I TownToploJ otxob to bauk otmcitimi The Journal agency at Balem haa been transferred to Ruaaell M. Brook, headquarters at Capitol Drug Store, 404 Bute atreet. Phone Main 1071, and all changes, new aubacrlptlona and on plalnti will receive prompt attention. TONIOHTB ajnmXKaVXa. ttr::::::rrr..r2 g& E& "Vie Josh Pejktes .. Taj wi i law .. HI USSSI HI itrf pa-.: Pentagon Nora K. Slkea haa begun ault In the Circuit court (or a divorce from Ira a. Bikes, charging daaertlon beginning Au gust, leva. She alleges that her hue band haa net contributed anything to her support since their marriage, but that she has given him at his urgent request $S,00 that she had when they were married. Bikes Is a lather, says Ms wife, and abls to earn good wages. They wsrs married In Yuma county. Colorado, In November, 1902. TsVy have one daughter, Lolita, aged S years, whose custody Mrs. Bikes asks. She also wants her maiden name, York, re stored to bar. Articles of incorporation of the Union Provident league bare been filed In the office of the oounty clerk by P. A. Mao Pheraon, J. U Mitchell, E. W. Pierce, O. T. -Trommald, M. Morehead. and W. C. Olbson. The object Is to form a benevo lent fraternal organisation for white persons between the ages of 10 and (( years. The articles stats that they now own property valued at 11.200 and that their sources of revenue will be dues and assessments from mnmbsrs. TEW OKTOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1904. 1 I 1 "sWAwMMBBgseBBBBBTM chines I I SIEEL FRAME NfllW '1Crttt'ro" Cor4rt-Perrin's Real French Kid aovet"Wahinett4" M BEING ERECTED Actual Construction Work Begins on Corbett Building at Fifth and Morrison. STEEL GIRDERS BEING LIFTED INTO POSITION Building Will Be Constructed Ac cording to the Latest Eastern Ideas Other News Notes of Events In the Real Estate World. The trial of William McCalllg for manslaughter for the killing of 11-year-old Kill Korklln by running htm down with an automobile has been postponed until November . The trial waa set for today through a misunderstanding. Judge Alex 8 week, who will defend Mc Calllg. returned - yesterday from San Francisco. la asking for the continu ance this morning he stated that he did not know until his return that the trial bad been set for today. Hyacinths, Tulips, etc Have you de cided what you want to plant in flow ering bulbs T It is time to Plant them.' Our stocks are la aad our new cata logue tells all about them. Our ealee man will call If you wish. Call or phone Slain 471. Portland seed Co, Front and Yamhill streets. Charging desertion beginning in Au gust, HOC. Rebecca J. Bteuer haa begun Hit In the circuit court for a divorce) from Arthur H. Bteuer. Mrs. Bteuer asks the custody of their 1-year-old son. Ijtwrence. and fit a month alimony. They were married in this city in De cember, 100. Articles of Incorporation of the Ne tarta Bay company were filed - la the office of the county clerk this morning by Chester O. Murphy, PhU Metachan, and E. C Johnson. They will engage In the real estate business. Capital, HV eoo. Beatrloe Price, colored, pleaded guilty In the circuit court this morning to the charge of aaeaultlng Mettle GHbeoa with traaor on August It. Judge Bears sen need her to 10 days la the county jail. civic Improvement. Don't litter your street with Wood. Burn coal. We de liver It In your basement. Independent Coal A Ice company, successor to Holmes Coal a Ioa company. Special round trip tickets to Chicago tn sale October 11 and II. For particu lars call on or address Chicago, Mil waukee St. Paul Ry 114 Third street. Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are till selling eyeglasses at 11.09. A -perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger ft Co, Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry en easy payments; 11 down, lOo a week Don't go without a good timepiece. Metsger a Co, 111 Sixth street. