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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
The Journal Exceeids Its Portland Contemporaries in Circulation and Growth of Btisiness-They Do Not Like It-Can You Blame T GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation THE WEATHER. 25,628 Yesterday Was Fair tonight; Wednesday increas ing; doudineas, followed by snoopers and cooler; south to east winds. VOL. V. NO. 186. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. FIRST AUTHENTIC PHOTOGRAPH OF, MURDERED MAN. MURDER OF UNABLE TO LOAD SHIP Force Issue and Lose Because Stevedores Refuse to Work on the Docks Order Ship Genevieve Molinos Loaded at On o'Clook, but Longshoremen Fall to Appear on Scan and Work Is Unable to Proceed. 1 this si tmlaphoapd to Maaaffcr W. X. Scott of bs ffttrnn'T floe tfcat he had tailed to mOl a crew of. sorosioa kmgsbere men. All plans for Baffin win; tka load tsar ware thereafter immediately gim np. Captain Brows proartaee to have a ' ape riaij to begin the leasing of tha Mottoes ay f o'clock tomorrow monlsf. S PoriluiKtjK axa.ln exporters discovered today thst It la not a easy to find non union stevedores as It la to get non union grain handlers. It was suddenly decided to force the issue with the strikers and begin load lac the French ahlp Genevieve Molinos this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Brown & MCab , the stevedoring firm, was no tified to have s kany of atevodorea ready to begin lauding the ship at that Urns, but when 1 o'clock arrived pa atevodorea were la eight. : wptain of. Detective Brula and eight ntcmbere of the police tores had bean detalltd te iruord against violence at the dock, but the squad of blueooAU found nothing for. theru to do They ware not evn given tha plaaAre of eeeing Inex perienced men trying te Shunt the wblsaing wheat Backs In the proper di rection when they came Hying down the chute 4o the bold. The Genevieve Moliaoa haa bean lying at the Oceanic dock for aeveral days, butj until thla morning It waa not thoXtght. even by the stevedoring firm, that there would be an attempt to load her before the flrat of next weak. The British ship Allerton had been placed flrat oa the Hat and the ahlp Nerledc second- But Balfour, Guthrie Co. de cided to force the laawe today and all arrangenieffts were made to begin load ins her at 1 o'clock all except the lit tle deUil of finding the necessary labor. i i (Continued an Page Twe) POISONER IS SLOWLY DIG Jane Toppan Starving Herself to Death Haunt ed by Fear of Phantoms of Her Thirty , fine Victims and Tortured by Remorse (Jssiasl Special Sereies.) Tension. Maes. Oct . A wrack of the smiling, bumtm New England nurse af four yeera.ego. when aba was ad- Judged maaaeV Jane Toppan, poisoner of tl hiiasan beings. Ilea at the point of Taunton Insane asylum. ef starvation and the fear as of her victims, born id tortured by her Bor- paat. for the flrat time since the notorious poisoner waa committed to tha asylum the official seal of silence waa broken today, when Dr. John P. Brown, head of the Institution, made a atalement through his assistant. Or. Goes. He eatd: 'During the last year Jane Toppan haa failed. From a healthy woman she haa faded to a mere skeleton. Her weight la now little more than 60 pounds and death may come at any time She I troubled with hallucinations and re fuses food, so that are have to resort to artificial feeding. There fca no hope for her," Jane Toppan la dying a alow death of aelf-atarvstlon. under the delusion that death la the aba u earing ADOLPH WEBER'S WILL LEAVES ALL PROPERTY MOTHER'S Mearaal Special Servant.) Auburn. Cel., Oat . Fred S. Stevens has Bled a petition In the superior court far the probate of the will of Adolph Weber, murderer of hts father, mother, brother aad etater, who waa executed at Folsora state prison oa September tt. The petition states that tha value of the estate la $1,700. which Includes the old Weber home, which Weber gave to Fred rteohenmake during hie confine ment here The estate waa originally worth something over $70,000. Weber deeded a small piece of property some Urns ago to Mlee Frances Snowdea, a Executive Gives Notice That Chineso-Cannot Guard Fantan Games fn That Fashion They Interfere With the Fir De partment and Would Endanger Live in Caa of Fire, He Says, and Then Smiles in Knowing Manner. "No iron doors." aaya Mayer Lane te the proprietors of the fantan games In Chinatown. This mean there will be no game The mayor hasn't forbidden fantan. Me haa simply decreed that