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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9. 106. PERSONAL. CLAIRVOYANT8 AND PALMIST MONEY TO LOAN. FINANCIAL BANKS. Don't Wait Till Sunday But Read the Real Estate Ads in the Wednesday Journal WEDNESDAY IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALS IT Louis Salomon 388 Star at., near Second. 13.750 Corner lot, with new 8-room houee, N. 2td at. 88.800100x100. good 10-room bouaa; K. Main at. ft, 000 M 1-3x100; food 8 room bouaa; Qulmbr at. ... M.OOO 28x100; d-room bona In Al eondt djtoii; Fifth at. MBOO 2fiil00: new d-room bouae: Barter at. tl. BOO 100x100. a- room bouaa; Portland Heights, sear observatorv. EAST 8IDB. 80.350 Corner lot, new bonaee; rant, 856 per month; clone lit. $3,250-- Corner lot, 7 -room honae; Union i mm hna!nMa nrooertv. - 2.000V-C6roer, Upper Albtna. 3-tory build ing, etore ana 0 imag-roomx. 11.850 -8 uuaveld. I corner, with 8 room cottage. liTioo Kuli lot, B-room cottage; Michigan 11,700 Lot with B-room cottage. Oanten - beln are. 31.000 Holledaj a Addition, Broom- cot tage. 19th 11.4)00 Modern B-room cottage, corner lot. Dealrable building loU In all parts at the city. Bee our list. BRAND-NEW boose, select neighborhood, sear ear; prlcee advancing all around; tarma; pay rant to yooraeix ; see wis. THB CONTINENTAL CO., Bat Stark at. a REMEMBER KAJtT BIDE PROPERTT IS tMI KOVINO IN VALUE RAPIDLZ AND THAT WE ARB MAKING A SPECIALTY Or EAST SIDB , BUSINESS PROPERTY. BUCHTEL KERNS. MB Bast Morrison St, Bargains lota. Columbia Height. lot CToverdale sxt. So. 3. lota. Park addition S lota, Koxchese addition. 3 lota. North Irrlngton. 1 lots, Tremont. 1 lot. Tabasco. THB BRALT INVESTMENT CO., 210 314 Ablngton. FOR SALE A chicken reach, 2H terra land, B-room chicken -hoase. fruit, running bouae, barn water. ', trail, close to railroad, eonvenlert ty; price $1,800: will trade tor grocery, or' house sod lot la city. to city hotel a Acreage S acres One land, near carllne. la growing auhnrb of Portland; 8800 per acre: Terma. Jenne. Trimble Trimble, ell Marquam bldg. Phone Pacific 1751. MODERN broom owner learlnx. most sell; cheap, tarma. Phone Wood lawn 001. 3-STORY houae. T rooms when finished, with 4 floe lots. 4 block! of ear at Kent's Psrk; gl.OBO If taken soon; house Insured for MOO paid) op tin lavs, isih Morrison si., -own READ Investigate Furnished new B-room modern houae. Sunuysldt, $2,800: B-room houae. saw sad modern on ear lias. 1,490; groom new honae, uannlehed. on car Una, AIM .Bast Bortkvsd Basl Betake-, tie-, sag at. Moartaom Phone B. 48TB. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE t2..VilxM BOX 80. and up to date B room mod ern cottage, near B 20th snd Hawthorne are. Terma. One of the beat bargains offered. $2.500 Sightly corner lot snd new 8-room bouse, B. 84th street, between Hawthorne sad Dlvlalon; $800 cash, balance monthly. Sightly lota Baat 84 th Bear Division, $850 essk: en easy payments. B. J. CowUekaw. Phone Psrlftc Sid, 402 Commercial block. A BARGAIN Beautiful new modern home, rooms; particularly wall eons true ted, artistic house, corner luuxiuv, no una, u N 40, ears Journsl. FOR SALE A fins corner lot on Union srenne. BUCBTEL A KERNS, 802 East Morrison St. FOR SALE Fine home at 800 Corbett at. Phone 8, II wood 114. S AND 10 ACRE TRACTS, prime land and loca tion for a borne. Investment Co.. 244 Stark. AND 10 -ACRE TRACTS, prime land and loca tion tar s home. Investment Co., S44 Stark. BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE Mv modern B-room home, full brick nient, big lot 08x141, all kinds large and mall fruit, two block, to beat carllne In city, email barn. $2,700, halt caab. No. 122J 41t ami Baat Taylor. Owner; phone Baat 3888. S-ACRE tract for tale, partly cleared, near carllne; no agents. R 60, care Journal. FINE B-acre tract, city limits, blocks from . ear, running water. $2,500. HoUlater A Watson. 818 Commercial blk. BY OWNER LEAVING CITY, modern d-room cottage; gas and electric lights, flnely finished Inside and oat, foe lawn. Iota of rnaas end shade trees, corner lot; at a bargain; eaay terma if dealred. 1021 Height are. NEW B-room cottage, modem, large plea; bar gain; Vote 60x100 each; aa ear line. Bargain 5-aere tracts, close to carllne, cheap. If Bold by the lBfn. 80S Belmont. rnon tabor i- SNAP $1,100 boys new 4-room nlastsyed rot tare, full lot. close In: only only aiou caan, on (.User. 221 Vi Morrl a nee Installment. B. J. son et. $2.100 BUYS 10 room furnished house with lot near Sunnyslde, now rented for 880; arranged for 2 famlllee, good Investment tor widow de etrlng to lire la pert of houae: terma If da sired; for few days only; aa agents. 445 E. Salmoa at. , 11 a a gggaaaa FOR SALE FARMS. K A R.MS YOU BJTX. WHEN YOU SEE THEM. 81.800 Varr neat 90-acre wall-Improved farm, with crop, stock and Implements; It miles from Portland; lovsiy noma. great bargain. 82,100 42 acres very beet garden land on Willamette and boat landing; vey easy terma. 