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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THE OKKOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVEN1WO, OCTOBER 9, 1106 NEW RAILROAD PROJECTS WILL BE UNDER WAY IN THIRTY DAYS DR. WILLIAM SHAW Piles Cured Quickly and Painlessly- No Risk, No Danger. IS COMING No. 5 Source of Financial Power and . Influence Back of Unoa Look Ufca Harriman. TWO ROADS RIVALS DOWN AT TILLAMOOK Try to Deliver Terminal Ground to Beth Part, With Re mit That Controvery Is Warm and Fighting Tactka Being Uaed. Preparations tor beginning construc tion work on various railroad projects about Portland ere being mads, and within the next 0 days at least three new sections wilt be under way. The Pacific Railway a Navigation com pany la said to be assembling equip ment to start construction work from Tillamook to Nehalem. A contest between railroad promoters la brewing at Tillamook, where the peo- rhave undertaken to furnish both E. Lytic and W. J. Wlteey the same water frontage and terminal grounds. It la aald Mr. Wllaejr waa first oh the scene, and nearly a year ago secured the promise of Tillamook eltlaene that the Oregon Coaat Eastern railroad should have the terminate. Home months ago tills promise was made good by an agreement with a clmmtttee of eltlaene appointed at a publlo meeting. Subse quently the Pacific Railway A Naviga tion company oame upon the scene. Promising the quickest action In con atruction of a railroad. It waa saanee ful In winning over noma of the influ ential men in the community, and they are rjew out working not only to fur nish the desired terminals and water front but to raise money to buy rights off way for the railroad company through t miles of timber. The source of financial power and in fluence back of both of theae railroads la still a matter of much speculation. For carrying on the preliminary work of the Oregon Coast a Eastern, through the Wtlecy headquarters In this city, the funds com from Baker A Crabtree. at fit. Louis, who are believed to be act ing for the Oeuld system. The Pacific Railway a Navigation company'a line, which Is practically an -extension of the esjlnoca Ptotfle from Hltlaboro te Ne halem and Tillamook counties, was ft Ban Bag through the Union Trust oom pany. at Ian Francisco, which concern is supposed to be dominated by Harri man Interests. Should both projects be aa fried forward, the Tillameok coaat would be given genuine railroad com petition that would prove to be Im mensely effective In developing the country. Other construction projects ready for Immediate aetion are the llwaco exten sion eastward along the north bank of the Columbia, and the Harriman Una from Portland to the sound. Contracts for the llwaco work w!U be let by Chief Engineer Boachke, of the Oregon linee, aa aeon aa a controversy la settled at llwaco, where the city council demand payment of $1,500 for a franchise, and In addition requires that the railroad company aball pave the street It trs vereee. B, C Hawkins, chief engineer of the Oregon a Washington, the Harri man line to the sound, is In Portland in conference with Mr. Boechke en the en gineering problems preeented at the Portland end of the line. WILLAMETTE DEBATERS PREPARE FOR SEASON Salem. Oct . A communication has been received at Willamette TJnlverelty from the manager of debates at the Oregon Agricultural college relative to the holding of a joint debate between the two institutions. The debate last year waa won by the Salem collegians who obtained a unanimous decision. This year the Corvallls disciples of Demosthenes hope to turn the tablea on their rlvaia. The communication will betaken up at the neat meeting of the debating coun cil, and It will then be decided whether the two institution will meet In de bate. There la a feeling among many of the students that debating at Wil lamette has been neglected, and for that reason many would urge a debate with the Benton county aeat Institution. A meet with' Pasdfte University at Poreet drove would alao be looked upon favorably. In former years the two latter Institutions have held Joint dtf batea which have proved among the pleaeanteet lntercollglste events. It la alao hoped to arrange a debate with Whitman college at Walla Walla and with the University of Puget Sound of Tacoma, Washington. Tomorrow Is Real Estate Day read the Real Batata Ada In The Journal Classifieds - National Christian Endaavoror' Business Manager to Ba at Portland Convention. WILL TAKE PROMINENT PART IN THE PROGRAM Dr. Robert Spear, Secretary of Pres byterian Board of Foreign Mis sions, Will Also