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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1806. PRINCETON ELEVEN LOOKS 6000 Sons of Old Nassau Make Splen did Showing Under the New Rules. HARVARD HAS BEEN UP AGAINST HARD GAME Experts Art Keeping a Keen Eye on the Carlisle Indian -Team From Which So Much Is Expected This Season The Eastern Situation. Br Manhattan. (Journal Special nerrtce.) New York, Oct s. It la of courie too early to make prediction . to the football season which la now in rjju awing. All of the big team have bean aaen In action under the new rules, and It must be admitted that Princeton makes the beat showing of any of the big teama. while, as I have suggested, the Carlisle Indiana are "going to be trouble maker for the best of their op ponents. Apparently the new rules have not proven to be of any particular advantage to the small colleges. In deed, there was nd real reason to pre sume tbey would, 'in the more open play the big Institutions have the same advantage over their smaller rivals aa they did In the maas plays. In the gamea so far Harvard haa made, the least graUfylng showing than the others, possibly because she has had harder opponents. Williams, her first opponent, for example, le a hard nut for any of them to crack at any stage of the game. Harvard did well to beat her even by 1 to a The acorea are hardly a criterion ' by ' which to judge. The reason X find for putting Princeton ahead la not that aha has won by big acorea but that her men show a greater familiarity wltk the near style of play and greater aptitude for the open game. The same thing ap plies to the Indiana Whether they will maintain the relative superiority aa the aeaaon progresses Is a question only time can answer. The new rules will stand for the sea son. That waa setUed at the 'meeting this week. I am under the lmpreaalon that with Borne modification they will stand- for a good many years. Of course there Is. and for a time will be, more or leee dissatisfaction among the players who are veterana of the old game, but the changes undeniably make for open play end under them the American game Is no longer to be a sport of ponderous aggression. In which two bodies, relatively near equal force, are to contest disputed ground foot by foot, but la to offer opportunity and like agility Speed, nlmbleness of evasion and like characteristics, which were the ele mentary principles of the game, but which became obsolete through a mis taken Idea that weight and strength were more desirable adjuncts to the pas time than 'dexterity. The forward pass, much denounced, much declared to be. Impracticable, waa ao successfully used In the Princeton Were made with It. and the players uam to be able to carrv It out success- ' fully. In spite of all .the opponents who were supposed to be able to break through Interference and make a mock ery of the play. There are Other considerations than the forward pass which made the new football game look good. First of all la that unnecessary roughnesa on the part of players seems to be cured for good and all. If a Young Mother at TO. "My mother has suddenly been made Swung at 70. Twenty years of intense disabled her, until six months ago. when ahe begaa taking Electric Bitters, which have completely cured her and restored the strfigth and acUvtty ahe had In the prime of life' wrltea Mrs. TV T. Al I na tricar nf ratifnrlh 11. Greatest resoratlve medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and Kid neys right, purifies the blood and cures Malaria. Biliousness and Weaknesses. wonderful Nervs Tonic. Price SOo. Guaranteed by Red Cross Pharmacy. How Good Food suy Turn to Poison. d PNN. BCAY Is not digestion, you know, even when it takes place In the stomach. Food decayed In the body after being eaten is as dangerous to health as food decayed before being