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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
THE OREOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER S, 1906. Town Topics vonoa TO Thf Journal agency at Salem haa bean transferred to Russell M. Brook, headquarter at Capitol Drug Store, Stat atreet, Phone Main lOTt. and all changes, new subscription and com plaints will rsoalva prompt attention. tomior-t s AMBMMAM Ta urine Baker Empire. . . . am tar Urand .... 1'an I age . Haua Robert la Caecker" "til Desert" ,e. VsodeTtU Five jurors had been accepted at noon today In Judge Qsntenbeln s dspsrtment of the clrfcult court to hear the suit ot ft. P. Ho aging for 15.000 damages from the Portland Consolidated Railway com pany. It Is alleged Hosklng Is suing as administrator of the estate of Jerome J Sullivan, who died August to, 1(06. Hosklng alleges that Sullivan and New ton Kirk wars driving on PowaU street in a buggy on the afternoon of August 20 last year, when a Brooklyn car cam down Powell street at a high rate of speed and struck the buggy. It Is claimed that Sullivan's death was caused by ths socldsnt. Ths railway company alleges that ths man wars driving a high-tempered young horse that became frightened at the ear and started serosa ths track In front of It. The oar was being driven at a glow rata of speed, says the company. Tatsuya Kato, a Jspaness war corre spondent, delivered an Illustrated talk on the Rusao-Japaneae war at the Helllg theatre last night to a good audience. Stereoptlcon views mad from photo graphs taken by the daring Jap news paperman formed In lntsresting part of a delightful evening's entertainment. VUw Of the leaders of the Japanese army and navy war also thrown upon the screen, . the lecturer explaining in what regard the several men wars held by the Japanese people. Mrs. Worrell, president of the Illinois Study club; Is In ths city, and has issued s csll for a special business session of ths club, to be hold Tuesday afternoon t I o'clock at the homo of the secre tary, Mrs. Amelia Dayton, (10 Broad way. A full attendance la desired, as Important business will be transacted. . Flowering Bulbs. Hyacinths, tulips, ns reissue, oroous and all Holland bulbs are now la and should be planted at one. ' Do yon realise how easily they can be grown? Sand for our illus trated and descriptive catalogue or phone Main 4TI for our salesman. Port land Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets. BAILIFF WILL 6EI HIS SALARY Mayor Lane Signs McDonald's Pay Warrant and Money la Harfded Over. CULMINATION OF SUIT 18 8TILL IN DOUBT Warrant Is for June Salary Wages for July, August and September Have Not Yet Been Paid Case May Oo to Supreme Court. A burning chimney In ths Flledner building; at Tantn and Washington streets called ths fire department to that place at noon today. Ths blass was controlled by ths firemen without any damage being done other than fill ing the basemsnt and storeroom of ths Eastern Outfitting company with smoke. The civil lervlce commission an nounce ths following examination to be held in Portland: Heat inspector. October IT; instrument maker, Novem ber I. For complste information re garding ths examinations applicants should ess Z. A. Leigh at ths postofflce. The Infant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arrignl was christened, by Father Bom at it Michael's chnrch yesterdaybornlng. Dr. Marie Equl was godmother. Dre. Mary Parker and Eddie Bpeakert ware present aa guests of ths family. Jesse Campbell and Una Beware of Junction City were married at the home . of the bridegroom's parents, 600 Alblna avenue, last evening at o'clock, F. "Elme Robinson, pastor Rodney avenue Chrises church, officiating. Clvlo Improvement. Don't litter your st rest with wood. Burn coal. We de liver It in your basement. Independent .Coal a Ice company, successor to Holme Coal a Ice company. V i t Tour Eye Examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses st $1.00. A per fect' fit guaranteed. Metsger a Co., . jeweleratand