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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
W. D. WHEELWRIGHT TALKS OF JETTY SmiATIOH s Declares Congress Must Be Con vinced That Big Appropria tion Is Necessary. On City Creamery Advances Its Price of Butter but All Others Refuse to Follow Claim Supplies Really Merit Sharp Decline. TODAY'S MARKETS MIXED SITUATION IN BUTTER One City Creamery Advances Its Quotations to Thirty-Two and a Half Cents. OTHER MAKERS CLAIM SUPPLIES ARE HEAVY Slight Showing of Weakness in Local ! Ranch Eggs Owing to Greater i Stocks of Eastern Condensed Cream Is Advanced. Principal sisrket restores torlsT: Our cttjr riMnr; puts ap putter. Front street butter stocks liesvr Bsca are showing allajbi xveakBssa. Poultry market dragslm; aloof. Dealers await orders tor hops. niieneed cream la short and bleb Potato outlook la suits food No Besasad tor onions. Some mill feed Is advanced. JTIour market to food abape. Wheat la Arm. but unchanged. Mora Mixture In Butter Situation. One city creamery adraaoad its natations on beat butler today to 81c a pound. This wss no,, txrsrever, the one that rstsed Its price, and was sates gain tly forced to lower It to SUc again, because all other creameries refused to go higher. Butter supplies an much net Tier than a weak ago. when the first attempt was made ifo adraace to S-'ijc, but the creamery that made ifhe rtra today clalnia It will he able to main Ham the new figure. Of the altnatlon the ftun Vt creamery aaya: "While our supplies of but tar are not hoary, are bare more atorka on band than when we adranced the prloe to S2Hc a weak ago. This figure we could not maintain Jhihinrrr all cres merles saM supplies ware too great." The I. 8. Townsend creamery saya that It has no intention of advancing butter to gUttc a pound today, because supplies are quite liberal, and an advance la not Justified st thla time. The Oregon creamery officials were of ' the opinion today that as advance In the price fa X3Hc waa not Justifiable at this time, owing to the nora liberal supplies, "front street is full of batter." la the assertion made. Mr. Moi tear n of the Hsaelwood company says "wi tsBvanced creamery butter today to 2Sc be eaoea we bellered that conditions Justify such more. We did not make near as much butter the past week as we did the previous week. anJ II our supplies are cleaned up. I think there n no doubt we will be able to maintain the market at the higher figure." Along Front 'street the opinion la genersl that the butler 'market Is wesk Instead of showing s tendency to rise. One handler says: "Supplies of cresmerr .are much mora liberal owing to the greater mount by the Increase In grass. Wa find the market rather weak at the old prices. It hi usually the rule to advance the price of butter about the first of September, but lower It agaji In October, when grass Is saoro plentiful. " Igfl Showing Slight Weakness. While no changes la quotations are shown to day, the egg market la not quite so firm along Front street, owing to the much heavier aup Mit. t,.rn stock. Hssift has been sending -is very heavy supplies of eastern stock, and thla has been the decreasing feature in local ranch stock. At the wide range rn values the trade as taking to the eastern stock There la nothlnc but dullness In the poultry altnatlon. Baceinta are not heavy, but aa the karate borers are full up on supplies It la hsrd aa, naive anvthlnz over present nines. Today there warn a good demand for small veal of faarr uaallty. but larger arrivals of heavy stses la causing the market to show only a fair tone. Dressed Dogs in ueaana at we price. Potato Outlook Is Suite Oood. Receipts of potatoes are vary smsll. Digging aerations era again on a very small scale, end the trade Is eagerly purchasing at TB and Sftc at country shipping points. Bam Broad us of Wolf Bona of Sua Praaclseo. Who nss Just returned to this city from a trip to the south, says: "The California crops this season wilt likely be about 85 per cent abort. The acreage there waa quite fund. It being eettmsted that 8.800 acres arm pleated in the river section this season, as sgaluat about 2. 