II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1906. HOTELS. BaTLLBTUC. Fourth and na aoc up; rstss by M or mum' Whm trade svlMtsd PedBc BIOS. tnf HOTBL n uln: rooms from 0 rents .op, Serceuth i4 kverett eta It cents. SQTBTL PortUd American piss: fs. 15 see day stSLTCCBRB: i plsa: 4th nd Alder eta HARDWARE. IHrtlaad Ssrswars Co. solicits opportunity .. sassta prices. T4 Stats st. PwA 40 saastg-g! a i i i e 'a i T.l i , INSURANCE. tt4jp fSBlTE. (In femnm I AM Bid. WOOD, MplBrm' UsblBtT aad ta dividual acetaant eerety boo faias 4T. m McKay bid-. boods of all aiaea. MACHINERY. k, TRENKMAN CO. Mining, sawmill, log ging machinery; hydranlk' plnee. eaatlagl all kind repaired. 104 Nocta roar 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engines. all slses and styles. mm prices Morrton .1 Salmon Machiacrr Co., 139-44 THE B. ehlnery C A LB KB OO. Bacond hand ma aawmliu. ate. MS Grand an. MONUMENTS. use a KiJiosLir, an First ... Portia ad-s laseing asaruie ana granite worxs. MUSICAL. LESSONS SO rants on all Instruments; rocBl TS cants: instruments for sale. Mrs. Mar tin. 241 Hist at. MUSIC HOUSE. 171 Fourth at., fall lines Century. McKlnley, Edition, Wood, Pros- ear, eic. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gol tar Instruction. Gibson mandolins. 875 Alder KMIL THIELHORN, par tsscaar. Etodlo IBS Slitt II of SEVCIK. rloUn Tel. Hals XPERT piano tuning, repairing, etc, . J J. W Logan, 874 Oregon it. Phona Vast US. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER! Artistic printing 26 Raaael bldg.. Fourth and atarrlaou. Phoaa Panic 1316. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY MONET PROPOSITION Monej Is easy to get If Ton ton to get It. We bare ready money at tlmea. and you eaa get It oa your salary 110 to 1100, oa beat terms and at loweel gates. Ws loan oa the easy narment ntan rha at plan that helps you and rata you oat af ueoi. ion get toe caan. , all yoa asg for, ana . repay la oroouots yea caa coayeoiaatlr apart escu psrosy. We do not Ola papers, require no In. doraera. no reference to frleada or employer. Opaa Tnes. and Sat. errnlnrs until 8 o'clock Hutton Credit Co. SIS (5th floor) Dekum bids;. MONET TO LOAN Oa Improved city property a for building purposes for from 8 to 10 years' time, with prtvlkesa to repay all ar part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans sad adraneed aa building progresses; Bsartgagee taken up sad replaced. r kbit H. STRONG, Financial Agent gsa BTBTg at. Oa 18,000-srre farm, worth between fSO.ono sad 996,000 cash, conaerratlre value; princi pals preferred; 8 or T par cant. Room 84. 777 Washington at. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried cmnlore. an his note, without mortgs Month. M B0. 0 Repay to as Si Rf or aaB.no Repay to ua a a an or 15.00 Repay t aa j 4.00 or 0 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on sslsrles. lnsursncs policies, planoa. furniture, war boose re ceipts, etc.; say deserving per so j rosy secure a Share 1 sdvaaee, repaying by sssy weekly ar aseathly Installments. SSW BRA LOAN a TRHST COMPANY. SSS AMngton bldg. ON ST LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat est your awa esse no other security; ' don't borrow until rfca see roe; my system Is the bast for railroad men. rlerka. bookkeepers, streetcar man and all other employes; busl aesa atrictly eoaOdeatlsL F. A. Newton, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. T Per Cent lfaat - lBOf tg Rf fat fflC Iff, n Y Ssfrt, nf 7 ppr ernt per oVorrTaptmo Schuyleman and Co. ttTVs Wsshlngton st. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others upon their awn names without security; cheapest rata, easiest payments: of Sees In SO principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, aaS Abjagtoa bldg.. 100 14 Third at. HBADgrjASTXSS FOB SALARY LOAMS Money caa be borrowed oa assy payment piss, lowest rates; strictly onddeatUL CRBSCBNT LOAN CO.. eSS Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third and Morrison. WANTED -Notre, mortgages or contracts oa any kind of real estate hi Oregon sad Wsshlng ton: second mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. B. NeUa, SIS Commercial blk. un eny improTen real estate at 0 and 7 par cant. 3 or 6 years. Moalton a Scober. Sol Columbia bldg WANTED Sd.000 aad 110 non loans on sood aeciiriry. T par cant. Room 84. HTVs Wash ington st MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other securities. W. A. Ilsthsway. mom 10 Wnahington Bldg. Phone Pacific 1S82. T PRIVATE money to losn oa real aetata; rates ressonsble; mortgagee bought and sold. O. A. Johnson. 