi. k Gt. West., com. Chi.. MU. 4 St. Paul.. Chi. B North west., com. Chesapeake a Ohio coto. raei a iron, com Colo. South., coat do 3d preferred 1 u s! s&rstt .....I.....,,....! BSH do 1st preferred I I I St "? Corn Products, ansa.... f 1SH so nrervrreci. 1 . . u. . . . 1. . . . .ism Delaware Hudson am gas am am at. 4 com. do preferred do 3d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central f I ? (! : : : spa si 1SS lSStt ISO 198 . 104H 104ft ! 108 108H n 80H1 TO TSH 170 H 180 1T8H ITS 1 loin iesii iosH los' ! 18 18' , 1TTH 1T8H 1TSH ITTt siot, asCisioS 311 eg ga si si 43H 4S 43H XH dTH 'SH 4TH 4TH tt'- tth "it" n ITS ITS 176H 1T6H 148H 14Sit 14$ ltlS ssh $t f'im 140H 141 140H 140H MI.OoSffeWW lvUto ! ........ Mexican Central By. si , a. a x., co rederal Smelters. . . Distillers Missouri Pacific... National Lead New York Central.. N. V., Oat. West Norfolk Wester do prefer! od. . . North American . . Northern Psclflc. Pacific Mall BteamCO. Pennsylvania Ry . P. O.. U CO Ilea $ Steel Car. do preferred.... Reading, com .... do 3d preferred do 1st preferred Rep. Iron a Steel, do preferred.... Rock Island, cam. do preferred St. L. at s. r do 1st preferred t. L. 8. w. Southern Pacific. do preferred . . . Bonrnern nr.. do preferred Tenneasee Goal a Iron. Texas a Pacific...:... Tel.. St. L. B W., do preferred... union raciric, e do preferred, u. . riDDDer. do preferred. U. S. Steel Co.. WabMtj. com. do ftTlS)! T (! . Wwtsrii t'lalosa Tlcrgph wwcoomin incrai, com. do pr f rrfl . . . a . ' Total salee for day. 488.366 snares. Call monej eloaed SH aer cent. SAB r RAJICISCO MIWIKO EX CHAW sr.. San Frsnrlsco. Oct. 1 OfSclsl prices : Bid. nt Beltaost . .38.38 Caledonia $ 43 Bxcheenar SO Norcroas 1.10 Oold Crown ... .Id Great Bend .... .47 ftaotns .SS Blaek Batte Bx. .04 .. .It .. .SO st Hoaae Jim Butler Mar-Nsroars Midway ... Moataaa . . North Star Ohio .. 1.8TH . . ,sn :: IU Tramp 1.10A . . .to .. .as . . s.r . .31.00 0ol inen nennont. Montgoaaary aft. gansst Sceptre Manhattan .... Baylor-Ham prey. Dexter Oraanr .IS .43 .10 .It 1 .It .13 .IS .IS IS .10 .30 .03 .Ot .33 .83 Ot .SI .6$ OS IT .a .is . Nevada .. Weet Klld Adams . . . Atlanta . Blnehell . Booth . . . Cohunbia . . 1.8TV . . .no .IS .00 .SS .1$ .st AS lOoid Wedge-... Lone Star ..... Mt.. Con. Qnarrr . DiamendSeid Dixie QoldSeld .... Jumbo Jumbo Extea KendaB (It. Bend Bx... Ot. Bead Annex. Crescent Downey Denver Annex.. HJ', ,o I Bulls a Beats.. hack Butte . . . N. T. Don Lagnaa Mar .18 ASS Manhattan Cob. Mohawk Little Job Red Top ...... Sandstorm Silver Pick.... St. Ives Nstlonsl Bank. Dearer Eclipse Ookf Bar 0 Ball rrog.. Rtelnnsr Con. Cal.-Va... 2 shir axstaa I H May Sower Jumping Jack.. Bed Tee Bx.... .so .St AS .te 1 ss so Mastang Bull rreg Mia.. Mantle Starllaht no l.OTVi tramp oae tap Manhattan Coat. .18 s ta? .ss bo naaaa ,m MrT ..." IS Lea Dillon SO POBTLAHD BABX STATXMXITT. ClearlBtB today .$1,803. Ml 38 T81. 818.41 V'taarxesja jssr ago. Oala today $ tai.Tti m STAGE HORSES RUN AND INJURE PEOPLE (Journal Special Service ) Orovllle, Cel., Oct. It. fyrur horaes attached to the Madellne-Lakevlew etace. In Med on county, nut away with the atas down a steep mountain road At the bottom of the steep Incline they ran into a err creek filled with sweat bowlders, the staae waa demollahed and the paesena'ers were thrown out. Three people were badly hurt, one probably fatally. The Injured are Thomas Fluke, expected to die; C. Henderson McTall. aeverety Injured; Miss Fluke, J. Fluke. W. H. Dick and Albert Oleen. badly bruised. com. bsh WH an sovj sin'! 318. 217i 215H tUw 87H I $7 ItS ll40H 145H 1H iac B .r.. S imh imh mi im com!! 'SSH '88" 'SSH SSH MH SSH 08H tQ SSH SOU syi SSH STH 8TH SSHI SSK jtpfd,. to tan eoin.'.'.'.' 36 'SSH (St SSH mm'.'.'. 5H 'mh 'bhI Soji $ mh 'mh ssh ::::::::::::::: & SSH SSH SS SSH com ST .'. .'.'.'. isoh isoH issii igH w . i!oh coota... 06 I eoisi 43V tsft 108H 108 108 llOTi; IB:::B A$-4-S3lf Kal : . .r .? 