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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THB OREOON DAIJ-Y JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9, WlfOt ML TABOR PUNT MAY BE BOUGHT City Water Board Will Probably Make Purchase Tomorrow - y ifcyKkJsfl From Preeent Owner. PUBLIC OPINION SEEMS DIVIDED ON SUBJECT Some East Sidera Assert That Water Board Should Be Careful Not, to Pay for Private System More Than They Are Worth. Cure Constipation Without Drugs IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME. 9MMM OOOTOsT J10. i ' aflaC'aW r?l'W ' aw aat Baa axe! Ib Dill Bast Bid. Department. That the city water board will buy the Mount Tabor water . . plant at Its meeting tomorrow afternoon la gener ally believed on the Bast Sid. And that Mr. Arthur will g-et a good price for his plant la not doubted. That there la a wide diversity of opinion among wall Informed East Sidera as to the true value of the Mount Tabor water works, can be established by a small amount of Inquiry. A well known resident ever there, who usually haa hla eysa open when anything municipal la going on, while discussing the water altuation on the Seat aide, said: The water board cannot axerclse too muoh earo In taking over . those Inde pendent water systems that supply a number of Bast Bide suburbs. All agree' that It la proper for the board to pur chase these plants, aa the territory sup plied by them la oovered by the olty water system. But no haphazard should be Indulged in when It comes to ascertaining their value. St notice that the foreman of the pfpelaying department on the Beat Side for Use water company haa completed an examination -of the oondltlon of the plant ei the Mount Tabor Water com pany, and that hia report will be made the basis of negotiations with Mr." Ar thur, the owner of the plant, for acquir ing It probably at an early date. It la generally supposed that Mr. Arthur would like to have the city take hie plant eft hla hands, now that the terri tory supplied by him haa oome -into the olty. There la a smsll plant near Wood lawn, another at Piedmont and one out at Woodstock, wboee patrons will soon be supplied with Bull Run, Naturally the ewaeea of these independent systems will want the elty to buy thorn out. and It la right that the elty should do so. only It must go alow. The ownere are very apt to have aa Inflated idea of the value of their property, with the result that tA city might soon find Itself loaded up with a let ef valueless old Junk, la the shape of water towers, old engines and pumps. No doubt a lot of the mains and servloe pipe of these sub urban plants are worn out and will soon have to be taken up and renewed." Edward Gray, foreman ef the pipe laying department, who made the exam ination of the oondltlon. of the Mount Tabor plant, reported something over II miles of pipe ranging down from 4 tneh to H-lnoh pipe. On Hlbbard street, where the Mount Tabor oar lineruns. the mains were found to have been" badly Injured by eleotrolysls. J. M. Arthur took the Meant Tabor plant years ago. when It waa bankrupt, and bought all the smaller companies la the surrounding district and supplied them all front one pumping station. He la said to have made It a paying propo sition from the start. Bull Run is now balng sold to the Mount Tabor company, its owe pumping station not having ca pacity sufficient to aupply the district .tlon gMolaUst. Inventor of the rag less uonsnpsnon ware. Without the use of pills, purgatives or drugs of any kind, I can and do cure the worst cases of chronlo constipation cure them to stay cured, and restore the patient to a stats of health and happiness such as they had never known before. I ean oure constipation, no matter how bad It la. I can show you how to cure yourself right In your own home without the use of drugs. Constipation Is oured for all time when cured my way. Fill out free coupon and mall today. ' FREE COUPON Fill In your name and address on dotted Unas oelow and mall to Prof: T. H. Mldgley. 