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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
tr "Who, Where and What" Contest Correct Answers ' . 1 . ' . '..'' ' ' ', " .' ''a- The Solution to the Contest Published Last Tuesday Answers Were Received Until 5 P. M. Yesterday jSo Many Answers Have Been Received That It Will Be Impossible to Name the Successful Ones Before Thursday, Oct. 11th.' Payments Will Be Made Friday P T - - ' - . : " " - -? ' . : - V. .-. ,4 ' , - r ;.-"' . " r 4 ' fKeep this pager. It contains much valuable information, and shows conclusively the leading business firms and. their 'specialties Remember them when making future purchases. The answers in each instance are those given to the Contest Editor by the firms represented. In cases where a firm's name is given twice, either name will be accounted correct in the answers sent in. This allowance is made because there were instances where the employe and the employer gave the name of the firm differently. Mo. 1 Msier ft Trunk Co. Portland's greatest .tor. fojntshes everything f Bun. woman and child weare aa well aa every -' thiols In houeebold rffeeta. To ahopplng ceo '' tar of the northwest ofTra opportunity to eeaect . '- tram the grrateet atocka of cloak. "Onyx" boater v, tb world' brat; LJrciin corset ; Hiwn (3 and hat for mar; Perrln'l rrtneb Hd irlovra: "Peninsular" besting stove and ranges; "Oatarnoor" elastic frit mttrnna. u lerTur to hah-, but costing to; WtUamrtta sewlag-Biachlnes at half tb price aakrd at tb itnrr store. Open Saturday evenings. Nam company. Wo. 0 Horn Telephone ft Tlf rnph Co., or Stoma Telephone Co. fl ..." What in the beat "talking'' propoaltton In 9 Portland': tz Tbe answer I. apparrnt when Ton consider that thr system la all cable, conduit and un derground construction hsvlng an AUTOMATIC :j WjOplluent. the' latest Invention Tut make It-aoaelble to hare prompt. effl v MoA mnA ilmMrie secret Mr vice. saant ' Im aiiliai libel hv lils own operator, and all 1 tie ausnnmi of 'Iht watt" "out Of order cmttntmr - "err. rscfcln bell " - defaceil wan Ad wooriwiork are eliminated by this f aystem. Nafbe thl Home enterprise. Wo. Wioak Wmt, A. W. It Co aiunu 1W imwuiii muni i" wuiMf, the Inimitable at vie. fit and floe quality of your aulta and overcoats I notlceebl If your earmentas. bear the label of a certain "on price" ctfctbler In thl city. He can aapply tb aaost fastldloaa In. their "elotbinar, hat and toajfery want." !x fe atock of boy aa well aa suns. n a issr 11111 mi iiutf in insr chj for trvtntr on aarmeBta and bal the beat at tending tailors. Alas the distributor of on af the best S3 hata. Nam hat and firm that aelis it. . Wo. 4 Harelwooil Ice Cream. What's the best tee cream mde and sold tti the city not only to tht Wr, but alt owir the Pacific northwests, Maderorn very rich SI as I and pore fruit Juices and nothing elae. Only tb richest cresin. era dad and aelected from 2.000 datrle. oe Into thl Ice cream Ho far this season enoueli of tbta Ice cream has been aold to euppty every Indlvtdnsl of ur(OB. waahtnatoa. Idaho. Brit tan l oiumbi and northern California wltb ten dishes. Name Sea cream. Wo. 5 Sherman, Clay ft Co.; the Ionia Of Quality. 12 "Who are the laraest and stronreat Btano and music dealer on the Pacific coast? They are Pacini- coast distributors of Victor laming Mfcblnes and Records. Have the two greatest planes In the world. Stelnway and Knabr, eola areata for the largest line of other reliable and standard makes of planoa ever carried by fl Our firm. They are well known, and theaV .method are honest and atralghtforwar-t. Tb qnsllty of the merchandise of this house la the highest. Nam firm and trad mark by which they are Known. Wo. 6 A. ft C. rldenhlmer. "Jeweler, allversmltha and opticians. Import era of precious atone and art goods." A firm mhlcb can do basluess In this line In 00 city for 38 year and still grow and prosper mast merit the confidence of the people, flucb a firm la located In Portland, and tta show win d. us ar oae of the real aeven wonders of tb city. Nam the firm. : Wo. 7 DnrUap Hat; Woblnaon Oo. The sole ageats for Portland of a celebrated bat are located la one of our most frequented buildings This hat aeta the pace lu style and others fnltnvr. This atore seta the pare In aU asen'a furnlahlnga. The head of this firm la well known to the trade, bat be add "ft Co." to hi name to make up tb firm name. He han dle the Knapp felt bat. the beat felt bal trade. Stmt hat, also tb dealer. Wo. 8 F. Drees. r ft Co.. Flftk and Htark fStreeta. A leading grocery firm Importing German. French and Englah dellcaclea la building a new heme a hundred feet square and three atorlea high, which will be the finest unitary fahle aapply bow In tb Pacific northwest. Tbtrf will ha a refrigerator plant for the proper handling of flab, poultry and meats; alao