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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER t, 1906. TownToplcsJ WOTJOB TO USUI The Journal atency at Uw ha MM treneierrea -o niinmi at. ti kiAiiatpB mt C.rtltnl Druff Store. 404 State street. I'hooe Main 107. antt aI caanaea. new suoscriyuuiis aim ww plaints will jeeeive prompt attention. TOMIOHT-a MVIIMUII. Emitlr. . Lytic Star Uraud . . Psatages Sobert In "XtkeedsnSf "The Gsy Lord Qusi; ... bOi'M goiu rwiiu" "Tat Deserter' '-T.m flirt IfMlSa Trxaa' VsueWrllle VaudaTllle Quests of The Brown, the flna flve- atory atone and brick hotel at Grand and Hawthorne " venues, have ail me com forts of a finely appointed bom now that the ground-floor dlnlna-roora haa been completed. It would do our over town uon vlvanta aood to enjoy with the tenants of The Brown one of those toothsome Sunday dinners, and afford them more pleasure to themselves live at The Brown, now that It Is so exqui sitely conducted. It la on of the moat dealt able locations In Portland over looking the city, Willamette river, af fording splendid vtawa of all natural seenery, and six eleotrlo oars pass Its doors. It Is within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. Evidence Is being heard by a Jury In Judge Oantenbeln's department of the circuit court today In the suit of R. V. Uosklng for 16,000 damages from that Portland Consolidated Railway com pany. Hosklng is suing aa adminis trator of the estate of Jerome J. Sulli van, whe), It Is alleged, was killed by a streetcar on Powell street June 0 of laat year. All day yesterday and nearly all the forenoon today waa occupied In drawing a Jury. Qlltner A Bewail ap pear aa attorneys for Hosklng. Senator Dan J. Malarkey and Attorney K B. Seabrook represent the railway company. The condition of Judge John F. Caplea. who was stricken with paralysis at his office on Saturday laat, shows I BUI Slight Improvement today, If any. He la resting quietly at the home or his daughter. Mrs. W. H. Baylor, 171 First street, and while his condition aa re gards the paralysis is improved, per mitting a better use of his limbs than at first, he is very weak and snows but little Indication of mending- The age of the Judge, which Is above T4, and his recent ill health combine to make re covery uncertain. Suit to compel an accounting with the Northern Pacific Lumber company haa been tiled In the circuit court by I P. Lee. Lee alleges that In August, 1001, he was employed by the lumber com pany as thelr"halesroan in South Africa and was to receive one fourth of the profits on his sales. He says the com pany guaranteed him $2,400 a year. Lee states that he-does not know the exact amount of the profits, aa the com pany kept the books. Charles H. Carey appears as attorney for DM yea ever see seek weather stare the Say that year were bore? Jsst reminds as of loway aa' a eat tin' ot tee eema as If we're hers la Eden with the eaa a-ahfcta- bright Koand our pathway arery morula' is' at soea aay aa' st atftt. Ob, .why ran there be asdaeas la a land as (lad aa tMs. Where the heart sf efgry human Ihoald ha filled who serrect MM Where I Ibarra not slnirl lorn for f make a feller seep. isi on Imp 7 Nor a thlag that' one can mention to dlaturb a mortal a We bare e'en the Union Laundry V bring Joy I' human Ufa T take away the berates of the wars and weary wife -ret f polish sp tb' Uses with machines that's warmed by at earn -rar f make It ahlne like Hirer like a diamond far r gleam. . Say. thai hi tlx) greatest region that there la upon tb' earth: ll'a the home of golden plessurs and th' citadel ef mirth. With ear laundry epreadin' mnehtne around aeery firealde. An' Th' Dally Journal helpiu'. we're afloat ah glory's tide. l.'NIilX I AIMlltV Tel. Mala Ss. second and Columbia EVENTS IN REAL ESTATE WORLD Reports of Several Large Deals Are Current Among Realty Operators. School and College Pen n t n ts-Fel t Letters and Monograms RESIDENCE PROPERTY IS IN GREAT DEMAND tlary for an Indefinite period. Gordon had previously pleaded not guilty, but changed the plea. John Burns, who had been held in Jail as a witness against Gordon, was released this morning by