THE ORBOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10. 1906. ALBANY A. C. WILL TRY CLUBMEN Sturdy Ladt Will Engage Mult nomah on Gridiron on Oc tober Twentieth. WILL BE OPENING GAME IN CITY OF PORTLAND W. Lair Thompson end Alton B. Coates, Well-Known Pigskin Man. Are Directing the Coaching of the Albanians Team Promises Well. (Special Dlepateh to The Journal.) Albany. Or.. Oct 10. The Albany Ath letic club of this city Is In the field with a football team and open for games with anv of Che teams of the state. A team consisting- of many old-time Dlavers has been organised, and these, together with a number of aspirants for positions on the team, no doubt will Droduce a formidable aggregation of pigskin artists. The team Is to be un der the training and the coaching of W. Lair Thompson of this city, assisted by Alton B. Coates, both old players and experienced In the game. The schedule of games as arranged Is as follows: Saturday, October It A. A G vs. O. A. C. Saturday. October 10 A. A. C. vs. Multnomah. Sunday, October II A A C. vs. The Dalles Athletic elub. Saturday. October 17. A. A. C. vs. Eu gene high school. Saturday, November I A. A. C. vs. Salem high school. Saturday. November 10 A A. C. vs. Eugene high school. The game between Multnomah and Albany was arranged yesterday. The Albany team will play Multnomah A. C. on Saturday and tackle The Dalles ag gregation on Sunday, October 11. Those who are trying for positions and no doubt will be found in the lineup are as follows: Clyde Ward, Captain Irvln Schults. Duncan Montlsth, Fred Rtes, F. Nolan. O. Howell. Manager M. H. Olbbons, , Frank Harris, VS. Jones. F. L. Coates. Jotm Neely, Ralph Stewart and Bert Francis. The team is . to be given the hearty support of the cltlsens. end no doubt will be able to win a large proportion of the games played. Possessing in its lineup players of note and prowess, men who have played on some of the promt nent teams of the state and otherwise,, will make them a team to be reckoned with on the gridiron. PRINEVILLE WILL HOLD SOME GOOD RACES (Special Dispatch to The Journal PrlhevlUe, Or.. Oe. 10. The fair will open hare today under the brightest auspices. The race program ia as fol lows;, Three eighths mile dash, free for all Crook county horses, purse 176; One half mile dash, free for all. purse HO--" - ' " The following race are scheduled for the rest of this week: October 11. One fourth mile dash for Crook county saddle horses, not having run for public money: puree, 160. Three eighths mile dash, free for all; purse. $100. October 11. One fourth mile pony race; purse, $50. Five eighths mile dash, free for all; purse $100. October 1$. One half mile daah, free for all; puree, $110. Consolidation race, three eighths mile; purse, $75. OREGON WILLING TO MEET CALIFORNIA ON TRACK (Special Diapateb to The Jonrnal.) Unlverelty of Oregon, Eugene. Oct IS. Teeterday Manager McCarty of the track team here wrote to Manager Snedlajar of the Unlverelty of Califor nia to arrant, for a meet either there or here neat spring. Hay ward will be highly pleaeed over such a meet, end since Trainer Christie hae signified that he desires to meet Oregon, especially Kelly, It la considered very likely that a meet will be pulled off.' Manager Mount ennouncee that the second team of O. A. C. will plsy Ore gon in Eugene on November 10. Some time later the eecond eleven here will meat Willamette at Salem. The outlook for the junior team wae never brighter. Preferred 8 took Canned Ooods. Allen gt Lewis' Best Brand. Take Some good, pure whiskey away with you on your hunting trip. It will strengthen you, prevent colds and ward off sick ness if taken in time. We sre selling Wines and Liq uors of the finest grades at remarkably low prices. We