Food aourlahoo or poisons, uat ac cording to how long It rematna in the Bowels undigested. e e e Most of the Digestion occurs to the thirty feet of Intestines. They are lined with a set of little moutha, that equoeie Digestive Juices Into the Food eaten. The Intestines are also lined with mil lions of little suction pumps, mat draw the Nutriment from Food, aa It them In going through. But. when the Bow r-Muscles are weak, the Food moves top slowly to stimulate the little Gastric Moutha and there la no flow or too Utile flow of Digestive Juice, to chants the food Into nourishment. Then, the food decays In the Bowels, and the little suction pumps draw Poison from the decayed Food, into the blood. Instead of the Nutrition thsy should have see Now, Cascarets contain the onrjr com bmaflon of drugs that Sdmulates these M taeniae of the Bowels sad ISSisfkus wst gas Cold Bath, or open-air Exeroise. stimulates a Lazy Man. Cascarets therefore act Nke Exerctas. They produce the same sort of Natu ral result east a StX Mite walk In the country would produce without any In jurious Chemical effect. The Vast Pocket Caacarst Bos is sold by aS Drug-fists at Ton Cents. Be aura yon get ihe genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and sw aoid la bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC" ttfB eOetals will Insist upon the rules being observed to the letter. Bough Flaying Barred, The neutral sone Is partly account able for It, aa the players are now so Widely separated that the ofS'clala have a good view of both the lines, and an offender who attempts "rough house may be easily detected. Once detected if net removes, from the game, his stupidity results in half the distance lo the goal line being lost by his team, and there Is no football player of aver age Intelligence who- la going to incur a riak which may mean the defeat of nis eleven. That there will be more or less eon fusion this season Is probable, but aa the new men who learn the game under the new rules come In this will dlaap near, and we shall have a far better and more satisfactory game. I confess to unusual curiosity to I the first game of the Carlisle Indians with a first-class team. Captain Kxen dine haa aa huaky a lot of young ath letes aa one could wlah to aee. They are lightning fast and take to the game as ducks to water. The lineup of the Indiana will sound like the muster roll of an agency, and when Harvard, for lnatance, facea a team composed , of Kxendine. Little Boy, Two Hearts Schuchuck, Brave Thunder, Little Old Man, Kenjockety, Mount Pleasant, Tan kee Jaw, Big Island and Lubo, they are likely to think they are up against a band of "hostlles." LONGEST BASEBALL GAME III HISTORY Of SPORT Record of Fargo-Grand Forks Contest That Went Twenty Five fhnings Without Run. - Hare la the full score of the longest professional game of baseball aver played, together with the telegraph story which wag sent out at the time it waa played: Devil's Lake, N. D., July IS, 1801. A 25-innlng 0 to o game waa played here today between the Fargo and Grand Forks teama Raymer pitched for Fargo and Olbbs handled the hide for Grand Forks. The captain of the Fargo team became greatly dissatisfied with the work ef his first basemen because that luckless wight committed one error.' He called Carman in from right to cover the gate way bag, and sent Lebo from the base to the field. No man made more than two slips, whtca waa pretty good In view of the fact that the second base men took advantage of It chances, the third basemen of 22 and the. shortstops of 20. Twenty-five Fargo batsmen died at first. How many Grand Forks locust hitters did the same la not ahown by the score, owing to the swap In posi tions between Far go's first baseman and light fielder. Forty-nine outs went to the credit of the backstops, ST of which were strike-outs. Nine men. counting both teama made two hits or more. Four batters did not rap safely even once. The score: GRAND FORKS. R. H. PO. A. E. . 