000 acres a year ago. Early thla season shout 2.000 seres of the growing crop were washed fBt ttf TJU high water. I expect the market to rule quite firm thla sesson. with a range of about TB to Or par hundred pounds at shipping points. There will not likely he any eaaiern demand this sassua. on account of the good crops In Wiscon sin sad Minnesota. Colorado had a largo crop this sesson. and will take care of southern Arl ona and all of Trias, while California will only he able to sat a part of northern Arl Bona. Wls ssaaw and Mhaneaota wQl take care of all the astern business offer est. If the dealers should iililni bare we will bring oat Wl scon sin stock Sa break It up. "Than la no demand at all for Oregon onions thus far that sesson in Callfornis, oaring to the large crops there sad nearby sections. One Ore. Ska (rower hag been. In Ban rraaciaco for souse time trying to sell onions, and baa been -Unholy offering them at 5e per hundred pounds X e. h. shipping potat.' Brief Botes ef the Trsde. Dealers an swsltlng orders for hops before venturing Into the market. They say their of fers an not even arawerpd. Ptanisi' cream ' 6. (tranced 15c a case today, win to s shortaVi. supplies, tt Is said that the Carnation pedlf sre shout four weeks be hind In their orders on sccount of the enormous aeai and for cream at this time. The pried on Pioneer today la $3. IIS and Carnation $.1 00. On sccount of a shortage In supplies shorts n advanced BOc a ton today. The trad pays the following price to Front street. Prices paid producers an lass com mis arat. FVsur sad I sad. GRAIN BAGS -Calcutta, BVio buying price; Sating. c. WHEAT New club. S4c; rsd Russlsn, 81c; fehMstrm. 88c; vslley, 87o. BAKI.K New FsMrd. 121.00; rolled. 822.B0, Srewlnz. 822.00, CORN Whole. I2T 00; cracked. 823-00 par ?TlXB ll.SB per curt, OATS New Producers' price No. 1 whit (S3JXI; gray 322.00. FI.Ol'R Bastern Oregon pstents. SS0; Straights. 13.35; export. 13.06; vslley (8.40; arrshsm. . 13.80; whole wbest. (3. 78; rys. los as 00; balea. 32.7S. CwiiUTrrFS Bran. 115.50 par ton; mid Btlnra 124 00; shorts, country, (1T.00; city. mai; chop. Bi8.ooe2i. 7 T H AT ProdBceM' rrl. e Tlmoths VX I Sap. harr,; ordinary, (BBtvil SXa. SSBIISl 11 -"UWi. 9I..IWSJ1B.W; IDIIM, a.OSniO.BO; clover. IT.00; grain. (T.MsjbTM: at, 87 00. Buttar. Bgg and Poultry. BI'TTBB PAT P. s. h. Portlsod Swest cresm. 2SHa31c; soar. tt028c. Butter Clfy cresmery, 3ua92u.c; outsl 1e fBhcy. SSSJBOe; ordlnsry. 27 Vc; store. . , tor. 1 .1 No. 1 fresh Oregon, rsndled. 30.iie fsjosndled. 18 Q BOc, local and eastern storsgs ClIEBSB New Fall em t..i. Ssnssrlea lBaBiaUsx. flata, 14c: 1 LTBT Mixed chickens 11H per Bk; fancy kaM lSHOUc per IS; roostany-nld. 10c aar lb; stsgs, lOUr per fb; fryers. i.v brail rs. 13c per lb old dncka. llvie per lb; spring ducks. 13c par lb; gssss, BttlOe lb. turkeys, lBc pr lb: dressed xOe , K; ssjsska. 12-BO 00 par ss; pigssaas. law HOPS 1808 crop, choice. lB4(B17e: prime to New. MBtstt sS kakssi lag, taanus esek: Wi rsoajTBe sack: ALLOW -Prime, pec Ik. SH4e. No 8 sad mrfrkf IIbk-bbjioc IDEst Dry N. 1. is But sad . iHa -BBBjsj. ssbbbbj. ssj sbsj aass over, ivsjiiei HsttHc, rtsuys and buns, assaaa BBJTe; kip I a as aa sssv sw; rait, soaau. unaer u uss. 11c fisse. ansa Med. I less, esjll is pe h lass asessiaioes saiiew. ear si anas i . ts ; ary MM0.H. esslt BMea. sBsUr: guat fMNpa. eseh. iasjj;Bs; A agar s esek esc'j. skins MftAtVM limm new Ittl IB pr cwl sura ta, 3Ma. SrlBEPSKI wool. X40e; media BMW SnoT 7BCSJI 1 00 0 N IONS Jobbing price New Oregon. Bid II SB; buy lag price. MSHSe; srDc.S0c per lb. KRK.SlI FRUITS Apples. TBct1.3S; oranges. Tslenrla. IB. 00; kkaaaaa. BsSBHc per fb: lemons, choice. ffl.S0eaB.73 pr box; fancy. IT per box: liases. Mexican, II S3 per K.l. . ' ,, - jniiMSU. . - --..a- I.... ..A. SI , gr. has ip, $!. 10421.40: Concords. lTSc xvstir Suae, iusgTBc: peaches. kxVssll 10; pears. 'ttSl.OO: prunes, bulk. Ic per lb: packed. TVBjai OttBO par box: huckleberries, 8c; ground cherries. BBsSTBe per box; pluespples. 18.50 per (los. V!-:i:KTnLltS -Tnrnlps. new. 11.00 pr see: carrots. II ssck: beets. fl.BO ssck; Oregon radishes. 20c nar dos: cabbaae. Omna. Bl no: bell peppera. 5c par lb: tomatoes. 4i4tV)c par box; parsnips. 80rQ8 ' string hesns. Orejron. CrfTc per B: csuir flower. Ilul.n per das: noes 4sSr: hone rudlsh. POfOc per lb; artichokes. 75c per dox: siuasb. 7Bcil 00 per'boi ; eggplant. 