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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY BVENTNO. OCTOlSy It, IK. m FRESNO'S TWIRLER BATTED HARD Galbraith Wu Given a Touch of High Ufa by the Pen nant Winner. PORTLAND SCORES NINE RUNS IN TWO INNINGS Henderson Wu Bumped Along at a Lively Clip in First Inning, bat His Teammates Helped Him Out by Batting in a Victory. Uwrul Special Write.) Fresno, Oct. U The Giants annexed ette more from the weary nomads ef FYeano yeeterday. Galbraith. a slab ater of tender years and brief experi ence In the national same, essayed to do the twirling trick for the once famous Tigers, but the unmerciful Olanta swooped down upon the frightened youngsters in the third and fourth in nings, and batted le rune, eufficient to drive the poor follow to the club houae. Hoag succeeded the fallen Oel brsith and checked the mad rue bee of the leaders. In the opening Inning, before Benja min Franklin Henderson got his esrvee working well down the festive groove, the fishermen smacked him for four hits and as many rune. The happiness of the Tigers waa brief, es the Giants trimmed Galbraith a few minutes later. The score: PORTLAND. AB. a. h. pa A. B. Sweeney, ss, 4 t 1 I I 0 MoHale. cf S 1 4 1 0 Mitchell. If 1 11 0 0 M ocredie, ix 6 0.1 l e Hmlth. Sb. I Werner, Jb 6 Carson, e 8 Lister, lb 8 Henderson, p. 4 1 ! 1 8 5 !!'U! Totals It IWMMO. t 1 IT It 1 JH.PO.A Casey. It. . . Doyle, cf . . . Welters, rf. McLaughlin. If. Egan, lb. asvinienv, mm Cartwrlght, lb.. Hogah. .. Salbreath. p. . . . ogs. p uen - 1 1 ToUle , SB 7 rr tt SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 00460000ft- Baae hits .... linilti 111 Fresno .4 010001107 Base hits 4 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 I SUMMARY. Sacrifice hite, Mitchell. Lister. Two- base hits, McHsle, MoCredle. McLaugh lin. Three-base hits. Mitchell. Mc Lausrhlln. -Hon. Home run. Delmas. First base on belle, off Galbreeth. 4n off Henderson, I. Struck out, by Hen derson. 6. Left on bases, Portland, 6 ; Fresno. 5. Double plays. Egan to Cesey to Cartwrlght, Hogg to Casey to Cart wright, Lister to Smith. Sweeney to Lister. Time of gems. 1:01. Umpire, Perrtne. WILLAMETTE BOWLERS DEFEAT THE UMCS Last night the Willamette teem, the crack players of dsss B of the Oregon Bowling association, proved their supe riority over the Lyrics by taking throe strslght games. Moser rolled 284 In hie second game, which was the highest, he also made' high average 111. Two of the Lyric's etrongest men felled to show up, which proved e greet handicap. The scores. LTRICa 1 1 8 At. Ogden .....184 HW 11 IS! Strstton .. 117 188 141 187 Evans .104 14 101 118 Beyland ...Ill 111 111 111 Flood 141 1H 148 188 Total 885 711 711 WILLAMETTE. ItS Av. Raymond Ill 187 1S7 111 W. Crook 178 17 111 170 Moser 147 284 178 III Smith Ill HI ill lie Dolphin 171 181 111 141 Total 188 11 714 Tonight the Montevllla team wlU play the Portlands. Game, 8:11. HOW KENTUCKY NAGS PERFORMED YESTERDAY (Jeerasl Sgetlsl Berries.) Lexington, Ky., Oct It Yesterday's racing summary: 1:11 class, pacing, purse, three The King of Whiskies Sits entHroncd on our shelves. If these cold evenings suggest a fine Rye or Scotch Highball .or a Whiskey Cocktail, just come to us and we can supply yen with all the necessary in gredients, of choice quality and right prices. BLACK, AND WHITS Scotch whiskey, quart, 1.25. DEWAR'S extra Scotch whiskey, quart, 1.M. KINO WILLIAM Scotch whjskey, quart, ga.OO. BURKE'S Irish whiskey, quart, 1.36. NATIONAL MONOGRAM pure rye or bourbon, full quart, l.OO. THE QUALITY STORE Fifth and Stark Sta. Phone Main 6490. In five Bystander won three straight heats and the race in 1:08. J:ftH. : oH. The Weal, 1:10 class, trotting, value 11.00, three in five Exton won three straight beau and the rsoe in 1:1m. 1.144. 1:10. 2 07 eiaaa, pacing, puree $1,200. tws In three Veeta Boy won the second end third hosts and the rsoe In 2J514.i 2:07. Alfalfa won toe first neat in i ve.j 1:00 pacing, puree II. 800. two In three Baron O ratten wen two strslght heats end the raes in 1:084. 1:08. 2:10 class, trotting, purse 1 1,000, tnree In Ave, unfinished Morone won the first .and second heats In 141. 1:01 Van Zandt won the third and fourth hosts In 1:10. 