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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY gVENINO, OCTOBER 8, 19. It CLEANING AND DYEINO. FINANCIAL BANKS. REAL COLLEGE WIDOW Journal , I Tke Above POR SALE REAL ESTATE BEMSMBEB BAST SIDE PROPERTY IS IMIBOVINU IN VALI E RAPIDLY AND THAT WE ARE MAKIXI. A SPECIALTY OF EAST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. Bt'CHTEL KERNS. S8 Eaat Morrison 1 t. 8. 7 AND -ROOM bouses with nle lota on improved .treat: city water, dose ta Mr line; alao school churches, atorea. ate, from 11,000 up: wtU take Tacant lot. piano or team ss first payment balance 116 to WO month ly. Call at Marguarette at.. MontaTilla, or Shone Eaat 4189 Owner en street all dsy undsy. j Bargains lata, Columbia Heights. 1 lot Clb Tarda la ext. Ho. S. t Iota. Park addition to Albtna. lota, Foxebaee addition. Slots, North IrTingtoa. lota. Trcmont. 1 lot, Tabaees. THE BKALY IN VESTMENT CO.. S10-2U Ablngton. A BARGAIN Bean-Hal now modern home. rooma; particularly well ronetructad, artlatlc houaa, corner 100x100; no agents, owner, N 40. ear Journal. FOB RALE A fine corner lot on Union avenue, wenlmprovsd. paying IS par cent en price BI'CHTEL ft KERNS, 362 Eaat Morrlaon St. 8,400 Broadway, do tn, T noma, full basement, furnace; an excellent buy. Beat aid Vi Mock with old 8 room bouse. In choice location, between B carUnaa. (3,700. Wa baa 1 ana homee In Holladay Park dlalrlrt for aria; will take you to see them. V, buck and B room houaa with full bsse ment and many convenlencee, In good loca tion; will Increase in Taloe rapidly; $8,300. 12 son Monroe at.. rooau. full cement basement lot 46x100. 13.0O0 House and 2 full lota on Sellwood. $4.800 Flue bom In Ladd'a addition, nearly new, furnace, ail modern. PACIFIC 2488. 67 SHERLOCK BLDO. TO THE GREAT HARBORS COMB THE ftRBAT niTIBS ." Special bargain price on 100 lota ta Vooer's rruttvaie BUDOivision coos nay. neiora in venting elsewhere gat price, description and terms. Open evnlngs by appointment. 610 Lumber Exchange. Second and Stark sts. Telephone Pacific 188. Portland. Oregon. PRICE $1,880 for house and lot built by my elf; bath, closets, besement and everything complete. Call on owner. 888 Division at. FOR SALE FId bom at 880 Corbet t at. Phone Sellwood 114. 8 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS, prime land and loca tion for a bona. Investment Co., 244 Stark. 10 OF those big St. Johns lota left; yon can take Ma) or more. $240 each ; 10 per cant down, 110 per month. Owner, room 7, Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Washington. AMD lO-ACRE TRACTS, prima land and loci investment Co.. s niiri BARGAINS FOB SOMEONE. My modern -mom home, full brick meat. btg lot esuil. an klnda large ant aaaaH fruit, two Mocke to beet carllne in city small barn. $2,700. half caah. No. 1229 41st aad Eaat Taylor. Owner; phone Beat SVATj -ACRE tract tor eels, partly cleared, near ear line ; no agaata. B SO. care Journal. FINE 8 sere tract, city limits. 6 blocks from ear.- rnnnlng water, $2,600. Holllster A Watson, 818 Commercial blk. BY OWNER LEAVING CITY, modern 8-room cottage: gis aad electric lights, finely finished Inslds and out. os lawn, lota of roeee aad abide trees, corner lot; sta bargaia; easy terms If desired. MBH Height are, FOR SALE FARMS. a-HRBR GOOD BUYS 80 seres good rich land: 1$ Sxerea under good state of cultlvstlon. 8 acre more eaalty cleared, balance la green timber; comfortable 2 story 4 room house, good hern, granary, woodshed chicken bouss. large chicken-yards and perk: S acrea la bearing orchard of sorted fruits, good well and living water en piece, land renrea ana cross -crneea, mile from school. 3V milee from good coun try town and 14 miles from Vancouver, on good county road; including 2 milch cows. 1 teem, harneaa and waron. 1 buxay. plow. harrow, cultivator and all email tools, such aa axes. aawa. wedgea, etc.; 78 bushels whest, $0 chickens, a good potato-digger. 8 acres oi dot toes; all tor only az.auu; nan coon balance A ner cent. 44) acrea. all good land; 22 acrea under good atste of cultivation, more quite easily cleared; 10 acrea elegant green timber, nv lag stream through place, V4 mile country store, I. O. 0. F. hell, school. mil rrom etc.. r.m mmI m. .... A t.l.nKnn. 1 1 u hi piece: without timber. ll.lOO. or with tim ber, gl.ano; M mile rrom sawmill. 40 acrea. all nice laud, about half cleared balance haa been sis shed and aeeded to clover and timothy; a good 4 room boaee, good barn, workahop, woodshed, rhieken-houac, etc.: place fenced and cross-fenced, young orchard, rood well and living stream, uulle a little cedar timber, 1 mile from school, 2 miles rrom country town snd 10 miles rrom Vancouver; Includes cows, l mil, young aloes, tssm, harneaa nnd wagon, buggy cultivator, plow and all other farm toola new mower and new hsyrake, cresm sepal a eel ham full hay. etc.: ill for $2.Sno. Call on or address THOMPSON SWAN. Fourth and Main sts.. Vsncouver. Washington. Reference: Vancouver national nana BEST bareala In Washington Farm. 100 acres. an under fence, crone fence; 80 in cultiva tion, good orchard. 