11.50 per Baa hunches: cucumbers. Sue per box: celery. TSSjSOa dos; areas earn. 11. M sack: snmmsr squash. 7B4JB: .00 per box: eggplant. 11. TB per crste; pumpkins. Ic; crsnrssrrles. local, B8.50O . I IS CM I'.,. I l I... hi. I DRIED rB HITS Apples. evaporated. ISO e per lb: apricots. IBWeite par lb; peaches, iBUc .per lb: sacks. He per lb leas: p rapes. t 40. 8c; He droj oa each 1-18 smaller e: fun. California black. BMHa per Ski .eilfornta urhlte. tOSHe per lb: dates goldeu. 7(4c per lb; fsrds. I1.404J1 80 per IB-lb hex. Orocsuiss. Buta. Stt. SUQAB All refineries Cube. SB. TO: pow dered. 15.55: fruit, granulated. BBSS: dry crsnulated. 15.45; coot. A. IS 45; extra C, $4 95; golden C. 4.95; D, yellow. 14.05: bbls. 10c; H bbla, 25c; boxes, BOc advance on sack basis. ( Above or Ices sn 10 darn net cask aauta- tlona.) H0NKT 18.00 par crass. fttiTKK -Pncksre brands. BlV.2SsJjlB.TB. SALT Coara Half around louw SO 00 asr ton: 60s. 50: tsble. dslrr. 50a. 11S.00: 168s. fli-TB; bales, ll.SS; Imported Liverpool. 60s, 117.00; 100s, 118.50; 224s. 118.00; extra Cae. bbls. 2s. Bs. 10s. S4.50SZB.B0: Uvernool lump rock. 1 18. B0 par ton; BO-lb rock, 18.00; 100a. i Above prices sDnly to ssles of leas than car Iota. Car Iota at speclsl prices subject to fluctustlons.) Kirk imperial Japan. No. l, sst; wo. a, ISUe. New Or leans bead. Te: A Tax. Be: Creole. Bsee. BEANS Small white. 13.00: largs white. 1125. pink. 12.80; bayou, 83.75; Llmas. 14.50; Mexican reds, a.-.- NUTS Pes nata. Jumbo. Be per th: Virginia. 80Hr per lb; roasted. SsftHe per lb; Jape esse, nuts. WW roasted, TBIn par Ik: cocoa oer dos: walnuts iSSBlBste nay lb. ptnennts. 10Jl2Hc per IS; hickory aura. 10c per lb; chestnuts, ess.err.. lnO'Bc per lb; Rrssll nuts, IBs.- par lb: filberts. 1441Be pr lb; fancy pecans. 15c: almonds lV,llc. kfssts. Fish sad Provialona. FRESH 1ISATP Front Street Hogs, fancy SOajVSc per lb: balls, 8Q1vc per lb: real, extra, 8c per lb; ordinary. TWc per lb; poor, 8c per ;b; mutton, fancy, BQeUc par lb: Ismbs. Stt9c HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hams. 10 to 14 lbs. lBHc per lb: 14 to 16 lbs, 15c per lb: breskfsst bacon. 14H(2lc per lb; picnics. IOViC per lb; cottsge. 10Uc par lb: regular short clears, unamoked. HVfcc par lb; smoked. ISe par '.b; clear backs, 'msmoxed, 11c per lb: smoked 18c per lb; Union halts IS to II lbs; tnamoksd. Be per lb; smoked. Be per lb; clear belli-!, unimoaed. 14c per lb; smoked, 15c par lb. ahoulders. lxVic per Ik; pics If a tongues, sss.uu quarter DDI. LUUAL, l.A ttl rxetlle Kettle leaf. 10a. Ills ass- lb : 5. 12r per lb; BO-lb. Una. lie Bar n.: stesm rendered:. ls. 11 Ue per lb; Ba, 11 Sir per lb; compound. 10a, 8V4e. CANNED SALMON Columhls rlvr. l-b tails. $1.80; 2-lb tails 81.75; t,atJ . w. H -lb fancy SaU. 11.15: fsacy l ib ovals. (STB: AlaskstslU.lnk. SSOOOc; rrl 1.5o; aomlaal PISH Rock cod. Te par fb; Sounders. 8 net lb: bsllbut. Be per lb; crabs. Il.00ai.50 Sua; strtosd ban. lsU; per lb: cstlah. Be oer th: salmon. Columhls river Chinook. Tc; sllverslde. 8c; stssl besd, Tc lb; herring;, 8c par lb; soles, a per lb; shrimps. 10c par lb; perch. Be par lb: black rod, Te per lb, tomcorl, tc per lb; silvsr smelt. Be per ib; lobsters. 18c per lb; fresh mackerel. 8c per lb; era wash, 10c per dos: shsd. 8c par Ib; aturgeoa. 10c per lb: black bass. 20c OYSTCstS Shoslwster bsy. per gal. tVXS: pay 1101b ssck. 4.00; Oljrrnpls. par gallon, 81 SB: per 115 1b sack. 35 00. CLAMS Hvdakell. per box. 83. 0O; rssasr tlams. 82.00 par bog. Paints. OssJ on. Bus. ROPE Pur Manila. IBfac; stsndsrd, Ukie. slssl. lie. GOAL OIL Pearl or Astral Case 18V,e per gsi; wbxst wane, iron osrrem lac par gsl, wooden ITc per gal; basdllgbt. 170-dsg. eases utae par gsi. UASiLIKsV m Bag. MM per g.l. Irs. era lac per 8BNZINE- bb la 18t4e ner as TURPENTINE I esses 88c ner gsl. bbls 93c par gsL WHITE I. F j .BAD Ton lots. T4 par n BOO-ir lb. le-s Vats. SUe psr n. llli ITrnKt basis at a.88. lots. 8c WIRE If A LIN USED OIL Pur raw. In B-uel lorn. SSci 1-bhl lot, 68c. esses, B4c per gal; genuine kettle bolled. cases. 80 psr gsl: S-bbl Iota. B4c; 1-bb. lot BSc per gsi; ground cske. csr lota. ( ar ton: less tbsa csr lata. 830.00 psr tea. SAB FRANCISCO MIKING FX CHANGE. Ssn Francisco, Oct 0 Official (losing:. Bid. Bid. K-lmont .