The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 08, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Annual Installation of Officers
Held With Appropriate
Enthusiastic Rally Speeches Deliv
ered at Evening Service by Promi
nent Members of Congregation
Condition of Church Excellent.
Rally services ere held yesterday
morning and evening In Grace Metho
dist Kplecopi.l church, the occasion be
ing the annual Installation of officers.
At the morning service the pastor. Rev.
Clarence True Wilson; announced that
the present membership Is the laxgeat
in the history of the church.
The new board of trustees Installed
consists of F. a Akin. J. K. Gill. Dr.
Richmond Kelly, Philip Beuhner. J. U
Herttnan, M. B. Rankin, John Corklsh.
J. E. Haaeltlne and J. P. Rasmussen.
The new board of stewards Is com
posed of Everett F. Allshaw, F. A.
Clsry. F. W. Miller. U O. Ralston. J.
W. Wiseman, Alfred A. Baker, 8. 8.
Gillespie, Qebrge J. Klrkland. Dr. Os
mon Royal, F. W. Chown. E. T. John
son, John Prideeux, U C. Shorno.
At the evening meeting eight en
thusiastic rally speeches were delivered
by prominent members of the church:
Edward Drake. Mrs. U. Olson, F. 8.
Stiles. Scott Bosorth, Miss Anna Ran
kin, Mrs. Dr. Kelly. F. 8. Clary and
S. C. Frost.
People of Today Disregard
Things of Ufa, Says 9.
"The Church Our Mother" was the
theme upon which Rev. O. Elmo Robin
son of Rodney Avenue Christian church
discoursed yesterday morning. Mr. Rob
inson said In part:
"There Is an alarming indifference In
thla day to the greatest things of life.
The church of Christ has suffered with
other Institutions from the Indifference
of even her own members.
"It la a VII vine Institution. Great and
good as is the work being done by the
Sunday school, the Chrlatlan Endeavor,
the Y. M. C. A. and the fraternal orders.
none of these, can It be said, were
founded by the son of God. The church
alone was purchased' by the blood of
Christ. The church alone Is said to be
the pillar and ground of truth.
"It has been well said that If God Is
our father, the church must be our
mother. She haa shown herself a true
mother by the love exhibited for her
children. The blood of martyrs freely
spilled is a testimony of the love of the
church for mankind.
"Christ's church has proven herself a
true mother to the world In her minis
trations to the physical as well as spir
itual needs of the race. She haa sent
her ministering angels onto the sattla
fields, and her missionaries Into the
heart of darkened continents. Her end
leas round of Spiritual services 'con
quers sinners, comforts saints.'
"In view of whspfcbe church hsa done
snd Is doing for the world, we owe her
and endless debt of gratitude. Our time,
our talent, our earthly possessions
should be freely Invested in this great
est of all Institutions.
"Finally the church will endure for
ever. The gatea of the unseen world
shall not prevail against her when all
the great Institutions of earth ahall
have passed away. The church trium
phant will be singing with the vigor of
eternal youm Tne Bong of Mosea and
the Lamb.' "
Dr. rougher CM
Belatloo of Church and People.
Dr. J. Whttcomb Bro usher recom
mends the feeding of milk In large,
benevolent doaea to church members
of narrow sectarianism, backsliding,
knocking, and other shortcomings.
"Milk and Buttermilk" was the sub
ject of the White Temple pastor's ser
mon last night. "Sectarian church mem
bers are babes snd need milk," said Dr.
B rougher.
"Backsliders sre babes snd need
milk. Undeveloped church members sre
babes and need milk. Knockers need
Dr. Brougher quoted the words of
Paul: "Whereas there Is among you
jealousy and strife, ye are carnal and
bebea." .leo: "And as new born babes
they should desire the sincere milk of
me woro
UlLZA1 "pU,1n1 I
cannot develoo a holv llf i
a Christian cannot develop
API al!l It Vlt awl Vwwl IU a
strong spiritually when he neglects the
daily study of the Bible to read the
newspapers and other worldly litera
ture. Dr. Brougher said:
"Accepting the Bible teaching that
rnflk la good for babies, let us notice
for a few moments, some people who
will come under this characterisation.