1:10 Special to nest 1:01 trotting sweet Marle lost. No time token. At vesdovttlo Track. uierlUB.. OeV. Tisein re sults: Selling, six furlongs Malta won. Lady Viraont second. Refined third; time, 1:14 1-6. Selling, five end ons hslf furlongs Ethel Day em Mansard eecosd, French Nun tnird; asae, i:ot. One mile Tm Borgtan won, Marltue second. Asors third; time, 1:40 1-1. Bis furlongs, handicap Martha Gor man won, Hannibal Bey second, Oold Mste third; time, 1:11. Mile and one helf. selling Elliott won. Miss Rlllle second. Shining Star third: time, 1:14 1-6. One mile, sslllng Cull won, Red Thistle second. Fair Csllpso third; time, 1:41. OFFICIAL FIGURES OF WHITE SOX VICTORY Here Is the official score and lineup of yesterday's game between the White Box end Colts at Chicago, won by the former, to 0. NATIONALS. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Hoffman, cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 Sheckard If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Bchulte, rr 4 Chanc an. lb iteinfeldt. lb 1 Tinker, se 8 Evers, 2b t suing, c 1 Touts : 1 0 1 IT 11 1 Batted for Pfelster In ninth. AMERICANS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hahn. rf 0 0 O'Neill, rf i Jones, cf 4 fsheU. lb 4 Rohe. lb 1 .tonohue, lb. 8 Dougherty. If 4 Sullivan, c 8 Tannehlll. ee t Walsh, p.'. t 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 14 0 0 010 1 0 0 0 Totsie it i t irSt SCORE BT INNINGS. Nationals ft 0000000 America ne 00000800 SUMMARY. Left on bases. Nationals. 8; Ameri cans, 4. Two-base hit, Schulte. Three base hits, Donohue. Rohe. Sacrifice hits. Sullivan. Donohue. Stolen base, Rohe. Struck Out, by Welsh, 12; by Pfelster. t. Bases on balls, off Welsh, 1: off Pfelster. 1. Wild pitch. Welsh. Hit by pitched ball. Hahn. Time of seme. 2:10. Umpires. Johnstone and O'Loughlln. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. Portland 104 Seattle FT, Son Francisco 81 LpOyAnelee 84 Oakland 88 Fresno H Lost. 41 74 74 tO 17 107 PC. .ou .631 .812 .413 .811 . Tickers Blanks Angels. (Jesrssl Special BVr.lce.) Loa Aaneles. Oct. 11. Seattle de footed the locals yesterday In an easy game, the Angels being unable to hit Vli-kera The score: P. H JJ, Los Angeles 00000000 0- 0 I 1 Seettla ..0 0001011 04 11 1 Batteries Negle end Eager; Vlckerg end- Blsnkenshlp. Umpire Mahaffey. H. Oakland .0000000011 6 Son Franclsc .0 0000000 0 0 8 1 Batteries Qrahsm end Bliss; Welch and Whson. Umpire Derrick. Billons? Feel heavy sfter dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com plexion sallow? Liver needs wsktng up Doan's Regulate cure bilious st tacka. 31 cents st any drug store: BJBJBJBJ Hh, mM ggsHgeBisl gesD eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSH sjsb IBttn IhcyimM Lw Wwmm9mmmBKSmmlf BaTa t SBBBS I BbbbbWbbbbwI I bHbb!b SiSSsH Photo of the Thorn ss flyer, to which la attached the knife equipment, de signed to "eliminate" obstacles. In last year's contest the machine was pot out of the race by running into a dog. Small animals that I tray on the track are in danger. ROLLER AND GOTCH MEET TONIGHT Seattle's Wrestling Enthusiasts Expect a Rattling Good Match This Evening. IMMENSE CROWD WILL SEE STAR PERFORMERS Champion Mutt Thaow Roller Twice in en Hour m Order to Win the Match Seattle Sports Are Hopeful That Their Hero Will Win, (Special Dispsteh ts The Jeeraal) Seattle, Oct IX In Seattle tonight Dr. B. P. Boiler, the well-known local wrestler. Is to contest for the heavy weight championship with Frank A. Ootch, the holder of the American title. The bout has attracted attention throughout the country, and all Indies ttone point to a desperate struggls for supremacy. The bout Is for 1600 s side and a shore of the receipts. It ts handicap affair, Ootch agreeing te throw hie opponent twice within an nour or forfeit the match and purse. Dr. Roller is doing preparatory work in the gym and was In great condition this morning, having regained the con fidence that seemed to have In s meas ure' deserted him several days ago. The outcome of the match Is hard to predict, but one thing can be safely stated. It will be s fight from the start to the finish, with each man working with sit his heart to win. After going around the country putting the beet of the pro feaslonala to the bad, Ootch cannot af ford to bs thrown by s man who Is practically unknown in professional ranks. And there le no doubt that he will do hie best to put the doctor to the