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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
1 wwii. mi Iff THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1906. 1 NEW TODAY. Brooke & Kiernan ti TKims mm. POR Inside AND Water Front PROPERTY R. L. CATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Peal Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANOE 70. ONLY 1 DAYS Left In which to ret one. of those beau tiful lota in Green's Addition At $550 Per Lot After October 10i 10, prices ad vance 10 per cent. OO TODAY. These lots are high and sightly, over looking the river and on the West Side 12 minutes' ride to business. TERMS EAST. See M. E. LEE 80, Haleli-h ldg 383 Wash. -Phone raclSo a. PORTLAND, October 8, 1888. ' THE FOUNDATION OF OUR CONTINUED SUCCESS eee la every department. Strict adherence to safe and aoond bank ing prtnctplee. Active partldnetloo of both o-neeeo sad directors la the conduct of the bask. A desire to ascertain the seeds of our depositors willing seal and ability te meet them promptly and eatlafactorlly. . Oor Special Certificates of Deposit appeal to the merchant and baelnees man aa a temporary Inveatment for aorplue foods amount lag to M0 or over. They beer Interest at the rate of IV, to 4 per rest per annum aad are payable on short call Call or writs for ear booklet of lllnatratlona. Portland Trust Company of Oregon g. E. eor. 3d and Oak ate. Phone Kg, Tt. BENJ. I. COHEN President B. L. PITTOCK Tlee-Prealdrnt B. LRE PAGET Secretary t. O. GOLTRA AosUtast S-cretary A GOOD BARGAIN Most beautiful new East Side house, eight (8) rooms, lot lOOx 100, on car line. Phone Main 4857 Ware Room For Rent 50100, brick building, ground floor, First and Couch streets; rents reason able ; lease. Portland Trust Company of Oregon . a. cor. Third sad oak. Pkna ax. 7a. UREENWAY (PORTLAND HEiOHTSX. The most beautiful locations In thla addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llgntr, gas and graded streets. Superb view of ML Hood, Eaat Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lots 1500 each. Terms. w HI TBI a Blillall, Building. All Kinds of Land In every part of Oregon with reliable agenle In every county. We have no roaenn to mlareprerent conditions, as We are squally Interested in all parts of this state. A full list of Oregon (arm mortgagee asat bonds orthwestern Guarantee and Trust Company lg. (Beeead Floor) sag Btaxk Ska. NEW TODAYT FOR SALE 3 Acres WAREHOUSE PROPERTY On N. P. track. west of Wwtarn Clay Co. Solid cround. 00 FIST W1T1B riOMT. Neat to Portl.iod Flouring Mills. oo rm Tim fbomt Next to wast end of new Northern Pa cific brlda. Urooke dt Kiernan CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hat of Oregon and Washtng- ton farms, fruit, train, hops, potato and stock growers, number In family, ages, etc. Call or write us for prices. Rural Directory Co., II Fourth street. win frout m m 1.000 feat waterfront on Willamette. A choice njlll site tor sawmill or any heavy manufacturing business: deep wster. 2ft seres of land AiMr.i. T 17 Journal. WEATHER REPORT. A high pressure tree of considerable strength la central over Alberta and fair weather pre. valla la the Rocky mountain and Pacific atataa. with nearly normal tenipera tores. A atom of decided character la central over northern Wlecoaaln and light abowera have fallen Is aeattered places to Iba upper Mississippi valley and the lose region. Another blgb preaaure area ovrrllea the middle Atlantic atatea and light to beevy Trusts bare occurred is that aii'BBB. The Indications are for fair weather In thia district toslgbt and Tuesday, with no derided mange in lemperatnra. Temp Hat. .. TO .. M .. et .. go .. eg .. M . n .. M .. Tt .. Ts .. TO .. 74 .. BO .. n S let Inns - Baker City, Oregon Baton, Maaeachusetts... Chicago, Illlaola Denver, Colorado Kanaaa City, Mlaaourl Loa Angeles. California. New Orleans. Louisiana. New York, New York... Mln Preclp. 41 .0 42 o 54 .0 6g .0 02 4 68 .0 02 .0 44 M .0 42 .0 80 .0 4g .0 66 .0 48 .0 48 .0 08 .0 48 .0 Cortland. Boeebnrg. Oregon Bt. Louie. Mlaaourl Ball Lakt, Utah Man 1'rauclsoo California.. Spokane, Waehlngtoa Teoome. Waablngtnn , Walla Walla, Waablngtnn Waablngton. D. C 4 80 TO MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Cati. 47: Anna Jarvelo, 30. Charles L Dickie, 28; Alma M. Koepp. 22. Wedding Cards. W O. Bmltk t Co.. Waeh Ington bldg.. cor. Foerth and Waahlngtoa eta. Wedding aad calling cards engraved or printed. T. Rnabton. S22V. Waablngton at. Hloa Bertha Martin, room 112 AlUky bldg. Stamping and Osa needlework; laei nea given. Full dreas anlta for rest, all ok Tailoring Co.. 808 Stark at BIRTHS. NKEDHAM -October 2. to Mr. and lire. Nelaon Needbam, 52 Twenty-third atreet, north, a boy. f PRICE October 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Price, Tit Booth Anderson, hoy twine. M ALOY September 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Maluy. 354 Seventh, a boy. PKI.TON October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace I Peltoa, 1T2 East Twenty-eighth, north, a gin. DEATHS. MOORE October 8. Erms Moore, 0 years. Good Samaritan hospital, typhoid (ever. MA HO A RET October 0, Martha Margaret, 21 years, Oood Bamarltaa hospital, typhoid fever. WHITE October 4. Jay White, 40 yesrs, Tenth and Lovejoy. concnaalon of brain. W KSTKRBLAI) October 5, Vernon Weeterblad, 8 years. 2gT OeVbett, heart failure. M'KKNEIB October 5. John MacKensle. 