"Knockers' In the church sre 'babes'
and need milk. Paul and Peter both
agree on this point. I suppose critics
are unnecessary, but a critic and a
-veiui4vi aiu w
'knocker' are quite different. The
knocker' always .manifests an envious,
jealous spirit. He ts never pleased
with anything you do. unless you do
Just the thing that pleases him. He
believes In the principles of Josh Bill
ings when he says: People of good
senss are those whose opinions agree
With ours. People who agree with you
never bore you. Ellar Perkins aea a
man is a bore when he talks so much
about himself that you kar.t talk about
yourself. Still I shall go on talking.'
"Everybody feels that they have a
right to criticise a preacher, and aa
Josh Billings says: 'Most ov them do
It just aa a muls criticises things, by
shutting up both eyes and letting drive
with hla two behind legga."
'The jealous, envious church member,
whose chief occupation Is to find fault,
la declared upon the authority of Paul
and Peter, to be a "big baby" that ought
to go to living on milk, get over the
dyspepsia, and go" to speaking well of
other people.
"Sectarian church members are babes
and need milk. In Paul a day the people
were bigoted. One said: 'I am of Paul.'
and another. 'I am of Apollo,' and an-
for Infanta amd Children.
Tfct KM Ym Hi n Always Bought
Bears the
lanafre of
Perhaps Kipling wasn't thinking of
the Portland cigar stores when he wrote:
"A woman Is only a woman.
But a good cigar Is a smoke."
At any rate that ungallant person
would never have had any trouble In
obtaining his smoke In thla berg. There
lan't another city In the United States
where the cigar stores are more plenti
ful than In Portland.
And there lan't another town of Its
else where so much money haa . been
Invested In such establishments. Noth
ing Is too good for a Portland cigar
dealer when he flta out a new store in
a good location.
Did you ever count the cigar stores on
Washington street T
There will be It between Third and
Seventh In a few weeks.
"Somebody is going to get crushed
in this Jam." said a prominent dealer
the other day. "So much money la be
ing put Into new stores and there's so
many of them that somebody will get
"The two big syndicates, the United
Cigar Stores company and M. A. Gunst
and company, are vainly trying to outdo
one another. Just now an unusual num
ber Of Improvements and alterations In
other. 1 am of Chrlat.' and there wss
strife and division among them. I be
lieve In denominational loyalty, but the
Baptist who becomes so narrow that
he cannot see any good In any other
denomination. Is a habe' and needa to
grow In the spirit of his master.
"Backsliders are "babes' and need
milk. We have too many Indifferent
and lukewarm church members who
are more of a hindrance than a help
In advancing the Interests of Christ and
the church. No church can succeed and
have Us rolls padded with members
who sre Inconsistent, indifferent and
"Feeble Christians are also "babes'
and need milk. When your Christians
come to me to ask If they can Indulge
In certain worldly amusements, I recog
nise the fsct that they have not reached
that standard of matured judgment
which would make it possible for them
to walk alone. .The church haa a great
many of these members that need to be
taught how to walk.
"Undeveloped church members are
babes that need milk. A Christian
should grow. A man should be a better
Christian one year after his conversion
than be was at the time he was con
verted. The older s Christian is, the
more power he should have In prayer;
more victory over sin; the more beauty
In life and character. But a Christian
cannot develop a holy life on adulter
ated food. When he neglects the daily
study of the Bible and Uvea merely on
the newspapers, the novel and secular
reading, he cannot grow.
"A Chrlstisn should cultivate an ap
petite for 'pure food.' He must live
on the manna of heaven,' the bread of
Ufa,' and the sincere milk of the word,'
If ha Is ever to become a strong Chris
Celebrated by Koly Boaary Church With
Unique and Spectacular Ceremony.
The feast of the Holy' Rosary was ap
propriately celebrated yesterday at the
church of the Holy Rosary. Union ave
nue and Clackamas streets. An open
sir procession after the morning serv
ice was a unique feature of the cele
bration which commemorated the anni
versary of the overthrow of the Turks
by the Christiana In the battle of l,e
pando, A. D. 1571.