mat for these as well as for financial reasons. Ootch Xe rowsrfnl. The logical conclusion is. of course, that the match will go to Ootch, as In every wsy he has the beet of it. With years of professional training and a complete knowledge of every trick of the met backed up by the callousness of the public performer, he will enter the ring with s confidence that cannot be assumed by the Seattle man. And It may also be predicted that If Ootch throwe Boiler once he will do the trick twice In the hour. The match will also be a revelation to wrestling enthusiasts who have never eeen the fast, gruelling sort of work put up by Ootch, who le. lightning fast and a hard fighter. On the other hand, it la the very fact that Roller la an unknown quantity that makes greatly to hie advantage. Every ether roan whom Ootch has tackled he has been sble to get some line on by previous performances. Roller la as strong as Ootch, just as fast and a glut ton for work. And what's more, he can take all the punishment that Goteh esn give him. By that same token, the doc tor csn give just ss good ss he gets, and It's s safe bet" the match won't be any pink tea. Boiler's OssnoOB, Roller's chance lies in that oppor tunity that cornea to the man who Is alert fchd has his eyes open evSry min ute of the game. Having had the bene fit of being trained by Joe Carroll, who trained Ootch for two yesre, he has learned many of the tricks used by the Humboldt whirlwind and will not be open to any easy playa. Both men are quick as cats. In spite of their weight and height end the match will be a lightning feat contest well worth seeing. BELMONT TRACK'S RACING SUMMARY T..nt IhMliI Sarrire t New Tork. Oct. 11. Belmont summery: c.on furlnnn Osmbrlnus Pork Deutachland second. Runnels third; time. 1:18. Steeplechase, about two miles St Kevin won, Mr- McGann second, Sano- tus third, time. 4:08. Six furlongs Vox Popull won. Hard fllfifl&ftA. B 1M : HHHHaV I mW MMSf eSBBBBSBSBBiamBSBBBBBBBB-m-a sssssssneeensssusi mm ifflUeW mwmi :iMmmMmmmmWBBmvmMm smriro?. ssl'- mmmmmmmmmwmmmmtsssmsiaMaamiamm en uhw sir 11uu en kwmm-mwwmm'BMM a i JWvjsmVT mWmWSmWtnWmlwMm AiirnrtAaiiY A Ml ji m mWmmnmiaTwiiHamwmaummmtwsBMwmsLstmmWM mmtxmim lAranivwxa era hot second. Herman third; time, 1:11. The Hunter handicap, mile Zelnap won. BeUe of Peqnot second, Brookonle Nymph third; time, 1:3 8 4-8. Sis furlenga, selling Momentum won. Montfort second, Dollle Dollar third; time, 1:14 8-1. Mile end one sixteenth Sailor Boy won. Miss Crawford second. Tommy Waddell third; time. 1:48. Guiding Star finished first but was disqualified for fouling. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT LEWISTON COURSE (Speetsl Dlspsteh te the Journal.) Lewiston. Ids., Oct 11. Yesterday's racing: Thru furlnnn Olmmell won. . Ella i True second. Hermsh third; time, 1:88. Won by s length. Five and one half furlongs Euchre Deck won. King Thorpe second, Mag- nlflcio third; time, 1USH- won by e nose. Four furlongs Soundly won. Effer vescence eecond. Toung Pepper third; time, 0:41. Won by half a length. Five furlongs Slss won, Hurday sec ond, Csnopus II third; time, 0:11. Won day. A length. FOOTBALL GOS8IP The Hill Military eleven will journey te Forest Grove tomorrow' to meet the strong team at Paolflo university. Last year the Hill boys defested the Peciflc eleven, end the feeling In Portlsnd is that there will be a lively game at Forest Grove Saturday. e e , This afternoon between I and 4 o'clock Coecb. Henderson of the High school squad will line up his first snd wecond teams for a practice on the Mult- nomsh field The olub ground gates will be open In order to admit those who wleh to see bow the High school youngstere will work under the new rules. e e The Multnososh football squsd will hold Its next try out on the club gridiron on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and avery available man in the club Is ex pected te be present. This practice will determine to a great extent what men will be used In the opening game egalnst the Albany Athletic club on October 10. So far the practices ef the club men have not been satisfactory and If they wish to bring victories to the winged "M much more consistent work must be done. urns sod CBriea (Joornsl Speetal Berries.) Los Angeles, Oet It. Tommy Burns and Jack O'Brien have been matched to fight 30 rounds