230 tree, apples, pears. plume, prunes ann merries, goou noose, nirn, root house cblrkenbonee. team. harm SI wagn. alow, harrow, etc.: 8 rowe, 1 yearling heirer. hay In bars. Its miles rrom boat landing snd railroad station; price 2.2i. terras. Call or addreee W. Eastman, cor. Esat ISth and Preecett sts., Portland. Or. HO ACBEB FOB SALB; fenced. 100 acres cultivated. 80 acrea pasture house, large barn and outbuildings; eehoelfeouae la piece; good orchards, well watered, free delivery of mill, telephone: 4 miles from RldgeBeld. Washington: worth glO.Oon snd more; price $8,000; terms g.i,iHX) caaa, oaisnoe ro suit stock and machinery can bepurchaaed. W W. McCredle, Vancouver, Washington. 10 ACRES choice farm lend, good new 8-room bam. 2 ciaterna, trail, nerriea; very deelrsble for home; half mile north Gray aneTmMia MaaaiMi ' !!"' '' HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS Fon SAI.K Turn of well ms tcbed blacks. weigh 1,200. Apply to Slider back A Crane - uo., jai oaa at. FOR BALB OB RENT Horace and carriages by the day, week or month. Portland Riding .us, ioid ssi aww. B0RSX8 and boggle for rent by day. week! ana month; special rata to mean Sixth and Hawthorne. Eaat 72. COVERED, tea wagon, cheap: must sell at ones inquire ana Eaat Sixth, norm, corner rmsver FOB SALE Sorrel mare. Crsne Bottle Co uth end Couch A. Phone Main 2288: WORN aale. 880. Call IBM Atlantic BARTER AND EXCHANGE. OB BAI.B or exchaage. grocery store, tn good valley town: gend kalians, but have business tattrseta aleewhere. Box 843. HUMboro, Of. Classifieds Are Read WASTED Ldy to take ere ef infunt and board udh. Addreee i 18. car Journal. Ad Brought 27 Enough Said ; Read Journal Classifieds "Not Only Interesting but Profitable' BARTER AND EXCHANGE 100 Acres Free Dairy lanch. 60 acrea cleared, orchard, horse, and s-ig piped to the bouse, near Hlllsboro. 22 miles from Portland; 40 acrea good timber, will cat enough lumber and wood to par for the whole thing; I only want pay for my work clearing the land and other Improvements thrown In free, or wlU trad for city property. Address L 18, care Journal. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. C. LEE COMPANY BIUM-Vl.ana mwas anu ou.iuo. Wa are alwaye In the market either to bay or eell any active mining or Industrial stocks. It will pay you to gat oar prices. B. W. DONAHUE, Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 18-20 Lafayette Bldg. TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, aa viae pieces; lowest prices. W. U. iaowstl. oaa uuntxr or -.oat- ABOUT 8O.O0rJ.000 feet near lower Columbia river; alao several good trade in Douglas ana Carry counties. Addreee Box 642, Astoria. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WB buy. cell cr trade any old thing. The Peo ple a furniture House, xisa rront et., corner Salmon. Tel. Main 4200. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at. the ok Store. 220 Yimklll et Old BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or for salt on easy payments . THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLKNDER CO. 4 Third St.. Portland. SEWING-MACHINES bought aold. exchanged. o ana on; a wo renieu. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. ,827 Washington St. , WE prltrt your name on 60 calling cards, proper alae ana style, anc; iiou ouaiuoss carw, si. A. W. Sob ma la Co., tJB Flret. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to-order; second-hand goods for aale. Carlson a aiu strom. 288 Couch at. Phons Clay 871. SHOWCASES, countera. Bit urea bought sold or exdiauged. Western salvage uo.. an waaw lag ton st. Pacific 788. WE need furniture and will pay full veins Phone PscISe TBS. Weetera Salvege C en Washington at. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Burs care tor rheumatism. Bead by all druggists. t BAR FIXTURES, poolUUe. aafe. tables, chairs. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 Washington st. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines st varv low nnces: singer, wneeier m wusare, a Domestic. White. BoaaebuM. Davla etnrr rlaoii hers; to make room for new stock Wheeler Wilson and Singer S. 8. SlgeL 888 Mor- at.. Marqnam Brag. ARTISTS' materials, picture and frsmlng. U. aloorbouse m Co.. xia Aioer ex. miRBT THEKS of the onlv orlgnal parent tree, the new cherry, the oiant; nrst-ciaa tree. Julius Kalllch. Woodlewn. Oregon g6t0 NEW upright piano. $168; another upright. gzo; organ, ain. xsivt rxrsi, upsiaira. WHITE Spits pup, chesp: none better. Oak urave. Oregon city canine R 01. Journal. FOR HALE Wcll-eqtilpped 8-chalr barber a bop good bull nee gig nam at. FOR SALE Fin pedigree bull terrier puppies 408 ivao St., near t.rann are., t-oriiano. wr, MANURE for aale and piling done. Eeit 8067 FINE aaddle horae for aale. TBI Vancouver are., near nee en. - BRESH oysters delivered to any part of city. Htng Lee, 271 Taylor at. BUGGY and nay boggy her for sale chesp Eaat 18tb and Hnone sts. PERSONAL. DBTBCTTVB AGENCY OenBdentl al Investlgs Hons; reports fnratahed en Individuals, their character, responsibility, etc.: bed debts col lected; aalaalng relafivee Iocs ted. chsrges leexeu; aaissiag nwiow swwi, laaipw reaeooahle, correspondence solicited. Oregon Detectlv. Service. ofScee P08-204 Flledner bldg.. 10th end wsshlagtue Fheae Mala 8818. 