bakery and annfectloaerr depsrttnent. Titer have a nspntatloti fol the eieellence of their canned good, fresh fruit - aad vegetable. Branch atore oa the eaat side and at Seaside Who la it I Name sew location. Wo. 9 W. B. tltt, 3S1 Waehlnrton M. ' Whoa a lady waate the lateat Idaaa direct ftom the fashion centers, ah goes to the most exclusive cloak and ault house la Portlsnd. Here ere displayed the lateat lo evenlar gowns and wraps, tllor-made enlts nd lckt. even lag waists and everything which la worn ny rhe ladles wbo are particular. Rami Is r coa toroers ireinently order by telephone, so care, fol and truatworthy ta this bouse. Tb atock will eoeti be moved to new quarters. Name tore and new location. Wo. 10 Fort land 0aa Co.; O00K With One A Portland corporation furnishes aa ap-to-date feel; quick. eeatroTlable, cleanly eco Botnlcal; always ready. Keep tb wife ta conaiaat good hnraor. Tar asm commodity furnrshea tb light which se lent lata recom Bieuded for the eye. Do yoa believe m "fol lowing the flag. ' ara yea marching onward or tnerejt "marking time". Madam, rafae your esse, to' the atandard C. W O. If you can't aat It oat tb stanoard rug up private et change On. n 1 rose aa. is tins the etanderdS and what la Wo. 11 )orol Mhos ; Walk-Orar Whoa; Kairkt BkOO Oo. "Tha BMI sBssa aa earth for women" IS JO and t4 OfJ. aa well a hoelery for women and rr.ttdrea by the same naate. ta aold by a certain ataav company 'which alao handle a abo at MM aad 14 ori of w hich It l cUlmed ' when Kai on truablea go off tha fodisrHra far sa' and bargain md IP masaj "yoar friend for wear and coinfort Nam atssa for Ben THE Wo. It Or on Lift Znanranco Co. Made In Oregon" la fitly applied to "the policy holders' life Inanrance company." which gives "doable benefits to holder of pollelee." A policy in this company la perfection In life tu aurance and enablea yon to "keen your money in Oregon." Clean, economical, well managed life insurance is a necessity, rrom mia company you can eecure a contract baaed on sound prin ciples and yon are aure of dividend at the end of every year. Nam company. Wo. 13 Electric Flatlron; Portland Gen eral Xlactrlc Co., Flrrt and Alder ate. O rest set of all honaehold coBvenlence. aeves labor and preventa aooty anota; beat uniform and controllable: to be attached to any electric lamp socket. In any room. Loaned for AO daya trial. Tbta aad other electrical appliance aa well aa light for those wbo want to be abreast of the times. What la It, wbo sella It, and give their new ddrrss. -'- Wo. 14 Orag-on TmBt ft asavlikra Bank. What truat company In Portland bad deposits isepremoer t, lasm, or iitti.vw ana etepiemoer 1. 110(1, of 11,008,000, and taw made the greatest per cent of Increaae of depoalta of any bank In the United state for the banking year? This bank will open an account with yon for $1.00 and np. Why not dapoalt with a financial In. atltuilon nf ench solidity I It has deposit boxea rrom pe w a year up. Ham bank. Wo. 16 Behnke-Walker Bualnaaa Col- lag-. An enterprlalag bualnaaa college In Portland expeeta to enroll from 900 to 1.000 atndent this year. Enrollment last year 08, daring which time placed ,130 pitplla in lucrative poeltlon: had 1O1 appllcatlona front buslncaa man for of flee help. An eastern educator seya thla la one of alx leading buytne college of tb country More Inqulriea now than evaf . Name callage. Wo. 10 Altera Tlroa.' millna: Co.; vio let oata. A cereal milling company, and a rood one, baaed on the fact that they pack and aell the best breakfast oata In the world. Freeh, clean, carefully selected rolled oata fill the packages bearing tins rtrtn s name, me trademark I 1 guaranty of "purity and quality." Tha pack age yon aee la a sign "they are fresh." The name of a delicate, fragrant flower will tell j mi. Name company aad thla cereal. If yon uou t a now aaa your grocer. Wo. 17 D. Chamber, 139 Seventh Bt A complete line of optical mere hand I aa eoa- alsting of artificial eyee, field aad marine glassea goes to make up tb moat complete up tfcal establishment In the ParlfloJBiortliweet. Thla la mauaged by an optometrist wf wide pa perlence. Vision Is scientifically and success fully corrected. Glaeaea ground right there Nam the optometrist and his location. Wo. 18 BantU ft ton Street. Freer, 343 Waahlnr- A new firm on Waahlngton atreat haa the largrat exclusive cutlery and fool atock In the northweat. BOO patterna of pocket knlvea. 100 klnda of rwiora, all eta, strictly hand made: SU0 klnda and alsee of scissors and shears. Large line of sllverwsre. beat manufactured, elegaut designs. Table knlvea and carvera with pearl, stag and Ivory handles. Oar cutlery .