84 H BV1NIWO, OCTOBER 41, 1 JUDGE NOT BLOWN UP BY B01 Cameron Gets Through Trial of Russian Without Meeting an Untimely End. ACCU3ED MAN IS ALLOWED TO GO FREE United States Secret Service Men Will Keep Eye on Him, However, and He May Be Deported to His Former Home in Russia. Contrary to general expectation the bomb throwing carnival which waa scheduled to occur In the police court this morning as a prologue to the trial of John Ljewandoskl, charged with un lawful cohabitation, did not take place. Judge Cameron, who was Id receipt of an anonymous communication last Wednesday threatening dire vengeance by the "Red rise" In tha event he felled to turn the defendant loose. Is still able to sip his noon "nlft afty" In peace. It waa noticeable that both the Judge said Deputy District Attorney Haney nervoualy looked under their respective chairs before sitting down, but no sln-lster-looklnff infernal machines were, In evidence. Attorney Paarue before pro ceeding with the case, made a statement denying that his client, Lewandoskl, had been sentenced to death for bomb throwing In RuaUa, but waa sent to Saghallen Island for a political offense. Judge Cameron declared that any prior offenses would have no bearing on the ease. The testimony tntroduoed by the prosecution was weak and conflicting and without being Influenced by the threatening letter received. Judge Cam eron promptly discharged the defendant It la understood, however, that the Unite States Immigration officials have Lewandoskl under surveillance and hta deportation to Russia, aa the result of his alleged illegal entry Into this country, may be decided upon. The Identity of the writer of the letter to Cameron is known to the authoiiUes, and his arrest on a charge of violating the postal laws may oqgur. M'CUTCHAN IS SHOT BY DROPPING PISTOL (Special Dispatch to The Journal ) Dayton. Or., Oct. 11. H. a McCutchan of Portland narrowly eacaped death by accidental ahoottng last evening at the Commercial hotel of this ?lace. While dressing for dinner he dropped his 38 Colt's revolver, the weapon being discharged, the ball passing with an up ward tendency through the back part of the right leg, entering a little back and above the ankle, scraping the bona somewhat; then went Into the left leg back of the knee, just missing the large arteries. Dr. Jeasen Immediately dressed the wounds. Mr. McCutchan Is at preaent In the employ of R U Seabtfi and la here on bualness for the Merchants' Protective association but It is understood that he soon will leave hie present position to become credit man for tha Blake. Mo- Fall Co. BOLD ROBBER MAKES HAUL AT GARFIELD (Special Dlaoatch to The Journal.) Garfield. Wash., Oct. 12. Louis Bo lan is relieved of SIS last night about dark by a highwayman at the comer of Msln and Third streets and right In front of R. C. Bellue store. Bo lan was on his way to his lodging at tha Carter house whsn a man stepped out from the shadow and shoving a gun Into tha victim a face commanded htm to throw up hta hands. Bolen complied and after the thug had gone through his pockets he ordered him not to move or cry out for st leaat 10 min utes and that his bratna would be blown out if he did. The case was re ported te James West of the police force, who 1st now working on clues that hs haa in hta possession. BENTON AND DUBOISE ARE HELD BY COURT (Special Dispatch to Tha Journ.l ) Eugene, Or., Oct. 12. Floyd Benton, charged with talcing lt-year-old Mable Conrad away from her home at Mar cola, waa given a preliminary exam ination before Juatice of the Peace Bry aon yesterday afternoon and bound over in the sum of $T0O to appear for trial In the circuit court next month. Irving Du Boise, Benton's half brother, was arraigned upon the same charge, but he waived examination and waa bound over. Neither of the men were able to furnish bonds and they will remain In jail till court meets. Both men were arrested at The Dalles, Benton while In oompany with the girl. FALLS FROM CAR AND IS SERIOUSLY INJURED Mrs. Effte Purvis, a