optician. Ill Sixth street. - Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy psyments; fl down, 50c a week. ror go without a good' timepiece. Metsger A Co.. Ill Sixth street Acme Oil Co. sails the best safsty coal oil and fine gasoline. Phons East 7lt. Woman's Bxchsnge, 133 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 1; buslnsss msn's lunch. Wtlholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal 'lade. Agt., 168 2d St. Tel. Pacific 1566. Solicitors wanted. Sit Lumber Exchange 71.60 Chicago and Meturn S71.80 aef.Se Lout and Return-rgOT.BO On October II and It the Great Northern railway will have on sals ex aurslon talckets ss above, tfekete sflow 10 dsys to reach destination and good fer return until November SO, stop overs allowed within limit, tickets good going via Or'sat Northern railway, re turning same or any direct route. For tlcketa. sleeping csr reservstlons or any additional Information call on or ad dress H. Dickson, a. P. a T. A., 123 Third Street, Portland. Mayor Lane has signed ths ITS salary warrant of James McDonald, bailiff of the munlolpal court, and ths warrant Is now in ths possession of McDonald's at torney. John F. Logan. The warrant was filed in the circuit court by Attor neys Montague and Greene, in lieu of e bond for an appeal to ths suprsms court, and this morning Attorney Logan se cured en order from judge Oentenbeln directing that the warrant be delivered to McDonald. The famous decision of Judge Oenten beln declaring that the council had powsr to crests Sfflces end appoint In cumbents was the outcome of the suit brought by McDonald to compel ths mayor to sign salary warrant. Mayor Lane had objected to signing it because hs believed the council was infringing his rights of appointment. When the ordinance creating the posi tion of bailiff of ths municipal court and appointing McDonald to the office was passed the mayor vetoed it. Th council then passed It over ths msyor's veto and McDonald went to work. When pay day came the mayor refused to sign the warrant for McDonald's sslsry, and ths suit to compel the signature fol lowed. The warrant secured this morning was for McDonald's salary for June, and la the only pay McDonald haa received aa bailiff. His salary for July, August ana sepiemDer is unpaid, and Attorney Logan stated this morning that a de mand for the warrants for the last three months would be mads, and if the war rants are not issued another mandamus proceeding to compel their Issuance will he begun. Should the mayor put up a bond for ths appeal Attorney Logan will fits a bond guaranteeing the repayment of ths 175 in case the decision of Judge Oentenbeln Is reversed by the supreme court A bond to cover the costs of the suit was) filed by ths msyor's attorneys. FOUNTAINS ON NEW LAMP POSTS City Authorities Will Allow Mer chants to Put in Drinking Cups if They Desire. Milwaukee .Country Club. Eastern snd California races Take Bell wood and Oregon City care et First end Alder. ulldlng The following permits were Issued ' this morning: S. M. Yeoman, two-story dwelling, Kllllnghwcrth avenue, between Union and Kankakee, cost IJB0; C. A. Prlsatng, repairs, Rodney avenue, be tween Merrls and Stanton, cost $76. , A Hell Box Printers call the box used to hold the worn-out type a hell box. We use ours frequently. Whan type be comes worn wa tian it without ceremony. Good printing oan ba dona only from new type. Wa use new type and good judgment the result: good printing. 