88 yeara, Oood ' Samaritan boapltal, mitral regurgitation. FUNERAL NOTICES. TABMNLBR At HUledala. October T. 1888, Katharine Tlensler. wife of Mike Taeaaler. aged 47 years, 1 month and 10 days. Friends aad acquaintances araV respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at her late rraldenee Tueaday. October w, it a p. m. Isternaent Greeawooq cemetery UNDERTAKERS. Donning, McKntee Ollbangh. ssdac takers end emhalmera; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Lady aea latent. A. B. He aaatock. nudertaker sag embalmer. Eaat Thlrteeatk and Umatilla a vs. Phone Bell wood Tl, Erlckeen 1'ndertaktne Co.. and embalming. 408 Aider at. Phone Main 8118. Lady aaalataat. J. P. Ptalsy A Sobs. Third and Madtaoa ata. Ofore of eoenty core nee. Phoae Mai i 8. CLARKE BEOS.. Florlere- Pine flawera and Moral ueaigna. 2SB Morrlans at. Edward Holman. Badertaker. ISO Third at RIVER VIEW CEMETERY. tingle graves 810. Family lots 878 a The oaly cemetery la Portland wbleb per petaally maintains aad rarea fee lets; Pse ran Information apply to W R. Markenata. Woe eeeter block, city. W M. Ladd. preeldent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry Hamburg aad wife to Ludwlg Yost. lot 2. Mock 12. Alblna Home atead I D. E. Keaaey to Margaret Anne Bernard, lot 18, Hlllvlew, being a eahdlvlelon of block 18, Ravensvlew J. C. aad L. A. Scott te Mra. L, M. Pray, lot 8. block 2, I. C. Brut t 'a ad dition to St. Johns , W. G. Wllley and wife to George U Wllley, lot 8. block 13, Woodlawn Loula end Hannah Goldsmith to Elnathan Sweet, -lot 8. block 1. OoMamttb'e ad 1ST 190 1.500 1 .408 100 dition to Portland E. B. Holmea and wife et ai. to Francla E. Dewey, lot 2. block 244, Holladay addition to Eaat Portland Adelaide R. Bennett and husband to Charles A. Kern, undivided H of lot 2. block 18. Sunnyalde Arleta Land company to Lottie F. Ham, lot 14. block 5. Arleta Park 1. K Bavely and wife to George Tapfer. Property beginning at lot 27, Palatine Title Guarantee A Truat company to J. K aad Edith Havely, property begin ning at aoutheaat corner lot 27, Pala tine Hill I Title Guarantee A Truat company to W. L Tborndyke. lot 14. block 7, St. Johns 200 Frank R. Chambera Jr. et al to R I,. Donald, lota 8 end 4, block IBB, Ca ruthera' addition 8.280 Portland Treat Company of Oregon to J. A. Cremee, Iota 10 and 11. block t, Tremont Place , 180 Hattle Solomon and kuaband to Matt M. Ayea. Iota 1 and 2. block 14, Tremont Place 200 M A. Bat ton and wife to tiara Swan, lot 4, block It. Hawfhornete First addition to Eaat Portland.. I.TIB L. Kaiser and wife to Robert 0. Hamll ton. lot 8, In Kalaer'a aubdlvlalon of block 1, King'a First addition 2 250 Mary J. Smith et al. to C. H. Towalee. feet beginning at point In eaat erly Una of Jersey atreet In St. Joune. 1 Charlotte A. Colev to Ellsahetb C. Trimble. Iota 13, 14 aad IB, block 4. Arleta Park No. 1 1.200 College Endewaaent aaaoclatlea to M. S. B Hayrack, lots 11. 12. It. E2, tt and 34. block I, College Place 800 W. O. aad Camlfla A. Onto to Marshal g. B. Hayeock. lota 8. 10. II sad 12. block 8. Portsmouth Villa E tenet.. n 40U Bdward E. Moore and wife et el. te John F. Kerrigan, lot 7. block leg. Beat Portland 1 LOW J. T. Richards aad wlfa te Anna 0. DeLln. eaat TO feet of 1st 12, Mock 22. Atataa v 1 Anna 0. DeLln to Grace B Rlcharde. ah. eaat TO feet of hat 12, block 11. Alhlns. Bl Henry C. Hodges and wife to Charlea W. Kull and wlfa, art 8. block It, lentral Alblaa 4TB Title Oeeraatsr A Treat company to Hugh KttengeV. Iota 88, 14. 88 aaB 88. hl.ick 2. Point View Joe, ph H. Naah and wire to Margeerlte King. 1st 10. block 8. Kaab a First eddklea 1.400 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. E 8. Thlelaoa aad husband to Title Guarantee A Treat company. Iota 1 te 15, 'm-lualve. block 1. aad lota I to 8. iuclselve, aad let 11, block t; aad lota 5 to 10. (Bales! vs. block 3, sad kta 1. 1 aad 8. block 4, Moaltoa A Scuhoy'a aubdlvlalon of block B. Ttb bottY addition 8,8TB The Land Company of Oregon to Frank A. Myers, lot 4. block 12. City View Park a . . ITS EUssheth Metager and hueband to Laura a. Barnes, mi t. Bases B, aaoupi iioou addition to Greaham US W. 1. N. Ulbaaa Is Daalel W. Rledle. lot 11. block I ntlaun'i nhdlvlaun of block C. Taber It. lata ta 800 Jase U. Brack man to Nela Olarn, lot IS. Laauu-geut Park No. S Lee It Pullen and wife to H. O. Smith et al., let 8. block I, W. J. Patton a aulKllvlalon of tract I In MV Pattoa Tract : .V3. L Dell M. Bhlun and huaband to J W. Campbell, lot IB, block 3. Sbtnn'a ad dition I Lens May and huaband td J. W. Camp bell, lota tWand 11, block 2, Sblnu'a addition . -T.. M. Kalkln and huaband to T. Colbenatou, property beginning at point In aoutb line of Willamette boulevard, aald 800 point bring north 05 degreee S mlnulea West 200 fret dhuanl from rthveeet er of block 24 of A. L. Miners an- dltlon 1.000 Prank C. Baker and wife to Charles H. Harris et el., lot 2, block 1. Couch addition Annie ts. llugbra to F. Zimmerman, lota 15 end 18. block 8. John Irvlng'a Plrat addition to Beat Portland Jamea A. Gray aad wife to Carrie Lou Miller, west of lota 1 and 2. block t, Hannon'a Second addition to Eaat Port land W. L. A bra ma and wife to May II. Merrltt, lot 12, block 12. John Irvlng'a Plrat addition to Kaat Portland Fidelity Trust company to Nicholas Rlehl. 