-omprlses leading branda of American. German. Kugllsh and French manufacture, all abeolatclr guaranteed. Everything in carpenters', machin ists', brlrklayera'. plaeterere' and atonecnttera' too la of highest possible quality. Name firm and addreaa. Wo. 19 Boyal In TOT now Co.; American urety Co.; W. J. Clemeaa. One of the leading fir Inanrance agent of Portland represents "the leading fire company or the world which paid 100 canta on the dollnr la the San Francisco leasee. The only compaiieJ whose statement waa not affected by these losses which were over aeven million. Thla ag.nt wntee pollclea In other fire companies whose policies are never questioned He alao haa the agency for the largest surety company In the world. Name this fire Insurance com pany, thla surely company, alao tb agent. Wo. 90 Laurel Bang-; Cor all Furniture Co. What store In Portland baa made a reputation for aynrolty by giving beautiful presents to Its customers ? Thla la the place to buy your furniture, carpets and ranges. Thl atore han dle a steel rang that la anted for Its hand some finish snd numerous points of superiority, la this range the oven bottom never warps, and It bakes the same on every part. It baa two flues which distributes the heat evenly. Nam tbla range and "The Big White Store" that sella It. Wo. 31 Monroe, the) Wow 93 oo Wat ; at. Blchl. S9P Waahlng-tiin street. A popular furnisher and batter on Waahlng ton street Is sole agent for the "Jameson" HsT, rbriaty'e Mat and carries the very latest staples snd novelties In haberdashery Noth ing come eat In New York that be does not receive simultaneously. Dr. Delase! Horn mesh underwear and other blah grades carried In stock; also a celebrated ft oo bat named after one of ear presidents. Name the hat. tb merchant and location. Wo. 98 Diamond W Brand; Wad Mama ft Oo. Tha finest Ha nf canned good said In thla onrtbwral In both frulte and vegetables I af brand put .up by ana of the leading wholeaale grtscesira of Portland Go tu your grocer, and look aver tha canned goods put np la Port land and aeleet what all dealera and conaum. era recommend aa honestly tbe beat Ita nam t suggests . prcrtoqe atone, together with tb 2:td letter, of tbe alphabet Name brand and nhukasala huuaa putting ant Lb OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY The Wo. 33 Zllera Flano Ionia. Wbo are the "dispensers of piano reliability." "safest, blggetf, busiest, heat" dealera In pl anoa in tbe weet. Their talking machines sre Koine into sll the bast homea. Their nlanos are recommended by such world famoua artists as Emma Calve. Caruso. Scot to. Gogoraa. They are Kxclualve Factory Agenta for the Weber, tbe Cblckertng, the Kimball, and thirty-nve other hlahaat trade lnatrumenta aa well aa tbe Mctroatyle Pianola and Pianola Piano. Name firm. Wo. 34 Irring-ton Addition; F. J. Be lay. Agent. , ! . What addition. In Portland" "Ta aelTlng lta lota at v) per cent oa deferred payment (being the flrat people to reduce deferred payment to thla amount); baa a van and ooa half minute car ervlce, cement aldewalka; parked etraete; W0. 000 being expended on Improvrmenta; closer to tbe center of tbe city than either Portland Hrlghta r WUlsmelte Heights; SSO0 to (1,100 lot, w hich . Include sll Improvement, oa tb moat liberal terms offered In tbe city I Name tbla addition, which la on tbe eaat aide, together with (he name af tha lOIKT. Wo. 36 Whit Clover Butter; T. S. To em and Creamery Co. What la the best butter made In Portland? rvauts it. II you rennet, aea your grocer, mi carton In which this butter la put up ex clusively aad whlcb iniurea lta purity when delivered to tb cuatomer. beara tbta Inacrlo- tlon: "Unequalled for parity, flavor and auallty. Churned from purest aweet cream kat haa been paateariaed. Tbe name bt tbta butter la that of a aweet amelrlng herb upon which the cowa feed. Name the batter and tbe creamery. Wo. 36 Columbia Brand; Union Mash Oo. in buying ham, bacon and lard, tbe careful houw4fe aaa aat be too particular aa to the brand aha geta. There la one brand belong ing to a local meat company whlcb for uni form goodness and quality there la abso lutely no question. Be aure you get thla brand from your marketman or grocer. It beara tbe earns name aa that great liver which connects aa with tb ocean. Name tbla brand, alao the meat company putting up tbeae products. Wo. 37 U-ar-daa; Bath of Benaoln; Woodard, Clarke ft Co. Portland'a largest drug company la tbe man ufacturer of a new toilet requisite, known as tbe effervescent Beth of Benaola. and what a luxury It la! You mar get the name of thla preparation from the lady demons! rater in tbia atore and alao learn of the pleaaures of s bsth with thla dainty aid to beauty and health, which beara tbe aame name aa that of the daughter of an Egyptian prince aa. Name preparation and drug firm. Wo. 99 Craapo; Acme Mllla Oo. A prepared food, 0 o, "absolutely Ear,'1 suggestive of "honey." I of ome manufacture and I "ready for In stant table uae. No cooking la required." Served toasted, with llqulda or fruit. "Whole