The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Nihilists Threaten to Use Violence M Police
Magistrate Does Not Deal leniently With
John Lewandoski, Accused of Crime.
w,.u .wlrt and iiirt, ! to
mated out to, Judge Ctoeron by Uio
local branch of th dread Nlhlllat or
ganisation In the event that ha decides
adveraely to John Lewandoekl. tha al
leged Ruealan bomb thrower, who
given a hearing yeeterday on a
of unlawful cohabitation. In tha mall
today Camaron received tha following
' threatening communication:
"Judge Cameron, City.
"Tomorrow la Lewendoskt'o caaa.
Look out I Free him. otherwise well
be afttr you.
"Ha la our brother, and yon Know
hit it maana.
Immediately after receiving tha letter
Judg Cameron notified both the police
and tha United States aaeret eervlo
Tha latter la written on ordinary
ruled writing paper and waa lnoloaed In
a white envelope. The handwriting U
crude and evidently disguised. The
communication waa mailed Monday aft
ernoon and beara the a tamp of Station
Tj. From trtla poatmark It la evident
that the eplatle waa -deposited in an
east aide bo in Alblna, aa aubatatlon
B la located on Ruaaell afreet, near
Vancouver ayvenue. The headquarter!
There will be no more land fruad
trlala In Portland thla year. Thla la
the opinion of United State Dlatrlct
Attorney W. C. Bristol, who returned
thla morning from a trip to San Fran
cisco, and U Angela, where he a
slstee Francla J. Heney In arguing the
Williamson. Oesner. Biggs, and the
Henry Meldrum cases on appeal at Ban
Franc leco. H also Investigated, the
Wisconsin cases In Los Angeles.
The lllneaa of Judge Morrow of the
United Bute circuit court of aapeals
at San Franclaeo la directly resaafcalble
for the pcatponement of th Oregon
ajasaa Judge Morrow haa overtax hla
eyea and baa been ordered to rest for
n Indefinite time by hi physlciene. He
has therefore retired temporarily from
the federal bench at San Franclaeo, and
Judge Hunt, who waa to have tried the
land fraud caaes here haa been ordered
to asaume the dutlea of Judge Morrow
On the berteh of the court of apeeela.
Judge Wolverton will alao go to San
Franclscd; taking charge of the Insur
ance casta which are to be heard In the
dlatrlct codrt.
Judge Hunt will reach Ban Franclaeo
on October !0. and will begin hi duties
en tl)e bench there on October tt.- He
IU not finish until December at the
rileat. and In the Opinion of Mr. Brls
1 It may be January 1 before he la
Able to return to Portland and again
tke up the land fraud trlala. Judge
Wolverton may be In San Franclaeo for
two montha before he haa disponed of
the Insurance litigation. -'
Mr. Heney haa been aelected aa one
atf the three members of the board of
arbitration which la to arbitrate th
tabor troublea between th United Rail
ways and lta employee and thla' work
will be of long duration. It 1 Mr.
Heney' expectation to be through with
this task by the flrat of December, but
gain Bristol is doubtful, thinking that
It will be nearer the flrat of th year
before? the work I finished, as th con
dition there are very complicated and
Will be difficult of settlement, requir
ing time.
In the meantime the land fraud cases
will be st a etandatlll and nothing will
or can be done until after the return of
Judge Hunt and Mr. Heney. Th caaea
Bill be aat ahead In the order In which
they stand until the court can begin
their consideration onoe mora. " -
It Is poaalhle that Mr. Bristol will
convene tha federal grand Jury between
thla time and. the flrat of January, If
the assignment of th Judges will per
mit. Mr. Bristol aald today that It waa
tola desire to begin the investigation of
further violations of the timber lawa.
gnd of varloua poatofflce matters, and
that be would secure an order calling a
grand jury from Judge Wolverton, be
fore the latter left for San Franclaeo.