33,1-3x67 feet beginning at northwest corner ef lot 7, block 11, Blacklatone'a addition McMlnnvllle College to Ann E. Letour ette. 88 acres beginning at aouthweat corner of section 21, townablp 1 aoutb. range 1 eaat Lavlna Stavrr to Roaetta Miller, eaat H of lota B and 8. block 288. Holln day'e addition to Eaat Portland 4.75.1 1,050 too 708 4.250 W. H. Watt to Mra. Anna Mayers, let 7. block 2, Watt'a aubdlvlalon or lot 4, Prnltvale 100 Arleta Land company to Lou Wllkln- aeu. lota so. BJ, Block l, Atie.a ran No. 4 207 Lao I.andla and wife to Sarah J. Hender son, weet Vi of lot 20, DeLaahmntt a Oatman'e tittle Monica, subdlvslon No. 2 1.TO0 Hannah 0- fisher to Mrs. A. E. Latour ette, 55 acres beginning at aontnweal corner of section 21, townakip 1 south, rena-a 1 eaat ' George W. Brown to Mathrw R. Terry, lota 28. 29. 80. block 7. Lanreiwooo.. M. R. Terry to Snaan Harndrn, lota 28, 80. block T. Leurelwood 1.8 Title Guarantee A Trust company to Loula llgenfrite. lot 11 and west V. or Vat lo. block 81. Sunnyalde Third addi tion 182 Nathan Solomon and wife to M. M. Bpau. Iota 5 and 8. block 23. carutnere Addition to Caruthera' addition 20.000 Union Truat A Inveatment company to Snmuel Mans, lota ana . oiocs a. Innkn, 828 A. B. Tripp and wife to John Bar mo. lets 44 and 45, block l. sterner w H. B. Green and wife to Francee A. Pearry, west or lot i ana au o. lot IB, block 1, Terminus addition to Alblna ii 1 . L. PV and H B Plo to Mary Effie Chambera, lot 2, block 8. Arleta Pork 83 Pred M. sad LIsale M. PhilTlpa to Henry Jones, 411 of blocs u in or jouu. Heights, strip ueea lor s nau 8.000 Newton M. McDanlel to Feerl Me- Dsnlul. lot 1, block BOB, touco suai tlon 5. 850 Arleta Land company to Joseph Hseklns lota 10 and 11. block 2. Arleta Park No 2 aBTi! Mary L. Hayes to Bertha end Ctaerle 200 v. aloores, lots i nasi umom wi 2,000 J Prank Wataoo. tvnatee. to J. J. Maaa, 100 serea commencing ai mos. our-iim, corner of Milton and Elisabeth Doene donation land claim, section 12, town ablp 1 north, range 1 went Oeorge Woodward, trustee, to Har riet d. aoiomon, ems bm " y -St Caruthera' Addition to Caruthera addition ........... ..... H. U. Colton and wife to Henna s-nnie. 150 lot A. blocB s, avoo amy ........... . . P. H. Whitehead to Augnettn A ma to and Toe Vactcio, lot 2. Mock 118, Stapbena addition to Eaat Portland 2.400 ror aoarrana nim. ii n.iei. TAUm s Tout rasnaav oana. can wm . - r . o..i c-..a attract ll.ier.ntv A Treat company. 804-8-T Falling beltdlag. Get your Inauranee aad abetracta to resl aetata from toe Tlfie arssrswaaw as ' - too waantngtos avTeex. corner NOTICE nviius vr vi sw..,. 1 Notice ta hereby given that the board of .. ...... imt mum n. nnvna directors or tbe Hood Hirer irrigation aiernci la Waaco county. Oregon, will eel) the bonds of' aald district In the earn of 840,000 on Tboreday. the 25th day of October, 1908. at the boar of 2 o'clock p. m et tbe office of the board of directors, at the residence of J. H. Shoemaker In aald district, and that sealed proposals for aald bonds will be re ceived by ssld hoard et aald place for tbe pnrchaer of aald hoods notll the day and hour above mentioned: at which time the board snail open the proposals aad award tbe pur chase of tbe bonds to the highest responsible bidder, the board reserving tbe right to reject sny snd all bide. Blda to be accompanied by a certified check (or 8 per cent of tbe amount of tbe bonds for which the bid ta submitted SaM bonds shsll he payable la United States gold cola le ten aeries, aa followe, towlt: At the expiration of 11 years. 6 per cent o the whole number or aald bonda; 12 years, 8 per eeat: 18 years. T per cent; 14 yeara. 8 per cent: IB years. 9 per cent; 18 years, 10 per rest; 17 years, 11 per cent; 18 yeara, 13 per cent; 19 yeara. IB per cent: 20 yeara, 10 per cent, and shall bear Internet at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first day of January and July of each year. The principle and Interest ahall be j peyshte st the piece designated In the bonds, and bidders are given the option of having aald bonda payable at Portland. Oregon, or Near York City. N. Y., aad aald bonda will be leaned In accordance with the election of the nieces, rnl bidders ; aald bonda shall be each of the denomination of not less than 1100 and not more than 1300. and ahall be negotiable In form, ami coo pons for tbe In terest ahall he attached to each and signed by the secretary. PetoeLst flood River. Oregon, this lTth day of September. 1908, J. 11 SHOEMAKER. Secretary. PORTLAND. OREGON. Oct. 5, 1908. I hereby warn the nubile againat the porcnaae er aa note elgneci by me te favor of one George J. Schaefer. or ssld George J. Sehaefer'e wife, aa value received baa not been given. henry o. WHrrniB. MR. AND MRS. C. P. JENI80N and relatlvea vrtoh ti thank their many friends for the kindness end eyas pa thy shown them In their recent end bereavement. I WILL not he responsible for any debts con tracted ror 10 my name By my wife. Mra. A- B. Greenly. A. B. GREENLY. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY Lodge, Ne. 12. A. F A A M. States communication tbla (Monday) evening, 7:80 o'clock. Maaonlc Temple, Third and Alder streets. Work la B. A. degree. All M. M. welcome. By order of W. M. RUFUB R. BALL. Secretary. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for all occaeleaa, very rrssoasDia. as si a onus, er 48 Lecretta at. M W A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 5408. y evening, suaay rang., -ears CIRCULAR LCTTBB CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letters; aoai'seaiag. mailing, wih mark. I. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp. No. 8.975. Mes geye. 17th sad btsewhsB: vial tors wslseoao, LOST AND FOUND. LOST This a. as. between 9 and 11. a tan colored hananag wnw aaane i trains, "Mrs. B. H Putmsn. 