318 Commercial block. LOW .rate on rurnlture. etc.: confidential. 20 rileduer bldg , loth snd Waahlngton. Pacl- MONBT Wllllan to loan an klnda ef sersrlty. 0 Wsshlngton bldg. Boll. TO LOAN Sun B. A. Frame 1 to salt, en chattel security. 014 the afarcaaaa. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS OPTOMBTRtST. ArtiSeJal Byes Fitted. VSSJoo Scientifically Corrected. saw aaventa at DR B. J MIIJ.fi Optematnat and Eyesight Specialist. Booms St-ST, SSS avasmngton Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. ML ARNOLD LINDSAY, graduate af the Osteopathic college of Kbkasllle. Missouri, wha I apeclallat aa rbeuroatlem. stomach snd sll female dlanaera. Office 410 Falling bldg.. earner ef Third and Washington sts. PBS. ADIX A HOBTHBUP 4IB-1S-1T Dekum Mdg . T gfja S4S Third snd Waahlnyten sts. Phoaa Basmteaflea free. PLUMBERS. FOX a CO . ssnltary plumbers. SSI Second hat. Mala aad Salaaoa. Orsswya Psoas Msls SOOL DO 7 NEK BE BO a) B A DBM ACWBB. PAyTt, OIL AND GLASS. E. BBACIl CO The PVm eer Pslat Co.; .iiV laaa aad gtaaJag. ISk , First st RUBBER STAMPS. r at., phoaa Mala ROOFING. e-eamar. ran get re P'm or p .5 K 00 ar 11.00 t tlB ROOl Ssaasaa. ROOFINn guttering, repairing snd genersl . baao, sxj .errersoa at. fsc issa. REAL ESTATE. PARKISH. W ATKINS CO.. Real estate, lnsursncs, rental gad lean assets. 960 AleW at, A. B RICHARDSON HKAI. ESTATK AND MORTOAGR LOANS th; 1 hone Msln 5300 bxt Chamber of Commerce. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE OB., sola agaata for Hen-tag llallMareln safes sad Msngsnaas Steal Safe Co. 'a bank safes. Tea largest ssaortaaeat of j uigu-graoe tire anq rjurgMrswoor una la tua oariawesi. as awveatn si. 01 EBOLA Manganese and fireproof safes; eae- raalfnl nrcatriae i agalnet burglar a ad flrs;lock- aula opened. Mr. with 1. E. Day la. lupsr. meehsulcal expert Third. Phoaa ISM. EIGHT second-hand fireproof safes and two second band bank aafea far east sweep, at 70 Sixth St.. Portland, Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. '.-.eUe "-V- ..-i. . mum SHOWCASES of erery daecrlpUoa; bank, bar and store futures made he nfOar. The Laths stsnurscturing t.o., I OTlianeL R. H. BIRDSA IDS ALL, designer', agent M. Winter Os T Haanfton ale,. Mala 6550. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAOGAGB OMNIBUS TRANSFER 00., cor. Sixth and Oak ate.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to oestleatJee; passengers therefore syold rash and annoy ance at depots. Prlrata Exchange OS. SAFES, Pis dos and furniture moeed. packed for shipping and shipped; an work read roc aaippiec see snipped warehouse for storage. Office SOP Oak at. Olsen aV Roe. Phone Main 54T. a 0. PIOX. efSoe SS First St.. between Stark aad Oak eta., phone OPS; pianos end furniture moyed and necked for ahlpplng brick warehouse with asperate Iroa rooms. Front and Clay eta. OUT rates oa household goods to all points esst: ws make up carloads; sprdsl room for trunk is while waiting. Oregon Anto-Despstch, IS First at. nione Mala Tie. PF.MNgl LAR expreaa; dally tripe between city ana peninsular; trunks nenrerea st city rates. 347 Alder. Phone Mala 2171; residence. felon 11M. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth. Phone Main 00. Heaey kanllag aad atoras. PIANOS and fnrntlure moeed. Call up Bras., at bos First st. Mala ZX1S. INDEPENDENT BAGGAOH TRANSFER CO. Storage. IS4 stark at. Man SOT. POST SPECIAL PET. I VERT. Ws, toosi Waah Ington at. Phone Mala SSS. TYPEWRITE! NSW typewrltsre. sD makee, rented, sold and repsirea. uoeet Agency, w stars, rei. leui TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILT Corah, brash, seep, 01 per month. Portland Laundry aad Towel Supply Co., Ninth aad Conch. Phone 410. TELEPHONES. TUB only eiclnsles telephone-boose. R R. Electric a Telephone Manufacturing pany. Pt Fifth st. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLBISER SIGNS. Ws hsee built up the largest sign business In the city by first -class work aad keeping our promises. Oar prices ars right. fifth I Everett sis. Phona Ex. SB. P. BERQBR a SON. SM Tamblll at. or all kinds. Phone PaelSe SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. ft. Co. 287 stark st. Phone Pacific 1800. STREET PA VINO. WARREN Oonetreetlou Co., atreet paring, stde- wbisb siM crossings, sis newer Kzcnange. THE Barber Aaphalt Paving Co. of Portlsad. Office fas Worcester bis. WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO., SOT Salmon at plain and fancy ahades made to order at lowest prices, none Mala DOTS. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO., Jobbers of saddlery, hardware i. leather, rind lags sad so oe a tore supplies Fifth aad Oak M. A. GITN8T a CO. i DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compsne aaauuiaciarera ui rnuure aur las traaa. Manufactl Portlsad, uragoa. FURNITURE msnnfseturli L. a rar ullure fartory, STO Front st. FADHAMS A CO., wholesale erasers, mans fscturers snd commlsajoa merchanta. Foertk sna usa sis. E VERDI NO a FARRELL, prodaee sad oommla- aiou marcnania. iso rront st.. Portland, or, Phone Msla ITS. ALLRN 4 LEWIS, commlsslosutsd prodnas msr chanta. Front and Darla sts., Portland. Or. STRIN WAYNE Jobbers at. WHOLESALE crockery and si Frees, Hegels a Oa.. 100 to 100 Fifth, cor. Stark sc. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California wine depot; an klnda or wine, sc s giaaa. cooks' snd Cooks Help era HesdQusrtsra. 14. Fourth at. Phooe Pa cific 318? P. LoratL SMALL 8ALE3 ON 'CHANCE Beourttlea at Five Oenta O. m. a w. Bonda Mold. Oa the local stock markat today the aalea were: 0- R. A N. 4s at $101, sad 2,000 shsras Oregon securities at Sc. Official prices- BANK STOCKS. Bid. 300 Aak. Bank of California Merchanta' National Oregon Trust A Seringa... 100 120 10B i-oruann jrnat uo Bankers' A Lumberman's Darted States National zoo MinCBLLANEOTTS STOCKS. Campbell's Gaa Burner I nloo Oil 900 Associated Oil ST Alaska Parkera' 83 Pacific Statea Telephone 101 Vk Home Telephone Puget Sound Telephone ... Oregon Life Tnsnrsnce Cement Products ... I. C. Lb Co O. B. It. By li ioo e Leaser Manufacturing Co 4 MINING STOCKS. ' 900 SS io4 so 80 1000 SO 140. 101 h US or 0444 04 96 MM OS 208 TO OS ii 04 00 OS 04H ot OS 83 81 10 Nicola Coal Rrltlsh Colnmbla A mat International Cttal I'scloc Metsl El traction Alaska Pioneer Standard f Consolidated Oregon Securities Snowstorm Snow shoe Lees creh OoM Tscoma Steel Gallon Omsdldsted. Osllsher Golden Rule Consolidated Bullfrog Terrible ..- Golconda North Pairs lew La Roy Hlasatha Careadja Lucky Boy Heela Rambler-Cariboo Dixie Meadows Great Northern Mountain View Bine Blrer Gold Car v in Cysadde SI i; Alt STOCKS. Hawaiian Commercial Honokra OT 04 3 1000 100 Hutrb Makawrll Ononiea Pssilhsu Inlon FOBTSASD BANK STATEMENT. 41.O72.902.TsT l.osft.ooT.ie x (Tesrlnga teday. . . . j Clearlags year age. (Jain today ss- I 12 IS s 3 ITH IS TODAY'S MARKETS SHARP DECLINE IN CRANBERRIES Heavy Production Causes Prices to Slide Downward in Front Street Today. DULL BUT STEADY IN ALL THE HOP MARKETS Improvement in Prune Demand With Crop Falling Even Lower Than Last Week's Estimates Good De mand for Fancy Potatoes at 85c. Principal market features today: Cranberry market Is lowor. Improvemeat In prune tlexnand. Hops are dull thouah steady. Batter tons In luncy potatoes. Onions aro slow, with good supplies. Poultry market holding its own. Local eves as blah as S2Vac today. Salmon catch la reported smaller. Car eastern Concord grapes arrlvea. Sweet potatoes coming much faater. Cranberry Bfcrksi la Xrower. with the much greater supplies of tho past fow days thero la considerable woakness shown la the local cranberry situation. During tho past day or ao arrlvala. from Ilwaco and Tillamook have been quits heavy, and as eaatern stocka horo aro great thero Is not ao much sAap to tho demand.' For local berries today tho very top or the mar ket Is 18.60 a barrel, while ono or two salos of off grades aro reported aa low aa 18. Eaatern cranberrlea. while no better than tho local ones, are quoted a Traction nisnar owing to the larger sisea. .Reports . cceivea oy xne journal this morning from eastern cranberry sections say that the crop Is even greater than expected a few weeks asro. and that the production this seaaoA will very likely prove a record-breaker. Tho same can be saii cf Pacific coaat pro duction. Improvemeat la Prune Demand. While packers are not