If it were possible to handle the jury
In the-absence of the judge. Owing to
the fact that Portland will have no fed
eral Judge for so long, it la doubtful If
the Jury will be called at thla time.
, Mr. Bristol expects to be busy during
If you want to feel good
and look food surround
yourself with one of our
good Top Coats.
We hare the knee lengths
In blacks, Oxfords and
grays for conservative dress
ers and the short "Toppers"
for the swell young man.
Prices from $10.00 to
Men' and Bora' Outfitter.
164 and 168 Third Street.
Mohawk Building.
A VI i -vri I mlfri
JSX I BB VvJSriPff .
of the Pollah secret aocletlea are Is thla
dlatrlct and during tha Investigation
made by the police and government
agents aeveral months ago lnflamma
torv anarehlettr literature waa found In
one of tha meeting places on Ruaaell
Judge Cameron la not perturbed over
the matter and la Inclined to treat the
matter lightly.
The threatening note la looked upon
aa corroboration of Deputy Bletrlet At
torney Haneye atartllng etetement in
vesterdav that I.ewandoskl had
been aen tensed to death ia Ruaala for
throwing a bomb, aa the letter la algnea
the "Red Flag," the uaual elgnature
uaad In anonymous communications em
anating from the headquarter of the
anarchlats. Lewendoskl's oaae la sched
uled to be heard again on Friday and
It la not thought that any attempt will
be mad to molest Judge Camaron be
fore he gives a decision In the oaae.
Thar has bean trouble brewing among
various Pollah and Russian aecret or
gan laatloaa In thla city for aeveral
raontha and. although Secret Service
Operative Foster did not give out the
result of hla Investigation. It la thought
that ' he found abundant evidence to
show that there waa a branch of Rus
atan Nthlllata In Portland. ' -
th Interim while the land caaea are
not before tha court. He haa a large
accumulation of office work whloh he
will 'now bar an opportunity to clear
away. He will alao take action In re
gard to the fouling of the river with
oil and other debris, and will look after
many harbor matters which ar await
ing hla attention and other local work.
The caae against Gilchrist and other
Michigan resident who are resisting re
moval to Oregon for trial for alleged
land frauds will be taken up by Mr.
Bristol and an effort will be made to
hrlitar the men Twtfnre the court.
The lnveatlgatlon of tho caaea
where timber selections have been made
and held up during th land investlgs
tlona will also be taken up and those
suspended elatma which are made ac
cording to the law will be recommended
and passed to patent.
One of the moat Important matters
which Mr. Bristol will take up will be
the enforcement of the eight-hour law
on all federal work. Ia this he will act
under the direction of the government
and will enforce the regulation even In
caaea of emergency work, aa that seems
to be the desire of the administration.
Mr. Bristol ia now about buried under
a pUe of letters and la laboring hard to'
catch up with ls correpaondenee and
the business accumulated during his ab
fJearaal gaeeta! S-f-tee.)
Corvallla, Or.. Oct 10 Xh. wm.m.
ette preabytery waa In sessfftn here laat
mgm. in sermon waa delivered by
the Rev. H. M. Mount of Eugene Rev.
M, S. Bush waa elected moderator of
the presbytery; Rev. Lowrey of New
herg was chosen temporary clerk.
Thla afternoon at 1:10 o'clock the
fourth annual conference of the Sabbath
School Missionary synod of Oregon con
vened here. Slxtv delegates .rriv.d
thla rooming and 100 are expected.
Thla afternoon the nroeram ini,M.
addresses by the Reve. T. B. Qreewold
of Albany, M. 8. Bueh of Corvallla TV
Thompson Of Portland It a
Ketchum of Baker City, J V. Mllllgan
and W. S. Holt of Portland, and J. M
Ferguson of southern Oragon.