some and delirious." It "la packed in a rod and bine package." All words quoted are on cartons In wblcn food la packed. If you don't know the name of thla bnakfaat food ask your grocer. Name It and manufacturer. Wo. 39 Faciflc Coaat Trunk ft Bag Co., 330 Waahlngton Street. A man wbo baa been IS yeara la tbe trunk bualnea ought to know bow to meet tbe needs of toe people. H carrlea a atock of trunks, ault caaee. vallaea, satchels, umbrellas. Indira' purse and band bars, which la as complete aa cab be found. He Invitee all klnda of re. pair work and makea to order trnnka and aam nle caaee; alao theatrical trunk a apedalty. Located oa Waahlngton agree t near Hevetltb street. Name tbs firm and give Ita address. Wo. 30 Fhllllpe Shoo; Fhtllipa Shoe Oo. The Packard aboe at IS no I kaowa far and wide ' for It beauty and excellent wear ing qualltlea. Made In shape and atyle to ault every toot and every occaalon. They carry oa of tbe largest II aea of men's shoes In Oregon. They have a lta of ladles' $3.00 shoes which are looked upon with favor by good dreaeere of tbe gentler aei. Nam tb ladla' ahoa; alao th firm. Wo. 31 Low Bros.' Oo. Falnta; Baa mnaaen ft Co. What painta, varnishes and stains come under the Label of the trlangulsr blue flsg besrlng the letters H. 8.? Thl brand of paint works mora eaally lasts longer, wear better and therefore Is more economical than any other, es pecially adapted to the climatic conditions (,f this locality. One gallon of tbe paint rovers 400 feet, two coats. Coats bo mors to apply and wrara twice aa long aa any other. Name paint and firm. Wo. Monarch Bang; Bdward Oo. homebody once said the way for a wife to retain the Move of her husband Is us keep him well fed. Now nobudr can cook without the eaaentlnl convenience of a good range. "A good place in trade. " heodllng a large sennit -meet of furniture, says "yea an welcome to credit." 91.00 a week buys th beet rang in the world. The range waa awarded the gwld medal at the world's fslr and Ifa name iadleatea power. Nasi It. Who aell It' Wo. 33 Fonryth Walete; Kevrett. Brad ly ft Co. Two enterprising ma In tbla city left a de partment atore three yeara ago aad asaoclatlng with themaelvea a younger man went lato huslneaa In a place 19x29. with a ahoeatrlng and a collar boa aa a stork nf goods. Now they are among the leading men's battera and furnishers and hare a fine store In a central location. They fre sole agenta for the Penney hat. also tbe heeler $;t i hat. and a celebrated line nf la die' waUij. Name the walet aad the Ota. Journal's Wo. 34 Portland Brewing; Co.; Brett. Psrronlslne borne Industry ahonld apply aa wall to beer aa to any otber ataple article. Thla' la especially true when that beer la tha anperwf of any beer need on the local market. The brewery baring the aame aame aa that of oar city brews a select bottle base. Th formula used In tb mnnfacture of tbe beer Is tbe earns aa that originally used hi Germany for tbe no bility. Ton have probably used tbla beer many times In your home and have been well pleaaed wltb the rich flavor! Name the brewery and beer. WO. 35 White Bi ver Flour. There I one brand of flour that every women turn to when aha la particular about results o' the day'a baking when aba wanta light, fluffy rolls, flaky paatry and "makea lighter, whiter bread milled la a modern mill with the lateat appliances. You're to aame tbla floor. It Isn't red or black, bat Elver flour and It'a th beat. It you don't know aak your grocer. . WO. 36 Cook yatotor Car Co., Fifteenth and Waahlngton Street. The motor car company that leads them all salts, repairs aad stores, having one of tbe most complete gsrsges on tbe coast, la agent for tbe ttoyaL, Mt evens liuryea. ana several oiner nign class machines. Only skilled mechanics are em ployed and machines going out of this place cae he relied noon to take von to your destination promptly and aafely. dive tbe new name of this old motor csr company, also location of gar age. Wo. 37 Baggage ft Omnlhua Tranafer Co., Private Bate hang 68. A rested tranafer company transfers freight, deliver barrage to and from residences under check, baa messengers on all boats and trains to check baggage, and operatea the only omnibus lint In Portland. It acta aa warehouaeman and forwarders, give special attention td pool shipments, packs crates, movea and sblps house hold goods to any and all points and handle all kind of merchandise. Is respooalble. Nsme firm and give telephone number. Wo. 38 Power Furniture Co. "Dignified credit to sll" enablea every home to buy furnishings on such easy terme thai no emberraeement la caused in other direction. Yon csn furnish on this plan by purchasing from the store that ssres yon money,' wnicn csr lies s complete snd well selected stock everv thing In the furniture line. On order they will manufacture apeclsl pieces. In the windows