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal 41 snd fine gasoline. Phone East 711. Women's Exchange, lit Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to t; business men's lunoh. Oil aad gasoline. Red Tank Oil Co.. 141 First aad Alder. Phone Main 1112. WllholtJrftneral Water. Elmer J. Wal lace, Agt, lit Id St. Tel Pacific 1161. J. Enkells. ladles tailor, has moved from 289 to 111 Alder street DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST CHIEF IS DISMISSED Judge Cleland In the circuit court yes terday afternoon dismissed the suit of Peter Johnson for 110.000 damages from Chief of Police Orltsmacher by granting a nonsuit. The Judge held that nollce ouicers in maxing arrears are inaepena ent,. the chief of police being a super visory officer, and not responsible for the arrests made by the patrolmen. Judge Cleland said also that Johnson was not detained unreasonably In the city Jail. John F. Logan and R. O. Mor row appeared for Chief Orltsroacher, and Johnson waa represented by H. Yanck- wlch. The work of erecting the steel frags for the Corbett building at Fifth and Morrison streets started In earnest this morning. Practically all of the base ment columns were erected yesterday and that operation la on record as one of the quickest pieces of construction ever seen In Portland,' for the actual working time for erecting all these col umns was between three and four hours. Some of the steel girders were delivered today and the work of fixing the beams for the sidewalks on Fifth and Morrison streets started. The object of the con tractor la to posh work on the side walks so that the walking public will not be tnoopventenoed any longer than possible. The Corbett building Is being erected according to the latest eastern J dee. For years the custom has been to paint all steel used in a building with a graphite paint, but experience haa shown that If the steel la to be covered with concrete the better plan la to paint all the metal with a thin mixture of ce ment, and this has been done In the construction of the Corbett building. This cement paint prevents rust aed the concrete covering for the columns and beams sets better than If the steel is painted with graphite or some other composition. ' Wtll Use Spokane Brick. It has been decided to use the Spo kane brick in the construction of the Corbett building. On all sides of the ngw structure are buildings of red brick mads In or near Portland of yellow brick from California or the well known lighter brick from Newberg, Oregon. Therefore to make a change the Spokane brick, which Is of a grayish color, will be used. This kind of brick was used In the construction of the Colum bia building on Washington street. The last of the concrete work Is be ing done on the Falling building, at Fifth and Alder streets. The workmen today finished the forms for the roof and In another day or two It will be fin ished and after that the finishing touches will be out on the structure. The metal window frames are being delivered and from now on the brick work will be rushed. The contractor says that the building will be ready to occupy by Christmas. Alter quite a little delay, work has been resumed on the brick sad terra ootta work of the upper stories of the Wells Fargo a Co. building. WUhln two days the bricklayers have laid near ly all of the bricks for the eleventh story and by next week the entire building will have stew The new Methodist Episcopal church, South, now building at Multnomah street and Union avenue, will contain a number of novel and Interesting fea tures. In the first place It win be the first structure la Portland to be built of Phoenix stone from the new big quamee which nave seen recently opened near ' Oakland. Oregon. This stone Is rather striking in appearance and win make the church one of the most attractive edifices In Portland. - A novel feature of the building will be the lighting. The fixtures will be in visible, the transmitted lighting sys tem being used. It Is expected that the walls of the bunding will be finished and the roof on before the first of next year. H. 8. Reed has started work on an at tractive bungalow on Roselawn