-, ST', Ktelnwsy cash Boy la I t on. cel. lOnhlr .. Vs 3 88 1.86 ST 46 60 Golden Anchor. .SS Home SB iMexlcan i sl. donls I Kxrheuuer Jim Butler MarNamara 1 ..-to .T8 Midway . . . North Star Ohio z.uo inorcrnaa .44 (Gold Crown 24 Greet Bend ... S.l2ttlReecue 1.16 .18 .46 .a .04 Tottopab ex Weat End . 1.70 Black Butte x. Adams .11 Montgomery Mt. .61 Bunaet IS Atlsnta .17 .38 .11 .SI .OS .6S 1.45 IS .80 .44 Bluebell ceptr 46 Msnksttsn IS Seyler 1 1 nmprsy . 16 Booth Columbia Mt Con Quarry DlsmoodnVId Dixis tioldfleld . . . Jumbo do SI. Kendall . - -Laguua Dexter Bl Golfl Wedge ... Lou Star Ot. Bend as.... do annex .... Crescent Cowboy Denver snuex.. Bulls A eBara.. Hlark Kock N. X. Con .... Msnbattsn Con. Little oJe .16 .14 .IS .13 .13 .10 .SO .03 .04 .29 .88 .04 .63 .06 .IT .44 .30 .80 Har XJBSSSB. . . .b . Mohawk B Red Tup . 1 .40 .83 .80 Ssndstorflk Urar Pick St. Ives National Beak. Denver Ccllpse ti.Id Bsr Old Bull Krog. . Mayflower .48 1.56 Red Too ex ... . Mustang Bull Frog Mln.. Trlsugle StarUg-ht ..... 1.10 .14 UNITED STATES OOTEBKMEBT BONDS. New Tart. Oct. B. Government Date. Twos, registered Opt. do coupon Opt. Threes, registered Opt. do coupon c - Opt. Smsll bonds Fours, registered 1025 do coupon 1807 Fours, registered 182B do coupon 1825 District of Columbia 1824 Philippine Islsnds Sterling Exchange Rates. N rk. Oct. 8. Sterling demand. 484.75 4B5. 60 dsys. .481. 2S. PORTLAND BANK STATEMENT. ties rings todsy ... (nestings year ago Gain today ..... ..I1.1S8.B41 10 B4S.77A SB 180.174.44 No. T Rio. Haw Turk Oeffss. Nsw Tork, Oct. 9. -Casta coffee: 8c; No. 4 Santos, c. Pstato Crop Ooed. f Specie I Dlapalrh to The Jnotasl La Oraade. Or., Oct. 6. The Grand Bonds valley v.111 hare an abundant potato crop this yosr. The A. A. Oust wsreoouse bss ahlpped nut and has the contract for the del!vry of jt csra more to eastern aariass. id gusli ty is flrat-elssa. The present prloe paid Is SB cants per 1U) CHICAGO SESSION OF IMPLEMENT MAKERS (Journal Special Service i Chl i, Oct. I. The National Asso ciation of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers began Its con vention here today. President Huh lei n of Lesulavllle, spoke urlng the policy of "tat tariff alone." Ha said he hoped land apeculatora would be f oread to keep their hands off the Irrigated lands of the west and susseated that a na tional commlaalon consider all tariff problems. Toss an sot pro pony looking out fot Ts. X ttaiess yea watok The Jouroaj bonds: Bid. Ask. 103 104 lOStl 104 102 U 103 103 108 102 103 102 loa KI2 I.-"', 131 130 Ul 118 we PENNSYLVANIA ON 7 PERCENT BASE Rumors of Intention of Directors to Increase Dividend Is Cause of Good Rise Today. CLAIM UNION PACIFIC EARNS BIC AMOUNT Expected That Report Will Show Earnings of Over 21 Per Cent on All Stock Money Still Governs Stock Fluctuations. r NST CAINS. Sugsr Louisville Missouri Psclfic. N. T. Central... Ont. a Western.. Smelter 1 Brooklyn ltlmore Canadian Colo, a Southern . Central Leather... . National 1-ead. . . 1 Looocoetln l Northern Pacific. . 1 Illinois Central 1 NET Pennsylvania ... i-eopie a uaa. ... Press Steel Car. . Southern Pacific. U. S. Steel ont. W i bask nref iWla. Oeot. pref.. LOSSBS. Anaconda .... Amalgamated Atcblaon Car a Foundry St. Paul IMexlcan Central. 'Katy Nortoik Beadlac Kepubllc stacl . . Cheaspeake . . . Rock laland Erie Wabash ulon I'sclflc The money situation remains tha cTflsf factor In price making on the New York market Call loans wen somewhat easier todsy. and ruled around 4 per cent. Americana wen dull and lower In London, Pennsylvania waa the leading feature In todaata trading. Then was a report that the directors wen seriously considering the plsclug of the stock on a 7 per cent basis. This caused heavy buying end resulted la a rise of 2 points. It ts now ssld Ihs Union Pacific ex pects over 21 pet rent on Ita stock. Offlrlsi .imitations by Orarback, Starr a Cooke Co.: ' flfl? :biptio.m. Araal. Odpner Co. Aa. Car a Found do; preferred Am. Cotton OIL com... Am. loco., com Am. Sugar, com , Am. Smelr.. com . . w , . do preferred Anscouda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com Atchleoa, each do preferred B. a 0., com. do preferred Brooklyn R. a Canadian Par., com... Central Leather, cogs.. do preferred Chi. i Ot. Weat., com. Cht. Mil. a St. Paul... Chi. N W com.... ( heaaueake a Ohio Colo. Fuel a Iron, com Colorado So nth era. c. do Sd preferred do 1st prstd Corn Products, coat.... Delswsre a Hudson... P. B. O.. prefd.... Brie, common do. Sd preferred do 1st pr-ferred Illinois Centrsl l. a ! Matnhsttsn Ballway ... T6 186 223 222 Max. Centra! Ballwsy.. si.. K. a t. . com do wfetied Missouri PactSe Nstlonal Lesd New Tork Central... It. V.. 0. a Western.. Norfolk a West., com do preferred North American N. P.. common Pac. stall 8. S. Co... Penn. Railway 7 62 ziti People's Q-. L. A C. Co. tTssaan nteei i sr. eoi do preferred ........ Reading, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred.... Rep. I. a Steel, com. do preferred Bock Island, com do preferred . , IBS 1611 Hit St. Lit. V.. Sri prefd oo ist peererreu St. L. a 8. W , com... do preferred 8. P., common So prefd : Southern Railway, con do d referred Tennessee Coal a Iron . . . Texas a Pacific Toledo. St. L. a W., com do preferred Union Pacific, common do preferred V. 8. Rubber, common do preferred IT. 8. Steel Co do preferred 48 V 10T1 Wabash, common do preferred W. in Teleg graph. SS Wis. Central, com So preferred Virginia Chemical Dlatlllere Federal Kmeltere. . J. Total sales for day. 818,700 shares. HOG MARKET ADVANCED 15 CERTS III YARDS Nominal Arrivals Causa a Rise in Price Yesterday's Boost in Prices Maintained. Portlsnd Union Stockyards, Oct.' S. Livestock receipts: Today Ron. Cart la. Sheep 12 112 week ago 66 27 60 224 Year ago 130 The livestock market continues 'vary firm at the advance of 25c In cattle and en quoted exrluetvely In The Journsl yesterday. Hogs sd veaced l&c today, with nominal arrirale. All lines are In good shape. Official llveetocl prices: . Hogs Beet eastsrn Oregon. BBstOO 63 blockers and China fata. 86 0046.85. Cattle--Beat eastern Oregon steers. A3. 309 rn; nest cow sna neinrs. B2.hutjx.7a: stock era snd feeders. 82.7508.00: bulla, 11.50. Sheep Mixed. 444e: lsmbs, 6Bj5c. STOCK COtDD AT HEPPNER Sfany Sale meported Is Morrow County During; raw Days. neppner. Or., Oct. 8. The Morrow county stock market has been unite brisk the nest few days. Will Mstloek received this weak 100 heed or cattle, which he has purchaser! in (Irsnt snd Wheeler counties. Of the lot there wen 200 steers, which ware aold to (leorge W. Vin cent for feelers on hi Bntter Creek- rench. The other e) hesd were cows, which Mr iTaf t wk will ship to the I nlon ysrds In Portlsnd. The price pnio ror tnis stock was BB per hundred eounde for steers snd 82 for cows. Besides I be csttlr. Mr. Usilock bought while In Ibe Interior ISO head )f bogs, ths price being 86..V) isrr hundred 1- uri.l. W. W. Stabler, a Buffalo, Wyoming, sheep buyer, has been here th past week receiving hep. which h bought earlier la the sesson. There was a trsmloarf In all. shout 15.000 head, the larger number of which cam from the Portlsnd Lsnri a Livestock rsnch. They wen mostly old ewes, which Mr. Stabler will rake to Wyoming and fatten on beat pulp fur the winter and spring market. It Is understood "'Jt the price- paid was 12 per besd. Wslden Rhea brought la from Wheeler county the first of Uie week s band of 1 270 sheep, which he will feed ea aa alfalfa ranch aear WOOL PRODUCTION or Commissioner of Labor and Sta tistics Preparee Report for Legislature. AVERAGE PRICE ABOUT NINETEEN CENTS POUND Eastern Oregon Wools Worth Less st First but Sell for More After Being Shrunk Big Shrinkage Is Cause of Low Price to the Sheep Men. (Sped Dispatch te The Journsl.) o -1 ex.- rx a ex T Unf will mm ., In his MnAS Sa Iks 1 DSiru . ' 1 . wul. m. X.UU1UJ1SS1UUS1 J Oregon legislature: uregon uiis year ranKH firth in tne wool-producing states and the esti mated output Is between 12,000,000 and 20,000,000 pounds. The average price! to tne grower win average 10 centa par pound. Kastern Oregon woola shrink about 68 per cent, while that from tha Willamette valley shrinks from 4U to 60 per cent, but eastern Oregon wool Is worth about 10 centa a pound more when scoured. The coaraer tha wool tha less the shrinkage. The several dis tricts sand In the following estimate of Oregon wool output of 1906: District. Pounda. Willamette valley and southern Oreg lakavi gon 1.750,000 1.400.000 Shanlko Heppner i . . . . Baker city and vicinity... Elgin Pendleton The Dalles Condon and Arlington ... Huntington ' Ontario .' Other localities S.600,000 2,540,000 .o0,000 1.750.000 2.500,000 250,000 1,210,000 600,000 1,600,000 410,000 JUL WHEAT MARKETS HAVE A BETTER TOHE Good Buying Reported at Local Points Chicago and Liver pool Are Higher. RELATIVE WHEAT TALUKS. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. Gain. 1806. Oct $ .72 .71 f .00 U .00 Dec 74A .74-eiB .00U .SBSa May T8A .78$ .00$ .86-2 Good trad la a continues la th local wheel market. Purchases st eastsrn points are In creaelne. and price sn holdtna well. Tha local flour situation remains good, while s number of new ssiea era reported for Japanese and Chi neee account. Outside whest markets were strona todnv Opening cables were higher, snd Liverpool closed with a gain of li to d for I secern bsr and Marcti, respectively. Chicago waa firm ea the improved foreign we. sou iusi ..-uses Ban Vs c over Monday. Official Chicago quotations by Overbeck Starr a Cooke company: WHEAT High. 72 78 Open. Low. 72 October Dm. . May ., 7J T4H A 78A CO EM. Dae. Msy Suly Dee. Msy July 'as. Oct. Dec. Jin. Oct. Jin. 48 41 OATS. 84 8 s2 MSSS PORK. 1873 1866 LARD. 800 880 63B SIS SOT 800 SHORT RIBS. 866 843 743 780 1873 boob 828 807 866 742A 817 800 848 7Sl LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Liverpool, Oct. 8. Official prices: WHEAT. Open. 8a 4Ad Sa 6ftd Close. Oct. 8. Gabs. Dae. . March 6s 4d Bl 5i..d s 4Ujd 6s 4$d CORN. Open. Closa Oa Oct. 8. Gain. 4a 6Vid d 4sl3d Dec. Jan. 4S n'.n- da lWd 4s SUd a 1 Vkd Chicago Oash Wheat. Chicago, Oct. 8. Cash wheat Xo, 2r.d. TSVi c: No. lo. 8 red. 68W72c: No. 2 hsrd. 7sua 7UV-: No. 8 hard, 7uQ74c: No. 1 northern. 803 i.v. si ' " . vssri-sv ..v. i srvTsussrsx, sssesa Tto. 3 northern. 774.8. Mo. 2 spring, 70 81c esoc. BETTER VOLUME OF TRADE ON 'CHANGE The amalgamation of a number of British Co lombia cosl mines, under tha name of tha Brit ten Columbia Amalgamated compaay, la under wsy. Included In the crrsporstlon la the Nicola and other mines. x For Nlcois stock the promoters of the new cor- Krstksa sre offering 80 per cent mora stock rff l British Columbia In exchange A thnnssnd ahsres of ths new corporation ware sold todsy oa the local markst st 4 cents. Other aslaa were 22.000 shares Tacoma Steal at lOHc and 2,000 ahsres Oallaher st Bc. CATTLE AND SHEEP STEADY Eastern Market la ralr ffhape slogs Are now. Chicago, Oct. 8. Livestock rerelnts: Hon. Cattle Sheep. 25.000 10.000 Chicago 14,000 7,600 Kansas city 11,000 22.000 Omaha 2.800 8.000 90.000 Hogs are alow at reeterday'a cloae. with 4.800 lert over. Receipts a year ago were 21,000 Prices: Mixed. B6.2fl66.73tt; good. ( A72H: rough, BB.SBeBB; light. 18.3606167. Csttl -Mteedy. Sheep Steady. 1T1IW TOM COTTON (Speclsl Dtspitch to Th Journsl.) New York, Oct. 8. Cotton futures Closed 16 to 22 points up. Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr ft Cooke Co.: Open. High. Low. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. Jan. . Feb. . March April . . 1 OfiO . .1071 . .1067 .1072 . .1072 .1076 .1078 . .1053 . .1044 , 1046 lllrU Mite 1050 1024 1042 1048 1061 1071 1086 1071 1064 1072 1070 1076 1076 104$ 1044 1041 10fi 101. 1074 1076 1076 1079 1052 1061 1045 April . . . .1072 1071 May 107$ 103$ 101$ 1062 1067 10$$ 108 1038 June . 1077 109B 1088 1075 1064 July . Oct. . Nor. . Dec. . Boston. Oct. 6. Offlrlsi close, bid: Adventure, $7.60; Alloues. $41 '6; Ar cadian, $1; Atlantic, $176; Mhgnam. $36; Calumet, $840; Centennial, sK62tt ; Copper Range, $; Daly Wart, . SI 8; Franklin, $23 .75; Greene (mJT $$; Qramby; $14; Maea, 17; Mevada Con., $22.60; North Butte, lilt. 60. Old Dominion. S63.62H; Oaosola, $128.60; Parrot, $28; Phoenix," $1.114; Qulncy, $104; Royal. $22; Shannon. II 25; Tamarack. $10$: Trinity, $10.76; United Copper. $; Utah, $l,60; Wi nona, $1$.2B: Wolverine, $168: U. S. Mining. $l.7Vt; Ely. $11.76: Butte Con., $$; California ft iArlsona, $137, Superior ft Pitta.. $1$. OREGON Sentiment of the bualneaa community of Portland la being crystsllsed in no tion by the navigation and transporta tion committees of tha chamber of com merce on the jetty altuation. At a meeting of the Joint committee yeater day afternoon conditions were dlecuaaed and a subcommittee, oompoaed of W. D, Wheelwright, C. F. Adama. W. B. Ayer, U A. Lewie and A. H. Devera, waa ap pointed to formulate a plan of action Mr. Wheelwright, who la chairman of the Joint committee and tha subcom mittee, said: "About four and a half millions ef dollara have been spent on tha Jetty work, covering a period of nearly 38 yeara. This amount, had It been "ap propriated In a manner admitting of tha proper hastening of the work, would have completed tha entire Jetty ayatem. But given In driblets, meat of it hss been frittered away. Of the laat $400. 