THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBS3 10. 1908. II NEW TODAY. TERWILLIGER TRACT FOR A LIMITED PERIOD $37,500 CASH A like amount on time WILL BUY 85 Sightly Acres Ten minutes from Third and Washington streets, that will plat about 600 lots, on Boulevard Drive and On Liae Scenic Electric Railway Now building. Will double in value by one year from date, head of Hamilton Ave. and less than half mile TO Ma cadam road, and its factories and industries of over $1,000,000 cap ital, employing nearly 1,000 men. Council Crest Within a mile west, JOHN R. OATMAN, Attorney, ,445 Sherlock Block, Postoffice Box7415. INVESTORS 1 Haras a $6,000 buy for 14.600: close in. north of steel bridge, east sloe, Mr OS as J St., a new modern 5- room house, with large closet to each room; bath as. Somebody also will be want In- t this property very soon for obvious Lots in Schaefcr's Addition "CENTRAL" $lOO and Up BY Geo. eJe Schaefer and maal B stats Agent, sit ot tm or AT! Those two beautiful lota, lOOx L00. on Est 2th and Mdlson. surrounded by beautiful homes, are still open .at $1,800. VERT day Jon't brine opportunities to gat two full lot near St. John ear Una at leaa than $100 each. Th two for $576. XPBCTINO to build a home here? W have "he prettiest residence site on East Bid, close In, for $$,000. PON Investigating that lot on East (Id, near Stark, you will agree with ua that it Is good value at $4(0. OME vary pretty lota In Nob Hill district. Irvlngton. Holladay. Waverly, ato. R. $U GATE HAS MOVED FROM 111 SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 76. OREENWAY t PORTLAND HEIGHTS) i Th most beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llghte. gaa and graded . streets. Superb view of Mt. Hood. Et . Portland and Willamette river. Cholc- eat lota $600 each. Terms Oregonlan Bn lldlng. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farm, fruit, (rain, ho pa, potato and stock growers, number In family, age, etc. Call or write ua for prlcea. Rural Directory Co., It Fourth atreet. Pays Well A brli it -covered quarter that pays 74 per cent net Income Is oOerod for sal. Here I a chance to put your money out at good latere! no realise Ltoflt la the advance In value of the K property Call on SPHINX AOEhJCY. S 1H Stark street, and get particular. VtltD flOtlT fOD SAlt em Willamette A sill site lor sawmill or any vy manufacturing ouainess; oaep , a acrsss '" , reason. NEW TODAY. 6 PER CENT Money to Loan W have on hand a large amount of money for Portland city leans at ( par rent. Wa ahould be (lad to meet pros pective borrower In parson. An ac quaintance with us may benefit you. It will help us. W have gilt-edge First Mortgage securities for sale In amounts and maturities to suit. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company mber Bsohange Bid. (Second Floor) S. IU Oar. asoond am stark ma. Look at the Terms $6,600 buy beautiful l-room hou, finely built; furnace, cement basement and all modern conveniences Broad way, between 19th and 21st. Full slsed lot Terms: $2700 Cash Balanc $32 per month until paid. ALBEE BENIAM COMPANY Phone Main $004. 14-26 Concord Bldg. 100x100 oa northeast Comer East 24th and Hancock Lota graded to two feet above grade ; Mtr mi t,1,nhnn, and .I.k. trio lights. Best buy In Irvlngton dis trict B. M. LOK S14 Chamber of $15,000 for the Block $9 BBST iNSTT OP Tgg TB IB. Between Grand and Union avenue. Only five block from Hawthorn. NARTNAN ft THOMPSON t CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CHOICE ACRES On to five-acre tract, close In, on O. W. P. 4V Ry.; ehoic black soil; Im proved; $)800 Pr aore; easy term. JORDAN & GARBADE BS, 833 H Washington at. West Side Cottage Choice corner and good 6-room cot- tag. in best residence district of west aid; lot alone worth $3,600. Price $4,- 200. " Pay to See tr." SUNNYS1DE For Sal to ranter at $1$ mo.. Fur niture of (-room cottage, $200. 6-room cottage SI. 675 6-room cottsg $)l,800 -room cottage, new $12,350 Fin buy. (-room house, finished fine, large lot If sold in 1 day SS.OOO 8PBER a HA IPS It R lOMVt Belmont st. Fhon Tabor 38. South Portland Southwest corner Fourth and Hooker streets, 80x100. m grand sit for a resi dence or for four renting house. Can be mad to produce a big Income. Be this at one. HABTMABT a TXOl Chamber of Commerce. WEATHER REPORT. The dlstarbsaes aotd yesterday off the north Pacific nut hi, moved inland ever British Oolsnbts, without SS yet causing eny rstn oa the iaeirie coast. The most sotabls feature this morals was th hlah pressr ares overlying th middle wast, which haa cauaed s moderate cold wave at th esatern states, where th temperatures are neat 10 to 30 decrees below norms L It also sea ssuanallr cold In the middle west, sod beery frosts hare occurred la all tea aorthera ststee from the Rocky mountstns east to the lower lake rsgloa. The frosts eitended ss far th as Oklahoma, aorthera Arksasss as Ten The storm yesterday over lake Huron off the New EagUnd coast. It has moderately heavy t heavy rains tB th Atlantic and New Enxland state. Bad heavy snow la reported In upper Michigan. The Indications are for rain In this district Thursday, with lower temperatures. UBssrvstioa taken st a s. m . Pacific time: Temp Stations Msi. Mln. Preclp. Baker City. Oregon , Boston. Msssachuactts Chicago, Illinois Dearer. Colorado , IB . 