661 Mldgley Block. Kalamaaoo, Mich., and by, return tiall he will toll you free how to ure constipation without medicine. The efty must own Mount Tabor" la the slogan adopted by the Mount Tabor Push elub at Its meeting laat night. Fourteen aorea en top of the mount for n sseervolr and 100 acres additional for a park la the least acquirement by the city that the club will be satisfied with. A committee of It waa appointed to attend the committee of One Hundred meeting October it and urge that body to include the Mount Tabor park pro ject In Its proposed $1,000,000 bond Is sue for the purchase of parks sad boule varda The following resolution waa adopted by the club: "Whereas, Another reservoir of large rapacity win be needed when the pro paced second pipeline to the heed works on Bull -Run la built, and aa the top of mount TtDer is tne oest place for such reservoir, being (45 feet above sea level; therefore be It "Resolved, That it Is the sense of the Mount Tabor Push club that the Portland water committee should at once secure the 14 seres for the site of a reservoir, to the end thst work msy be started aa soon aa possible on the construction ef the reservoir." The attention of the club waa called te a number of open vaults and ponds of water on the western slope of Mount Tabor. The city Health officer waa .asked te Investigate this oondltlon. A committee wss appointed to inves tigate the condition ef the Weet avenue school, wttlr a view of affording better fire protection. little opposition will develop to the bond isssus. ss additional school facili ties must be provided for the rapidly Increasing school population. Principal Alderson reports that the seating capac ity of the present building Is S0. with an enrollment of 171, which la being sdded to dally. For the preeent a port able room will be used to accommodate the overflow. The new Alblna-Pentneula water main from Mount Tabor haa been laid aa far weet aa Commercial street. Two weeks' time will be required to complete the line to Killings worth avenue. From the Vernon atandplpe to Mount Tabor there are yet several short connections to je made, .which can be done in a day or so. Water will not be turaed into, the new peninsula main until the Beat Alder street main la completed and connection made at Orand avenue, which will take probably three weeks yet The elevated railway en But Morri son street that spans ths Hawthorne slough from Bast Seventh to Beat Ninth street la said to be no longer safs for the hemVy care used on the Morrison street line. The rails are twisted out of shape, due to the wsekneaa of the supports. The whole structure Is seen to aettle, when west -bound cara strike It at Ninth street. A number of years ago a ear filled with passengers plunged through this bridge Into the elough, and residents fear a repetition ef the disaster Councilman Kellaher, to whom complaint has been made, no tified the city engineer of the oondl tlon and requested that temporary re pairs be made Mr. Kellaher haa a res olution before the council providing that the elough at this point be filled, which he hopee te have adopted at an early date. , Mail Orders Promptly Filled Every mail order that comes to this lively young store haa INDIVIDUAL atten tion. No machine methods. WE see to it that your order is filled and filled RIGHT. Try it. Gold Merchan dise Coupons Mean an EXTRA saving of per cent. Just the same aa giving you BACK I cents on every dollar you spend. Ask for them with every purchase. An Important event In the municipal history of Milwaukee will take place tonight, when the council will hold Ita first session In the new city hall. The hall le all complete, except the eleotrlo wiring. , Friday, October II. the voter of Bt Johns will determine whether or not they will bond themselvea for 111,800, 110,00 ef which le to be ueed In build ing a new echoolhouee In North Bt Johns, the remaining tt.BOO to pay for additions and Improvements, made -during the peat summer to the school building now la use The directors have ordered that the polls be opened front 1:10 to 7:10 p. m. It la expected thet Fitters If you want to keep well, see that the stomach is al ways in good condition. The Bitten will keep it so and thus fortify the system against attacks of Heart burn, Belching, Vomitihg, Cramps, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Costiveness, Headache, Female