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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER , 1906. no tf tr a s m 4 sfl -T a T s Sullivan i rust company's ran Promotions s Eagle's Nest Fairview flining Company, 35 Cents Per Share As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company, 25 Cents Per Share We offer for immediate subscription, unsold portion of 850,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company of the par value $1, at 88 cents per share, and of 850,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Company, of the par value of $5, at 35 cents. These Fall Issues have been practically over-subscribed in advance of public announcement by bank ers, brokers and mining men throughout the country and we have been able to reserve only 100,000 shares in each Company for investors who shall now make direct subscription. History of AH Our Spring Promotions (Now' All Standard Listed Securities.) JUMPING JACK MANHATTAN MINING CO . Promoted at 30c, now 55c bid STRAY DOG MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 55c, now 85c bid INDIAN CAMP MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 80c, now 85c bid (On mine showings, all three of these stocks should be selling around $1 per share within 60 days.) Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Co n As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Co. Capitalization . . . 1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock. . . 350,000 shares Par value of shares $5. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 85 CENTS PER SHARE Capitalization. . .1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock. . .350,000 shares Par value of shares $5. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 85 CENTS PER SHARE "J"K'Z uT Map showing ISOSMoa of thm property of th. Baffle's Ht PairvtSW Mining Oompur, Ml It. relation o other Important mints. Officers and Directors of Both Companies HON. JOHN SPARKS President Governor of the Stae of Nevada JOHN D. CAMPBELL Vice-President President Stray Dog and Indian Camp Man hattan Mining Companies L. M. SULLIVAN , . .Treasurer President pf L. M. Sullivan Trust Company JAMES E. DEGAN. Secretary Cashier Nye & Ormsby Co. Bank, Goldfield GEO. D. PYNE Counsel Attorney at Law, Goldfield t REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Foremost Mining: Engineer ON THE Eagle's Nest Fairview flining Company Ooldfleld. Nev., Sept. 10. 10. To the President and Directors ' , ; Tha Eagle's Fairview Mining Company, ' Ooldfleld. Nevada. GENTLEMEN: I beg to submit a brief report on the surface showings of the property owned by yon In the FaJrrlew Diet riot, consisting of the Tlaeon, Eagle's Nest No. 1. Lookout, snd Lookout No. 1 claims. This property la bounded on the north by the Dromedary Hump Mining Company, on the southeast by the Fair view Battle Mining Company and the Nevada Hills Mining Company, and on the southwest by the Fairview Mining Company In fact. It la In the canter and surrounded by the best properties In Fairview. My examination of this ground was mad for the purpose of deciding where we should do our permanent work and required quite a lot of consideration on aocount of the many good ledges whloh traverse our ground. I Anally decided on a tunnel to be driven on a ledge which crosses the Tlsson. where we found an excellent showing. The tunnel starts at the base of the bill on which the ledge crops and will continue on Ita strike a distance of 110 feat to our objective point the apex of the hill and directly under the location of tha Tlsson. Tffa ledge crops the entire distance and hows ore at tha grass roots running f (0 to M6 a ton. A second ledge running northeast and southwest and crop ping for 100 feet, showing 110 to $40 a ton, will be Interseeted by this tunnel at a depth of over 100 feet. On tha Lookouts are several good-looking quarts ledges, which assay from a few dollars up, and whloh win be thoroughly prospected st once. On the Eagle's Nest No. t, there Is a fine showing of manganese ore, and within a few feat of our Una high grade shipping ors Is being sacked on Wlngflsld's property. In concluelon, I would state that In my opinion this Is a flrat-olasa mining proposition and one of tha very boat showings in Fairview. Respectfully submitted, JOHN D. CAMPBELL, Consulting Engineer, Vice-President and General Manager. I - f ; ' 5 y.-v.- . . '. - .W - . .. , t ...... 