70 . 46 . 8 . 60 . 64 . 80 . T6 . R3 . 82 . 60 . T4 46 o 60 SO 86 32 64 66 44 63 60 64 60 60 4S 62 6S 40 2 12 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.14 JO .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 J Kansas City, Missouri Loa Angrlea. California... New Orleans. Louisiana.. New York. New York.... Portland. Oregoa Roeeburg, Oregon it. Loom, Missouri Rait lake, Utah Han Francisco, California. Spokane. Washington Tscoms. Waehlneton Walla Walla. Washington.. M Washington. D. 0 70 .82 MARRIAGE LICENSES. A J. Baxter. 8 Ulrard street, 21 ; Judith L. Paulson. 18. R L Barnett. 3$; Lsara Clears, SO. Frank VlrMakr. 21; ('earl E. Green. 18. Otto B. Prael. 80 North Twenty-first street. 81; Ethel C lUld, 27. Richard Renkra. The Dsllss. Oregoa, ; Bra May Crrlghtnn. 29. 1. A. Applewhite, S3; LocU A. Ollllaple, 24. Klah L. Creea, 2R; Mollis Wrls. 37. Jesses smith. 40. Mary Mitchell. 34. T. J. Bdwsrds. 21; Jennie Russell. 30. Louis B. Christ. 188 North Fourteenth street. 94; Elisabeth Virginia Magulre. 21 . Wedding Cards. W. 0. Smith Co.. Wash afftsa bid., ear. Fourth and Washington eta Wedding sad celling cares en graved a printed. V T. Ruahtoa. Ka Washing torn at Mis. Berths Martin, room 613 Allskr bldg. Stamping sad Sae Beedlawork; leesoas given Fall dress aulta for rent, all ab Tailoring Co . SOS RUrk st. Unions BIRTH8. Rl HARIWON- October 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Wit Ham Rlebardarss. K21 Twenty-third, street. I'lfiV.I.IPR Reptesnber 37. to Mr. snd Mrs. La- clua w. PhllUps. Artets. a Boy. RATH KB Octolssr 6, to Mr. and airs. P. P JOHNRONcteber 6. to Mr. and Mr. Guttsr Johnson, 661 Alnaworth aeeaae. s girl. CLBMENS September 38. te Mr. and Mrs Bob ert Clemens. Oak Orove. a girl. M1LM October S. to Mr. sad Mrs. Bister A. Miles. 1133 Missouri sveaa. e girl. M'ATEAL October 9. to Mr. sad Mrs. Rag A. MrAyeal, Wood laws, s boy. HELMING October 7. to Mr. sad Mrs. Asgnst Helming. JSS Lincoln, s boy. FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON- la thM city. October 7, 108. at S3 Mississippi see., August Johnson aged yean, 3 months, to days asya Funeral eerv- tree Were held si HoltasB'a chspei Taesdsy, October 8. I ws at Loess Sir cemetery. v DEATHS. VALENTINE Octeher . Elisabeth Valentine ML si rears, at. Joan's heme; senility 'H October 8. Peter Smith, sge 76 478 PsIBBB lend: eaaelafal haaaiaiTiaaa year. KIM October 7, 1st On Kim. age 81 years. 146 Si e sal: psalasosvary ratarculosis IJCITHOFF Oetoker 8. 1808, at the family resl- sarsare, ne i-cnygrove St. . atarguerltte law Doff, aged IS J ear. 10 months. 17 days. . UNDERTAKERS. Daaalaa. MeKatee a Ollbaash. a and embslmsn; ssodsra la every dsUIL and Pine. Mala 40. Lady A. B. Bsssasseh. aadsrtaksr sad East ThU-teeath and USJatlUa are. wood Tl. J. P. natal" A ana S Title! IUI U. Offlca est eoaaty tinsel. Phone Mala CLARKE BROS.. Flortsta Fine Oowers sad norai ueeign. BBS Morrtaoa st. Third at. UYIBYIZW CZJCXTXBT. Ingle grarea 110. Family lota $78 to 11.000. The only cemetery la Portias which per fetaally sealstslBS sad cares far lots. For fall informatics spply to W. A. Mackeaats. Wor- ac asoea. city, w. M. LatM. teartdsat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' "V Stafford sad husband to W. n i?..Irl"too' soes of ths N. T. Ollham donation land claim, sec tion 83, township l sarta. rang S A.rtt Lead company ' ' 'to ' ' Bra ' ' 'u 2,280 " iu. btoes 6, Arleta Park tsseegs W. Brows to Era L. Swank, lot . block 1. Arleta Park No. S k i Jln" Trust company to 100 ' . "2 T raiiaie, sor B. Dlocg 5 snd let S. block 8, York; also parcel f "cpssrtj la Hawthorne's First ad dition tal East t..rtlanH Sl'V1.11"."" B1 susosnd to Andrew Buche . lot S. block S, York addition. John King and wife to Herman La brecqee, lot, IS, block 86. Bellwoad... Ketchsr Unp sod wife to at Francis 8.000 1.378 'ooratoa, lot S. ' block 1, Bingham- aaaatfaSaaa 876 Ernnjs J. Orshsm and husband to i. "a! "is", sot b. oaock gu, irrlng a Har bor View 2.450 Mrs. M. 0. Fulton to Cbarlea F.' Kins'. soatbeast of lot 1. block Tl. Jamea John's addition to St. Joans. S. WllaoB ad wife to W. D. Rwaln trustee, lots 0 sad 10. block 15. Lincoln Park Annex: also lots I. S and S. bLrark tah's mAMtim Loulae Hawthorne Bolae et aL to E. g miner, tot n. clock 258. and sot 1. hlMa 9ST II..., D..a. B. O. Chase' snd wife to John King, lot 18. block 88. Hellwood . 1.S76 100 Arleta Land company to Evs L. Swank, lot ii, dsocs 7, Arleta Park No. S. . William T. Pigeon and wife to R. H. Morris, soxioo reet In block 2. Abend's addition to AIMss 1,880 Point View Real Estate company to oeien Anoeraon. lots 1, 2, S. 4. Mock SS. Point View Ths Kiss eatsts to Sidney Raiworthr. i. nsocs 2i, rung's Beeoad sddl Rollle r. Henley and wife to D. B- Cheney, lot 6 and waet SO. 7 feet of let 6. block 17. First addition to Holladar Park addition 1.360 D. R. Cheney to Georsls H. Chans r west 20.7 feet of lot 6 snd all of lot 6. block 17, First addition to Holla day Park addition Charles If. Meredith snd wife to Wil liam Janlac. seat 36 feet of west 60 feet -of lots 8 and 10, block 8, Railroad Shone addition 600 Hermhte A. Bar Us and husband to Mary C. Warren, west 68 1-8 feet of w. , awa a. uuiuaniiiB s BOOJllVD.. Marls Scbarplng to M. B. Phillips, lot 18, block 77. Bellwood ..... Title Guarantee A Trust company to 1360 660 wuuam . asset era on ana wire, lot B, block 20, Ftrst addition to Holladay Park addition Marlon M: Aldrtcb sad wits to at. Q. Aiorich end wife, lots 7 sad S, block 6. Tremont Piece IV. Nelson snd Wife to J. Jamison, let 18. block 6. First Electric addition to Alblns 10 Roman Catholic srchblshop of the 41s- ceas oi uregon. to sirs, joeepn Mark Ha. lots 188. 