Be Present Special Services to Be Held. Dr. William Shaw, business manager and treasurer of the National Christian Endeavor union, who has charge of the direction and financial management of Christian Endeavor work throughout the world since the organisation of the society, wlQ be a Portland vleltor and will take a prominent part In the third blennal convention of the northwest district, which Is to be held here the latter part of the week. , Dr. Robert Spear, secretary of the Presbyterian board of foreign missions, will also be present at the convention OUR EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM Ii s great and timely convenience to 1 Sll. It enable any honest person to make a suitable purchase with a small cash outlay NO NEED TO SEND EAST Ordering through catalogue from eastern installment houses is no longer necessary, besides very unsatisfactory, inasmuch as yon, cannot select e Diamond, Watch or Jewelry And receive the same satisfaction as were you to step into our store. Here you see the articles a they are. We can explain to you the difference in quality and advise you aa to which is the best. WE DO NOT CHARGE EXTRA For credit accommodations; in fact, you will find our prices far lower than those at any cash store. Our stock of diamonds and watches is the largest in Oregon, MARX & BLOCH The Different Kind of Credit Store. 74 THIRD STREET. NEAR OAK. ssssT Jfl SWaWa BSBBbP .WPwK. BBBBBsl BaBBBBaaWaaaB sssssVHsntwi Dr. P. Burgette Short, Who Will Take e Prominent Pert in the Com ing Christian Endeavor Convention. BUILDING FUND PIANOS Time of Bidders Extended WbatH you give for a $550 CHECKERING ft $550 KIMBALL ft $450 HOBART M CABLE ft $350 MARSHALL & WENDELL ft $250 METROSTYLE PIANOLA Most people bid on the rChickering and Kimball. '. Don't forget that the Hobart M. Cable is a good piano, too. And also the Marshall & Wendell. What's your best offer on the Metrostyle Pianola ? CASH OR TIME Every penny realized goes to Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Building Fund. It costs only 10 cents to make a bid. Call or send in bid today. Eilers Piano House 363-356 WASHINGTON ST. and wlU appear on the platform. Dr. Spear has just returned from a nine months',. trip through the foreign coun tries covered by the field of hi mission Work and it 1 expected that he will have an Interesting story to tell of the work that Is being done by the board In other lands. m The first meeting of the convention will be held on Friday evening at the First Congregational church and at this tsass Or. ft L. House will make the ad dress welcoming the delegate to the city end the convention. On Saturday, evening Dr. Shaw will make hla first address before the convention. Re Is now finishing a tour of the northwest and before returning will make arrange ment for the financial conduct of" the convention to be held In Seattle In July. A double service will be held on Sunday t the First Congregational and First Presbyterian churches. Dr. Spear and Dr. Shaw will apeak, making short addresses In both churches, Dr. fTllw speaking first In the Congregational church and then at the Presbyterian. On Saturday morning Dr. F. Burgette whort will make an address before the convention on the subject, "Every Tal ent for Christ." Many other prominent speskers will be on the convention program. A Free Trial Package to Convince Sent by Mail to All Who Write. Common sense la Just aa necessary (even mere ae) In medicine as In busi ness or the affairs of everyday life. People are getting to know more than they used te. Not so long ago, It was the fashion to make all sorts of claims for a medicine, and wind up by asking the reader to go to a drug store and buy a bottle. People won't stand for that kind of thing now. They want proof tangible proof. They want to try the remedy first and If they And it to be what la claimed they will be gla.1 enough to go and buy it. That la why we say to every person suffering from piles or any form of rectal disease, send us your name and we will gladly send you a tree trial package. For we know what the re sult will be. After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest druggist and get a Hoc box of Pyramid Pile Cure, now admitted by thousands to be one of the -nnst wonderful reliefs and cure for Pilee ever known. "Please excuse my delay In writing to you sooner In regard to what your Pyramid Pile Cure has done for me. I consider It one ui the finest medlolnes In the world tor pile. I suffered un told misery for four months when my wife bagged me to send for a 50c box. Whan It waa half gone I knew I was better and It