'i Eagle's Nest Fairvtewv's Aristocratic Neighbors NEVADA HILLS Promoted in July at $1 per share, now gelling at $3 FAIRVIEW EAQLE Promoted in August at 60 cents per share, now selling at 98c As-You-Like-It Manhattan's Royal Neighbors STRAY DOG Promoted in March at B6c per share, now 85c INDIAN CAMP Promoted in April at 80c per share, now 85c (Par, $1 per share, it predicted for these two stocks by December 1.) t .V4wV NTL,a'A Z7 I . . -' , . To Map skowlmg HsUsai of sgSfailj of As-Toa-ZJke-I Msahaataa Mining Oo, w(ff and ita reaaUoii to ot her Important mines. 1 REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Forem-st Mining: Engineer ON THE As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Co. Ooldfleld. Nar., Sept. SI, It Of. To tha President and Directors, As-Tou-Llke-It Manhattan Mining Company, ' A Ooldfleld, Nevada. GENTLEMEN: . . In aaoorflanes with your Instructions I bag to submit to you a brief report on tha "As-Tou-Llke-lt' group of claims, owned by tha As-You-Llke-lt Manhattan Mining Company, and situate la tha Manhattan Mining District: This group consists, of four claims, namely: Tha "Aa-Tou-Llks-It," "Llssard Praotlon." "Ksystone" and Juniper" lode mining claims, lying within a short distance of the Union No. mine of the Daxtar group and in tha immediate locality of tha Little Grey, Indian Camp, Stray Dog. and other well-known mining properties of tha camp. Ths area of the property comprises approximately 60 acres of valuable mineral ground. During tha past month exhaustlrs surfaoe exploration has been In progress, with tha result that thrsa veins of ore have been disclosed that proapect wall at graes roots. With a view to exploring these veins at depth, three shafts have been put down the deepest one having attained a depth of If feat. Tha bottom of this shaft shows values across its sntlrs width and is all vain matter. This la known as ths "As-You-Llke-If shaft, and will be con tinued as permanent workings to systematically explore tha ore bodies at depth. Tha "Juniper" shaft is down S7 feat and also prospects In gold for the entire width of tha abaft A depth of IT feat has been reached on the ahaft on tha "Keystone" claim of the group, exploring a vein that traverses ths Indian Camp mine and orops on the northwest portion of tha "Keystone." This vein also shows gold In several different places along Its strike. The looation of the property In tha Immediate vicinity of such well known and thoroughly proved mines aa tha Stray Dog Indian Camp, Jumping Jack, Union No. and Little drey gives to it very greet proepeotlve value and warrants tha pros sou tlon of exhaustive development work so aa to make a permanent dlvtdend,-paylng proposition , Respectfully submitted. JOHN D. CAMPBELL, Consulting Engineer, Vlee-Preeldent and General Manager. oh of abas gtsaka wUl bo listed oa ths important sxohaages of Sam rraaolsoo. tMtt Xak, ooldfleld and Mew York immediately after subscriptions era oloeed, and will, beyond a doubt, at onoe eommand a premium. Wa recommend both stocks aa high-class spsonlstlVS Investment, and probable big future dlvidend-payera. stissnstlniis should be made by telegraph, to insure oonsldsratloa, and remittances la full, by bank draft or oer Me obsok. must be forwarded Issmedlstsly after allotment la made. OehMtnss) aOuMaaml WW bsj ISSMMSg mid. Tha rigbt is leseireg to reduoe or refuse amy L M. SULLIVAN TRUST COMPANY, GOLDFIELD, NEVADA AMERICAN BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS III SESSION Receipts for Past Year Largest in History, Amounting to Nearly a Million. (Jeersel ayseUl fterrke ) North Adams. Mass.. Oct. .The ninety stith annual meeting of the American board of commissioners for Foreign Missions assivaned today and will eoatlnue until Saturday, dividing It. melons between this city and Wtlllams- ena a. Between M0 and MA corpora t saeenbere were present at the opening this afternoon The Initial eeeelon was opened with devotional azeroatea, follow ing whtaa tha semHsslnnsrs listened to ths annual reports submitted by the treasurer. F. H. Wlggln. Secretary C. H. Pattoa of the home department, and the annual survey of ths field presented by Rev. or. James L Barton, one of the secretaries. A general summary of tha financial reporta ahows that the receipts of ths past year wars tha largest la ths history of the board, amounting to' WIS. is Thla Is a gain over tha previous year of 