THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THUR8DAY EVENING, OCTOBER. 11. 1906 it 1 FOR SALE REAL STATE. 7 Per Cent First Mortgages Z IWI, i per cwui. 1U ym. T pw eat. cut. mr. T nr cent All flwt-alMj mortgages entity; win Mil at face value; no boaus. Schuyleman & Co. OWNER. 227 WMhlngton St., Booms 64-S8. Beautiful New Residences Uolvenlty Part: modern. 8 roome. fall con crate baeement. large porch, lota lOOJllO, fruit. Bowara. Bice Um, earner, 2 hloeke iroin tari MpO; mTIu from car Unci good ecnooi. enureses, ww., ""a- .5 ...... oaw 8 room reeioence on graded lot and lawn with Bowara; n at SX.TUO. - . room residence at CnlraYaltr Part 1 fnll count baaamaat. lot 10X100. erased. Una lawn aet with nowera; carllna r near houaa; only gg.OOBi good tarma. . a" - 8 crllnea. 16 mlnutea to Third and Waah- ata.; u,av, isrms. Schuyleman & Co. 227 Vi Waahlngton at. - HUBBY! HUBBY 1 1 . HUBBYII! Our Wast Blda Acreage Is going like "Hot Oakee." 8180-8178 par acre, cloee to ear and aehool; excellent soUT abundance of maniac Water; Ciltlvely the graateat anap on the market; ge party to leave our office Tburaday, 8 a. m.; go with ua. Schuyleman and Co. 227 H Waahlngton, Booms 84 85. BRAND-NEW hoaee. .elect neighborhood, near cr; prleas adranclng all around; terma; par rant Co rournlf; sas thla. THB CONTI N BNT A L CO.. 848 BUrk at. BEMEMBEB BABT SIDE PROPEBTY IB IMI'KOVINO IS VAUIB BAPIDLY AND THAT WB ABE MAKING A SPECIALTY OT BABT BIDE BUSINESS PBOPKRTT. BUCBTBX A KERNS, 82 But Morriaon St. POB SALE A chicken ranch. 2 W acres land. B room bouaa, barn, chicken booec. fruit, tanning water, wail, class to railroad, conrenlent to city; pries 81.800: wUl trade for grocery. hotel or bouaa sad lot in city. Acreage 8 acres Sas land, near carllna. Itft owing suburb of Portland; 8S00 per sera tar mi. j.nne. 'intnnie irun Marquim bldg. Phone Paclflc 1761 AND 10-ACBB TRACTS, prima land and loss tlon for s boms. Investment Co., 844 Stark. RAROAINB FOB SOMEONB. Smod. fruft 4 eV.ll uLn .Mai km. fnll brick baae- lot Vox 141, ail (inn tarns anu tww owe eka to best esrHne In city. eeull barn. 82.700. half eaah. No. 1888 4lit Ind E.7,Ta.or' Owner; phone Eaat BY OWNER LKAVINO CITY, modern d room cottage; gas and electric lights, finely SnUhrd Inild. and out. fine lawn, lota of rose, and ahade trees, corner m; at a ur.iu, wm-s term If dealred. 1081 Height are. HOMESTEADS I hare about IS basstiada tar loestloa; hssTeram land, as elaartng. IS mile, from Columbia rlrer and north bank read. Inquire at SIT Chamber of Com- 8 AND 10-aere tracts, prima Und and loca tlon far n home. IaToatment Co.. 844 BUrk. HOSES TT PAYS rtT a- Bast aide moderate-priced honeee wanted for buyers; I hare good raloea la suburban lota. J B. roreman. 80S Bust Morrison at. Phone Bast 821. WILLUMBI A On the carllna. between Porta meutn and Northern Hill; elegant lota well located eaay terma. Phone Mala 8061. Beaver Realty Co. 424 Lumber Eichange. BY OWNER, B. B. Rice, aew modern 7 room as? Pfc'&Pssi. wrl- ILIOO d-OOM hotus, 2 block, from car; terma FOR SALE FARMS. OOOD BTJTS TO acme 88 acres under fine stats of caltlratlon, 80 aerea of which can ha Ir rigated at aay time the owner deelrea ; rood 6 room bouM. barn aad granary. 7 head of cattle, teajr, wages, karaeM. plow, harrow mower rake, baggy, about 200 bushel, of eata aad 80 tone of hay In hern. 8 mllm from Yaaansrrer, 1H mile, from country town B. P. D. aad telephone, 1 mile from i; anon, tnciuoing ecuv, iiniwm.uii. Brain ind hay ay, only gs.eou. 40 acres 10 mile, from this city and H mlU Ceaen beet country town In county era. under nne etate or rumrauou, iu acre. In one saw timber, balance Terr eeally cleared, all fenced aad croaa-fenced. llrlng atearn, telephone by place; thla place ta In a fine neighborhood and a anap at the price; $1,600 with tka timber or $1,200 aad owner ratarre the timber., , an uni 11 rallM from thla city: 28 aene order fine erate of cultivation, balance In timoer; geou o-rtwiu n,, irao; .w fins barn and other out bill 11 Inge: $ sens Is orchard of aesorted frulu In fnll hearing; a .11 nr rare water and Uvtaa stream: If you are looking; far a well-lmproTad pises " ass this; .price $2,600. We hare a large list of euburban property - h .hnnkt eaa before bur ins a home or .for aa taeeatawat. We can salt you and save you . ,W.M Fourth aad Mala eta.. Vancourer. W.nhlngton. v.imit,. National Bank. ut-it an antJV . ao-acre farm, one of the eery belt w.l t. tmt- mm ao1l met: 45 acre, in high etate of cultivation: about 80 arrn in oenveruaHi una, u.i.u.. ,.w.w end eaay to clear, end every foot of It la No. 1 eolli a fair 4-room houie end Darn; 8 miUa from VanCvurer, Washington; aa .M v.1 .sal. , .1.1a la a eo.uw, atau tiNi. M.a mm ' w for a man who SranU to make good m of It; living atnam of water urougo me nlaea: .amnio of BOll in office. . UKD ft PBVTTHERBR CO.. 828 Lumber Exchange. Second and Btnrk sts. 810 ACRRS FOR SALE; fenced, 108 cultivated. 80 a one pasture; home. Urge barn and outbuilding!; schoolhoUM In place: good orchards, wsli watered, fne delivery of null, telephone; 4 mllea from Rldgefifld. WxaLlngSpn; wnrth' $10. 000 and mora; price SMbOOr fkrma. 88.000 caah: balance to inlt: ' Jltock aad machinery can be purchased. W. H.b McCredle. Tancouver. Waahlngton. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS a SPAN ot good work hones for axle For ner- tlcuUn eui si at the Mount Hood rouitry ranco IK mllM eaat of MonU-llla, ooBaae Una road, er on Turner ft Walker, SOS Washing ton at., nam 4. . FOB SALE OR BENT Hotsm ind c.rrlaae. by tne day, weak or month. Portland Biding Club. 16th aad Aider. El: HORSES aad bugglet for rent by day week and Btotb; specUl ratoa to builneis-bonaM. Sixth and Hawthorne. Eist 72. COVERED tea wagon, cheap; must Mil st once. Inquire 888 Beat Sixth, north, corner Shaver. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. at tch a tun al so acres, neerly all rich river bottom Und. 40 acne cultivated, good bouM and barn, run nine itream of wafer: 9 aaws, 8 heifers. wagon , baggy, all farm too la, 6 tone hay. nr store and creamery, U mllea from Vancouver. Wasji.1 will trkdaffor Portland property; ' HBNKLeh ft HARRISON, 217 AMngtoa Bldg. EXCHANGE I Placer Mine. Tbe beat placer mine to Oregon, will ex change whole or half latrnet for Portland property; 886.000. HfeNKLB ft HARRISON. SIT Ablngton Bldg. COOS RAY. 160 aerea of Und. ltt miles frdka Coos bay and about 4 mllea from Msrshf leld; Mil cheap or tnde HEN KLE ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. FINE confectionery and cigar atm-e, doing nice bualneaa. 7 llvng-ronaie. $800; would trade en email farm. With the Home Land Co.. 148 M Pint at. X CHANGE $100 typewriter In perfect order. for Angori gosta or or laeu sows. 608 McKay lag-, portisnn WB here 160 acne of good tillable land In tbe Alberta ronatry that we win exrnaage tor aa at, I... .. .malft. a.ll M ItO I H i U and lnHatliatf. Turner ft MINES AND INVESTMENT. T-ts in Irwaea In tha market either to Stir or Mil U ItMH Willi or innaua J . , . . 1 . - - a. or loduatrui men. It will "SilABDB. Mgr. Srokerege l-a Lsfsystts Bldft. B. W Dpt. TIMBER. RELINGOISHMENTB U Hi flm bornesHaada, with 7 to 10 millions On. timber to toe eUlra. un be bed If t.ken at onee at very reason able arlcaa. Accessible. Address N 61. Journal. '' CKKT1F1KD -crip, aa; paeoeat wwi prtcea. U. Hawaii. us" imj"w FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB bar. tU cr trade aay old thing. T. Pjo pies Kurelrnn Houm. 2184 Froet at., corner Ralmon. Tat Main 4280. LnjooMj bought, aold and eicbanged at tka I !r...7i;. aaa Vamhtll at. , . BILLIARD AND POOL Uhlan Car rant er tar THE BBCnYwICK-BALEB COLLENDER CO. 48 Third St., Portland. SBWINU MACHINES bought, aold. elebanged. W VRy'ffiTvkOB 00.. 827 Wnshlugtoa t. SHOWCASES AMD riXTUBBB ad. to order i second-hand goods tar sale. Carlaon A Ball atrom. 888 Coach at. Pkoas Clay 87 1, RnwritU. counter., tztnrss bought. Mid or sicnangsd. Hrestarnl Salwjge .ichanred. Weatern Salngge Co.. 827 Wuk- ington aa. n WB need fnrastars and wlU pay Phone Pacific 788. Weatern Sal. full rain.. leage Co.. 827 Waahlngton at. CHBRRY TRBES of the only orlgnal parent tree, the new cherry, tbe Giant; first-class Julius KalllcB, noonrawn. urcjon. 2 BAR FIXTURES. poolUble. Mfa. Uble '"" WESTEB N ' SALT AGB CO.. i 827 Waahlngton at. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged MWlng mack I DM at rery low price.; Singer. Wheeler A WlUoa. Dome.Ue. Whits. Household. DarU aad sthara; to make room tor new stock .Wbaeler Wllaon aad Magera. S. 8. Blgel. 888 Mor riaon at.. Marquim bldg. A BTISTS' matarlala. pietsrss and framing. B. HOLDEN'8 BHEUMATIC CUBE Sore e rheamatlim. Sold by all draggkrte. MOO NEW upright piano. 8186; another upright, 820; orgsn. 1 15. 941 H first. upeUlri. FOR BALE Well-equipped 8-ehatr barber shop; good bualnsM. 212 Mala St. MANURE tor Ml. and piling done. Beat 605T. FINE uddle koTM are., arar Beech. for Mis. 768 Vancourer FRESH oyetere delivered to any part of city. Hlng Les, 271 Taylor st. BARGAIN Racine 18-foot Uunch. with 6 H. P. Falrbanka-Morss angina, speed 10 mllM an hour. Alliance Boat Yard, foot of Clay St. FOR BALE Hedge aad holly punts, 21st and MarshalL TOR BALE or trade, a flrst-clSM soon- Phone Eaat 4086. Wabash St., MobutHU. cow; will be Addrsss 211 massive geld frame 4x8 feet, lady's blcycls, Cypher e Incubator, i-none r-ait aii. TWO 888 8x12 Axrolnater ruga, new, 880 each i coal heating store, 888 mahogany library tibia. 816; 6 room cottage to rent, 820 Beat aldeT Phone 788. FOB BALE Almost new wins and cider praM lao reed cutter, cuitlTSton aaa nuc narrow, ehean. Addren C. P. Dir. Clackamaa. Or. N PERSONAL. aaahJaa.wwasaatyaAfaW Doctor Jerome's Original and Private Formula French Suppository . Head excise! rely (LITTLE TREASURE) and succeasfnlly In Ms prlrato practice of annua for oyer 2ft yean Abeerotely harmlaM. Re liable and euratlee. None genuine without gold Mai. One hoc at three doeen. 82-80; six doeen. 8ff. Little TreeiurM cannot be obtained by any means whaterer. other than direct order to DOCTOR JEROME COMPART, P. O. Box 448. Portland. Oregon. DETECTIVE AGENCY ConSdentUI laVMtlga tlona; nporU tnmUhed oa Individuate, their character, reepenelblllty, etc.; bad debti col lected; mining rriailVM locneu: marrr. ,Mnih. mrrMMUMl.nrl eollrirea. Detectlei Serein, office! 208-204 Flledner hldx . 