here on Thanksgiving day for a 812.000 puree. O'Brien will reoelve a 81.000 bonne. Wilson 1 (Special Dispatch te The Jeeraal.) Boseburg, Or., Oct It. The presby tery of southern Oregon met In the Flret church of Boseburg Tueeday and was opened with a sermon by the retiring moderator, Rev. Robert Tweed. Rev. James M. Wilson waa elected HHlHni rill III -allU moderator end Elder A. Kitchen temporary clerk. Encouraging reports wore received end promising work planned for the winter. Rev. W. O. Smith was elected com missioner IO mi VUBIKl W1UWJ7, which meets in Columbus, Ohio, next May. and Elder A. L. Kitchen lay com missioner. Rev. Robert Bonis and Blder T. P. Cramer are the alternates. KING ALFONSO GIVES BIG numn6 m Invites Battalion of Troops Into Forest to Kill Deer in Wholesale Quantities. (Jeeraal Special Madrid, Oct. 12 A hunting party, unique In the history of Europe, has been given during the paet two daye in the royal forest of Rio Brio, near La cranjn His majesty Invited a battalion of troops, known as the Caasdores de Madrid, to join him and the court in a big shoot, and every member of the battalion, from the colonel to the latest recruited private, traveled to La crania to take part Herds of frightened deer dashed through the woods end received fusil lades from the rifles of the soldiers. who proved eetoniehlngly good shots The deer fell In dozens st a time. The reason for holding the two days' shoot wss that the forest had become so overstocked with deer that the pas turage was Insufficient. The foresters estlmeted that It waa necessary to kill 1,000. The victims have not been counted, but probably the projected re sult has been achieved, while Incident ally King Alfonso has become the Idol Of the Casadoree. i BIG CROWD GATHERS AT PRINEVILLE FAIR (serial Dispatch te The JeerssL) Prinevllle. Or.. Oct. II. Prom the opening dey the dietrlct fstr which is tal progress In Prinevllle, has proven to be one of the leading events of the kind held in eaetern Oregon thle year. Large crowds of pleasure seekere gath ered ,n this place on the opening day and will remain until the exposition draws te an end. Past horses are stabled here for the fair snd the running evente are a fea ture of the show. The exhibits ef fine stock, grain, fruit and farm products ere excellent and of the greateet inter est to the visiting ranchers. Last Low Rates East. The Chicago a Northwestern railway will sell round trip tlckete to Chicago for 171.80 on October IS and 11. Tlckete good for return until November 80. Choice of routes. Stopovers allowed. Last low rate thle year. Call on or ad dress R V. Holder, Geo. Agt, 118 Third St. Pert land. Or. I mm PEOPLE PASS WHILE BAMDIT ROBS HIS VICTIM Highwayman Holds Up Spokane Man Within Stone's Throw of Police Station. (Special Dtspstrh te The JenraaL) Spokane, Oct It, O. C. Hale, agent of the Great Northern Express com pany at the depot was the victim of ths boldest holdup on record last night at 8 o'clock. Interest being sdded by the fact thst the police ststlon Is but s stone'e throw swsy snd scores of peo ple were within eight. Hale was crossing ins Driose near Our Fall Showing CRITICAL, AZJ W ECONOMICAL JSL-Bsmk MEN We have all the style and all the merit, too, In our "QUALITY BAT" $2.50 "50c SAVED" Guaranteed equal to other $3.00 qualities TOP & BOTTOM SHOP 1CY1 Washington St OVwfe3 Just West of Fifth St HATS. SHOES AND MEN'S FURNI8HIIKH ths depot when he met a lose man. It waa somen hat dark and he paid no at tention to the man until be saw a bis; revolver unoer us noes. 'Stick up your hands." In a business like tone made him obey the order. "Keep your hands above the railing and look over ee If interested In the water." Hale did as requeeted. The highwayman placed the revolver In the email of hie back, went through Hale's pocketa. secured til end a gold watch, then said. "Turn around and walk to the depot and don't look back." Although many people passed while Hole was being held up not one seemed to think hie position mysterious. IOT.BO ts Bow York sad Return. Good going October 11 or It with re turn limit good until November 80 for sale at any ticket office. Ask the agent for a ticket reading via the Brie rail road, and see the moot beautiful scenery In the east Write to H. B. Smith. T. P. A., Alaska Bldg., Seattle, for de tailed Information.