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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9. 1906. NEW TODAY. Brooke & Kiernan FOR Inside AND Water Front PROPERTY 12 Minutes TO Green's Addition Thla Beautiful Stolldls ta West Side ' Overlooking the Willamette River Can Be Had Today for Only $550 Per Lot After October It, 10, the prloee will advance 1 par cant. Come In tomor row and we will take you out, aa thla will poalttvely be your leal chance at theae prlcea. Those lota are bound to doubla In price within a short time. Two new ear llnea building; through and along thla property, which will give tho ftneat aervlce In the city. Money advanced to thoaa wishing to build homea, on liberal terma. M. E. LEE Bft SO, alaifh Sldg-.. SBS Waahlng- Checking Accounts Wl asCSTVB. subyeet ta conn t a ef ladlrldnals. firms sad altow check, the ae tad corporations 2 Per Cent Interest .Par Aaanm ea Dally 1 Hundreds) of Five Hundred Dollars "VISlTBOS Oaf OtWCaCfaUT imniBt ap-te-aaU profaealnnal man; likewise the pro- mnaar; ass, wo, I OS wioe-swsks bust With a large capital aad ftag equipment tbe "Okkst Trust Company ll Orejon" solicits your aceonnt. nr ivioxM at tkabs. aasoraoss over i to . Portland Trust Company of Oregon at. u. rutins B. LBS PAGBT J. O. OOLTBA Vice President BMfsHarT AMfcrtiit IdKTwtaU J R. Lo. CATE HAS MOVED FROM ill SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate. Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. 1 I Own a Home We buy or oulld you a home, any tea or location, on easy monthly pay ments, and with our connections and facilities can aave you money. We have several new houees now 11,200, 11.100, SI. 00, $1,000. $1,600 up to $4,000 Come ta and talk over our plan. DO IT C E. WW. Mgr.. 107 beriock Bldjr. 'OSSCOStO Pss.. eeeowMr.e. 996 UREENWAY (PORTL.AND HEIGHTS) The an oat heaulitul locations in thla addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric lights, gas and graded atteeta. Superb vl w of aft. Hood, Eaat Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lota 1600 each. Terms. all ding CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hat of Oregon and Waahlng ana rarma, rruit, grain, nope, potato ana etavk g roarers, number ta family, a Beat, ate. Call or write ua far prlcea aural Dweetess Cav. SS Peurth street. Only NEW TODAY. Vancouver Water front 5 to 10 Acre Tracts I hold options on over a mile of water frontage between new rail road and deep water. This prop erty will double in value in 90 days. Phone and I will call and quote prices. C C. Shay TABOR 159 Buy Lands And buy Oregon Farm , Mort gages. Either is a good invest ment. Call at our office for in formation. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Sldjr. (aVaoond Floor I Oor. Second aad Stark ata. POR SALE 3 Acres WAREHOUSE PROPERTY On N. P. track, watt of Western Clay Co. Solid around. 600 f SET VATIB fBOKT. Next to Portland Flouring Mtlls. BOO MBT WATXM flOBT Next to want and of new Northern Pa cific bridge. Brook Sb Kiernan SI TXTXD ST. Pays Well A brick-covered Quarter that pay a 74 Eir cent net income la offered for sale, are la a chance to nut your money out at good Interest and realise a good profit In the advance In value of the property Call on SPHINX AGENCY. tO&H Stark street, and set partlouiars. Mi m m m feet waterfront on Willamette. A choice mill site tor sawmill or any heavy manufacturing business; deep water, 2i acres of land. Address T 4T, Journal. WEATHER REPORT. Pair weather eontlnuee aa the Pacific alone, with mild temperatures. There has, however, been a marked fall In pressors over Washing ton and Oregon, and there le evidence of a dis turbance some dlstsnce at see, which will move Inland within the next 34 or M hoars, snd esuee lucres slag winds along the coast and abowera. wnn tower temperatures, in aoruweet ore- high sad w astern Washington. The Alberts pressure area has Increased la magnitude aad moved sootbeaetward to ths Dskotss. It has caused much lower temperatures, with killing frosts. In the Missouri snd upper Mis sissippi Tellers. The Sturm over northern Wis consin has advanced to Lake Huron. It has caused light to moderately heavy rains In ths Lake region sad the upper Ohio valley, with high aoathesst shifting to northwest winds. Fair weather will continue la eastern Ore- aaatera Washington, aad Idaho, with mark eg 6 change la temperature. Temp. Stations Max. httn. Predp. naxer t lty. Oregon 7 Boston. Massachusetts 81 43 40 4t Chicago.- Illinois 74 Psarsi, Colors do at Ksosaa City. Missouri Tt TO 80 M 40 44 4 48 40 New 1 m-k. Hew Tors Portland. Oregon Roar burr, nrrgoa tt. Louis Missouri Bait Lake. I'tab Saa Francisco. Callfornls . . Spokane, Waehlngtea Ta roma, Waahlng toe Walla Walls, Wsablngtoa. Washington. P. C tl S3 TO T 08 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter Brendan. htcMutavlUe, Elisabeth P. Lygo, tt Brockwell Mat tar. 80; Lillian Oregaa. tt; Almss De- Franc 38. . B. Albert. 37; Flora B Myers, ta. Joseph Dryer. 10: Louise Miller. 