order of Judge Sears. If we could borrow that shabby man we'd dress him so that his friends would not know him. We could "fix him up" like a fashion plate and at very small expenee to him. It would do you good to see him when we'd get through. Armstrong the Tailor, Ra leigh building, ejji Washington street. William A. McNaughton haa begun suit In the circuit court for a divorce from 'Annie McNaughton, alleging de sertion beginning at Buffalo, New Tork, in November, 1117. They were married at Sacramento, California, In January, nt. The Fraternal Brotherhood No. 201 is arranging for Its flrat dance. of the season. The members have secured Ringlets hail, Sixth and Aiuer streets, for Wednesday, October 10, when they will gather for one of their good times. Civic Improvement. Don't litter your street with wood. Burn coal. We de liver it in your basement. Independent Coal & Ice company, auoceasor to Holmes Coal eV Ioe company. C. B. Wlntler, L Lachman and C. W. Embody, appraisers of the estate of Adelaide Monroe, have filed a report In the county court showing that the prop erty of the estate consists of real estate valued at $1,800. Deposits' Made on Two Large Deals Which Will Probably Be Consum mated Within Pew Days Council Crest Property to Be Sold. Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses at $1.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metager ft Co.. Jewelers snd opticians. 111 Sixth street. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments; $1 down, 60c a week. Don't go without a good timepiece Metager At Co., Ill Sixth etrfeet. Tomorrow is Real Estats Day read the Real Estate Ads in The Journal Classifieds. The only failure of Chinese mer chants ever recorded In Portland is that of Sing Brothers, corner Park and Morrison, whose stock of ladles' hand made silk underwear Is being sacrificed by the representative ot the creditors. Through all the ups and downs of busi ness, this Is the first time that a Chi nese tradesman has been forced, to the wall and the fine hand-made silk and satin gowns thrown upon the market at less than cost of importation. But It Is k vjlcnlc for the ladles. Professor o. Morris, phrenologist of than $0 years experience, will give free Illustrated lectures at Wood mere hall, on Mount Scott car line, Thursday. Friday and Saturday even ings. October 11. 11 and II. Private readings In the hall each afternoon from 1 to ft. 7 to 8 and 10 to 11 o'clock Oral, (0 cents; with chart. $1. Charging desertion beginning at NIag&ra Falls. New Tork, in August, 1101. Julia Wheeler has begun eult In the state circuit court for a divorce fium Aaron A. Wheeler. They were married at Ontario, Canada, in June, 187$. Jeffrey and Lenon appear as at torneys for Mrs Wheeler. " Frank Gordon, allaa Frank Smith, pleaded guilty in the circuit court yes terday afternoon to the charge of steal ing keys, locksmith tools, a rifle and other articles from the shop of L. Ool denberg. at 240 Taylor street. Judge Sears sentenced Gordon to the penlten- TR EM EN DO US VALUES IN THIS Creditor's Sale of Women's Garments Sing Bros.. Pine Stock, 353 Morrison, Cor. Park NOT 'In the Marquam Building. For Two Days Only Wednesday and Thursday $25 Silk Gowns S9.SO $7.50 Silk Skirts f2.5 $6.00 Silk Chemise 1.96 $10.50 Stlk Kimonos $4.0,0 $5 50 Silk Drawers fl.S $6.50 Silk Waists fl.6 $2 College Waists TSet $6 50 Flannel Waists. .. .99.99 75 Corsets SBe 50c Hosiery i 10c Laces 8? 25c Fancy Collars lO 75c Silk Belts a5t $1.50 HnH Bags 8S 50c Fsncy Hose Supporters for .15e IMPORTANT This is the only stock of fine hand-made Chinese goods ever slaughtered in Portland. Every body knows Sing Bros, carried the finest stock in the city. Make us offer for fixtures; store for rent; inquire of L. Fisher. Boston Palace. 353 Morrison Street Corner Park. Look for the Sign on Store. OPEN EVENINGS Tomorrow is Real Eatate Day read the Real Batata Ada In The Journal Classifieds Acme OU Co. sells the beet safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East Tit. Woman's Exchange, 131 Tenth street, lunch ll:$o to I; business men's lunch. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal see. Agt., lit Id St. Tel. Pacific 16$. J. Enkells, ladles' tailor, has moved from ttf to 111 Alder street 1 For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant. Solicitors wanted, (IS Lumber Exchange. Dr. E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES The Star. At the Star th la week the Allen at o k company is presenting- Thst Qtrl From Tekts." s play in which the late Kate Putnam gained much atten tion. The audience accorded the open ing performance last night generous spplause, and It is evident that "That Oirl From Tessa" Is going to be a great hit. Heart Interest snd comedy are abundant . in the play. The action la rapid and the members of the stock company do their work welt. Verna Felton, .the yonag actress who haa won a piece of the Portland play-going heart, playa the title role and makee a hit. Her performance ta one which a much older artlat might delight to give. Reports of several large deals In real tstate are being circulated In the realty market today. At least two of them are actual deala which are likely to be cloeed In a few days or within a week. Some of the other reports are unfounded for they are based largely on contem plated deals, and transactions on which no deposits have been made. AU tbeae reports show the decided activity of the real estate market and active trading is likely to continue for several months. The two deals on which large deposits have been made both Involve residence property. The market for property of this class is growing livelier each day. A study of the deeds recorded yesterday show that nearly every one filed at the courthouse was for a residence or a lot ta a strictly residence section. The largest actual deal under way at present and the details of which are likely to be settled before the end of tbe week Is the sale of the Abrama Knox tract In Bast Portland, which at present In owned by. J. E. Haxeltlne. This tract Is one of the most famous locations In Portland. It Includes the high bluff Just back from the Willam ette river and reaching eastward to Maryland avenue. It Is Just south of the Portland flouring mills and Is without s doubt one of the most sightly places On the East Bide for residences, as It is very high ground. Just who pur chased the property Is not announced, although it Is understood that several local capitalists and real estste men who recently organised a new real ea tate company are the purchasers. The papers of the transfer have not yet changed hands, but a deposit of $10,000 has been made to bind the purchase. There are about so acres In this tract. Other Important Beads. Two other Important deals on which deposits have been made Involve two well knokn pieces of Portland Heights property. One of theae is one of the most picturesque locatlona on the heights and now that It Is to change anda It Is likely to be Improved. The other deal In helghta property will give a striking Illustration of how land val ues on the hill have increased within the paat few years. These two deals are not likely to be closed for It days, although substantial deposits have been Bald in both cases. There is alao a re port In the market of another Important deal in property close to Council Crest. There are several large tracts to the south AIM West of thai t'reat wthleh arm unimproved and it is reported that the owners have plans under way- to out up the valley farms Into average tracts of from one to five acres and put them on the market at a reaaonable figure. Henry J- Wilkins haa purchased from J. H. Nolta a section in the W. J. Pat ton aubdlvialon of tbe M. Patton tract on the east side. The price paid la an nounced as $10,000. Dr. Q. B. Storey has started work on a new home in the Nob Hill district. It is on Overton street, between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth, and will coat upwarda of $1,000. The Lyric. "The Deaerter" la the new bill at the Lytic. It Is a military drama, as Its name Implies, and there Is enough dra matic quality In It to make It sure of popularity during the week.. It Was well received at the opening perform ance yesterday. It is a story of the Civil war days, through which there runs a vein of