2 Phones Both Main 165 F. W. BALTES & COMPANY FIRST A OAK STREETS That a water faucet snd drinking cup: be attached to the new ornamental light post Is a privilege that will probably be allowed by the city authorities to the merchants who are erecting these elec troliers. In a few months a dosen or more of theee posts will be on the most promi nent corners of ths business district. There hss been talk of water fountains for some time, but nobody hss been forced to step over any thus far. Only a few wUl be placed at the beat To aid In the general movement to glve he down town strets a better ap pearance by night and by day, the light committee of the executive board has agreed to pay for the lights on these posts If ths are light snd the attendant Ugly pole cap be abolished. One has already been put up In front of the Rreeden buUdtng at Third and Washing ton. The Oregon hotel, Tull a Olbbs, Ben Selling, A. B. Stelnbach and com pany, the United States National bank and others are considering ths erection Of similar posts. It Is declared to be e simple matter for s water pipe to be run up Inside the electrolier end a faucet eet In. This would provide a practical fountain at email expenss to everybody. HOT TIMES IN A STORE The JTetlonal Shea and Clothing Company Oot AU That Was Coming to It From Friday's Page AaverktsecaeB in The Journal. The National Shoe and Clothing com pany. 207 First street, between Teylor and Salmon, certainly got all that was coming to It from Its page advertise ment in last Frldaafs Journal. The Portland concern had nought st a great sacrifice the entire stock of the Ameri can Clothing company of Chicago, which was forced to the wall through the failure of the Milwaukee Avenue benk, and announced in The Journal that the atore at 207 First street presented Its compliments to the people end would offer this stock for sale to Portland men and women there being a lot of women's wear and shoes In the lot at about half its Intrinsic value, That was enough. Msn and women of this city took ths company at Its word, ths result bslng that the business of the In stitution has been quadrupled. It has been a beehive ever since. Extra ealea DeoDle hsvs been employed snd many e weary head has lain down to rest after e hard dey'e work since last Friday evening. The National Shoe and Clothing com pany secured s great treasure when It bought this stock. It Is dividing ths fruits of that fortunate occurrence with its patrons In this city, snd many a heart haa been made glad over bar gain obtained at this enterprising store alnce this new stock was put upon the Portland market. And there are Just as great bargain now as there were laat Friday. Saturday, or this forenoon. But such opportunltes to buy will not last a thousand years. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK AT THE OAKS This is ths lsst week of "The Oaks." Next Sunday night will eee the final of whet haa been a delightful season of entertainment for the Portland people. The management are making special efforts for the enjoyment of visitors during ths present week, end D'Urbeno'e eplenAtd bend have prepared exceptional programs. Tomorrow will be French night. Thuredsy. Verdi night, snd Sat unlay. Wagner night. There was a Urge crowd et the perk both afternoon and evening yeeterdsy and the attendance promisee te continue great ell week. Sunday evening next will witness the laat daaee in the pavilion The Meier & Frank Store s "Harvest Sale" 200 Women's Tailored Suits $16.50 Values at $11.45 Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store Offers for Today, Tuesday and Wednesday, one of the usual splendid October bargains in Women's Tailor-made Suits Three lots- to choose from AU new, up-to-date styles and materials, made up to our special order, by a manuiactarer whose reputation is the best in the land for medium-priced suits Lot 1 in cludes Women's Jacket Suits, double-breasted, with semi fitting back, in gray twoeda with velvet trimming, collarless. and pleated skirts Lot 9 Tight-fitting Surta, medium length Jackets, with velvet or gimp trimming, fly front, medium and dark gray checks -All sixes Lot 3 Women'a fly-front Tacket Suits, with velvet collar. self-straoDed. half fitting; r i . , , , -, , f i, : s front and back in gray checks Every garment well made and finished throughout Assortment large enough to please every fancy All, sun Suits other stores ask $M or 128.50for, can be bought here during this sale at the phenomenal price of $11.45 Women's Plaid fcoats in all grades By far the largest and beat display in the city Second floor New Plaid Silk Coats, New Walking