. Tonight here I of sermon by the Rev
Alexander Henry of Philadelphia.
aa ... 9 rrtes.1
Flndlay. O.. Oct. 10 -John D. Rocke
feller a Nemesis. Ida M. Run. .
ter of the late George M. Rice, waa prea
ent at the trial of the Standard Oil com-
"" "7. nice waa an Independent
ruinm y me standard. His
daughter baa devoted her life to Sght
lng the trut and took up th battle
She will be a atar witness for th. r.,..
cutton. Th present Incriminating doe
umenta were gathered by the father and
aasg-a ewejaa.
Kansas City, Oct 10. William J.
Bryan apoke today at Nevada. Clinton
aeoaiia and Columbia. Large crowda
an a i eacn place.
"The Deserter."
in ine ueaerter- the Lyric atock
company, haa a great military drama
. J, .- .L. '"nning and Herbert
i.iuu bis jaw roiaiers, while Ml
Howard haa one tt those emorional roles
In which aha excel.. Mta Bran.cnrnb
and Mr. Connr aupply th comedy
element "The Deserter7, Is a olav
svery on with a lov of country should
w1tn.a It is Oiled with p7tr" i.m
and fires one's enthueleem for Old Glory.
At the Grand.
LeughUr reigns supreme this week
t the Grand. There la a hlg suddIv
-... uiwuu; ii me program
mij i nan is usual. i ne nut la re
plete wun capital acta, any one of
win. n wou di a neaaiiner under ordl
2fryK olrcumetancee. "Mademoiselle
Manhattan' is a condensed musical
wiui Travesty interpolations
Ous Leonard la a mualcal magician and
. oritrn ana west sing and dance to
the delight of all.
a .
At the Star.
Of the
any olays offered at the Star
since the Allen stock company csme
to thla house none other haa mad such
a favorable impression a thla week'
bill. "The Girl from Texas " Th play
I exceptional In many respects. It was
originally written for the famous soe
brette. Katie Putnam, and thla part Ts
well suited to Mlaa Vera Kelton. the
lever little actress who heads the Al
len company
Whit Sox Go Down to Dsfsat
in Freezing Game at
National T. American 1.
(Joaraal Special Servtae.1
Chicago, Oct 10. Whit waa In .the
box for the Chicago Americana today.
with Sullivan behind the bat, while
Ruelbaoh and Kllng filled similar poei
tlons In ths line up of the Chicago Na
tionals, in the second gam of the series
for the world's championship. Probably
a game of baseball waa never played
under such frightful condition aa that
of today, for although th morning waa
bright, crisp and promising, th tem
perature dropped rapidly aa th hour of
play approached and th wind rose to
half a gala .
After the defeat of the Cuba yeater-
day by the White Box ia the flrat i
of the champlonahtp series, the Ameri
cans Jumped into the place of favorite
In the betting, although the odd were
against them yeetenday before the con
test was pulled off.
Th crowd of fana preaent at the
game today exceeded In numbera the
crowd of yeeterday and tha backers of
the White Sox outnumber thoee of their
opponents fully three to one.
On be ot a erasure.
The fireworks commenced in the eeo
ond Inning, the 'first having resulted In
a goose egg for each team, when the
Cube, bent upon retrieving their fail
ure of yesterday, pounced upon the Sox
for three rune and succeeded in shut
ting ths other team out without a tally.
Chance went to the bat for . the Cuba
and fanned. He was followed- up by
Stlnfeldt. who hammered one Into left
field. Tinker beat out a bunt and Evera
followed with the same tactics. Whan
Ever bunted Isbell at second gathered
it la from the ground, but made a wild
throw, peat Tannehlll and three men
were safe on the bags.
Steinfeldt scored Whit intention
ally paaaed Kilns, for a double play.
Ruelbaoh aacrlflced and waa put out.
I she II threw to Donohue find Tinker
cored. Hoffmen was next up and beat
out a bunt. Ever aoorlng. JDonohue
tnrew home ami got Kung.