of this establishment bargain alwaya are in evt dence. Name firm. Wo. 39 Welch, the American Clothier Suits, hata, shoe, afalrta aad underwear for marl and boys, at prices to aatt everyone. Is the plan of "The American Clothier." whoae place la convenient to the longest Internrbsn carllnes of the city: alao convenient to lines connecting with the Nob Hill of the city. Everything ex actly aa represented aad Inspection of atock cor dially Invited. Name thla dealer. Wo. 40 Purity Soap; J. If. Arthur ft GO. ' Patronise home Industry when yoa buy aoap; asa ior ins soap msnuiacmrea nere WBJCB sug geats cleanliness and "PURITY." Ita spe cialty snaptea to me water or tbla locality Name Indicates Its quality. Prepared In house hold grades for tbe toilet, bath and kitchen purposes; alao for machinists and lumbermen Uae tbla aoap. You'll find If tb beat. Name aoap and manufacturer. If you don't know aak your grocer. Wo. 41 City Messenger ft Delivery Oo., Main 99. What messenger company baa more call boxea than any other In Portland; the quick est and anreet eervtce; ta Independent of the telegraph companies, and thua attends to your want first, bat, on your order, haa accaaa to both? When yon want a messenger yon want on quickly. This company meets your need. Name the company snd give their telephone number. If yea don't know, look tor the Bed, Green and Yellow algn. Wo. 49 Rohmer Piano; htantifactnrer'B Piano Oo. The Decker Hon piano, a standard alao 156. the ohmf.r reclllan, Farrand Cedllaa and the CeclUan cabinet Piano Playor (tbe only player wltb tbe metal action), are among the InBtrumentsOhitndled by an old company. In Portland. Thia firm handle other well known makea. but particularly a piano that has gained. In closest competition, the highest awards which caa be grantadV-by Internation al expoaltlona, and the unsolicited Indorse sent of the world's greatest artists snd critics. Nam plno and firm aelllng It. Wo. 43 Benlth Bacge; Columbia Ward ware Oo. Changing handa December 1st last, a hard ware flrai now nffera the purrhsslng nubile a great variety of articles such aa all build er uppll. besvy Bd shelf hardware, sport ing goods, cutlery, tin and enameled ware. Saints and oils; Niagara ranges, stoves and eater. Including a rang which la known the lowest priced malleable range aold In tbe city fbd and up. Economical aa to fuel, beautiful aa to Intab; polished malleable top, ponch feed; riveted non-wesrsble oven; guar anteed for 16 yeara. Narde thla range and r-.( Wo. 441 The Is. O. Kenrlohaen Oo., or It. O. Wenrlcheen Oo. Windows alwaya drseeed In the eery latest novelties In Jewelry, silverware and cut glaaa, a waahlngton street concern anjeya a 9ne trade with the pee pi. wbo know. Their stock nf diamonds watches and jewelry ta Invit ing. Scientific and manufacturing optlclana sad flit prescription of other optometrists A few of tbelr line, an Index to tb quality of all; Onrham's. Reed A Barton atlverware. Hawks aad Eggertoa cat glaaa. Name firm. EVENINO, OCTUflKK , IWM. WO. 45 hTtudebaker Broa.' Co. Worth weat, 330-336 Bast Morriaon Street. Aa yon travel the highways of Oregon do you aver think where all the handsome car rlagea. csrts, wagona snd vartoua equipagea come fromf You know there I certain nam that mesne sat mnch Id) the worth ef a vehicle aa sterling means to allver. A name that means excellence for any claaa of work which It appears, oa. First award at all world'a fair. Their great factory la at South Bend. Indiana, bat tbey hare a branch In Portland. Name Arm aad address. Wo. 19 gBjgpj Laundry Co., Beat 833. Half the battle of life la to keep clean. Laundries are acknowledged necessities. Port land haa one laundry, which, for keeping abreaat of the times with all new appliance and machinery for tbe turning oat of work la tbe best poealble manner, ta eecond to none. "Iavjderers of ladlee' and gentlemen'a fine lin en" la a phras you have ofteo seen. Give nam of thr laundry company and telephone number you'll And them In a new building. Look np. Look np. Wo. 47 Butter-Wnt Bread; B utter-Wut Bread Co. Do you eat bread good bread Well, what kind of bread do you est? Are yon getting a llfe-glvtng. nutritions, healthful bread, made of first quality golden grains of wbeatf If yon do you ara eating tb bread with a blue label, wboae name la auggeatlre of that whlcb usually goes with bread. If yea don't know, aak your grocer. Name thla bread and th bread company. WO. 48 Black Eagle Coal; . B. Jonea ft Oo., Baaat 7. la many advertisement about tb city and on tha theatre curtain yon have) seen th picture of th great American bird screeching tbe merit nf eerUln coal, ilia joirty go, because It la cleaa aad barna freely and la delivered with out shortage In weight. Beet poealble coal for yoa to bay for any purpose. Name -thla real aad then aaa It.. Alao aame firm and telephone number. Wo. 49 Dependable Brand; Dwight-Ed-warda Oo. In red can of one, two and three pounds weight, aelllng for 40 cents. 