Skirts, etc. Toilet Articles. Steel Nail Fit, large assortment of styles and a tie, each 19 Large Bath Sponges, good quality, special 12e Okayed Toilet Paper, rolls, special, dosen 35 Toilet Bosps, best quality, all odors, box of S cakes 33 Eastman's Quadruple Strength Perfumes: violet, rose, Jockey club, etc.. in fine doxm. ... later Woodbury's Facial Soap, special value 16 Potnpelan Massage Cream, large ' 53? Kalolta Furniture Polish, "Oreet 8t,uff," can !, French Cheviot Linen Flnls.i Pa per, in white, blue and gray, at. pound as,. Envelopes to match the above at. package 8e Ribbon Sale to.oeeyerd oFchotce nihbene ea ssle at an unusually low pries French faille, ombre, meseamte taffetas, nil - silk taffetaa very large assortment, ia new, desir able colorings, S6c. 10c. at lt t.tlOO yards us extra quality Dres den TafFet 1 Rlbbona plain and satin elgea handsome floral and conventional designs In dainty color combination, (ultabl for fancy worK, etc. Valuee ranging from 7Sc to fl. 25 yard 53 1 JIWIUtT Mil Jewel rSnxen, bright or French sil ver finish, lned with ptnkor blue silk TO" Fsncy collar Pins, new creations; regular S.- rnd 4c values, on ssle at 23 Large assortment of 50 Hst Pins, on sale at. each 25? One-Doy Mlslon Clock, nsw de signs; regular value, on sale- st. eech Sl.M Women's $3 Shoes $ 1 .98 J ,000 pain of Men's Patent Calf, Vici Kid and Gun Metal Shoes; lace, button and blttcher stylet, walking and light weight soles; all lined fall and winter footwear; regular $3.00 values, s 1 AO in air sizes and widths, cn sale at this low price, pair.. sS I i7U Misses' and Children's Kid and Box Calf Lace and Blttcher Shoes; heavy soles for school wear; every pair perfect and fully guaranteed to give satisfactory service; best values of the season. Sizes 8 to 11. Sixes &' to 1 1, $1.50, $1.75 Values $1.27 Sizes 1U4 to 2, $1.75. $2.00 Values $1.37 Pair 200NewSakPetticoats Regular $10.00 Values at $5.25 Ea. Two hundred high-grade Silk Petticoats for one-hall their real value sale today and tomorrow This great special lot secured from a ti e I e - a. large rnuaocipnta matnuiaciurcr at a a great concession because it was inven tory time in his factoryEasier to count cash than' list stock sheets, you know, so here you are These Under skirts made of the best quality taffeta silk, graduated flounce ruffle Black, brown, tan, mode, red, garnet, purple, lavender, navy and grecrw-Made very full Every Skirt $10 value, your choice while they last at the vary low price of, each $5.25 Best SBk Petticoat Value of the Season Take advantage Women's Knit Underwear Women's Swiss Ribbed Silk and, I. in vests, high neck, long sleeves, knitted cuff; all sizes; best $175 1 OA value on sale at, each W eeaf 7 Women's Form-Fitting Swiss Ribbed Cotton Corset Covers, medium weight, all sizes; best $100 values, 90. on sale at this low price, each. 5 Ofe Women's full quality, heavy weight mer cerized Cotton Vests and Pants; ample length pants; high neck, long sleeve vests; white, and flesh colors. The famous "M tin sing" brand of under wear; all sizes. Regular e Q $2 00 values on sale 17 Women's Swits Ribbed Wool Vests, high neck, sleeves, beautifully fin ished neck and front; pink, light blue, black, white and cream. Reg- QAe. ttlar $1.25 vslues, on sale at...7fV " Harvest Sale" of Dinner Set English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, pink rose decoration; gold edge. Both (0 and 100-plece sets st greatly reduced prices. 60-Piece Sat for $7.d 100-Pc. Set for $12. 