191 VI Union are., N."; bag C stained a email puree with watch and chain, Bcelet, herket and drawer key; reward. FOUND- A light bay horse with white spot on focohesd inquire at J. rl. Miaeaaimer, with Flak A Co.. 814 Mississippi ave. STRAYED from Roes Island shout September V. a smau gray norss. asoes l.vras peaagaf I dapple gray home, about 1. 800 pouade. These bursas were seen tied op at Union eve. end Lincoln st. Refers to Oregon Transfer Co. and be paid for trouble. Sixth and Hnyt. MBIT Sunday, between 1 1 lb aad Waahlngtoa. Yiret aad Morrlaon. lady's gray Jacket: please return, rewsrd. Mra J. la. Dembect, St. Charlea UouL HELP WANTED MALE Union Hotel 81 NOBTU SIXTH BT. Pees einpebyment to oar pet rose. Weekly rates Boom. si. p; Sears. 84.80 np. as WANTED Balesmea; many make 1100 tb tlSO per month: aome eves more; atork clean; grown on reservation, far from old orcharda; eaah advanced weekly: choice ef -territory. Address Waeblagion Neraery company. Top penlah, Waahlngtoa. . MEN AND WOMEN to I ears barber trade la eight werke; graduates vara from 15 to 125 weekly; eipert Inatruitora; catalogue free. Molcr lyatom of Colleges, SB North Foerth at.. Portlsod St MEN wanted at Arlon hall. Second and Oak ata-, Tueaday evening, October 0. aT 8 a. a. ; lecture on Socialism by Rev. Thontaa McGrady; questions answered. Admjsalos 2Bc; gallery free. WANTED An experieaced bench hand and framemaker. Apply Portland Saah A Door Co., East Taylor and Union eve. WANIKD Boy; ateady work. 05 N. 1 ront. corner Da via. T nes'?roufe!andnaoo ?! road. Apply Western Cpg. Co., 300 gtearaa h'dg . Cortland. ironnd Ml.hln. mjn 1 mfhimmiI nnalttna emwl Villi Oregon Puraltere Mfg. Co.. Macadam rjad. WE gat swk for oor members ; epeclal mem hera. 12 Y 11. C A.. Foerth and Yamb:!l. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural womler Bnrbank'a new etnnelesa flum; miracle; big pay; permanent poattlo.i. biro Nursery Co., Salem, Ore. WANTED Mattreaaraakera; ateady work. 53 Front, corner Da via. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for board and room. P S5. care Journal. AGENTS wanted to 011 superior, high grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnlahed free; cash weekly; write today for choice of ten litory. Capital City Nureery company. TJilem. Or. CABINET-MAKERS wanted at 872 Front at WOULD like position aa clerk In grocery store; 8 years' experience. N 47, care Journal WANTED Oood mattress maker OREGON FURNITURE MNPO. CO.. 1214 Macadam reed. WANTED- Several young men. IS ta IS years old. good education. Mvlng with parenta, to learn hardware business MARSHALL WELLS HARDWARE CO., BRIGHT young man about 18 years old to work around dry goods store. Apply BOB Thtrit sr ' WANTED 3 messenger boys for office work : good prospect for wideawake, energetic and industrious boys, R 1W, Journal. WANTED 8 nonunion plumbers for oat of town work; must be Al; transportation famished. Address U 8, care Journal. WANTED Traveling 'salesman to taka aa aide line a good etaple article of hardware. Y 8T, care Journal BOYS or young man wanted Good wages, ateady employment. Routledge Oyster Co., 27 Oread ave.. North. WANTED Must have 2B more young men to prepare themselves for railway telegraph eervlee: big demand for graduates. Call day or evenlag. Expert College of Telegraphy, Commonwealth bldg., Sixth and Ankeny Its. A BOY desiring to learu a fine trade; wagea to tart with. 211 Macleay bldg. BOOKKEEPER and office men; rauat be ac curate and a good penman; good opportunity: atnte age. isTpertence and aalary expected. Addreee R 94, care Journal. WANTED Salesmen, retail furniture and car pets ; must be experienced and have ref erences. William Gadaby A Bona. First aad Wsahlngton sts. OFFICE men, good aalary; atate age aad ex perience. B 88, care Journal. LOGGERS and aawmlll men wanted, SOS Com mercial block. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If you work, why not earn more than a living? Be Independent; do good. The Vlavl Co. already employe 12.000 women: tbe work covers 21 countries ef tbe world; we will entertain application from capable women; not canvassing, hat helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only, Vlavl Co., Lewie bldg. HOMB LADIES' AOENCY. 18SH Fourth at., eor. Morrison, npatal-s. raena aiain Bene. Alongside the Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work se shirts ana overalls, treasons gives to inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. 2. Grand ave. and Beat Taylor st. WANTED Girls to make "Boea of All" over alls st TB FTrst at. WANTED Competent girl for general work; good wages. Phone Main 80W. WANTED Coat rankers, pantamakere, vest maker. A. J. Brault. room 18. Hamilton bldg. ninTB ... .W l I . . , ateady employment. Apply .Pacific Coast ntscuii km. , l-'tn ana liaris sts. WANTED Competent girl for general houae- wore. Apply iso Eaat 10th at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. SUM Washing ton at., eor. Seventh, upstairs Phone Main BBB remake kelp wanted. GIRLS wanted for general housework; enoke and waitress. city Employment Office. suits 1. zaoi. wsenington at. Mala 2410. WANTED Girl, steady work, at 88' N. Front, corner Davis. FEW ladlea wanted to ssslat msklne eaav fancy work apare time at home; good ateady pay; no experience reonireo. wva rieianor bldg.. 407 Waablngton st. GIR1J. when yon want work call on the Seas dlnavlan Ladles' Agency, 107H Sixth st. Main 5909. John Anderson, manager. m GIRLS chocolate dippers and packers. Oldoe t-snoy c., Jtrtb snd Gllaan. WANTED Experienced bndy-lroner; ateady em ployment. Oregon Laundry Oe. Phoae Boat Ml DOLE-AGED woman to do heeaswerk for email family. Call 860 Montgomery at. or call rsciric siisj- A WlKTCh 1 : Irl , 1 k 1 u - - lag. Corner7 Union and Dekam are. Phone sss si one. BUTTONHOLE maker wanted. Jacobs Sblrt Co., Hamilton bldg., 131 Third at. EXPEBIBNCED girl for general Pbone Pacific 1018; 735 Gllaan at. housework. ir YOJ are looking for a posltlton. call room 10, i.n". Alder. WANTED A body Ironer, waletband Ironer, at Pacific Laundry, 231 Arthar at. WANTED Girl far general housework and help care for 2 small children. 