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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
THE pREODN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY BVENTNO, OCTOBER 8, 1106. MRS. SNYDER FAILS ABE RUEF FIGHT TO APPEAR I IN ACUTE STAGE SOLICITORS GO 10 WORK AGAIN DOUGLAS DOESN'T REFORMING THE DICTIONARY. CARE FOR IT Continue Their Campaign to No Government Ownership of Kssps Away From ths Inquest on Body of Murdered Husband. Maestrstti Acousss Rusf of Hav ing Sold Support of Re- ' publican Delegates.' Secure Fund for Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A Building. Railroads In Hie, Says the Massachusetts Man. COMMITTEES OUTLINE PLANS FOR THE WORK DOE8N'T THINK THAT PEOPLE DESIRE IT SHERIFF MAY HAVE WARRANT FOR HER RUEF LAUGHS LOUDLY AT THESE CHARCE8 I I I Bands Arc Reorganized and Prepara tions Made to Carry on Campaign With New Zeal Until the Amount Needed Is Secured. 'Members of the soliciting committors for the T. M. C. A. and ths T. W. C. A. ' and ho manufacturer always, says building fund startad on their rounds , that ha doas not believe In the govern again today to complete the amount da- j nient ownership of railroads and that ha sired for the new home which the two also bellevea that William J. Bryan did Institutions are endeavoring to secure. 1 ft wished a plank In the Moat of ths day has been spent In Democratic plantform lndorelng auc a planning and organising the wort of Pf.'y- the solicitors, although thay have not : Brn fid. If I remember eor- been Idle and at noon had turned In ! J""1; r Douglas, "that un- naarly l.0O. The noon meetlnga have Preeldent Roosevelt aucceeded In bean dropped and lnatead of reporting ! efforte to reform the railroads at that time, the members will gather h fa1YOCle uoh m?v Moat at the building headquarters every aft- leading Democrats of the east ernoon at J SO o'clock. In addition tot?- " .,f'yor "f ?h J the afternoon meeting. It la planned to ? believe that those) In tho west have a meeting In the evening for the ; . . purpose of planning for the work of the j . r- Douglaa. who bears the honor of following day ' be'n one of the few Democrate ever The solicitors have hope that they fed aovernor of Maseachusetts Is will be able to secure the remainder of "l?.1 ifT P?U,U'.Thjr the money which thay set out to secure i th r,,n5.ho'1 "nd wu. " and Mate that the people are atlll be-1 ", ' h City for several days hind I hem In the movement Quite a i vl"ln if, number of large subscriptions are ex-! Mr Douglaa haa eaat polltloe pected to Be. received this week. TheM w" shown today when he made solicitors have SO daya In which to tn statement that he wes not In touch raise the money, but say that they will ! th the conditions existing In his party hare It raised long before that time, i n Massachusetts. Ha epoke highly of Thar atlll remains 1127,777 to be ee-!,0", B- Morun. he Suffolk county cured, which means thst the committees ! Prosecutor, who waa nominated for gov m i . ...... nut ernor by the Democrats a few davs am. a jay ' T IDPUQICUOD CIDIEV IC Tfl know tnat ,h convention had Indorsed RnullDlunUr rARLLl 10 IUInr on outside of the state with the BF MADE CARDINAL Pope Pius X Will Confer Red Hats on New Yorker and Prel ate Bogin of Quebec. (Joaraal Special Bervlee.) Roma, Oct. I. From a person high In Vatican circles It waa learned today that Archbishop Farley of New Tork and Archbishop Bogin of Quebec are to be' made cardinals by Pope Plna X. -ttt la expected that the pope will confer the red hats at the November consistory. Plus X knew end recognised the ability of John Farley long before the latter became archbishop of New Tork. The conflicting clalma of parties to the heoer of the cardinals to caused Pope Leo to hesitate In ths bestowal of the honor. Partisans of Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul pleaded hla eminent serv ices to the church. Opinion at the col lege of the propaganda has been thst the clalma of theee two archbishops might forbid to either for a long time the recognition that either one might alone have claimed. Archbishop Farley, on hla latest visit suits In church expansion amaslng to . -i