28 CENTS ALL FOB 28 CENTS Phone FOR A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And swim, strike the big tank at the Port land Natatortum Batha; steam and Turkish batha a specialty. See the big algn. "Bathe '' Open 8 a tn to 12 p. m. Corner Washington and Second eta. Expert chiropodist on hsnd. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hoepltal; quiet location and apodal cere. Dr. Atwaxl. .IBOtj Morrteon et.. room 8. Phooe Piclflc 1758. MANLY vigor reitored by Dr. Boberte' Nerve Glob ilea. One month' treatment. $8: $ months. JB; aent securely seeled by mall. Agenta. Weodard. Clarke m Co.. Port Is ad. Or. RRtTNR PII.I.3 CUT sll ot mnaenlar srsakness. For Pries $1 a box. 8 boxes 88. lth fan gnsrsn tee. Addreee or cell J. O. Clemenson. drag gist. Second and Yamhill Ste.. Portlend. Or. A. BEINER. PRAirllCAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, fnra remodeled, repaired and rrrfred 80 years' experience Insure entire aatlsrartlon. Phone Pacific 2407. Lewie bldg. BALM Or FIGS for all female dlaeaaee. East Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084. DR. O. V. KBTCHUM promptly private skin snd special dlaeaaee. kldnev. nervous. female troubles. Csll or write. O .eV Third et.. cor. YsmhlR. Phone Peel ANY mar or woman can be etrong end happy by nelng Sexlne Pills, the greet tonic; price gl a box. 8 Boxes go. witn ran guarantee. Addreee or call J. A. Clemeueoa end Yamhill YES. Pal mo Tablets mat yea sleep perfectly; they enre aatvenaaaee and make yam strong; Dries 80 a box. 8 haxee 88. 80; gaersatsed All draggtsts. or ad drees Brooks Drua Co.. ST North Thfrd at.. Portland. Oregon. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CU . rheumatism. Bold fey an BOLD ON There la oaa thing that will care rheumatism Ask your dreg gist for hark toalr or adds a si or call 1. 4. Cleaaeaaoa. drag gist. PortltVl. Oregon TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregoataa bldg daya. gaotUmvB nights. Mala 1888. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repalrlag aa 881 TaashD at. "THE ADYENTyjBE aaaf a8TJlfrv4fi BTav that W aft. "Sweet Den r. "A Ysee "A Sod 1 1 .Hwa UBg." "lrBaar et Eeeda l" 80 cent eeee. a. w. OB.. Firat at. DR. BINO CHOONG Importer Chinee rani medicines: sells Chinese Chinese tss, certain cure rot all dh 181 2d., bet. Yamhill aad Taylor antra while son welt. BOe abide pressed, so, wllhsrt JfaiH trt next ta Quells. Phone PaartSe WtL EUREKA BUSINBBS IN8TIT1TTB-Tb nana! ha Bah SB; beet shorthand eyateas. 843 Aah. PrTYSICAI. culture all branches, aad maeaaga; Indivldnal and claaa Instruction ; prime home treataaent It desired. The Htngler Answers PERSONAL. TOUR shoes ehtned free of charge et the Model Berber-Shop; sharing 18. VIAVI CO., Eewhj bldg., 850 W Morrlaon; bee lie talks to women Thuradays, 2:30 p. m. THE October Matrimonial Register le Just out. 10c, revised snd enlarged, with photon; moat complete ever published. 24 Ruaael bldg. PRESERVE . your hair; scientific treatment: dandruff and ecacma positively cared; gray or faded hair restored to natural color with out the nee of lead or dye; French face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Parlors, suite 23-24 Selflng-Hlrech bldg.. 10th aad Washington. Phone Pacific 2488. HANDKERCHIEF kimonos made to order end for sale. 88V va BaBOnd at. Hoom . LESSONS given In magig tricks, hypnotism. apiritaaitatic wore ana seoona signi; easily and quickly mastered; apparatus aold reason able. Oro Shah. 840 Second at. BEST magaalne clubs ever offered: send 're prices; agenta wanted, jones noox store, fit Aider St., Port Is ud. Or. WKBFOOT OH Blacking saves the leather) ab solutely waterproof. DR. T. f. PIERCE cures all nervous, chronic and private dlaeaaee; both aaxee; office treat ment, 50c to $1. Call or write 181 First at, comer Yamhill. Portland. Or. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin and Cotton Root pills are the only aura remedy for delayed Pnioda; by mall $2 per box. Addreee Dr. lerce. 181 Flret et., Portland. MADAME VASHTI, DERMATOLOGIST Cures all dlaeaaee or the scalp ana lace; sug gestive therapeutics: old and new patients received at 201Vs Third at., ear. Taylor. THE business man' reet; poaltlve cure for ner- Tousnesa aad alek headache. Boom o, i Alder et. . 2 YOUNO ladle give face and aealp massage: no Mi f ourth, corner wsanington. MISS RAYMOND glvea face and aealp mu ll go at 208 H Morrlaon at., room 14. Miss ENGLISH, chiropodist, gives electric, magnetic and aealp treatments. 224'.j YVexli Ington et., between Flret end Second. Rooma MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. No Charge to talk It over. Mrs M. D. Hill, Room 880 Flledner Bldg. Pbope Tacific 136. MARRY 2,000 worth $100 to $100,000; paper 10c. sealed; established 10 yeers: hank ref erence. L. L. Love, Box 1800, Denver, Colo. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors; ladles and gentlemen. 861 a Morrteon at., room 14. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, Montana Assay Office. .888 Murrleaa aa. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteenth aad Washington -Agents lor cauiuac. nsrra. Great Arrow and Stavaaa Daryea ate machines rented, repetred aad stored. r: ARCHITECTS. H B. MBNORS. Archltsct. 113 ART. FBBB LESSONS In embroidery every day: new atamped shirtwaists, corset-covers, bo lero Jeckets, hate, umbrellas, etc. The Needleersft Shop. 883 Washington at., be tween West Park and Tenth eta. PROFESSOR R MAX MEYER. 848 Aider. Portrait aad landscape art let aad teacher. ATTORNEYS J. s WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law, notary public. 68 and 88 Washington bldg. BATHS MAS8AGE. YOUNG lsdy. lust arrived from the eaat, glvea maaaage trastments. Room 8, 281 H Alder it. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHER supplies 8. Blrkenwald Co.. 804 808 Everett at.; largest butcher supply houaa on the coast. Write for est slog. BliTCHBBS SUPPLIES- Adolnb A. Dehorn, 181-188 First at., carries a tall lies sad rata rVts aeaortmeat at lowest ssarfcat prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS KILHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank book manufacturers: agenta for J ones Improved Loose Leaf ledgers; as the saw Eureka leaf, the heat or. the market. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J A. MELTON, the carpenter. 204 Fourth at. Store and office work. Mela 1787. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY! WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OB NO CHARGE. CITIZENS' LAW ft COLLECTION CO.. CITI- EKNS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM 18. 122 Va GRAND AVB. PHOBB BAST CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant aa the coast- Lorlng sad Harding sts.. tele phone Eaat 280 Carpets cleaned. refitted sewed and laid; both stesm snd lstest com preesed air process; renovating mst tresses and faathera a apedalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction sad com- COAL AND WOOD. THS PORTLAND FUEL CO.. 8(1 ccb Bors to C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO.. Phone East SB. 887 B- Morrieoe at. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers In eordwood. coal and green ead dry alahwnod, B.B aad mm' m ' : r : r. r alaa. leweet rstee: strtrtlv confldeatlsl STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.e-Deslere la ceal. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. eurataned aad dry aUhwowBT raaa Baat 484, m Mohawk bldg.. cor. TWvd aad Morrison OREGON rUEL CO All kinds of deal aad WANTED Not ea. mortgages or centracta ea wild SB4 Alder at. Phone MaBB 88. any kind of real eatats In Oregon snd Wsshlng. 1 ' " ton; second mortgsges purchased If well ae- WaatTEBN rEED ft rUEL CO. Hoaaa aad rwrad. H. E. Noble. tf Commercial hTk. hlackamlth coal. Phone Main 1018. . MONBY TO LOAN BOX, block and etabwood. Star Bat awed Oh. On city Improved real eatate at 8 and T par Phone Mala 2148. east, I ar B yeare. Moaltoa ft Scepey. 01 maBBUBBBseeamss Columbia bldg CAFES. MONBY LOANED. In anma to anlt. on feral - - - r . - -i - - - . . T.T-LJT-T.T- T-i-i-rr tsr. pianos and other securities W. A. TBS orriCB-2gB waablagtoa St.. paesjs Mala ?'T1,ro,,- 10 Waahlngtaa bldg.- P Ttl. Saasael Tlgaeax. 'wSs, PRIVATE money tn loan ea real eatate; rahes CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST' " fig7,ercta'ih'hi. " MMB SING A. Egyptian eeereae; healing U.W rate en furniture, etc. ; maSdeatlel 228 through pey chic force; reeding dally. 80c rlledn.r bldg.. 10th and WaaMagtoa. Pad npwara. Ohaanos jag H Muritaaa st. . sgno , CHIROPODISTS. wnna. fcT rU? s wHZZ flg CHIBOPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HIM. do LOAN Same to salt ea .Battel secadty; Beeea $88 rUedaar Bldg. PhasM W. 188. B. A. mass, lid the MirgBIM. Btiltorlam Tillering Co. Pr ladlee' work a specialty. efcag aad cleaning: 1ST Lewaedale at. Portland Steam Cleaning Dyeing Worka: prsc Ileal battar tn connection. Ml 4th. PeelSe 80T. CI.OTHB8 rlMw4 awl Caique Tailoring Co., (I M tark ac H. W. T1TBNEB. MSfiaateaal 4far an in Mmm at. Phaa Mala ! ama DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy. leading eehool ; ballroom etiquette, correct social aad classic dancing; both sexes: young folks, adulta: In atrucllon dally. 80S Alder. Tel. M. 1061. Prof. Bugler, dsnrlng inaeter. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claaa. Mou.. Thurs. and Sat. eve:; ehlldren'a claaa Sat. afternoon. Social, faacy and etcp dancing taught. Fencing taught. Western Academy half cor. 2nd and Morrlaon. Pacific ISSo. BROWN'S Dancing Academy. Bqrkhard hall. 887 H East Rurnslde; phonV Mala 8718. Social dance Tneedaya; claaa night Thnredaye. PROF. EATON Dancing achool; claae tor ladlea aad geuta Monday and Thursday evenings. Irion hall. Phone Eaat 2804. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, 828 Washington et., ear. Sixth. Guarantee all work. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angel Main las Dressmaking Parlors, 242 Fifth and Ma Pacific 882. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, rontrsc- rs, repairers, electric wiring, suppllea. 84 rat, ear. Stark. Main 888. R. H. Tats. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOK ,8 81 Sixth at Contractors, electric supplies, motor and dynamos; we install Bght aad power pleats. EDUCATIONAL. MA BY DAVIS MAGINNIS. teacher of conven tional aad naturalistic ehtna; wster-color heada a specialty. Studio 821 B 8th at., N. FURNACES BOTNTON warm-air ftirnscee SSVs faeL J. CL Bayer Furnace Co.. 288 Secaad. Mala 81. PENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIBB IBON WORKS 288 Flanders it., ear. Third. Phone Mela 2000. BAST PORTLAND FENCB WIRE WORKS. 180 Baat Water st. Phone Eaat 82, HAY AND GRAIN. E. Is COOPER CO. Pots toss. feed Sour. 128 Union svs. Phone Baat 161T. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN, THE HATTER, 18 N. Sixth cleans aad block soft and stiff bate. Pa maa a specialty. HOTELS. THE BELLE VUE, Fourth and Salmon ate. Rooma 80c ap; rate by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. Pacific 2106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooma from 80 cent a ap; meals 28 cents. Eerentb and Everett ate. HOOD HOTEL Rooms 80c ap; rates by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited- aSVs Sixth at., 6 blocks from depot. HOTEL Portland. American plan: $8. $8 per day. BELVEDERE; European plan: 4th aad Alder ste. HARDWARE. Portlsnd Hardware Co. solicits opportunity quote price, 74 Sixth at, PaciSe 488, INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, lock bldg. fir Insurance. 844 Sber IAS. Met. WOOD, rmployere' liability aad In dividual accident aurety bonds of aU kinds. 4T. 8ffl atensy mag. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mining, aawmtll, log- glag machinery; klnda repaired. hydraulic plpea. raatlug: all 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engines, all alxes and styles, st lowest prices, f Baltaon Machinery Co.. 188-4-8 Morrison st. THE H. C ALBBB CO. Second-hand chlnery. sa win Ilia. ate. 248 Grand era. MONUMENTS NEU ft KINGSLEY. 888 Firat Bt.. Portland's leading marble and granite worka MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Money le eeey to get If yon know where to get It. We have reedy money at all tlmee. end yon can gat It en year aatery: $10 to 8100, oa beat terms aad at lowest rstes. " Wa loin oa the eaay payment plan the plan that helps yon and get yea sat ef debt. Yoa get the cash, all yoa ask for. and repay ta amount! yoa caa coaveBlently spars each payday. We do not fit nepers, require no In dorsal a. no reference to friende or employer. Open Taee. aad Sat. evenings until 8 o'clock. Hutton Credit Co. B12 (Bfb Soot) Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN OS Improved dty property or for building purpose, for from i to 10 years' time, wit privilege to repay all ar part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plana and money advanced building progresses; mortgsges trxen up and replaced. FRED K STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. THE STAR LOAN CO Any salaried employe, wage-earner, caa get ea bla Bote, without mortgage - monrn. j sxonrn. ween. 81.1.88 or 88. M or S8.8B $ 8 88 or $8.88 or 81.89 $ 4.00 or ti 00 or $1 00 Month. Vt Moat. Week $50 on Repay to aa 828.00 Repay to ea 815 00 Repay to ua ttO McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea salaries. Insurance policies, ptaaoe. furniture, warbneae re eetpta. etc.; eay deserving persoi may aeenre e Ilba liberal advance, repaying by eaay weekly NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST BOB Ablngton bldg. COMPANY MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat on your awa name no other security; don't borrow until yon see me; my system hi the beet for railroad men. elerka. bookkeepers, streetcar BSD and all other empsoves; busl neee strictly confidential r. A. Newton. 424 Ablngton bldg. MONBY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB And others upon their owa names with oat security, cheapest rstee. easiest payment': r aiacea in S rr:nt-'ai oiee, jvmamm im axoney by getting our tersaa first. YOLMAN. 212 Ablngton bldg.. lOSVk Third at. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS can n ADD at TILT0B. BABKESB (Ervahilahed able teraas. Utters of credit States. Sight Exehsnge sad Telegranale St L Denver flmah Psrls. Berlin Fraahfort. Hoautkeax. M MERCXAMTS NATI0B8X BANK. POET J FRANK WATSON Preside at I B, W. BO YT . . Ceehler Beak lag Bastneae. Dretta AR Psrts et the Warhl. u1 SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF BOBTLABD. 