10th and. Waahlngton Its. Phone Main 6618. PRESERVE your hair; aclentlfic treitment: dandruff and ecaema positively cured; gray er faded hair netored to natural color with out the an of lend or dye; Preach face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Pnrlon. autta 28-24 Selfing-Hlracb bldg;. 10th aad Waahlngton. Phone PaUc 2488. 88 A MONTH 8tege dancing taught la all IU branchea hy a profeealoaal teacher, late of New York City: IS yean' experience; engagement! aa- "r NEWMAN'S THEATRICAL CIRCUIT, 148Vk Sixth it. ' 28 CENTS; ALL FOR 28 CENTS Phone FOR A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And awlm, atrike thh big teak at the Port Und Nat.tortnm Baths; ateam aad Turkl.h hatha a epecUlty. See the big algn. "Hatha. " Open 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Corner Waahlngton isd a-.vad eta. Expert ehiropodlat on hand. , a a . a a DISEABSS OF WOVEN Private maternity hospital; quilt location aad special can. Dr. At wood. Son MorrUoo st.. room 8. Pkoae Pacific 1768, DR. B1N0 CH00N0, Importer Chinese root medlclnM: Mils Chlneee tea. certain core far all dlseasea. 181 2d., bet, Yamhill aad Taylor. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve OlohilM. One month's, treatment S2; 8 monthe. 88; sent aecnrely waled by mall. AgeeU. Weodard. Clarha ft Co.. Portland, Or. LADIES: Aik your drusgUt for ChlohMter"! Bagllah Diamond Brand PlUa; regarded as beit. Mfeit; alwaya ralUble; bar of your druggUt; take ah other. Chlebeeter's Diamond Brand PIIU are aold by druggists everywhere. ChlehMter Chem. Co., PhUs., Pa. SBXINB PILLS care all forme et nerroaa et mneculir wMknesa. For men ee vroaMa. Price fl 1 box, 6 boxes 88. with full guaran tea. AddreM er call J- O. Clsmeneou. drug gUt. Second and YaaUffl fcta Pertkad. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL yuKRiin. Expert fitter, fun remodeled, repaired and reived: 80 yran' expertance Inanne entire aatfafactlon. Phone Pacific 2487. LewU bldg. n.T u AV wtna fne all fimsls Bsst Belmont. Phone fall 4084. DR. 0. KBTCHUM curn promptly prlvite dlaeasM, kidney, nervous fkln and ipeclil female troubles Cill or write. Office 170U Third at., ear. Yamhill. Phone Peetfle 222K ANY mar or woman ran be atrong aad happy by aatag Serine Pills, the great tonic; price 81 s box. 8 boxM It. with full guarantee. AddreM ef call J. A. Clemeneon. drurglst. ear. Second and xsmnjll ew.. rttruaeu. ta. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Sure con for rheumilUm. Sold by all druggleta. HOLD ON There la one thing that Trill eare rbeumitlim. Ask your druggist tor bark tonic er sddrna or call J. O. CUmeuou. drug glit. Portland. Oregon. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlin bldg.; days, gentlemen nlghU. Main 188. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and arenlBg. SSI Timhn at "THB ADVENTURI nee, Marriace la High Ufa." "Twaafy Tears Rns'llna." "PrUoner of Eenda. " "A Social Lion," 80 cents each. A. W. BcbmaU Co. 288 Pint st BUB EKA BUSINESS INBTITIT'E The nan-1 branches: beat ehorthand system. 848 Aeh. PHYSICAL culture, all hranehM, and mgssagaj individual and cUm Inatroctlon. prlcate home triatment If deelrcd. The RlngUr Scboal, 808 Alder st. 1 YOUR ahoM ehfoed frra of charge at tke Model YES, Palmo Tahleta make roa aHepwpet faHtyi they care naryeuenen aad makn yea atrong; price BOc a has. hoxn 82.8; guaranteed. All druggleta. or addreM Brooke Drug Co.. ST North Third at.. Port lied. Oregon. PERSONAL. SOITS preaaed whito pa watt, let Mr aklrta prraarfl. 60c. Gilbert. lCH Sixth at.. neat to Qaelle. Pkoae Paella Mt. VlAVI CO., 1-ewli bldg.. 860U- Morrison; baaltb talks to woman Thursday e, 2:80 p. a. TUB October Matrimonial Befiater la Joet Mt. 10c. nvlaed and enlarged, wltk pbotoa; moat complete cter publlahed. M Rauel bldg. HANDKEBCHlBP kimono, mad to order sad for Mis. 288H Second at. Boom 8. BEST magaslna cluba eter offered; Mod fur prices; .genu wanted.. Jones' Book Store, SSI Alder at.. Portia ud. Of. WBBPOOT Oil Blacking aares the leather; sk- eolutely waterproof. DR. T. J. PIERCE cum all nerroua. chronic and priests diseases: both miss; office treat ment. 60c to 81. Call or write 181 First .t.. corner Yamhill. Portland, Or. LADIES Dr. Sandersoa'a Sarin and Cotton Root pill, are the only aura remedy for delayed Krtoda; by mall 82 per boi. Address Dr. eree. 181 Pint at.. Portland. MISS RAYMOND glr.a face and scalp m Mgs at 288te Morrison at., room 14. MISS ENGLISH, chlropodlat, gtVM electric. magnetic and seaip treatments, jafs , oecweea rirat anu anwswa. MOLES, wrinkles, saperHuons hair rrmored. No charge to talk It oeer. Mra. If. D. Hill, Boom 880 Filed ner Bldg. Phone Paclfia 188. MARRY 2.000 worth 8100 to 8100,000: paper 10c. sealed; estaousneo iu year.; nana m ereace. L. L. Lore, Box 1800, Denrer, Colo. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor.; ladlea snd gentlemen. Bona aiorrieon at., roomie. tar at aea htfahand for maiden Udr In Ore son. are 23. worth 83.600: one age 80, worth $18,000: Catholic lady. 24. worth 87.000. Home Circle, Detroit, Mich. TWO young UdlM glee face and acalp maSMge. lluty rourtn, corner Ttwuiimi. MANICURING, chiropody snd alcohol rubbing. Udlea and gentlemen. Parlor 22. 28 U Stark. MISS RAYMOND girM face and acalp aaga at 268 h Morriaon at., room ie. YOU NO Udy. luat arrired from the eset. glree maasags treauaanu. nooaa v, n t FOR SALE, CHEAP Bull terrier pupplea, 80S Iron at., near unui are., rtprtiano, ur. MADAM VASHTI. payehlc and hMler: patlentj receireq wnn room anu uw.iu "-;" and courteoua treatment to aU. . 