court competition. National Monogram Pure Rye or Bour bon, Full qt $1.00, gallon .... $3.50 The Quality Store Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6499 PACIFIC STUDENTS TURN OCT IN FOOTBALL Forest Grove Aggregation Rounding to Form Under Di rection of Coach Coons." Is fSnaatal niaaalnh te The Iiraeail.1 Forest Drove, Or., Oct. 10. Pacific university football men are feeling jubi lant over the nrceuoaota for the coming season on the gridiron. The first game occurs Saturday With tbs Hill Military academy 'Of Portland. This will be more of a practice asms, in order to break in the men gradually for the hard battles that are coming later. A game has been arranged with Corvallie to be plsysd soon. Willamette university Is also anxious to play Pacific. Manager Sparks will soon have the full schedule of games posted and feels confident of victories. Coach Coons is working hard with the men and all are in the beat of oondl tlon with only the exception of Harry F. Davis, who received severe Injuries a few nights ago on the field, perhaps causing him to abandon rootbsu this year, as several of his ribs were frac tured. Muoh regret is being heard on the campus over the loss of the giant guard, Sam Lawrence, who returns home this evening on account of the illness ot his father, which will keep him at home near Scholia the rest of the eeason. RACING SUMMARY AT THE BELMONT TRACK (Journal Special Barries.) New York, Oct. 10 Yesterday's re sults at Belmont: Mile, eelllng Samuel H. Harris won, John Lyle second. Chimney Sweep third; time, 1:11 1-1. The Corinthian steeplechase, about 1 H miles Tama Christy won. Oterosa second. Pure Pepper third; time, 6:48. Five end one-half furlongs, straight Smiling Tea won. Rollicking CHrl sec ond. Mies Spooner third; time not taken. The Falrvlew stakes, selling, mils and one-sixteenth Belle of Peauest won. Leonard Joe Hay man second. Athlete third; time, 1:47 1-5. Six sod one-half furlongs, etralght Bartngo won. Animus second. Rifleman third: time, 1:11 4-6. Mile Grapple won. Orllene second, Pster third; time. 1:40 $-5. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT LEWIST0N TRACK (Special Dispatch to Tke Journal.) Lewlston, Idsho, Oct. 10. Yesterday's race summary: Three end one-half furlongs Forty Four first. Soundly second, Canoups third: time, 0:41ft. Five and one-half furlongs Enchan ter first. Effervescence second. Bias third; time, 1:10. Five and one-half furlongs Tuck- back first. Flourish second. Follow Me third; time, 1:1$. Won by three lengths. Half mile Chlleno first. Little Addle second. King Thorpe third; time. $:44. Merchants' handicap Florence Foneo wet. Fay- Me second; Harbor third; iime. i:w. won sy isngin and hair. CLUB MEN WILL PLAY ALBANY ATHLETIC TEAM Instead of meeting the Fort- Stevens eleven in the opening contest of the eeason on October 10, the Multnomah club yesterday arranged to play the strong team that represents the Albany Athletlo olub of Albany, Oregon. The Albany boys are well known in Portland and pus up a fast ezhlbiUoa of the sport. - The club will play Its lightest men s gainst Albany in order that the new rules may be given a good tryout. SPORTING GOSSIP H. D. Inglts. superintendent of the Seattle Amateur Athletic club, arrived in Portland tbla morning and will spend the day making arrangements for the coming football games with hie club and Multnomah and also the Inter-club boxing end wrestling matches that wUl be held later in the season. Mr. Inglls la one of the beet-known athletic men on the coast, and la exceptionally well known In Poruand on account of hie euoceeeful football squad. "This ysar, says Mr. Inglls, 'Seattle A. C. will have a corking good eleven and we will try to take Multnomah down the line a rain." e e John W. Oates has been accused again of making a 16,000 bet Either thie le an age of pikers or a whole lot la be ing concealed. -' Jeffries is said to have changed hie mind about not fighting again. Aa Mrs Jeff le the one who made him out It out, possibly it was her mind that changed John I.