the doors shall no longer exlat a menace to the Uvea of the. people Inside the buildings and a an obstruction to firemen in oaae of fire. And without the doora there can be no fantan. Learning that the managers of to-odd fantan Joints along Second street were urenarlne for the season a ran of gam bling. tha mayor, a few daya ago. asked the police to see Juat what was being done. .A report -was made to him that the Chinese froth the canftVrleS along the coast had not yet arrived la Port land. These men. each with hie ' sack of summer's earnings, are the victims that walk Into the aet of their wily countrymen who run the fantaa games As tha. crop of "good things- ween' 1 1 ripe the 1osb gamblers were patiently waiting. . Ja the meantime they had cons ti muted Iron-bound doors in the passageways leading to the game layouts. Therefore the mayor called upon Fire Chief Campbell. Fire Marshal Robert and Building Inspector Spencer to make an Investigation. Their report haa Just beo filed with the mayor, In part as follows: "A thorough Inspection was made of ! Joints along Second street. In the neighborhood of te Iron-bound and heavily barricaded doors exist In these places. In two places heavy Iran grat ings have been placed beneath skylights, and In a third the street windows are guarded by heavy Iran bars. The hallways leading te the street doors are very narrow and crooked (Continued on Pass Two.) her food la poisoned She persistently refuses food, while suffering all the tortures of a ravenous hunger which the foroed artificial feeding to which she Is subjected only stimulates. No dish her keepers prepare can induce the prisoner to taste It; and so she alts today, at last face te face with her Nemesis, hag gard and emaciated beyond recognition Of her former self. A perfectly normal and natural wom an, mentally, physically and. apparently, morally (for her beat friends never dreamed of such a thing, though her crlmee cover a period of 20 years), Jane Toppan's outwardly placid life waa tern Witb one great and secret and insatiable passion the alow murder by poison of those whom she loved beet. With the exception of her foster sister afll of her victims were either her patients or the families of her natlenta. la her minis trations about their sick bade aha in variably grew fond of all her patients. When the fondness reached the stage of a deeper affection aha adopted the vary paradoxical method1 of dosing them with deleterious drugs to Impede their prog ress toward speedy recovery. cousin, and the rest baa been expended In hla defence Following la a copy of tka will, which la all written in Weber's handwriting: "Auburn. Cel.. July I, 1S4. I. Adolph Weber, do hereby bequeath aad devlae to Mrs. W. P. Scott of SoulsbyvUle. Tuolumne county, California, all mr ae tata, both real and personal, and I here by revoke all former wills made by nee. I appoint Fred S. Stevens my executor. (Signed.) "ADOLPH WEBER Mrs. Scott la an atmt of Weber, being the sister of his mother. She visited him lp the county Jail here about tha time the wiU la dated. ' asj Bkv jffl ak W gomes Leonard Bell, Snyder's Companion in Prison, Who Was With Him at HiUsboro Shortly Before the Robbery of the Forest Grove Bank. LONE BANDIT HOLDS UP AUIO Daring Robbery of Motor Car by Highway man Who Signals With Red Light and Whacks Driver Over the Head (Jonraat sheets! Sarriee.i San Joae. Opt. f. The police of this city received by telephone early thla morning Information of a daring rob bery of an automobile party by a single highwayman on a country road near Mountain View at midnight. The vic tims of the bandit are believed to be Sea Francisco men. although their names or the number of their machine are not yet known. One of the men. who waa driving the oar. waa beaten Into unconsciousness by the robber who. after relieving the oc cupants of the automobile of their valu ables, made hla escape In the daakaess. bile, which waa en root from San Fran- ut c- n . . ... ... - proached Mountain View, which la about four miles thla aide of Palo Alto, a man appeared in the road, frantically wav ing a red light. Believing there was a dangerous place In the road, and that the man waa placed there to warn pee aersby, the chauffeur brought the ma Sloop Gjoa in Which Captain Amundsen Mads His F wk ""' chine to a atop. The man with the red light approached the machine on the right aide, and without warning struck tha driver a heavy blow upon the bead with a piece of pipe. The chauffeur was rendered unconscious. The bandit then