34. Arthar P. St. Onge. 24: Btbel McDsnlsl. Walter A. Ocas. 80; Rebecca Catlta. tt. Frank B. Dagaa, 20; Leas B. Oear, St. II. Robert B. nay. 431 Hancock Bosle A. Muller. to J. A. Sag. 24; Mary Bradley. It. eddlne Csrds oa blag., cor Csrds W a Smith S Oa Poarth sad Washlagtaa Wedding aad ealBag csrds eagraved ae pita ted, B. T. Rush ton. 322Vs Wa.hlngtoa st. MIsa Bertha Martin, room til AUahy bldg. St am ping aad One seediest ml; toasaaa grera. Full dreas suits for rant, all alses. Tailoring Co.. 80S Stark St. tralqoe BIRTHS. W0I.FSHKR October 3. ta Mr. sad Mrs Pater wnlfsher. 4ST Overton, a girl. MULLENS October 1, to MY. tad Mrs. H. L. Mullens, 371 North Blxteeath. a girl BIBM October 6. to Mr. tad Mrs. Oswald Rlem. 530 Snrmsn. a boy. OTT October T. to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ott, tllmam svsaue. s gtrl. JONES October 8. to Mr. aad Mrs. B. P. Jones. 004 Vs Front, a girl. DEATHS. GOOLD In this City, st tsrlnm. October 7. 1004. the Portland sanl- A. H. W. Ooold. xge 44 rears. Funcrsl notice Inter. SMITH 470 Pat ion road. Portland Hslghta. Peter Smith, age 70 yeara. Funeral notice later BAILET. October 7. Charles Bslley, one year. Baby home; chelers infantum. BSirCaV-October 7, Robert W. Bruce, 67 rears. 104 Bast Nineteenth North; sortie vslvalsr BC( IIMIFR October 0. William M. Baebmler. 70 years. 131 14 1'ntoa aessae: Hrlght s dis ease. ECK LET- October 7. Andrew C. Kckley. months. 880 Tbnrmsii; cholera Infantum. JOHNSON October 7. August Johnson. 44 iears, 836 Mlaeiaelppt svenar; nnenmonls. CK October 4. Mstilds P. Keck, 64 years. Good Sanaarltaa hospital Oliver -October t, Peter Oliver. 41 years, 868 North Fourteenth, cirrhosis of liver. BBCKOBP October 7. Eugenia M. Rerkord. 84 rears. ISO East Msln; csplllsry bronchitis. SOUTH A BD October 6. BUan S. Southard. 71 rears. 406 Tenth: Bright s dlsrsse. TTLBB October 7. Edwin R Tyler. 60 yeara. lino Beat Washington; pulmonary tuber catosla. TOI NO -October 7. Hannah A. Toang. 87 yeara. sis saner; areaekltla. OOOLD In thla city at the Portland Ssnltarl am. October 7. ltos. A. H. Ooold. aged 41 Y.are. Faaersl notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. MOORS The funeral of I rata S. Moore will leave tbe rnapei ef 1. r. rutty a 80s tt s in Wednesday. October 10. Bstermeat et ntvervtew cemetery. SMITH la thla city. October 7, 1008. ,h. family residence. 471 Pattea read, Peler Smith, aged 74 yeara t Bsoatbi. 22 dsyt. Pe ters! services will be bald Wednesday Octo-1 her 10. at t p. m.. frost Brteeoo'e chapel. 400 oat 411 Alder street, Prtsads to riled. . i UNDERTAKERS. Dnilu. McBatee undertakers eat MtaUwtj SSISSIB ta every detail, teseatk od Pise. Male aa Lady A. a RiMNrii, eustortsker sad esaeal ait Tbirteeata a ad Camilla it a. wood n. Uadertaklag Co., a ad embeimisg. 40 Pheae Mela tlta. Lad aaalataat. J. P. Plalsy A aw. Third a ad Msdtaoe eta. Often at ooaety soroeer. Phoae Ma: i t. CLABKB BKOeV. Florists-Fuss nearen aid Horsl uVaesgns. 28 Merrtjea at. Bstwsrd Bihaia. ssvdartsksf, ate Tatrd at. bivebview cemetxbt. Single graves $10. Family tots $78 to SI.OBe. Tat Mir cemetery la Portland wblck per- Ctaally maintains sad cam for lota. Kor fall formation apply ta W. H. Msekeaate. Wor tostsc htoct, city. W. M. Ladd. president i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jacob Strom to Sophie Strom, tot 1. block 6, Saaaaz addition ta Seat Portland $ Battle Salomon and huaband to Sylvia A. Satoana, soath V of tot 8, and east 18 fret of lot A. block It. Simon s addition L. L. Hawkins to Harry Mullcr. lot II. block 7, Lincoln Park Anea Groomea to E. II. Collins, tot 6. 2J8 block 4. Csmtliers- sddltlon 1,100 By earners Baal Kstste company to J. B. and S. B. Maek. tots S3 snJ 24. block . Kern Park I TO Henry J. Otteubelmer and wife to Wil liam Gsdaby. south lis If of. lot T. block 4. city T. U. Kml m and wire to Joseob V. netid- Meh lot n hlnrk 2 addition to Alblna : 030 r.Doowuieni aeaociaiioo iv an Maah. lota 10 and 25. block 21 I'oUege Place eOO Collage Endowment aaacx-tailan to Jeans Mssh. lots 15 snd H 11. Colleaa Place 00 Kate Ward to Samuel Mane, tot 15. block 3, Maptowood addlttoa 300 Allan A. Smith to H. A. Beldtag. tot 7. block 14: tots 7. S, t. 10. II. 12 and It. Snbdtvlakm "B." block 20: lot 0. Subdivision "A," block 30; lota 1 aad a Subdivision "B." block 30; tot 7. Subdivision "B." block S3. all la Southern Portland S. C. Prleetley aad wife to D. I.. Smith, lot 6. block 3. Poichaae addition to East Portland 100 Alvlna Wsrhlbas to Fred G Bucbtel. lots 10, 13. 14. 18 and 30. block 1. Wheat lead addition No. 1 to East Portlsnd Thomas Tilt on Kamm. trustee, to Jsroh Kamm. wast U of block 02. East Port isnd. containing z acres ilna 2 si Clara B. King ana boa bend to H. 3 Pal- lot 7. hi block 20. Lincoln Psrk An- mix 1.000 Harry Crowder and wife to Nolle Hester. tots S6 snd 20. Ftrtand Place 1,326 George Good and wife to I. Monroe Mark, tots 1 snd 2. block t. Alton Psrk 1,000 Park Land company to John 8. -Dunning, tot 3, block 100. t'nlverslty Psrk 178 Plnley O. McGrew snd wife to Jamea I. Spahr. tot 8, block 7. Lents 110 Charles A. Myers to T. 8. McDanlel. tots 1. 1 aad 4. block 1. and tots 1 sud 2. block 1 Highland School house addition.' 1.100 Katie J. Wilson to John F. Logan, lota 0 and 10, block 15. Lincoln Park An aex.. tad tots 1. 