184. seettoa I. Meant Calvarr cemetery John F. Logan and wlfs te W. D. nwsia. trustee, lota 8 snd 10. block 16. Lincoln Park Annex.; also lot 1, 2. S. black 2. Leah's addition Alice Walah to C. H. Rogers, lots 4 sad K n u.i se.w wall a V, uiu,a i, eatruiii laimr .11 IM .luoea. George W. Brown to George E. Wilbur, 800 tot xu. Dices l . laareiwooa Park .... George W. Brown to O. C. Lethrrland. lot 27. block 7. Iaurelwood 160 Mary T. Uebermen and husband to Frank c. vsdar et aL. lota 12. 13. block 2. eubdlTteon of lot C, If. Pat ton trsct 1.600 W. S. Conner and wife to Jena Olsen. 60x80 rods beginning at point 110 rods north of .southeast corner ef south east of section 84. township 1 north, range S east 8.760 600 200 Loulae 8. Clark and husband to J. D Morris, lot 19. block S. Alblns J. W. Wright to Ads Bear, lot 8, block 38. Mount Tabor Tills .. George W. Brown to Addle E. Lawaon, sots 11 sua is. Diock 4. Lenrelwond . . Addle E. Lawaon and hosbssd to Wal ter E. Hardy, lota 11 sad 12. block 4, Laurclwood Sllss M. Leonard to John B. Hlller. lots 6, 4, 6, block 8, Grimes' sddl tloa .' 10 Point View Baal Estate company to Mm HI liar, lota 37, 88, block 3. Point View Point View Real Estate company to John R. Hlller. lota 17 snd 18. block S. Point Vlsw 378 Louts Lamport snd wife te Ira If. New man, tot 41, la subsBTiaton 2. ue Lashmutt Oatmsn's Little Homes. 873 I. M. sat B. J. Newman to H. M. sad N. B. Hicks, lot 41. subdivision S. DeLsshmutt Ostmsa's Little Homes ... A 1,160 Mlehsel O'Brien and wife to RomsB cese of Cstaoilc archbishop or the aloes or Oregon, lots 14, 16. block IB. Mult nomah addition . I,. Herman and wife to H. 8. Sim mons, lot 7. block 26. Jamea John's Second sddltlon to St. Johns 1.600 100 C. Hansen snd wife to Gilford Cdy, lot 0. block SO. Rellwood John flmldt snd wife to Gilford Csdy, lot 9 Block so. Kenwood Dora sad Winnie Moreloek to Gilford Csdy. lot 9, block 40. Bellwood ...... Jacobean and husband to Marie Foeter. lots 1. 2. block 61. Sunnyslds. James If. DsvtS tnd wife to Sweeney Investment company, north V, or lot 6 snd all of lot 7. block 41. original citr ' 165,000 Samuel J. Gorman and wife to 0. B. n. Co., a atrip er land ion rear wide serosa lore 1 and S and part of 1st 6. section 86. township 2 north, range 6 esst; also a strip 100 fset wide across lots 8 snd 4 and past of lot 2, In section 88, township 3 north, rsnge 6 esst 8.000 A. T. Washburn and wife to J. C. GUlman. lota IB snd IS. Bloc IB. Monnt Tabor Villa Augelo Cerogllno and wife to Rosls nebenedettl. lot 6. Mock 1, Ms reus McMurrsy's addition Robert A Nenfebeuer snd wife to Mary M. Neugebauer. 86x60 reet be ginning st point 60 rest west of In tersection of north line of Wilson street with weet lias of Verateeg ISO 460 George Sblel to Minnie Welch, lot 7. KLneb a Mvrtlo. belns s subdivision of Let S. Fruitrale 140 1. A. OBirey and wife et al. to Port land Batlwsy company, right of wsy SO feet wide across s portion of ths Talbot doaatlon land claim. Sections S sad . township 1 south, range 1 esst J'iLl I' Portland Treat Cosspaay of Oregon to Rudolf IMrlwaehter, lot R. block 18, Tremont Place , . . . . I A Peters to William G. Gosslln st si., lot 8. block 20, Irvlng's Harbor View Oltenheimer Reslty Investment'com nsor to William Gsdaby. tot 8. block HamlltontrMese' snd wlfs to Hermsn snd William Gmhlkr. lots S sad 7, block 26. Fenrer's addition to Eaat 10 sr. son Portland 860 PaolSe Realty Investment com near to C. H. EMwarda. lots SI and S3, block R. Stewsrt Psrk SSO A. B. Msekle snd wife to Stephen T. snd H. B. Fisher, lot 11. block 47. Rellwood S70 V.. ,kae,aefa tills Is. formerly PacISc Coast Abstract Guaranty met company, saare-i isiiisg vsunsssax Oat yoar Insurance esd shetrsi acts te reel aetete from the Title Guaraatee Treat soanpaap, ln Wsshlagtoa street, saner SsaaadL NOTICE. TO THE MANY FRIENDS , W deelre to elmerely tbsnk yen for yoar klndneaa aad sympathy show la the sickness sad deetlf of esw little so. al. K. sad uTn M. BCKLIX. NOTICE. IN ths distract court of the failed Statee. tot the district of Oregon In tea sutler eg j. Hlrhsrdsos, bankrupt: Katie la hereby glrea that oa the 6th Af ef October. A. D. ISO. J. Richardson of IWtland, Oregon, wss 8uly ad Indicated bankrupt ; and thst the first meet lag of his creditors will he held at rooms 304-6, FeatcaV bo lldlng. Port land. Ore goo, a ths 23d day ef October. 