- Sullivan put a fretful baby te sleep on a weatern train the other day. John very likely thinks this ought to give him first chance at Jim Jeffries. a . During the closing games of the sea son at Boston the National league tried out the new umpires, Rigler, Stafford and Supple, e ' , :., If 'Billy" Murray een teach the Phll lies how to hit they will win more games next season. e . s The national amateur billiard cham pionship is to be decided again this com ing year at the Llederkrans club In New York. The tournament will be held some time late In February or early In March. I e s A fight between Berger and Fltsslm- mons Is being talked of In Sen Francisco In case Jack O'Brien refuses to meet the native son. a . . v t ; ' The Princeton eleven showed up strong for so early in the sesson. nEw "V e e Jeck Oweley haa returned to Tale to coach the becks He wae bead cos oh last year e The Cornell eleven made a poor show ing against Colgate, the score being 0 to 0. I e . urns, Tweed. Dorr, Brown and Teddy Roosevelt Jr. are the new men wbo have joined Harvard's football squad. mm , r ' "Jake" fltahl saya he will be with the Washington baseball club again next sesson. - .. e . The western clube of the National league played to very little money on their laet eastern trip. Seven games In one dey and a, total attendance of 4.161. m . . How the Boston management must weep when they see Qeorge Stone's name at the head of the American league batting list. . Lumley. Mclntyre. Jordan. Wagner, Chance. "Cy" Toung and Moran for the New Tork Olants next season. Beauti ful dream, hut too much of it. PORTLAND DOWNS FRESNO NINE Giants Take Kindly to Mc Gregor's Curves and Bat Them Hard and Often. GUM WAS WILD BUT EFFECTIVE THROUGHOUT Leaders Run in Five Runs While the Once-Famous Tigers Ware- Garner ing Two Lonely Tallies Story of the Game in Official Figures. (Journal Special Berries.) Fresno. Csl.JOct 10. The Olants in vaded the raisin precincts of Mike Fisher yesterday and promptly took the Tigers Into camp to the tuae of I to 1. Oum was wild as a March hare, but managed to keep the locals away from the home plate until the ninth inning, when four hits produced two runs. Mc Gregor was hit in every inning but the last and the vlaitora had no difficulty in sending rune across. The score: PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. K Sweeney, ss. McHale, cf. , Mitchell. If. , McCredle, rf. Smith, lb. ., Warner, lb. . Carson, o. Lister, lb. ... Oum, p. Totals . ... ..1210-00 4 1 ::::: i S 4 . .... I 11 t 11 IT 10 0 FRESNO. AB R. H. PO. A. E. Cassy. lb. I T Doyle, cf. t 0 I Wolters. rf I 0 4 McLaughlin. If. 4 0 0 Eagan. lb 1 0 0 Defines, ss. I 0 0 Cart wrlght, lb. 4 1 1 10 Hogan, o 4 0 0 6 McGregor, p. t 1 0 0 TOtalS 14 1 9 27 18 SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland 1100110006 Hits ...11102111 010 Fresno 0 0000000 1 I Hits 10 10 0 11141 SUMMARY. Sacrifice hit McCredle. Two-base hit Lister. First base on bells Off Gum, 1; off McGregor, 1. Struck out By Gum, 1; by McGregor, 4. Left on bases Portland, 6; Fresno. 10. Double plays jjeimaa to Casey to Cart wrlght; Warner to Lleter. Wild pitch Oum. Hit by pitcher McLaughlin. Time of came One hour and 46 minutes. Um pire Perrlne. OFFICIAL SCORE OF WHITE SOX VICTORY The following ia the official score of the game played yesterday in Chicago between the White Box end Cube, and which was won by tare former, nol: AMERICANS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hahn, rf. Jones, cf Isbsll. 