1 and t. block 1. Leah's sddltlon 1 John U. Holm snd wife to M. J. Mr Daniel, lot 0. block 80. Stephens sddl tlon William Reldt and wife to K. Robert Nlteebhe. south H of southeast u ef block 12. Wheeler's addlttoa to East Portlsnd 3.000 10 T. W. Younger and wife to B. H. Thorn ton, east H of lots 6 and 0, block 3B0, Hawthorne Park 4.000 Frank NUley and wife to Prank C. Va der et si., lot . Mock 1, subdivision or northeast at Tract "D." la M. PttttoS Trart Isaac Moore tad wife to WIIHtm S. Rates, tot 8. block 32, Southern Port lead 1.350 Mary Phelps Montgomery to Pater Miller, lot It, block II. original towneiie or Alblaa Same to Nick Snell. tot IS. block 12. orlrlnsl tewnslte of Alblna 4TS 1.425 Same to Johnson Doe. lots 0. 98 and 37. Block 12. orlrlnsl townsite of Alhtns. Manhattan Baal Batata comnaay to Fred B. Jscobaen et ai.. undivided H or tbe unsold portion of lot 0, block 0. Bsrtsch Park Addition to East Port land t , Collage Endowment association to Fred n Jaroneen et ai . unep llvlded H ef above property College Endow meat tasoelatlsa to Fred it. jaeooaea. unai video m or tot tx, block 0. Bsrtsch Park Addition to Bast Portland 478 Manhattan Baal Batata company to Fred it. Jacoheen. aadlvieed 14 or lot 13, bock t. Bsrtsch Psrk Addition to Batt Portland I 478 Edward B. Tewto and wife to Oracle B. Imhorr. lot 5. block 1, last Portlsnd Heights 14 John Popp to Maty B. Squire, southwest V. of northwest Vt. and northwest y. of southwest H. of section 11, town shln 1 south, rsnae 4 east ... . John Olll and wife to Viola May dee. lets t and T. block 18. Goldsmith's sddltlon .... 8.000 Herman Metager. Ires tea. to Charles Oltla. lots to. 11, 23 aad 28. block 8. Reservoir Part D. Carttle to George W. Lowe, raarat block 21. Central Alblna Security tarings A Troet company, trus tee, to Charles B. Brown and wife, lot 4. tnd east H of tot 8. block 7. John Irvlng's First Addlttoa to Bast Port had 1,880 Louis C. Bo finger and wife tb W. H. Halnllne. lot 18. block 1. Strawberry addition The Land Company of Oregon to Kale J. Londgreo tnd wife, lots 4 tnd 6, block 6. CTtr View Park 760 George W Brown to W. S. Townsend. lots p sad io. block T, Leareiwood City Cemetery association to Mrs. Aaa B. Da Vol. lot 31. block 14, Rote City cemetery J. B. Csales and wife to John Amber eta. 88 1-8x60 fsat, beginning tt north west corner ef tot 1. block 17, Mc Millan's Addition ta Baat Portland 4TB Hugh T. Dobbins and wife to Char lea B. McOill. lots it, 30 and 21. block 180. University Park eal Estste Investors' association to Cbarlet Bolda. lota 7 and I, block 10S, Sell wood 100 too Out Mankerts tnd wife to H. W. Mttoa. at it, block r 30, original townstts of Alblns 8.600 Oregon Trust A Sa rings bank to Amanda aerr. iota l snd 4, stock 12. uoaher's addlttoa to Portlsnd 1 J. H. Noltt tnd wife to Henry J. Wll- klns. lota 0 tnd 10, block 3. W. J Patton's Subdivision of block "I. M. Patton trart 1A0OO M R. Terry to W. J. Terry, lota 1. 8 end 3. block 0. Lsnrslwood 1 M. I. McDsnlsl tnd wife to Joba V. Holm soil wife, tot 0. block 00. Steph ens' ndillrlrm. 2 resrs. A ner cent 2. SAO Bertha M. Hill and husband to T. S. Me Dsnlel. lot 10. block 4. Evens tddt- tlon. Installment. 7 ner eaat 1.400 Chrbj Wlnsent tnd wife to Henry O. Ilodtee. tot 6. block 13. Central Al blna. tnatallmeat. 7 ner cent MB J. D Mont'.iyon to Mrs. Carrie Mulr. tott 20 tnd 21. block S. Rlverdtle, 1 year. 7 per cent BOO Praak t. Munn tnd wife to W. M. Kill Ingaworth. lot 11, block 31. Walnut Park. 6 yeara. 7 ner cant l.sotl Marguerite A. King to Joseph H. Nttb. lot in. block 0. Ntsh's First sddltlon. 2 veers. 7 per cent . son Portlsnd Trust Company of Oregon to I.rdla E. Mitchell, lot 10. block 15. Williams Avenue addition 400 r. n rreuno to r.cnn nemson, lot 4. stock 85. of Maryvllle in w. i. patton tan wire to one o. Htr rlson. tot 5. Tract "B," Oreoowey tddl- ttoa 1,1 Hawy W. Loveland to H. Otto Steaer, lot 2. block 1. Ohrtttensen'i addition to Mount Tabor 1 ?w joaepu Meticu aaa wire to netne v. Ma lsrkey. lots II snd 12. block 4. Fox chsse Addition to Bsft PortltnA. 300 Eire and rannte van uer Meer re n. J. Ynnnt. eoutbweelerly u of it ). block 8S. John's addition to St Johns 8,1 B. let Paget tnd wife to T. B Alejtta der. tots 14 tad 10. block it. High land Park 8 Rmlolph Goldsmith and wife lo Alice nnlterworth. tot 34. block I. Second Electric addition 4r Far sba tracts title. Insurance or mortgage loins, rill on Pacific Title A Trust compear, formerly Pacific Coast Abstrtet Guaranty a Trust compear. 304-8-0-7 Patting building. Set year aad ibstrirts to real estttt rrom tne this uaaraatee a Trait 1 840 Washington street, earner tsssed. LO8T AND POUND. POUND A light hay -horse with white spot oa foreheid. Inquire it J. H. Mlsenblmer, with Pink Co.. 614 Mississippi eve. STRAYED from Ross Island, about September s. 1 smsn gray none, tnoat 1.000 uuaaoai 1 dapple gray horse, shoot 1.800 pounds. These 6 still were aeea tied aa at Union see. and Lincoln it. Return to Oregon Transfer 10 aaa oa pais for 1 rouble, mxta sad Heft LOST Hsndbsg, oa Mount Scot t car. 7:88 M day morning; finder keep port toe of $8800 snd return railroad ticket, wstsa, ate. M, Pulita. care B. C Heath, Artota. Bint NOTICE. I WILL net be reepoailbla tor any debti con tracted tar In my asms by air wife, aire. A. B. Greenly. A. at. sjbbbnlt. tit MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAFTKB NO. 18. It A M. aeguiar convocation wedaeedt'y erenuut, October leoa. at 7:ao o clock Mitotic ball. BnrkPard building Royal Arch ilc gree Vialtoca welcome. By ardor 1. H. P. B. SHARON See'y. SOMITtllNfl doing tonight at George Washington csmp. Bet tar come. Visiting nrlgkbors welcome. Woodman hall. Tenth and Washington sta II 8. AARON. C. C. H. A. PREDRICH. Clsrk. 