75 cents and 91 respectively, la aold a coffee which alwaya can be depended upon. It "tastes better," "gore farther" and carries this guarantee: "We guarantee thla coffee tb be eatlefaetory In every respect. It for any reaaon you are dla aatlafled return It to your grocer, who le au thorised to refund money. ,r Name brand of coffee and wbo roasts it. Wo. 60 Han't Dyspepsia Cure; the P. Mau OO. "Help tbe dlreative organa to help them selves." the motto for a anrs cure for chronic stomach troubles. Strengthen the stomach and cur Indigestion, by helping th atomacb and bowela to do their own work hy tbetr natural dlgeatlve fluid. The usunl remedies like pep sin snd sods only relieve at best; this curs removes the cause. Sold In all part of tb world. Pacific Coaat Agency. Portland, Ore gon, located In a big hotel. Name tb core and tbe agency. Wo. 61 Bnokman Tract; Worthweartem Ouarantee ft Truat OO. A Guarantee and Truat company of Port land baa a plan under way to atari a "Boosters' Club msde np of yourselves In every town" to "work with you to Improve your own nsrt of the stste." This firm handle Ore gon fsrm snd timber land and boo da of vartoua kinds, nss put s nsw rrsct on tne msrket whlcb It fitly calls "Tha Cream of Portland Realty " Lota In tha heart of the city, with elevation of ISO feet and excellent view. Name tract and Truat company. Wo. 69 Borton Dental Parlors, Benaon Building. When you think of teeth, don't yoa always think of one nf tha beat advertised dentists In .the cityl Thla Arm ha recently lnetalled all tbe Improved aad lateat method for doing palnlraa dentistry. When yen want painless dental work that la really palnlees snd at prices that are aa low aa any, yoa will call on this dental parlor, opposite th postofflce. Nsms this dental parlor and the building In which they ara located. WO. 53 Baokua ft Morris, 305' , Waah lngton Street. "Th Hardware Shop," "right on tb main street " la th general, direction given to ay one who wanta to select from "a complete and up-to-date stock of hardware-, tools, cutlery, sporting goods." It Is a new firm end sll goods are of the lateat and most approved patterns. If you don't know where It la and want anything lo that line, telephone Pacific 3461. Glee name and location. Wo. 64 Ooodyear Shoe Repairing I'm. tory, Corner Yamhill and Fourth sta. The largest and moat complete boot and shoe repair shop in tbs city, flttsd with all modern machinery for the prompt and aclentlflc repairing of shoes by experts fdnne while you wait) Is located near tbe heedqusrtere nf the Fire chief. Find thla ahop. then patronise It. In connection will be found a line of durable men's aad hoya' shoe at moderate prices. Glee name of repair company aad location. Sfta 66 Olympic Wheat Weaving; the Portland Flouring BUUa Oo. Hart yoa ever bed, set before you a dainty breakfast fond which is prepared here In Port land? Ge to roar grocer and look over tbe rereals and find the 6-pound package of "aweet, tender little hearts nf the finest cereal wheat scientifically milled and sterilised." making "140 servings for 26 cents." Buy a package; take It home, try It and yoa will be delighted Name this improved breakfast food. "It wake the atomacb gently." Alao ftva naate of flouring mlU. Wo. 66 Alfred Benjamin Oo. Clothee; Bnffnm ft Pendleton. Per 80 yeara A. B e "osrrwet clothe bare held tbe lead" and today you'll find that they are a till th choice of all careful dressers. Found la Portland and only at aaa atore, tha one that haa th exclualv aale of the justly celebrated htnnx hat. "Aa to value, none do or can give better." which Indlratae tbelr high atandard. Name make of clothe and th atore. Wo. 57 Anna Studio. Walking np Waahlngton street towards tbe west oo the right band side Is to be aeen across the top of a alx-atory building la gilt letter tb sign of on of tha most elegant and beat equipped studios on tha Pacific coast. Tha fine sample photographa In the show caaee are hut faint suggestion of the vlume of blgh class work turned oat. Bnter through tbe marble lobby and take the elevator to the gallery. Name atadto. Wo. 58 Plokarda China; the O. Helt kmpr OO. A firm of diamond Importers, watchmakers, Jewelers and allversmltha are pat to consider able Inconvenience on account of tbe eonatruc tlon of ten-story building neat door. This firm la completely - equipped to manuf aeture to order. Iher design unique and artistic novel ties In Jewelry; la fact, they manufacture a great there of everything they sell in this 11ns. Watch repair department conceded to be the beat. Tbey handle a stock of celebrated baud palntcd china. Name tbe china aad th firm. Wo. 59 Vernon Tract; Moore Invest ment Co. Highest ' ti nd moat desirable building site Is Knst