2b. Rohe, lb Donohue, lb. . Dougherty. If. Snlllvan. c. . . . annehill. ee. Wltrock. p. ... 1 1 11 Totals 10 I 4 IT II NATIONALS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E Hoffman, cf. Bheckard, If. Schults, rf. ni. . 1 v. 1 1 IS Btetnfeldt, lb. Tinker, ss. . . Evers. lb. Kllng. c. Brown, p. Moran . . . . Totals . ... e e e a e a I 1 4 IT If I Betted for Bheckard in the ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS. Americana 01100 Nationals oooooioo SUMMARY. Left on basse Nationals, 4; Ameri cans, 1. Three-base hit Rohe. Sacri fice hlte Hahn, Hoffman, Brown. Sto len baaes Schult. Isbell, Dougherty. Struck out By Brown, T; by Altrock, 1. Psssed balls Kllng. I. Bases on balls Off Brown. 1; off Altrock. 1. Wild pitch Altrock. Time or game One hour and 45 minutes. Umpires John stons and O'Loughlln. COMMERCIAL BOWLERS DEFEAT HAPPY DALES The Happy Dalee and Commercial No. 1 played their games last night, the latter taking the first two of the three. Each game wa closely contested for. the laat frame deciding the victory. Deavera rolled the highest single game, 114; La-Roche or the same team made high everage, 171. The scores: COMMERCIAL NO. 1. Ill Ave. teunond 117 lie 141 111 LaRoche . lTt 111 ' lit Little Ill 14B 114 Thornton i 110 111 11T Deavera 14 111 111 171 111 115 174 Total a 770 141 HA PPT DALES 717 I Ave. Ill IT! Volslnet . Tonslng . 171 141 111 114 T4T 1(1 111 114 110 Hergert . .. 1 marm ....... ........ .111 Dale . .. Msdden . Totals .Tit 101 Tonight the Oregone '111 Plsy the Government Bonds. Game, 1:11. Randolph s Good Work. (Journal Special Service.) I,os Angelee. Oct. 10. Randolph pitched winning ball yeeterday agalnet the 81 weshes. Scors: ' R. H. K Los Angeles . . .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 utile ooooooooo e x. Batteries Randolph and Buckley: Jones end Blankenshlp. Umpire Me ns ffey. SATES MX Lm. J. W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky., wrltee. June 14. 1102: I want to tell you I believe Hanaro a now liniment saved my Ufa I waa unaer tne treatment of two doctors, snd they told me one nt my lungs wee entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I also had a lump on my aide. I don't think that I could have lived over two months longer. I wss Induced by a friend to i y Ballard's Snow Liniment The first application gave me greet relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured me sound and well. It le a wonderful medicine end I recommend it to suffering humanity." Soto by Wooderd. Clarke A Co. MtdTNOMAN WRESTLERS ARE 6ETTIN6 HTfl TRIM Winged M Mat Performers Work ing Hard for the Coming Ex hibition at the Club. On the evening of October 15 there will be sn open club wrestling tryout held at the Multnomah club, In prepa ration for the finals which will be held on the following evening, the eve of the football match .vlth Whitman college. Chairman Edgar Frank ' Bays that four classes will be tried out. As there are between six snd eight ip each class, ths work-out will consume some time. On the night of the final wrestling matchee there will also be a boxing program with pupils from Tom T re cay's Exposition gymnasium. Traoey haa several clever youngstere under his wing snd there will be aome Interesting bouts when the s spiring boxers come to blows. A beautiful gold medal will be given aa first prise In the wrestling contest and the eecond prise will be a sliver medal. C0RVALLIS MANAGER ISSUES FOOTBALL DATES Corvallie, Or., Oet 10. The Oregon Agricultural college football schedule of gamee for the season Is aa follows: October It, Albany college, at Corvallie; October 10, annual alumni of Corvallla; Ootober 17, Unlvuralty of Washington, at Seattle; November 1, P. U., at Cor vallls; November 14. U. of O., at Cor vallie; November II, Willamette unl verelty, at Salem. Another game will probably be played on November 10 with Chemawa, at Corvallla PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. 