TUB OREQOW pAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVBNINO, OCTOBER 10, 1WW. tt A A A & Sullivan Trust Company Promotions t le's Nest Fairview flining Company, 35 Cents Per Share As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company, 25 Cents Per Share i We offer for Immediate subscription, unsold portion of 250,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company of the par value $1, at 89 cents per share, and of 250,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Company, of the par value of $0, at 95 cents. These Fall Issues have been practically over-subscribed in advance of public announcement by bank ers, brokers and mining men throughout the country and we have been able to reserve only 100,000 shares in each Company for investors who shall now make direct subscription. History of All Our Spring Promotions (Now All Standard Listed Securities.) JUMPING JACK MANHATTAN MINING STRAY DOG MANHATTAN MINING CO. JACK MANHATTAN MINING CO .Promoted at 80c, now 99c bid Promoted at ooc now ooc ma INDIAN CAMP MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 80c. now 85c bid (On mine showings, all three of these stocks should be selling around $1 per shsre within 60 days.) yjj Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Co. As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Co. Capitalization . . . 1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock . . . 990,000 shares Par value of shares $5. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 99 CENTS PER SHARE Capitalisation . . . 1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock . . . 990,000 shares Par value of shares 99. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 29 CENTS PER SHARE W Sfjsp shewing Min of Ska awepert, of tk Bsn Brest rein-lew atlalag Company, and t relatlea to Officers and Directors of Both Companies HON. JOHN SPARKS President Governor of the State of Nevada JOHN D. CAMPBELL...... Vice-President President Stray Dog and Indian Camp Man hattan Mining Companies L. M. SULLIVAN. Treasurer President of L. M. Sullivan Trust Company JAMES E. DEGAN Secretary Cashier Nye & Ormsby Co. Bank, Goldfield GEO. D. PYNE. .. Counsel . Attorney at Law, Goldfield 4 i tesBBBdr - I ' REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Foremost Mining Engineer ON THE Eagle's Nest Fairview flining Company Goldfield. Nrr.. Sept. ie. io. The Eaglee ralrvlew Mining Company. ' Ooldfleld, Nevada. OBNTLEMBW: I be to submit a brief report en the surfsce showings Of the property owned by you In the Fairview District, conalatlns of the Tlsson, Esgle's Neat No. l, Lookout, and Lookout No. 1 claims. Thla property la bounded on the north by the Dromedary Hump Mining Company, on the southeast by the Fair view F.agle attains Company and the Nevada HUla Mining Company, and on the southwest by the Fairview Mining Company In fact. It I in the center and aurrounded by tba beat properties In Fairview. My examination of thla ground waa mad for tba purpose of deciding where wa should do our permanent work and required quit a lot of consideration on account of tha many good lodge which traverse our ground. I finally decided on a tunnel to be driven on a ledge which croesee the Tlsson, where we found an excellent ahowlng. Tha tunnel starta at tha baa of the hill on which the ladgo cropa and will continue on It atrlke a distance of 160 feet to our objective point the apex of tha hill and directly under the location of tha Tlsson. The lodge cropa tha entire distance and bow ore at the grass roots running MO to IS6 a ton. A second ledge running northeaat and southwest and crop ping for 100 feet, showing ftO to 140 a ton,. will be Intersected by this tunnel at a depth of over 100 feat On the Lookouts ar several good-looking quarts ladgea. which assay from a few dollars up. and which will be thoroughly prospected at one. On the Eagle's Nest No. , there I a fine ahowlng of manganese ore, and within a few feet of our line high grade ahlpplng or 1 being Backed on Wlngfletds property. In conclusion I