demanded the money and valuables of .those In the ear, and when he had re ceived these he' disappeared into the darkness of the surrounding country. The chauffeur remained unconscious, and the other two men. Ignorant of the working of the machine, were hejnleaa until a second automobile came along. One of the occupants replaced the In jured chauffeur and the car proceeded on to San Joae. At Mountain View the holdup waa reported te the police, aad the information was telephoned oa to San Joae. (Josrael Special Herrles.) St. l.ouia. Oct. t. The national con vention of advertising men began a three daya aaaalon today at the Plant era' hotel Voyage Through - : iws Nome is Carey If. Sjmder, When Arrested in Kansas City for Highway Robbery Three Years Ago. STRIKERS ARE INDIGNANT AT EVENING PAPER Condemn Sheet Which Printed Sensational Fak Story of Finding of Infernal Machine and Alleged Attempt on Part of Strikers to Blow Up Dock. Portland union man In general and the striking gralnhandlers In particular are extremely Indignant today over an attempt of a local evening newspaper to fasten upon them the character of an archists and bomb-throwers. In s flar ing headline which reached across the whole front page it waa announced yes terday that electric bomb appliances had been found by the police. In the paragraphs which followed It waa al leged that the police had found evi dence which they believed revealed a plot to blow up ahlps or docks. Ac cording te the story, a striker bad made a sensational escape from a saloon after accidentally dropping a bundle which waa afterward found to contain parts of a horrible deeth-and-deet ruction -dealing Infernal machine. - The story waa a rank fake. The facts are these: Lata last Sunday night a working-man left a small bundle in the toilet-room of a saloon run by Frank Maya. The bartender found the bun dle and telephoned the fact to the po lice atation. Sergeant Jones happened to be there. He walked down to the aa loon and took possession of the bundle, which was found to contain two articles of apparel well known to workmen In tha building trades. One waa a pro tection for the knee and the other was a protection for the stomach. , They were made of ordinary tan denim and. Instead of strings, pieces of wire were used to fasten them to the body. Ab solutely nothing more waa found in the bundle, and there was aboslutely no further evidence of any kind pointing to a plot oa the part of anyone to blow (Continued on Page Two.) ths Northwest Paaaage. City of Officials Think They Can Do It With Aid of Mrs. Snyder and Kan sas City Police Allege That They Have Sur rounded George Perry. Cousin of Murdered Man, With Net of Direct and Convincing Evi dence. With the aid of Kansas City officers snd Mrs. Mads Snyder, ' widow of Carey M. Snyder, whose body waa found near Hlllsboro last Monday, officials of Washington county believe they are about to solve the mystery connected with the Forest Grove bank robbery and the subsequent murder of Snyder. In ferreting out the details of tha Crimea tbey claim to have surrounded George Perry, Snyder's cousin, with a Set of evidence ao direct and convicting that a warrant for hla arrest may be laaued at any time. Parry waa living at Snyder'a home at the time of the bank robbery snd. iHaappssislirKi of Snyder and ahared nls confidence as well aa hla hospitality. From Kansas City it waa learned to day that on his return there Perry had $i,ee ip. cash la hie possession. He also had soma mineral samples which be slelmefl to have purchased la Colo rado. The aum of $,000 waa secured by those who looted the Forest Grove bank aad detectives declare that the crime waa committed by two men, who divided the booty. It waa because of his attempt to "de clare himself In" on the plunder that Snyder met his death, officers declare They are convinced that Snyder and his wife had taken part in the original plans of the robbery and have reason to be lieve that Snyder waa "double crossed" by the two men who successfully exe cuted the daring plan - Watt Knows to Folios. Perry la well known to the police of Kansas City. He waa once arrested with Snyder on the charge of highway rob bery, but waa acquitted. He apent aev eral weeks at the. Snyder home during the fall nf 1805. and with him wee a brother of Mrs. Snyder. Snyder's brother-in-law was known by the name ... i (Continued ea Page Two.) SOUTHERN STORM HAS EFFECT Causes Timber Operators to Withdraw From1 Oregon Development Fields With Their Money and Save Southern Pine The southern