1806, st 1 a. m . at which time the sakl creditors may attend, prove their claims, apuolat a trustee, exam ine the bankrupt aad transect such ether busi es may properly cobs before such meat- n., 8, 1908 CHKHTBB G. MURPHY. Referee la Bankruptcy. IN the district court or the United Statee, tor the district of Oregon la ths matter of B. Bwsn. baskrupt : Notice Is hereby given thst oa the 8th day of October, A. D. 1806. B. Swan of Portland. Or bb bb was sssjr adjudi cated bankrupt: sad that ths first meeting ef his creditors will be held at rooms 304 6. Pes tea bnlldlng. Portland. Oregon, oa ths 33d day of October. 1900. st 11 s. m., st which time ths ssld creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine ths bankrupt snd transact such other business ss bist properly come before such meeting. Mated October 9. 1806. CHESTER G. MURPHY. Referee la Bankruptcy. LOST AND FOUND. STBAYEn from Boss Island, about September SB, 1 small gray horse, snout 1,000 pounds; 1 dappls gray horse, shout 1,800 ps da. These horses were sssa tied up st Union are. aad Lincoln st. Return to Oregon Transfer Co. snd be paid for trouble. Sixth and Hoyl. LOST Ob Third St., box containing a aew salt. Return to Plummer, SSO Third St., and receive leward. LADY'S gold watch, between Bast Aldsr snd 86d at., or between Sd sad Morrison or Fifth snd Morrison, reward. Call phone Esst 3801. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something Doing TO-NIGHT! BETTER COME PORTLAND DIVISION NO. 1 will give a social dance la K. of P. temple. Eleventh and Al dsr streets. Thunder Bight. Oc tober 11. Friends an Invited. B. M. LANCB, B. K. PORTLAND Division. No. 1, Maccabees will gin a dance la a. or r. temple,' litn ami sis., uc toner ii. , rrieaoa are ibviiou. B. M. LANCB. R. K. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for all occasions, very reasonable. Main 6608. or 4 Lucretla St. M. W. A. EVERGREEN 0AMP. 646, assets Wednesday annlng. AUsky bldg.. Third aad CIBOULAK LBTTBB CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letten; addreeeln. mailing. 2BIH stark U W. A. Oreron Orsne Cams. No. 6. ay. ITT and MrsBn , VWXSBeB WBi HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our pstrona. Weekly ntes: Boom. $1.26 up; noes aad board. $4 60 up. Anderson, aeiasailssae. WANTED Sslesmsn ; many maks $108 to $180 per month; soma svsn mora; sues eases; grows on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly; choice ef territory. Address Washington Nursery cow posy. Top peniah. Washington. , i MEN AND WOMEN to leera barber trads In eight wseks; graduates ears rrora gis to sw weekly; expert lna true ton; cats logos free. Moler System of Collages, St North Fourth at., PvniH. WA NTED Boy : steady work. SS N. corner Davis. w NTED Two ss three fit si I leas, all-aroaad Bis chine men : pet as SB sat position, good wage Oregon Furnltun Mfg. Co.. Mscsdam road. bars. gg. x M. c A.. Ftnarra aaa liasia. AGENT TO INTBODUCB THE GRBATBST bortlcultunl wonder -Burbenk a aew etonelees plum; miracle; big pay; permanent poaltloo. Chlco Narsery Co.. Salem. Ore. WANTED Mattreeamakera; ateady work. SS Front, earner Davis. YOU NO man attending bualneea college waste plan to work tor board sad room. P SS. can Journal. AO E NTS wanted to eel) annerlor. nursery stock; complete outnt raraisaeo tree; cssh weekly; write todsy for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery company. Salem. Or. CABINET-MAKERS wasted t 872 Front st. IBIOHT young man shout IB years oto re work around drygoods store. Apply 206 Third It. WANTED Must have SS mors young men to nrensre tbemeelree for rai illway telegraph aervlce; big demand for graduates. Cell dsy 7; or svsalag. Expert College of Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg., . Sixth sad Aaksay sts BOOKKEEPER snd of See men; must be ac CUraiS ana s gooa pesiosn, vu vpieorkuaii. , state age. experience sad salary expected. Addreae B 84, ears Journal. BOUGH carpenter to build large ehed. Oregon A Washington Lumber Co.. foot of Hsmll- ONB first class store monster, stesdy work; Portland Stars works, 026 Hood st. WANTED A few reliable solicitors, who sr capable of earning from 690 to $76 a week ; aoae hot people of good sddtsss need spply. 400 Oregonlsn bldg., Portland Or. WANTED Young man to prepare for positions ss bookkeepers or atenogr sphere by our Decern plan; will pises yon In position. B. B. U., 436-488 Worcester blk. WANTED To bin S teams for grading. 0. E. Pottage, 48 Commercial at., Albina. Phone Best 618. WANTED Oeetmskera aad reet ma ken; high est pries paid. A. J. Hrault. Hamilton bid. ROOFERS wanted, tinners wanted, sheet metal workers wsnted. Apply Wynkoop the Roofer, SM Ash it WANTBD Msb to work la small machine re pair shop ; experience not neeeeeary; some money required; ststs time sad plsee for interview. lack Box 86, Mltwashls, Oregon. WANTBD Stave bolt splitters; goad pay. Ap ply Western Cooperage Co., 80 Stearns bldg., city, or Hon I ton, Or. OOATTIKISHKR wanted st Woolen Mills Co., Seven tl once. Columbia sad Stark. BOYS wanted to wrap soap. Lacks!. King cake soap us, HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If roe work, why not esrn more than a Uvlngi Bs Independent; do good. The Vlsrl Co. already employs 12,000 women: the work coven 38 countries of ths world: ws will eptertalB applications from capable womsa; not casvaselng. bat helpful, dlgalned