aL, it... .u aa.. I .My nii.'iu .i,ii,iai w a vh ..a I facta. He could point to se Italian i parishes In this cltjs to a demand from night tollers for a night mass met at once, and to a forward movement gen erally In hla diocese. Plus X wss Impressed by these facta, and especially by the work of the So ciety of St. Vincent de Paul in New Tork. In this work Archbishop Farley waa the prime mover long before he re ceived the pallium. GAS PIPE MURDERERS HAVE ANOTHER VICTIM , San Francisco Scene of Many Crimes Which the Polios Cannot Stop. (Journal Special gervtee.) San Francisco, Oct I. "Oae-ptpe" murderers, who havs already killed three men, dangerously wounding an other, almoat added another victim teW tneir list tins morning when they struck down W. J. Sullivan, a clerk In a atore Ii) the bueleet part of Market street. In response to the thug s request Sul livan turned to reach for a collar-box, when he' wss felled with a blunt Instru ment. Before the robber could taka anything another man entered the atore and the assailant hurried out. WOUNDED AND DEAD THROWN INTO RIVER (Journal Special Serrice St Petersburg, Oct I. Newe hai been received of a pitched battle which oc curred on the alreeta of I ruts between rebellious snd loyal soldiers, resulting In a hundred casualties. The mutineers were defeated and the next day there was, a wholesale execu tion, 41 mutineers. Including seven offi cers, being shot to death Their bodies were tied to an equal number of men wounded tn battle and the bodies all thrown Into tha Angara river. FIRE DRILL OBEYED BY COLLEGE STUDENTS The viae of the fire drill In a school shown at noon today when the alarm of fire was turned In from the Fletdner building nt Tenth and Waah Ington streets. , The principal ef the Holmes business college waa asted to havs his students removed from ths building, and. forming In line, they filed down the etaJrway In perfect order. OAKLAND ARTISANS STRIKE FOR INCREASE 1 Saeetel Berries. 4 , Oct. I. Several Oakland. Cel.. Oct. I. Several hun Sred esNBsnt workere and a large num ber of la there struck thla morning The aewSers demanded an Increase of a dollar day and the eesasnt workers want a SI l-t per cent Increase ever their prea SaU araeduJe. Says Leading Democrats in the East Do Not Favor It and He Doesn't Think Western Men Are Anxious for Such Thing. W. L. Douglaa. politician aometlmee I but did not underatand why Hearst had been Indorsed by the convention. In cAcv-puon 01 nryan. The world-famed manufacturer did not find political discussion to hie liking ' and shunted the conversation to tbtnga ' concerning Portland. "This la not my first vlalt to Port- TVJ'JSTJTSi the least resemble the little town I visited 1 years ago. Thla hotel la a fine one, the other buildings about tha i city are also wonders to me. I have carried for so many years the memories I of a wild western frontier town. Port land la a metropolis now and Is a beau- ' tlful city. The weather la Ideal and la typical of the climate I am told." Ex-Oovernor Douglaa la an ardent caroerlst and takes snapshots of every thing Interesting. He haa been spend ing the day In an automobile visiting tne onjeeta or interest and taking pic tures of thtnga that strtfte hie fancy. AT THE THEATRES. "Checkers" at Heilig Tonight. Tonight at the Hetllg theatre, rnnrteesth and Waalilaalus streets, tbe fssasns character com edy. Checkers." wUI begla as eagaceaMBt of three sights, with a special pries suttees Wad tbe company plarlng "Checkers' is sekstantnllr the asms sees dsrhtg Its Tilvt if. THHii. I erd Ita foorteautb engagement In Stew Tork. W ITh two ezeeptiaas. It is the same eomsaur which has been playlsg ae Samidy skies Its lntlel protection three years ago. Over 100 people an required tor the play, among the principal actors being Hans assail. Dave Bra bam Jr., Joseph Wilkes. Wallace W orate r. Thomas U. Hosier, Oeorgs atarrlft. Howard Smith, James C. Shannon. Isabella Parker, laydts Dlrksoa. Clare Arnea tress. Paellas Sbsr hard. Robert Craig. Joshss Nathan and William Koran Thla Is the only eaespaay playing "Cheek era." the desire nf the management he lag thst Ike plsygoers tkroagaesjt the coca try