Portland. I'nottstrurted view of Mounts Hood, Adama and St. Helena, tbe Columbia river and Vancouver barracka. No more beau tiful spot for a borne In Portland. Seven snd one-half miles graded streets six and one half miles water ptpea. Fifteen miles sidewalk. Lois sell for leaa than la aakad la other sections snd on easy terme. Take Albert streetcar. Name tract aad Investment company. Wo. 60 Columbia Woolen Mills Oo. "Cut to fit, not Ironed to fit," aad "tbe pile will ault and the ault wilt fit." cbr nrterixe tbe business of beet tailoring abop In tbe northwest, where only skilled workmen are employed every man a specialist In hie line. Tbey carry a complete line of raatrruhiade good a aud Imported fabrics. From looms to cutting table saves yoa tbe middleman s profit. Ruslneea aulta from $17.50 to 940, trousers from 4 to 910. Nam this woolen mllla com pany. Wo 61 Boger' Stain Floor Finish; Tlmma, Cress Jr. Oo. A firm on Flrat atrset handle building mat rials snd Is tha home of Patton'a Sunproof Paints. I'stton s Sunproof Lead and Fatten ra Lin seedOil. They distribute Cabot's Creosote Shingle stain. Murphy varnishes and nennoue-r. leinje ft On. Brushes. They handle tbe beat floor and furniture finish msde, described la a booklet of dlrectlona accompanying everyvcan aa: "A joy to housekeepers." Name floor finish and name firm. Wo. 68 Boberte Wat; C. P. Blahop. A clothier oo Third etreet makea a apeclalty of "Fine ready-tailored and made-to order cloth Ing and man'a furnishings "; also Dent's glove Adler's glovea. and Steteon hata; alao aeta as sole sgeot for th "beat 99 hat on earth, every bat guaranteed." Thla hat la named after Brltlali lord eoaapjcuoua In th Boer war. Nam tbe bat and tbe clothier. WO. 83 349-361 Oak Street and 348-360 Ankeny Street; Fellow Grocery oo. Where la located and what la tbe name rf Portland'a cheapest cash grocery? Tbla company has recently movea to s isrger snu more con venient store connecting two streets. The eco nomics! housewife slwsys look for this store's sds In the pspers, knowing the price quoted will be less than elsewhere. Their motto la "We buy for cash and aell for caab and the consumer gate tea Deneiir. nr is soia ex clusively the Rosebad brand of batter. Wo. 64 Mount Wood Shirte; MoAllen ft McDo nelL All excluslv dry good atore noted for beat good at loweat price ha mad and bas long sustained a reputation for drees goods of all kinds. Imported black and novelty gnode being specialty. Hound table llnena. Warner's snd Thomson's corsets. Men's furnishing goods. In cluding a famous brand ef Oregon made ahlrta. Name ahlrta aad name atore. Wo. 85 Dental Oum; Anchor ft Sohana Oo. e An enterprising drug lira In Portland manu factures a chewing gum that "preventa decay" and "ssves the enamel ' of the teeth; "makes red gams" and "sweetens ths breath " Put up la red. white and green packagea. Indicating Ihelr flavor, which carry the legends quoted. "It la the only chewing gum sold for tbe pur pos of cleaning and preserving the teeth." Aak yonr dealer. Give name of tbla gam and of firm manufacturing It. Wo. 66 Olobe-Wernicke, or the Olobe; the aT. at. 0111 OO. K very thing for th office nd library sta Hotter). Inoae lesf ledgers, blank bonks. Rotsry Neostylea snd Mlmeograpba and xcntv ageats for Delta office deaka and tha celebrated O ' W sectional filing rahlnela and elaatlr hook cases. Growa with your business or II bra -y and sbour bualneas or library growa wltb It. Tbeae filing cabinet and aeetloaal book oa see are carried by tha leading book and stationer, store of tb city. Name the filing oaldusts and sectional bookcases and hy whom Bold. WO. 67 J. O. Mack ft Oo.. 88 Third St. When buying carpet or rugs why aat pat roulie tb firm which devote It entire time nd attention to that line of business 1 la this city there la one exrlneive carpet aad rug house whlcb makea a specialty of floor coverings sad upon request an expert will he furnlahed to ad vise as to styles, colors and combination. This la the day of epectaljeta bees nee aptelaiute now Name firm and gin locauoav Wo. 91 WniBBBB ngls9g College. Whet bealitaaa college In Portland la 90 year sad. burned ant while In the residence Mrtion, October 16, 1904. and now rises Pbeolx-llke, stronger than ever, In the husl neaa aeetano with sccommodstlons for T50 pupils T In new modern building, sieve lor service, sbovs noise and dust, but convenient to business and ear lines. Stenography, typewriting, book keeping and English taught all the year round. Pool tlon a found tor etndeata who QCALIFY. Nam college. WO. 69 D. B. Xeaaey ft Co. The talk of Portland at tbe present time la Council Crest and ita wonderful electric car fa cilities, making the moat slghttr residence dta trict of Portland eaally accessible. What firm wltb headquarter. In "tbe little office oa the big bill' aell choice lota oa Council Crest at from 9960 to 1700 oo "easy terms "V This firm I exclnslvs dealer la Portland Heighta prop erty. Name tbe firm. WO. 70 Bow ft Martin. Main 854. The lightest aad brightest drag atore In the city baa aa accommodation desk for patrons wbo want to write while down town. The place la open all night and fllla and delivers prsecrlp flone at any aad all boors ft hi tale only pla.