work. Address by mail only, VTsvt Co., Lswis bldg. WANTED Young people to prepare theavsslvss ss bookkeepers aad ateaographers: hare had 643 calls since September" 1; plaesd SM la positions We will place yen whs com petent, usy or nigBt. tamsajw. Walker Bualneea collate. " HOMB LADIES' AGENCY, 188H Foarth St.. ear. Morrison, spate! -a. the x. m. c a. sag. OIBLS W A NTED Opera ton to woe ee rork ea skirts tossssrlsasi. S, Grand are. SOS ovsrsiw. lassoes gives Apply st Standard factory J Esst Taylor et. f CAMP 4l WANTED Girls te Basks "Sees ef AH" svsr lls st 76 First St. WANTED Coaspeteat girl for general bowse work. Apply 186 Esat 18th St. ' AHSBN'S LADIES' ABBNCY. SttM. Wsekls Urn st.. cor. Seise Ik. pslsts. iweee Ms la SSM Fswala help waatssL WANTBD SB girls er women at owee at caa aery of the Oregon Packing Co.. Esst Eighth sad Ysmblll st.: both piece sad day work; seecs worker ess assks 82 peg day. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girt, steady work, el 66 M. Feast. corner Dei la. GIRLS, when yoa want work call oa the Beaa- sinarian laoiss Agesvcy. lU7Vs sWST saaia saaaa. GlRLS-aas9iUt dippers sad nsckers. Candy Ou.. 10th -and UHsaa. WANTBO Expeiiaaeed hody-lroasr; steady saa- mmt Bssiis . ssssagun . us Lauudry Co. Pheae Bast ss. EXPERIENCED girl safer general Phone Pacific 1 Old; 785 oTtsaa st. GIRLS wanted tor sei aad waitress. cSty Kssployassat Otaee, salts 1, 286 Vt Washington st. Mala 3410. W ANTED S girls to wssh dlsbss and assist Is kitchen work st 10 North Seveath St., st ones. WANTED A competent girl gsssral 19th sni won. Ban asarsaaii, snd 20th. WANTED Girl or middle aged women tor tight hsasswosk snd help with children; as wash, lag or Ironing. Phone B. 8670. SH1HTMAKBRS wanted. Jacobs 181 Srd street. Shirt Os., Hamilton oa Bldg. GIRLS to press skirts. 3S1 Aldsr stmt. WANTBD lady teachers Apply 14SH Flnt at., from 7:80 to 8:30 p. m. GIBL was to for eeneral housework aad ess Ing; no small children la family. Apply 747 vaassie as. s A REFINED, educated women to manage a bualneea; good salary, abort hours. B 84, can Joprn al FEW isdlss wanted to assist msklng eeay fancy work span time at-home; good steady pay; no experience required, gas Old.. 407 Washington at LADY taller to line coats sad do tailor work; will he acceptable If experienced on genu' tailoring. J. K Stern. 433 Washington St. WANTED A girl to assist la general house work. Apply 14 North 17th st. WANTBD Address of lady who does men's washing sad msndlsg. D-J, ear Journal. WANTED Steady girl far general housework. $17' Morris st.. between WUllama snd Rodney ens. WANTED. AT ONCaV Good lady pressor ; stesdy position. Berlin Dye Works, M7 Second st. WANTED Woman for S days' work, rleanlng. Call Mala 487. WANTBD Quiet, steady girl sr woman with experience in alckneaa. Phone Mala 200. LADY STENOGRAPHERS drilled by our Decern plan are son of Us best positions; enroll now; dsy sad night classes, conducted by the Eclectic Bualneea University. 466-466 Wor cester blk. WANTED 8 boys aad girls to Instruct on ths violin tor child orchsatra. G SO, Journal. GIBL to do housework s few hours per dsy J5 Bunasya tree ; sleep st home; wagee Ap piy no i i earner st. YOUNG woman wall acquainted on east sight to do nportorlsl work. Apply 8 East Clay at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. UNLESS YOU'RE "DEAD WOOD" YOU'LL LEARN THE ADVERTISING and of bualneea. PAGE-DAVIS CO. will tack yoa. wbererrr yea live, whatever your work, tin you're In dependent of help a success. Dept. 31, 41S Commercial bid.. Portland. . WANTED In country home, two children to care for good school. Address B. M. w postoffice box 88, Seapposse, Or, WANTED Ftnt-clsas lady aad gentlemen can vassers ; salary aad commission. Call at Agency Bureau. 83 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. , -s- HELP wasted sad sappbe. sesle er female. B. g. Desks, 806 Vk Waehlngtou St. Past 1170. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A BUSINESS MAN In crime of lite, sober. wide awake, with a knowledge of medlclna and surgery, common law sad the details of latlle and mechanical Unas, desires a position; will take charge of tamberlag mercantile bualneea la say pises; solicit travel; em wining to sasn proat or lose, sr 1st rssults determine worth. B 87, Journal. A YOCNO married man with goad hablta who haa lived in Portland a greater part of his Ufa desire position or part out-door work snd the balance office work, with s good firm where he can remain sad grow ap with the BasBassnsaae , cam aiaa-unea use assasi an references sad WIU make employer'a business his bual neea P 80, csrs Journal. est mt H. H. RICHARDS Booka posted, collections, general clerical work: references. 892 4th St. WANTBD Position ss collector for reliable 6rm: will furnish horse and borer end aire ; well acquainted la city, f 49. Journal. FIRST-CLASS J ass nee cook waste place; apeaks Eagllah. Barry, 66 North Third et. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED chamber work month and room sve, Bellwood. middle-aged In nice roe lady t ng house; $36 Mrs Riley Esst 6428. 