Ilia or Malaria. Try a bottle at Once. All drug- mm WEDNESDAY 3 BARGAINS AT THE WHITE CORNER SALE Sensational, stupendous, startling bargain-giving of the most desirable type A sale thai creates complete consternation among our competitors A gigantic gathering of grand, glorious bargains BOLD BARGAINIZING ON EVERYDAY WANTS Sugar Bowls Decorated China, beautiful designs ; White Corner price 86c each. Sale 41c Butter Plates Individual But ter Plates, daintily deco rated, in blue, gold or brown; worth 5c each 2c Save More Than Half on These Items in the Old White Corner Store-2d St. Unbleached Muslin 4 36 inches wide, in lengths of 2, 3 and 5 yards. This is a prime quality, regularly 10c yard. Tuesday, as it cornea length, 64C yard I I TABLE LINEN Un bleached, good width; regu larly 60c the yard. JH( Sale price only ill LININGS Silicia, mercer ized sateen, etc., in short lengths, enough for a waist, skirt, dress, etc. s in each piece ; worth 26c and 1 r 30c yard. Sale price. I OC CURTAIN SCRIM - In white or cream; regular price 16c the yard. Very special Wednesday, MEN'S HOSE, fast black cotton; regular 1Vz r grade WOMEN'S WAISTS, of lawn or wool goods or French flannel; worth $1.00 ech, 1Qr choice. 1V Lovely Hats at Halt Price! (See Window.) Half price for fine Dress Hata this week, that'a the slogan of our enlarged millinery depart ment. Stunning styles, first class materials, coin at half. Come in EARLY before the selection is run down. For Wednesday we are making a tremendous special offer, one .1 a J Wi i mm miM Y?,nsb T M SBBI BBS mil yuu u ucuci iiui . trimmed velvet street or dress hats; reg. $3.50 ones, on sale at Childrena Cans, charmine little affairs of silk, datntil) constructed and rearulariy sold at $1.26 and Very apecial Wednesday 60e and. ial otter, one $1.75 50c afntily $1.60. BOYS' WAISTS, of wool or flannel, mostly for boys of 13 ; worth to $1.00 J BELTS, for men, women or children; worth to 60c each. All left go at, I each 11 CHILDS' COATS and Women's Capes; some worth $10, all worth JA $8.00. choice I VC CORSETS, mostly size 18, several good makea; worth to $1.60, choice . 0 now IOC PILLOW TOPS, printed patterns, very pretty; worth 25c each. r Sale price OC DOMESTICS Second Street Store STRAW TICKING, White Corner price 16c yard. Sale price. . . 12a TABLE OILCLOTH, colored. White Corner price 20c. Sale price lfta UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. 38 inches wide, standard brands; White Corner price 8 l-3c yard. Sale price. .6 1-4 WAMSUTTA MUSLIN, bleached, 36 inches wide; White Corner price 18c yard. Our price 124 OLDEN DAYS MUSLIN, bleached and 36 inches wide; Remnants Only one fourth of the regular price of these goods is all you need pay Wednesday. Rapid selling haa left many short ends, take them at your price Lawns, Percales, etc., one fourth regular price 'A WOOL YARN, all colors, for knitting or fancy work; worth 15c skein, for 7c Soup Plates Deep Soup Plates, hand somely deco rated; regularly sold at 26c each anywhere. Price He Cups & Saucers After Dinner Cups and Saucers of fine china; the regu lar 26c kind. Sale price 10c Splendid Plaid Skirts $6.98 Buy a ten-dollar Skirt for $8.98 Wednes day. That'a the skirt story in a nutshell. Bought these at a very special price. Our Chicago buyer picked them up for us. In a freight wreck the company settled the claim and took the skirts. Our CASH bought them for little more than half reg ular. So here you are. Stylish plaid skirts that cost you $10.00 in every store in Portland. Kilted style, made of fine wool cloth, very special at , in every store $6.98 Calico 3c the Yard This lot comes in red 'only. Bolt after bolt of u Sea ! at this nrice. and it's the best do- mestic bargain you 11 see for many a day ; reg- . r m. - '- a BaV a . ujar 7c grader gooa iasi coium, limit 16 yards to a customer1 Wednesday, yard In the Second Street Store Remember Women's $15 Coats for $2.00 These Coats are not this season's styles, that'a all there is the matter with them, for they are made of first class materials, nicely lined and trimmed, long and short styles, loose or tight fitting, most of them last