hall hare the aame excellent presentation of the I play as wsa afforded those who saw It la the Seat Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the adaanee seat eale will open for the merry moalral com edy, -The Maid and the Mommy." which will be ns attraction at toe rising taeatrs, roortesath aad Washington streets, next Thursday night. October 11. Jane Corcoran Coming to Heilig. tbe charming young actress, Jaae Corcoran, who will be remembered by Portland tbsatrs goers for her artistic work la "Pretty Peggy" at the Marqnsm Grand theatre last year, will pre rent tbe bappy esetsdy "The freedom of Su sanna" st tbe Heilig tbeatre next Friday, Sat urday sad Sunday sights, October 13. IS and , A epeeia! price matinee will be gives Saturday, when Ibsen's "Tbe Doll Hones" will be tbe of ferlsg. Best sale opens at tbe tbeatre next Wr,)aesday morning De Oogorsa Coming. - The young Spaniard, De Osgorss. has s baritone voice of Wis at a as beauty rich, wans aad fall of magaetlsta. la hla tinging there la ssrfert pbraalng. exquisite retoement. with Saesse and auperb coloring Hla work through oat the concert tonmee last sssson with Madame Skates wss oo table for Ita high Intelligence end capability and In many pis Sea he alniply took the audience by atom. Oogorsa will present one of hla gneat programs at the song recital os Monday evening seit, st the Heilig theatre, asd there has already been s great demand for Information about the seat sals, which will opes Saturday morning. "Uncle Josh" Matinee Wednesday. At ths Empire "Uaclt lash Psrfclss" will glra s xsstlsee Wednesday afternoon thla week, as wall sa Saturday, aad with popular prices this faasy rural lassidy abeuld be stalled by every lover nf fun in the dty this week. VAUDEVILLE AND STOC At the Lyric. Todsy snd sll week the attraction at Lyric will be Ths Deserter." Thla fa military drama hat never bees seen la Port land before snd will prove one of the pleasing anrprlaea of the teases. Ths plsy hss a military Osror sad there ara martial etralns and atlrrlng situations. "The Deserter" gives the Lading memtstrs of the Lyric atosk com pany ample sesss to display their taleata At tbe Grand. VanaVvllls sect aa Ills the theatres f w Tork will he found this week al tbe Orand. Oa the sew program sre sets which havs bass hooked attest Is the Portia sd beeas frets the metrnpolla. "Mile, htankataa " la a median a 1 row ear which Jamee aad Sadie Leonars and It la se ef tha brightest sad moat 'Staging sketches of the glad ahows Iseslly. ' Una Leonerd snd bis rossegy trombone make a wt- r 1 . At the Star. This svsnltg the Allen Mock company will aske Its weekly rhauge of Mil asd tha at traction far the current week will he that ' tamose m"lt drama written for Kstle Pat- eats. "That tilrl trnp IVxaa ' This plsy la by the author of "In Old Kentm-ar" sad other notes mcioarssMe It will glre Vital Vers I f ell.,ii her lee greatest npnartaalty In a . ubretta I I the critics of ether elUes have ess- this her bet t partZT -da and w$Mi LHIhI M iir?E v& $Hn M saBJppJ srsrt j5jais Tjfipu. jjr 'StKuBuRSsi iiriK xv HI! ami WK4 j., '5i '''Mlllrl Ta4SB Hsik , ' '-' Xt4i)eC "What Mr. Roosevelt Means la to PICKPOCKETS GET RICH HARVEST Light-Fingered Gflntry at Work Among Crowds on Council Crest Streetcars. MANY LOSSES ARE REPORTED TO POLICE Communication Prom Seattle Police Department Warns Local Force That Band of Professional "Dips" Have Left That City for Portland. rich harvest waa reaped yesterday afternoon by members of the light fingered gentry In the crowds which taxed the capacity of tha ears on Coun cil Crest loop. As the result of the operations three complaints have been registered with the police, and It la be lieved that several other pleasure-seekers ware robbed of various sums. Jamee J. Turner waa relieved of hie purse oontalning $25 In ' gold and cur rency; W. La. Devlte suffered the loea of I2Z.T6 In cash aad a check for a email amount, and A. 3. Bingham, the well-known contractor of 6 Overton street, was robbed of $70. The thlevee, who were undoubtedly professionals In their line, worked so cleverly that none of them were detected. A communication waa received by