paying over 14 0 and 2c bass tor prunea, the market Is allowing -a tendency to slightly ad vanoe. The crop In this state 7s not up to the expectations of oven a week ago. a prominent Handler aald that on a recant trip through the valley he found the ground of the oroharda covered with tons and tons of prunes, which could not possibly bo saved. The lack of labor and drying facilities were the only causes. This la the strengthening Influence on the urune market. Inoul- rles from the smart aro coming faster, but no large salos are reported on ac count of the hoavy advancs purchases at low prices. Hops Are DuU Though Steady. While a ateady feeling; Is ruling In the hop market tho tone la very dull. Dealers are ovon neglecting to oooure their accustomed samples 00 alow aro tho Inquiries for hops coming. A lata Issue of, a New York paper gives 70,000 bales aa this year's production in that state. California Is given 104.000 balsa. Wanrrinaton 46,000 bales and Oregon j2D,uuu naies. isew York reports a very aiow aemana mere, out trap markat 11 ruling ateady at 20c and 11c. with grow ers of choice quality holding for higher nguras. ungnsn prices are aald to again show an inclination to weaken on account of tho larger production in this country and but small business Is shown there aa a result. The following New York quotations are given by tho Pro ducers trice current or that city: mate, liuia, cnoict, per id StatO. lPOt. medium to nil me. State, lBOt, prime, per lb State, 1908, common to fair. . . , Pacific Coast, 1406, per lb Pacltlc Coast, 1904, prime to choice, per lb Pacific Coast. 1905, oommon to rair, per id. 12011 tcxports follows: and imports are gl ven aa Bales ocvwjm lur wosik - i e 1,844 2,242 Receipts irom ?ept. 1 Receipts same time last year. Exports to Europe for weak.. Exports from September 1 . . . . Exports same time laat year. . Imports for weak Imports from September 1... Imports same time laat year. . B.89 7 447 964 4 14 8,13 Bettor Tone la Taney Potatoea. while prices aro unchanged today there la a much hatter tone rullnw In tire potato market Tho improvement la noted moat in fancy stocka. Cali fornia demand la somewhat bettor and some few orders are coming from Arl- sona points. unions remain vary slow, with re ceipts liberal and prlcsa unchanged Several cars of sweet potatoes aro roiling m this direction. A car or eastern Concord ararrea. ths second of the present season, arrived In good anape this morning. Price at 15c per .v-sivuiiu iihbsui. Brief BTotea of the Rome sales or local ranch eggs are reported ss high aa 82 Ho today, but the market cannot be considered nrm on account of tho large supply of eastern eggs wnicn snippers are consigning. poultry prices held their own today witn a Biignt improvement in aemana. Creamery butter values are un changed, with only one creamery charg ing 12 He. This, it claims, it will be able to maintain, while others say the marxst is snowing an accumulation and should go towor. Reports rrom tna lower river sav that ins eaten or salmon is smaller. Supplies of halibut amall here today. Large veal are somewhat weaker, but small aires aro good sellers. Prices same. The trade pays the following prices to Front street. , Prices to shippers are less commissions: Oram. Flee east Feed. GRAIN BAGS Cslcatts. SH buying price; aoiuns. savaa1 WHBA T Nsw club. 04c; red Kneels n. 01c: hluestrm. 08c: valley. 07c. BARLEy New Feed, 421.00 arewlne. 122.00. rolled. 422-00 CORN-Wbole. 427.00; RYE 41.88 par cwt. 0 A TfV-New --Producers price No. I watte, 498.00: gray, ro w r l.uu B Eastern Or seen oa tents no atralghte. 40 .SB: export, 48 00; Taller, 48 40; Knam. a, eo.o, wains waaii, an. in; rys. . 45 -00; bales. 42.78. MILLOTUFTS Bra a. 410.60 par ton; mid dlings. 424.00; horte. country. 417.00; dtv. 416.00; chop. 410 00091.00. " HAT Producers nrlee Timothy Wlllcotetta rslley. fancy, 911.OO0U.OO; ordinary. 