'Lost P.C. 101 49 .TI ,....11 74 .114 II 71 .111 14 71 .til 17 II .411 II 101 .III Portland Seattle . . San Francisco . , Los Angelas Oakland , Fresno Oakland, Cat, Oct 10. The Commut ers downed the Seals yeeterday. The score: R. H S Oakland 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 6 T San Francisco . 000021000 I 1 I Batteries Hopkins and Hackett; Welch. Ayers and Wilson. Umpire Derstek. TRANSPORTATION. North Pacific S. S. Co's Popular Steamship ROANOKE 1,104 tons, ssils for San Francisco, Los Angelee snd Eureka, Thursday. October 11. 8 p. m. Thursday, October 26, I p. m. Thursday, November 8, 8 p. m. From Martln'a Dock, foot Seventeenth etreet Ticket Office, 111 Third, near Alder. H. Toung, Aft Phone M. 1114. S. S. F. A. Kilburn sad sa Next salllag fress Portland Friday. October 11. Next salllag from Saa Franclaco, nan.. Oct. 4. CHAS. B. STEBLSMITH. Ages. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 r Hdiev n-wAui'jjsm "They don't crack SO quick." Msde with "UNOCOKO" . buttonholes that hold. .. " run Smrunk. M slses if you want them. S for 23 ceata. GEO. P. IDE ft CO., Makers , TROY N. Y. THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET ooaurmm or sxxtb Fine Set Teeth, warranted to fit or no pay SR.OO Flexible 1-lees-Colored a,ss SIO.OO SS-st. (fold Crowns 93.50 SS-si. Bridge Work S3-BO Force lain Crown 93.50 Fillings S44 A ll-raer peotertlv guarantee with all work. Coma aed take sdrantag. ef ear fall redaction., gave yoar sett sod rose money. Ofea evenings asd Busdaya. I ff Didn't Hurt a Bit Afl raggggggaJsa jUr SBxBB L sawawawgH ggf mWr gPlwaekkajW. WE CURE MEN FOR Consultation Fret UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED It wUl no east you anything to ana oonsnn us, ana ey doing It it rry and money, aad beeaaae U we oannot ours Will him Sal IT tell von ao. end van lll not l.a under sny financial obligation to us. We cure all forma of Blood and BtBiB Fas, Tarlooee o Knotted Tains. ouua, rumm, nssuis, money, Bladder inhaci aaa taw result or la seven days. t as to merit and superiority. stt ration and yon will find them cultured, scientific gentlemen of great learning and esrperlanoe, and a few moments' oonversatgsn will oonvlnoe you that we thoroughly understand oar buaineee. Berrous DebtUtyi There le not a man la ezletenoe who le suffering from debility that wo cannot help, and after we have cured a case of this kind there will never again be a sign of weakness except brought on by Imprudence. both acute and chronic forma, cured without uatnar aav poisonous drugs or in any way injuring Acute aad Chronic Sleohargeo. vis. : cured by the use of the only scientific tem in no way, shape or form; but, on the contrary, It builds up the system and the dleeaaed part returns to a aound and healthy condition. We also cure ail forma of Skin Diseases, Ulcere, Bervous Troubles, Kid ney ana Bladder Pteeaaas, Sstrtoture and Tarloooele. We wish to lay special etisss upon our method of 'treating Blood Poison and Syphatla without using mercury Oar fee being ae low It enables many who are afflicted to procure the hlffhsst Suisnthlu saedioal assistance. Terms made to salt If necesssry, so that every one need mot go without tliatssial aad be cured. Those who are afflicted with such troubles and are In a position where they oannot pay as a visit wa assure at We want every mm In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. HOURS I TO , 7 TO 8:10 DAILT. . SUNDAYS. 1 TO 11. St. Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL bzcobd saa t. FREE TO MEN AN UNUSUAL OFFER BY The Leading Specialist In my practice I have found a very large number of men who doubted as to what really troubled them. They wanted to be perfectly satisfied before commencing treatment, and in order to meet and sat isfy patients of this class THOROUGH LY, I have had engraved at no small ex pense a complete chart, which will be given to callers freely. The idea will be this : When the sufferer, no matter what his trouble may be, calls on me, I shall, by the chart, with pleasure show him just where THE SEAT, THE CAUSE of his trouble lies. I shall explain to him, and I SHALL TEACH HIM what he may expect in the future if he neglects his case. And I will also demonstrate to his satisfaction why my methods are CERTAIN TO CURE HIM. This being done, the caller will be given the anatomical chart free, so that he may study his own case at his own home. To those WHO ARE IN EARNEST there is absolutely no charge for either the trouble or the chart engraved in three colors. I Treat and cure all Diseases of men. I accept fees for perfect cures only. You can pay when cured. the DR. TAYLOR co. COR. SECOND AND MORRISON STS. Private Entrance 2854 Morrison St . Portland, Or. Hours: Daily 9 to 6. Evenings, 7 to 9. Sundays, 10 to 1 1 7 Years in Portland When Others Fail Come Here for Treatment. Located In Portland in 1889 We have made a epeclaltv of diseases of men for IB years. We have been established eeventeen (IT) years longer than any other speclallet In ths city. We make no false repreeentetlone to build up our buNlnese. but dspend prin cipally upon pet ten te we have oured eendlng ue others. We cannot cure every men who eomee to us, but we claim that we can core a larger proportion of rases with our system than can be done by eny other. Specialists try to Imitate our methods In every state In the Union. Nobody counterfelte anything that Is not the genuine artlole. We will not undertake any case ex- i cept there le a rsaaonable prospect of .a cure being effected. Will you investigate our methods! We make cures every day some aatanlshtng, almost beyond belief. We treat men for nerroneneee, raptors, rheumatism, weak organs, hydrocele, varteeeels, Mood lleissis, skta alseaBee, sad stomaeh. Sear, hug, liver, kidney, bladder and urinary Bieeasea . Over SO yer eeart of ear eaaes ha vs bsea eaaaS at a oost ef SUMO, aad many only 5.oo. daring ths past IT years la tans ettqr Concullstlon free snd confidential office hours Dally, s. m. to t p ra.; Sundays snd holidays, 10 to 12. Should you desire you may pay after cure has been effected. You may deposit the fee In any bank In Portland, to be paid to ue when you are entirely satisfied that you are cured, or you mey pay in weekly or monthly Installments. DR.. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ia the Borthwsett. omn vab box a OTBt. SOV TBXBJD rOBTLABD 16 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER POP. ALL THE PEOPLE CIO A M at eas ottos mar save you much Skta Pie eases, M serous De- and all Urinary re. Investigate nnr claim a and rot-ma of Talk with ths nhysloians ef this in. ths system. method known, inlurlous to the sva- yen that our noma treatment la efi- Dispensary & BTBBBTS, POBTLAsD, OKEOOB. MT1BLIH1D as rasas IB FOBT1.ABD. Doctor Taylor BSSBgesVV " LtmT OR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist MY FEE ia ONLY $12.50 in any uNconPucATED case It Is to your Interest to do so. OBXQOB mW mtt jimmmmZJmmvr TRANSPORTATION. (gP Shout Unb union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 2 Thraagfe Pullman standard aad toerhrt eleeaa l&! care eally ta Osaaae. Baskeaii toarlat aleeslag-ears dany to Kasaas CMS Thrones eeclaafag eaalrealrs (aaa la tree) k InS Bast as 4aet)n Unoa Depot i Lepoc PortlgUsel I -1 - IB uwea co- Port laas naaaial IW Ike Bast . I. r.m. a. a aa -w vie noouni H Dak asses ' w arVfs. ssgagfgsrro) Lwittor, Oooar 4' A lane and ."