didn't take any begging to got as to send for a second box. 1 think I am about well now, but It I feel any symptom of a return I will order at once. I order It from the Pyramid Drug Co. to he aura of the cure. Tell all about this fine remedy for piles. "And If there le anything la thla letter you want to uae do so. I re ceived your letter a few days ago. Tours for a remedy like Pyramid Pile Cure. J. J. McKLWEE, "Honey Orove, Tex., B. R. 8, Box St. "P. a I only used two boxes and don't think I need any more. Plies of even months' standing." To get a free trial package send to gay, to the Pyramid Drug Co., 51 Pyr amid Building. Marshall. Michigan. It will come by return mail and the re sults will both delight and aatonlsh you. RETURN TO PRISON AFTER 18 YEARS Murderer Who Escaped From In sane Asylum Comas Back to Serve Ufa Term. KILLED MAN WHO WEDDED SISTER DURING CEREMONY A NEW DEPARTURE TBS Cost of interments Sua Been Great ly Bidaese by the Xolaaaa Under taking Company Heretofore It haa been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, 10. will depart from thla old custom. When the casket la furnished by ua lta coat will Include all charges, such as conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box, embalming, hearee to cemetery and all services which may be required of us except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thua effecting a saving of $11 to 175 on eech funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY. ISO Third street, corner Salmon. As Bridegroom Passed Pew in Church, Brother-in-Law Drew Out Revolver end Fired Wounded Men Fell Into Anna of Bride "Wis see the largest and strongest pisas and SB aele dealer on the Paelac They are Part An coast distributors of Viator Telklsg sUeslses sad tee ij sssstsg plain la the world, stslnway sad Saabs, sol genu for the largest lie of other reliable aad tandard nskea el planes ever carried by one arm. Tbay srs wall spews, sad their BMtbodt are boaest asd alrmlgbt forward. The qualltjr of the sjerenaadles of thla beese la the blabest Name arm sad toads aura bj whisk may are knew a. Answer- Sherman, Gay & Co. . -'.f-yt. , - . - .a -- j I - ,' " V i'"iV) "k '.-Z- TRADE MARK "The House of Qualify1; Sherman. Clay STEINWAY DEALERS &C0. COB. SIXTH AMD MORRISON STS. PERSONALS Captain D. F. Tosler, head of the lighthouse service, haa returned from an Inspection trip of the stations along the Oregon and Washington roasts Captain Tosler will leave In a few days for Taqulna Bay tn superintend the re move! of the etatlon at that place. H. H. Qllfry. Journal clerk of the United States senate, will leave In a few daya for Seattle to visit relatives. Mr, Otlfry has property Interests In Port land and apende hi vacation here. A. F Baumgartner. of San Francisco, is at the Oregon hotel. Mr. Baumgart ner le well known In Portland. His brother 'Is F. P. Baumgartner. Portland ropreeentatlve of the California and Ore gon Steamehlp company. Mr. and Mrs John H. Albert of Salem are at the Antlers for a ahort visit In Portland on their road home from Seattle and other lu get sound points Included in the Itinerary of their honey moon journey. Mr. Albert le one of the old and prominent residents of the capi tal city, being the president of the Capital National bank of that place Mr. Albert was formerly Miss McNary of Salem. fJeernal Special Ssrrtca.) Dublin. Oct 8 The police barracks at Markethlll, County Armagh, has lust been the scene of a startling Incident which recalls on of the moat remark able crlmea in Irish history for the past ao years. In the early part of 1S1I a man named William Thompson waa con victed of the murder of hla brother-in-law and sentenced to death. He waa respited and aent to penal servitude for life. The man afterwards developed In sanity, and waa removed to a lunatlo asylum near Dublin. From that Institu tion he escaped a few months later, and although the whole country was scoured no trace of him ever waa found. The tragedy occurred oh March 1 II years ago In the little eburch of Knock namuckley, whloh la prettily situated on the borders of counties Down and Ar magh. There waa the usual bustle and excitement which heralds an Irish vil lage wedding where the parties are well known and popular. The groom, Thomas Thompson, was being married for the second time, hie first wife being a alster of William Thompson, the es caped convict Just before the time fixed for the ceremony William ap peared In the church, and took a aeat In a pew near the altar. A few momenta later the wedding party, consisting of the bride and bride groom and attendanta, proceeded up the