40 ana 10.00; eastern Oregon, 41u.OOQlfl.00: mixed. TODAY'S WHEAT PRICE ALL OVER THE WORLD Dec. 10.64 r .74 HA .71 HB 68H 7H .74 71 H 1B May 10.66 0 74HB Portland . . . Chicago .... St. Louis . . Kansas City Milwaukee . Duluth Minneapolis Haw Tork . . . .74H Ijiverpool OS 4 a d 42a 6 Hd Cash club: bluestem; 'March. ZB024 .11(122 .114)14 .11011 .17014 .1401 WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By Slierk, Qase 4 Graham. Tbs poultry market Is still weak and supplies considerably heavier than the demand Just at the preaent time. ThSBjls due to a great extent to tha'fact that many of the larger buyers have stocks on hand and ars not buy ing at this time. Dressed veal shows a ten dency towards weakness al though aa yet the price holds about the same. Supplies ap pear to be getting heavier and this being the case a decline In prices can be expected. Hogs are also In good supply. There Is apparently not much doing In the potato market Just at the prssent time and the price holda about steady with sup plies of ordinary fully equal to the demand. It will probably be a month before late potatoes aro on tho markat. S10.OM10.6O; clover, T.0O; grata. T.50O-50: Butter. Bags aad Poultry, BUTTER FAT F. o. h Pnrel..s , cresro. 28H(fJSlc; soar, 2OH028c. Bl'TTKR -city creamery. SOQaSVae; outside j jurj, 40SBOVC, uruiuury, i'c; store, liftu loc. aSGGfl No. 1 frees. Ore von eanrfls aisa aTto, ummuuia, aua; local ana esstsrn storage We, J CHEESE New Full fists. 14c sou, ik AwviKi, aasatoiaCf n'lLiai mi xea cmose lBe oer 1K- rancy hens. 18c per US roosters, old. 10c fryers. 18c ner lh broilers, lsc par old ducks, lXHc par lb; aprlng ducka 13Hc per lb; geese, OQlOc par lb; turkeys. 10c 0; turaeya, loc per squsbs, I2.60s33.00 tu , ui vsseu, eve par in; squsD per dos; pigeons, 19.00 par dosen dressed. 90c Hops. Waal aad Kataa. HOPS IPOS crop, choice, lSHOlTc; prims to cooler, luumrsi-, yfisn, ssisaiaskc. UKt, 73"- . AMAAsUST, A WOOL ToOS cUb Vailei 30(2dei eastera Oregon. 20c MOHAIR New. nominal. SHBBPSKINS Shearing. 11 a; wool. 90040c; medium woo.. awdJTsa each sang wool, locasti. TALLOW Prime. par lb. 80)401 Me. s and '"inTTIsMBABK 84) 10c niur.B irry. na. IT M, Krr stsers. 34Sr!c; stags and bans, aoaad. SSBTc: IS to SO I he Be: eelr sthitiS nna is, hm i , - traaa. ansaltcd. le less: en lie. ta pee lb leas: orsebldea. salted, reek. 81 KOyT.TO: dry. each, 11 .000 160: colt hides. 250Oc: goat aklna. '"awn. each. 10016c: Angara, each. Sacfl 81.00. Fruits aadOTsrstahlaA POTATOES Baying price. TOOSSc; Jobbing. LOO per cwt; sweets. 9Uc. ,' q.VIONS Jobbing price New Oregon, QOeO L00; baying pries, SOeJsfic, gsrlle, SOc per FRB8H FRUITS Apples. T6cO1.28: oranges, Valencia, 88.00; bananaa. eoBVsc par lb: lemons, choice, S0.60OO-T6 par box; fsacy, TA. Tr nmea, Mexican, gi.zo par 100; plums. 40060c par cratexautaloupaa, fl.Sn: Srra". li-MOl aO; Ooncorda. 27 '4c; wster mefons. 60OT6c; peaches. 00cli .10: pears. TKAfLOO; prunes, balk. 2c par lb; packed. eirooo pet box; huckleberries. He; ground murines, uosgioc per rjox; pinssppies, 6J0 per dos. VEiiKTABLrJS Trirnlps. new. 11.00 per sack-, ffiri' ,1"r'k: hasts. lino sack: Oresos radishes. 90c per dos; eabbese. Oregon. KiXk. t" uppers, Be par lb: tomatoes, 40050c per box; parsnips. 00cOloO: unna oreaon. I'oaic ner canll- flower. 41 ill .98 per dos; peas. 405c; horse "dish, S49I0C par lb: artichokes. 75c ner dos; )"-" 7c041.OO par box: eggplant, 4rB0 per ea ehSllllKS: eseumbasa. Se nf tea: ctere SOtyOOc dos; green corn. 41.80 ssck; summer squash. 764261.00 per box; eggplant. 1.TB par crate; pumpklna. le; cranberries, local, 48.80; Cape Cod. 48 par bbl. DRIED rRinTB Apples, araoorated ISO asaiaLlb: aneot, lHOi P" : peaesvae. STw-ws e - --. Tic per 10 icaa; prunsa. y iv ss ac; se Csllfnrnla waits. 6 drop oa rack 1-16 ems liar 'ornls blsck. saMUe nar lh: white. 66)6Uc per lb: dates, golds a, lb; fsrds. 81 40491 80 par 18-lb box. 'Me SUOARAll raflBerlea Cube, 4S.T0: aew iS6; .i Mi. tnit- graauUted. 46.88; dry r.1,""u A6- "' 4B.4B: extra C, 10c H bbls, 28c; boxaa, 80c advance on sack basis. (Above prices sre SO days, net cash (roots- aHFaM, 1 HONST-S1.60 par urate. Packsaa breads, 61 V 284219.78. muj uerse--n sir gronnrj llSia. ' Ooai ton; 80s. 40.00; tabls, dairy. 80s, 413 00: 100s, J't ",, nam, i.no; imported 1.1 rer pool, noa, .17.00; 100a, 416.60 : 294s. Blfl.OO: extra bbls Ss. Bs, 10a, 44.60496.80; Liverpool lump 410.60 per ton: 60-lb rock, 40.00; 100s, .....Be 40.00. (Above prices apply to aalea of lass than car lota. Car lots st enectal or Ices sublect to e,,n..