1161, 0 During the year the board reduced its debt from I176.M7 to MB. 407. Tonight the annual sermon Is to bo delivered by President George A. Gates, D D, of Pomona college, California. Other distinguished divines, and educa tors who are to take part ' in tha pro ceedings of the week (Including tha notable celebration tomorrow of Hay stack Centennial day) are President Henry C. K Ins of Oberlln collegs, Preel dent Henry Hopkins of Williams college, President William J Tucker of Dart mouth college, and Professor Harlan P. Beach of Tale university. Additional to these man of nets are a large number of returned foreign missionaries who bring greetings from China, Japan. Cay- Ion, Turkey, Africa. Mexico and other foreign lands. Monor Speaker Cannon. (Jeeraal getal gervtee.) Chicago, Oat. . The Marquette club has complsted arrangements rfor tha banquet tonight In honor of Speaker Cannon. The list of speakers and their toaata ia aa follows: "Caecago and the Marquette Club," Hon. Henry Sherman Boutelle; "A Republican Candidate," Congressman J. Adam Bad of Minne sota: "A Nation Favored of Ood." Rev. Prank Bristol, D. D, of Washington: "The Great West," Frank C. Gondy of Colorado. A Badly or boy, man or Woman, is antckly out of pain If Bucklenra Arnica Salve le ap plied promptly. G 1. Welch ot Tekon aha, Mich., ssys: "I use It In my fam ily (or cuts, sore and all skin Injuries, and And It perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best heeling salva made. iSc at Red Cross Pbanaaoy. MURDER CHARGE FOLLOWS PITCHFORK BATTLE Information filed Against An drew Anderson for Causing Jack Lynne's Death. 'Special Dlspetefe te The Jaaresl.V Spokane, Oct- Aa a result of ths dsath of Jack Lynns, a stable man In the employ of J. M. .Grimmer, who was stabbed with a pitchfork several days ago, a wsrrsnt has besn Issusd charg ing Andrew Anderson with murder In ths first degree. It Is alleged that while engaged In a quarrel Lynn started to chase Ander son snd ths lstter raised ths pltbhfork la eelf-defenee. Lynns, who wa la one eye, did not ssa the fork and ran against it, ons of the tinea going through his forshesd. After several daya of suffering he Anally died. Ho was unconscious much of ths ttms and waa not able to make any etaternent about tha trouble and it Is not known whether tbara wars Sny wltneeeee or not Tha verdict of ths coroner's Jury exonerated Anderson, It being decided, after 10 minutes' deliberation, that the death blow was Inflicted In self-ds-fense. OREGON GLEE CLUB MEMBERS SELECTED (Special Ptipetrt te The Jearsel.l University of Oregon. Rugene. Oct. . Four Portland men are on tha list of successful aspirants for thla year's glee club and there would have been five If W. H. Olafke had not been elected manager. The fortunate ones are Blttner, Moors, Rounds aaS Huston of Portland, Scott. ' Henderson and Storla of Pendleton, Preacott, Cooper and Davlea of Baker City, Paine and Nasi of Eugene, Beck of The Dallas, Lewis of Monmouth. Nelson of Albany and Steslqulet of Grants Paaa Manager Glafke states that ths proe peots for a good season wore never better, though he has not completed his schedule. SALEM-MEHAMA LINE TO PASS TABERNACLE te Tie Jearael.t Salem. Or.. Oct. . Much Joy waa manifested InvTurner and hers over the now survey which has besn made on ths proposed electric railway from Sa lem to Mehama. so that ths lins will pass la front of tha hugs Turner tab ernacle, where 'Immense gstherlnga are held each year by the Christian churoh of tha state. A conference between the local repre eentattvee of A, Wsleh sad Lewis Tur ner has brought about this change In tha course of the road. As a result ths new line secured sbout two snd a naif miles of right of way through tha town of Turner and tha Turner lands, a valu able oonceeslon. Tha tabernacle will have an electric Una to Its doors and Turner will enjoy tha convenience of electric lighting as soon aa tranamla slon wires sre stretched on poles. ovmas wutbb ootsm. J. S). Oover, 101 N. Main St., Ottawa, Kan., writes: "Kvery fall It has bean my wife's trouhls to catch a severe cold, snd therefore to cough all winter long. Last fsll I got hsr a bottle of Horshound Syrup. She used It snd hss boon able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough troubles hsr two or three dosss stops ths cough, and she Is able to be up and well." fir, SOc and 11.00. Sold by Woodard, Clarke A Co, , ' 1 i BBBM' iV