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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
THB OKEOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MOWPAY BVBNIWQ, OCTOBER , HOB. Sullivan Trust Company's Fall Promotions i Eagle's Nest Fairview Hining Company, 35 Cents Per Share As-You-Uke-It Manhattan Mining Company, 25 Cents Per Share a f i t 2 a a a a a We offer for immediate subscription, unsold portion of 850,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the per snare, ana oi zou.uuu of the par value of $5, Ab-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company of the par value $1, at 25 cents per share, and of (80,000 shares of the Treasury Stock of the Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Company, at 85 cents. These Pall Issues have been practically over-subscribed in advance of public announcement by bank ers, brokers and mining men throughout the country and we have been able to reserve only 100,000 shares in each Company for investors who shall now make direct subscription. ' History of All Our Spring Promotions (Now All Standard Listed Securities.) JUMPING JACK MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 80c, now 55c bid STRAY DOG MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 55c, now 85c bid INDIAN CAMP MANHATTAN MINING CO Promoted at 80c, now 85c bid (On mine showings, all three of these stocks should be selling around $1 per share within 60 days.) Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Co. As-Yoa-Like-It Manhattan Mining" Co. Capitalisation. . .1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock. . .850,000 shares Par value of shares 85. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 85 CENTS PER SHARE Capitalization . . . 1,000,000 shares Treasury Stock . . . 850,000 shares Par value of shares $5. Fully paid. Non-assessable SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 85 CENTS PER SHARE Warn eiwwtar imw of the property mt Mlmln ornxpay- " 1 Officers and Diretors of Both Companies HON. JOHN SPARKS President Governor of the State of Nevada JOHN D. CAMPBELL Vice-President President Stray Dog and Indian Camp Man hattan Mining Companies L. M. SULLIVAN .Treasurer President of L. M. Sullivan Trust Company JAMES E. DEOAN .Secretary Cashier Nye ft Ormsby Co. Bank, Goldfield GEO. D. FTOTfTT. Counsel Attorney at Law, Goldfield f REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Foremost Mining Engineer ON THE Eagle's Nest Fairview Hining Company To til Prealdent and Directors Goldfleld. Nev.. Sept. 16, 106. Eagle's Fairview Mining Company. Goldfield, Nevada. OBNTLBMKN ttHf report on the surface showings of the property owned by you In the Fairview District, consisting of the Tlaaon, Eagles Neat No. 1. Lookout, and Lookout No. 1 claims. ' . Tbto property la bounded on the north by tha Dromedary Hump Mining Company, on the aouthaaat by the FBJr Tlaw Eagle Mining Company and tb Nevada RUla Mining Company, and on the aouthwaat by tha Fairview Mining Company In fact. It la In the center and aurroundad by the beat properties In Falrvletr. i My examination of thla ground waa mada for tha purpose of deciding whara we should do our permanent work and required quit a lot of consideration On account of tha many good ledge whloh traverse our ground. I finally decided on a tunnel to be driven on a ledge which croasea tha Tlaaon. whara w found an excellent showing. The tunnel atarta at the base of the hill on which the ladga cropa and will continue on it atrike a distance of 160 feet to our objective point the apex of tha hill and dlreotly under the location of the Tlaaon. Tha ledge crop th entire dlatance and shows ore at the grass roots running IfO to IIS a ton. A second ledge running northeast and outhweat and croo ning for 20d feet, showing ISO to 140 a ton, will bo Intersected by thla tunnel at a dapth of over 100 feet On the Lookouts are several good-looking quarts ledges, which assay from a few dollars up, and which will be thoroughly prospected at once. . - . . . On the Eagle s Neat No. I, there la a fine showing of manganese or, and within a fw ft of our lln high grade ahlpplng ore la being sacked on WlngflelOTs property. In conclualon I would tat that In my opinion thla la a flrat-claaa mining proposition and one of the very beat .,,,. i o-.lrview Respectfully submitted, showings in Fainnew. JOHN D. CAMPBELL. Consulting Engineer, Vice-President and General Manager. a X L " !J Eagle's Nest Fairview's Aristocratic Neighbors NEVADA HILLS Promoted in July at $1 per share, now selling at $3 FAIRVIEW EAGLE Promoted in August at 90 cents per share, now selling at 83c As-You-Like-It Manhattan's Royal Neighbors STRAY DOG Promoted in March at 56c per share, now 65c INDIAN CAMP Promoted in April at 80c per share, now 85c (Par, $1 per share, is predicted for these two stocks by December 1.) REPORT OF JOHN D. CAMPBELL Nevada's Foremast Mining Engineer ON THE As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Co. Goldleld. Net.. Sept. IS, 10. To th President and Directors, As-You-Llke-n Manhattan Mining Company, Ooldfleld, Nevada. GENTLEMEN : t In accordance with your Instructions I bog to submit to you a brief report on tha "As-You-Like-It" group of clalma. owned by th As-You-Like-It Manhattan Mining Company, and situate in the Manhattan Mining District: Thla group consists of four claims, namely: Tha "As-You-Llke-IV "Llssard Fraction." Keystone" and "Juniper" lode mining claims, lying within a short distance of the Union No. mln of th Dexter group and In the immediate locality of th Little Grey. Indian Camp. Stray Dog, and other well-known mining properties of th camp Th area of tha property comprises approximately (0 acres of valuable mineral ground. During th past month exhaustive surface exploration has been In progress, with tha result that three vein of or hare been dlecloeed that prospect well at grass roots. With a view to exploring these vein at dapth, three shafts irave been put down th deepeat one having attained a depth of S feet. Th bottom f thla shaft shows values across it entire width and la all vain matter. Thla Is known aa the "As-You-Llke-If shaft, and will be con tinued as permanent workings to systematically explore the ore bodies at depth. The Juniper" shaft Is down IT fast and also prospects In gold for the entire width of th shaft A depth of 17 feet baa been reached on tha ahaft n th "ICeyaton" claim of tha group. xplorlng a vln that traverses tha Indian Camp mine and crop on th northwest portion of th "Keystone." Thla vein also shows gold In several different plecee along Its strike. The location of tb property In th immediate vicinity of sueh well known and thoroughly proved mines aa tha Stray Dog. Indian Camp, Jumping Jack, Union No. t and Little Grey gives to It very grsat prospective value and warrants th prosecution of exhaustive development work so aa to make a permanent dividend-paying proposition. Respectfully submitted. JOHN D. CAMPBELL. Consulting Engineer. Vice-President and General Manager. will be listed on the Important exchang-es of rabsoxtptlons are closed, aad wUL WyeM a doubt, at onoe ooaunaad premium. 1 stocks as high-Class speculative investments aad probable big future dividend-payers, be mats by teleerreph. to Lasers consideration, and rsmltbaavoas 1st full, by bank draft or titled check, must be forwards: Immediately after allotment la made. Otherwise allotment wlU a L M. SULLIVAN TRUST COMPANY, GOLDFIELD, NEVADA e a M.. e a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaft COUNTY Mill TO BE HELD AT PRIHEVILLE Event Is to Be On of Largest Shows Ever Given in East ern Oregon. special Olspetek to The Jearaatl Prlnevllle, Or.. Oot. . On of th largeat and moat extenslts county fatra ever held In eastern Oregon will con tinue here for four day thla month commencing on 'Wednesday, October 1. Th special feature will be th live stock aad agricultural exhlbta whloh are expected to aurpass both la quality and number any prsvlous display of the county's products. The agricultural exhibit whloh were on dlaplay at tha fair beld laat month at Redmond, the headquarter of the Deschutes Irrigation at Power company, will be brought to Prlnevtlle for th county exhibit. Th garden produce and grain grown on tha Irrigated tracts of Crook county this yasr attained re markable slse and the quality of all the producta has been of the bee 14 From the wheat bait In the northwest ern part of tb county, from the tim bered section along tha Desohutea. and from tha gold mine at Howard and Aahwood, and the Cinnabar propertlee in eastern Crook will com th best that the various sections produce. The livestock exhibit will also at tract considerable attention, owing to the extensive preparations which are being mad to hou th cattle, sheep and horses which will b brought In from sll ths stock sections. Some of the finest blooded sheep from tha Bald win Sheep Land company, one of th largeat aheap ranches In ths world, will be on exhibit, and tha public generally win see for the first time th quality and extent of th varied Industrie of central Oregon. Th fair is to he held on ths 10-aere tract of land which the Agricultural association reently soqulred. For many months paat the aaaociatlon has kept a force of man constantly em ployed bulldng new pavilions and mak ing permanent improvements to the grounds and race track. Tha latter will be used this year for ths Jockey rsces which will be run evary day-during tb fair and for which purses amounting to 11.000 have been hung. HOOD RIVER FRUIT FAIR O. aV B B. Make Seduced Bate to Biter. From October ll to It tha Hood River Biennial Fruit Fair and Oregon Irriga tion association meeting will be held t Hood River, and for thla occasion ths O R. a N. will maka a round-trip rat from Portland of ti lt- Tickets may he secured at th city ticket office, corner Third and Washington streets. CROOK COUNTY'S PROPERTY VAIUAT1QH DOUBLED Levy Will Be Lower This Year Although Courthouse Is to Be Built. (Special mepsteh te The JearasL) Prlnevllle, Or., Oct. I. Crook county's property valuatlona reach a figure' orsr twlea that of a year ago. according to tha assessment roll of County Assessor J. D. LaFollette, which has just been completed. Th total valuation of taxable prop erty for 10 1 tMM.117 This is mors than twice th value shown on the assessor's roll for the year 10S. when the valuation was placed at IMHIM. Th phenomenal Increase re due princi pally to th rapid development of the county under th atlmulua of Irriga tion, th many timber claims patented which are now taxable property. Tand to tha fact that the assessor this year baa placed a higher valuation on both the tillable and non-tillable land through out th county. Th rata of levy fr thla year waa slightly In ex of 21 mill, and for th ensuing year will b considerably less, even with an add I tonal expense of ISO, 000 to he Incurred by the county In th erection of a new courthouse, bids for whlh wer ordr sdvsrttsed at th last ssslon of th county court. Designs for tha new, building bar been submitted by Sclera architect and approved, and th new county court house will be built of Crook county stons and brick and will be . three stort in height. It will occupy th seme equare of ground on which tha present building stands, th latter to be moved to another section of th city where It will be remodeled and used as a eeuaty poorhouaa. ECHO CONTRACTOR IS TO BUILD NEW LEVEE I Special Dtspeteh re Tee Jeereel ) Pendleton, Or.. Oct. . Th eon tract for the rebuilding of the levee In this city has been let to Colonel H. O Newport, the Echo contractor, and ope rations will be started at once. The contract for the building of the cement footing has already hewn let to Moussu a Co). nd the river WlU soon be the sn of great activity. Tbe contract made with Mr. Newport amount to $18,00 I0NE PLANS TO HAVE AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM Ion. Or.. Oct. a Tb city t Ion has taken stepa to bend tb eity In the sum of HOB) for an electric light sye tem. The mayor and city recorder are investigating th cost of Installing and LILYDENTALCO. an TB9BB OTT axaoTAB ISBBK w see easy ftrtt assas sasterlele, da B we n wiren TB gtisets. I I'SaSmKUTtM reeeh, BataMBt operating the ptsj the nest few daI