201 H Third St., cor. Taylor. MRS. DR. HUNTLEY BuggeatlTa therapeutics ; all chronic aueaaea curea. ooi tiu.uiwu. between 18th and 18th sts. .n-.f i.k. M.l.klv Aevelon anerer and re T" II '.;C7 M a.. ....1 tore tne tin ana rigor ol iouiu, o-tj .. treatment free. Leonldaa Medical axeocUtlon. PortUnd, Or. GOOD chUd, age 8. waats hoau with kind family: widow nreierren; eieiw wuim -.. full partlculan. AddreM R 68. Journal. a-oa-st TBitiTlfKNT Prof. 1. V. Kioer. araduate .waitmer ineniute "":: therapeutics. Saturdsy 1 to a p. m. en Pleldner bldg. WIDOWER, age 40, with children and pUln country home, deilre. acqnautance neat, re apectable woman; object, matrimony. R 72 care journal. ASSAYKRS. 0AHVIN CYANIDE" KXTBACTION CO.. . Montana A May utriee. ae ARCHITECTS. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY ft COOK Motor Cet Ca.. Flftoetft aad Waiblngton AgenU for d Gnat Arrow and SteeeBa-Daryea ayet-Mt. rented renaired and elarod. Mala ART. FREE LESSONS la enxkaatdaty every deyt aew atimped ahlrtwaUts. eoraet-eovera. bo lero JackeU, hat. umbrellaa etc. The Nndlecraft Shop. 882 Waahlngtoa at, be tarn Wat Park and Tenth .ta. PROFBSBOB I Portrait and L MAX MBTBB, 848 Alier. Uadacnpe arthrt and taaehee. ATTORNEYS. J. S. WINCHESTER. attorney-at-Uw, aoury public. 68 and t Waahlngton bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER auppllea S. Btrkenweld Co.. 804 806 Event t at; largest butcher aupply bouia on the coast. Writs for estslog. BCTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adotnh A. Deknm. 181-188 Pint et-, eerrUa a fall Uae nd roaa pVte airortment at Uwwst asarftat grteM. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAY IS ft KILHAM. 10S-1I1 Second et. rllank book manufactunn; agenU for JeaM m proved Iooae-LMt ledger!: eee the aew Eureka leit. tbe beet er, the market. . CARPENTERS AN BUILDERS, J. A. MELTON, tke carpenter. 204 Poartk St. Store and office work. Main 1787. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! lead! Read! THIS IS FOR YOUt RBAD CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Barth la permanently located la her own home. 428 STARK ST. ThU wonderful women, nc knowledged by the world to be the gnatost clalrvoyint sllrs, without you writing s ques tion or ottering one word, aha telle you jnat what yoo came for. how many In your fam ily and ill about them. Telia nnmea, ditei and facta. Telia yon of km, aiarrUgea, deetbe, bualneaa speettlattone, Invtotmenta. etc.: loeatM otl. gaa and mineral! of all klnda, nmorae evil influences and taaehes you now to cootnl the one you love, anl toe the Mparatod and causes speedy and con yeolal marrUgM. No Jnettar what your cou dltlon may be, MADAM BABTH WILL HELP YOU. STARK. COR. 1ST H. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEB WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. H JILL 8 P U. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 BBAD1N0 FOB 81. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. E. KHIMO. reatmt living astrsl deadvtrsaM ristr. eoysat of tbe age; ADVISE RON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFA1B8 OF LIFB: whom yoe will mirry. how to control tbe eaa yea love, evea though mllM away; rennltee the MP anted; gives eeoret power, to eostroi. " will o .11 etherajdvertU, to 1 da. aad a ereat deal more. THE BE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH TgPpJL ERS OP THB UNSREN FOBCHS I "ATB AT MY COMMAND, and 1 peoee It to you with- price VafeT-FRRB -hy harina your NAHHT9Lt) 1 IIN PULL). jflBT WHAT YOU CAMJf FOR. and give yon advice staolutrly PRBS before roa dertds to hive 1 reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE BBBrTCior DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTONrTY , AS IT WILL NOT RE OTFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO. Permvntl.r l',f,5J!w HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAIIiY AND fiCfDAY. No, S8S Fifth at., eoraer Madwoa st. MMB. EI NO A. Egyptian y:"1. through piyehlc force: reedjnga dally. Boo upward. Coomoe, Wis MorrUon at. CLEANING AND DYEING. Sultorlum Tailoring Co.-Preselna aad fknnlngi Udne' work a ipeoislty. 117 Low nad! Is at. Portland Steam Cleaning ft DyeUjr Works: eraj. tlcal hatter la connection. Ill elk. PaaiSa SOT. CI.OTnBB cleaned snd preeeed 81 per montk Untaue Tallortnr Co. SOB Stork et. H. W. Tt:RNEH. profesilonal dyer and cleaner. BOS Jcffcrooa it. Pkoae Mala HPS. COLLECTION AOENCY. town isvuinv net YOC MONBY1 cTto' laapw TOlM eg m BENS' .BANK BIMLOINO,. BOOM 16. 1SS! itT. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring . Mrs. U. D. Hill. Pkeas Pac. 188. eoaa.Mu meaner nug. COAL AND WOOD. Tol THB JBTLAND rDBL CO., Sur C DAVIS FUEL CO. . 887 1 B. htorrlsea at. ALBIN A FUEL CO. Bealere la amdsiMd. aaa) aad greea eaa ary oianwooo. Albiaa see.. 8 block, eaat at tarry, R- B. and Raet 8T4. STEEL BBIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer, la Ml mgased aad ary si.owooo. raaas awai m OBEOON FUEL CO All Made ef at SSf Alder at. Pkeae Mala 68. ef coal aad WESTERN PEED ft FUEL CO. Hoom aad blacksmith eoela. Phone Mela ioi. BOX, block and alabwood. Star Boxwood Co. Phone Mala 2148. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleenlng Co.. Urgeet plant an the tout, uonng ana ataruina . ;w Sane Baat BSO-CarpeU clMned radtud. eewed aad laid; both eteam and lateet com sum 1 1 air aaaaeM: rsaoeettag SaattreeeM and fe.ther. a ipeclalty. a SANITARY carpet cleaning, eaetlea and) cow SSoa't n.r.gT664. MS WST CAFES. THB OfTICE W6 WasbingUo St.. phone Main 77 1. aamuei yisoeoa DANCING. Portland Dane Ins Academy, leading In' Saalc edalttt in ballroom enqueue, correct social and ..,. Knrli aa.Mt Tonne folka. ado itructlon daily. SOB Alder. Tel. M. 1881. Prof. Rlngler, danclnf maater. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL ClaM. Mon.. Thun. and Sat. ere.; children'! cUaa Sat. ft er noon. Social, fancy snd step dancing taught. Fencing taught. WMtern Academy hall. cor. 2nd and Morrlion. Pacific 1880. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Burkkerd kali, SSTtt East Bornslds. Phone Main 8713. Dance Tueidaye. PBOF. EATON Dancing school; claM far Udlea snd gents Monday and Thunder eveulnge, Arlon haU. Phone Eaat 2604. . DENTISTS. THB CHICAGO DENTISTS, 828 Washington at., cor. Sixth. Guarantee all work. DRESSMAKING. TRY Aureus Drewmaklng Parlors, 242 Fifth and Main. Pacific 9S2. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE8. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Englneen. , roe trac tor., repairers electric wiring, supplies. 84 Pint, earStark. Main 688. R. H. TnU. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOR .B 61 Sixth at Cnntrartora. electric auppllea. motor, md gy mo.; we hattnll light it ana power yiaove. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAVIS MAGINNIS. learner of conven tional and natarnlUtie ebinaj water-color henda a eoecUlty. Studio 821 E 8th et. N. FURNACES. ROTNTON wirm-ilr fnrnacee eare rael. J. a Beyer Paraaee On.. 866 Sumad Mala 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WOBK8 268 FUnden at. cor. Third. Phone Main 8000. AST POBTLAND FENCE ft WIRE WOBEB. 180 Baat Water et. Phone Bast SSL HAY AND GRAIN. L COOPEB ft CO. PoUkeee. tSlV. lour US Union eve. HAT FACTORIES. Kim-it AN. THB HATTER. 16 H. Sixth t, cUaaa and blocks soft aad stiff bats. maa a specialty. HOTELS. THB RELLBVUE, Fourth and Salmon Its Rooms 50c ap: rataa by ereek or month; out-of towu tnda aollclted. PacLfie 2106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan: roome from 80 centa np: meali 28 nek, Seventh and Everett sts HOTEL Portland. American plan: 88, 88 per day. BELVEDERE: BaropMB plan; 4th aad Alder eta. HARDWARE. Portl.nd Hardware On. aollelu opportunity to quote prtcea. 14 Sixth at. Pacific 408. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fin laouraaeo. lock bldg. JAB. Met WOOD, employers' liability and in-dl-idanl accident aunty bond, ef aD klnda. Phone 47. 802 McKay bldg. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mining, aawm II. tog. alnx machinery I hydraulic pipe., cast lug; all klnda repaired. 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engines .11 stow aad etylea. at lowest pncM . MorrUon st. Reireoa Machinery Co., 182-4-6 THE H. a ALBBB CO Second-hand ma chinery. Mwmiiia. ere. m wraaw "t. A. J. PAUL. 102 Pint at., engliue. holler., mill machinery; Wlcka Bros.' gang. MONUMENTS. NEU ft KIN08LBY. 868 Flret St.. Portllod'l leadUg marble aad graalte works. MUSICAL. LESSONS 60 centa 00 all Inetrtimenta; vocal 76 cent.: Instruments for uk. Mn. Msr tln. 241Mt First St. LEVY'S MUSIC HOUSE, 171 Fourth St., full lines Century, McKlnUy. Edition. Wood, Proe- ear, etc. - THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gui tar hutractlon. Olhnon mandoline. 876 Alder. BMIL THIELHORN. pupil at SBYCIK. vloUn tsacher. Studio 186 Slxti. Tel. Main 8868, EXPERT piano tuning, repairing, ete. J. Login. 874 Oregon at. Phone Eaat 81. PIANO, violin, plane, trombone, clarinet. Pro fessor E. A. Smith. 284 12th. Melh 4708. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArtBMal Byea Fitted, farloa Scientifically Corrected, ltt Seventh Street. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometries and Eynlght Speciallat. Roome 26-57. 828 Wuhlngton Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHY8ICIANS. DR. ABHOLD UKIV jrataata ef the WMptinir roiirw bsii ibsw. hibbvuii, mi Is a apeclaltst ea rheMhatleai. etnmacn aaa all female aweaaea. "Jj, " corner of Third had Waahlngton eta. DBS. ADIX ft NORTHBUP. 418 16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington ate. Pkoae MiTa 88. Eiamlritloa fro. PRINTING. THE MODERN PB1NTEBY ArtUtlc nrintlag 2g RsMel Mdg . Foarlh and Morrison. Pheae Pacific 16S8. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS v v stirs ft CO The Pioneer 1 window -gUM aad glial ag. ltt Flret 1884, MONEY TO LOAN. AN BASY-ktONBY PBOPOSITION Money la eaay to get If yon know where to eat It. We hare ready money at an time., end yon sea get. It oa your Mlnryi 810 to Siou, oa Mar terme ana new rates. We loan oa the eaay payment plan the I lan that helpe you and get- yea out of ebt. Yea get tbe eaah. all ran ask far. end repay In amuaata yea eaa eoarenteutly apen each payday. We do not file papers, require no ka- M ao reference to mends or employer. Open and Sat. eve nines until n wears. Hutton Credit Co. tit (6th aaaal Dekum bldg. U T Per Cent First Mortgages $226.28, 2 yean, 7 per cent. $366.00, 2 yesrs. 