84.OOO BO-acre well Improved farm, 18 mllea from Portland, with everything on the piece; ess tanas; great bargain. $0,00080 acres of the beet land, with bnmper crop of 80 acres thrown In: 12 miles from Portland; anap seldom offered. For good farms of any alas r. ruvas, Mivi moi St. MTJST BE BOLD. 80 acre farm, one of the very beet, that la ae far aa soil goes: 4B acres la high atate of cultivation, about 80 acree la beeverdam land, balance good paature and eaay to clear, and every foot of It la No. 1 eotl; a fair 4 -room houae and barn, 8 mflee from Vancouver, Waah. ; $3,800, half cash. That Is s money maker for a man that wants to make good asa of It; living stream of water through the place: sample of soil la office. . . LIND A PEWTHEREB CO., $20 Lumber Exohsaga. Second and Stark Bte. FARM IDEAL la and has for years paid over 18 per eaat aa the Inveatmeat; price Inrludee a took and crop; $30,000 takes If. 2.040 acre sheen ranch In aaatern Oresnn: will carry 4.000 head aheap: one day's drlvai from mountain range; has a river of water! arm plenty of winter reea. Pratt land la lata to salt at reesoaal prlcae. Improved or unimproved SPHINX AGENCY. BOBVk Stark St. 810 ACRES FOR SALE: fenced. 100 acree cultivated. SO acre paetare; houae. large barn and outbuildings; achoolhouee la Blare; good orcharda, well watered, free deliver Of mall, telephone; 4 mllea from Rldgedeld. Wistlngtnn; worth 810.000 aad more: price $8,000; tayme. $8,000 cash, balance te eult: lock and machinery can be purchaaed. W. W, McC redle, Vaaeeavar, Wsshlngtoa. 10 ACRES choice farm lead, good aew nnuee. earn, a ciaterae, rruit. oerriee; vary desirable for ho for hoasa; half mile north Oray e Ml. Beott aatliaa. Oasrga Clark. REAL ESTATE DAY HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS FOR SALE Team of weigh 1,200. Apply Co., 231 Oak at. well matched Bllderback I blacks. 1 Crane FOR SALE OB RENT Horace and carriages by the day, week or month. Portland Biding Club, JBth and Alder. HORSES, end bugglea for rent by day, week and month; apeclal ratea to btialness-bouses. SFxtb and Hawthorne. East T2. COVERED tea wagon, cheap; must aell at once. Inquire 808 East Sixth, north, corner Shaver. WORK horse for sate, 800. street. Call 1228 Atlantic YOU CAN SAVE MONEY la sew wagon and buggies st PORTLAND WABEH0USB A TRANSFER CO. 840-843 Eaat Washington Is the pises MATCH TEAM of young driving horses tor ssle cheap. Call at 736 Alb 1ns ave. F,OR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Good fresh cow, 4 years old; rea sonable. 1186 Montana are. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. 100 Acres Free Dairy ranch, B0 acrea cleared, orchard, horse, ahd epriag piped to the bouse, nasr Hlllaboro, S3 mllea from Portland; -40 acree good timber, will cat enough lumber aad wood to pay for the whole thing; I only want pay for my work clearing the land and other Improve BMnta thrown la free, or will trade toe city property. Address L IB. ours Journsl. FOB SALE or exchange, grocery store, tn good valley town; good business, but havs business In tarsals elsewhere. Box 348. Hlllaboro. Or. EXCHANGE $100 typewriter In perfect order, for Angora goat or breed sows. 000 McKay Bldg.. Fort MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. 0. LEE COMPANY HIGH CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. W are always la the market either to buy or aell any active mining or Industrial stocks. It will pay von to get our prices. J u. w. DONAHUE, Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 18-30 Lafayette Bldg. TIMBER. RELINQUISHMENTS to elk floe hemeeteade. with 7 to 10 millions fine timber to the claim, can be had If taken at once at Very reason able prices. Acceeaible. Address N 61, Journal. 1 CERTIFIED prices. W rcrlp. any Its- pieces; luweel G. Howell 688 Chamber of Com- T7MBER In quantities to suit In Waahlngton, or Oregon. Alan some scattering claims cheap. Sphinx Agency. 806H Stark at. SAWMILL aad some good timber, near Portland. Sphinx agency, 806V Stark at. FOR SALEr-MISCELLANEOUS. I 11 a - 11 1 -1 1 1 ai "a 1 1 a a a 1 i WE bny, sell er trade ear old thing. The Peo- Sle s ruruiture Honse. misy, front et.. alaaoa. Tel. Main 4280. BOOKS bought. ok tors. ild and exchanged 338 Yamhill at. Old Book BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rest or for sale a easy payment. THE BUUNSWICK-BAI.KB COLLENDEB 00. 48 Third et.. Portland. 8E WING -MACHINES bought. $8 and up; also rented. wTBBTEBW SALT J SALVAGE CO.. Wsshlngtoa at. WE print your Bam on 60 calling cards, proper aha and atyle, 86c, 300 buslneee cards, 31. A W. Schmal Co., Saw First. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mads to order; second-hand goods far as la. Carlson Si Kail trom. 388 Coach at. Phone CIsy 871. SHOWCASES, counters, fix t urea bought, sold or eicnangeo. weatern salvage uo. . mo waaa lagton et Facta 708. WB need furniture end will pay fun vela. Phena Pacific 788. Weatera Salvage Co.. 837 Waihlngten at HOLD EN Itnrat BHEUMATIO CUBE Sure care tat BOM BST SII UTUf gBHB. t BAB FIXTURES, pooltsbls. safe, tablea, chair. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 Waahlngton at 0 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machine at verv low orient: Slnaer. Wheeler A Wllaon. uomeone, wnu. Honeenota. uavu ana others; to make room for new stock Wheeler dr Wilson aad Singer. 8. S. SI gel. $36 Mor- riaon St., Marquam Brag. ARTISTS' materia la. pleturee are! framing. . Moorhouae Si Co., $13 Alder st CHERRY TREES of the only orlgnsl parent tree, ine new cnerry, cne iriant; arst-ciass Han.' inline Kalllch, Woodlawn, Oregon. $600 NEW upright piano, $156; another upright $30; organ, $16. 341 tt Flrat, upatalra. WHITE Splta pupa, cheap; none better. Oak Grove, Oregon City carllne. B SI, Journal. FOR SALE Well-equipped 8-chatr barber ehop; good buelneoa. 