-., - , - - - . SICS Imperial j.p,,. Mo. . s; ft, a, wsc new urieana neso 7c: arse Creole. BHc HE1KH Small wmOa as Bo. I --kit. S.ao, pins. s.u; osyon, so. 70; uau, ps.oo; eticsn reds, 4c. noTsl Pesnnts. Jumbo. Sc p,r par virglots. s7ar per an; rose tea. BtBSyge per lb; Jspa nesr. assec; roasted, 7t7tt ear lb: cocoa nuts, SBfJOOc per dos; wslnnts, ISO IS He per lb, placenta, IO019U.C per lb: hickory aots. lpe par lb; chestnuts, saxUm. lsOlflc assy lh; KrssiL nnta IBe nee lh- rithe.t. uAfiL, lancr pecsas, loc; aimonns. 1SV4SS1BB. SAN FRANCISCO MINING EXCHANGE. Saa Franclaeo, Oct. 10 Official .prices Belmont -4 6.87Uj Con. Cal Va. 6 -OI 2.00 .SB .48 .64 1.90 .16 .44 .22 .09 .44 .12 .44 .11 .18 .81 .16 .19 .16 .19 .12 i .09 .04 .96 eS4 .04 .09 .68 .IT .19 .48 .20 .66 .90 .86 Cash Boy .is up air ' .60 Mealcan .96 Caledonia 1.82 Exchequer .... .78 Norrrosa 2.12V,.Gold Crown.... S.OTViWeat Bead .44 Seecne .28 Black Butte Ex. , Lon,0,nry Mt. 19.12VjSanaet 1.86 iSceptre .10 Manhattan .97 )8eylor Hum.... .16 Dexter .80 Gold Wedge ... JtS Bxme Stsr 14 lOrest Bead Sx. .88 I do Annex .00 if reacent .66 Cowboy 1J8 Denver - Annex. .44 Bulla A Bears.. .40 Black Barak .48 N. Y. Con .21 Maatmteen Con.. 8.80 Little Joe 1 42 Vi May flower .69 lamping Jack . . .88 Bed Top Bx... .48 Moataag Mnlden Aacho.. Home Jim Batter. . . . Macnamara . . . Midway Montana North Star. . . . Ohio Ton. Bx . ...... Nevada Wait Bad Adams Atlanta Blnehell Booth Columbia Mt... Con. Guarrr... Olamondfleld .. IMx a Gold field Jumbo do Ej tension Kendsll Lagaaa May gueen .... Mohawk Bad .Top nanosiorm Silver Plek.... St. Ives National Bank. Denver Krllnsa Ball Frog 1.66 .SB 1.10 .16 .88 lrisasne StarUght Gold Bar Ixiu Hullfroa. . . Banner Steiaway HAT CHOP TEST HaVATT. John Day. Or.: Oct. 10. There Is more hay the upper John Day Taller this rear then hss been for s number of rssrs. Two threshing-machines are busy la tbs vicnltv f Prairie and It will reuiilre another week n Bnlsb the work. One of the lancet eteMa 1M. year waa that at Jobs Laurence, amounting to over 2.000 bushels BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Boston. Oct. 10.--Offlclsl close hid nrlcea- Advaatare. 48.26; Allooea. B41.12H: Aflsnts. 416: Bingham. 4:17 28: calumet. SsflO: ran. tennlsl. 42 80: Copper Range, 4T0; Daly Waet. 818: Greens Consolidated. 127 JtO: Grsaaaae 414.8TH: atoTrawk. 400 ; Seasada Consolidated. STH; North Butt-. 41121; Old Dominion. : Osceola. 6I9S..BO: Parrot, as. 50: Phoeol. B1.12H: Qulncy. 4104: Roysl. $93 28: Shannon. fin; Tamarack, gioo; Trinity. 611. 3TH; vic toria. $7 28; Winona, $12.76: Wolverine, $180; V. S. Mining. S61.62U: Butte Coals.. aar.- Csllfornls A Ariaona, $194 FATAL CHOLERA NEAR ROTTERDAM Rotterdsm. Oet. 16 Two fatal oases of cholera wars discovered In towns naar here. Tho government has taken steps to prevent sn epidemic. I. 10 lbs sad bp. IdViO c per id; dry kip. lie. 1. s to is IDs. lee: calf, No. 1, under S lbs. 19c: salted hides sound. SO lbs sad aeee. losal 1. . km. viuuitiuii Stocks on Disaster to LOCAL SITUATION IS IMPROVING Japan and China Continue to Buy Flour and Vladivostok la Again Inquiring Here. WHEAT 13 DULL WITH VALUES RATHER MIXED Chicago a Half to Five Eighths Cent Lower, While Liverpool Losss In- itial Riga and Closas Same ss on Tnasday. j RELATITB WHEAT VALTES Oct. 10. Oet. 0. L .T4HA $ .T44A . .TSB TOA as. leoo. December May Tt" 'y1 toar niarkat la In a very good pool Hob. Exnort hmln... 1. 1. 1 j, ... day'a salsa tnclurie.1 lota to hi. ...h t.. Inqolrlss from these places andfrom viadl stok are lnereaalng and pmapecta are tor a tosios are lncreaalnw heary movement In the nesr future. Wheat la ateady. a Mtla . r.e up and closing nnvhsnged from Tuesday inicago wis weak and lower on account of lack of support. racial Chicago prices by Ovarbeck. Starr a Docks company: WHEAT Oneo Ulek Low. T4 T84 Cloaa. T4tyA T8HB Paaiber T4H T4h F T TO PORN. December B. May 42Vs 8$ 42H 44 S4 8Si July OATS. B. MTSS FOBS. Daaaililaaa 15 m Ms-y July January October .... Jcember . . January . . , October .1178 ISM 1ITB 13TS LAUD ..890 0S 90S 09SA SS9A .. S10 S10 810 810 SHORT RIBS. ei- .. 9SS 8O7 890 S90B .. T49 748 T40 T4B January .... Liverpool Srala Market. Uvarpool, Oct. 10. Official prices WHEAT. Open. Cloaa. 4s 4J,d 6a 4id 0a sijd Oa sd 00 BUt. 4s 6Md 4s 6Vd 4a ld 4s lt Oet. 9. December March ... December January . NEW YORK BOSS at ARRET. New York. Oet. 10 OfBclsl prices: Bid. Bnrll niton kitnt as uo Ask SOH 103H SS 02H L. N. unlfled 4s.. Norfolk A Westvrn 0... 