0EEOOB. Northwest Corn-r Third Trsnaeat. . s..v.. w-.i. V raited State she Europe Hongkong and ?da i. C. A1NSWORTB 1 VI ...K. I.EA BABNBS Aaalatant Cashier AHKERS- LTrSTBERXEX'S BANK Par Commercial and aavluga department Internet paid oa savings letters of credit leaned a. a II. 1,1. le all aa rta of the world ','- riLlu.i President I FBJ?D H BOTHCHILO... First Vice-President d 0HN A. KEATING. Secood Vice Pr eat dent rariHE BAhThT or nirirnawvi v...w,.wa , aswt Capital nald nr. 84 onrt ono I A General Ranklne and Fa, h.... In Ureal oa time deposits Accounts opened tor Portland Branch -Chamber WL A. MACRAE... , Manager I C'SST NATIONAL BANK 8F PORTLAND. - Designated Depooftorv and FlnaKdal Agent of the United State. Prseldeet A. L MILLS I C .abler . W. "rWBJwn Aaalatant Ceehler W. C. ALVORD Letters f Credit Available In Enrone snd the Eastern Btatee - . . Sleht Exchange ami Telegrapblr Transfers aeld on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. ream. St. Pail. Omaha akin Francisco and the prlactpal potato In the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In anma to suit on London. Psrls. Berlin Vrankfeet-oa the-aisia. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen Cbrletlanla. TRUST COMPANIES. riniTr llrt Twvree ravaivv a Airnna V RESOURCES OVER t1.7Vi.o0O Ceners'. b 'nklnr. 2 per cent Intereet on Chech eeoounts leven hnndreds) an dsllr helsnces of trloo or over. Letters of credit end exebenje aw parts of lb world. Savings accounts Time oertlfleetee. 8 to 4 ner cent: ahorse all special certlflcstes. $.'.(10 or over, 2i to 4 per cent. Call for Book of 'It.LUen'RATlOlJB Seatheaet Corner Third and Osk Streets. Phone Private Exchange 71." MENJ. I. COHEN President I H. L. PITTOCK . '" TTtVT?. B LEE PAGET Secretary I J. O. QOI.TRA. AaeJetant Secretary a-r FrTratTW aawneaus s. naue enwsivrv eea ,. ei.aat Baitland. Oiaeea. ! Transscts a Osaeral Baaktae Bualnrss 8A ob Tin end Savings Aecoanta. Acta as Credit Available la All r ADAMS... L. MILLS... . . .. . President Flce-Prealdeat GEO F. RUSSELL... HE vnivfi int ftniitwrvv a, TRUST Traaaarts a General Banking Bnslneaa. Department: 4 per rent Intereet a Dew CAPITAL. . 1 Etks '. WATBBBUBT President C. S. LOGAN HATS.. Temple. Seventh snd Stsrk Streets. N 3RTRWESTEKB GUARANTEE 8 TRUST Lumber Exchange. S. E. Corner Second rtarit. iofnt fob State. County. Municipal and Cor pore tin Bowls aad financed Storks and TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON MOBTGAGE LOANS ' on Portland Real Rstste st Lowest Rstes. Titles Insured. Abstracts Fsml abed J. THORBTTRN ROSS ,. President I JNO. E. AIT CHIMIN . GEORGE H. BILL ..Ylee-Presldent I T. T. BUBKHABT. ... BONDS ArlD INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Comma Municipal, railroad aad S-V OWNING HOPKINS COMPANY Eltlblllh YJ STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought Privets Wires. BOOM 4 CHAMBER THE J. C. LEE COMPANY 19-80 Lafayette Brokerage Department Bee TJe Before BnylBatorSelllag Stock a 0UIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK BTOCKB. Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Corner Sixth and Washington Streeta. PorUaad Oregon . a o a U VeTDeCK, diarr & LOOKe LO. Third St.. McKay m, CarUaad. Oregon. e ' GRAIN. BB0YISI0NS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WS BO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Contlnnou. Markets by PrivatB Wire, fjalek Service. UEFKRENCRS Ledd ft TtlteB, Bank Contlnnoua Harxata oy "J,,,, tt?tm National Bank ot Portland. MUSICAL. ONE ot tba largest storks ot sheet music and books. Reduced discounts to teschers. Lsvy's Music House. 171 Fourth street, PIANO, rtotte, banjo, tmrnbow. etartaat. Pro fessor E. A. Smith, 284 12th. Msln 4788. Tltr WEBBER STUDIO Msndolln. bsnjo. gul- tar Instruction. Glbeon mandolins ;iir Aider. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of SBYCIK. vloUn teacher, atudlo ivo eixxn. aea. eae, LESSONS SO centa on bH Instrumeats; vocal T8 centa: Instruments for sale. Tdra. Mar tin. 2414 First at. EXPERT piano tuning. Logan. 874 Oregon at repairing, etc. Phone Rest ! J. W. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Eyea Fitted. Vision Sclvotiacslly Corrected. IBS Seventh Street . DR B J MILLS Optnmrtrls' snd Eyesight Spediltat. Rooms 28 rf. 823 Waahlngton Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR ARNOLD LIN USA 1 . graduate of the Osteopathic college of Klikavllle. Mlaeouri, who la a aaedallat on rhenmatlam, stomach and all female disease Office 410 Felling bldg.. of Third snd wseoingioa m. DRS. bid ADIT ft NORTHRUP. 41B-18-1T Deham gg.. Third snn wssBingxcn sla 848. Eidknlratloo free. M: PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTEIIT Artistic printing. 28 Ruesel bldg . Fourth and hi orrises Phons Pacific 1888. PLUMBERS. FOE ft CO., Main snd ..altar, nlnmhers 31 Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala 8001 DONNERBERO ft RADEMACHER. removed ta NO. 801 Rurnslde St. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Oa.: window glass sad glsslng. IBB First at. Phone 18.14. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder at., phone Mala 710; rubber stamp, seals, stendls: baggage, trade checks; brass signs snd pistes. RBAjL ESTATE. PARHISH. W ATKINS ft CO.. estate. Inadranre. rental and agenta. 