Rev. Father Lamb. O. P., delivered the
sermon at the services at 10:30. using
for his text "The Rosary, Its Many Ad
vantages and the Lessons It Inculcates."
A large congregation waa present.
The procession which followed the
services waa formed by members of the
Rosary confraternity, the Third order
of 8t. Dominic, the Roaarlan and Hoiy
Name society and the congregation.
Music ' was furnished by the Holy
Rosary choir, consisting of the follow
ing. Tenors J. P. Wlldman, J. Bell, D. A.
Morris. J. E. Malley, F. Barret E.
Ooalts. J. H. Cass; bassos H. Alstock,
Dr. J. P. Go ray, T. J. Neeson. F. E. Hlg
gina. L Manning, Freeman, J. P. Hoben,
E. J. Campbell, B. J. Wlnmennan, E. C.
noh Wa Faith of St. Ignatius. Bishop
of anttoca. Bays rather o Kara.
"Primitive Christianity, a Dogmatic
Religion," was the subject on which
Father O'Hara addreased a large con
gregation at the Cathedral last night
This was the second of a series of ser
mons on the Catholic church as it was
1.100 years ago. Father O'Hara said
In part:
'The idea that early Chlstlanlty was
an undogmatlc religion is definitely dls-
1 1 -a utiiit v. l .v .- A at
Ignatius, the Illustrious Bishop of An-
.r... TTL . .4-1r, .
"""t weew "-. w
Interesting personality in the Chrlatlan
church l.tOO years sgo. Several pas
sages from the letters of . St Ignatius
are merely expounded forms of the
apostolic creed, to every article of which
assent Is expected aa a matter of course.
"Ignatius was a martyr In the orig
inal sense of that term. After a long
Ufa spent In apostolic labor he waa
thrown into chains because of his faith,
and having been brought to the capital
city by order of the Emperor Trajan, to
make a Roman holiday, waa devoured
by wild beasts in the presence of 70,000
or so, ooo spectators In the Flavian
Dr. Ohormley Of Central
Church Delivers Impressive
Dr. Ghormley of the Central Christian
church took his theme, "Unity In the
Faith," from the text. "There Is one
body snd one spirit even aa ye are
called In one hope of. your calling. The
one Lord, one faith, one baptism. One
God and father of all, who la above all,
and through all, and In you all." He
said :
"The studsnt of nature Is Impressed
with sn all-pervading Intelligent force,
upholding ami directing the universe.
The Invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen,
being understood by the things that are
made, even his eternal power and God
head. The heavens declare the glory
of God and the firmament showeth his
handiwork. God hath made one bipod
all nations of men for to dwell on all
the faee of the earth, and Jesus the
Christ Is the only unifying spiritual
force smong nations "
Sis Work Through. Spirit
ism. Declares aider Byader.
Elder O. A. Snyder charges the devil
with all the freaks of modern spiritism.
At the. Seventh Dap Adventlst church
last night . Elder Snyder said, among
other things
"Modern spiritism Is the offspring of
cigar stores are under . way. The
United people leaaed the Washington
building so thst they could compete
with Schiller on the opposite corner of
Fourth and Washington. To do this a
ladies' suit house has been ohased out,
and soon the clankety-clank of the slot
machines will take the place of the
frou-frou of silk petticoats.
To get even for this, the Gunst com
pany Is spending a lot of money on re
modeling their store at Third and Alder.
The J. R. SmltK company Is putting in
a new store at Fifth and Washington,
one of the best locations In town, and
where they will compete with the Gunst
store on the northwest corner.
One of the finest cigar stores In the
country will be that of Big Blchel and
company, at the northeast corner of
Third and Washington. The other
Blchel store la less than a block and
a hajf away, but this will tap sn entirely
new lfne of trade. It will simply shine
with plate glass and mahogany fittings
throughout. When the United, the
Gunst and the new Schiller stores were
put In most people thought the top
notch in ctgsr store expenditures had
bean reached. Something more and
something different is promised In the
Slchel establishment.
that against which ancient Israel was
thus warned: There shall not be found
among you any oue that maketh his
son or his daughter to pass through the
fire, or a witch, or a charmer, or a con
suiter with familiar spirits, or a wiz
ard, or a necrom im er: for all that do
these things are an abomination unto
the Lord.' Deut xv!ll:10-12. .