1786 Clackamaa PRACTICAL aarss wants work: conSnement csaee preferred, good reference Phoae Main 4B8S PLAIN sawing by ths dsy or piece. Aaksay. race Esst 261 WANTED AOENTS. AGENTS wsnted In every tows la Oregon te repreeent ths NatBsnal Lira insurance Co. of U.S.A. B. O. Bella sd. etate mass gar, SOS r-OCTIBBB, UV. AGENTS wanted In every town la Oregon to Introduce Dust Clean, ths sweeping com pound. Address Dust Clean. 884 Alder st. EITHER eex can make $4 to $10 per dsy. CsU 4 to 8. 661 Bnrnslde. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. SS North Second at Phone Mala USB. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., SHU, Morrison St. Phoae Paclfle 38. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist Ws make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING BENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, placing FIKE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES aad GENERAL CARE OF PROPERTY. Ws hsve the heat of facilities for carrying out yoar wishes a SB agent. Ws solicit your patronage. Our references: Lsdd Tllton, nanaera, aou saeroBauia nanonei dbub. ss. ii. ni-immin. 616 CHAMBER OF CTJMMERCR. a A. Myers. F. A. Myers. TATE LAND COMPANY, Business Investments. Real Estate. built and sold u I upon t nets laments In knr nsrt of citr. 166H FIRST ST., COR. ALDER. 0. L. PABBI8H A CO. ban opened a general rssi eststs orncs st 42 utmnsr axcnsi bid., corner Second snd Stsrk sts., sad s bay aad sell nelty. collect rente and asgetli haa ss flrst-clssa re f erase ee; hoe est deell nsi sststs omce at as Lonisr vxcasBge will lata Una with our clients. I'hons Main ei. I WANT a kit facing east, fas: residence. In Mnltnomah addition or central aibus. Be tween Mlchlesn ava. and Commercial and south nf Skldmore: will pay $600 or $800 for desirable lot. Mem seat FOR QUICK ACTION list year property with osT Kxenango WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. In Mais 66 FCgNITURB WARTgP FOB POT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 811 First at. WANTED First -e Use 8-ssated asto mobile, far cash ; must he a bargain. Schuyleman & Co. 2X7 H Wsshlagtoa st psld fat eKs 4. Phone Ps L'sele Jo. 63 Third. WE WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE AMI OLD TMINO. WESTERN SALVAGE. CO.. 837 SS WAJBIMOTOM. PaCUTO 16. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUY yoar rural tare any al Westers Salraga Co.. 837 Waahlagto WANTED Land to by contract. T St clear off brush csrs Journal la city WANTED Boom Sad board, young man with tuberculosis, not confined to bed. able to look after himself; will nay wall tor com fortsble bams. Telephone Mala 741. WANTED TO RENT. WB WANT TO RENT At saea full length store oa th ground fleer fronting aa the buateet street snd la ths heart of the null business section of Portlead: one of our customer lateada to In SU11 a high class, complete "Penny Arcade:" It wlU be s credit to the atreet; willing to. Bay a high rent tor desirable location; what nan you r a MILLS NOVELTY CO.. Largest Manufacturers of Coin-Open tod Mschloes In the World 11 to 26 8. Jefferson St., Chicago. WANTBD TO BENT Houses, cottages, lasts, stores, offices, reawlag-hosssa etc. lead lords will do wen to call SB PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBBOO. Bx. 73. a a caw. sa a a oak. WANTED To not a house aad barn with H Mock, or small acreage close is; permanent tsnsnt. Address B 88, car Journal. WAREHOUSE wanted with track facilitate. What can you offer. 110 North Third st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER, 860 tt Alder st - Steam best, electric electric lights, hot and cold wster, free hatha, porcelain tubs; s few housekeep ing suites with gas ranges; maid serrlce; $2.60 per week ap. LARGE outside room, newly furnished, eu I table for two gentlemen, eteam heat, electric lights, bath and phone; walking distance. 400 Hani son St.. flat O. TH RICHELIEU. SSU North Sixth et. Ele gantly furnished: Steele beat aad baths. "THE HOB," SS Eleventh St.. corner Stark; ' rooms with attain heat snd hath. LINDA rooms VISTA. 347H Fifth Housekeeping with bay windows, snd sleeping rooms. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, furnace heeteo and bath. 474 Salmon at. DAY, week or month; heart ef city. 183'.. si. xiioumsn. FOR RENT Furnlahed, front room With use of a'tcben; new and modern, to man snd wlfs: $10. 888 vy .; Woodlswn or U car. Tele favsas Woodlswn 43. FURNISHED rooms and furnlahed housekeeping rooms for rent st 783 Vancoovsr ava. THB GRAND. 4814 North Third St. S gentlemen $1.28 per week aad ap. 8 BOO MB, neatly furnished, gsa range. 618 Seventh st. Phoae I plate, steel la la 463. PUBNIRHED front room, suitable for twe sea tlamaar ( , aa, ta,. ' ' aa u. a uouw SS. AVIO. BOOMS for 8 men. $8 per earner Salmon. month. 218 11th St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL. Flanders sad SaveBth Rooms, housekeeplag sad transient; . eea venlent; prices reasons ble. $128 WEEK UP, clean, furnlahed ' housekrep- . m --, uM.ava, uaiw, lauswi, isrssss host, yard. BOSH Stanton. U ear. $1.60 WEEK up, Urge, clean, furnished seeping rooms, laundry an ben. 184 man south, Portland. 8-BOOM suite in cosy cottage; - newly fur- vu iidv, uorf-eiein nam ana aina; walking dUtance. $16. 610 First atreet. 