0 12 S 1 .01412 0 117 0 .014(1 0 1 I 11 0 .00110 , S 4 1 1 . 0 1 21 1 1 esse .s is 7s is i R. H. PO. A. E. .0 0 2 8 1 . 0 I 7 S .0 3 3 8 0 0 2 10 4 0 ,0 2 5 40 0 t It 4 0 15 10 0 14 10 0 0 14 1 1 0 IS TS 4S'4 Cardno. o. . Oibba. p. .. Hill. SB. ... . . Irish, an. .. Watson, 2b. Ay res, cf. . . Knudsop, rf. Turner, lb. Harper. If. . Tetals FARGO. Banning, aa Hearn, ih. McDonald, lb Carman, rf.-lb Raymer, p. . . : Adams, c KeyeTit. McLaughlin, cf. Lebo. Tb.-rf. -. Totals SCORE BT INNINGS. Fargo 0 0 0 000000000000000 0 0 04 0 0 00 Grand Forks 000O00O0000000- oooooo oeo o-o SUMMARt. Bases on balls Off Oibba, 4; off Ray mer, 4. Struck out By Oibba 20; by Raymer, 17. Left on bases -Fargo, 17; Grand Forks, 14. Time of game Four hours and 10 mlnutea. Umpire C. P. Waler. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT LOUISVILLE TRACK (J real Special Ssrvke.) Lexington, Ky.. Oct. S. Yesterday's race results: At today's meeting the 2:12 trotting event required seven heats. The 2:24 class, trotting. 12.000, three In five Lillian R. won the second, third and fourth heats and the race In 2:11, 2:11. 2:1 1V4. Sister Colgate won the first heat In 1:S. The 2:18 claaa trotting. 11,000. three in fire Budd won the third, fourth and fifth heats and the race in 2:10)4. 7 1-. 2:12)4- Robin C. won the first and see heata in 2:1114. 3:10. I The 1:12 class, trotting. 11.000. three In five Dr. Drasse won the fourth, fifth and seventh heate In 2:124, 1:1 tt. 2:1(4. Grattan Bella won the second and third heat In M1W. 3:10. Charley T. won the first and sixth heats In 2:11)4, 2:14. The 2:11 clasa paring, purse 11.000, three in five, unfinished Robert ater aan won the second and third heats la 2:10, 2:09V Moore won the first heat tn 2:104. The 2:08 class, trotting, purse 11.200, two In three, unfinished The President won the first heat tn 2.07)4. W J. Lewis iron the second heat In 2:07 14. Te beat 3:02 trotting; Sweet Marie lost; time 2:034. To beat 1:10 pacing Dan Patch loat; time. 158. SCHILLER BOWLERS WIN FROM GOLD LEAFS The GeM Leaf team was handicapped last night, aa one of their players failed to show up. The Scbtllers took all three gamea The playing of Lunney, Chrtetlan and Head tn the last game wss a pretty race ror high average, Luaney winning by a small margin. He -also secured highest single seers. 222. The GOLD LXAF M 1 (1) . 1S 111 .If! 140 .ITS 171 .171 111 (S) ltd 111 1SS 177 TSS (3) 1 81 ISO 1SS 188 At. 1(1 111 171 170 Kneysa .... Boulanger . i Hagne Ualllartt Total . . . . 717 US SCMILLaRB. (1) (I) 322 101 a e s e 193 1 7nl 301 IS! US 1ST us U7 Ay. Ill is 1S4 ISO ISO Lgnney . . Christian Head Newbergwr Swarta , . , 171 sot Total set soi Tonight the Happy Dales will ths Commercial He. 1. Bill. called at Somebody threw an egg st the umpire la Coluatbws. aoamefta waste eat saxara. NATIONAL CLUB IS THEJFAVORITE The Cube Are Better Backed than White Sox in the First Game of Series. CHICAGO BALL FAN 8 WILL HAVE A TREAT Lineup of the Men Who Will Con test for the World's Championship and a List of the Winners of Na tional League Pennants. Thle after-noon at 2:30 o'clock In Chi cago the pennant-winners in the American and National leagues will meet at National park In the first of the post series games. The White Box and the Cubs are in fine fettle for the fray and those who will be able to see the games will certainly get their money's worth. The Cuba are the fa vorites at S to 1. The lineup will be: Americans Hahn. right field; Jones,, center field; label!, second base; Davis, shortstop; Donohue, first base; Dough erty, left field, Tannehlll, third base; Sullivan, catcher. Nationals Hoffman. center field; Kpeckard. left field: Schulte. right field; Chance, first base; Stelnfeldt. third base: Tinker, shortstop; Evers. second base; Kllng. catcher. The pitchers will be announced when the game Is called. The following table shows the victori ous teams, their standing and manaeera In the National league since 1876: Team. Manager. Waa. Lost P.O. 1ST6 Chicago, 177 Boston, H 187 Bolton. H 1879 Providence 1880 Chleeso Spalding . . 