'ORTI.AND DIVISION XO. 1 will give a social dance In K. of p. temple, Eleventh and Al der streets, Thursday night. tober II. Friends are Invited. B. M LA Mi: It K. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good -mutte for all occajloua. very reaaoaable. Main 6308. or 40 I.ticretlt st. M. W. A. BVBKUKEEN CAMP. 6404. meets Wednesday evening. AUsky bldg.. Third sad Morrison Its. s CIRCULAR LETTER CO . Fscslmlle typewrit ten letters: sddresalng, mailing. 2tlVs Stark. M. W. A.. Oregon Grape Csmp. No. 0.075. Min ts ITtb sad Marshall; vleltoes welcome. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment ta oor oa Weekly ratee: Room. 41.36 ap; room ted board. $4.60 np. Anderson, proprietor. WANTED Salesmen; msny mske $100 to $160 per month; some even moral stock clean; growu on reservation, far from old orchards: cash advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Wssblngtoo Nursery company. Top penlsh. Washington. WANTED Toang people to prepare themaelvea at hookkcepero and stenographers; have hsd 643 calls Blues September 1; placed 250 In positions. We will place you when eon petsat. Day or night. Catalogue. Behake Valker Business collate. MSN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; graduates ssra from $16 to 813 weekly; eipert Instructors; catalogas tree. Moler System of Colleges. 36 North Fourth St.. Portland 000 MEN wasted at Arloa hall, Second 1 oak its., lactaay evening, tictooer u. p. in.; lecture on Socialism by Rev. Th McGrady: questions tntwered. Admission 86c; gsllcry free. WANTED Aa experienced bench hand tnd frtmemtker. Apply Portland Saab A Door Co., Bast Taylor aad I'nloa are. WANTED Boy: corner Davis. steady work. 66 B. Front. WANTED 30 swsmpera et miles from Portland tnd oa road. Apply Westers Cpg. bldg.. Portlsnd. goad wages; 78 1 mile from rail Co.. 300 Stoarat VTKD Two or three flrat-ctasa, all-around miehlne men ; pertaanen position, good wsges Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WB get awk for ear membera; special mem bers. $2. Y M. C. A . Poarth aad Yamhill AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Bnrbank 1 new stone lees plum: miracle; big nay; permanent posltkra. Chlco Nurasry Oa., Salem, Ore.. WANTED Mattrimma Front, corner Davla. steady work. SS YOUNG msa attending bnalasss college wants place to wart tor ooars tad room. P 88. can Journal. AGENTS wanted to eall rtperlor. high-grade nursery stork; complete outfit furnished tree; cttb weakly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nuraery company, Salem. Or. CABINET MAKERS wanted tt 878 Front st. BBIGHT young man sheet 18 yssrs old to round dry goods start. Apply 80S work tree Third tt WANTED 8 ate boys for of nee .tad good prospect far wideawake, tnergetlt inuuau-ioua ooye. n 1UU. journal. WANTED Traveling sslesmsn to take aa tide Una a good staple srtlel- of hardware. T 87. care Journal . WANTED Mast have 26 mora young man to prepare raeanwivn tor railway telegraph stineel Ht taint nil for graduatea. Call day or evening. Expert Ou liege of Telegraphy. CommooVealth bldg.. Sixth tad Ankeuy ttt. A BOT desiring to learn t fine trade; wages te i.o wiiii. mi mallear oiug. BOOKKBEPEK tnd office man; moat be tc- cnrite tnd t good penman, toed opportunity 1 tate Ige. experience and aalary expected. Address R 04, care Journal. OFFICB men, salary: ststs ana and perteaee. R ctre Journal LADY'S TAILOR; best wages la the city. K. Stern. 482 Waahlngton. ROUGH carpenter to build targe abed. Oregon a weenington Larmoer Co.. toot or Hamil ton. FIRST-CLASS meat cutter wanted et Jo market, 161 4th, et once. ONB first eliss stove mounter, steady Portland stove works, ats Hood tt. GOOD carpenters wanted. Apply 28 tnd Irving, Cornell mo uinue, inu Esmond notti. Gordon A Diet, contract on. WANTED A few reliable solicitor!, who are capable of earning from 830 to $78 t week; none bat people of good address need apply. 400 Oreronlin bldg., Portland Or. WANTED First rlsss titlor. to work by week; tetdy Job. $21 per week guaranteed. Call at once. Barette. The Tailor. 2n8 Alder. WANTED Coatmikera snd rest ma k era; hlrh- eat price paid. A. J. Brtnlt. Hamilton bldg. ROOFERS wtnted. tlnnera wtnted. alieet metal workers wealed. Apply Wynkoop tbe Bearer, 348 Ash st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN' WANTED If foe work, why not earn more thnn s living! Be Independent; do good. The Vlavl Co. already employ a 12.000 women: tbe work covsvi 23 countries of the world; we will entertain tppllcstlons from ctptble women; not eanraselng. but helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only. Vlavl Co.. Lewis bldg. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY, ltOVh Fosfrth St.. cor. Morrison, opals'. -s PI. one Main 6S20. Alongside the Y. M. O. A. bldg. OIBLS WANTED Opera ton te work ee skirts sad overalls. Lessons gives to Inexperienced Apply st Standard factory No. 8. Grsnd svs. snd Rett Taylor st WANTED Girls to a tils tt 78 First It. ke "Boss ef AH" evsr WANTED Competent girl lor general bouse work; good wtges. Pases) Mtln 3008. WANTED Coatmekera, piqtsmtkers, vest- makers. A. J. Brasit, 10. Hamilton nios WANTED Competent girl for aeaeral houae- work. Apply ISO Baat 18th st HANSEN'S LADIES' AOBNtTY 848V4 Washing ten St.. car. Sevesth. tips ts Ira SStS Female help wanted. Pheae Msln OIBLS and wsnted for general housework ; tnokt wittress. City Employment Office. salts 1 IVi Wssblngtoo tt. Mala 1410. W A NTBD Girt. stesdy work, at 88 N. Front. Davis. PEW lidlet wanted te assist making etty fancy work tpirt tlms tt boms; aooo stssor par ; at txperleaee required. Fleldner bldg.. 407 Wsablegton it OIBLS, when yoa went work cell on tbe Si dint elm Ladlee' Agency. 107 H Sixth Mala 8000. John Anderson, manager. OIBUChoeolito dlppera tnd packers Ctady Co.. 10th aad Olltaa. Oldon WANTED ! Bxpeliasead body Ironer; ttstdy em Oregon Laundry Co. Pheae But T ley meat, a WANTED Girl to its with geasral house rk. too r lessen, ' -iwfv HELP WANTED FEMALE. MIDDI .H JBD small family. Pacific TOO. lo do Call 380 Montgomery st. or call WANTS!) Uta-1 fur (aural napes ears ; no wash ing. uorner t aioe anal oakum ere. Kaat 864. I X I KI1 1 I N" HI) girl Pacific lOid; 7JT (JUaa U St. 10. WANTED A body Ironer. wslttbtnd Iran If. at Psolflc Liundrj, (31 Arthar st. W A NTED Olrl far general housework and help care for t small chlldieu 426 12th St. W ANTED 26 girls ar womrn I glrai a at seel at ess- nerr of tbe Orexon ry of tbe Oregon Parking Co.. Eaat Eighth and Ysnihlll ats. ; both piers and day work; piece workers can make ex per osy. WANTED- girls ta wash .dishes end assist In kltebrimnrk at 104 North Serentb st,. st ones. WANTED A competent girl for grneral house work 021 Marshall, between lutb and lotb. WANTED Girl or middle ered woman for Mgtit bou-e.rork and help with children; no wash lug or Ironing. Phone E. 3OT0. WANTED-Kxprrltnced newer In men tailor ing Apply San I'rsarieco Tailoring Co.. 271 'i Taylor st. S111RTM AKBRS Hauilltuu Bldg. wsnted. Jscoba 131 .'ird atr.-.l. Shirt Co., GIRL8 to press skirts. 2S1 Alder street. WASTED Immediately, experienced girls, fain tly second work: wtgrs $25; also cspabls girls, fsmily cooko. 130 Va Viuiblll. Phone Mtln 5413. s. , WANTED Lady teachers. Apply 146 First st., from 7:80 to 8:30 p. m. GIRL wanted fur general housework tnd cook ing; no small children Is family. Apply 747 Gllsan it. I VOI'N'G sfomsn well tcqutlnted ou east side to do npertsrtoj work. Apply 408 East City it. W A NTBD Girl for general housework. Kearney St. It 051 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 88 A UOMH Sttge dancing taught In all Its hranchea by t profeasionil tatcher, late of hew York City; IS yeara.' experience; engagements se cured. NEWMAN'S THEATRICAL CIRCUIT. 146Va 81xth tt. YOUNG meu and women to learn Gregg short htnd; woa tbe highest award st St. Louis exposition; warned In half the time at half the expense of any other tyatem; taught everywhere la the test. Holmes Batlnest College. Washington and 10th ats. UNLESS YOU'RE "DEAD WOOD" YOU'LL LEARN THS ADVERTISING end of hnameas. PAGE-DAVIS CO. will bark yuty srhereret you live, whatever your work, tilt you're in dependent of help t success. Dept. 21, 413 t -omuiereial bldg.. Portland. WANTED In country home, two children care fur goad school. Address B. M 1 nostofflce box St, Scsppoose. Or. to MAN aad wife wish situations ss rook end helper, out of town. 286 Vi Washington st., WANTED Firat-clsss lady and gentlemen can vtnere; salary aad commission. Call at Agency Bureau. 82 Fourth it.. Portltnd, Or. HELP wanted aad eappHee. male or female, it Q. Drake. lOSM, Washington st. Facile life. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. H. H. RICHARDS Books posted, collections, general clerical work: references 883 4th st. WANTED A sltustloa at bartender by a mar ried man. Phont Etit 9000. T 48, Jonrnil. WANTED Poaltlon aa 'collector for reliable Srtn; will furnish horse and buggy and gtvt bonds; well acquainted In elty. T 40. Jonrnil. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants place; speaks English. Harry. 86 North Third et. - young aaa weald like tore; hat experience; O 8 rare Journal. In tire nf erencv . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED mlddle-iged Isdy desires chamber work In nice rooming liooae: $13 month tnd room. Mn. Riley. 1789 Cliekaaui ire. Sellwood. East 8428. LADY stenographer waatt position: bet lu law office. 0 1, cars Journal. PRACTICAL nurse wsats w nek ; eonflnemen t gssss preferred; Mala 4604 REFINBD. educated woman of SS desires to ge teeth. Would travel et companion or aaree. N 37. care Journal. ELDERLY reapecttble nurse withes altusrton at none ar beutekeepar for widower. Mtln 8410. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wetted la every towa la Oregon to represent tbe National Life Insurance Co. of U S. A. R. 0. Belland. tttta manager. 80S Filed ner bldg.. Portland. Or. AGENTS, peddlers, etnvtstsrt aad itreet work- get your euppllee from R. M. Plummer. Third it.; new goodt. bottom priest. AGENTS wtnted Introduce Dust hi every town Is Oregon to Clrto. tbe sweeping coin Dust Clean'. 884 Alder it. EITHER sex ctn make $4 to $10 per day 4 to 5. $61 Buraalde. Call EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN SO North Second et. Phone Main 1638. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. SOJVi Morrison St. Phone Pacific ttt. WANTEDREAL EgTE To The Portland Capitalist We mike a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, vlaciag PIBE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES snd GENERAL CAKE OF PROPERTY. We hive the best of facilities for carrying out your wishes ss sb agent. we solicit your patronage. t. Our references land a llltoo. snd Merchants Nttlonil btnk. uiuii rs. B. H BLOSSOM, $10 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. a L. PARR18H A CO. bare opened a general real attain office at 423 Lumber Exchange bldg.. corner Second snd Stark ats., and will hoy and sell retlty. collect rente and aegotltt) loons; fir. t class references: honest detllag with our clients. Phone Mtln 8316. PROPERTY WANTED We wlat' I or fl room homea reatoaubly close .In on east side. Is the psst two weeks we have effected the sals of s t. timber, bat wc csnnnt begin to supply the dmsnd. List with us If wish lu sell It once HAOEMANN A BLaNCBABD. 01 Fifth It. WANTED TO RENT. W A NTSP- TO BBNT Houses, nttnsea, ftota stores, offices, rooming liooaoa. etc. Land lonls will do Tell to call PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY IF ORBOON Phone Bx. 9. i t Car 3d aed Oat. WANTED To rent s boos- tnd turn with Vi block, or stnill tcresge rlsse In: permanent tenant. Address R 84. csre .burns! 1 HOUSEKEEPING -ROOMS with kitchen; tsst sldt preferred. T 40, cere Jonrusl. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mtln M48 FURNITURE WANTED FOR SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTIflr N ROOMS 811 First st. Mtta HIGHEST price paid for men'i ciat-off eo,v Ing. Phone PacTSr 48. Uaeto Joe. 61 Third. WB WILL BUY. 6XL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WEST BBS , SALVAGE CO., 487 83 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC Ttt. 7B WILL BUY rear feraltare ssy oM Mam. Westers Salvage Co.. 887 Waablagtaa at. WANTED Lsnd to by contract. T SB, clssr off brush csre Journal. la ejtr WANTED 8.000 pounds Oregon traps root. II. ran Journal. W A NTBD Room tad beard, tnbereelosls. net confined young man with to bed. shit louk sfter himself, will pay wall for fortabla home. Telephone Msla 741. FURNISHED ROOMS POR RENT HOTEL PALMER. $6014 Alder at - Steam heat. electric clrrtrlc lights, hot sad cold water. fya bathe, porcelain tubs: a few lieu sak Sep Ing ultn with ggs ranges; maid service; 81.50 per week up. THE RICHELIEU. "I. forth Sixth at.-Bto-gently faratabed; steam heat aad hatha. "THE 111 R." 0B Eleventh st Stark; roams with slesai heat and hath LINDA VISTA. 247V4. nftb Housekeeping ruums with bay windows, aad sleeping roams. ELKO A NTT. IT faralahed ruoaw. furnace heater sod hath. 4T4 Salmon st. DAT. week or month; heart of city. 188', Fourth st. Hledmaa. , FOR i; K.N I Furnished, frost room with nee of kitchen; new and modern, to men snd wife; l. 330 vy at.; Woodlawn or I' ear. Tele phone Woodlawn 4S. ri'RXISHBD ronma and furnished housekeeping rooms for rent st TS3 Vancoavar are. THE GRAND. 4SH North Third at. Soon gentlemen $1.25 per week sod up. $1 33 A WEEK, 313 Couch t. furnlsl ed housekeeping rooeae. ROOMS for H men, $0 per month, corner Salmon. 216 Uth St.. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCH EI L. Flsndrrs aad tessnOW R actus, housekeeping and transient; see vealest ; prlcea reasons bis. $1.16 WBRK UP. clean, furnished hons steep, lug rooms; parlor, bath. Isuudry. furnsce beat. yard. IWlVs Stanton, U oar. $1.50 WEEK un. Isrxe. clean, furnished keeping rooms, laundry and hath. 184 8br maa south. Portland. FURNISHED ted unfnrslaked housekeeping tnd sleepl 'g 1-0. ma. $1 week, rnrnlshed corner flat, $37. McCoy. 171 H Morrison. 3d 'tour. SUITE furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms: nice isrge place: moderate rent. B. C Btrker, Mount. Tabor. Phone Bait 4118. 3-IIOOM suite In ceay cottage; newly tar nished; on csr line; porcelain bath ihd sink; walking dlstsnce. $16. 01O Pint street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, 80S Bast Ivan at.. $7 month THRBK new unfurnished at. Phone Mtln 3804. m 100 Market 3 PIJSASATIT unfurnished roomt it 860 Mont gomery tt. tell 1 Fl - S- -I ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOM and board. 440 Jefferson. PteMc 1802. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO. prompt aad re- liable pis no snd furniture-mo vera; else star- en; also etor 110 N. Third. ge. Pbose Msln 1080. limes If FOR RENT 8 handsome modern T-roast hoe ass. conveniently toes ted en Thtrd-at. eerMae: 810. 811 and 814 Corbet t at.: real reasonable to desirable tenants. David a Staeras. Set Washington st FOR RENT Cottsge. tor ass 17th tad OUsaa its. Max Smith, the Savoy Resunrtnt. 140 Seventh et. FOR BENT New 5 room boats sad Oveom Sat at Bait 84th aad Divlalea. H. T. Palmar. East 34th and Dlvtalou. HOUSE for rent cheap. 068 Third tt. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 8-room flat, tttel aad gee rtngee. window shades, large cement basement. 