Chief Orltsmachar from the Seattle po lice conveying tbe Information that a band of plckpocketa had left tbe sound elty for Portland. Descriptions ware given of two of them and the loeal au thorities wave warned to be on their guard. It la thought that the criminals responsible for the clime yesterday were the thieves mentioned in the letter. Although several detectives have been detailed on the case no arrests have been made. YOUTHFUL BURGLARS CAUGHT AT HERMIST0N (Special Dlspstch to The Journal.) Echo, Or., Oct. 8. Benny and Ralph Byfert, two young boys, were placed un der arrest todsy for having robbed the George at Miller store. The boys are aged and 11 years. The atore was robbed twice st night, an entrance being secured to the base ment through e coal hole. The first time they secured It In cash snd the -laat time 14 and IIS worth of merchandise. The Byfert family are transient peo ple, who have camped here for a few daya. The boys wsre taken at Hermin ton, and win be sent to the reform school. PATROLMAN SCOTT RESIGNS POSITION! Rather than atar.d trial on a charge ef drunkenness, Patrolman i. S. Scott today tendered hla resignation as a member of the police department. Com plaints were made to Chief Oritsmacher by several cltlaene that Scott had been seen on a Bell wood car In an intoxicated condition. An , Investigation followed nd the policeman for tha sake of hie family wee allowed to resign. Scott BBS on the "carpet" on a former oocs- fm on a similar charge. Hla beat haa K,n S"lwf0fl ' 4j0'nin t"rr1- to' n1 according to Chief Orltsmacher be has been faithful and conscientious In the discharge of duty dereliction complained of. - until the . "O. 1 STSBat Te ase set property looking out fot anises you w.teh The Journal Scrap the English Language. He la s IDAHO MURDER CASE WILL IE DECIDED MONDAY Federal Supreme Court to Pass Upon Pisa of Mover, Hay wood and Pettibone. (Journal Special SerriesJ Washington. D. C. Oct. I. The su preme court will hand down a decision in the Mover. Haywood and Pettibone oaae next Monday. Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, ohlef officers of tbe Western Federation of Miners, were arrested in Denver, Colo rado, charged with complicity in the assassination of former governor Frank Stuenenberg of Idaho, which crime Harry Orchard confessed to oommtttlng. The defendants, who ' are held In the state penitentiary at Boise, say they were kidnaped from Colorado without proper authority. WIDOW AND CHILDREN GET AL ADAMS' MILLIONS Will of Dsad Policy King Shows But Six Hundrsd Thousand Dollars in Estate. S IJosrnal gnrclat Iter rice. 1 New Toyk, Oct. I. The will of Al Adams, the former policy king of New Tork, who waa known aa the meanest swindler of the metropolis, who waa found with a bullet hole In hla head In hla apartments on the fifteenth floor of the, Aneonla hotel October l, waa filed today, ahowlng his estate to be worth $600,000. The true value of the estate, however. Is believed to aggregate between $1,000,000 snd 110,000,000. By the provisions of ths will one third of the estate Is left to the widow and two thirds to the children. Papers found among the dead man's effects by the coroner lead to tha belief that $10,000,000 la the minimum esti mate on the value of the estate. It la known that, with K. D. Stokea, pro prietor of the Anaonla. who had been Adams- firm friend from the time of the letter's release from Sing Sing te his death, he was Interested In stock deals now pending which will aggregate more than $150,000 and that he alao had loaned money to Arms and prominent Individuate which run high Into th thousands. WARRANT OUT FOR . CONTRACTOR K00NEY A wararnt waa issued out of the mu nicipal court thla afternoon for the ar rest of Contractor Kooney, who Is erect ing the reinforced concrete Couch build ing on Fourth sleet near Washington. The charge la obstructing the' sidewalk. The ordinance provldee after a structure reaches the second story a sidewalk paat the property 'Shall be made. Tbe sidewalk here wag not kept open, and after Information had been laid before Deputy City Attorney Flts gerald tne warrant waa Issued. 