year's models. They'll make splendid coats to knock around in and you couldn t save money so well again for years. All sizes, all colors. all shapes, worth to $15 and more Wednesday. oaae spienaia $2.00 Women's Skirts $1.49 Dress or Walking Skirts of good wool mate rials, mostly plain colors, some fancy materials among them. Most of them plain tailored skirts, but a few are tastefully trimmed ; worth" $7.ou and 510 every one of them. Sale price, choice 92.49 and. Second Street (mostly large sizes) $1.49 i Are You a Good Neighbor? This should be a question of some Im portance to every woman who bee neighbors and who has not? To be really good neighbor, requires some thought and perhaps little sac rifle, but the result Is worth your trouble. If you are just starting fti house keeping be sure thst you are starting In right In this regard. The one thing sb eolutely essential to success as a model neighbor la not to be an everlasting borrower nothing le quite so deaden ing to all friendly Intereouree as the ''borrowing" habit unless It Is the "never-pay-back" habit, which la fatal. Of cousae It la aomettmee necessary to borrow, and when that time arrives you will find your nelghbore ready to lend. If they are the right eort and you have not abused your privileges in, this direction, but e good rule is to be quits sure that you could not possibly get along without a thing before you aend to your neighbors for It. When you move Into a new neighbor hood curb your curiosity or you will be sure to be unpopular it la natural that you should wonder why Mrs Smith, who ltvee across the street, never goes to see the woman who live, on the oorner. and always takee the oppoalts aide of the walk. It ta not sbsolufely necessary thst you should have your curiosity satisfied you VjU soon hear both sides of ths story, nd on your attitude win depend tne decision on whether or not you fulfill the qualifica tions. If you hsve tact enough not to take aides end still remain friends with both, then you are one of thoaa rare women a good neighbor. What volumee might be written on the faults or other people's children: how hard It la not to take pert In their management and yet our common sense tells us thst such a course would end many pleasant friendships end do no good In the end. Perhaps ths only le gitimate relief ror the woman who wants to give her neighbor advice en child management la to start a moth ers' club In the neighborhood, and even then great diplomacy would be neces sary, aa mother rove la keen to resent fault-finding with her children So tn, best and safest way I to maintain a autral attitude end to remember that children ere a good deal alike "un der the skin." SJ t v The Two-Story Sandwich. Two-story sandwiches ar. quite the thing et afternoon teaa and little sup The bread, brown er white, is fut in slloee of wafer thlnneee and del icately buttered. On one alioe Is spread a sweet or savory dainty and on ths other a taaty accompaniment for It The two are put together spread sides up and are then topped with a third alioe. butter downward. There Is no snd to poostbls combination. Cold boned ham and tongue moistened lightly with msyonnalee may cover ons slice and mayonnalee sprinkled with minced pickles or olives the other. For a vegetarian ssndwtoh. spread one slice with minced green peppers and cucumbers ohopped fine and seasoned with mayonnalee, end the other with mayormalae-dressed ehredded lettuoe leeves. Or, spread one slice with cresm cheese and the other with minced nuts or with chopped olives or pickles. Mushrooms, tomatoes end boiled eggs make a substantial picnic filling. For weet sandwlehae, any marmalade. Jam or Jelly may apread one .lice and tiny bit. of pineapple, peeeh or pear the other. A delicious mixture le made of an equal amount of oold chicken and tongue, ohopped up very finely In s bowl. To thla'add a doaen large olives, stoned, and half a dosen hard-boiled egg.. Chop thla unUl It la aa fine aa possible, and then mix In enough mey onnals to make a thick paste Spread this upon thin white bread and butter, and you will confess It la as good as it sounds. St St St My Garden. May Morgan In at. Nicholas. Each hss a