428 12th Bt. GIRL WANTED In small family. 627 Love tag. Phone Main 6742. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. 708 danders. - WANTED Ex portenced chambermaid Call Monday The Manltoe, 28t 13th st. WANTS! 25 girls or women at once at can nery of the Oregon Packing Co., Eaat Eighth and Yamhill sts.; both piece and day work; piece workers can make tt per day. WANTED Olrla to make overalls; ako dock aad mocfclnaw coeta Mount Hood factory. Second and Couch ate. GIRL to do housework a few Honrs per day; Sundays free; sleep at borne; wagea 112. Ap ply 85l Kearney at. WANTED 2 girls to waah dlahes and assist la kltebeawork at 104 North Seventh at., at WANTED Teachers for Chinese mission. Ap ply 200 VI Second at., p. a. WANTED A competent girl for general house work 827 Marshall, between 19th and 20.5. WANTED- Immediately, capable wnaan cook for email restaurant, another town, wagea $30 te 836. 280VI Yamhill. Mala B4I8. WANTED A good woman to do chamber work. Cell Alberts House. Ill 14 First at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplies. BUM er female. B 0. Drake. 206 VI Weahlagtoa of. PartAe Ufo MALE AND FEMALE HELP. ft A MONTH Stage .lancing taught la all Its hranrhea by a profeaakanal teacher, late of New York Cits; 18 years' experience; engagements se cured. NEWMAN'S THEATRICAL CIRCUIT, 148 Vij Sixth at. UNLESS YOU'BB "DBAD WOOD" YOU'LL 1 1 t UN THE ADVBBTI8ING end of bvadaesa. PAGE DAVIS et. will beck you. wherever you live, whatever rear work, till you're In dependent of help jS aucceae. Dept. 21, 4188 ooiioeieiai Ultlg., roriiaBO. WANTED In country heme, tare children to ears for good school. Address E. M. W.. pnstofflre box 88, BeappooBe. Or. MAN' anil Wife Utah 4atinna aa cook and I helper, out of towa. 2S5VI Waablngton at., room 1. WANTED Ptrst-claaa lady and gentlemen can vaasera; aalary and Commission Call at Ageucy Bnreea. 82 Koerfh St.. Portland. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A BUSINESS, man In prime of life, sober, wide nu.ikc. with a knonledxe of medicine and aurgcry, common Isw and the details of mercantile and mechanical lines, dealrea a position: will tske charge of lumbering or mercantile httatacea In any place; eollclt or travel; am willing to ahare proSt or loas. or let reaulta determine worth. B ST, Journal. H. 11. RICHARDS Hooka posted, collectlona. general clerical work: references. SS2 4th at. WANTED A aHuatlnn aa bartender by a me rled nias. Phoae Boat 5808. T 48, Journal ANTED Position aa collector for reliable firm, tvlll furnish horse and buggy and give beads i well acquainted In city. T 40. Journal. YOUNG man would like work In grocery store; baa experience; can give reference. G 2. care Journal. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants place; epeake English. Harry. 85 North Third at. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady dealrea chamber work la nice rooming house; 128 month and room. Mra. Riley, 1786 Clarkauiue are., Sell wood. LADY atenpgrapher wants position; has worked In law office. G 1, care Journal. PRACTICAL- nurse wants work; confinement caaea preferred; good references. Phone Mstn 4688. REFINED, educated woman of 28 dealrea to go aontb. Would travel aa companion or o.oee c care journal. WANTED Bookkeeping after 4 p. m. Address I L IT, cere Journal, 1 - , . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted In every towa la Oregon to represent the National Life Insurance Oo. of U. S. A. R. 0. Bella nd, atate manager, 306 Flledner bldg., Portland. Or. AGENTS, peddlers, canvassers and atreet work ers, get your supplies from R. M. Plummer. 200 Third at.; new goods, bottom prices. AGENTS wanted la every town In Oregon to Introduce Dust Clean, the sweeping com pound. Address Duet Clean, 834 Alder at EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS FOB MEN. M North Second et. Phone Mala 1528. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. SCsSH Morrison St. Phono Pacific 238. WANTED -REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and OENBKAL CARE Or PROPERTY. We have the beet of facilities for carrying ont your wlahea as an agent. We solicit your patronage. Our references: Ladd A Tllton, beakers, aad Mercbaato' National bank. R. H. BLOSSOM. SIS CHAMBEB OP COMMERCE. TJ.-T-,- TABNISH A CO. have opened a general real eatate office at 428 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner Second and Stark sts.. and will hay and sell realty, collect rents snd negotlste loans; flrat class references ; honest dealing with our clients. Phone Mala 6318. PROPERTY WANTED We want 6 or 6 room homes reaeonabl.v close In on east aide. In tbe peat two weeks we have effected the aele of a number, bet we cannot begin to supply the demand. List with us If wish to self at once. HAGEMANN A BLaNCBABD, 1 Fifth Bt. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hi stores, offices, rooming houaee. asrde will do wen to cell oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Bx. 72. B. B Cor. Id sad Oak. WANTED To rent e boaae aad bora with V4 block, or small acreage close In: permanent tenant. Addreee R 88, cere Journal. 2 HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS with kitchen; east aide preferred. T 40, cere Journal. S WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. m Mala 5808 FURNITURE WANTED FOR SPOT CASB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS 211 First at. HIGHEST price paid for men'a cast-off cloth lag. Phone Pacific 48 Uncle Joe. 81 Third, WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 829 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC Tgg. WE WILL BUY yonr furniture any old time. Weatern Salvage Co.. 8X7 Waablngton at WANTED Land to clear off brush la city by contract. T tt, care Journal. YOUNG lady wanta room and board. N care Journal. FOR RET STOjroOTOICE8, FOR RENT Store 12.28. good for cigar, tailor mop, or any amau business; will give 4w yesrs' lease; reasonable rent Cell 806Va Ilurrwlde at., room 10. PAST of shop to rent, suitable for painter or pea ruber. 90S Fourth at. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished rooma and semple rooma for rent Ooodnough bldg. Apply ele vator. DESIRABLE nfflcee. Including electric llghta. ass anu com waier, janitor ana elevator servlcs n tbe new, airy Commonwealth bldg.. old poatofflre site. Sixth and BurnsKle sts. Agent room in DESK ROOM or half god of flee, with pbone vary central. McCoy, 271 Vi Morrison. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. 8-ROOM hoase tor rent, furniture for sale; strictly central and moderi. Phone Pacific 917. FURNISHED house for rent. S modern. 125 Cell Woodliwn l all RENT tit T-room house with betb, 8 fur nished; bargain. 824 Mississippi ave. FOR RENT FARM8. 80 ACRES Improved. 1 mile north of Beaverton, 7 miles from rortiaoo. j a roes names, k. 1. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. l-B BLOCKS oa Frankfurt at, bet Fifteenth K-l .4. 1 u. 1 1, mim irk e.Pitssln. i ........ . or manufacturing; large creek and mineral aprlng en the grounds; Brooklyn and Mil wankle st resteer lines within 2 blocks. hlooke from S. P. rarsbope. Inquire at T19 Ma m bldg. Phoae Pacific 1724. B. 0. Spl toner. HALL aad ballroom, separate or together: new aedwlth all conveeisaBia. Pboae Mate 8W. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. WOU Alder at. Steam heat. elecinc eiecrne iisnta, 001 ano ooia water, free baths, porcelain taba; a few housekeep suites with gas ranges; maid- aervlce; rtO per week ep. THE BICHBLIBU, 88 H North Sixth Bt. B-B gaatly tarnished; strsra beet aad baths. FURNISHED ROOMS FO RENT 'THE HUB," W Eleventh at., corner Stark; rooms with ate am heat sad bath. LINDA VISTA. t4TVi Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay wlndowe. and aleeplng rooeas. ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooms, farsaee hoatsd and Jiath. 474 Salmon at. DAY. week or month; heart of city. 183',, Foerth at. Hladman. FOR RENT reralabed. front room with sea ol kitchen: new end modern, to man and wife; 10. SSS vy at.; Woodlawn or U oar. Tele phone Woodlawn 488. FURNISHED rooma and furnlahed housekeeping rooma for rent at 702 Vancouver a vs. J THE GRAND, 46VS North Third a gentlemen $1.28 per week Bad FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL Flanders sad Sevanta Hoc me, housekeeping aad transient! eeav venlent; prices reaaonable. fl.ZB WEEK UP, clean, furnished housekeep ing rooma; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat. yard. 203 Stanton, U ear. It 50 WEEK op, large, dean, furnished boeee keeplug rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sher man eonth, Portland. W 3 ROOMS completely furnished for keeping. Phone Main 4529. FURNISHED and unfurnlehed housekeeping and sleeping rooma. tt week. Furnished corner flat, !T. McCoy. 271 W Morrison. 2d floor. SUITE furnlahed or unfurnlehed housekeeping rooma; neee large place; moderate rent. R. C. Barker, Mount, Tabor. Phone Eaat 4128. 14514, SIXTH, cor. Alder, housekeeping suits of 2 er 2 rooma, oa first floor; see them. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. S UNFURNISHED rooma for rest, 888 Eaat I von at., ST month. THREE new unfurnished st. Phono Main Beta. 190 Market 3 PLEASANT unfurnished rooma at ISO Mont- gnsaari at. Call 91 Fifth at. ROOMS AND BOARD. BOOM and board, 440 Jefferson. Pacific 1302. FOR RENT HOUSES. COMPLETE apartments la the brand-new brick building, Morrison .and Lownadale ata.; abort walk downtown; beat, hot and cold water and lights and Janitor for hallwaya furnished, elevator to each kitchen, abadea furnlahed and walls tinted la good colors, e gor terms, etc.. apply to PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 8. B. cor. Third aad Oak ata. KADDBBLY TRANSFER OO., prompt aad re liable piano and furnlture-movere; else star age. Phoae Mala 1886. Office 110 N. Third. FOR RENT 8 handsome modern T-rooi conveniently located 00 Thlrd-et. cerllne; S10, 812 aad 914 Corbett St.: rent reaaonable ta desirable tenants. David S. Stearns. 848 Washington st. FOR RENT 8 room modern house; range, gas range, shades; deelrahaa location. Phone Eaat 82T8. FOB KENT Modern hones; gas, electricity, newly finished. 884 Caruthera. near Sixth. Pbone Mala 4629. v rOR RENT 4 room cottage en Garfield eve., i block from Union. Call S14 Sixth at. Phone Main 4515. 4-ROOM bouse, graded street. 2 blocks to autlon. 