331 SALMON ST.. cor. Seventh I downstairs soaasgeeping rooBta ; modern conrenlsncee. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 806 COLUMBIA ST.. beautiful tap window par lor, with heater, gaa, hath and phone, central location; also 3 small rooms; between Fifth and Sixth. 8 UNFURNISHED Iron St., 87 month THESE new unfa retailed rooms. 10 Market st. Phone Mslo 58C4. 6 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms st 360 Moat . tau si nrth st. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED To board boy from to 12 yeere; a other children; s blocks from school; good suburban home. P 7. care Journal. WBIale-rUBNIBHED front room for two. $60 per sBooth, Including board. 648 Market st. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDEBLY TKANSFEB CO.. prompt Bad re liable piano and furniture movers; also stor age. Phoae Msla 1886. OfOce 110 N. Third. FOB RENT 6 baadaome modem 7 -ream hossss. conveniently located on Third at. rsrllne; 910. SIS sad 814 Corbett st.; rent ressoushls ts desirable tease ts. Dsvid B. Stssrns. 346 Wsshlngton at. FOR BENT New 7 room bouse, just flnlshrd; strictly modern, gse, electric lights, bsth, furnace. 7SS York st.. sear corner 34th, $30 rent. Inquire Moore loreetsssat Co., teams bldg. MODEBN 6-room hoaae. furnished, esst side, choice location. Call after 6 o'clock even ings. Phone Esst 44. A NICE 6-room cottage, plainly furnlahed. for rent, price 820; will sell furniture cheap sad rent house far $16. No. 17 Esst 61st St. Phone Best 38S4, FOB RENT Cottage, corner 17th snd GBssa st. Max Smith, the Savoy Rrateurant. 148 Ssvsnth at. FOR RENT New 6 room hones sad 6-room flst at Esst 84th snd DlvUlon. H. T. Palmer, Eaat 34tb snd Division. FOR RENT A 4 room cottage. Inquire 67 Fourth st. HOUSE for reat cheap. 883 Third st. FOR RENT FLATS. TWO 4 room flats, flue condition, walking dis tance. East 30th. only $13.60 to $16. Coa-H ttnental Co., 246 Stark St. MODEBN 6-room fist, steel and gas rseges. window shsdes, large cement tasamsnt, 30BM Halaey, near steel bridge. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOR RENT- Store 12x35. good for clgsr, tailor shop, or sny small beeiaees; will gtva 4J4 yrera' leaa; reasonable rest. Call 806 Burnslds St., room 10. PART of shop ts rsBt. salts ble for palates ee plumber. SOS Foarth st. ASV1CB BOOUa aalnnilaliaS sad sample Apply sis. rooms for rest. Good no ugh taker. DESIRABLE ofScsa, IncludiBg electric lights. ' hot snd cold water. Janitor aad elevator serrlce. In the new, airy Commonwealth bid., old Bostofnce alts. Sixth sad ts. Agent room 411. STORE with cement basement and warehossae; good futures; complete lesse; reasonsbla. Pa cific PI06. STOBE 60x90, SO reel or sals. Vsncoaver. Msln. Vancouver s, famished, for not, J H. Blwsll. Sd and HOU8ES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. 8 ROOM Souse tor rent, fsrnlture far sale: strictly eaatnl aad nsodera. Phone Pacific 817. FURNISH WswaV si SlI FOR RENT FARM8. . MANURE FOB SALE sad delivered any pert et city; plowlog done. Phone Esst 6067. 80 ACRES Improved. 1 mile Berth of 7 mils from Port lead, am Bui Beersrtoa. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. It art. and he Tl room eenarata oe tneether: new I aad with ell aiBTjsg Pheas Msls $88. BUSINESS CHANCES. Bargain Real estate and luaurance anainsss: fine ground-floor office, la ou of Portland's best suburbs; good fixtures; a ravage commission $30t) to $400 per month; good rental esd la aursacs Utelueaa ; floe business (or lira maa; It costs you aothlng to turret Igate this bualneea; will sell for oris of futures, owner smat gu east O 17, csrs Journal. WANTED Partner with $6,000. to tsks Mil charge ef maoafscturtng business; bare Ms trade sstshllshsd; esndy. clgsr sad trull stand (or sale, or will trad for bona snd Rat; dally sale $88. A 86-room rooming-bouse for ssls or trade. A good-paying saloon far sals, er will trade. The above an all paying propoelttona, and will bear full UTeatlaetlon. Room 307 Tllsky Beds. NY LANDER M'AULEY. Look at These S modsro 6-room cottages, lot 60x100, does to ear, $1,760; $000 cssh. taUnce monthly. SSI FAILING BLDG. PHENOMENAL rise U price of Herat Switch expected sny dsy; this may be roar last opportunity lo Bay oernre sunsrription are close q. a. r. Buret 4 Co.. SD Me- ay bldg. MALL restaurant aad lunch counter U good location with lease far sals. Y M, Journal. I LOAN money, examine abstracts, draw srlUa, dseds sad other legal pspen; charges reason able. 0. A. Johnson, lawyer. $13 Commercial block. FOR SALE Apartment-house of 18 rooms; SlI nswlA furnished: eeey terms If accessory; in come $100; rent S0: located oa Morrison at. Apply Conn Bros.' Furnltun Co., 160 Pint. FOR BALE Good stock ef general merchan dise on route of new S. P. railroad; will lu voleo about $6,600; eall or rest aew atora building. Write or call J. O. Lyons, Elk ton, Oregon. FOB SALE rfrocsry sten, good location, weet aide, close in, doing fair business; will In soles $860 or 8700. Phone Paelne 641. FOR SALE Puritan Delicatessen. 