313 Main at. MANURE for Bale and plUng done. East 6067, FINE asddle horse for sale, are., sear Beech. TBS Vancouver FBBSH oysters delivered to any part of city. Bins Lee, 271 Taylor at BUGGY aad hey buggy harneee tor aale cheap. Eaet 18th and Rhone ete. BARGAIN Racine 18-foot launch, with 8 H. P. Kalrbanka Morae engine, speed 10 mllea aa hour. Alliance Boat Yard., foot of Clay at. A GOOD RANGE, aa good ss new: hot water attachment: mnst sen ny rnnraday; I moving. 148 Eaat 83d. 3d. Phone Tabor 148. FOR SALE Hedre and holly Slat and MarahalL planta. cheap, FOR SALE Elegant upright piano, cost $480 S months ago: bargain, P 88. care Journal. PERSONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY Oosfldeatlsl Inreetlga. Hons; reports furnished on Indtvldaala. thstr character, responsibility, etc.; bed debts col lected! mlaalog relative located; ebargae KkesaiMe: eorreepoBdeBce aoltctted. Oregoa tectlv. Service, office 303-304 Flledner wag., igYja aa waaaiagWB ana. SB CENTS ALL FOB SB CENTS Phone FOR A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And swim, strike the big tsnk st the Port lend Natarortum Baths;, atosm aad Tarklah hatha a epeclalty. See the big algn, "Bathe." Ope a. m. to 13 p. m. Corner Waahlngton and Second ate. Expert chiropodist oa head. LADIES: Aak your druggist for Chichester's English Diamond Brand Ptlla; regarded ae beet, safest; alwaya reliable: bus of your druggist; take no other. Chichester a Diamond Brand Pllla are sold by draggtata everywhere. Chichester Chem. Co., Phlla.. Pa. DISEASES) OF WT)MSW Private aaataralt hospital; unlet location aad special care. Dr Atwood. 360H MorrlsoB at., room i PhesM red Be 1758. DB. JUNG CBOONO, Importer Chinese rawt at A NX Y rigor restored by Dr. KMmHT G Job il. Oh month tretmnt. S3; 8 ontbs, 18; sent eecurelv mM br anil. Aga ta. Woodsrd. Clarke Co.. Partgad. Or- SRXIICB1 FILLS tor. all forma ol BKtUIC Price II e box. a boxes 5. lth full pun- A. UBINKk. PRACTICAL FCBBISB. Bxpert fitter, fart remodeled, repaired and reared: SO run' experience tnaure entire ntlafaetlou. Phom Pacific 34877 1 wis bids. BALM or HQS for all female Baat Belmont. - Phone Beat 4084. DR. O . BBTCBUM cures promptly private itleeaees, aldnay. nervous, shin and a pedal irntsie irouoie. Call writ.. Office tTOU Padfie S Third at., ear. Yamhill. Phone ANT nan er woman can be strong and beppj oy uaiug senna mie, me greai ionic: price Xi a dos, a noxea an. witn mil guarantee, ddreee or call J. A. Clcmeoaon. druggist. cor. Second and Yamhill ate.. Portland. Or. YES. Pal mo Tablets mske you sleep perfectly; thry cure nervousness and make yon atrong; arte 50c a box. 8 boxes 83.80: ea era n teed. All dniggists, or sddreae Bt North Third at.. Portland. Brooke Drag uo.. Ol HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure cure for rheumatlem. Sold by all drugglsta. HOLD ON There la one thing that will cur rbenmatlam. Aak your drugglat far bark tonic or addrese or rail J. O. Clemenson, drug glat, Portland. Oregon. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orrgonlan bldg. 1 ladles daye, gentlemen nlghta. Mala 1888. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dreaalng. 881 Tarahtl at. "THE ADVENTURESS." "Sweet Danger." "A Marriage In High Life," "Twenty Years Hua'llng ' "Primmer of Eenda," "A Social Lion " 00 cents each. A. W. Schmala Co.. 329 Flrat at. ' SUITS pressed while yoa wait, 60c. Lsdles' aklrta prraaed, 60e. Gilbert. 10614 Sixth at.. next to Quelle. Phone Peetfie SOBS. EUBEKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The usual branches; best shorthand ayatem. 343 Ash. PHYSit'AL culture, all branches, and mssaage; Individual and elaaa Instruction; prlcate home treatment If dealred. The Rlngler School, SOS Alder at Phone Main 1861. YOUR ahoee ahlned free of eharge at the Model Barber-Shop; abating 15a, ' VIAVI CO., Lewla bldg.'. SBOVk Morrison; hsslth talks to womsn Thursdays, 2:30 p. m. THE "October Matrimonial Register is just out. 10c, revised and enlarged, with photos; most eo.uplete ever published. 34 Buseel bldg. PRESERVE your hair; scientific treatment; dandruff and ecaema positively cored; gray or faded hair restored to natural color with out the use of lead or dye; Freocb face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Parlora, aulte 28-24 SeUlug-Ulrsch bldg.. 10th snd Wsahlngton. Phone Pacific 2468. HANDKERCHIEF1 kimonos mads to order snd far aavla. SsvVh flscood at. Room 8. BEST mags aloe club ever offered; send for prices; sgents wanted. Jones' Book Store. 201 Alder at.. Portland. Or. WEB FOOT Oil Blacking aavea the leather; ab aolutcly waterproof. DB. T. J. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic and private diseases; both sexes; office treat ment, 50c to $1. Call or write' 181 First St.. corner Yamhill. Portland, Or. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin and Cotton Boat pills are the only sure remedy for delayed K-rloda; by msll $2 per box. Address Dr. lerce, 181 First at., Portland. THB buslneee man's rest; positive cure for ner vouaneaa aad sick headache. Boom 8, 281 H Alder at. MISS RAYMOND give face and scalp mae aage at 288V Morrison at., room '14. MI8S ENGLISH, chiropodist, gives electric, magnetic and scalp treatments. 