000 appropriated by congress tha greater part want merely to protect the work: already dona, and little or JMO headway has been accomplished from tt. Con gressmen Jones and Ranadell tell us It la not at all probable that an appropria tion can be secured this year. That would put tha next appropriation over to tha session of 1807-8, which would not be available for two years. Mean time a large part of the unprotected trestle will probably ba carried out by the storms. . "It la now up to thla community to decide whether it will do aomethlng to relieve thla, desperate altuation. or whether the people will allow them selves to be bottled up four or five yeara longer, and perhaps forever. A number of plans have been sug gested, snd these will ba threshed out by the subcommittee, which will ulti mately present what It considers tha bast plan of procedure.- A constant struggle haa been carried on for years by tha chamber of commerce to Induoe congress tt) make tha jetty work a con tinuing contract, and thua relieve tha works from the continual danger of de struction by tha seat. Preaaure to make congress see the necessity Is being con tinued and augmented. It Is also pro posed to convince congress and tha Ben ate that it Is necessary to tha Interests of American commerce to have an an nual appropriation of not laaa than 150, 000,000 to ba used In opening tha. na tion's waterways and Improving harbors to tha and that lower freight rataa may prevail In varloua parts of tha country. POLICEMAN BURKE UNDER SUSPICION! Chief 'and Inspector Investigat ing Charge That Patrolman Shields Chinese Lottery. Ample demonat ration that "Purist" K. Burke of tha "moral squad" cornea In tha category of "those who have eyea and aaa not" 'has been furnished to tha police officials aa tha result Of another sensational, raid In tha Chinese laat night by Constable Lou Wagner. Charlie Lee. keeper of the lottery den raided by Wagner , informed hia captor that Burke waa In the piece a few min utes before the arrival of tha constable, but "him see nothing." ., Wajfner ahowad considerable clever ness in gaining accees to the gambling resort and single-handed arresting two Chinese snd a white p&trxm of the place. Lee's lottery establishment la located la the rear of a tailor-shop on Fourth near Taylor street. Wagner followed a white man, who gave this name of Jim Brown whan arrested, and la auppoaed to ba an employe of a large retail store, into tha resort. Tha wily Lraa, who presides over tha place, with a chuckle Informed hia cus tomer that "Policeman Burke Juat In here, but him see nothing." Wagner stood by while "Brown" marked a lot tery ticket and then placed all of those present under arrest With Lee, Oum Blng and tha clerk preceding him, Wag ner marched tha trio to Jostlce Raid's court. Lee waa released on $100 hail, Blng was compelled to furnish $60 and Brown put $36 to guarantee hia appear ance In court. A large number of tick ets snd money seised at tha time of the arrests will ba held aa evidence against tha trio. Wagner hss declared hia Intention of suppressing gambling In Chinatown Ir respective of the sctlon of the police. By conducting several aucceasful ralda recently on places tha police either will not or cannot enter, ha haa shown thst If tha proper effort Is put forth Illegal gaming can ba a topped. Following the publication today of tha Chinaman's declaration that Burke had been in his place and waa unable to find any evidence of gambling. Chief Giitsmajchar and Captain Bruin are making s quiet investigation. PIONEERS TO CELEBRATE , THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING A pioneer golden wedding will ba cel ebrated tomorrow evening by two who have been connected with tha growth of Oregon since Its lnfsncy. Dr. snd Mrs. J. Fltnn will ba tendered a reception at 7 sn o'clock at Taylor street Metho dist churoh by