42 14 .788 .833 .705 .703 .798 .047 .033 .843 .790 .no .723 .037 .041 .830 .007 .88V .70S Wright. . 31 18 10 28 17 38 3 88 Wright?.... 41 O. Wright.. SB Anson 47 1881 Chicago. Anson OS 1883- Chicago. Anton AS 1881 Boston. Bancroft S3 1884 Providence. Morrill 84 1883 Chicago. Anson.. 87 1886 Chicago. Anton 80 1887 Detroit. Wathins 7 84 40 47 a a 01 a 44 SO 48 SO SO 47 47 04 9 80 40 47 48 1888 New York. Mu trie.... 84 laSS New York, Mutrte.... SS 1880 Brooklyn. ItcUunnlgle . . 80 issi Boa ton, aelse 87 1803 Boston. Belee B2 1808 Boa ton, gelse 80 1884 Baltimore. Hanlon 80 18BS Baltimore, H anion 87 188 Baltimore, Maoloo SO 1807 Boston. Seles 08 180s Boston. Seise 103 1800 Brook Ira. H anion 101 .703 wr, W3 .803 .047 .741 .660 .803 .668 .763 1000 Brooklyn. Haaloa SS 1901 Pittsburg. Clarke 00 1902 Plttatmrg, Clark 10S 180S Pittsburg. Clarke... 01 1904 New York., Mcliraw 100 1008 New York, MrOraw 10S 1900 Chicago. Chance 110 OFFICIAL STANDING OF COAST LEAGUE TEAMS The official averagee of the Pacific Coast league teams are aa follows; Portland 878 Seattle .Ill Loo Angeles ....... 122 San Francisco tt, .121 Oakland 407 Fresno .131 SPORTING GOSSIP Manager Guy King of the Bunker Hill football team of thla dty registers a strong kick against the treatment ac corded his players last Sunday by the members of The Dalles football eleven. King says that the. score should have been S to f Instead of to 6, ae The Dallea people maintain. The officials, didn't see the goals kicked. Manager King la particularly severe In his criti cism of the deportment of The Dalles men, whom he claims used their knees and elbows and fists with great fre quency. The "Bttnlcr ff ill I avals' 40 -avnxlouri to meet any football team In Portland weighing hot more than ISO pounds to the man. and any team In the states of Oregon and Washington. Games' may be srrejtged by calling up Mansger King at Mason-Ehrman's store. Kicking la to be a great feature of football thlg fall. Weil, tt was a fea ture Of baseball all aummer, too. Joe Gans tar certainly coupled to a lucky star. For Instance, he wasn't showing in Atlanta a week ago Satur day night. e Captain Jordan of the Multnomah club Issued a call this morning for a general practice this evening at 7:10 o'clock Aa It will be an Important meeting every man la expected to be out. One of the numerous banquets for Sir Thomaa Llpton will come at 10 bones per pis to. And you have to buy your own headache powders. e Jack Johnson says Jeffries' statement makes him very happy. He probably refers to the one In which Jeff deniea that he's going to fight again. e a The Picket, a Derby winner, was sold the other day for 11. SOS. Hla owners put that ' price on hist reputation and threw the horse tn. e e Some of the Gens-Nelson light pic tures, now being exhibited In different parts of the country, ere fakea We thought Gans would get mixed up In a fake one way or another.-, e e Bob PUastmmona ts starring in "A Fight for Love." Ton can't keep Bob out of the Sghtlng game. POST SEASON GAMES R S I Warner: H E. 3 S S , t Washington , Philadelphia Batteries Kltson and Wad- dell and SVhrecx. t'mpire Tim Hurst. at st. Ft H E. Americana .... 