In the second half th Whit Box
were unable to. mark a run lo their
Score' Again In Third.
In the flrat half of the third the Cuba
made another run. Sheckard was
pinched between White and Donohue.
Schulte walked.
Chance forced him and
Tannehlll threw to Isbell Chance atole
a base, ran to third on a wild throw of
Sully's and scored on Stelnfeldt'e elngle
to left. Steinfeldt was "put out while
stealing second. Sully throwing to la
bell. The Box were shut out again in the
third and when they took the field at
the beginning of the fourth Owen waa
placed In the box.
The score In th fourth was nothlne
to nothing.
, , oaae aoor ox ta Birth.
j IF the fifth inning the Cube scored
nothing and the Sox scored one run.
ne walked, being forced by
arty. Steinfeldt flew out to
wild nttch I)ti-h-
'"erty, lhlllvrt fouted to Kllng Tinker
led TannehlH'e grounder, Deugh-
coring. Owen, flew out to
In the sixth inning the Cuba carried
off another run. Steinfeldt hitting aafe
ly to left and Tinker forcing him to
second. Owen knocked a fly, which was
gathered Id by Tannehlll. and Evers
singled. Tinker then pulled off a dou
ble steal. Sullivan threw badly and
Tinker scored. Kling struck out and
Ruelbach went out from Robe to Don
ahue. The Sox trotted to the bat but, unable
to repeat their performance of the fifth,
went down In one, two, three order.
Declares Lawyer Is Apparently
Ignorant of Alaska and
of Oregon Law.
"If Mr. Logan doean't know anything
more about the Oregon la we than he
know about Alaska, I feel sorry for
his clients."
That la the reply of Mayor Lane to
the announcement that John F. Logan,
attorney, had discovered the mayor Is
Illegally holding office becauae he re
sided Jn Alaska for aome time. Mr.
Imogen pointed out that the charter pro
h- Tilt. t !
he a citizen of
vides the mayor muat
:ztn f 'wr'3,"iwirru.Vn?.nr:t u vscX
election. Mayor Lane did not return
frcm Alaska until within, less ths n one i
year before he waa elected.
"He ought to know that by living In
Alaska you cannot gain or lose resi
dence," said the mayor this
"Thai Is one of the lawa conce;
territory. The people of A la ski
fought agelnat It for a long tlm
clarlng It an lnjuatlce to the terrltoi
(Joaraal Special gervtee.t
New Orleans. La., Oct 10. Circulars
mailed from San Jose, Costa Klca, de
clare that President Roosevelt aald In
a recent addreea that the Lattn-Amerl-can
countries are bound to disappear
because they are Latin In character and
also because they are ao small. The
circular adds that 117 boycott station
have been established In South Ameri
can countries and every effort will be
made to prevent the sals of American
made goods.
(Jonrat geedii gsrvlre.t
St. Paul, Minn., Oot. 10. Senator La
Follette will testify before the state
railroad warehouse commission on the
day upon which J. J. Hill Is sub
poenaed to sppesr In ths action Insti
tuted by the State Shippers' associa
tion upon an alleged illegal Imposition
Of freight rates .
Wsehlngton, Oct. 10 The director
of the mint this afternoon purchased
600,000 ounces of silver for delivery In
equal lots to San rranelseb. New Or
leans and Denver, at es.n eents an
ounce, .
H mm KB
H9 H i
Sohawa Singh sad His
"On th road to Mandalay,
Where the flying fishes play,
And th dawn comes up like thunder.'
Out er China cross the bay.
During a lull In business at police
headquarters this morning Captain John
Moore sbstractedly hummed Kipling's
Jingle of the east as he beat an accom
paniment on the deak with a penholder.
He waa aroused from hie deep reverie
by the question addreseed to him In
oriental English:
"Sahib. I am looking for work Will
you most kindly examine these papers 7"
Upon looking up Moore rubbed hi
eyes to make sure that It waa net the
result of a disordered Imagination, for
standing at attention' , with the hands
raised In military salute were two bj.
whiskered and beturbaned Sikhs, who
looked as if they had just stepped from
a peg of Klpllng'a ballade.