the Methodists of tha City and tholr friends. Dr. Fllnn is $0 years old and Mrs. Fllnp la 74. They came serosa tha plains In tha sarly daya aa missionaries to the Oregon country. Dr. Fllnn Is the oldest living Methodist missionary In the northwest and was a contemporary and Intimately connected with Dr. John MeCarty. the Episcopal minister who served In Oregon and Washington 60 years sgo. They are wall known In Methodism throughout the state and the reception will ba largely attended. LOST CANINE FOUND AFTER THREE MONTHS "BobMe," Attorney Ft W Montague's Boston bulldogs' after being sought by the police for three montha, waa found this morning by Detective John Price and once again has assumed his position aa guard of the Montague back yard. J. W Davenport Wlngo, Ky.. writes June 14, 1881: I want to tell you i believe Ballard a Snow Liniment saved my life. I was under the treatment of two loctora, and they told me one of my lungs wss entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I also had a lump on my side. I don't think that I could have Ured ovar two montha longer. I was Induced by a friend to t y Ballard's Snow Lmlment. The first explication gave me greet relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured ma sound and wall. It Is a wonderful madiolne-and 1 recommend It to suffering humaaltv Sota by Woodard. Clarke Co. IrwV "High Standard" Paint wMMMMMMMMMM Every Day but Sunday Prom PORTLAND to ASTORIA Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 7. A. M. And Every Night But Sunday Night From ASTORIA to PORTLAND Leaving Astoria at 7 P. M. the LINE Passengers and Freight for All Landings on the River at Lowest Rates. "FROM MAKER TO PlaffitTO' J&tHliL W?MIa. Ph. BUILDINO) Aa Oregon corporation which tightens lower raaraateet level pramlux White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 ti. D. JOlNEaS Eight Thousand Cords OF Dry Slabwood Must Be Bold Before west, pring Dry anvort Slab. 93 SO per load 4-foot Wood $2.25 Sez load Portland Slabwood Co. ana. aao mood an. Tha dog mysteriously disappeared In July and the services of tha police were enlisted to locate him. No trace of the canine could be found until thla morn lng, when Fries saw him oa Third street In the custody of Morris Vycs. Tha animal and his ksepar wars taken to pollca headquarters and Attorney Montague notified "Bobble's" Joy waa pathetic. When his master came for him he fairly howled with delight. Vyce, who was found leading tha ani mal, claims that hia uncle gave tha dog to htm and maintains that Montague has made a mistake. But "Bobble" thinks otherwiae. WALTER A. G0SS TAKES BRIDE THIS AFTERNOON The marriage of Miss Rebecca Catlln and Walter A. Ooss Is sat for 1 o'clock thla afternoon at tha First Presbyterian church. Dr. J. K Wilson, principal of Portland academy. Is to officiate Mlaa Alice Strong la the maid of honor and Albert S. Ooss, a brother of the groom. Is the best msn. Tha uahera are Harry Bladen, Arnold Rothwell, Dan Bellinger and Irving Rohr. Mr. and Mrs. Ooss leave thla evening for tha east, to ba gone several weeka. Tha brlda Is a member" of one of tha oldeat Portland famlllea and la con nected with tha leading pioneer families of the slate. Mr. Oosa la president of the Acme flour , mills and la known so cially aa tha president of the Irvlngton Tennla olub. Ha is a devotee of tha port and baa won a number of eupa la 2nd and Taylor Stt. MMMM THE PALATIAL Steamer Lurline The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line. REEDfRENCHCO. SIXTH aSUAHSlOE The aahasvast Plana Co. haa authorised us ta sail three cars of their planoa. . . . Prices are about half tha usual. flea our ad., page 6, thla laaua. W Tmso BWIuco. Vf4 tha policy-holds-' VSS-F&i,.0? Uaed Cheap. OZ.D BBXx&BXtB Dalles Diamond Floor haa never failed to pleas. It haa al ways abeen ths standard for family use, Aak Tour Oroosr rot R. M. OUTHRIB Portland Rap., til Ablngton Bldg. Phone Paclflo llilT il recent tournaments. Tha uahera of tha afternoon wedding are all tennis friends r the groom. Tha Ooaa family home is in Irvlngton. Three Burned to Death. BteubenvrW Ohio, Oct. (Christian Zends, aged TB yeara. and two email grandchildren ware burned to death In a farmhous near Malntyra creek I J saw sae ?8 fiaiirj Tha OrtgioaU Diamond Brand. 1 is