resident of Ock- ley Qreen, waa seriously Injured this mornlne at 6 30 o'clock by falling; from a St. Johns car at Third and Couch streets. She was removed to the Good Samaritan hospital in the patrol wacon, where he was treated for a lacerated wound of the scalp. The carmen say Mrs. Purvis attempted to alleht from the car while tt was In motion and lost her balance. TRIAL OF NEW SHIP TO BE HELD IN BAY (Journal Special Service. I Santa Barbara, Cel., Oct. u. The trial board la await Ins an answer from Washington regarding the Union Iron Works' request that the endurance trial of the California be held Off San Fran cisco on sccount of sa Injury to bar englnee. The members of the board express the opinion that the request will he granted. ROBBERS DYNAMITE BANK AND ESCAPE (Jonmal tat tela I tsarvte..! Richmond, Va Oct. II. Robbers rode into town early thle mornings and sur rounded the People's bank at Jaefcson They exploded dynamite under the vaults, but failed tn opes them. Dr. J. I. Triplet t opened fire and kept up. a running fight with aha thieves, who QayatBOd MEATS Fellows Grocery 549 and 351 Oak St. Quality the Best and Quantity the Most If you are looking for a place to save money on your Meats or Groceries remember that Fellows' is the plsee you wsnt to visit OUR BIG NEW STORE On Osk street, nesr Seventh, is crowded daily with eager buyers who know that they are saving money by ordering their meats snd groceries from us. Save your car fare by a visit to the store and buying A SQUARE OF ROSEBUD BUTTER Fancy Creamery for .... 60e BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, 19 POUNDS for. fl.OO 1 csn Baker's or Ghiradelli's 7 lbs. best eastern Rolled Oats.Ma) Cocoa 1 Pf Scotch Oata 1 1 ft. Baker". Premium Chocolate J fg&c! 10 cans Star Cream 5ee 10-lb. aack yellow or white Corn i can Eagie Milk 15 Meal 1 square New Honey IB) 10-lb. ssck Graham Flour.. ..SBty 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut ISe) ROSE CITY FLOUR The beet Flour on the irjauice--r8T sack 1.15 TOWNSEND & VAN SCHOONHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers Btudy our prions thasa yen will are of the highest quality an earn Be found in any seise. Fresh Creamery Butter 65c & 70c Fancy Creamery Butter ... 55c Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen 35c Good Eggs aop We sret onr Sara's from ths farmer, but ter from the oreameiies no middlemen. Cross at Blackwell Lucca Oil. at. . 650 Cross V Blackwell Chow. jsaat. sUf H. O. Oats Sp . lOa 1 can good Peaches or Apricots. . .15 Standard Tomatoes lO t cans Corn. Psaa or String Beans. 26 A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers "tHE HOUSE OF QUALITY REMEMBER OUR MOTTO: "PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY" There is no better evidence in the world, when you see a large crowd going to a first class store, then the treatment. Our aim is to always please, that s wny our customers always come back and bring their friends with them. - 128 GRAND AVE1NUB NEAR KAST MORRISON PHONS EAST 283 TOnODah Overbeck, Starr I j ij Cooke Co. (jOluTieiU 102 Third Street Rnllfmn prwate wm to Isftilllf IIf m exCHAHGES Slocks Phone Main 313 LITTLE BOYS WILL ESCAPE PRISON Governor Commutes Sentence of Newton Brothers and Sends - Them to Portland. (Special Dispatch to Ta Jonrnsl.) Salem, Or., Oct. 11. At the request of Superintendent James of the peni tentiary, Governor Chamberlain after having conferred with District Attorney McNary and Sheriff Culver decided tc commute the sentence of Oscar snd Charles Newton who were' sentenoed here by Jndge Burnett of the circuit court, to Indeterminate confinement In the state prison. Ths boys at the time Of their arrest gave their ages sa IS snd IS respectively, but refused to testify as to their ages when brought before the court yesterday. When the young fellows were brought to prloon they looked ao small and ao young to Superintendent Jsmee that Be disliked to have 'them don the con victs' uniform. He