4 11 1 Nationals I i J Batteries Howell and Spencer; Ksrger and Noonan. LIST QF FONETIX IS SENT TO LIBRARIAN Special IMaoateh aa The sWsel 1 ur.. wet. a. a, n. Ollllnghara. of the Oregon state library. ivnd n circular (men Wllltam Is. aaperlntendent f documents st the congressional library at Waahlng tew. D. Cm which centatne a Hat of the words which were lissssassiagsj by Kaoaevelt to be used by Use national printing depertment. The eir etasatr given a list of the words aeajaga) Ing to the simplified spelling and tells where they ran be obtained let tae use sat tae gesseral BajMle, MEN $12.50 ONI V NyretiaasysscasiBllcslcdcssc I Cure the Cases that Others Cannot Cure A bold statement, but J as as tree as it Is bold. Wot all cases that others fail to cure are curable by my methods, but fully ninety per cent of them are. The way to lsara whether your cass Is curable la to eonaalt ma. I know exactly whst earr be done In every Instance. I ought to know thla for I have done nothing also other than treat men's diseases for twenty five years. If your caso Is curable I will treat you. If It isn't I will net. If I treat vou, and if you ao deaire, I Will Wait far My Fee Until You Are Well Weakness Functional weakness tn men is In reality a comparatively simple ail ment, and la but a aymptom of local disorder, a state of chronic Inflam mation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether In ternal or locally applied, can do more than excite temporary activity. By my system of local treatment I re store abaolutely normal conditions throughout ttie organs Involved, which promptly results In complete and permanent restoration of strength and vigor. This treatment la original with me, and la ths only radical and certain cure yet devised. Varicocele Varicocele la a relaxation, knotting and twisting of the most vital blood vessels of the organic system? It stsgnatas the local circulation and Interferes with the processes of waste and repair. Neglect brings derangement of functions and Injury to the gensra health. Most physi cians resort to surgical operatlona and hospital treatment. I cure Vari I state nothing In my announcements but the straight, square truth. It will cost you nothing to call and talk ovar your caee. Tou can And out all about your trouble and you can later arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My offices, comprising ten rooms, ars the largest, most elegant and best equipped In the West. the DR. TAYLOR co.. cobweb ncowrj un mobbtsow PRIVATE ENTRANCE WE CURE MEN FOR WZ WILL TBBAT Yea will also Sad mat we are following out the plane of eclence ts ear treatment tea various diseases of men. We especially Invite all Ben afflicted with chronic eats or any acute conditions recently contracted. We can te stay eared for life. of ailn Oar reliability and financial landing Is unquestioned and from records, which. If you wlah to do so, you may look ap asd yon will OaS that we sre sll we claim te be, both in professional etandtng sod the oldest apeclallata Is the city, as thla Institution has been here for 30 yean and haa ss unreproachable reputation. It will set coat yen anything to sail at maoh tuna, worry aad money, keoauao a frankly tall ysa SS, and you will set be We wail every man in the us about his ailment. BLOOD POISON SYPHILIS. There cornea tried all the health resorta. springs, etc.. consider life very dark. Too have apent a great deal ef money trying to be relieved aad yet have received se result. We will guarantee to cure je of your dreaded malady asd by our methods we do not use say drags that will cause any bad effects or destroy year sooeatstlSS. USU soa see us oeiore MEBVOITS DEBILITY. I-oae of energy, will loaa of memory, which weakens your retire lowered rltallty of the nervoua and phyalral condition ts rrrngtbened SO that In a short time yen will hare yew original strength ssd be yourself again. RHEUMATISM Both seats or ehroaie. or varied farms, cured to atay cared for life. Oar math il da sre unexcelled end scientific. VARICOCELE ts S diseased condition of the scrotal reins .It Buy be eaassd by Mown, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mam pa. early