The teller of the two, who gave his
name as Sohawa Singh, was over six
feet tall and his height waa accentu
ated by a large white and gold turban.
His companion, whom he Introduced
with a wave of the hand- aa Natah
Singh, his cousin, alao wore the heed
gear emblematic of the land from whloh
they came
Aa examination of the contents of aa
official-looking packet of documents
handed to Captain Moore by Sohawa
Singh brought to light aeveral highly
interesting papera. Bearing .the elgna
ture Of President Roosevelt and th
late John Hay, secretary of state, and
atamped with the great eeal of the
United Statea, waa a reeommsnaaiion
from the national government to the ef
fect that' Sohawa Singh had occupied
the position of marshal of the consular
court at Hankow. China, for a period
of three years. Accompanying thla waa
a letter elnged by Consul-General Wil
liam Martin certifying to Sohawa's ablV
ity. Integrity and honesty. A Isttef
One of the most remarkable thefts
reported ' to the police In some time le
being Investigated by th bureau of
criminal Investigation. James Oleason
nf tha Conaolldated Railway company
notified Captain Bruin this morning thst
. - - TT .. Mit.. A mi lew
polee of the disused W ood lawn -Van -
Th. man waa eeen at work by an em
ploye of Pllkerton'e nureery and ordered
to deelet From the amount of wire
taken It wee absolutely necessary to
have a wagon to haul the property away,
and the detective bellevee that aeveral
thieve were concerned In the affair.
(Special vispaicB u """'
Hitleboro, Or., Oot 10. At l
o'clock thla afternoon Wktrtct
Attorn Alien received a tele
gram from Mr. Madge Snyder at
Portland eeying that she had
mlaaed the train, but would be
here euro at noon tomorrow.
(Journal Speelsl service 1
Washington, Oct. 10. The proposed
attack of the government against the
Standard ha eeen deferred Indefinitely,
the president believing; that to start a
suit now would be regarded as cheap
politics to Influence slectlons, and be
sides the preparation Of evidence Is la
Federal Judge OrlUoally HL
10 Federal
Bethee Is critically ill at hla I
here A surgical operation may be
ssssry to save his life.
i Joaraal ftp la I sen Ire.)
Milwaukee, Oct. .10. Billy Potts waa
today matched to fight young Fltsger
aid on October 1.
1 I
Consin, Natah Singh.
from the American consul at Vancouver,
British Columbia, at which point the
two men had landed a few day age
from an Asiatic steamer, was also found
In the envelope. . "
A discharge paper signed by Major
Ratt cliff on th Thirty-third regiment
of Sepoy Infantry ahows that Sohawa
served In that organisation at Bi ma,
India, for five year. Natah Singh also
has a military record, having been a
private In the Twenty-ninth regiment of
Sepoy, stationed In th ame dlatrlct
for fouv yea re.
Captain Moore turned the two men
end their papers oyer to Chief Orlts
roacher. They Informed the head of th
police department that they bed arrived
In Portland laat night from Vancouver
and were dealrous Of securing employ
ment. The chief Informed thsm that he
did not know of any position for them.
Natah Singh Imparted the Information
that he was on the police force In Han
kow. China, and the suggestion haa been
mad that he be detailed with Kay and
Burke on the "moral equad."
Ia posing for picture at The Jour
nal office both men war extremely
nervous and suspiciously eyed the cam
era while the photographer wee adjust
ing the mechanism. They are nattra
of Jelapur and belong to the race of
Sikhs. According to the tenets of their
religious belief smoking and the eat
ing of beef are prohibited. There Is no
ban, however, on the use of the flesh
of the sheep. They heve taken up quar
ters at ths Qirlmby hotel until they can
secure employment. Whether this coun
try will satisfy them aa well aa the
territory contiguous to the "road to
Mandalay" remains to be seen. Perhape
they will prefer:
"Some place east of Sues. .