224V Wash ington at., between Flrat and Second. Rooms MOLES, wrinkles, auperfluoua hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. T. Hill. Room 880 Flledner Bldg. Phone Pacific 1X6. MABBT 2.000 worth $100 to $100,000: paper 10c, aealed; eetabltahed 10 years . bank ref erence. L. L. Lore, Box 1800, Denver, Colo. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlora; ladlee and gentlemen. 85144 Morrison St., room 14. YOUNG man going to Denver or southeast will do well to eddrees R 88. care Journal. WB aeek husband for maiden lady la Oregon, age 23, worth $6,500; one age SO, worth $11,000: Catholic lady. 24. worth $7,000. Homa Circle. Detroit. Mich. YOUNG lady, just arrived from the east, gives massage treatment. Room 6, 201 H Alder at ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, Montana Aaeay Office. IBS Morrlaon si AUTOMOBILES. COVEY ft COOK Motor Car Oa.. Fifteenth end Waahlngton Agenta tor Cadillac. Pierce. Greet Arrow ead Stevens Dnryes motor-car: machine lestee. repaired end etored. Mala ARCHITECTS. B. B. MEMOES, Architect. IIS Second st ART. FREE LESSONS la embroidery every Say; aew atamped ahtrtwalata. coraet-covara, bo lero Jackets, hats, umbrella, etc. The Needlecraft Shop. S83 Waahlngton at, be tween West Park and Tenth ate. ' PROCESSOR R. MAX MBXBB, 348 Aldsr. Portrait and lander pe artist and toachee. ATTORNEYS. J. 8. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law, notary public. 68 aad 60 Waahlngton bldg. " f " ',, I ,.l . . a - BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER supplies 8. Blrkenwald Co., 304 808 Everett at; largest butcher aupply house on the coast Writs for cstslog. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adoiph A. Dekom. 181-183 Flrat at, earrlea a fall Has sad com plete aaaortment at lowest market prlcee. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS ft KII.HAM. 108-111 Second at Blank book mauufacturera; agents tor Joaee Improved Loose Leaf ledgers : see the sew Eureka leaf, the beat ec the market. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter. 304 Fourth st. Store and office worh. Mala 1737. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY? WE . COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CITIZENS' L3W ft COLLECTION CO.. CIT1 BENS' BANK BI'ILDINO. ROOM IB. !22Va GRAND ATI. I HUN BAaTT CLEANING AND DYEING. Snltorlura Tailoring Co -Pressing and cleaning; ladle' work a specialty. 137 Lownedale at. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worka: prac tlcal hatter In connection. 211 4th. Pacific SOT. CLOTHES rleaneil and pressed 61 per Unique Tailoring Co., 80S, Stark at. H. W. TUBNBR. profeeolonel dyer ead etoaaet. at. PBaoe Ma la ana. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO aViT'ftjel 00. SST B I 0. R. DA East 38. htorrteoe at ALB1NA FUEL CO. Daelerelba awdBead. eaal AbloSrave . 8 oloche eayst'eTaarry. aavat St STEEL BBIDGB FUEL CO Dealer le easj. ear da aad aad dry elahwesa. Fheae Bast 884 OREGON FUEL CO AB klsds f eaal wood. SS4 Alder et Phone Mara 86. WESTERN FEED blackamlth coala. ft FUEL CO. Ho Phoaa Mala 1018. aad BOX, Sleek and slahwsasV 9Ut Bxayrayasst) 08. Read! EeadJ Read! THIS IB FOB TOUt BEAD CAREFULLY THB FOLLOWING WORDS; Madam Barth la permanently located In her own home. 428 wi Attn BT. knowledged by Thta wonderful woman, ae- the world to be the greatest clairvoyant alive, without von wrltlna a uuee tloo or uttering one word, aha tells you Juat what you came for, how many In your fam ily and all about them. Telle namea, date and facta. Telia you of love, marriages, deaths, baataeea a peculations. Investments, etc.; locates oil, ass and minerals of all klnda, removes evil Infiueucea aad teaches you How to control the save yoa love, unite the asperated and cease speedy snd con genial marriages. No matter what your con dition may be, MADAM BAH HI Wll.i. HELP YOU. 428 STARK. COB. I3TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS IS A. M TIIX 8 P. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 READING FOR $1. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; AJIVISEB ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OK LIFE; whom yoa will marry, how to control the oae yoa love, even though mtlee away; reunites tbs eop srsted: sire secret nowera to control. I will do all othera advertise to do. and a great deal more. THE ENTIRE WoRLP HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POW ERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES 1 HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and I prove It to you with out price by giving yoa a. FREE TEST FREE by having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOB and glva you advice absolntrly FHEK before you decide to have a reading. WHO CAM OH WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE 8KEITIC1 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PBOF. E. KHIMO. Permanently Located In Hla Own Home. HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 368 Fifth at., corner Madlaou at. MME. ZINOA. Egyptian seerees; healing through peyehlc force; readlnga dally, 60c upward. Cosmos. 268 H Morrlaon at. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Prdleurlng. Room 880 Flledner Bldg. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Phone Pac. 186. CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Oa.. largest plant aa the coast. Lorlng and Harding gts.. tele phone Esst 380 Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both ateam and latest com pressed air proerea; renovating mettreaaea aasl feather a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, eactlo and com pressed sir combined; carpets cleaned on Soot without removal. Mala 6534. Mala 8300. CAFES. THE OFFICE 386 Waahlngton at. 771. Samuel Vlgneux. paoae Mala DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading school: ballroom etlqaette, correct social and claaale dancing; both sexes: young folka. adults: In struction dally. 308 Alder. Tel. M. 1861. Prof, Rlngler, dancing master. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL CI aa. Mnn., Thura. and Sat. see.; children's rlaaa Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy and atep . dancing taught. Fencing taught. Western Academy halt cor. 2nd and Morrlaon. Pacific 1630. BROWN'S Dancing Academy. Ilorkhard hall. 887' Eaet nurnslde; phone Main 3718. Social dance Tuesday; claga night Thursdays. PROF. EATON Dancing school: elaaa for ladlee end genta Monday and Thursday evening. Arlon hall. Phone Eaat 2504. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, 833 Waahlngton at., cor. Sixth. Guarantee all work. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelea Dreeemekmg Parlora. 243 Firth and Main. Pafltlc ojt. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, contrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, aupullea. 34 Flrat cor. Stark. Main 858. R. B. Yete, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOlt .8 61 Sixth at. Contractora, electric auppllea, motors aad dynamo: we Instill light and power ptaata. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAVIS MAGINNIS, leachar of conven ttonal aad naturallatlr china; water-color a speclAlty. Studio 321 B 8th at. N. PURNACES. BOYNTON warm-sir rurnares sere fuel. I. 0. Bayer furnace Co.. 368 Second. Mala 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS SS3 Flandrr at. cor. Third. Phone Main 2000. EAST PORTLAND FENCE ft WIRE WORKS. 130 Beat Water at. Phone East 83L HAY AND GRAIN. B te COOPER ft CO Potatoee. feed aad Sour. 138 Union ava. Phone Eaat 1617. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. THB HATTER. 18 N. Sixth ti cleaaa and blocks soft and stiff bate. Pans mas a specialty. HOTELS. THE BELLEVUE. Fourth ead Salmon eta. Rooms 60c up: ratea by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. Pacific 2106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooms from 60 cents op; meala 26 cents, feventh end Everett ete HOTEL Portlaad. Americas plan; $8. $8 per day. BELVEDERE; Enropean plan; 4th and Alder eta. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware) Co. aolldta opportunity te qoote prlcee. 74 Sixth at. Pacific 468. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, tire Insurance, lock bldg. IAS. Met. WOOD, employers' nihility snd la accident surety bonds of all kind. Phone 47. 803 McKay bldg. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mining, sswmlll. ,11 glng machinery; hydraulic plpea. raetlug klnda repaired. 10 Norm rearra. GASOLINE englnea. all else aad atyle. at ' loweet prlcee. Relreon Machinery Co.. 1824 0 Morrlaon at. THE H. C. ALREE CO. Second-hand ma chinery, aawmllla. ete. 248 Grand are. MONUMENTS. 1BU ft KINGSLEY. 388 First st. Portia od . leading marble snd granite works. MUSICAL. LESSONS 50 cents on all laatrumenta; vocal 75 rente InetriirneaU for sal. Mrs. Mar tin, S4IH Flrat st LEVY'S MUSIC HOUSE, 171 Fourth St., full llneB century, MCKIoley, Edition, Wood. Prea- IUBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo. rn. uea, uioson maaeouua. sin Alder BM1L TH1BLHOBN. pur.ll of BEVCIK. vloUa tee cher. 8tadte IBS Sixth. Tel. Mala 8888. EXPERT ale no toning, repairing. Logan. 374 Oregon at. Phoae Ea etc. at S PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. an Kuaeei ntag., rear is ana 1 AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Monev la eaar to eel If voe ka to get 11. we nave ready money at ail Jtawe. aad you sea get It ea year salary: 110 to $100, oa heat terms sad at la at rates We loan oa the eaay payment plea the i thet help you and gets yoa eat of t. Yoa get the caab. all yoa ask far, aad repay la aaoaata you esa eeaveaJeatly apare ach payday W 00 not ale papers, require a ta no reference to friends or emolover. ut r T ..J l.l ....In.. .1, S .L... Hutton Credit Co. 613 (6th Soot) Dekaa bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building porpoaea. for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all ar part of loan after two years. Loana approved from plane eaar money advanced aa building progresses; mortgages take up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 343 Stark at THB STAB LOAN CO Any aslaned employe, wage. earner, esa get bis note, wiioooi mortgage Month. H Month, week. 860.00 Repay to aa $15. 