200 Va Htlsey. near tttel bridge. MODBBN 4 room 888.60 flat, SUM Fifth it., near Columbia; no SBlmala or children. Call 80S Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT-C-STORES-OFFICE8. FOB RENT -Store 11x86. good for cigar, ttllor .nop. or ant amm Deaanessx I aura' toaae; reaaeaaaes rant. Burnstde it., room MX 1U gtvs 4V4 CaU SOOVk PAST ef shea to rent, eel table far tllatst ar plumber. SOS Fourth at. OFFICE ROOMt. nnfurnlsbed rooms aad assapls- for rent. Uooduough bldg. Apply tto- DBSIBABLE oft rat, including hot sad cold water, Jsnfto slsctrls UgbU, tnd elevttor service. In us saw. tlry Ceaaeawsalth . sixth tad Baratide bldg.. old postoftre site tie. Agent room 411 STORE with cement basement tad warehouse, good flxturea; complete lease; rsssonsble. Pa cific Slot. STORE 30x00. 3D rftotea fumUhed, tar net, or sale. Vtacounr. J. H. Klsrell. td tnd Mtln. Vancouver HOUSES. FOR RENT FURNI- TURB FOR SALE. a-BOOM house for rent, furniture far tale; strictly central tod moden. Phone Ptclflc HI 1. FURNISHED home for rant. 6 modern. 886. Call Wsodlswn 814. BENT $187 room hones with hath. 8 fur ntibed; bargain. 834 Mississippi see. FOR RENT FARIAS. 80 ACRES Improved. 1 mile north of Besvsrton. 7 miles from Portland. Janiea Barnes R. 1. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. IIAI.L and ballroom, sepsrete or together; saw aad with all conveniences. Phone Mara Stt. BUSINESS CHANCES. Bargain Real estate and Inasrssee business; fine ground-floor-office. In one of Portland's best suburb; good fixtures; sversge commission $300 to $400 per mouth; good rental aad In snraace htjilnesi; fine business for live man: It Costa yov norbirig to Investlgste this bti'lness; will aell for price of rixtnrtt: owner mutt go east. 0 17. ctn Journal. FOR SALE 14 room, modtra. wall furuUbed house; will pay yon to laqutre at once. Cor ner of Stark 86 10th It. PHENOMENAL rise In price of Hurst Stvttrh expected tny dty: thlt msy be your Isst opportunity to buy before subscription books are closed. J. P. Hunt a Co.. 80S Mc Kay bldg. SMALL restsursnt tad lunch counter In good location with Itaae for sale. V 86. Journal I LOAN money, examine abstract!, draw wills, deeds snd otber legll pipers; rhitrgei reison sble. G. A. Johnson, liwyer, 818 Commerclsl block. FOB SALE Apsrtaient -house of 16 rooms : ill nswly furnished; essy terms If sisssttry; In come $100; cent $60: located 00 Morrlaoa it. Apply Cohn Bros.' Furnltora Co.. ISO Pint. POR SALE- -Good stock of general merchan dise on route ef new S. P. rstlroid; will In voice about $8,600; aell or rent new itera building. Wrllt or. call i. 0. Lyons, tit tin. Oregon. FOR SALE Grocery ton. good locttlon, west side, close In, doing fstr business; will In- voire $050 or $700. Phone I'tclte 641. FOR SALE Purltin Dellctteteta. 80TH First st.; rent, with living-rooms. $20; must sell t once. MEAT MARKET It Invoice: wall estshllshed business, splendid location. Telephone Mais 8S07. FOR SALE Ons hslf Interest In old estsbllsbed real estate business Address N. 41, care Journal. FOR SALE Grocery ttors, cheap; ownsr lose tag city. Address 881 Third tt. DAIRY of 18 rows tnd with It gees 60 teat hay; la s good location; the ranch leaaa Is cheap. Register a Co.. 107V4 Third tt. W A NTRD Partner nr will sen fall Interest la well-paying butcher business In good loes tlon: sell St Invoice. tSSVt Washington tt., room 1. GOOD CHARCB Per tele, etgar. candr. fruit, hooka and ststlooerr. with llvng rooms. regular tnd tranl-nt trade: retsnnsble; other business. 0 8. care Journal. to I NEW brewery for sals la MsrthtrM. Cons n ennnty. Address Title Guar an Irs a Abstract Co., MirikToUl, Orasea. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SALE One of tbe beat grocery stores Id EBgBBQ.' Oreawa. dnlue a miast IMtalneea. In good location aad Halt exjieuse; owner baa other Anew n George W. Duet, Bugaae, Oregon. Th.atro blk. $0.0ou WILL s valuable Interest ta a lumber business; safe aad pragtable; bargain. Address G It. rsre Jooroel. I WOULD like to meet tome one with $3,600 to Invest la t good mining proposition Per full Informs Hon ciU at room 8117 Alltky bldg. WANTED Susss sae tt pat Has 11 s mount at money to to derctoplng promlalng claim; not s stack proposition; strictly legitimate; woald be ptrBsersblp 4atL O lo, Joarasl WANTED Watchmaker, partner, a Chriattaa man with $1,000, to takt charge ef store. Ad dress P tl, care Journal. $778 GROCERY a tare; stock all new; beet of tocttlou; dost t cttb business; horat tnd wagon Included; also bandies feed. Thla will stsnd close Investigation. Cell tt ones. 134 Va 4th street. FOR SALE A clean tnd up to-dsts stock of dry goodt tad notions In city of 6,000 popu lation In atatt of Washington, doing a good aiu 1 e. 'u ur aeiiiag; eiuca wtu Invoice $7,000 to $8,000. K 66. cars Journal. POR SAI.B A good paying country saloon. i"slt MB M1 I' (ick,Ma' rr Partlfln FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON 4 GAGE, -1 lots In Nsshvllto. -SUX1T7. Willamette Heights. Irt.r Klnnb . .. ,( u . m- -. mmmtm e,u w .wuiua, n.WWS SI., Beautiful corner, Rodney are., 0 noma, jath- pantry and all modem Improvements. 80,400. tAjTOO Bew and modern, 7 rooms, bath. ?fA7'. btasmsnt, furnsce tnd full tot; a medal home, $3,700 cash, balance at 6 per cent. THOMPSON GAGE. 647 Sherlock Bid. A NEW 7-raom house, tost finished, tnd 80-foot tot. oa West trt.. neat Hiwtuorae an.. Bull Ben water, beautiful .lew. price tatto; termt. A. 8. Jsckson, room I. Htmlltoa bldg. Phont Mtln 1681. Send One bollar And we will Hat your property with 1.000 reel estste dee tore was an si anxloua to eers s commission as yon are to sell: oar plan seldom falls: send description: wt ire helping many others, why not you? Adlress The In Teator'a Guide, 311 Mirquim bldg.. Portland, Oregon. , , 500 Homes For Sale Fsrms snd City Property. THE INVEST0B4 GUIDE CO.. 811 Hsrqosm bldg., Portland. Oregon Sellwood A Preach. 