-aa" "cii. roe ail E" est seen Bins sad Pertlasd. d.llj . . .. t:tl . aBSJ COLOMBIA RIVER DIVISION. For A stoel. s m saa " -" swiu way points, ajsjBBjDexiBsBfr waa .boat oT'eSndsr. TASnmx RIVER ROTJTB. For Dsytes, Oregon City sad Tasakfli rreej lata - d..i , . . . - - P?jMv Bath aed Medee. ask-, seek, save T a. Ol. dallr .ireot KnnA.r Immimt nss mitttae). Arrrre T:st . m dslly. seaest aw k are utv,, .nrw. a,t?L tJJ. laabo. and way rotate (raw i p,iU' W" stseaets Spokane sal tserk. dsliT exeent PrMar neaer orriee Third and Washtsgwa sts. a, JSSfmJfLPh.. . - e '. " i"7JiraaT lews I. EASTvu SOUTH t'nloa Depot Overland Imaa ror Salem. Reeeberg. Ash land. Sacramento. Orden. Baa rranclaco, Stockton. Loa Asgelae. CI Paao, New Orleans and the east. S:eS pas Moraine train roaneata at Wood burn eally except Bsadsy with train for afosnt Angel, Blh-ertos. BnerasTlIla. Springfield. WeadHag and Natron ... . S:0Oaa Saaea saaaanea eon neets at Wood bora with Mount Ansel and Bllrarton T lf fSS 1:Mpm local ea.tB nm eia-aa m site mb ,,;:is orraina paeaeaser '7:oo sa Sheridan naaaenser 4:M aen rereer ror panssgii ll:noaa lie:: rseeet Oroee sasssassr. . . . 118:00 pa 111:1 -umuy uuany eseept sea ear. JBrrERSOK STBBET STATION. For Delia, aad IntermedUte pstota daUy. T:Bt a. it and 4:15 p. m. Arrlre Portlsad 10:1B a. a. aad 6:28 p. ra. For time aad card of Oowego sshsssam apnir at uity TKset urn, or starjee iiraaia te Eaatern peiots asd sau Janan. China. Honelnln and Anatr.Ha . City Ticket Office comer Third sad Wash ington atreeta. r-hoae Mam TIB. C. W. BTIN01B. Wa. McMTTRSAT. City Ticket Aaeat. Oen. Pass, agsat, TIME CARD OP TRAINS Portlandi Leara. Antra. Tallowateae Park Kanaaa City -St. Loo la Special for ChahsHs, CeatraUa. Olyaata, Oray's Harbor. Booth Bead. Taeeesa. Seattle. Spokane. Lewt.toe, Bntte. BIHInga. Denrer. Oma ha. Kaaaaa City. St. Usas and Southeast, dally I: BO pel 4:Saaa North Coast Ltatted. eleetrte llahted. for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Muaeanolla. St I'.nl and the Beat, daily 2 00 pm T:00 aa Paget Seaad Llaltad. for f'lar.raont. Chehalla. Osa- tralla. Tacoma aad SselUs only, daily 4:S0pa B:BS pal Twin City Expreee for Taes sxs. Seattle. Spokane. Helena. Bntte. St. Paul. Mlnneapolla. Lincoln. 8t. Joeeph. stasaai . City. Omaha, St. Loan, with out chance of rare. Direct eeanertleas tor all potato Bast sad Sootbeeat. dally 11:4.1 urn 10:6a sa 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 The Oriental Limited, ths fast Stefl VIA BBATTUt AND BPOKANS. Portland time schedsle Dally. Leara. Arrtra. To and from Spokane. Bt. Peal. Mlnneapolla. . Dnlnth aad all points Best via geettle BO aa T:e est met tea :te pa Te and from at. Paul. Mlnneapolla. Dnlnth aed an points last via Spokane :IB pa 1:00 ea Bract Bertbera Bteeaahtp Oe. Sailing from Scat tie for Japan tad China ports and Manila, carrying pas ssegws asd freight. B. S Mlaasseja. Oeetssr tS. 1 'aoTrl&u. iJspsn Mall Bteesaahia On.) . Teas Ban will sslt frea Seattle a boat October IS for Jspaa ana unineee porta, rarrjing pai end rreigst. For tickets, raise, berth tlona. etc.. call ea or aderas St.. Portland. ' Oregea. Phase nuts Upper Colombia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer r.w atraat Clock ivtrr Monday. connecting with the tsaaa Bases BBSsape porta tloa OesaMs's sejaai ataJWi points ss far east as lve JsSSZ. frig, arrivss Por t Und ueeday Thars dav and Saturday ol t p. nv LW rates end escallent service. Pbeaes saaas tftd end 111. . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca Leave. Artlra. 1 tne coMfo-rraaix wav. BS!jix-s-4t I 1 1 .mm Be sapsae .