607 H Flnt st.; rest, with Urlog rooms. $30; meet sell . at once. FOR SALE Grocery etore, cheap; owner lesr Kj city. Address 361 Third St. DAIRY ef IS cows sad with It go 60 tons hy; 1 a good locution; ths ranch lesse la cheep. Register Co.. 107 H Third St. WANTED Partner or will sail full Interest In wall-paying butcher busiaeee In good loca tion; seta1 St Invoice. 263 Vs Wsshlngton St.. room 1. GOOD CHANCE For sale, cigar, candy, fruit, books and stationery, with Urns rooms. rcguUr snd trsnslent trade; reasonable; other business. G 3, can Journal. NEW brewery for sale In MsrahAeM, Coo county. Address Title Guarantee Abstract Oa., Marahneld. Oregon. FOR SALE One of the best grocery stores In Eugene, Oregon, doing s good business, la good locsttofl sad light expense; owner has other business. Address George W. Dixon, Theatre blk.. Eagene, Oregon. $8,000 WILL purchase a valaabls Interest la a lumber business; sefs end prodtsbls ; bargain. Address 0 ML, cese Journal. 1 WOULD like to meet some one with 88.600 to Uvest In a good mining proposition. For full Information call at room 807 Aliaky bldg. WANTED Boms one to pot email amount of money Into developing promising claim; not s stosk proposition; strictly legitimate; would be partnership deal. G 10, Journal. FOB SALE A clean aad ap-to-date stock of dry goods snd notions In city of 8.000 popu lation In state of Washington, doing s good business: good reasons for selling: gtock wt'l lsvolcs $7,000 tq 86,00. g 55. tare Journal. BAKEBY far ssls. doing caah bualneea of 300 laavae a day; no wagon or credit. Address Rainier Bakery, Rainier. Or. FOR SALE or exchange, confectionery atora do lag good business; 10 furnlahed rooipe con Beetsd. 1 Vancourar. Wssh.; loa lease, nnt $26. 464 E. Ankeny St.. Portland. Or. A SNAP Cigar store end confectionery on busi ness, atreet: has to be sold st ones cheap aa account bualneea back east: will sell tarolce for 630. Panes Pacific 61 riBST-CLASS grocery store, mossy maker, tlaluct. lakSBlr room 33, m Waahlngtoa at. FOB SALE A good paying country saloon. Bes son for selling, sickness. For particulars call at 80S Morrison st. WE. hare splendid list of well located rooming houaee, grocery stone snd boarding houses to select from. Call aad see as. Otto A Crockett. 346 & Washington. FOR SALE 17 room rooming-house. flrat-eUss iocs t Ion s sasp; owner leering town. Call at 4S3H Washington st., opposite ths Helllg. No agents WA8HINGTON-RT. restaurant, doing $29 to $80 per dsy business; aeata 80 people; leaae; $1,500; with the Home land Co., 146k Flnt atreet. FOB SALE Hsrdwsre sad Implement heal neea et Newberg, Ore gsa. by owaen, A. B. Moomaw A Sons. BAKEBY FOB SALE. B 88, can Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A NEW 7 room house. Just flnlebed. sad SO-feot lot. aa Weet are.. Beer Hawthorne see.. Bail Ban water, beautiful rlew; price $3,600; terms. A! E. Jackson, teem $, Hamilton bldg. Phone Msla 1532. Send One Dollar And ws will list yoar property with 1.00 reel eetate dealers who are a aaxloua to sera a commission ss yoa ore te sell: our piss seldom falle; ernd description; we are helping many others, why not you? Address The In vestor's Guide, 811 Marquam bldg., Portland. 500 Homes For Sale Farina and City Property. THE INVESTOR GUIDE CO.. Sll Harejnam blag.. Portland. Oregon. Sellwood Morehouss A French. 1070 E. IStb. Phoae Rellwood 74. City View Psrk lots. $676 aad up: Ross Addition lots, $0p snd up; $6 down and ft a month. Homes from $600 to $5,000. Let $300 snd op. I all parts of Rellwood. List yoar property with as; ws will sell It. HOMES AND BUILDING LOTS In any Dart of the city. Hee us first. Oet the habit. C. L. PABKISH CO.. 423 Lumber Exchange Fone Msln BS15. WABEBOCSB property for ssls, Ut 100x100. facing adjoining railroad tracks. Address P $8. care Journal. HOLLADA Y'8 ADDITION M block, 3 modern dwellings, cement Dsasawnois. .awn. iruii, Bows Ijfst s ware, content aioeweaa. cheep for cssh. 878 st Third st., north. COSY little borne, Al condition, near esr; high, some fruit; bargala; see It today. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. 246 Rtark St. NEW AND BSlUTTFUL HOUSES FOB 8 A LB. $7,600 Fall let aad 6-room bean: hot water hasting, electric call bells, "speaking tubes and ths heat workmanship: ft Beet view oa Willamette Hslghts; new and nsvsr been oc cupied; ewaer going to leave th city; splendid bargain; sesy tsrsas. Also the prettiest home of 7 rooms ts Irv logton; hardwood floors, gsa, electricity snd f ureses ; not built to sail. t) BO BOB W. HAEEN, 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phoae MsU 46. -BOOM house modern convenience. 180 feet from ear line, 75x100 barn, chicken boasst price $2,000; te best suburb. 80 minutes to Merrleon bridg. SIS Speacer si, MeatsvllU. S3. SB QCABTBB bktck In Irvlngton district) elegant corner, no better Investment In the city: then an fsw comers left In that choice reel nee district; terme. W. J. Hofmsnn. 618 Hancock. Paso Beat 8018. NEW 6 room hones, half block from csr line, fall let: $1,600, terra. Psoas C. C. Shay. Tatar 163, 6 to 10 a. m. Willamette Tract On Willamette boo 1st art, overlook. city aed river. 6-osnt (are. lot 50x1 (a. feet; price $390 sad op: $St eeeb. IS par month, bee CT. Xygowskl. Willamette station. St. Johns I AMD 10-sere tncts. price land and lees. 11 fat a boms, investment Co.. 244 Stark. - i?-a.'