'We may expect to see spiritism grow
rampant aa it neara the close of Its
career, for, says the prophet: The
devil Is come unto grou, having great
wrath because he knoweth that he hath
but a short time.'
'The Bible attributes to the devil all
pretended communication with the
dead, upon which both ancient and mod
ern spiritism was and Is and always
will be based. If the devil can hypno
tise people, snd make them believe they
are communicating with the departed
spirits of their dead friends, when, in
fact, they are talking to himself, they
are very apt to believe all that he tells
S. . Bollinger Welcomed by Con
gregation of Wigs I d Congregational.
At Highland Congregational church
yesterday morning the new paator. Rev.
E. S. Bollinger, delivered his first ser
mon. He was greetocYat both the morn
ing and evening services by large con
gregatlona. In outlining his policy as
pastor of the church he said bis first
object would be to get in touch with
the young people and the strangers.
'The Helpfulness of Christ" was the
subject of the morning sermon. He
"Every sermon I shall preach from
this imlplt will recognise the necessity
of bringing Jesus Christ' Into the Uvea
of the people."
Next Friday evening a reception will
be tendered the new paator and hla wife
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mann. East
Eighth and Going streets.
sraeh Is Oreat Question of Philosophy
at All Ages, Bays Dr. A. A. Morrison.
Dr. A. A. Morrison discussed ths text
"Sanctify them through truth; Thy
word la truth" at Trinity church yes
terday morning. In his sermon he
held that the great question of phil
osophy snd of the sgea had been that of
'What Is TruthT' Jesus knowing the
great welding power of truth had sent
his followers to every part of the world
to preach truth. Through It tha na
tions would be sanctified and saved.
The text had been a prayer for the
unity of God's children for the welding
together of the whole family of God.
To know what truth and to study Its
meaning will lead the human race
nearer God for He Is truth snd the
study of truth will teach of his teach
ings and guide the feet of man in the
paths set apart by the Creator for hla
life journey.
It Is to Conquer la Faee of All Hard
ships, Declares Dr. B. D. Bouse.
Dr. E. L. House preached at the First
Congregational church yesterday morn
ing on the subject of "Paul's Cloak,
Books and Parchment" and In the
evening gave an Illustrated lecture on
Egypt. Tn the morning sermon Dr.
House drew the lesson from his text
that man should struggle against the
misfortunes of life snd conquer them.
He showed that Paul was poor and de
serted by his friends and exposed to
hardships. In spite of theee facta he
Never in History of Portland
Were Rooms in Such Great
Rooms Often Engaged Days in Ad
vance by Experienced Travelers
More Modern Hotels An Needed
to Accommodate .the Public.
Never In the history of Portland, with
the exception of last year, when the
exposition was on. have the hotels been
so crowded as they have this year. For
weeks people have been compelled to
wait for rooms, while many have been
turned away to seek lodging at boarding-houses
and second and third-class
hotels. Where these people finally find
rooms In which to stay while In the city
la a myatery, for. the overcrowded con
dition has net only prevailed at the
first-class hotels but In all others, down
to the 10, 20 and 60 cent plsces.
People who are traveling a greater
portlbn of. their time are aware of the
conditions prevailing at the hotels In
Portland and often wire the manage
ment a week ahead for reservations.
Men who have wired only a day ahead
have been, known to wslt a Say at sev
eral of the leading hotels before they
could be accommodated with the kind
of room they desired.
Rooms with a bath are at a premium,
and to hear a traveler whisper Into the
clerk's ear that he haa been on the
train for a week and haa had no chance
to bathe is but a line in the dally com
edy going on at Portland hotels these
days. It la the man who travels about
with an air that he owns every hotel he
stops at that furnishes the greatest
smuaement In the hotels at present.
Clerks sre unsnlmous In saying that
this class of travelers are mostly bluff,
and when they find the hotels crowded
and that their patronage Is not really
required to pay the expenses of the
hostelry, they change their overhearing
manners snd become the meekest sup
plicants before the shrine of the myth
ical bedtamond-studded clerk.