280 Aider at. Reel A. B. HICHABlSOJt REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Main .8398. J22 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. YIN ROOFtNO guttering repairing sad general pdrMng. I Loan, xia jerrsraea ax. mc. iswa. SAFES. PORTLAND SAPB CO. sole sgenta for Herring Hall-Marvin safss aad Mangai nteei acre t o a beak aafea. The largest aaeortment ef high grade fire and burglar proof aafee la the northwest. 82 Seventh at. DIBSOLO Mnngan aad 8re proof aafee; etui agalnat b star a nd ire: look aata Mr nuper mechanical expert wits 1. E. Davla. 4a Tbh Ird. Phone ISBS. EIGHT second hand fireproof aafea and two aanmd haad beak aafee for aale cheap, at 78 Sixth at.. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of deacriptloa; beak, hat I ta order. The Lutks aad store fixtures Manufacturing Co Port la ad. E B. bivT.. STREET PAVINO. WABBEN Coastrhrttoa Co., atreet pavtag. de walks aad crosatags. 814 Lumber Sxshaaga THE Barber 888 XtuiutmtVml hi 1888.1 uaee Baaineee. cotnimaa mew ai so f . lasosd evatlaele la Be roes and aU potate ta 0" Tra eaters aold oa Sew York, Waahlagpsn. v"M al Iloetana snd British CelamMs. axcawaaw Yidtoham. Msolls LAMB. OBEtrOB B. U DURHAM QEOBGB W. HOYT , . . TaaVvPff'waay Aeatataat Ceeatoe aad Utter of Credit Collect lens s SawelaMy Available t sad Oak Street. . hatm IBSURB Available la All Cities SI Manila. Co Beet loss Mad oa Fsverahl Tares e. CaehWr B. W. axTMMFBB Aaalatant caahier.,;. A. M. WBIOaTT . Hand. Oregon, Corner and Itark streets. Bt. Drafts sad B. Q. UAH H. D STOREY Cashier .Aealata it Csshler .seaaeral Caaaarl PI.ATT A PLATT. Off os Baa Fveaeesee, ChlL'arnla- Snrnlna and nndlvlded nroSte JS.8S8 Ji5,l aariaanaa Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMXP T snms of $10 and upward. of Commerce Building J. T. BPRTCHAELL Aaatareet Manaeer QBBBOB 8eoond Aeslstsnt Csshler B. P. STBYENB Stockholm. St. Petersburg. it.- rtlu Comnsnv la VINOS DEPARTMENT. . Intereet Altowed Trustee far Batatas. Draft. Parte ef the worm. L. A. LEWIS B. 0. JCBITS Aaalatant Secretary .Flret Vice-President Secrstsry COMPANY BANK. Interest Psld on Time Deposits. Ssvtags sd. compounded quarterr. ei'tu.owu.wt . MILLER ne-Pree1oBt BtaaBa and BiaiSiai. Ph'oaV'Mtln 184. Open Sstttrday Beaalas 8 to 8 COMPANY Portland and Stark Streeta i CORPORATIONS Bought end Sold. Nr bonds guaranteed .Secretary roe Bldg. public service corporation bonds. ad 183 BROKERS. snd Sold for Caah aad aa Margin. of COMMBBCB Phone Mala 8T Bldg Pert lend. Ortgon. H. W. Donahue. Manager. er Bonds. Can Always Base Ten rlfel 1 Members Chicago Board of Trade).) SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLE1SBR SIGNS. We have built ap tba largast sign bualneea In the city by first claaa work and keeping our promise. Our price ar right. Fifth aad Everett ate. Phone Ex. 88. F. P. BERGER ft SON. 284 Yamhill of all klods. Phone Pacific 2232. at. Slgne 'SIGNS THAT 287 Stark at. ATTRACT- A. H. Pfcaae pacific 1888. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO.. ear. Sixth aad Oak ate.; baggage checked from hotel or reeldence direct to destination; pa avengers therefore avoid rash aad annoy ance at depots Private Exchaage 88, SAFES, piano aad furniture moved, parked ready for shipping and ablpped: all work guaranteed; large. 8-atory brick. faw-Piwaf ware'.ouse for storage. Office 208 Oak -C. M. Olsea. Phone Mala 847. C O. PICK, office 88 First at., be twees Start and Oak ate., phone 888; ptanoe and furniture moved and packed far shipping: brick warehouse with aeparate Froet aad Clay sts COT rstee oa household good to all points esat; ws mshs np nrtoads; epedal room fir trunks while wetting. Oregon Auto-Dsspstch. 18 First at. Phone Mala TIB. PENINSULARIexpreae; dstly tripe between dty and pculnajllr: trunks delivered st city rstes. 24T Alder. Phone Meln 2171; residence. Union 1108. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hauling aad storage. PIANOS and fnrnltnre moved Can as Broa . at 806 First at Main 2211. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TBANSFEB CO. Storsge. 824 Stark at. Main 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ingtan st. Phone Mala M No. 200 Wa TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, ell makes, reeled, sold I recalled. Cceet Agency. 281 Stark TeL Id TOWEL bUPPLY. 111.-.' lUWB-S I. O I Ua- " " $1 per month Portlsnd Leondryand Supply Oo.. Nlath and CoweR. PeaB TwwS is. TELEPHONES. vur .,!. eaelnalve lelenhone - hoi BR Electric ft Telephone Manufacturing ps ay. SB Fifth at. WINDOW SHADES. e- -- . GALE WINDOW SHADE CO., pis In s lowest nd rancy aneoes prices. Ph n one Mala WHOLESALE JOBBERS THE HHEYMAN LBATHEB saddlery, hardware, none gas Inga and shoe store aapplias. CO.. Jobbers nl an. leather, nnd ruth sad Oak. A CONST ft CO. distbibut0bs of cine cioabs fobtLand. obeoon. OBEOON Farnltare Manufacturing Manufactories ef fasaltara tee Port la aft. rUBNITCBB maaafaetarlag aad special orders I. ttavsnsay a rer niters is WADHAMS ft CO.. wboleaale grocers, mass farturers sad eommlea-oa aaercbaats. Fourth aad Oak sis. EVEBDINtl ft FABBELL. nmdaee ead Hon merchants 140 greet St.. Pact