Indlat ration as may be s aymptom only of some special weaksess. The proper treatment eonalsta of local application fee the parpaee ef die pa Ding the stagnant blood and contracting the awooen eetsa, ss well ss Internal medication te strengthen the nerves which govern the blood supply to these veins. Though causing yon no trouble at the pretest time, your Varicocele will. If permitted to go without ths praaei treatment. Impair and destroy the elemente of ntalHy. Ws Sally demonstrate last Varicocele esa be positively and speedily eared wltaeet cutting, burning or any other form of operation. HOL'ES S A. M. to B P. M. EVENINGS. T to 8:80 P. M. SDN DAYS. S A. si. te 12 M. St. Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CO SECOND AMD YAMHILL We Make Strong Men of the puniest, weekeet specimens of manhood We -nre not how long they have suffered, nor who haa failed to cure them. Thla la not Idle boast, for we have clone it for thousands, and many of them had spent hundreds of dollara without obtaining relief before com n to ua aa a last resort We treat with unrivaled eucceae Blood Poison (Syphilis) in all stages. Suf .crers from thla fearful disease should consult us st once. IStrOTXBCE AMD SBXTJ AX DEBLLJTT A thorough course of treatment for all there afflictions. In thla far-famed Institution, will insure robust heslth. strength, mental power, manly vigor and alt those virtues and attri butes that rombin.j to make splendid manhood. We have cured hundreda of these cases that were considered hope- tees, and will guarantee to cure you.- TAXICOCILB ABED BTDROCIIE Cored without the ose of the knife and wltrlout pain, by of treatment peculiar to ourselves Permanently cured without cutting or dilating by an sbsolotely painless procedure, which dissolves every obstruction In ten daya leaving the or gans In a perfectly normal condition. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 If unable to call, write, ctvlng Buecessful consultation tree una a. m. ao 5 p an., DR.. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. OfScee in VAN NOT HOTEL. 11 THIRD ST., Cor. Pine, Portland. Or. ef Fire Cadets. Hams si Spstlii I San ma.) Dallas. Tea.. Oct. t The annual con vention ef the International Association of Fire Engineers, the membership of which tircjueiana tits lire sAiexa est the mmmmmmmmmHmmB iTglsV OB. lATtOS, leading Specialist. cocele In one week without operation, pain or detention from business. My cures are abaolutely permanent and no 111 effects whatever can follow my treatment. Contracted Diseases I have reduced the time required for curing constracted disorders about one half. Thla la an Important achievement. It replaces dsnger with safety.' It forestalls chronlo complications. It removes the in fection and. Inflammation before that vital csnter, the prostate gland, can become involved. To many men It means the difference between per fect health and a lifetime of misery and functional weakness. My method Is mine alone. My treetment ts original. In some features It re sembles the ordinary. In its chief essentials It Is different. In results It Is entirely different. It Is safe, promnt and thorough. The above, together with Organic Weakness, Nerve Debilitation, Loat Vigor, Specific Blood Polaon, Stric ture, Piles and Reflex Ailmsns, con stitute my specialty and are the only diseases I treat. stuiti, roBnasro. obboow. MORRISON ST. $ 1 2.50 ESTABLISHED St TSARS TJT POHTLAKD. Consultation Free ABT SINGLE. UKOOMPLICATTJ) ALLSLZBT roa sit.40. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Jt UFE.LOAG CURE FOR BLOOD POISOB, SKIM DISEASES. SOB IS. ULCIBS, 8TBICTUKE. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE. B7SBTOUS DECLIKE. WEAKBESS. GONORRHOEA. CHROMIC DISEASES Of TBI BIDBEYS AMD PROSTATE, AMD ALL RECTAL DISEASES. our affioa, sad by se doing It may save yea we oaaaat ours you ws wui soa under any financial obligation to am country who to afflicted lo write WE CURE TOD AT HOME. a time I. your life where, after roe have that you giro up all hoes asd st times yee it ia too tare. power, lack of concentration of th.. ughi. I. This eyatrn.. mental aa well aa nhrstea Dispensary STREETS, POBTLAMD. OREOON n mm AjJmmwU mi 1 a new system symptoms In full. Treatment by metl strictly connoentini. sid 7 ho 8 p. an. leading cities of the United States and Canada, opened In Dallas today. It la the biggest meeting in ths history ef i ww hstcu itsm. vnisr ntagg or son. Jfew Jersey, called ths assert stayer smith te TRANSPORTATION. North Pacific S. S. Co's Popular Steamship ROANOKE. 1,100 tons, sails for San Francisco. Loa Angelas and Eureka, Thursday, October 11, I p. m. Thursday, October IS, I p. m. Thursday, November I, I p. m. Prom Martina Dock, foot Seventeenth street. Ticket Office. 132 Third, near Alder. H. Young, Agt Phone M. 1114. S. 5. F. A. Kilburn Per Cass Bey, gareka ssd Saa Pvnselasn Next Bailing from Portland Friday. October U. Mast sailing from San Francisco. Than.. Oct. 4. ('HAS. B STEKLSMITH, Agent. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 Ihe Portland PORTLAND. ORKOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURlBTl AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, aad It costs no more la the Portland Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from 1:10 to 13. BX. O. BOWEBB Manager. Hotel Eaton COB. MORRIbOB ASTS WBSI PARK STB N CW Handsomely tarnished, elegantly equipped, fireproof. See minutes' walk from heart of ahopplng and bualoese dlitrirt. all largs. airy, outside rooms, steam heated, electric lights, telephone In each apartment, etc. Large offices, lounging, amostsg. writing. ladlea' reception pernrs. aooau by mall or ttliahsas. private atasfhss masts trains and RoomB $I.OO to $3.00 a Day Speolal Bates te OisnsanslBl Mas. MRS. MAE EAT0B, (formerly ef Betel Flgpeth. Spokane.) C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor . the Inxr.dteota at 4 S3 we Import direst from the Orient la large quantities asd peepers end put ap fee see is hie up-to-date la bet or r Be SMreorr. poisons ar drags ef ear kind seed. Purely referable. The Doctor treats successfully and gnarsntses te cere sit atoms eh t roubles, catarrh, sets ass. less, thrust, rheumatism, hit 1 1 assess. I true. hMney and soot sesames. FEMALE TROUBLES AND ALL PBIVATS DISEASES. Be Sties ar misleading eta teas lata Is the afSleted. A safe sad lasting core la the oelck eet possible time sad st ths lowest east pee- for honest If res eanospt eatl. write ssd circular taetesie 4 cents tn ,tsa OO B B U LTATTOB Tan a See We Chinese Os.. MSH rust at., osr. Eveij Woman TT ITJ 1st rsae SrsaurM ase n. aaher . ami aaad aaams for llluauntee book-eMba It glees full nstllanlsis nnd dlrartiena tn- vaJuaMajglndlss. SSAMSBf. rax. s W sg aarejl 1 g O. SBXDMOBX OO.. Ill .BIBS ABC WOODABD CLAABS O Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE sAm-fEPSwca wteMam, see. Bang rt In esrry, ftfas ass. rvaasSt, A Vurtlu'a AI ae hr msU romThe u new xaes. i Journal SuesrJul Serelee Cnlcago. Oct. t Tnlrty-ftvn years ego today a large aecUoa of CaAtassss trass rsging furnace as a reeult ef the set of Mrs O Lasary's famous cow In kicking over a lighted lamp In Its stable the night before, The fire burned more than 14 hours, daring which time a traet of six squsrs miles in thai assart of tire oity was Isld waste aad arty valued at ll0.S2l,000 destroyed. , iaers. BS 0VBS BS FAf ! Cams Ipntrhly sea pmoneetty the rev Bale ay Woedard. taarke Os. gayassk CM BsssSag, Jfew Pcm. ArWK bbvbbi svewx Yt raiu M Jg V, Tarrant a Bswne ef Oahehe aad xau cets. .asae- g.. g, u Sswram70a'44OawasBaa f 'Og- I ssatVwSsfTaaa saV0ejT OsBsVeVBasl (VwssnrW Dauaa AUea Lewts ess Bread. TRANSPOrrTATlOrt. OmR Oregon ShoktLinc am Union Pacific 3 Trains to the Eaat Daily J Through Pullmss standard sad tourist gtsse Ingesrs dally te Omasa. Chleaso. SgoksaSl twIIk "i2,,t. fu? lasses Cltr, Threngh reclining eAeJreslrs (seats free) te the Raat ilslly. union mm, t - - .k V . o"nd special for K!k ' Ti H"tBta. dly. 8:80 am I 00 pea r'?"0". Walla Walla. i-ewlnton. roesr d' Alone and Vrr' .ftl.ern penta. daily. 