13 or $8 60 er $3.88 $26 00 Repay ton! 6.86 or $8 36 or 81.86 $15 00 Bepay to ae $ 4 00 or $2 00 or $1.00 210 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on aalariea. Inanraace pollclce, pianos, furniture, war. home re ceipts, etc.; any deserving iteraoi mar seen re e liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY. 306 Ablngton bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE luat oa your own name no other aecnrlty; don't borrow until Ton see me; my eyatem la the heat for railroad men. clerk, hookkeetiera. streetcar men and all other employes; boat, nesa atrlrtly confidential. F. A. Newton, 434 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their own name without aeeurlty; cheapeet ratea. eaaleet payment: offices In 80 principal cities savs yonn money by getting our terms TOLMAN tn. xxs a mi Ablngton bldg.. lOOVi Third at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money can he borrowed os eaay payment plan, lowest rate; strictly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 438 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third and Morrlaon. WANTED Note, mortgagee or contracts on any kind of real eatate In Oregon and Waahlng ton: eocond mortgagee ourehaaed If well se cured. II. B. Noble, 3S2 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN On city Improved real eatate at 6 and 7 per cent. 8 or 6 yeara. IMoulton A Scobey, 601 oltimbla bldg. v MONEY loaned on furniture, planoa and other securities. W. A, Hathaway, room 10, Waahlngton Bldg. Phone Pacific 1882. PRIVATE money to loan on heal estate; rate reasonable; mortgagee bought and Bold. G, A. Johnson. 318 Commercial block. LOW rate on furniture, ete.j. confidential. 238 Flledner bldg., 10th sad Waahlngton. Paci fic 2668. MONEY to loan oa all klnda of aecnrlty. William Holl. room 8 Waahlngton brag. TO LOAN Some to eult ea chattel eaeurlty. B. A. Frame. 814 the Marquam. OPTICIANa V. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Eyes Fitted. Vision Scientifically Corrected. 138 Seventh Street. DR. B. J. MILLS- Optometries and Evealght Specialist. a Room 38-27. 833 Waa(ilagton Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. graduate et the Osteopathic college of KlikavTlle. Missouri, who la a apecianat on rneumaiiam. exomacn ana all female dhvaaee. Office 410 Falling bldg., corner of Third and Waahlngton st. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHRUP, 413-16 17 Dehor bldg.. Third and Wsahlngtcn ate. Phone Main 848. Examination free. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO.. aaoltary plumbers. 381 Secegsd Set Main aad Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala 3001. DONNRREERO ft R A DEM AC HER, removed No. SOS Barnalde at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Palat Co.; window glaas sod glaslag. 186 Flrat st. Phone lis. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder st. phone Mala 710; rubber atampa. eeale, eteodla: baggage, trade rhrcki: braaa algna and platea. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. v ATKINS ft CO.. Real eeUte. Insurance, rental and agent.. 360 Alder et teas A. B. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. I'houe Main 5396. 322 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROftPING. guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. . J. Loall. 313 Jefferaoa et. Pac. 148. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. eole agenta for Herrtag Hall Marvin eefee and Manganeee Steel Safe Co.'e bank aafee. The largeet aaaortment of high-grade fire and burglar-proof aafee la the northwest 83 Seventh at. DIKBOLD Manganese and fireproof aafee; sna res r hit progress against nurgiar ana nre;iocg. eata opened. Mr. Bnoer. mechanical expert with J. E. Davla. ea Third. Phone 1 EIGHT eecond hand fireproof a fas aad two aeeond-hand bonk safes for sale cheap, at TS Sixth at. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description: bank, bar and autre flit urea made to order. The Lathe Manufacturing Co., Portland. H. BIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Mala 6680. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth snd Oak st.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; paaaengers therefore avoid rush snd annoy ance at depots. Brlvate Exchangs 88. SAIUS. pianos and furniture moved, packed iy for shipping ana amp pen ; an woe a guaranteed: large. 8-story brick, fireproof ware'iouae for storage. Office 208 Oak at. Olaen ft Roe. Phone Main 64T. C 0. PICK, ofnee SS First at., between Stark and Oak ata., phone 888: planoa and furniture moved ami parked for shipping; commodious brick warehouse with separate Iron rooms. Frost aad Clay eta. CUT rates on hoaaehold goods to all points eat; we make up carloade; apeclal room for trunk while waiting. Oregon Auto-Despatch. 18 First at Phone Mala T1S. PENINSULAR express; dally Irlns between city and penlnstilar; trunks delivered at city rate. 34T Alder. Phone Main 2171; residence. I n Ion 1108. OREGON TRANSFER Ct).. 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hauling and etotage. PIANOS and furniture moved Call up Coagrowe Bro.. at 806 Flrat at Mala ISlf. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. 834 Stark at. Male 407. POST 8 PECI A L D E LI V EB Y. Ba. bOOH Wash- luglon at mope wain n TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rested, eold aad repaired. Ceest Agency. 381 Stark. Tel. 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS 81 ner month. DAILY Coaab. bra a, seep, Portlaad Laoadry sad Towel Ih and Cooeh. Phone 410. Bapply Oa.. Nlath TELEPHONES. THE only exciualv telephone bowse. B.