0ETECTIVE DAY GETS FRITZ'S STOLEN MONEY Detective Joe Day returned today after several weeRa In tha eaat, where he went on a search for the negro wom an wh is alleged to have, robbed Antone Phlts of tt.SOO In tbe arcade of a church In this city. The woman and her paramour .were arreeted la Salt Lake City, but were released on habeas corpus while Day was on bis way to Chicago to recover the money from a hank where It had been deposited Jy the male memos' of the pelr. The eul piita esceped, 'ut Day returned to Portland with i-omethlng over half ef lbs stolen cash. -W Patriot. Mot a Pottering Philologist." The London Saturday Review BOMB HAS FOUR VICTIMS General Doulbadz Fatally Injured and Coachman and Sol diers May Die. REPORTS OF OUTRAGES SHOCK RUSSIA Every Hoar Stories of Atrocities Reach St Petersburg, Which Is la Constant State of Alarm Terror. 1 (Journal Special Barries.) St. Petersburg, Oct . From all over the empire come stories of further out rages against Jews, terrorists and auto crats. These dispatches do not "get into the papers, or If they do It Is la s greatly modified way. Ths stories from western Siberia are shocking, even after they havs been censored for Russian consumption. Bomb throwing continues and erery hour a new tale of horror la told here Word haa Jus been received that while General Doulbads waa leaving the barracks at Sebaatopol In hla carriage, a bomb waa thrown that landed a few feet from the vehicle. The general was thrown out by ths force of the explo sion "and will probably die,, aa his woupdo are many. The coachman was hurled from his seat and la believed to SB) mortally la lured. Two soldiers who acted as a guard were thrown to the ground and are be lieved to be beyond aid. The bombthrower escaped. MRS. AGGIE MAYERS IS DENIED ERROR WRIT (Jos ratal Special Berries.) Jefferson City, Mo.. Oct. I. The Mis souri supreme court today denied a writ of error to Mrs. Aggie Mayers, who la sentsboed to' hang for the murder of her husband at Liberty. Missouri, Octo ber $0. Aa appeal will be made to the United States supreme court. Bloariag Testimony. The police committee of the executive board la hearing testimony this after noon in the case of Patrolman Ben Pet erson, agaiiaSt whom a charge of bru tally clubbing a prisoner haa been made Jamee Praser, a sailor, the prisoner In Peterson's charge, waa held not guilty of resisting an officer in the municipal court. TAFT IS RESTORING LIBERALS TO OFFICE (Joernal Special Serrice.) Havana, Oct. I. Secretary Taft made a long atep toward the pacification of the Cubana by the restoration of Rudolfo Del Moynello to the mayoralty of Alqulxar, which office he de serted te take the field as a colonel In the Insurgent army. Governor Nunes of Havana province had appointed a Mod rate In hla place. Today Governor Taft ruled that Liberals may be restored to tbe offices they left when tds rebellion commenced. Taft declaree the disarmament la proceeding quietly and saya the riots reported are only street brawls. Testimony Is Abaolutely Necessary If Mystery Surrounding ths Death of Carey If. Snyder Is to Be Cleared Up by Authorities. (Journal Special Berries.) HUlsboro, Or., Oct. t. Sheriff Connell left here at 144 this afternoon for Portland, but denied that he waa going to that city to accompany Mrs. Mlge Snyder hers. Mrs. Snyder faithfully promised Acting Coroner Bagley last night that ebe would be here at noon today and give teetlmony at tha lnqueet on the body of her husband. Carey M. Snyder. She failed to make good her promise and ' Sheriff Connell left for Portland thla afternoon. He says he Is merely going on buelneaa and will re turn thla evening. The woman's testimony Is regarded as absolutely noceaaary In solving the mystery surrounding the robbery of the Forest Grove bank and subsequent mur der of her husband, whose remains were found near here last Monday. District Attorney Harrison Allen la expected to arrive tonight or tomorrow to take personal charge of the Investi gation. BRIBERY CHARGES AT LA GRANDE (Special Dttpateh te The Jonrnsl.) La Grande, Or.. Oct t. Indictments were brought by the grand Jury nf Union county thla morning; agalnat T. C. Smith and J. H. nine, charging