land. Or. Phone Mala ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, col chants. Front aad imtaeloa and produce mer Darie eta.. Port land. Ot. STEIN ft grocers, 1 WATN aad WHOLESALE crockery and elssewars. Pteel B.gsle ft Co.. 108 t 108 Fifth, ear. -Bar aft WINES AND LIQUORS. COI.1 MBUS. California win depot; ell klnda of wlae. lie a glaaa Cooks aad Cseka' Help ere Heedque tiers, MB Fourth at. Phone Ta rifle 1188 P. Lnratl Bee Tee the Weetfleld Delly Timed Be the Boston at Albany Is to adopt the I-eent-a mile rate. That means that yoa oan go to Boston (Or IT cents isss thaa you oaa now sH Mrs. WiUiaiii D. Carlton, the youRg bride of the son of the well-known millionaire and former Yale student, who will now be a real college widow, as her husband's parents have sent him to Boulder, Colorado, to finish his studies. ENOUGH OF HOBO LIFE College Junior Beat His Way to Pa cific and Part Way Back. After having been on a tramp for two montha and occaalonally working hard In th flelda, Oacar F. Aacbman, a lunlor at Union college, Nw York, to on hia way back asst. Bays the Mil waukee correspondent of the New York World. He said it waa his firat ex perience of the kind and he didn't wish any mora of It. "I passed through here about June SO on my way west," aatd young Ach man. "I came In at 12 o'cloqjt midnight tn a freight and. went out on another freight 20 mtnuteg afterward. "The people generally don't know any thing about, the traveling that goea' on by men who don't pay their railroad) fare. When I left I thought of courae I should be obliged to take the pasaen ger trains in some placea. But hre I am after a trip from Batavla, Now York, to San Franclaco snd back again to Omaha and I never paid a cant for riding on a train. .... -a At Omaha, where I have relaUVee. I ripped some bills out of my veat, bought some clothea and have traveled the rest of the way In etyle. AU through the weat I round plenty of work lying around for any one who wanted It. At Butte a common laborer Is paid ft a day. tf a man knows a trade he gets more in proportion. "I worked a week there pushing a cement car In a new building. Then I quit and made a hlka south to some of the ranches. The work there Is hard. They pay you well, but you are on your feet in haying time from S o'sclock in the morning till lata at night. I had all I wanted at that gams In a few daya "In Missoula I formed a partnership vrlth a hobo who had been hitting the trail since the year one. He waa a little bit of everything; seemed to have worked at about rvery trade under the aun. and he carried a nice, bright re volver In his back pocket. "We didn't loaf any on our trip, you can bet. There wasn't a freight train In the schedule from the time we. left 'Boula to the morning wa plunked down in Seattle Most of the way wa rode passengers. How? Well. It wasn't on the cushions, but we got there juat the same. "If you've ever noticed a passenger car you'll remember the sort of a broad Inverted trough that runs along the top. Well, you flatten out on that about B o'clock at night whan it'a nloa and dusky, snd there you are. At stations you climb down to the off side and hide and whan the train starts up you get on top again. "At Seattle the hobo and I eepara ted by his stowing away In a lumbar boad and I worked my way io 'Frisco." "The rhea of South Amertca Is a re markable bird," raid an ornithologist. "Reallyr "Yes. The male rhea hatches out the egga. He, and not the female, ta the set ter He sets always In a quiet and dasan lata place, where there is no food, noth- I Ing to nttarct enemies: ana, as soon as I the young are born, the question la how to feed them? 'The rhea answers that question In ad vance. Three or four oays oerore ine egga are to open, he ahoves a couple of them out of the nest with his Mil, snd lays them In the aun. "What Is the reault The; result la that the hot Sooth American sun decomposes the eggs, and the father breaks them as the young birds begin to appear In the neat, and the flies settle on them, and In 14 hours they are alive with worms tonder, Juley, delicious worms, ths beet food In the world for the nest ot new born Mrdllngs. There Is not thst Ingenious Is sot the rhea remarkable V "Ha rbea-ly Is." Fall of Tn the lale of -Egg. one of the He brides, there Is a cave Into which one can hardly creep on hands and knees. Inside It widens enormously snd runs down to the terrific depth of over 2tt feet To this day the bottom Is strews thlek with humdli bones, the relics of the whole clan of Macdorwlds, Over 28 In number, who were miserably suffo cated try the Marleods from the Isles of flkve The tragedy la supposed to i have occurred la the thirteenth century. Now remember, please, September Meeds and smiles and siMMen weestBC Are, at your age. very sadly Out Of keeping. April may, full Well, be playful. But when you are coy aad naughty You r tee like a painful simpering Flirt of forty. .a the OarrJlno Neper! The report that A a erep ef makes the uiospe backaches that then, but the tbesa. stubs er-jo..rM. -m -oosteok Win Bars m