110: tlOO by year. Apply oaly at 450 Magnolia at., Woodlawn. FOR RENT Cottage, corner lTth and GUssn sts. Max Smith, the Savoy Restaurant, 1W Seventh at. 8-ROOM cottage, 912 Missouri ave. Call lags. 'Take L car. FOR RENT 8-rooro furnished boose ee Wood lawn cerllne; no children. Phone Pacific 2200. FOU BENT New 5-room boose snd A-room flat at Eaat 84th and Division. H. T. Palmer. Eaat 34th and Division. HOUSE for rent cheap. 852 Third st. . FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 6 room flat, steel end gee ranges, window ahades, large cement basement, 209V. Hslaey, seer steel bridge. BUSINESS CHANCES. Bargain Baal eatate and Insurance hualneaa: fine ground-floor office. In one of Portland's best suburbs; good fixtures; aWerage conuntaBloa 1200 to 8400 per month; good rental and In surance btwlneee; fine boat area for live man; It coats you nothing to investigate thla business; will sell for price of fixtures; owner must go eaat 0 17, care Journal. HAVE s high-class bustneaa, suitable for lady or gentleman, good Income; will sell half or ell te right party and return ' amount In vested In one year If party Is dleeattaflod; principals only. L 1, care Journal. FOR SALE First-class group of mining clalma; will cell email amount stock Be a ahare, guarantee 20 per cent profit first year; per value tl: should be shipping ore before Jaonary 1; except Ions 1 opportunity; must act quickly. E ft, cere Journal 16 TO 110 PER DAY Solicitors, male er fe male. 187 17th at., near Yamhill. FOR SALS 14-room. modern, well furnished boaae; will pay you to inquire at once.. Cor ner of Stark. 96 10th at PHENOMENAL rise In price of Herat Switch expected any day; thla may be yonr last opportunity to buy before subscription books are closed. I. j. Burst A Co.. 308 Mc Kay bldg SMALL restaurant and lunch counter in good location with lease for sale. Y M. Journal. I LOAN money, examine abstracts, draw wills, deeda snd other legal papers: rhargee reaaon able. O. A. Johnson, lawyer, 818 Commercial block. FOR SALE Apartment-bouse of 16 rooms; all newly furnlahed ; eaay terma If necessary; in come 1100: rent ISO: located on Morrison at Apply Cob a Bros.' Furniture Co., 180 First. FOR BALE Good stock of general merchan dise on route of new S. P. railroad: will in voice abont 16.600: eell or rest new a tore building. Write or cell J. 0. Lyons, Elk ton, Oregon. FOR SALE Grocery store, good location, weet aide, eiore In, doing fair business; will la voice I860 or 1700. Phoae Pacific 841. FOR SALE Puritan Dellcateooen, S07H Flrat et; rent with living-rooms. g2D; must aell at once. MEAT MARKET at Invoice; well established business, splendid location. Telephone Mala fit7. FOR SALE One half Interest In old-established reel eatate hualneaa. Address N. 41, care Journal. FOB SALE Grocery store, cheap; owner leav- . . FOR SALE One of thb beet grocery stores in lne rltr. Afldreae XHl Tnira at. 1 Eugene, Oregon, doing a good hualneaa. In good location aad other business, i in light expense; owner naa other business Address George W. Dixon. Theatre blk.. Sagene. Oregon DAIRY of 18 rows and with It goes 60 tone hay; in a good location; the ranch leaae la cheap. Register A Co.. 107V. Third at WANTED Partner or will eell fall Interest In well-paying butcher business In good loca tion; eell at Invoice. ttSti Washington at. room 1. GOOD CBANCE Eor aele, cigar, candy, fruit, books and ststlonery, 'with llvng-rooma. regular and transient trade; reaaonable; other bualneea. O t, care Journof. NEW brewery for aele ta MarabfleM, Cone county. Addreee Title Guarantee A Abstract OB., Msrshfteld. Oregon. 85.000 WILL purchase a voidable Interest In a lumber bnelnees: aafe and profitable, bargain. Addraot !! JcnraojL FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE modern room boaae, 24.080, 100, bel 18.000; 1800. balance 120 monthly. Owner.' pboao East STS. BRAND-NEW houee. aelrrt neighborhood, near car. arkea advancing all amend terms; per I "the C0NBNTAl"60 248 Stark at FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. jGrcat Sale in Acreage Now ee. Sevsral knees! I aeree Just pUttea ebandancs of running water oa each let, al Joining 3 story nlnlh grade aohool, close M towa and car Una; land nearly all level kU la high state of cultivation; ae batter oeflTu the atata; 1100 to $176 per sere; tanks. carries leave our once It I a, a day; go with aa; you will gag land man rapreeeateai greatest saap ta acres on west aide. Schayleman & Co. 22TUj Washington St. Booms 84-88. A NEW T-room boose, jest ftnlehed. sad 50 fool lot. oa Weat ave.. aeer Hawthorna are.. Bad pes water, neaenrei newt pales S2.6OO1 .ma. ss. as, eacsaoai, room a, bldg. Phone Mats 1632. Send One Dollar Aad we will list year- property with 1 000 reel eatate dealers who ore aa anxloua to sara a commission aa you era to Bell; ear plea aeldom falls; Bead description; we are belplag many others, why not you? Address The In jee tor's Guide. Ill Marquam bldg., Portland. Oregee. 500 fiomes For Sale . THS,INTaTOBgf twlBT'cO.. til Hsrqpsm bldg.. Portland, Oregon. SeUwood Morehouse A French. 1870 B. LSth. Pbone BOllwood Te. City View Park lota. 1875 aad ap: Been Addition 1 lota. 1100 and op; 86 down an ft a month. Hemes from 8500 to 85. 000. Lets WOO and up. In all Berts ef Ssllwood. List rone rty with oa; we will aell It. BOMBS AND BUILDING LOTS In any part of the city. See as first. Get the habit. 