brib ing of elty councilman to allow gam bling in their saloons. Indictments were alao brought against Counnllmen S R. Oardlnler aad E. W. Bartlett, charging them with accepting bribes. There Is considerable excitement over the affair and a thorough- Investigation will probably follow. The ehargea against the councilman le the direct outoome of a disagreement between the chief of police and Councilman Oardl nler some Ume eugo. when the chief knocked down and thrashed the coun cilman for lnelnuatlng that the ehlef la accepting bribes from aaloon-keepera and sporting people. SAYS HIS WIFE IS CHAMPION Charles Smith of Salem Declares She Holds Record Over Ail Other Woman. Who's the champion lady hopplcker of Oregon T Thla Question is Just now attracting as much attention among hopplckera as the Question of tbe supremacy of Oans or Nelaon attracted among the sporting fraternity of America only a few weeke ago Claims of big records babe been published in the papers and now cornea a man named Smith that offers to bet the sum of 11.100 (a mighty lot for a hopplcker) that hla wife la the best at the business. Charles Smith, whose home Is In Sa lem, aaya that hla wife's record for four and one half hours Is 10 boxes; for 10 hours. 17 boxes. These records were made about three weeks ago In the Horst Brothers yard near Hall s ferry. where Mrs. Smith, whose given name ia lVola, frequently filled her basket In II minutes. Smith called on The Journal today to say that his Consln Max, a basket maker of Salem, has $1,000. and that he himself has $100, which they are ready to wager that Mra. Smith can beat any woman In Oregon when It comes to clawing the lit tie green pods off the vines and stuffing them into a basket. HEARST DEMOCRATS IS THE NEW NAME (Jonrnsl Special Her, toe.) New Tork, Oot. I. 'Hearst Demo crats" that la what Murphy calls the men of Tammany who are standing by the nominee of the Buffalo convention. Bolters and those who are not more than luke warm for tbe editor aren't Democrats of any sort. Murphy appealed to the people to day for funda with which to make a campaign for "the people." He saya no men who are not "Hearst Demo crats" will be on the Judicial ticket. John J. Delaney today resigned aa corporation counsel for the Indepen dence league. CLUE TO IDENTITY ellevee Se Oregon City, Or., Oct. Rev. A. Hlldsbrand. pastor of the St. Johns Csthollo ohuroh. haa obtained a possible clue to the Identity of the man whose body was found In Buotter Lake, near Oswego, more than one month ago.. He states that only a few weeks before the body waa discovered a man named Sul livan, living; at Oak Grove, left tor Oswego, telling his neighbors that ho waa going to live In a cabin there. Sul livan waa afflicted with palsy, snd tha drowned man waa either stricken with that dlsssss or had almllar . nervoue troubles. This was shown by the testi mony of ths witnesses st the coroner's Inquest aa Oswego people say while he waa alive. Sullivan had relatives In California. He were a eandy mustache, aa did the man who met death tn the watera of Sucker Leake. Coroner Holnran retained a coat that the victim of tbe lake had left on the bank, and thla garment will be examined by people from Oek Grove, with the hope of definitely ascertaining the identity of the man, whose body la believed to be that of Sullivan. tf yew Save no answered The Jen. Saw Want ASs lately you havs gottes eat ef ssnsb with things. . ' Maestretti Makes Charge in Letter to Acting Mayor Gallagher and Men tions Sum of Money Alleged to Be Involved. Coc-nal Special Serrice. I Ban Franclaco, Oct. I. The fight be tween Abe Ruef. political boaa, and Frank A. Maeaterettl, deposed member of . the board of public worka, haa reached an acuta stage. Maestretti ac cuses Ruef of having sold the support of the San Francisco delegation to the Republican convention for f 18,000. Ruef laugha aa he denies the charge, and adda: 'Thla la Indeed humorous, but such statements sre more curious and laee r-iioug wl.en made by a man out of qf flcs Instead of when he is In offlce." Maeatreettl a charge te contained In a letter to Acting Mayor Gallagher, in which he says: "At tha Santa Crus