101 H Aiiania i.osst l.lne 4S 86 o. r. a s. 0. ...101 PRlaf ART GRAIN XOTsTJaaTBTT. Chics go, Oet. 10. Prtmsry receipts: Today. Tear Aro Bushels. Bushels Whest Cerrn Shipments 1. 147.000 1.094.000 844. OOO Wheat 443.000 478,000 Corn T89.000 890.000.. Total clearances: Wheat. 180.488 bushels; corp. 804.688 bushels; oats. 206.000 bushels; Soar, 944.290 barrels. POOR QUALITY MAKES IT HARD TO HOLD RISE Advance of Fifteen Cents in Hogs Yesterday Is Barely Main tained Today. Portland Vuloa Stockyards, Oct. 10. Livestock receipts: Haas. Cattle SOieen Todsy 88 87 104 Week sgo ;.. 80 68 600 Month ago TS .. 290 Year ago 9T8 81 401 While the bog msrkat la not weak at the adrance of IBe reported by The Journal yester day, the larger arrlyale and poor quality la not so encouraging to the prioe. It takca rancy easi-or ine mountain Dog to bring 80.86, bat s few sales are reported there. Both cattle and sheep remain firm, with the latter In very abort supply. Today 14 raea horses were among use arriTsis. Offlclsl llrestock prices: Hogs Bast eastern Oregon. 60. 800a 66 blockers and China, fats, 40.0OQS.86. Cattle- Beat eastern Oregon stsers. $8,800 o.,, ieri cowe snn nailers, ax.otnuj.io; a IOCS era and feeders, 42.7808.00: bulla. $1.80. Bwirp Mixed. 494He; lambs. 8(28 r. EA8TERNTTi7E higher Chicago Market loo Tp other Llnea Are Steady Chicago, Oet. 10. Llrestock receipts: Rogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago Kansas Cltr ..21.000 18.000 18,000 96,000 7.800 8.500 8.000 Omaha 4.000 16,000 Hogs ars steady, with 6.900 left over from yeaiernsy. neceipta a year ago were 27,000 Prices: Mixers SA.20Aa.as. smoa askssa 6.721,: rough. 66.88428.28; light. Bfl. 2008.70. tsttie Ten cents up. Sheep Strong. RECORD PRICES FOR SHEEP roar Dollars a aTaaS Being- Paid at En terprise for Stock. (pedal Dtapstrh to The Journal 1 ' Enternrlae. Or.. Oet. lo It has heen ie. time atace. If ever, the price of sheep In Wil lows county hss been ao high aa at present. A larga used of rwas sold here the other day for $4 per head. One reason for the high price seems to be thst this county baa become knows to sheepmen In eastern states aa being aupplled with aheap free from disease. Recently a sheep buyer for Montana parties stated that bis In structions were to purchase only sheep from Wallowa county, and gave aa a reason therefor that owing to the peculiar location of the county It afforded protection from dlseaaed aheap en tering lta borders. The buyer rafereaA to ablppad three trslnlosds of aheap from here to Montana this summer and contracted for sev eral tbonssnd mors bead to be delivered later. SHUT SO TO ORATING OR0UND. (Special Dtapatch to The Journal ) Shanlke, Oct. 10. A ahlpmenta of 28 car loads ot aheap went forward from here this morning, consigned to Baa Bros.' Sheep com naaytbe destination being graatag points BTXW TORK COTTO BIASKXT. New Tork, Oet. 10 On reports of frost in the cotton belt the market advanced 98 to 84 points. Official qnotatlona by Overback. Starr A Cooke company: open. High. Low. 1083 I0TS 1081 Oct. 10. Oet. 9. Jsnusry 1070 1002 107P 1100 1080 1114 1004 109 n 109 1083 February .1070 March 1047 April 106 afay ......1689 June 1094 October ...1070 Noremher .1072 llecember .1086 1002 1000 uoi 1104 1000 1008 1 0SI 1076 lOSH loss 1074 I07B 1078 IIM8 1081 1040 in 1070 mi Chicago Cash Wheat. ItileBeo IW 1,, c..h v-.. . n . !'.- "JKl' No ml' TlfTtr: No. 9 hard. ' 79T6r: No. 8 hard. T1T4c: No. I northern No. 9 northern, 77082c: No. 8 aortas. 1 a. - 1 ui it in nwp viivvvavia) lay lUTIrTCI Market and This May Result in Prices Sales on Small Scale. ONION PACIFIC IS mm 3 op Gains Two and Three Quarters on Good Buying Movement in New York Market. VERY ERRATIC TONE IN THE GENERAL LIST Federal Smelters Preferred Is Sud aap denly Active and Gains One snd a Quarter Bank of Berlin Rate It 6 Per Cent. NET GAINS. MW.HW ...... Amalgamated . . . Atchison Colorado Fuel. . . St. Paul c. a n. w Cansdlsn Fed. Smel. pref . . Cotton Oil Northern' Pacific Illmoia Central.. Locomotive n. x. Central. Pannaylvanla People's das . Preas Steal Car. Readln RepablTe Steel..,. no preferred Southern Pacific. Union Pacific .... U. S. Steal do preferred... Wia. Can. pref... NET L08SEa. Sugar Smelter Car Foandry. Brooklyn Baltimore Chesapeake I Missouri Pacific. I roll. lOnt. A Western. . Rock It 111,1 uthern