0. L. PABBI8H A CO., 428 Lumber Exchange. Fane Mala WIS. West Side Acreage Sale aow on. Several hundred acres Tea -w ew, una nearly ail level ana la high stat. of cultivation; no better soil la the atate; tllO to ,178 per acre; terms. This Is the ITeatest SNAP, oa the market. Lots sailing feat. Positively ass us st ones. Yea will And the land better than represented, Perthes leaving our office every morning al 8 o'clock. Schuyleman and Co. 22TV Waahlngtoa St. Booms 84-33. WAREHOUSE property for ease, lot 100x100, lacing enjoining raiiroea tracks P 88, care Journal. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION block, S mo Sera dwellings, cement base -Beats, lawa. fruit, flowers, cement side ws Ik. cheap tot cash. STS asssx loira sr., north. COZY little home, Al condition, near car; high, some fruit; s bargain; see It today. ' THE CONTINENTAL CO., 241 Stark St. WEST SIDB HOMES 12,250 S rooms, modern la every way, easy walking dtotence; terms 82.850 6-large-room cottage es brae ear- lot. Fourth st.; terms i.ou Dure a inorougniy mill an a e-room 1: fell basemen r hark ... . ar,u awa si. 88.000 bays a T-room bouse oa Fifth St. I modern conveniences; easy walking distance. HAGEMANN A BLANClf ARD, 81 Fifth Bt FOR BALE , A chicken reach, 2Vt aeree lead. 5-room beaee. hern, cblcken-bouee. fruit, raining wster. well, close to railroad, convenient te city; price 11.800: wlU trade tor grocery, hotel or house and lot la city. Acreage 1 acres fine Mnd, near carllae, la growing suburb or Cortland: gsOO per acre; lerms. wenne. iriania m ArimDIO, Marquam bldg. Phone Pacific 1TB1. 411 WE HAVE Jest completed two new lOencoo at Archer Place; one a oevea nam boose 182,1301. aad Mm other a aU room house (11.950). One-third caab and balance aa easy monthly peyments, both berg a has. E. r. CANNON A CO., 309 McKay bldg. Third aad Stark ata. BARGAIN for caah. 100x110 feet 00 Improved atreet, near Hawthorne a venae; east treat. 1 Phone owner. East B14. or U 11. cere Journal. IT'S A BEAUTY Lose than 2 blocks from ear. 11.700 1500 will handle thla; B lovely rooms, two porches, hot and cold water, porcelain beta, Btatieoary waahataad; a anap. 221 Falling blCg. WILL aell eae or more big Me In St Johns for 2240 each: your own terma. Owner, room T, Bolelgb bldg.. Sixth aad Washington 12.500 BUYS 840 scree on fine etresm: 200 acres meadow; all line soil; lag aoatheest Oregon. StoweU A Stowell, 210 Second at EXTRA BABOAIN T lota 40x100. cleered. aS together ta eae tract, fee 1800; close to 10-room school at Lenta; One location: water free; 6c fare to aay part of Portland; terms. 0. R. Add! too, owner, Lenta, Oregon. FOR SALE t-room cottage aad lot an Stsnton sr.. upper Amine, price 81. 100; terma. 8800 caah, balance eon bo paid at 820 month. In. quire J. B. Trumsn. room 40 I abbs bldg.. Second and Waablngton ata West Side Acreage flare 40 acres, an level, excellent eeO, aome easily cleared, on county road, cleoe to carllae; will tell la email tracts for 160 to 186 nor acre; terms. Splendid opportunity for a good home. Schuyleman and Co. 227 H Waahlngtoa at J Rooms 84-88. 11.600 BROOM cottage, furnished complete; fall lot T large bearing fruit trees, fiowers, floe view of mountains; mnst be seen to he appreciated. B. D. Stoley. 1480 Winona et, Woodlawn. owner. OWNER will eaU bis new home In the Irving ton district, S rooms and bath, beautifully lo cated, all conveniences, etrtctly modern; lot 100x100: one of the beet built homes In Port land. Addreee Owner 20. care Journal, and make engagement to go through the hoase. B-ROOM modern cottage, aew, 11,800; 1200 caab. Modern T room honest furnace, fireplace, etc. ; good Inveatment ; anap If taken st once I 18.000 -terma. CITY REALTY A BUILDING CO., 812 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. 8 MODERN B aad 8-room houaee. 11.800 t-lrOOO; terms; seat side. Phoae Wee alas 11.500 4 ACRE home with good 4 room bouse barn, chicken-hones, wevjBaauas. cellar and young fruit Usee; about 4 scree cfeered. Beer cerllne, SB minutes' ride. Register A Oe., 107 Vi Third t tl. 000 OOOD 4-room hoase end t lots In Ver non this la a spiennia place sno Register A Co.. 107 VI Third at 8 FINS lota near Union eve.; lay cheat t feet shove street grsde and the lots ere full BOx 100; all goae for 8800 per lot Regie tar A Co.. 10TV4 Third at MODERN 9-room house, 60x180 let Tillamook it, close to Williams see.; very eaay forges. Modern 8 room house on Beet salmon at: nicely terraced lawn, fruit and flowers ; 11, 000 will pot yon la possess loa. f - 1 have tt aeree for sale Inside ef city limits, close to S good carUnea. already platted, very sightly and SPOT CASH will bny I. very ehe 201-2 Lumber Elchsngs bldg. Mala 4977, luoxioo IN Point View tor I goo 83x100 In Saaayatde for i t7l 40 aeree near Vancouver for 81.100 16 aeree near Beaverton for. 12,800 SOS COMMERCIAL BLOCK. FOB SALE Improved aad unimproved terms, wheat and stock ranches, timber loads aad M war! Us, city and sabarbee property 1 ex changes e specialty. Turner A Walker, room 4. iflBVJ WaehMetoo Bt. 8-ROOM boaae. modern conveniences, 180 feet from carllae, 76x100. barn, ehlckan houee price 12.000; in best suburb, 80 ml nates te Morrlaon bridge. 812 ggenoov st NOB HILL HOUSE A modern t-room boaae: Seed bs sew eat furnace and cement walka. fine lawa with rosea aad sh robbery, lot 80x100, on Beyt at I easy terms. JOBDAN A OABBADB, . Boom 22. 2S2Vi Washington at FOR SALE Br owner, new 5 room eettaaea. bungalow style:' bath. gas. furnace, lot SOx 100, atreet Uspreveaaea(a v-VcM m rrscis or j, a, a Bad 10 acres; abundance of running water on each let, ad joining a large ninth grade achool. close to 1 BBBSsffS