tornado la having unfa vorable effects on Pacific northwest timber In the earns degree that the San Francisco earthquake affected the Port land real estate market. From $4,000, ooo to 15.000.000 that waa ready a week ago for Investment In Ore gun timber haa suddenly been withdrawn from the Investment market by rich timber owners who are heavy losers by the southern storm Southern pine, once down, rots quick ly, and the only way to save It is to Immediately tog out and saw it Into lumber. This method will be adopted by the owners of vast traces of yellow pine that were laid flat on the ground by the tomsdo in Louisiana and Mississippi- Portable sawmills will be rushed into the woods aad the Umber will be aawad and shipped. The result will, it Is said, be heavy overproduc tion, a slutted market aad prices will So to pot. The storm struck a region along the Mobile Ohio and the Gulf Ship island railroads. In Harrison. Marion. Green, Pike Washington. St. Tammany and Tangipahoa parishes. Reports are HOT SPRINGS PEOPLE END PORTY YEARS OP GAMBLING AT RESORT J Memphis, of gsmbllng Oct to I .Forty years spectacular end In Hot today when the City Imi fnt union of $S0 cltl- .loaed 30 and gave a battalion of gamesters a apecsfied time te leave the city The assanar la which gamblers were literally drammed out of towa waa nassttfal la Che extreme ni aguated ay aaeuaaad neglect of their duty by the sworn oStoars of the law By vSaasutlisa at the waken last night tasasad a teal warning, bath receloitraat eAetols end to the that the rooms meat ha alee, He sea waa paid to the wi to I wem Political Offenders to Be Freed Tomorrow. Builders Refused Ac cess to Dynamite Captain Jo Marti of the Cubarj Artillery Mad Aid to Governor of Island Explosives to B Kept Under Government 8u pervision. (Jearaal fa I els! Havana, Oct. . Secretary Taft prost eiaimaq amnesty to an political ers In Cuba to go is to erred the thirty-eighth anniversary of first bloodshed la Cuba's ten years wafll' of Independence. Siiiisaaij Taft haa ordered all TMSaSM era aad miners to be refused aoaaaa tayi their stocks of explosives, whtok be kept under government sup until ths Island is policed and all daa of tricky Cubans using the exploel for reborn owe purposes averted, announced that he would appoint tain torn Marti of the Cuban arts hla aide. The governors of all oepting Santa Clara, report that the die' bandment of both volunteers and Inaaie gents Is complete, and Santa Cure re porta good progress. These reports are confirmed by messages to marine head quarter s. A It hough the American commission- ers will leave Cuba this week, napaj McCoy, the military aide to ths gov ernor, will remain for another week to familiarise Governor Magoon with the situation. The arrival of General jr. Franklin Bell la awaited before the beginning of the distribution of the troops. OFFICERS BLAMED FOR MUTINIES IN RUSSIA (Joaraal Special t Petersburg. Oct f. The commis sions Investigating tha mutinies aft Sveaborg and Kronstadt report that the" uprisings were the result of tha Ineffi ciency of the officers. There win bet' wholesale cou rtmart lale. The men wear ers of St. George's cross are found dla-i loyal. Colonel Semanovakl will be trie! on cnarges or tax aiacipnne of the toff grenadiers, which he command a. that on whole aectlona of yellow rrtnss timber not a tree la left standing- ThSf region is easily accessible to the Chi cago market, and to gulf porta for ear pert trade. Mllll mn that were to hare' been invested in Oregon timber will be held back, and a large amount of moneyi Will be need to save the miles of fella' timber. John Blodgett. One of the wealthiest tlmbermen in the south, waa a guaMk, at the Portland hotel when the as say came that he had bees hard hit by thai southern cyclone. He dropped severs, large timber deals here and departs' the following day xor Louisiana. Greggv Luce of Mobile, another large holder of. southern timber, who had negotiations under way for Oregon fir. toft for home to make an effort to gave tsmspal tias ber. His foremx.i wired that six parte able mills had been optioned aad weep ready to move into the track of the eye etone. Victor Thrane. of J. IX Laeey Oa Chicago and New Orleans, left Port. land last night for Seattle. It la (Continued ea Fas Twe.) and today the entire of the union, headed by a braes to the city hall, police court house and forced tl and eity officiate to rat lag along arly. To to see thai It was i the roll af drama sue gamelere in the union StatlOw M I the fi I n . Five head