7 per Vent. 8788.00. IVi yean, T per cent. 8772.00, 1 Jeer, 7 per cent. M00, 2 yean. 7 per cent, fntereat navahle annually. B AU first claM mortgagM on gilt-edged se curity will Mil at tare yaine: no nonue. Schuyleman and Co. OWNEB. 277H Wssbtngton St., Rooms 84;S6 " I MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city y or for building iMmmmm for from 8 to ' 10 nan' time, with privilege to repay all ar part of loin after two yean. Loans approved from plina and money advanced aa ouiiainx Mtr.M. teken nn and renleced. FRED H. STRONG. FlnancUl Aunt. Sat Stark at. THB STAR LOAN CO Aay salaried employe, wage-earner, can get aa hU note, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week. 860. 00 Repay to he iia.g or 88.80 or $8.88 to 00 Repay to ce i 68 or 81 86 or 81.68 $18.00 Bepay to u 8 4.00 or $2 00 or tl.00 210 McKay bldg. C0NFIDBNT1AL LOANS aa .alirlM. pollctea, planoe. furniture. w.r-bouM re ceipt!, etc.; my deMrvlne persoi may secure a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly er monthly Init ailments NEW BRA LOAN ft TRPBT COMPANY. SOB Ablngton bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Jnat oa jour own name no other eeearttyi don't borrow until yoo aaa me; my intern Is the beet for railroad men. clerka. bookkeeper., strastesr men snd all other employes; bull pen atrietly confidential. P. A. Newton, 424 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other, upon their own nanwa without eeenrtty; cheapest retes. saeteet payment.; office! In 60 prfnclpil eltUs; axes yonnelf money by getting our terma Bret, TOLMAN. 228 Ablngton bldg.. 106V. Third at. Wanted $10,000 Will pay 7 per cent n acres: conMrvative value. $26,000. ren Journal. 1,600 R 70 HEADQUARTER? FOR SALARY LOANS Money can he borrowed on eeey payment plan, loweit ntoa: trictly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg.. nor. Third and Morrison. WANTED NotM. mortgagM ar contract! oa any kind of real estate in urvgoa una wMams ton ; eerond mortgagM pnrchaeed if well n cured, a. m. nonie. nix uoramerciai oik. MONEY TO LOAN On city Improved real Mtate at S sad T per cent, 8 or 8 yean. Monlton ft Scobey. 801 Columbia bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other securities w. A. Hathaway, room iu Waahlngton Bldg. Phone Pacific 1882. PRIVATE money to loan oa real Mtate; raree reaaoaabie; mortgagM nougni ana soiu. u. A. Johnson, 818 Commercial block. LOW rate on fnrnltnn, etc. : confidential. Flledner bldg., 10th and Waiblngton. Be 2830. Paci- MONBY to loan on art klnda of eeenrtty. VWIlll.m Holl. room 8 Waehlngton bldg. TO LOAN Same to 1 nit on ehettel neearity. R. A. Frame. 814 the Mirquem. PHOTOGRAPHS. DON'T BE DECEIVED KUer, the photoxn oh.r has not been In the Goodnouah bldg fee- many month.. For rear photo wwrh Mt Photo Co.. scenic and commercial photographen, 424 Lumber Eichange, Port land, Oregon. Phone Mala SCSI, ar East 6857 PLUMBERS. POX CO., aanltary plumber 281 Second beL Mela aad Salmon. Dragon Phone Main 2001. DONNERBERG ft BADBMAOHBR. removed to Me. 888 Baraeide at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WOBKS, 248 Alder St., phone Mala 710; rabbar etampe. Mala. ateaciU; haggaga. trade check.; braaa eigne aad plstM. ROOFING. TIN BOO Ft NO. guttering, repelrtng end general a a. a. I V 11 ah4 T.dd.rva-tn Car- 1 IU REAL ESTATE. PARR1SH. W ATKINS ft CO.. Mtata. Inannnce, rental aad loan agnate. 280 Alder st. Seal'wtaaVd MORTOAGB LOANS Phone Main 6896. 622 Chamber ot Commerce. SAFES. dobti tvn mrl CO. boss ageate for Herrtng d ManganeM BtMl Sife u.n.uir-in aafM aad ManxaneM Stael Co bank safea. The largaat aaoortmaat of high gride tin and be rgUr-proof h(m la the BOrtnwMt. ea tat.uwi at. DIKB0LD Mangenese and are proof sefee: eoe CMaful prognea igitnit burglar and fire; lock eats opened. Mr. Super, meek inlcil expert With J. E. Da via. 66 Third. Phone 1866. EIGHT second hand fireproof nfM and two second hind bank lafee for eaU cheep, at 70 Sixth at.. PortUnd. Or. SHOWCASE3 AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description: henk. bar and atere fisturea made to order. The Latke Manufacturing Co., Portland. B. H BIBDSALL, dM laser; at M. Winter Lumber Co 7 Hsautoa Ma is aaaa. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLKISBR SIGNS. We beve built up tbe largest algn buelneea In the city by flrat-cUM work and keeping our promisee. Our prices an right. Fifth snd vrentt eta. Phone Rx. 68. W. P. BERGEB A SON. 284 Yamhill St. Signs of all hinds. Phone Pseifle 223K SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Bo. I Co. 287 Stark It Phone Pacific 1596 STREET PAVING. WABREN Construction Co.. strset paving, atde walka and cromlnga. 814 Lumber Eichange. THE Barber Asphalt Paring Ce. of Portland Office 656 Woreestor Uk. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO ear. Blitk and Oek ate.; baggage checked from hotel or reeldence direct to destination: paaMngers therefore seoid ruin ana ei ancs at depots. ..Private Etchanga SB. SAFES, piano, and furniture moved, packed re.dy for shipping ant .hipped; ell work guiranteed; Urgs. 8-etory hrick, nre-proaf wan'.ouM for s'oragc. Office 808 Oak . OUen ft Roe. Phone Mata 64T. C O. PICK, office 88 Flret et.. between Start nd Oah ate., phone BPS: plinoa and ftirnitnn rd and picked for ahlpplng: com mod less 1 wirebouaa with Mparate iron raoeae. t aad CUr eta. moved kvlek Front aad clay CUT ntes on boosehold seeds to sB point. - ee.t: wa make np carloads; special room for carloads: apodal room tor r. Orraon Auto-Dmbb tch. trunks while willing. IS Pint st. Phoaa Mala TtS. PENINSULAR erpreM. dally trlpa between city and panlnauUr, trunks delivered at elty ratM 247 Alder. Phone Halo 2171; residence. Union HOB. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Tile 1 Main BP. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. 824 stark st. Mala 407. T Kd at! POST SPECIAL DEMYEBY No. 800h) Weak i tag tea at. Phone Mala SSB. FINANCIAL at ADD f. TttTOB iiimi a. L Tren.ieks a weaaral Bnaklag Baaiaaaa. ?Vvajuhle Tr ae ten anu SlgV" Letters of tedr Exchange snd t BarMs. araahtart, MERCHANTS' BATIOBAL BAJfX. POBILAJfD. J PRANK WATSON. Praeldent R. m. W. BOTT. redlt tana elegrspale BTTBS STATES kTATIOVAX BABE OF PORTLAND. OBXdrOH. .one rw.M lffleat aael TranMou a weaaral, SailaaM DB4.FT1 Dolled States awa EaropC Heearwowg ead htaaua Ideal I. a A1NSW0BTH I Ceshler. WrS Meat. R. LEA BARNES Aeatstent Csshaer.... ABXER6' ft LUMBERMEN'S Cneaanai 1 1.1 .al u.tu. - - letter, of credit leaned available In all nsrts CHILD. . . First Vie.- PUN A. XEAT7N0.. . Second vWPrealdeat I PLATT ft PLATT , sr. ITT tmr ot ititienasTi e2.an1a.kAa 1 ana VmJ nrSaa Skua Capital paid on $4.000 000 gurplua and undlrlded nroSta -- Jf-MJSnVff A Oeneral Sinking and Exebiage EMIneM fee Part land Waf. A. MACRAB. mJJ. FIRST NATIONAL BARK 0T PORTLAND, OREO0B. Dasigaated Depoattory aad Plaaaeiel Agent of the Cut ted Prealdent A. U MILLS I Cash We Auutetaat OeaUer W. C. ALVORD I Second Aaaketaad Ceikler... Letters at Oadlt Avetlabte la Bhrht Eicbinee and Tnaeeianhle Traaatfeee 8t. Pasl. Omihi. Ben Franrlaco sad tka principal Bight aad time bllla drawa la auma to rait on wn In itimi to nit en liaftagte. CartstUale nongkonx. Yokohama. Cope TRU8T COMPANIES. P0RTLANTJ TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON The Oldest Trust Company la Oragwa. RESOURCES OVER tl 760.000. Oeneral banklne. 2 per cent U tenet en rteakaiiam (even hundredel on dalle balaocee of 8808 ar over. Letten of credit end eacheaja ea mj parts of the world. Seeinn aeconnta. Time eertlfleataa. 8 to 4 per cent: ftsn-tw ata-w rertlfleaUe $noo or over. 2H to 4 per cent. Cell for Bonk of ''ILLTTBTBATTONB. Baarheeat Comer Third and Oak Street!. RENJ. I. OORIM PwaVbet I R. L l.RR PAGET , ,'. Secretary 1 J. ' E CUR ITT BAVtlrOB ft TBnST COMPART TraatM-ta a aVa-a1 l..wt.. aaWIMfia DRPARTMENT ea Time and Savlnea Arroonta. Acta aa Credit AvslUnle to All 0. r. ADAMS. A. L. MILLS . ...Second Ytea-Prnk GEO. F. RUSSELL... hhi nirniiii aniiivm A trust company BANK. TransacU a Oeneral Banking Baalaeea. Department; 4 pea eeat In tenet ana ad. CAPITAL . W. WATERBURT PrseilMt 0. B. LOOAR ETkl' TearpU. Seventh and Stark Streets.' ' 'tt'one av TOKTCTunrn-rvair nrr aw awtfw. a TRUST COMPANY Portland, IX Lasher Exchange. 8. B. Comer Second ' ' FISCAL AGENT FOB Slate. Oaaatr. Mnnleinal and Corporation Boaeje V ana saiaisev aeaiae naa ewirTIF OTTARABTFE ft TRUBT COMPANY- 1 MORTGAGE LOANS oa Pertlaad Real BlUte et Low-Mt Bates. Titlea laeared. Ahetraeta FurnUbed. J. THORBCRN ROSS. GEORGE H. HILL... I ,Ylee-Piiol6iat ) T. BOND8 AND INVESTMENTS. M OR BIB BB0TKEBS. Chamber at Oomme ne kfunldpal. rsHnad aad 0WNIHO HOPKINS CO-CP ANY Eetahllak eg STOCKS. BONOS. GRAIN Bought Prlr.t. Wires. BOOM 4 CHAHBBB O. LEE COMPANY 18-80 Lafavette Brokerage Departmeat Us Before Buying or Seiliax ateeks 0UIS J. WILDX HOME TXLXPHOB B Slliw-uaa aiuuaaw. Member Portland Stock Exchange. Corner Sixth sad Wesajngtoa Streets. Portland, Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. m B27o8TLYoSMo Cootlnnoas MarkeU hp Prteata Wire. OoLek Service an. and United SUUa Rational Beak et rertlaad. TYPEWRITER8. 1 . ami, h. Premiere. WB Mil waaanm i ,kT, an. other mores and otner meaee -Z; -erttar company ; InvMttgaU. Underwood Typewriter Cat.. 6B Sixth at. NEW typewrltera. allmakea. JSJySf repaired. CUit Ageaay. SSI Stark. TBIienr. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cosrt,! Mab. aaaa, 81 per month Portland Laundry and Twel SiST. Ninth and Ooaeh. Phone dlft. supply Co.. Ninth and Ooaeh TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone-house. H.-B. Blaetrto ft lwlephoae Manufnatarlas aaa pany. 82 Fifth at. , WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO.. BT ffff, WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBBYMAN LEATHER CO.. johhere el ..Adiarv hardware, hone goods, leather, flnd- Mddlery. harawan. 1L--i iii laga aad shoe eton lappllee. Fifth aad Oak ADI8aTR?BTTo'R83rFi:. CIOABK PORTLAND, ORBOON. SHECK. OAEB ft GRAHAM lBC.LcmmlMlon merchanti. Jobbera of frolt produce, etc; conBlgnmenU Mllclted. 188 front at. OREGON Fnrnltnn Mannfaeturing Com piny -Manufaetaron at furniture tar the trade. Portland. Oregon. FUBNITUBB manufacturing ead speelsl ordera. L Buvenaky'a Iwrnltan faetorr. 870 Front it WADHAMS ft CO.. wholeMle grocen. factwen aid Mmmlsston aurehaata. Fourth aad Oak eta. 1 . . 