Where the best Is like the worst.
And there aren't no ten commandments,
And a man can have a thirst."
The nurseryman, by hie opportune ar
rival on the scene, no doubt prevented
the theft of ejl the wire on the pole.
The value of the property stolen, In
view of the exceptionally high price of
copper prevailing at the present time
te In excess of 11.000
The merchant tailoring establishment
of T. Sohultse on East Burnalde and
Union avenue was entered by thieves
Monday night, and $0 yards of trouser
ings csrrlsd away. Schultse suspects a
man who entered the piece early In the
evening of having committed the theft.
The fellow made en inspection of the
goods stolen and appeared to be taking
a survey of the Interior of the store.
W. D. Fan ton. who represented
Franklin P. Mays In the Blue mountain
land fraud ease, aaksd for an order In
the Unltsd States district court this
morning for an extension of 10 days In
whloh to prepare a motion for a new
trial and alao to prepare a bill of ex
ceptlona for Maya to present to the
court Mr. Fsnton explained that there
are more than 1,200 pagee In the record
of the case and that he hae not had
time to go Over tt. An order was alao
aaksd for to remove the 700 exhibits
presented la the oase to Mr. Fanton's
office that he might examine them
while preparing hla bill of exceptions
Th requests wsrs allowed by Judge
Wolverton with the understanding that
United States District Attorney Bris
tol is to consent to the arrangement
before the orders become effective.
Big Banch Sold.
(Special Dispatch te Th Journal )
Pendleton, Or., Oot. 10. By the terms
of a deal that has just been mads Wal
ter Adams and sons of this city have
purchased ths stock ranch of. Jacob
Born, neer T'klsh. for a consideration
of 120.000. There are 1,100 acres in ths
ranch and it la regarded aa one of the
best oettle ranches in that section, be
ing well Improved and stocked.
(geadal Dispatch te Tae Joaraal.)
Newberg, Or., Oct. 10. The Newberg
public school has bow enrolled 410
Have Power to Force Board of
Education to Safeguard
Lives of Children.
That ths nublio safety offlclala Of the
city nave toe auuavniy o u.napvi mt
beard of education to make alterations
the sohooihoueea if it la coaaiaered
ceesaxy for the nroteotlon of the pu
pil, I th belief of the building Inspec
tor and rir onier.
Further investigation of the fire
rlaka In school are now under way.
Both yeaterday and today the chief and
the fire marshal have been vial ting
school upon whloh only a partial re
port had been made to the executive
"The report mention stovepipe chim
ney, and they are against the law,"
says Building Inspector Spenoer. "Aa te
the extinguishers and stand plpee, thoee
were only reoommendatlone. We didn't
ask that the fire drllla be the earns la
all the schools, but we did recommend
that th signals be the same In all the
schools and that the children be taught
to drop everything and get out without
atopplng to get their book and wrape.
Suppose the children stampeded la a
stalrcass and dropped their books. Why,
40 children would drop enough books to
block th tlre."
Aa Herman Wittenberg 1 eat of the
ofty, the director will take ao action
on th report until hie return. He and
I. N. Fleleehner constitute the building
committee, to which the matter waa re
ferred. The executive heard haa allowed
the director 40 day In which to make
th alteration recommended and de
manded. Among these are cutting a
doorway through to ths fir escape on
the Shaver aohool and cleaning out the
waat from around the furaaeee of
nearly all th schools.
Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. After elud
Ing th Immigration offlclala for oyer a
fortnight with a cargo of Chine im
migrants the yacht Frolic waa eelsed In
the Providence river today and con
fiscated In the name of the federal gov
ernment. Seventeen Chinamen and three
members of the crew were a treated.