-B Electric ft TelexesswS nUauteetulegt agtvv aar. 82 ilfth at. ABO g, TTXTOW, BANKERS fXttahllaked la 1888.1 a OeacaeJ. ahiaktas Baslaeaa. rnlliillaaa aaade a al seriate aa tease. able terma Letters of credit leased States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Tretiafers Bold ea New York, Waaaaagflaa. rsisBgai, 1. Dearer. Omaha. Sao Fraaalaaa and Montana aad British Coiaaebta Baaaiajl aeal Bt. Parle. Berlin. Frankfort. Hoogkoag. MBEBCHABTS' NATIONAL BABX. PORTLAND. ORBOOB. V WW a WW eiaua 1 m r A.vsv "-' " wZ"Tm. lrtdst I . . Cashier I w. w. ami uaamaav 1 aaaaal Banking Buabaeee. Drafta All Parts at the World. I t SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF v- fk .x 1 1 var; r-mi. i nrn-7 1 iiitii iTrsBSsots a General Banking Business. the United States aha Europe. Hons hoe aad ..J. C. AINSWOBTB V Ice-President. K. LEA BARNES Assistant Cashier B ft LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland. Oreaea. Corner Be Commercial ead asvlngs department rerxer or credit Issued avallsbl la all parte D. C PELTON PreeJaest FRED B. ROTH CHILD. . . Firet Vice President IQHN A. KEATING. , . .Second Vlee-Prealdent I KB BANK OF CALIFORNIA Eatahllahed Capital paid up $4,000,000 1 A ueneral Banking and Exchange ea lima deposits Account opsasd for Portland Branch Chamber MACRAE Manager I J. WM. A. IIBST NATIONAL BANK 8F PORTLAND. OREOON. Dae lee a ted rienoeltorr and Financial Agent of the United Staves. President , ft. u MILLS I Aeelatant Caahler .W. C. ALVORD I f Letter of Credit Available In Sight Exetloaee snA Teleei aohte Trsnafera St PaM. Omaha. Mnn Fraaclsco snd the principal potato la he North Weet Sight and time bill drawn In sum to suit on London, Parte. Berlin Freak fa t-ow-ty rears. nongaong Tokfthama. Copenhagen. Chrlsttsols. . TRUST COMPANIES. eAr-, P1HTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0EEO0M The Oldeet Trust Company ta OieaMh RESOITRCBS OVER $1,750,000. General banking. 3 per rest Intereet on check (even huodrede) en dally balancea of $600 or over. Lettera of credit and exchange ea bm parte of the world. Savings accounts Tims certificates. 8 to- 4 per cent: ebMrt-esu aaeetai certificate.. $7100 or over, 2U to 4 per coat. Cell for Book of "iLLnSTBATYOBB. Foutheaat Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Private Exchange TS. SENJ. 1 COHEN President I H. L. PITTOCK Q.--TafiaSj8jl B LEW PAGET Secretary J. 0. C.OI.TRA... . . Assratanrt aBgtSllSB SECT 5 -ear ECTRITT SAVINGS St TRUST COMPANY TTanaaeta a Oeneral Bahkmr Bualnsss. Time end Savings Account. Acts as Credit Available la C. F. ADAMB President A. L- MILLS Second Vice Prealdeat GEO. F. RUSSELL T'lIE M0RT0A0E OUABANTEE ft TRUST Transacts a Oeneral Banking Bnatnes. Depertmrnt; 4 ner rent Interest allowed, CAPITAL. .. O. W. WATRRBI'RT President I CL B LOGAN HATS BTkr Temple. Seventh and Stark Street. Phone fKf OBTBWXSTIBN GUARANTEE ft TRUST I "vs Lumber Exchange R. at. Corner Second one Btera Brreera ia FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. Stat. County. Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought and Sold New aad financed. Stock aud hopes guara steed. TTLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOANS on Portlaad Real Eatate at Lowest Ratea. Titles Ineured J. THORBURN ROSS. GEORGE H. HILL... . . P reel dent .Vlee-Pr eel sent BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber ef Comm. Municipal, railroad and DOWKINO-HOPKINS COMPANY Eatabtiah.d 1883 BROKERS STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought aad Sold for Caab aad aa Prtrate Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBB R of COMMKRCB npKX j. I See HE J. C. LBS COMPANY 18-80 Lafayette Pa B far Baying er Selling Stock Brokerage ueparimeoi Ouni J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portlaad Stock Exchange. ' Pernor Sixth and Waahlngton Street. Portland. Oregoa. OTerDeck. Starr & Cooke Co, ORAIK PROVISIONS. COTTON STOCKS AND BO WE TiO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLEISKR SIGNS. ' We have built up the largest algn business w. h rtrat. class work and keoDlng our nruiniae. Our prices are right. Fifth and Everett ata. Phone Ex. 65. . P. BBBGER ft SON. 284 Yamhill at ef all klnda. Phone Pacific 3383. '8IONS THAT ATTRACT A H. 387 Stark at Phone Pacific 1596. Boel Co. STREET PAVING. WARREN Conetructloa Co.. etreet paving, aide walks aad crossings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE Berber Aaphelt Poring Co. of Portland Office 866 Worcester blk. WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO.. 387 Salmon at. Slain and fancy ahadea made io orner at west prlcee. Phone Main 6673. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBEYMAN LBATHEB CO., Jobber ol aeddlery, hardware, none gooo. learner, unu Inga snd shoe etore auppllea. Fifth end Oak. A. OUNST ft CO DISTRIBUTORS OF rlNE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers or rurnnure lor in trawa. Portlaod. Oregoa. FURNITURE manufacturing aad special order. L. Kuvenaay a rurnirure rscior7, srv a root ai. WADHAMS ft CO, whole aale grocers, aan. faeturers aad commission merchants. Fourth aad Oak ata. EVEBDIKG ft FABBELL. produce and comer ls eloa merchant a. 140 Front at.. Portlaad. Or. Phone Mala ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission and produce mer chants. Front and Davla at.. Portland, Or. STEIN ft WAYNE Jobbera gioceie. SOS Second at aad wool eaal WHOLESALE crockery aad glaaswar. Prael. Hegele ft Co.. 100 to 108 Ffftk. cor. Stark at WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California wine depot: ell kinds of wine. 6c glaas cook ana cooks Help ers Headquarter. 