garden in hla heart. My mother saya the thoughts ar. eeede. And soon or late they all oome up. And blossom Into deeds. I'd like mine to be beautiful, And not Just fuU Of weed.. St at s To Tint Lace. In the' laat number of Vogue le an Interesting article on tinting lace. Nothing la mere beautiful than tinted lace and It offers many different modes of treatment ae that every one may have exqulatte laeee to match the dif ferent gowns at little cost. Lace that la to be tinted ehould be carefully choeen aa the heavier weavea with a decided pattern take the coloring more successfully than ths thinner weaves. Applying the colore la principally a matter of care and time, aa no especial artistic talent ta required. The brush used should be a Bristol No I, out down to a stub about one-half Inch deep. Do net uae the brush for mixing the paint, aa many Inexperienced people are apt te de, aa the effect la liable te be Bon . Ami The Beat Scotring Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner blotchy If thla la done. In applying touch very lightly aa the paint spreads, and remember that yon may darken the tint by applying two costs, but that It la Impossible to lighten It efter the paint is applied. Use geranium lake for pink shsdss. Payne's grey for gray, new blue for blue, sap green for green, chrome yellow for yellow, yellow ochre for tan, mauve for violet, burnt alenna for golden brown, vermilion for scarlet. St St St New in Jewelry. Fascinating little gold mesh purses Just the else required for car fares are a very useful trlnkst to find place In the shopping baa. Turquoise matrix Is seen aa the center for little pins, brooches or orsments tn conjunction with open work In dia monds. One of the oddest brooches seen for soma time Is an oblong half-round tur quoise set entirely free, with the ex ception of four diamond., a alngle stone being st either end and at the top and bottom. Of artlatlc character and sssentlslly refined in expression Is an exquisite ornament embodying an extremely Urge pearl-shaped Oriental pearl as sn Im portant center for the surrounding fancy acrolla In diamond work, which form a moat effective alliance FISHING BOAT CREW PERISHED IN STORM (Special Dispatch to Tbm Jo rati.) Taeoma. Oct. .William Croeksr and Charles Orr. here visiting from Taka taga, Alaska, tell a story of ths death ef eight men which they aay haa never appeared In tne newspaper, or been re ported to civilisation. It was two years ago last month whlls they were on th. Alsskan coest near Takataga that a two - mested fishing schooner wee washed sshore Ths veaael waa being pounded to piece. In the surf when Orr and Creoker found It. Going aboard the bodies of the eight men were found One waa a Japanese snd the others were white men. The bodies were so badly decomposed that It waa almost Impos sible for them to stay on the vessel. The remain, were taken .shore and burled far out of reach of the tldee, end wooden boards, tslimg of their finding, placed over the grave. Takataga, so Mr. Orr saya, la en ef the moat Isolated town. In Alaska. No physician la closer than Tl miles, snd s man who had his arm perforated by a bullet ta a shooting scrape waa obliged to eubmlt to having the mams BUILDING FUND PIANOS a Time of Bidders Extended WhatH you give for a $550 CHICKERING a $550 KIMBALL a $450 HOBART M CABLE a $350 MARSHALL c& WENDELL a $250 METROSTYLE PIANOLA Most people bid on the Chickering f and Kimball. Don't forget' that the Hobart M. Cable is s good piano, too. And also the Marshall & Wendell. - What's your best offer on the Metrostyle Pianola? CASH OR TIME Every penny realized goes to Y. M.' and Y. W. C. A. Building Fund, i It costs only 10 cents to make a bid. Call or send in bid today. Eilers Piano House 353-345 WASHINGTON 8T. 1 I her -mriiti S with a meat saw. Oil whiea Baea are rreesn to assth l. found near the plac end there .are I wis tar. -Hm already several flowing wells Veeaele ...... J hsve to lay half a sails off shore tol sfe oase a eeld ia One) Bay j unload, aad In the winter tle the only I LyjATIve SSflMO iMBxsxsxsxsxsxsxBBTsxi I by a looaj aad dangerous trail, upon a. emevVS " l. e esetTaaV IBg I ISUlBjsxslsftriaiie I