1070 B. 19th. Phone sellwood 74. City Mew Park lota. 8378 and Addlttoa lota. $100 aad up; $5 down month. Homea from 8600 to ko.OOO. I 1 and 68 4 Lull $201 and up. ta all parts ef Sellwood. I.Ut year property witn aa; we wiu aell it. HOMES AND BUILDING LOTS In tny part of the city. Bee at tint. Oat the htblt. 0. I. PABBISH a CO.. 488 Lumber Broking!. Ion a Main 0816. WAREHOUSE at tar sale, lot 100x1 00. facing adjoining railroad tracks P 88, can Journal. Addrell HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Vi block. 8 uwetungs, cement oasemenrs. tswn. fruit, flowers, oement sidewalk; cheap for ssk. 873 East Third it., north. COZY little home, AI condition, near csr; high, team fruit: a bargain: tee It todty. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. 143 Stark it. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL HOUSES FpR SALE. $7.500 Full tot aad S-room house; hot water betting, electric cell balls, speeklag tabes snd the beet workmanship; ftneat view on Willamette Heights: new sad sever beta oc cupied: 11 seal going te kesse the city; s splendid bargain; easy termt. Also the prettiest home of 7 rooms la trv- tog ton 1 tsrnacs; tt hardwood noon, get. coctrlcity tnd not uuut to ten OBOBGE W. H AkEN, SOt Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Pheae MtlaB. FOB SALE CHEAP I corner tot. 36t St.. S blocks tooth of Hawthorne. Y 06, journal. fl ROOM house, modern convenience!, ISO feet from car line. 75x100 hart, d:lckn bouse; fries 83.000; la best suburb, 80 mlnutn 1 1 Morrison bridge- 613 Spencer at., !ni:iv:il . BEAUTIFUL tot en Wasco, 60x100, $700. -"WtBeT" 9 " Joss 9Wt9 eMlitltBT"- i A l- 88,860 QUARTBB block la Irvinxton dlitrln: elegant comer, ae bettor Investment In tin city: tuere en fsw corners left lu thai choli a residence district: terms. W. J. II .fmsairk 818 Hancock Phone Eaat 0018. NEW 5-room boeas, hslf block from csr I me, fall tot: $1,800. termt Phono C. C. Shcy, Tibor 1C2, 8 lo 10 a. at. wmamette Tract Oa WllltmeUs boulevard, overlooking etty tnd river, Scent fen. lots 30x10V feet: price 83C0 ami np; 883 cash, 89 per month, bee r A. Sygowikl. Willamette nation. St. Johns ear. OO look at thtt tot. t. w. corner E. Mtln tnd tltt itreett; graded streets, cement wslks sewer, git, electric lights; one block from ear line. Own Inmber st eld price, will build house -to suit. Buy psymenti. Phone ' C. C. Shty, Tabor 168, 8 to 10 a. m. OWNSR will tell hit new borne In tbe Irving ton diltrtet, S roomt tnd bath beautifully lo cated, all convenlencea. atrlctly utodrrn; tot 100x100; one of the beat-built hornet la Port land. Address Owner 80, ctn Jourilll. tnd mike engagement to go through the noose. 8 MODERN 8 and 4-room bouses. $1,800 to ; eeat lids. Phone Woodlawn $3,000: t 107. 31.800 ACRE it with good 4 room boose, htm. ehloken house, woodbuuse. cellar an. I yosng fruit trees; about 4 acres cleared, near canine. .10 minutes riue. neginer a Co., 107 Mi Third st. $1,000 GOOD 4-room house sad 3 tots In Ver non; thla It a splendid plsce snd corner. Register a Co., 107 Vs Third st. 6 PINS tots nesr Union net.; lty about 2 feet above itreet trade tnd tbe tott in full ore run Heglsl.T 80x100; til goes nr saw per lot. a Co., lOTVs Third st. 100x100 IN Point View for Avion in Runnrslde for 40 seres nesr Vancouver for 16 arrea user neatettwn tor SOS COMMERCIAL BLOCK. FOB SALE Improved end unimproved farms, wbsst and slock ramose, timber lands tad sawmills, elty tnd munrban property; ag. cbttgn t ipeetaity. inrner si waiter. 4. SOSVi Wathmgtea et. BOB HILL HOUSE A modern 8 room boose; feed basement, furnace snd cement walks. One tswn with roses sad sk rubbery, tot 60x100, oa Hoyt St.; ttty terms. . JOBDAN a OABBADB, Boom 88, 282V, Washington it. POB 8ALB Br owner, new 6-room cottage bunntlow itrls; bstb. gts, mrnsee. tot 100. street Imprevemenia made, near Haw thorae an. Phone Sellwood 188. riNB modern 8 room kouee, $4,000; $600, ha I encs 886 monthly. 4-room modern tease. $8,000; $800. balance $80 monthly. Owner, sheaa Eaat 876. WB HAVE lutt completed two new modern res ide aces at Archer Plsce; eae a seven room hease (88,160), aad the otber e six room boast ($1.8001. One third essh and baunee en easy monthly ptymentt. both btrgilna B. F, CANNON a CO., 800 McKay bldg. Third and Stork sta. POR SALE 4-room cottage and lot on Stinton st.. Upper Alblnt, price $1,100; terras. fJOO cash, balance ess be psld st 880 month. In quire J. R. Truman, room 40 Labbe bldg , Second snd Washington ttt. , $1,800-4 ROOM cottsge. furnished camp hi It fnll tot. 7 large bearing fruit trees, towers, tne ylew of mounttlnt; mast be teen to be tpprertitsd. H. O. Btaley. 14S0 Winona st.. Woodlawn. owner. toe FARMS, email tracts snd tots: bsrgslss ea 0. W. P slectrlc line. 0. R. Additoa. Lee Is. Oregon. Tats Mount Scott car. le. PRICE 11 .880 leg hease sad tot built bv ai. If; hath" closets, basement tnd evrytbaa sum .leu . Call va either, tot DlvUloa St. .