1 a. eiBlll.t. "JtZ mrrtlntoT 140 Front .t . Pwtlaxai, Of. Phone Mala ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, rommlMlon ir prcjtuea nwr rbinti. Front aad Devil eta.. Portland. Or. chants. STEIN ft WAYHB Jobbera 208 Seeoad at. WHOLESALE crockery d Jaseraea. Preel, HegeU ft Co.. 100 to 106 Fifth, ear. Start at. WINES AND LIQUOR8. COLUMBUS. California wine depot: ell klnda of wine. 6c a glan. Cooke' and Cooke' Help- en Headqoarteri, 148 Fourth et, i-none ra clfle 2188. P. Lnratl. NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY. BOOKS AND READING. 'BlBtar How to Collect Books, t PHILOBOPHT. Rrvant Short Studlaa In Character, Dextdr , anfl Ogirllclt Paycholosy Uk the Schoolroom. Smyth ChrlstUn Kthtcs. RBL.IOION. Brain Transformation of Hawaii. Rrown New Er In the PtilllBplnaa. Oaanuet Eva of tha Reformation new ed. Kins Roconatruction In Theolory Strntna Teachlns of Jesus. Van Dyke Ooepel for ft World of Sin SCHIOLOOT. oilman Laanchlns Of University Ouncket Boy vine; A Hlatory of FlI tMn Yaftra' Work Amonc Newaboya. Immlaratlon Its Sffacta , Hu 21. . A i Upon the United Statea. Nicholson Strikes and Social Prob lem SldKWlck Elements of Politics, ad. !, rev. smart Studies In Economic. PHILOLeOOY. t-.tmnton Soane Cwsbbbob Errors of IroenouShABBd Klttredso WVtrda aad Tlicfr WAFS IR fntlleh upeacn i,.ia.eB-niii Pivaaraae In Lansuase March Compftratlve Graaoaiar of the A.igio sbssi Languase e,t Practical Stud of Laos vu SOB BANKS. uaat CoIMeHoae la Bariii a'aai' seid M New York, ' kaiauai aad BriHah O "Yoaoksms. Maslia ai OHOON L. DURHAM OBORGE W. Oak Btnet. umr i at imuiv avniiaaee m aaa a uwrna .A. ex. warasx ef the world Triaiacwa. mtikm - eume of 818 ai of Co T. Bl'BTCH AELL. . . iimia . . B. P. B1B8BB8I Europe ead the Baatoia Statee nld oa new Toes. puma, enreeja points la London. Parte. iTerlia. rvankfaei trn-th-Mnka. atoeaaoim. at. m . a, Fvahanaw pn-rocK. . . . , 7rr?3-T O. ooltra... TrnstM for EetatM. Drafts ParU of the worm. L. A LEW IB B. 0. JUBTTR Asetstaat latenat Paid on Time Deposits. compounded guar . . , t , .Bte,aos. W. MILLER "itsiyiM. Opt-f Sa tarda y and Stark Streeta ( OORPOBATlOWa. Bought aad Sold. New eonos 1 JNO. K. AITCHISON T. BUXXHAXT Bldg. pablle eereiee rocporatien nad Sold fee Cash aad oa Margin. st COkfkfBBOB. Bldg.. 1 H. eT. Donahue. Manager. er Beads. Caa Alwaya Sara Tag Meexef. rTir RRPERRNCFS I add ft Til ton. SCIENCE. Bell Art of Illumination. 1HI. Cajori Hlatory of Mathematics-. Comatock and Comatock Manual the Study of Insects. 1806, ed. I. Fleming Wares and Ripples Water. Air and Ether. 1902. Froeenluo Manual of Quailtatlv Chemical Analyala, 1867, Raw. ed. Gray Plaid. Forest aad Garden any. 18f. . MacMUlan Treatlea on Electrometal lurgy, in. Mathews Field Book of American Wild Flowers, 1901. Perry Applied Mechanlca 1108. Shaler Outlines of the Earth's His tory, 11 8. Welderahelm Structure of Maa an Index to HI Past History. USEFUL ARTS. Houston and Kennelly Electrody- namio Machinery for Continuous Cur- . - . aaa I Hurat Garment Dyeing aad Clean int. 1801, td ed. Inland Printer Co. Cards Bad TIoK- ata Inland Printer -Co. Menua and Pro- rremi. Lamed TU Hostess ox Today, isss.. Lyndon Storage Battery and Enfjlrt-, eerlng. 10. Middle ton Dralnax a of Town and Country Houses, I SSI. 8 haw Text -Book of Nuning, 1808. ad. . e CINE ARTS. Addison Art of the National Gallery. Arte aad Crafts Exhibition Society, London Arts and Crafts Essays. Buahell Chinese Art, v. 1. Pole Philosophy of Music. Whistler Recollections and Impres sions of Jamas A. McNeill Whlatlar. by A. J. Eddy. WriRht (The) Garden. You aad L try 'Barbara." AMU8EMENTS. Camp and Doland Football. Church Sociables and Entertain maa ta LITERATURE. Blrrell In the Name of the Bodleian. and Other Essays. Hope Last Poems. Lane Champagne Standard. Nettleton Specimens of the) Short Story. Rand Treasury of Canadian versa, Rlcs Book of American Humorous Verae. 8 war tout Toast maa tar; College Com edy. HISTORY. Crelghtoa A First History of France (new ed.). Eckenrode Political History of Vir ginia During Reconat ruction Smeaton Story of Edlnburfn I me diaeval towns). TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Freer Philippine Experleneee of an American Teacher. BIOGRAPHY. Calvert. James James Calvert; or Prom Dark to Dawn la FIJI, by . Ver non. . , Jefferson. Joseph Joseph Jetfeewwaj Remtnlecenoes cf a Fellow-PlapeP, by Francis Wilson. Pater, W. H Walter Pater, by A C Benson. (English men of letters.) Patteeon. J. C Bishop pattaaoa. the Martyr of Melanesia by Jesse PBJe. aalnte-Veuro, C. A Portraits of tho ElRhteenth Century, t v. FICTION. Altsheler authrlo of tho Tlnnea. Annunaio, ' Triumph of Death. Barbour Land of Joy. Barr TeUla Blundell Wild Wheat, Castle and Caotlo Rose of tho Wort Do la Pneture Maa Prom AmSrlSS , Ewald My Little Boy. Gibbon -Vrouw Orobolar aad Mekr Laadlng Caaes. .Jj - - Loo- l ncU WUllfttm, tho Man Wkft or a a nhirieso. Lewis WolfYlUo Tooker l HOOKS naland J Morriaon 9mm I Uttlft OftOSk pdjrtlsUssl. 0arSatw"a CSiJl azz ' WW .: Ore son. I 3B m Board eg iraaxwi Bid... Fartlaas. orwgoaw BDB. 'nde- ROcBins mmuwrn. k -ant hmsmAA I . .m I I I WalBav, 808H Wa.klsgtoa St., room , f Barber Shop: akavlng 18a. GRAND ATS. ruuna aagi e