took the matter up with the governor wht ordered them turned over to the Boys' and Girl' Aid society of Portland as soon as an offi cer reaohss here The Newton boys ab hor going to a reform school snd prefer to remain at the prison. They were ar rested for breaking Into the home at William HlUeary near Turner, Oregon, steeling a rifle and some clothing. When answering to the Indictment they entered a plea of guilty. Judge Burnett signified hie readiness to ap point an attorney for their defense, but they declined the privilege. The boys had been working at Sno- homlah, Washington, previous to coming Here. o ',-r WAR DECLARED UPON WHISKERED MILKMEN (Journal Special Service.) Lob Angeles. Oet. 11 The Southern California State Veterlnery association has declared war on bewhlehered dairy men. If they have their own way, the caretakers, milker sad milk deliverer in Los Angeles county wilt go clean aha van in the future, tn a paper which waa read to the aeenctatlon lent night by Dr. L. W. Toung, city veterinarian, whisker were denounced aa tha favor Its rendeevous and abiding place of germs. Legislation was demanded which will force thaee who handle food to dispense with microbe-harboring "parka" on their china. Long experience In making the rounds of dairlea with Health Officer L. M. Phone Main 2596. 34J and 350 Ankenjr St 147 FIRST STREET Evaporated Cream, t cans for 1-lb. can Baked Beans 15J J as? 25e 15) 1-lb. pkg. Arm snd Hammer Nap tha Soap, 8 for 6 bars Baby Elephant Bosvp 1 lb. EnglUo Breakfast Tea..., 1 amok Ounpowder Tea 1 sack Beat Valley Flour 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour. . 1 sack best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) 1 bottle Woreestershhre Sauce, lBo also 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs Blast Side delivery Tueeday and PHONE MAIN llSS. fl.tJrS bvO Sa.M lOs) . 35t) Friday. fact is that they receive first class E.B.Colwell (FOrflMTt aVaaTVeVeT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CR0CE1 Big Store at Little Prlcea FOLLOWTBG FBIOXS WJU SATS TO See Oaf miT DOLLaJt. QUaXITT QUaJLtSTXXD acHnxiBO'B attU, per B 1$ LBS WXSTXBB DRY OBajrwiAXXD maAB OABX ST7 $ pkga Magnolia cleaned irrants a page new s eisss eeeeee raiaiaa $ lba asw Sssewa lease Msscstaaj 1-lb can Bayal baking powder .... Crosse B . Bisekwell'e etts stt, at 1-lb pfcg Aran A Hammer soda .... 1-eal esa fancy taste erven Vt-sal esa fancy table avrnp f ttrsMad Waset btacntt. ner pkg Onnpowdas Tea, (regnlsr Ssc) par 1 rain-j Mr ij .ns. s wmw. pn ws. ....... 18 bars Bevsl Savon soap , f rana Beat U aaraUnea Is all Walter Baker Breakfast Oeeea, per eta Tlcnlc turns (fancy) ner Dt Cove eytters. 1-lb cans. Bella, par ace St.OS H O eats. S-lb pkga, per pkg - .IS Walter Baker's Premium Unsweetened Obee- HsrV-srbes' aeaspt " see ' . '. '. 3. '. . '. '. '. '. $X$ mm - a - fc- sj y. PttBI tJtttSl, iMI Patf ep . ee ee $ refl'a Maptka seep, per bar ., Baa soft-wheat rtonr. per BseS M Java a Moras eorree (regnlsr as M bos sots crackers (abaat IS lbs RagsBBB Breakfast tea. per lb . . . . tlneeta Bias ait, use hum SPECIAL toe totes of Msscot Isandry aas, 100 bare to box, aer box. m 1! At Bast Bid Mlvertea Taeeaay aad rrltass. J bbobb Stan tea. a i ii i la ii sse-essssssBBSssssysysjaaaa) Powers- haa tauarht Dr. Toung. he de- kaplarea, that germs thrive on farms wnere muasrs wear wnisssrs. RACE SUICIDE ENEMY ADMIRES PRESIDENT mm A. a sa t t t I I IS I bbbbbbbI w i bi m i ri if 1 1 in s-t. - nw wivie -mmm . . tcsseah P. ! Wllllnm each wee given the middle 1 heodere Reoeev I t hie aiatere air I hlldren have sf . 1 heeae la It rears. pi name or rtoosss.- .as Wllll.m. Is dead but thrlvlrui. Klshteen children rived in tbe Williams besse la IT yt BOYCOTT LEADERS ARE RELEASED FROM J Ait osttBtMast. Oet 11. The aeyeett tfj tmariran geoda has been called aV and as a reut the viceroy bats rases aed the three rtngieoaere e sue KVvavgSH An enormous crowd greted Mi pria oners st the prison gates exloltealH and te