Railway Texat A Pacific. V. S. Rubber... National Lead.. tne aw Tork stock market was irregular to W" "S i. ""'"ta" of pontics snd business. Inton Pacific was the lesder and waa active aLi" , t"'u, 1 aawriy a points at the close ederal Smeller DreferreH ,n..i. J !? points. Illinois Centra i mm auaii lacuu SSCO ga lesMl STff B point. wers slightly adraneed. American ' were steady aad big her la London. The ijt betoM ,0,,-r Bank of Berlin . iwurj rsis (nan e to 0 pet fl. I'i,k vvrbck, Stan ApxsjL Copper 0t. . , . . . Am. Car A Found., com do preferred Am. Cotton oil, com.. Ala. Locomotive, com Am. Sugar, cost Am. Smelt., com do preferred Anaconda Mlnlne V 1US SSH 116( Am. Woolen, com Atchison, rota 1044, 102 ISBH do preferred nsiiiDMtre a, n.u Brooklyn Rapid TrsnsltiJ Canadian Pacts,. Central leather, com. . do preferred Chi. A Gt. West., com. Chi.. MIL A St. Paul . Chi. a Northwest., ream. Chess pea ke A Ohio Colo. Foal A Iroa, cm Colo. South., coxa do td preferredT ...... do lat preferred Delaware A , Hudson . . . D. a B. 0. coat do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central LouiseUle A Naahyllle. . Mexican Central Ry M.. K. A T-. !.... do preferred Federal Smt Iters Dla tillers Missouri Pacific National Ixad New York Central N. T., O. W N. a w., commoa do preferred North A merles n Northern Pacific, eon.. Pacific Mall S. Co Pennsylvania Railway... People's 11., L.AC. Co. Pressed Steel c. com . . . do preferred Reading, common . do 2d preferred, do 1st pref erred Republic I. a I., com. .. do preferred ins; TSU 1TT 219 LIS S)7 5.S 474 14T4 140M , 97 SOt, T8 mm 169 1SSS 181H u Rock Island, common do preferred 3 St. L.-A 8. F.. 2d Draf. sir a si urriprTKi st. l. a a w . no preferred Southern Pari Ac. do preferreA . . . torn. A 04t seM Ma, Southern Ry., com.... do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iroa.... Tvxaa A PsrlSr T.. St . L. A W.. com it s sit do pref at red Union ParlSe. coat... do preferred V. S. Robber, com... da preferred U. S. Steal Co., com.. do preferred Wsbaab, com da preferred... Wasters Union Tale Wisconsin Centre, cose, do preferred Virginia Chcmleal ...... , 64 1S7 87 4i" Yt& Total aalea for day. 1.04.400 shares. money closed 1 per cast. UeTlTED STATES OTMaTOCrtT BrOSDS. Saw Tork, Oet. 10. Government bonda: Date. Bid. Aal Twos, rsglstsrsd Opt. 108 1044 do coupon opt. 10$V 1044 Tkrees. registered Opt. 109 2 109, m.. "'"J Opt. 1092 104 Smsll bonds 109 U ... sours, registered.... do coupon Fours, registered. . .. do coupon District of Columbia Philippine Islands... 10SU 109 3 lit If IBB lHiVa Spanish War Teterana at sat. (Journal Special Servlce.t Washington. D. C Oct 10. At tha annual convention of the Spanish War Veterans today CaDtaln Hamilton Wand of Buffalo, Now Tork. was elected com- raanoer-in-chlef. Oklahoma City waa selected aa tha place for holding tha convention. INJECTION BROU vTILL CURE GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHSR TREATMENT old by all Druggl ta Ton op ah 1 r starr I l mm j C& Cooke Co. QOIOTiela 102 Third Street Bllllfroa norm mi 10 "v- ALL EXCHANGES SIOCK I Phone Main 313 I" Tnder&coring parts of a letter for empha sis mars its ap pearance. TtehswTri which writes black, purple or red as desired, enables you to send out letters emphatic to the mind as they are pleasing to the eye. This machine permits not only the use of a three-color ribbon, bat also of a two-color or single-color ribbon. Me extra coa: for this new modal. The Smith Pbemibb Typewrites Company .47 Stark st.. Portland, Oregon. A Bird in the Hand Is worth two in tho bush, and If your hardware buying is dona horo the bird's In hand in ths way of dapendanble quality at far loan cost than you're ac customed to pay. Avery L Co. LILYDENf ALCO. THE PAINLESS DENTISTS. The Ona-lTtord Offlca. Located at Third aad Ooaoh Streets. t OsTS THIRD OFT REGULAR PRICE We use only ftrst clsss materials, do ths work consclauttooaly and price It within your reach. tlsn and sati Bastes free. Solid Gold Crcwa. 44 Bridge ansa, par loom .43. JO Gold Filling. 91 ap Silver ruling. tOe up t Rubber 'atee 914 sbHKKs ferfec Sat for SS irfeet Fitting anu Natural LooK.ng. Gusrantaad for 19 Tears. aaSSageSSSSBBBBBBSBSaSBBBBaBBBBBSaBBaa.a Or SPICES, o COrFEE,TEs44 BAKING POWDER, FUtYOPINO EXTPACTS CLOSSET ft DEYERS w PORTL4D,4349tj:oON. All Work