aisle. As the bridegroom passed the pew in which his brother-in-law waa sitting the latter, to everybody's horror, drew a revolver, and. presenting It within a few inches of the hapless groom, fired. The wounded man fell Into the anna of hla bride, hie blood coloring her wedding gown and forming a pool on the floor of the church. Al though every effort waa made to save hh life he died the following day. His last words ware words of forgiveness far his murderer. Thompson exhibited the most perfect composure during his trial for murder. Within a year after hla conviction he escaped from the asylum In which he waa confined, and moat exhaustive search disclosed no trace of hla where gbouts. until the past week. It years after the commission of hla crime, he strolled Into the police barracks and surrendered himself. He waa appar ently perfectly sane, and hla only expla nation of his long absence was that he had been In America. FARMERS' CONGRESS IN SESSION AT ROCK ISLAND ' (Special Dlapatcb to The J a Waal ) Rock Island. 111., Oct- S. Hundreda of delegates filled the large auditorium here this morning at the opening of the twenty-sixth annual session of the Farmers' National congress. The dele gates oame from every state of the union, end among them were many of national reputation aa experts In scien tific farming, in dairying, forestry. Irri gation, stock raising and other indus trlea and pursuits slUed to the tilling of the solL This Initial session began with ad dresses of welcome by Mayor George W. McCaakin, to which responses Tor the visitors were msde by Joshua Strange of Marlon. Indiana, and B. A. Cameron of North Carolina. The feeture of the afternoon session wss the annual address of the president. John N. Stahl of Chicago. President Stahl waa followed by James Sheakley of Pennsylvania, who spoke of agricul ture in Alaska, of whloh territory he was commissioner and governor for a period of 11 years. The congress will be in session until tne end or. ue ween. J. R Cartwrlght and Walter Huston of Harrlsburg and A. T. Hurt on of Forest Orove are to represent Oregon at the sessions of the Farmers' Na tional congress, whloh opened at Rock Island this morning. The delegates were appointed by Governor Chamber lain last month. THIRTY-ONE SALOONS ON INDIAN RESERVE fSsedal Dtspstea to Tba Jearaal ) Walla. Walla. Wash.. Oct. I. At the sessions of the Presbyterian synod hare the fact waa brought to public attention that at present there are 11 saloons running openly within the limits of the Nes Perce Indian reservation. when the reservation was opened for settle ment the government, through its agents, entered Into a compact that no H.y. MJf mm"' neat air ealth At WAYS RESTORES OOLOR AND BEAUTY OF YOUTH TO OKAY HAM, no mstsw haw hang I has been BRA Y or WHITE. It soothes aad keels scalp. HotHmm Saw sea- motes a fine. Insurious growth of sail. :r:lj;7.r' free sample Phllo Hoy Swat. Oaw Hewwrk.. M. J, I .rrr rtnc. fcottleo. All Prsrsrlet. saloons should be allowed for a period of 21 years. The fact waa brought out en a report of the temperance committee. Few gats ssaw of The J. D. Harris, connected with the Mos cow Electric company. Is at the Port land hotel Mr. Harris Is In Portland purchasing supplies for his company's Urge power plant at Moscow. To Bay Tie Land (pedal IMapatcb tn Tb Journal -Olympta. Wash.. Oct. . C. D Hill man of Sdhttle haa applied to purchase all of the remaining tide landa from the state lying on the seat aide of Puget sound adjoining Olympta on the north. It Is said these lends cover snd area of 11 (Special Dfepatrk te The Jearaal.) Olympla. Wash.. Oct. 9 J. A Bennett of Seattle has purchased from the county treasurer, at tax foreclosure sale, alt of the acreage property owned by the county. The land brought fabu lous prices. In many tlmee ths upset price jdTrcatBeBt RmmLm t you have any Blosd wswsMVflsssTa wasMejWtfe sNejw,i JejgiRsfetTjy 4 will clothe If you adopt our easy-payment plan. You do not need a bank account or a large income to keep well dressed. We arrange that matter for you with our easy-payment plan. A small payment down and only one dollar a week will lit you out And you positively pay no more for them than you would at the regular dealers. Come in and investigate. We give you credit without any red tape or annoyance. Any honest man's credit is good here. Do not hesitate to ask for a suit on our "easy-payment plan." SLOP a Week Makes It Easy to Press Well GEVURTZ & SONS 173-175 First St. 219-227 If you adopt our easy-payment plan. mf r? JkJP HHPzBwsbbV I ItwawEsssssssI ft 'Seal wbbKwbwH ' sftjH IswasBsswassssssP ' I