148 Fourth Bt Phone Pa clflc 2183. P. Loratl. SPOKANE SALOON IS ROBBED BY BANDITS (Sneelal Dlanatcb to The Journal.) Spokane. tot. 8. Two m naked bandlta held up the lx8 Cabin saloon early this mornltiK. Toe barkeeper, F. A. ttaiier, wsa alone In the place and whs forced Uj come from behind the bar while tne men tobbed the cast) register of about $60. Haller was Just flnlshlng hla nlRht'a work when two masked men entered hoi. iltig nlatola. After securing; every thing In night they backed out covering Haller with the guns, within lb min utea an officer detected a man near fho Northern PmcIAo tracka answering the description of ona of the robbeF. When ordered to halt the man ignored the command. He atopped when tba officer flred and quietly auhmttted to arraat. The priaoner la 18 years old and given the name of Harry Altiaon. Ha was armed with a revolver but had nu money. Haller. the bartender, went to police htvadquartera and fully Identified the priaoner as one of, tha men who held up the saloon. BOARD RAISES COUNTY ASSESSORS' REPORTS (Special Dispatch to The Journal ) Olympla. Waah . Oct. .--According to figures juat complied by tha secretary of stale tax commission tha total valua tion of taxable property within thla atata aa equalised by tha atata board Is 130, 308,882. This Is ft rata of mora than . 000.000 over tha amount returned by the county aw eraser. Tomorrow la Real the Real, Eatale Ac Clasattflads, read aurnal available In E a rope and aB aatata 88 t rwrteel Yuk. basse. Maalla BBS aTexBBh V jjj B. L DURHAM OEORQB W. BO' wbhbbuw w. noix. and Letters of Credit lasaed Avsilahls h a Specialty PORTLAND. OBEOOE. smm ai -. DRAFTS ISSUED A callable ta Aft rttlee $ Manila. Coiled Vans Mads ea Faverahle Terma. Cashier . R. W. AnanrtaBt Cashier A. M. WRIOHT aad rh atreeta. Bta. Drafta aad Intereet paid 00 seeing of the world. t. 0- MEARS S. tJaahw H n STOREY Assistant Caahter PLATT A PL ATT asswerel fhSesraet 104. Read, Ban ChlUvaoSka. Surplua and r.ndlvldsd progta. ntW8.SM.0t Bealneaa Tranaartea SAVINGS DEPABTMSST soma of $10 and upward. of Commerce Bo tiding. T. BCHTCHAELL A Ciahler t. W. rTBWIBB Second Aeelatant Caahler. . ... F. BTVVe, Rnroee and tke Raetera States mold on New York Boston Chicago. Stockholm. 888 Merrlaea Street. Portland. Oveeraej. SAVINGS DEPABTMENT. IBierswx iwv Trustee for Estates. Drafts saa bexvan ws All Prt of the World. I L. A. LEWIS I B. 0. Jt'BITE Aaahrtant Secretary Preddeat Seuetsrr COMPARE Intereet Paid oa Time Depoeits- compounded quarterly. $100,000.08 TAT. MILLER statanrt Secretary . . . . Mln 184. Opea Saturelar Seetag S a f COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Abatrarte FurDhed. JNO. E. A1TCHISON. T. T. BURKBABT... Treasurer INVESTMENTS. roe Bldg. pabllc ervlce corporation hoada. Phone Mala ST. Bldg.. Portland, Oregoa. at. w. iwainai. e.wiw. or Bonds. Caa Alwaya Save Tea Mosey. , r.TuZZl BONDS. ENGINEER GOES TO BOTTOM Of LAKE IN GAB Neil Edward Munson Sticks to Post and Die With Hand on the Throttle. (Speetel Dispatch to The Journal.) Spokane, Oct. 8. The body of Nell Edward Munson, engineer of tha train which urns wrecked at Camden tunnel two montha ago, was recovered yeater day afternoon. It waa found In tba Cab of the engine at the bottom at tha lake, held underneath the tank and other debris. ' For four days a diver has baen work ing to recover the remains of tha ona remaining victim. It waa definitely set tled that Munson stuck to hla post until tha last- and it Is thought that when all trucka and debrla la brought to tha aurfaoe further light will be thrown on the cauaa of tha wreck. The remains are expected to arrive here today. Funeral arrangements have not been made. APPOINTMENTS MADE AT M. E. CONFERENCE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Corvallla, Or.. Oct :. 8a B Before the ad- Journment of the Col conference of the Methodist Eplsco' huroh. South, yesterday, the folio appointments were made Willamette district C. U, McCaueland. Portland E. H Mowre. Kavanaugh and Louisville R. A. Raar- gan. Laabanon T. P. Haynes. Corvallla . H. Glbbs. Tangent E. B. Jones. . Albany W. H. Martin. Harriaburg W. N. Lynn. Junction City P. D. Gardner. Peoria and McFarland J. A. Ellison. Roaeburg C. A. Rexroad. Coqullle H. M. Bren ham Myrtle Point W. B. Smith. Myrtle Prtek A. J. Starraer. Oranta Pass- -George W. OardtSvSnV Williams H. N. Roaaer. Medford W. T. Golder. Conference missionary secretary P. D. Garner. Transferred to Mlaalaalppl conference) H. C. Brown. Tranaferred to Paclflo conference H. C. Allen. HEARST BUSY DENYING CAMPAIGN FALSEHOODS tJoomnl Special Service.) New York Oct. - W. R Hearst be gan htn second week's campaigning with several addresses ' Manhattan last night. In replying to the eharge that ha would sawnd a million In tha estsa- paign, Mr. Hearst-' said: "That is an utter and oomplt false hood. I guarantee not to ontrlbut more fnnds to rny own campaign thafi I did to tha campaigns of Grovr Cleve land and W. J. Bryan, ta which I was merely inter ted aa a Democrat.'' Continuing. Mr. Hearst said: "Varln.ia New fork an per havs tha bosses In order to secure hay Domi nation on tha Dansocratlc ticket. I Mel no underetandlng with any boas kaiW the convention. I had at tna caoal tta votes from us the state a gad or trie eny tm wnim x vote of this ally wan rathaw sart of it ttm cause the thla city Had bosaaa oVea not 1 tlon. "I have made any Individual 1 any atatsjaat tl BwlIUxit LB 8 gjji nu .2ra..a uroBA'as .-a W.WmMimUliMmi