would state that In my opinion thla la a flrst-elss mining proposition and ons of the very bast bowing. S FirvWw. V SpbELL. Consulting Engineer. Vice-President and Oaneral Manager. a f gggg location of IHOasalj of As-Tou-Uks-Xt and its relation to ot bar Eagle's Nest Fairvie w's Aristocratic Neighbors NEVADA HILLS Promoted in July at $1 per share, now selling at $3 FAIRVIEW EAGLE .Promoted in August at 60 cents per share, now selling at 92c . As-You-Like-It Manhattan's Royal Neighbors STRAY DOG Promoted in March at 96c per share, now 85c INDIAN CAMP Promoted in April at 30c per share, now 65c (Par, $1 per share, is predicted for these two stocks by December 1.) REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Foremost Mining; Engineer ON THE As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Co. 0 Ooldfleld. Nev., Sept. It. KM. To tha President and Director, ' . d As-Tou-I.lke-It Manhattan Mining Company, ' Ooldfleld. Nevada. OBNTLSMBN. instruction 1 beg to submit to you a brtf report on the "As -Ton-Like-It" groap of clalma owned by the As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company, and altuate In the Manhattan Mining District: ThlSTup consists of four claim, namely: The "As-You-Llks-It." Llsrd Fraction." "Keyatona" and Juniper lode mining clalma, lying wlthfn a short dlatance of the Union No. mine of the Dealer group and la the Immediate locality of the Little Orey, Indian Camp. Stray Dog, and other well-known mining proportion of the camp. The area of the property comprlaee approximately 60 aorea of valuable mineral ground. .- During the paat month exhaustive urfac exploration haa been In progress, with the result thst three veins of era have been disclosed that prospect well et grass root With a view to exploring these veins at depth, three ahtfU hvVbn TuVTown-th. deepest on. havtag attained a depth of St feet. The bottom of this .haft shows values across Tits entire width and la all vein matter. Thl 1 known a the "As-Tou-Llke-If abaft, and will be con tinued as permenent workings to systematically explore the ore bodies at depth. Th ' Juniper'- shaft Is down 7 feet and slso prospects In gold tor. the entire width of the shaft. A depth of -IT feet his been reached on tha ahaft on the "K.y.ton." claim of the group exploring a vein that traverses the JS Cam p m I neand crops on the northweat portion of th "Key.ton."' Thl. vain also shows gold In several different Pls,loctlo"n of th. prop.rty In th. Immediate vicinity of such well known and thoroughly proved mine as the Btray Dog. Indian Camp. Jumping Jack. Union No. and Little br.y glv.a to It very great prospective value and warrsntsth. pro.eoutton of exhausUvs development work so a to msk a permanent dlvldad-paylng proposition. Respectfully nil omit tea, JOHN D. CAMPBBLL, Consulting Bnglneer, Vice-President and Oeneral Manager. Both of theae Stoak will be Usted on the Important exchanges reck immediately ana st Wa recommend both i ,i ,...Ii.m ahrmM 1 ..... mm. Ha fnrararded immediately after allotment I mad. rltfnt la reeerred to reduce or HTM any aubacrtptlon taadsred. sabaorlptlons ar closed, and will, beyond a doubt, at one commaad a g. etooka as Ugk-elass speonlatlve investments and probable big future 1 be made by telegraph, to Insure conAd.ratlon. and remittances In mil rraaclseo, Bait Safe Ooldfleld and VW a premium- probable big future alTtdeBd-payer. mlttsnces In fUL by bank draft or oer- Otlferwiae allotment wlU be rendered vole. The L M. SULLIVAN TRUST COMPANY, GOLDFIELD, NEVADA BRYAN GIVEI OVATION BY PEOPLE OF WICHITA Njbraskan Mora Interested in ' Success of Ideas Than In Candidacy. (Jearsel Ipeeial gervtse.1 WlohJU. Rjn.. Oet. IS. W. J. Bryan spoks to 1,000 persons at th Coliseum Isst night and waa aoeorded an ovation, sf Ie apeak In Nevada, Missouri, today. Mr. Bryan declared that h wa more Interested W the success of the political Ideas which he had been advocating lhan In furthering his own candidacy far any office. "Tha people of thl country have fsr a generatton paid too much hom age to man