-e aw -the Pacific coaat where WtliasBatju''a theat rical makeun le to be had. Thla firm dletllla a popular pe Oregon.'' rrnme wnicn auggeata "me r rower or Nam firm and give telephone aom- btt. as WO. Tl The Scott Beataurant. Aa accomplished graduate of the railway dining-car service Is conducting a blgb-class cafe at reasonable prices near tbe new Com mon wealth building. People go for blocks tu try the boob Innchaa, and also his special 60-cent Sunday dinner, and the wonder grows bow ao good and so much ran be served tor so little money. Service qelck and genteel. Name restaurant, name location. ' -, WO. 72 D. O. Is- Sootch Wnlakey ; Sealy. Ma eon ft Oo. The "groeara' tea and win merchants," ' who began business In 1879, are leaders la fine brand of preserves and canned goods. The firm name stands for aw ce Hence In everything la tbe lines mentioned. Among tbe good on tbelr helve are Rowntree'a cocoa. Honey Bee corn. Cross A Backwell'a kippered herring. LCoro nado California olive oil, Benaa'a Sublime Ital ian olire oil, Crown parlor matchea and Cin galese Ceylon tea. Alao a certain whiskey. Nam It. Name firm. WO. 73 The Apollo Player Piano; Boule mano oo. la tbe salesroom of a leading piano company may be seen the following high-grade planoa: Winner, K. Gsbler. Knrtsmsnn, Davenport ft Traacy, Behnlng Strohber, Melville Clark. Hoffmann and others, aad another instrument which la "the only player la tb world wltb aa 66-note range and the transposing mouth piece " Jto aweet ta tbe music of thla player aa to suggest tbe strains that fell from th harp of the Greek god. Nam instrument, nsme dealer. Bo. 74 People's Market and Grocery Oo., Flrat And Taylor Streets. -i Belling for eaah enablea a dwrtals market and grocery company on Flrat Street to fin your bosket tor one half what others would charge. In business for only one ana a half yeara. but already haa a wide reputation for giving tha people more for their money than any other concern In tbe aame line. Does a mall order business, too. Name firm and give location. WO. 75 Eastern Outfitting Co. "Yonr credit la good" at tb beautiful new tor wnlcb recently made a abort mors Into a new Building. Upon a "dignified credit sys tem" thla place will dreea you well for $1 a week. High-grade wearing sppsrel for every body, trunks, watches, Jewelry, art goods and other hoaaehold necessities. Thl I the largest atore doing business on tbe credit system In tbs northwest. That concern haa other success, ful stores In Ban Francisco. Oakland, Lo An geles aad Seattle Nam the atore. Wo. 76 Full Measure House, 337 Wash ington Street. In buying your liquor for medicinal purposes It la essentlsl that yoe procure unadulterated product. Portland baa on reliable family liquor atore which guarenteea pare liquors. That la tha place to go when nerve and muscle stimulant are needed. Look for a card in the store window reading: "Our motto as former, ly -Quality. Full sis sure, Moderate Prloss." Located oa Waahlngton atraet. Give name of boo as aad sddress. WO. 77 B. M. O. S. Beet Mattresa oa ft Boberte Furniture Oo. wn t Is tbs nsme of the only furniture man ufacturing company hi our city that maaufac teres aa fine a line of parlor furniture aa any made in the United State? Why not patronise home Induatry when buying furniture and See It It'a made hers 7 If you're nop using an article made by them bearing this trademark, B M O. K , It'a time yoa did. So In your answer telf what tbe above lettera aland for together wltb name of company. Wo. 78 Bdward Wolman Undertaking It ha been the custom of funeral directors ts uisae rssisss lis oicioruiai. connected wltb isnrrsis. Is. The leading funeral directors of Port beglanlng July 1. departed from thh old i. Whet) cssksi le famished Its cost to land, custom ciuoea an roarsjr.. .urn as conveying tbe re malna to th chapel, outside box. embalming hearse to cemetery aad all eervlr which may be required except elcVrhtng. cemetery and car riages, effecting a asvlng of 3K to 9TB oa each funeral. Name tbta company Wo. 79 Bedford Wat; S. BrombergeT ft Oo. A firm on Washington street selling clothing hata and fnral.hlrars kaa a heavy runr a re" Uln 93.00 hat "far aea who know." Ths store haa freeh-look Ing. attractive windows, woodwork of dart ataln. and ths Interior la ar ranged so that all hata snd goods are In sight of tb buyer. Tbe lateat Is tie aad otber fur nlshlngs. If you raa't think wbo this is ina. nboae Pselfl 9499. Maaa the 99.00 hat BBC we sis ..dW' tal