delicious comedy. Frank Fanning and Warda Howard score In the principal roles and work out the love story of the play wonderfully well. The other members of the popular stock company sustain their roles well. "The Deeerter" Is one of the best shows the Lyrlcltes have put on this season. The Grand. The offerings at the Grand this week are generally meritorious snd worthy of mention. The Leonards in an ex cellent comedy aketch entitled "Ma'm 'sells Manhattan" aaslly take the flrat plarV Their work Is above the average and the burlesque work which Is in terhpersed Is highly satisfactory. Mflo and Nevve preeent a bag-punching turn thai. Is calculated to put amateur ath letes to shame. Kolltns and Clltten are heuijolata of merit, O'Brien and West put on a sketch that does not fall to attract attention and Maater Harold Hoff sings "Why Don't Teni TryT' The moving pictures are Interesting, and taken altogether the Grand's hew show is worth seeing, The Pantages. Lee White, a Portland favorite at singing Illustrated songs. Is hack at the Pantages again, end to Judge from the reception he received yesterday after noon, he is back to stay awhile. First place on the new bill goes to the 'Var sity quartet, and aggregation of good singers, and La Temple, an Australian magician who does some wondrous tricks. Two Portland girls. Miss Cur ran and Miss Ferran, have a delight fUl singing turn. The Pierce sisters do a clever art and Roy Eld ridge la s monologtst above the average. But Leo Whites singing of "All for the Sake of Society" Is worth tbs price ef sal mission alone. . Building Permits. e The following building permits have been Issued: D. H. Slater, repairs. Oxford, between Union avenue and Baat Sixth, coat. $(0; W. A . Tau c her, dwelling. Bast Burnslde. between East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth, eOBt) 12.000; Pacific Coast Hardwood Lumber company, mill, Hull and North Nineteenth, cost, $2,000; Ueorge Weldler. one-story dwelling. Macadam and Hamilton avenue, coat. $1.48(; H. S. Reed, one-atory dwelling, Roselawn Heights, cost, $1,(00: Peter Jackson, one-story dwelling, Borthwick. orner Simpson, cost, $1,000,; R J. Mc Dufl'ee. repairs, Belmont, between East Thirty-fourth and East Thirty-fifth, cost. $100; M. Olson, one-story dwell ing. Mildred, between East Thirteenth snd East Fourteenth, coat. (1.00; same. Bast Thirteenth, between Mildred snd Roselawn. cost. $1,000; Psclfic States Telephone company, repairs. West Park, corner Alder, cost $100; J. C. Martin, two-story dwelling. Ainsworth, between Williams and Vancouver avenue, cost, $3,000; D. H. Slater, repairs, Oxford, be tween Union avenue snd Bast Sixth, cost, ($00; Matschlner Bros, company, one-atory bakery. Seventh, between Burnalde and Couch, cost, $4,(00; Alblna Fuel company, Lewie, between Railroad and Loring, coat, $100; O. Brlckson, one story dwelling. East Twelfth, corner Maaon. coat. $1,000; C. Wallener, one story dwelling, Klickitat, between Union and Grand avenues, cost, $l.lSi. w 8. Hadlev, one-story dwelling. East Thir teenth, corner Skldmore, cost, $1,000; F. H. Woodman, two-story dwelling, East Twsnty-flfth, corner Ellsworth, cost, $1,(00; Maria C Kraft, two-story dwel ling. Morris, corner Borthwick, coat. $2.(00: H B. Witter, Belmont, between Bast Thirty-seventh and Eaat Thirty eighth, cost, $1,240; Austin Neylon.' Roselawn, corner Eaat Twelfth, one story dwelling, cost, $1(0. Buffalo Convention. On account of the big convention of Christian churches at Buffalo October II to 1 7. the Canadian Pacific has made g rate of '$14.(0 for the round trip. Tickets on ssle October ( end I. Long time limit. Make your sleeping car reservatlona now. Double dally train service. For further particulars, call on or addreea F. R. Johnson. F at P. A.. 142 Third street. Portland. Oregon. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern snd Csllfornls races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at Fiist and Alder. WE MOVE TO 88 Sixth St. 1VADXXS' ABO OMTI FUBJflBB XBS OOODS of all kinds below eoat. Come in and looki over our Immense stock before buying else where and you will be eure to make hase from ua after getting our extremely low prlcea. The prices are cat (n half v Man Sing & Co. SS (math st.. Be, stark sad Oak. "Feainsnlfr ' Stovas, Stael iUniJS-IOO Ftoaela-Evary Sia aad Style Lowest Priest Trualu tm4 Travel aWfis-LeiMt d Bast StttKtiU Stock on the Coevtt 3d Floor The Meier (8b Frank Store "Baby Things" Low Priced Our iBtams' Wear DsparttBant can relieve the happy mother of much work and worry No necessity of home sew iiaf when such a complete stock of handsome, well-mads articles Is prt sented for you to choose from -Every-tMnf that is needed for proper care of the little one is included and at rea sonable prices Our attractive Infants' Room insures privacy to timid folks Infants' fancy lace-trimmed Bibs; 50c, 60c values on ssle at lUajC Infants' Linen or Crash Feeders; fg regular 35c values on sale St.... aWB C Infants'. Flannel Shawls, embroidered or crocheted edge, very pfetty styles;' regu lar 91-25 values on sale at, each t8e Infants' Coat Hangers, made, of hand-painted ribbon in pink, blue or ( 1 9 white; regular $2 00 values. . M 1 ,3l Infants' patent Ear Caps; $1.25 values on sale at this low price, each..' 9S4 The "Stork" Diaper Bag, made of checked waterproof stock goods; best 50c yaltiet at, each 43s Quilted Diaper Pads; regular 15c values on sale at this low price, each..., Infants' Pillow Slips, embroidery trimmed; regular $1.00 values on sale at this low price.. Ms) Allover Embroidered Flannel, suitable for infants' sacques and wrappers; regular $1.35 values 9B4 Infants' Celluloid Toilet Sets, comb and brush; pink, blue and white; regular $1.25 values, set Celluloid PufflJwcea; pink, blue or white; 35c values on sale at this low price, each Ta Infants' Cassimere Nightingales, hand embroidered in pink, blue or white; regular $175 values. 1.49 Infants' Nainsook Skirts, embroidery or hemstitched ruffle, made on waists; regular 85c values. . .994 Infants' Nainsook Dresses square, low neck and Bishop sleeves; $1.00 values on tale at T8e) Infants' Outing Flannel Wrappers, open front; best 75c values on sale at the low price, each Se) Infants' ' Flannel Pinning Blankets on bands or waists; reg 75c. and 85c v Embroidered Flannel for underskirts ft $1.25 values at this low price Of C Infants' Crocheted Afghans; $2.50 values. f 1.98 Celluloid Talcum Boxes; pink, blue and iA. white; regular 60c' values at afrC Infants' Celluloid Comb and Brush Sett; pink, blue or white; 65c values, set.. ais. 67c 50c Infants' Hot Water Bags with tilk cov- QO. ering; regular Sl.st5 values on tale at. The "Arnold" Knit Bath Apron.. 8e Infants' . Crocheted Bootees; pink or 1 Oaf blue trimmings; 25c values on tale at.. I 7fae Infants' Crocheted Sacques, empire ttyle, trim med in pink or blue; regular $1.25 QA. values on sale at this low price, each..70C 200 Women's Tailored Suits $16.50 Values at $11.45 Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store Offers for Today and Wednesday one of the usual splendid October barfains in Women's Tailor-made 8uiteThrett lots to chooae from All new, up-to-date styles and materials, made up to our special order by a manufacturer whose reputation is the beat in the land for medium-priced suits Lot 1 in eludea Women's Jacket fjalta, doubltr-brsestcd, with ttimi ftttinjr back, in gray tweeds with velvet trimming, collar less, snd pleated skirts Lot Tight-fitting Suits, medium length Jackets, with velvet or gimp trimming, fly front, medium and dark gray checks AH sises Lot 8 Women's fly-front Jacket Suits, with velvet collar, self-strapped, half fitting front and back in gray checks Every garment well made and finished throughout Assortment large enough to please every fancy All sues Suits other stores ask $20 to $22.50 for. can be bought here .during this sale at the phenomenal price of $1145 Women's Plsid Coats in all grades By far the largest and best display in the city--Second floor New Plaid Silk Coats, New Walking Skirts, etc- Little Rents Little Expenses Little Prices Little Down Little Monthly When you are furnishing your home there is s reason why you should BUY YOUR FURNI TURE at a place where you can secure the beat quality of gooda at the loweat prices. On account