with money," he eaid. "But a Changs Is now taking piece." As evidence of thla he cited the controv ersy in a missionary council over the question of accepting a donation from John D. Rockefeller. "Heretofore the objeot has seemed so good that churches and schools have been glad to accept such funds and aak no question," Mr. Bryan continued. "The discussion arising recently Indicate that th time I coming when th un justly rich man must spend his money himself." HARRIMAN FAILS TO GET SEATTLE FRANCHISE Seattle. Wash., Oct. 10. Th cor porations committee of the city council denied Harrlraan's application for a franchlae on Fourth svenue. Th. coun cil and Interested property owner of fered an alternative route Into the city by way of Fifth avenue, specifying thst switching track, opea to Ute use e all railroad should be built outside the Union Pacific's running track by th Great Northern, and that both road ahould purchase whstever extra right of way had to be acquired. The Hr rlmsn Interest refused this alterna tive, declaring the purpose of the offer to "wll In" their tracks. Don't think that iTlea can't be cured Thousands of obatlnate eases have been cured by Doan s Ointment. SO cents at any drug store. StLSO Pbioago and Beturn cri.ao SSTaO Bt. teste and Beturn S7.bo On October It end II the Great Northern railway will hav on sale ex cursion talcksts as above, tickets allow 10 day to reach destination and good for return until November 10, stop over allowed witnln limit, tickets good going via Great Northern railway, re turning same or any direct route. For ticket, sleeping car reservation or any additional Information call on Or ad dress H. Dickson. G P. d. T. A.. Ill Third street, Portland, DELANEY RESIGNS OFFICE TO BECOME CANDIDATE S mi i . Quits Duties as Corporation Counsel 80 as to Keep From Prosecuting Hearst. (Jesrssl Retrial Sw lies.) New York, Oct 10. Th. sudden re tirement of John J. Delaney from th corporation counsel's office, presumably to accept a plaoe on th Hearst-Murphy ticket for th auprame eourt, oame just In time to relieve him from the duty of pressing s motion In the eourt of ap peals designed to take from the city and flaoe upon Hearst liability for tl.OOJ. 00 damages growing out of th disas trous xptolon of fireworks following Hearst' celebration of hi eleotion congressman In Msdlson Square Gar den four yeere ago. Had Delaney remained In office longer It would have been hla duty to puah thla motion, which attache of the corporation counsel's office declare can end In no other way except to place upon Hearst's shoulder th burden of defraying the damages for th loss of cromsa wibbbb oava. J. K. Oovr. 101 N. Main St.. Ottaws, Stan., write: "Bvry fall It haa bean say wife' trouble to, catch a severe cold and therefore to' cough all winter long La.t fall I got her a bottle of Horehound Syrup. She used tt snd has been able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever th oough trouble, her two or three doe. stop, the cough, and she I able to be up and well." He. K0c and fl.00. Sold by Woodard, Clarke a Co. If Uvea and th Injuring of scores of persona. Bom of th suits Involving thl 13.000.000 will hav to be tried bs fore luetic elected on November . The question upon which the IS, 000, 000 decision hangs is whether the dem? onstratlon given by Mr. Hearst wss a political parade, or merely a private advertlalng affair. FARMERS ADDRESSED BY GIFF0RD PINCH0T (Jeenal Sseslsl Ssrvis.) Grand Island, Neb., Oct 10 There wss an Increased attendance at the ses sions of this, the seCond dsy off ths Farmers' National congress. Address is were delivered -during the day as fol lows: "Foreetry." Glfford Flnohot, chief of the foreet service. United States de partment of agriculture; "Water Trans portation aa It Especially Affecte Farm ing.'' Congressman Joseph B. Ransdell Of Louisiana; "Buslnees Methods In Farming." David Rankin of Tarkio, Out PtfflWft mi. ..-I A r. WhltaM WXklu preeldent of the MlehlfSn Bute elation e I arwir nwe issiysap sddrasa this evenlag, e b t i m sutJfcgdtttf