More women have been traveling
alone thla year than ever before in the
history of hotel life In Portland, and
they, too. have added to the amusement
of the dally life. Aa a general thing
these travelers easily adapt themselves
to whatever condition msy present It
self, but the scarcity of rooms st a
late hour of night generally frightens
them. They see prospects of walking
the streets at a late hour hunting for
a place to sleep and conjecture up
visions of nights spent walking about
thai streets. Their imaginations are
usually fertile, and they allow them to
work overtime when they find no room
at the first hotel they apply to.
Question of More Motels.
The continued prosperity which haa
resulted In crowded conditions has again
raised the question, of a new and mod
ern first-class hotel for Portland, but
so fsr aa can be learned no steps have
been taken for Its construction. Sev
eral months ago a rumor was circulated
that a new hotel would be erected at
Council Crest, but hotel men say that
this project has been dropped and that
the men who were supposed to be be
hind It have given up all Idea of build
ing. These seme men agree that a
hotel upon the heights would prove sn
admirable Investment and would attract
fine class of trade.
Hotel men agree that the time la
soon at hand when a new hotel will
have to be4bullt In Portland, one that
will be modern and up to date In every
particular. The hotel men. In comment
ing upon the great number of travelers
who hsve been their guests this year,
declare that tha class of patronage haa
been better than they have entertained
In previous years, which, they say,
shows that the wealthier class of peo
ple hsve been visiting Portland with
a view of Investing In Portland projecta
. Coach for Debaters .
(gperisl Dispatch to The Journal.)
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. .
Professor 3. B. Brtndley of the de
partment of economics In the university
has been appointed by the committee
on oratory and debate coach for the de
bating teams during the year.
went his way teaching and would not
have changed his position for worldly
possessions or great honor. The great
point of the sermon, however, was that
Christ did not desert Paul, and will
not deeert any of hla followers but
will remain steadfaat and true to hla
disciples through Ufa
By special arrangements with the manufacturer we are able to cut out jobbers' profits and wm yoa'
a high-class Sewing Machine at the regular wholesale price. We order these great Machines by
the hundreds and ship in carload lots.
$ 1 .00 Down; 50 Cents a Week
w. V V V , " - ' -
Ws give yon the very best attachments ever made, absolutely FREE. We alto give you free services of a lady
instructor if you sre not familiar with sewing machine, Our machine and ear plan of FREE INSTRUCTION
enables the inexperienced mother to do her own sewing. The machine will soon pay for itself.
Call and investigate. Be what we offer. it
S1 v :t . ... '"
On the eve of his departure to fields
of new endeavor. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise,
rabbi of Temple Beth Israel, delivered
aa testimonial to the universal spjrit
which characterises the T. M. C A. a
forceful sermon yesterday afternoon at
the regular Sunday services of that In
stitution. The rabbi took as Is his
theme, "Trie Pillars Of the Republic"
After dwelling on the church aad the
home as two of the main supports of
tha nation, he said:
"Another of the great mainstays of
this republic is the public school; this is
an Institution pre-eminently democratic,
that puts the son of the rich men on the
same level aa the son of the poor man.
Bnt the system of private schools la a
system I deplore. It Is a barrier to the
spirit of democracy, and I will venture
to say that In SO years. If this system
continues, the rich men's sen will not
know his brother of the poorer class."
Buffalo Convention. , v
On aecount of the big convention of
Christian churches et Buffalo October
If to IT, the Canadian Pacific haa made
a rate of $84.50 for the round trip.
Tickets on sale October I and Long'
time limit. Make your sleeping car
reservations now. Double dally train
service. For further particulars, call
on or address F. R. Johnson. T. A P.
A.. 141 Third street. Port lend. Oregon.
11 J 1
Machines for
And all we
Is the price which we set three
years ago for a good, serviceable,
nice appearing suit Since then
we have sold THOUSANDS
of them to as many SATISFIED
customers We want to number
j you among these Come in and
look us over You will not be
urged to buy Other stores say
$15 for no better suits
That's why we are doing the
of Portland
ask you to pay is
Sewing Machine business