Heights, near East Ninth street. It will cost be tween 11.500 and 12,000. htatsaohlner Bros, have secured a per mit for a one-story brick bakery to be built on Seventh street between Burn side and Couoh. It will cost upwards) of 14,000. been enclosed. Last Low Rates East. The Chicago ft Northwestern railway will sell round trip Uckets to Chicago for 171.10 on October It and II. Tickets good for return until November 10. Choice of routes. Stopovers allowed. Last low rate this year. Call on or ad dress R. V. Holder. Oen. Agt. 162 Tjhlrd St., Portland, Or. Prefened Stock canned Ooods. Allen ft Lewis' Beat Brand. A Hell Box Printers call the bos used to hold tha- worn-out type a' hall box. We naa oars frequently. Whan typo be comes worn wa consign It without oaramony. Good printing can ba dona only from now type. Wa naa now type and good judgment the result: good painting. 2 Phones Both Main 16S F.W. B ALTES 8c COMPANY FIRST & OAK STREETS CIVIL SERVICE BOARD BUSY WITH EXAMINATIONS Government Offering Excellent Positions In All Branches of the Federal Service. October and November promise to be the busiest months of the year for the local civil service board, afore exami nations have been announced than for any two preceding. months of the year, and the expectations are that there will be fewer announcements after Novem ber than in October and November. Seven examinations were listed today, and there has not been a day this week where there have not been from one to five posted by the board. Nearly all of the positions for which the commission is trying to secure applicants are good ones and will doubtless attract many people. The Panama canal service Is sUll orylng for help end the commission baa had considerable difficulty In secur ing applicants for that work. The oil mate and other conditions have not proved alluring and the positions have remained open. The examinations with the datee unon which they wtll be held are as follows: Topographic and cartographic drafts man, October to and 11; saddler and car penter, with knowledge of irrigation, aid In soology; Interpreter (Syrian and Ruthentan); teacher (male), Indian serv ice; November 14. For complete Infor mation concerning the examinations, ap plicants should see Z. A. Leigh, secre tary of the commission, at tha post-office. MORE POLICEMEN ARE WANTED BY THE CITY Civil service examinations for patrol men will be held October tl. At prsssSt there Is not one man on the eligible list of thV civil service commission who could bo appointed to tha force. Seven men whoee names were on the list were recently held out. as the commissioners wished 'an investigation of their moral character. Immediately after the examination a number of new men will be appointed to the police department. Other places be sides patrolmen are vacant, tnoluding harbormaster, a Job worth 100 a month. the harbormaster haa little la School mi CoBsjga Waglay 34 Floor Fall Una of Tramks as Traveling Boss on TblH Floor The Meier (ft Frank Store 'Harvest Sale" of Men's Ppnikliin Mens Flannelette Night Robes, best quality, nicely made and trimmed, military or regular collar, all size; s Sf great value at, each . . a ? C Special line of men's cashmere finish Socks,, in plain black, t,;..gr....i2Kc Special lot of 100 men's Um brellas, silk gloria covering, plain and fancy handles, in great assortment, steel rod, close rollers; BP grand value t . . Sjv Men's extra quality wool Underwear, second quality; .ii lections, all sizes. drawers; regu- J lar .2 00 values . . Il Men's fine linen hemstitched Handkerchief!; 25c values on sale at. IT Men's best quality Japanese crepe Golf Shirts, in plain colors. tan. blue and brown; attached or detached cults, all sixes; $1.50 values on sale at the low price isfSl I.W7 95c Artistic Hctarrs fwriam to YoarOreiar at UmwttPrioaa Selling "Baby Things" At Greatly Reduced Prices Infants' fancy lace-trimmed A. Blba; 60c, 0o values Infants' linen or Crash Feeders; rag. tic values. Infants' Flannel Shawls, embroid ered or crocheted edge, very