0:18 pis S:0Ss Atlantic Rtpreaa for the Beat Vt,"."at,r?.1m- ""r SiUpsa T:ils !" w"' sll pnmta between Biggs sad frtlsed. deny . . s is am 0:00 pas COLUMBIA BIYBB DIYIBTOcf. mJ.ZJ'S"4 P1. Maaiittag wtt n.V. E "J 'hse sad North Beach. Steaaset exettes-h ,n afc: eadsy: Katnrdsy. to p. ss. Arrftes " 8 p. re., except Swsday. YAMHILL BIYBB BOOTS. Dayton. Oregon City end Tamhllt trees points steamers Both and Modoc. A a -at. desk.' mere T s. m dsltw a... . . mm. mlttlng). Sunday. Arrlre T:S0 p. m. Ostty. SNAKE BIYBB BOttTB. nirf TJ"?"- 'Oshe, and wsy peters frees ...' Wyh:- "earners Spokane and Lenrhv w" " "Pes arrival Treks Jr.ii ' Sstnrday. Arrive 0 . Ss. dall ex cent Frldar. 4 Ticket Office. Third ssd W.shtagtsa eta. . C- W JpWOBSCTty Tiekst Agent. " AfrMURBAY. General Paasesgsr Agsart. EAST a SOUTH Union Depot Overlaad express Trains ror Salem. Roeebnrg. Ash tand, Sacramento. Ogden. Saa Prase lace, Stockton. Los Angeles. Bl Paso, New Orleans ssd the eaat. Morning train eonneeta st Wood bum dally except Sassier with train for Mount Angel, nivertea. Brownsville. Springfield. Wendlleg and Natron Bngene passenger con sets st Weadfiars with Mount Angel ssd Slteeeton local SeSpm T:lSBSi 8 00 a. TSSpss :rx -gigs 4:80 sen S M BBS Oorvallls Khertdan pSxIMBf fT .... Forest Orove psaianglr roreat Ororr passenger Dolly. HDallr eve 1111:00am l!IO:30aia llS OOpm 113:80 1 Bsagav. JBmtBSON STBBBT BT STATION. Por Dallas sad Intermediate points dally, T:S0 10:10 a. s. sis p. a. arrive ran mas e:xe p. Por ape and card of Oawego suburban trsJao appty ax wiry xiexst ornce. or station. Targets ss Beaten natsts and ssxra Jspsn. China. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third aad 0 legion streets Phase Main 713. C. W. 8TTNORB. Win MrfsTCBBAY uny ricset Agent. oen. TIME CARD TRAINS Portlandi Leave. Arrive. Tellosrs trass Psrk assess Cttr St. Louis Special far CbahaUa, Centralla. OlympU. Cray's narnor. snots Bona, n Seattle. Snoksns. Bstts. gfltlasn Deaver, i. Kanaam lltr St. and Sauthaset. dally 8:30 pm a Mpaa Berth Const Limited. eMStrts lighted, for Tseosss. Seattle. isse, Bstts. Minneapolis. Paal aad ran Bast, dally. I and the Beat, dally. 1:00 pea TOOss. t Sound Limited, for trails. Tssssss sad Ssnttls only, dally 4:30 pm O BOpss Twin City Express for Taeo- Lincoln. St. Joseph, gsnasa City. Omaha. St. Louie, with out ehangs of curs. Dtreet connect lone nor an nsosta I aad Southeast, dali ty ...11:48 nan tO:SS SB 7 Overland Trains Daily 7 'The Oriental Limited, the fast xtaU VIA SBATTLa AND SFOBABB rnrt land thn Dully. Lanes. Dafty. Te and from Bp ah a no. St. Past. Mlnnenpnlla. Dulwfh ssd sll points Sest via Seattle ( SB am T:0S set II 4S pm 0 80 pes To and from St. Peel. Mlnneenolla. Duluth and SO petnts Bast els Bnohsne 0:tSpss 0-0O s Sailing from Seattle for Japan sad Chins porta and Manila, carrying pas sengers and freight. g. B Mlsnaaeaa, Oeteher 88. B a Dakota. Bevemssr SS. irros Tuixg an is n a. Uspans-He rj and freight. r.w tl. chets. rates, herth. tlons etc. eatl sa es sd H y ovU. 'rsl. iZJtSt Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves fjak strsM dock -vsry BtSladBy. connecting with t Ot rrat BsxmV a T ' 0 mfWt099 990 east as umrm. Petsrn. lnts as far 2s ana n' Astoria &l Columbia River Railroad Ca Lee as. Leers. Arrive. e3? fsf rviaauwcmrrASxts bsav km IB l ana, iAjsarsjtsieietaB xesnv. gxn Seattle sSeat O I ISO St IS ror Japes and Chinees sorts, carrying as see age. i