convention I fa vored the nomination of Mayor Bchmlts for the office of governor of the state of Caltfrnla. It la alleged that the entire San Francisco delegation had been sold for the paltry sum of $11,000 cash paid. In advance to the unsavory boss of San Franclaco. An attempt was made by the aame boss to sail the San Fran claco delegation to a candidate from San Jose for tZti.OOO. The thirty-ninth aaaembly district delegation refused to be s party to either eale or attempted sale, and announced weeks In advance of the convention that It favored the nomination of Ragene B. Bchmlts for the offlce of governor of California. Such action wag unsatisfactory to the beaa whose weakling you are, and since that convention he haa endeavored In every possible way to And some ground for my removal. He was not able to find any grounds for such removal, and waa obliged to wait until Mayor Bchmlts had left San Franclaco to find a tool to carry out his nefarious purposes and consummate hie stall political revenge." The San Joae candidate referred to le J. O. Hayes, brother of Congressman Hayes of the fifth district. ROADS POUR COIN NTO PORTLAND Unas of Hill and Haniman Ad vancing Fortunes for Imme diate Improvement. Taken together, the railroads In which Harrlman and Hill are the controlling spirits are planning expenditure of more money In docks, railroads and terminals In and around Portland than Is being spent by railroad companies at any point In tha United States, except ing New Tork. Portland and Van couver and the Intervening space are to witneea within the next IS months the spending of from $8,000,000 to $10,000, 000 by thess rival railroads. Few people comprehend the signifi cance of theee facta and their Influence en the general prosperity of the Colum bia river region It le easier to grasp when ranged In a printed procession Ilka thla: Completion of the North Bank line, double tracked. Straightening of the O. R. N. on the aouth bank. Construction of the Columbia river bridge. Building of the' Willamette river bridge. A double-track 00 feet deep and a mile long through the penlnaula, A double-track tunnel three quarters of a mile long through the peninsula. New terminals covering 1$ blocks In North Portland. New freight houses for these ter minate Reconstruction of ths Harrlman ter minals and waterfront Improvements. Construction of 8.000 feet of deep sea docks by the Hill lines on 'the Weldler tract. , Construction of north bank lines by both Hill and Harrlman between Van couver; and tha sea. Building of a double-track line for the Harrlman roada between Portland and the sound. Construction of an elaborate system of sldetrscks on the penlnaula to ac commodate the Swift packing plant, Juet located there. Construction of elevatora, warehouaee and shops at or near Vancouver, What other city In tbe country can today present euch an array of actuali ties tn the line of progress? The carrying forward of all then projects is already begun. The money to pay for them haa been appropriated, and the plana and surveys are completed or well nuder way. The effect of It all on Portland la difficult to estlmsts, but one thing Is certain. It la said, the future of thla city has not been exaggerated, but rather haa It been minimised, by the clalma made by Portland map and com mercial organisations. DETECTIVE ALDEN GETS PROMOTION Detective C. T. Alden waa detailed to- ' day aa clerk in the bureau of criminal Ml v sail S" it, ,. n. ntari, dis missed several days ago. Alden le very popular in police circles and promotion Is the result of strict attention to duty and ability. LAND FRAUD CASES REPORTED CONTINUED According to private sdvlcee received todsy the land fraud trials which were to have been taken up again on October II have been postponed until December 1, but as yet no notice to that, affect haa been received at the offlce of the United States district attorney here. Diplomatically Discussed. laondon. Oct. I. Official and vigorous denial la made nf the story that Princess Patricia of Connaught wUI marry Orand Duke Michael, brother of the ossr. The matter had been d la sussed diplomatically only. V II,, liiisnts lhaaaMMsaasH