The commander and other mem bora of
the crew were not preaent. The Frolic
came up the harbor undetected. A
watchman In a coal yard atumbled over
two Chinamen and started ta arrest
them when a volee from the Frolic told
him to let them alone. The watchman
reported the occurrence and the eeisure
(Special Dtepates to The Journal
Th bailee. Or., Oot. 10. The new
street commissioner ia enforcing the
ordinance aa regarda obetruotlona In
streets. Me haa arrested three men
during the paat two daya for placing
obetructlona on streets and each waa
fined $1 and costs. He la also estab
lishing hi reputation for Improving
street, and In a little while The
Dalle will have aa good street aa any
city In Oregon.
The rook eruabar 1 kept busy all th
time and thoroughfare which were
formerly well known for hole and mud.
are regular city boulevard.
(Special Maaeteh te The Journal.)
Pendleton. Or., Oot 10. Win Alfred
Perry waa brought to the city from
Walla Walla yeaterday by Sheriff Tay
lor, charged with being Implicated In
furnishing aawa to th prisoner who
mad th recent jail break at thla place.
perry was formerly a partner of Our
Toung and before the jatlbreak be called
at th Jail several different time and
talked with come of th prisoners. Thu
far no Indictment has been returned
against Perry by the district attorney.
The evldenoe againat him la very dlreot.
and It 1 more than likely that ha wlU
be confronted with a aerloua charge of
aiding prisoners to escape. (
(ioeclal Dtasateb to Th Joernal.)
Eugene, Or., Oct. 10. The Great
Northern Development company waa to
have formally turned over the Oreat
Northern mine and milling plant. In the
Blue river district, to th Blue River
Mine company at a meeting la thla city
yeeterday afternoon, but an Injunction
order by Judge Harrie, reotralnlng the
aale of the property, has held the aale
up for a while.
The aale waa all but consummated,
the purohass prloe to have been $240,
000, but yesterday forenoon J. M. Cook,
one of the stockholders In the Great
Northern Devslopment company. Insti
tuted injunction proceedings.
(Joaraal Special Benin.)
Wawona, Cel., Oot. 10. Seereh for the
body of H. W. Tupper, who fell off a
2,100-foot cliff In Toeemlt. waa again
begun thla morning. Several hundred
feet of rope waa taken to the place
the accident le supposed to have hap
pened. It win be used In lowering a
man over the cliff In an attempt to find
the body.
(Special Dispatch to Ta Journal.)
Lostln. Or.. Oot 10. Th Wallowa
county fair will be hId at Lectin. Oc
tober 17, II end 1. 1000, and promisee
to be one of the beet fairs ever held
In thla county. The premium list shows
liberal awards for exhibits, snd a good
race program la being arranged.
Bank Xaray DM.
Umatilla, Or.. Oot 10. Hank Kear
ney, a middle aged man who hae been
working on the North Bank road for
eome time, died at tha Cottage hotel
lest night very suddsnly. Hs tied been
kicked In the abdomen by some unknown
person which, with ths smount of liquor
he had been drinking, hastened hla
death. It la alao reported that he was
an opium flsnd and took too much,
whloh oansed hie death. Juet how toe
came to hla death la a mystery.
Long Creek, Or.. Oct 10. One of the
well-known ranohere of this section,
B. C. Henderson, sold his ranch, con
sisting of 240 acre, ons-half mile north
west of Long Creek, to Arthur Mulksy
for a consideration of (1,400. Mr. Hen
derson expects te Iseve for The Dsllee,
where he will engage la the livery busl-
Rsv. E. L. Housg Says Christian
Endeavors Are manning to
Have Great Matting.
Bv. 9. I. House, who has been eon.
aeeted with the work of tha Chrlstlsn
Endeavor for II years, feele oonfldent
that the state convention of Endeavor
era, which la to open at th Flrt Con
gregational church Friday, will be one
of the largeet Endeavor meetinga ever
held In Oragon.