15 Pink snd green decorated Porcelain Bets, very neat and effective design, gold edge; great special value at 60-Piece Sat for $7.64 WO-Pc. Sat far HO.ffl Seml-Porclaln Dinner Seta, heavy green border design; gold on knobs and handle, very handsome sets st these low prices; 60-Wace Sat far $5.95 100-Pc. Set for $ 9.64 American Semi-Vitreous War Dinner Seta, pink and green decoration, with gold line; great special value at t 60-Piece Set for $7.64-100-Pc. Set for $10.96 SLAY BIG BEAR AFTER SEVERAL HOURS' CHASE Dr. B. N. Crockett of thla city and H. W. Scott of Oast on succeeded in I. nn him hear In Psttnn valley. Washington county, yesterday, after a chase or severs! nours aurauon. in bear re f seed to take to a tree, but tried i oinda the hunters by a circuitous routs through the forest. Finally, however. It was brought to bay behind a bunch of logs In a creek biiiut Thai animal walrhad 300 pounds and measured six feet two Inches from tip to up. in ranon val ley 10 bears have been killed this year. OREGON WHITE PINE AT THE TOP NOTCH Baker City, Or., Oct. f. Eastern Ore- am hlt. nine, la (wnnvlnr the too notch In the eastern tumbev markets. All the Whenever earning begins saving should begin. We have started a lot of people in the right direction near ly 12,000. Some had never before saved anything-r-be-cause they had never been forcibly reminded. Does this apply to you? On Savings Accounts We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon RAL BANKING W. H. MOORE, President W. COOPER MORRIS Cashier Safe Deposit Boxes lumber mills In Baker City nd the Grand Ronde valley are running full blast, turning out high grades of Oregon white pine, shop lumber and common. There are dosens of pine tress on every quarter section In the timber belt which will scsl at tZM when cut snd delivered in Chicago. l Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? mtter taste? com plexion sallow?. !.lvr needs waking up. Doan'a Regulet cure bilious at tacks. 25 cents at any drug store. Allen a Lewis' Best Brsnd. PERSONALS . Captain Ronald Amundsen, ths fa mous Arctic explorer who msde the Northwest passsge, was In Portland yes terday. Hs left last night for San Francisco, where he will be the guest of honor st a reception. State Senator Jay Bowerman of Con don Is at the Imperial hotel. Walter Lyon, who sold his psper. the Independence Enterprise, severs! weeks ago, is s guest of the Imperial hotel. GOOD LUCK Do' you want to be sure of good luck? Buy your pillow tops from e new, com plete stock. Bouid to please you. Beautiful new stylo tops, with bucks peasll 48o in The INeseecllestfraft Shop FREE 1 Waving Pictures snrrTJTf al. DA Other Ul.fallaiianiia Huhlanll Every evening 7 o'clock. Bring the children, CORNER MORRISON AND THIRD. Changs of Program Weekly. HARRY SHU at AM, General Advertiser. AJtOI OAKS RINK HAVE YOU SEEIN BAB V LILUIAIN? ' 1 J .' 1 a sBlsV Fx elaVVsy juHB3VA ' SPHHgggBiggsW mtLj fSBBsl aBBH M SsflVeaSW ggM wHsgPv M HsW'SBBsP ' Sal Iggggggggggggggggf OAKS RINK- -Every Afternoan at oan at 4 o'clock. 9 clock Every Evening at prof, franks and baby lillian WORLD'S GREATEST ARTISTS Rink Open All Winter Electric Heated 10-Minute Car Service Masquerade Tuesday, October 16 HEIUG THEATRE Mth and Washington Toneai t:u o clock. Pkeo Mala I Tooxwmw a ad wrdnoaUar Meats. Seerial-Prtr Matin Wrdnredaj. The Oraat Cartar Ceaaeejr, CHECKERS Oratrt ot All Aawrleea Rarlas Play. PRICES Kvenlag Lor See. Srtt IS rew. S2.dii: laat 8 row, fl.: helm. Srat 4 row. Sl.Sn; nut row. ffl.oS: last I row. Te. 0ury. 88. Matinee. NV t SI.S0. Seat Mew aelliag at Taeaar. Baker Theatre All I'nonr Main 1807. Origan Taeatre Csw, OKOSOE L RAKER. Manas" ens Famous bst store rompany. ear tae xiokti ana rtsse- nils Flood gafferar. Teetgkt Benefit Thla Metis Sat rar. THE OAT LORD HUI1 Near A Oraat London and P RirCS Bream. lsc and an. Vst Weak Lady RutaweroV aUftrut." ft, ste and Tof k aJjscaasV SOr. BM EMPIRE. THEATRE AU Matto 10 and Metre we This Weak the UNCLE JOSH PkasM Mala III. d Batardaw. Baral Cdr. PERJKINS" 4 Don't art It. One of the bis road attrac tion, trealns arte, ilr. IS, V ssd SO. All atari ii ee toe an aar eat AtSjaiMi7 The Grand Wash of 0t. . tBoaaaa aWeerted by 0 Brian aad Was, ea Laare. XaUla aad XII), Mil aad vagt. ad a 1W. PANTAOB8 Mi Carrie aad Mia lerfts. Bey ndraege. OeU a Mart. Teatt7 SiawW. La Teasst. tee Wal. LATEST atOVXVe PrrarMce d0y t tsj. ea ev Adatsatoa I Or aad are- Baoaa SV hi Hit "ad eWteSitak. ear t weeaady sjstlSMSS tar to. . TUB STAR week OrwaWr s. pases Mats Sob A IAS STOCK O0MPASI rVeWsWalM "That Girl from Texas" SI