of our removal out of the high 'rent district we can give you the ben efit of our much lower expenses, and our large stock will afford you widest range of choice of gooda. itMi Underscoring letter for empha sis mars its appearance. The NewTri which writes black, purple or red as desired.' enables you to send out letters emphatic to the mind as they are pleasing to the eye. This machine permits set only ths use of a three-color ribbon, bat alao ' of a t ro -celor er at n le-color rib boo . ne extra cost tor tnia i law mooat. fl Smith Premier Typewriter I Z4T Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. taaakHaa tassse Lr winVton HeUig Theatre atsta I W hen rrunlahlns roar offlee look at oar line ef roll ti (leak a. Ws ess aattaff T" and are roe moear One drake are ef the Oranri ((aulas make, and ranee hi pries from tit 00 te S20-SI WEfKLY Top 14(40 toe bee. siaea aeVed white . osk. flnlahed SOS ft as keif eeartae drawer i.k lined full rraaaeS law aaa'a aam. Others la aisl'l weathered sat fnlden oat. juaoeBMiapr Mars, rricaa rang rrrss se.10 is Ililytjentalco.I IKE r AIM LESt DIXTIITS. S fy ema.aiaaa nss i - - - B -SWaattawaatBSBV OOUlk T?l' IIBalatBWrffiHLSM I Lt Streets. 11119 I IT "V I " Ttnas err HaUsnatN Le-tlwY m atooxAB rim IgflgSi.SjJIaTBH m We as aahr SnaV BtaawisfsatBF'BU " JM rlaaa materials, do las BBffaaaaasaffJBBfM isanlisilisilr WmTSKUBHmamM 1 eat arte It wiSts sTTsSl I In "aasatJtjtjSjaSa I , "nr reset. Ssssaras- P "saCHgaesaBW, . LJi-P1! I e asd i istsasti i fan 1 !,TTV RTllJ t "M "" " Crew, at Wa hare Jest rare I red a iarg assortment of I "3 JsVfflB tJ5W' ( M daslaws. W tare them ta the all won art fS W!f 8. t D I !J aqa.rea at all atkes. la till else wr have! I fEW fsaatsl SLTSLfnC' . I1 ' Ji I (aSeiaavV WUtesav Ulf tows, AiSalnstera. Restore a As- I - .'e..' ,a (Tin i ff7 nJkiaat mlnatera. Smltlfa Aimlnatars. PotwOo'a Bodr Jf f ' ,?.,"-''"'r ... 9kt , ! VjriAjmrB Brnaaele. Setherr. Sarffnrd and Batfltr tasss- I V Mfw lH - i jb , MKMrr frtc rtsV1" " ,k" ''"' her I GM fSmmfS 'mi "JjpSp hB!;.! HILLaCADEMY okly si te wnsxT-an it cofrt NgijjVBU)UXiaJ ! 3L-shLR-rsssssssssl f born, la mr aalf adjaetehl Morris Chairs. .u So pueh hattona aad as rwas ta adjaet rull 8f liWIett, : lr,l 'flVVt pollabed frame ef eesrtsr-sswwt ask. aprtoa or ken SStsi SMS St Steea, We sham s tv v UT IT IT f a aaat and ba-k rs fsbrtas. aajstaaata fr4 aaasetjassi ml SB fceSs mm4 airsaaj asd Uf . . VI . OlLX T at tasDtae -attar. rtess frsei $14.00 to TV Sim row Klskt Toalatit S:1S Ma 1 1 nee Ton Snecisl Price. The Grsstest of All Character omadlss. "fratrtrras The Hit of Maur taiaass Frenlns ("rk'ea Lower floor, tj.ot. tl hsksajr. tl SO. $1.00. TSc; talkary SOe; laee prieea. Sue to $1,110. 1 ATaaae Ssets aenhra; at th Theatre. wXt Heflig Theatre Thnrsdsy Nhrkt. Oct. 11. 1S08. Tb Merry Mas leal Ossasdr "J he Maid and the Mummy'' Pretfr Oirls Cstchf MnsVe. Prlcea - Lower floor. $1.50. (1.00: tstMaW. $1.00. tic. SOe; gallerr. SS. Bc. "- teats New Selllue at tb Theatre. Baker Theatre ' Main lOOT UreaviR I heatr. rtn UEVRUI L. BAKKK. Manager Home ot th I'anjoua Baker Stock Cha All This Week. Matin Saturday. "TMS SAT LOBS UEX." A Oreat London and New York See PRICES Kvrnlnas. ate. ate sad SOe. Mart. oeee, tic and SB. -est Wash Lady KssUwortk . EMPIRE THEATRE All Mstlness 10c Matins Wat This Wssk She SOe. Psoas Mala 117. aad natarday. ' UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" Don't salsa It. Oae ef the bl( road attrac tions. Ersslns prices. IV, ate. IB aad SO. All mstlnees fOe aad SDr Mazt Attrsstisa. Psts Tie Grind Wssk af Oat. A fasaee and Sadla LXOMAJtS Sttpported by O Brise sad Wast, Sea T, iisard, Twaaiaed Oesasdy Paar. SiaaHsnaj, THE STAR Weak Octoase a. Phone Mala Set. ALLEN STOCK COMPANY PBESSHTtNO MTltat Girl From Texas" Mstlaeea TSi stirs. Thursdars. satsrdaes asd Sundays Prices. 10c and toe. Basra err sins prices. 10c. SOr aad 80c. FREE ! Maving Pictures MMETXAM MXttBOm ttPTlMl ABOABO SBTUP BTJS. DAUill Tns Men Wttk the Stoldan Ears. Other Misotlsneous Subjects. Every evenlns T o'clock. Bring tbe children. CORNER MORRISON AND THIRD. Chance of 1'roeram Weekly. IIMII.V Sill MAV x a..avjl ;