'We are going to have a very suc
cessful meeting If good speakers and
hard work will make It so." he sold this
morning, "and I think that a great many
Rev. E. L. House.
Christlan Endeavor members will be
present at the convention. And, of
courae, the general public anloy the
meetings almost as much as the mem
bers. J. A. Roekwood, the world's vice
president, and a number of other promi
nent worker In the National society
win re present and make addresses on
subjects of Interest to all Endeavor
workers, and the local ministers will
tell of th work done In this state be
sides making addresses on other sub
jects." The First Congregational Church
Chrtetlan Endeavor society ts the larg
est In the state and haa done eome note
worthy work In the laat few years. Pil
grim chapel, on Lincoln street Is sup
ported by the Endeavor and a mission
ary kept In Foo Chow, China, through
its work. The different committee of
the Christian Endeavor look after the
social affairs of the church and have
charge of the Sunday evening prayer
meeting. The society haa a member
ship of 110 active worker.
Bvery other year th Christian Bn
d savor society hold an international
convntlon and between 10,000 and .
000 delegate are ueually preaent at
thee conventions. The laat Interna
tional convention waa held ta London
and next year It la to be held In Seat
tle. In 10, the convention will meet
In jeua)m. Drf Franei HV Clark, the
founder end preeldent of the United
Society of Chrtetlan Endeavor, la gen
erally preaent at the International oon-
J VttftOf-saV
The Endeavor eoelety waa started
about t( years ago and slnoe that time
haa grown to wonderful proportions
The constitution haa been translated
Into every language and share la a
steady net gain of more than 1,000 o
cletlee and 100,000 mem bore every year.
London, which le the largeet Chrtetlan
Endeavor city In the world, haa TOO
ocletlea. Oregon haa a membership af
about 1,000.
fgaseial Dispatch to The Joaraal.)
Rosaburg. Or.. Oot. 10. The elty
council Monday night granted a fran
chlae to the Willamette Valley Trac
tion company for the Installation of a
water and light system In thle city.
The franchise came hp for considera
tion laat Monday evening, but action
waa deferred on It until laat night
The franchlae waa granted for a terra of
10 year.
By the term of th franchlae th
systems must be commenced within 10
daye and completed within on year.
The granting of the franchise to the
new company la the result of the poor
service given by the old company for
the paat two or three years.
(apodal ntspitch te The Joaraal.)
North Powder, Or., Oot. 10. A oar
load of mining machinery haa Just ar
rived In North Powder for the' Coop
erative Copper dt Gold Mining com
pany. Th copper mine le only about twe
mile from North Powder and Mr.
Down, th mining engineer who la
manager for them, statea that develop
ment work will be pushed vigorously
aa aoon as the plant Is Installed, and
that they will, without doubt, la a
very short tlma, opts one of the largest
bodies of copper ore In eastern Oregon.
(Joaraal Special SerTlee.)
Belleville. HI.. Oct 10 Thomas Wat-
kins, ths nsgro president of a Demo
cratic club of negroea of Bt. Lout, was
today sentenced to 90 years' Imprison
ment for murder. He killed a white
man who was driving a party of negroea
to a picnic.
Lods. Russia. Oot. 10. The Socialists
In thla section of Russia are declaring
a general strike aa a protsst against the
drumheed courts-martial by which 11
executions took plaes In the past few
days. Ths strlks Is precipitating seri
ous difficulties. Buslnsss la at a stand
still and bloodshed Is expected.
Harry Dyer, aseltaant to Thomaa B.
Neuhsuaen, special Inspector of th In
terior department, hae returned from an
outing In southern Oregon.
Senator M. A. Miller or Lebanon la at
the Imperial hotel.
Mlaa Vivian Fhexner, elerk In th
United State dlatrlet attorney'e office,
haa returned from a three weeks' out
ing at Seaside.
al .