pretty styles; regular QO. 11.16 values, at, each TTOC Infante Coat Hangers, made of hand-painted ribbon In pink, blue or white; reg. 1 2 ft 1 g- values, on sale at , each Infants' patent Bar Caps; OA 11.25 values, on sale at TfOG The "Stork" Diaper Bag, mads of checked waterproof stork goods; best 60c values, on sale A,l at. each Quilted Diaper Pads, reg. 11. lie values, at, each e v Infants' Pillow Blips, embroidery trimmed ; regular 11.00 J1 values OaPlJ Allover Embroidered Flannel, suitable for Infanta' Bacques and Wrappers; reg. 11.11 OA, values, on sale at, each. . Infants' Celluloid Toilet Sets Comb and Brush pink, blue and white: reg. 11.25 val- no. was, an sale at, set Celluloid Puff Boxes, pink, blue or white; !6o values, t9. each efgC Infanta' Hot Water Bags, with silk covering; reg. l.l6 AO. value, on sale at " Infants' Cassimere Nightingales, hand-embroidered In pink, blue or white; reg. 176g in value, on sale at, e. . The "Arnold" Knit Bath QAr Apron wm Infants' crocheted Bootees, pink r blue trlmmSngs; 26a IQe values, on sale at a aw Infants' crocheted Bacques, em- Slre style, trimmed in pink or lee; regular 11.25 val- AO uca, on sale at, each .weave. Infants' Flannel Pinning Blank eta on bands or waists; reg- M."c 6lt Embroidered Flannel for A9. underskirts, 11.25 value.. Osv Infanta' Crocheted Af-al OA Khans, 12.50 values. . . Celluloid Talcum Boxes, pink, blue and white; regular A flr lec values, at Infants' Celluloid Comb and Brush Bets, pink, blue or eTv white; lie values, at. set. Infants' Nainsook' Skirts, em broidery or hemstitched ruffle, made on waists; regular lie values, on sale at this AQ low prior. SJaWfi Infants' Nainsook Dresses, square, low neck and Bishop SB. aleevea; II values at C OC Infanta' Outing Flannel Wrap pers, open front; beet 76c dVU values, on sale at each . . . The Meier Sk Frank Store lOOOPrs.WomensHose Values to 50c -1 9c Pr. For today and tomorrow s treat special sale of . 1,000 pairs women s Hosiery in tan, black and white plain and lace effects in grand as aortment ail sises fast colors one of tha best bar gains in women's hosa we have offered in many months values up to 50c pair, on sale today and fJ jsh tomorrow only i W at, per pair... Children's 35c Hose 19c Pr. 9,000 pairs of boys' and girls' Hose at an exceptionally low firice ; heavy and light weight, cotton ribbed ; double knees, ashioned feet ,' fast black ; sizes S to 10 ; regular a q 85c values, on sale at this low price, pair New Maid Silk Moreens We are showing a splendid line of new effects tn plaid moreens for petticoats. The very latest colorings and combinations, in large as sortment; material that will make stylish as well Is serviceable petticoats for fall and winter wear. Your choice at this "ZfVf low price, per yard eafVC Brussels Carpets Low Priced regular $1.25 value, at $1.03 yard. .3 For one weak we will sell our celebrated Cordova Brussels Carpets, The best Brussels Carpet on the market for hard wear. Oriental designs, figured effects, in large assortment sewed, lined and laid at this wonderfully low price $1.03 Yard Sewed, Laid aad Used Closing out 12 patterns of our famous Hostelry Brussels Car pets the best carpet on the market for the price; splendid variety of patterns and color ings. Regular $1.05 value sewed, laid end lined at this special low price; housewives should investigate 87c a Yard Sawed. Laid and Listed Men's Fancy Hosiery 50c Values at 29c Pair In the Men's Furnishing Ooods Section today and tomorrow a sale extraordinary of handsome new fancy Half Hoaa Plaids, stripes and 'plain colors in end leas sasortment Helios, grays, lace, effects, etc., etc. in aU sissa Hosiery that finds ready sale every day in the year at 50c a pairBuy all you want of them today and to morrow at th is ma r velous ly low price. . See Morrison St. Window Display 29c S ale-Dinner Sets English Semi-Porcelain Dinner gets, pink rose decoration; gold edge. Both 10 and 100-pieoe seta at greatly reduced prices. eetHeee Bat. fee a 7. 98 lOO-rieoe Be for 12.18 Pink end green decorated Semi I Porcelain Bets, very neat aad effective design, gold edge: great special value at these prieee: SB leee Bet far S7.64 leg Ttsos Be fee BIO. 98 Semi-Pomeisin Dinner Sets, heavy green border design; gold on knobs and handle; very hand some sets at these low prices: SB wtees Sat far S5.98 loo-Plecs Bet for S9.84 Basement, Knit Underwear Women's Swiss Ribbed Silk and Lisle Vests, high neck, long eleeves. knitted cuff; all aisea; beet 11.76 velue $1.39 Women's Form - -Fitting Swiss Ribbed Cotton Corset Covers, me dium weight, all alses; beet 11.00 values, on sale at"... 7SC Women's fine quality, heavy-weight mercerised Cotton Vests and Pants; ankle length pants, high neck, long sleeve vests: white and flesh colors. The famous "Munalng brand of underwear, all sises; reg. 12.00 values ... pi. 1.9 Women's Swiss Ribbed Wool Vests, high neck. sleeves, beautifully finished neck and front; pink, light blue, black, white and cream; regular 11. It value.. 9S common with other member of the de partment, he la listed as belonging to It and must take th examination at the same time as other applicants. Appll cat lone are now being received for all the positions. Allen a Lewie' Beet Brand. CEASE TO WORRY ABOUT Your Family Jewels Place them in our Safe Deposit Vault and they will be secure from fire and burglars, ind where you can have access to them whenever you desire. Boxes hi the vault $4 sad up per year. It will give us pleas ure to show you th work ings of our vault, whether you secure a box or not. Oregon Trusl & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth snd Washington Streets THIS IS SOLO DAY OUT AT THE OAKS This Is solo 'oar at the Oaks. Thl afternoon Btgaorl dl Fable and Macalo are giving some of tke beautiful selec tions from "Martha." D'l'rbano's band la playing the famous "Shadow Ballet, by Beadle, and a serenade by Herbert, with seven other musical numbers. To night aignorl dl Fulvlo will play th cornet solo, "orea mum." nignon dt Fabla, Blaoone. Macario aad O. Qullll wtll play some selections from "La Boheme." There will also be solos from "Urnanl and the Bsmtramlde," overture by the band. Thl Is the last week of the Oaks. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY Th datee of sale of summer excur sion Uckets to Newport and Taqulna bay have been extended to October If, with a final return limit of October II, which will enable thoee who have not already been to this delightful resort to take the outing at the reduced rat of fered during the summer. Fall particu lars in regard to rate, etc.. by calling at City Ticket Office. Third and Wash ington streets, roruaaa. WANTS DIVORCE AND BOUNTEOUS ALIMONY Tlllle Hill haa begun suit In th cir cuit court rer a divorce from Paschal Hill of St. Johns, charging Mm with groe and habitual druaksnnes. She charge that on several occasions he haa left home and remained for three weeks In place where he could obtain Intoxicating liquor. In November. 1I0. says Mrs Hill, her husband jumped on her aad pulled her hair and haa frequently rererred u her aa the scum of the earth. Hill Is said to have property valued si 1 AAA KaaMal .nl A Hie' wife'e attorney a. Northrup and Northrup, secured an Injunction from I Judge Bear restraining Hill frees die-' TEETH rSj Cut Rates aew asvd wondsrf ul- Metaod. We win 30 Days A 10-year guarantee with all work. stloa free. Bllver milage, soo; (BSk.) Baas to SS.OO: brtdge- ad jewa U-oo Wreeyttsng first eteaw. BOSTON DENTISTS 391K Morrison Street Opposite Poetomco peeing of hie property or encumbering It In any way during the pendency of the dlvoroe ,nult. Mrs. Hills asks for 115.000 alimony and 1600 attorneys' fee. An order wss Slued by the court directing Hill to pear within seven day to show cauee y he should not pay the 110 at. torn ye' fee. They have four children, aged 14, II. and 1 year, who cus tody Mrs. Hill asks. Th litigants ware married In thle city In August, lilt. Milwaukfe Country Club. Eastern aad California race. Taste Sellwvod and Oregon City ears at Fust Do It Now Are you providing against old age, sickness, accident or mis fortune? If not, you cannot be gin too toon. , Your activities will soon begin to' lessen at best. Call for one of our New Home Savings Banks, models of neatness and convenience, and begin saving at once. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits, current rates on Sav ings Accounts, accept accounts subject to check and do a gen eral BANKING AND TRUST BUSINESS. Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 WAHIINGT0N STREET Capital SJ50.000.00 J. Frank Watson President R. L Durhsm.. .Vice-President W H Fear.. Secretary 5 C. Catching.. Asst. Secretary . . mm 1 1 ,1. . I Hi Great Auction Sale Qf Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronse, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat- sums, fine decorated Tea Seta, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we are compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to st tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALS AT 2:30 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON ST. AMTBXMXHTB. TON IGH T Oaks Rink Every Afternoon and Even ing This Week and Next PROF. FRANKS aad BABY LILLIAN World's Greatest Artists Don't Miss This Grand Pall Opening Masquerade Carnival Tuesday Night, October 16 Oaks Rink HeiHg Theatre JSr, TWO PERFORMANCES TOPAZ Special Pries kfatiaee S:1S Last Tubs Tonight SIS Tbt ttrestest of All Character Comedies "OHEcaaas" a tUae arises. SOe t flSO; evealag prises. Basts Seiaag et Baillg Theatre. 14th aad nt Psoas Mala i Waahlegtoii Toaeerrow Night. October 11. ISO. Tea Merry Musical Comedy, "The Moid and the Mummy" Pratt 01rl--C,tchy Mwric, PrtrM Uwar " at BA at ran. - - - - - 1.00, Tie. S0c: ssilsrr. afs.' lie'. j ) Seats New SsDm st the Theatre. asd Tk. U.ltt.4 TV--..- raahtagtae lIVC I1CIIIK I IIEAlfC m.uT J A HE OOBOOBAX. Frldsr. Saturday sad Sasdsy Nights, October 11. II sod 14, Is the Ilsspr Goatee, - the rxxxrxM or miXAim." a tartar Matisse Iseea's "The Sell Moese." BlSaial Prices Lower Soar. Brat 6 rears, S1.S0, Ust 1C rows, 11: balcony. Tie sad ape; gallery. Sac aad 2Sc. Metises ITIoes se to 1. Seats Now Selling st HsiUg Theatre. Sal Baker Theatre Phone Msla 10OT. Oregon Theatre Co. QEORGX L. BAKER. Manaser. Beats at tke ramose Baker Stock Ce. All This Wsek. Matinee Saturday. "Tax bat Loan atrax." A Orsat London sad New Terk gee esse. PRICKS Evenings, 28c. She sad 80c MahV ioc ana see. Nest Wss "Lady Bsatswerta's Basil lajsM," EMPIRE THEATRE All Matinee. 10c aad Ms. raeae Msla 111. Matlsss Wednesday and Saturday. Thai Week the Orsstsst Rural 0 swear. "UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" Don't miss It. Oa of the big rood attrac tions. Evening prices, 48c, Sc. Mc sad 60c. All wstisees luc and ssc. a-sat PANTAQB8 at Oarrta aad Mass rente. Bey sieag. The Vlerss Sisters, Varsity Quartet, L Tseaple, Lea White. LATEST MOVXBS PICTURES. aaaoss daily at I N, 7 so sad e. m. Aemtsstoa Me sad Me. Boxes Ms. Lsalae aa a rer lee. LYRIC THEATRE BEGINNING MONDAY, OCTOBER S, ISO, ' Bvery Afternoon isd evening. PORTLAND S POPULAR STOCK HOUSE, A Baatssss et th War. "THE DESERTER" A Story of Brotherly lares. in roc a acts. renew the Crowd. OMttaaeo Psrfarawaee. dliaalii lee. Sissrval Basts Me. iv Grand Week ef 04. a LEONARD Supported by O'Brlea aad Wast. Bus Leonard. Kail Ins aad Kllpton, Mile aad Vegge. sd Comedy rear. B.rtu'i'off. THE STAR Wtl OcfeOavSJY efss Phone Msla MS. "That Girl From Texas" Mstlsees Tuesdays. Thursdsyi. Saturdays sad Saadaya. Prices. MM sad Ms. Every veiling nrlcSS. 10c. Mc and 30c. Nsst Wsek "TBS TWO ORPHANS. V. FREE ! Moving: Pictures 33 Other Miscellaneous Subjects. Bvery svenlng 7 o cloekt. Bring th child rtt. CORNER MORIUrtoN ASU THIRD. Cliange or Program Weekly HARRY Bill' MAN. General Advsrtlser. YOUR EYES visaed by a "yeaT 0lTgs, Unsw and (lolda Mount tug lenses and rilled Mounting. linsea and Herman Htlver frames Broken Lnaea Aatlgtnatio Herman stiver I sa . . , TheUtlleO II r Ueo. Buaejill IBBI. B j ss vsbBa t"jymlJ