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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER I, 1S06. If TODAY'S MARKETS CHITIIM BARK IS SHADE BETTER Big Holders Are Buying Up Sup plies of Small Holder at Advanced Prioe. BEET SUGAR OUTPUT SHOWING AN INCREASE High Price on Refined Product in East Cause Growers to jPut in Larger Crops Hop ftarket Twist ed, With Few Sales. Principal market features today: Chlttiu bark U sdvsnoed. Cheap grsdss bacon lower. Beat sugar production or rear. Hop market la badly twteted. Hope are firm, but no higher. Poultry market la rather alow. Wheat la firm and steady. Potatoes are firm, bat alow. Chlttlm Bark la Advanced. There coatlnnea a eery good tone In the chlt tlm bark market. Practically all atocka are atlll In the bauds of a taw strong holdera, and theee are unwilling to let go at present figurea. The atrong holders are now Imparting some ad illtlonal Mrmneae to the market by trying to bar up what email atoeka remain In the band q others. Ae high aa 8c , pound la reported paid fat old bark at country points, and there are rumors that aa high aa 10c baa been sl owed one carload shipper. Notwithstanding thla strength hern, there Is bat little doing la the cast. Beat Sugar Production of the Tear. According to reliable authorities, the beet oogar production of the United Slates and Can ada will be somewhat greater thla season la comparison with that of a year ago. The high prices which bare been ruling la the market eaat of the Rockies caused many growers to Increase their output. Oa the Pacific coast there la little change la the acreage of angar beets, bat eilmatte condltlona caused a eonie wbst larger yield. According to Wlllett A Cray. the augar anthorltlaa of the eaat, the following la a correct production of the rsrlous American sections this lesson: Factories. Area. Worked Tons. 84,254 108. MM 8, TOO 3T.T86 44T.243 S8.TS6 8.88 T81.I1T 18T.0T8 14.T18 1T.88T 11T.6B6 488. 841 Sugar Tons Stales New York . Wlaeonefo Illinois Ohio Michigan . Minnesota Nebraska . . Colorado Utah Oregon Washington Idaho . . . . California . Acres. .1,8.) ls.wo i.ano 4.800 SR. 1 10 3.20 18,700 84.742 81.808 8.000 4.000 (1.000 83.088 f s t j IT 11 8 1 S 4.1133 11.850 880 a.itti M.rns 2.750 o.;ii .233 21.337 1.31)5 2.T21 13,435 4.231 83 841.077 2.840.738 288.71T 81 382.100 1,807.041 208.723 The old factory in Minnesota waa destroyed by fire early this season, bat the beets were worked up In Michigan and the product there from credited to Minnesota. The Canadian crop la siren as follows: Factories. Area. Worked Sugar. ' ap. l'rovtucee Aerea. Tona. Tons. Ontario 3 10.300 8.38 .33d Alberta ..v.... I 8.000 18,078 2,082 Tola! ....... a 8 14.100 168.883 11.41 ' r " I eoT c 3 11.300 87.302 Market U Seed Shape. 8,011 While the production of heat augar la some what greater than a your ago, the angar market remain. In good shape, with refineries oa the Pacific coast folly s month behind In their de lleerles. Supplies of eager are enmewbst great er here, and jobbers are maklag better deliv eries. The eastern market continues atrong oa account of the trouble In Cuba, aad the poset blllty of s large per cent of the growing sugar there being destroyed by revolutionists. Hop Msrkst la Twisted. Conditions In too local hop market are eery much twisted. Dealers eiafat they cannot In terest the eaat In our hops at present, even In lew of the fact that pore risers can he aaada here aeveral rents under toe eastern basis. Sev eral isles are reported during the paat 48 houra betwen dealers, bat grew re arc not rushing to market aa much aa daring the pre v tons week. Hans C. Wahlberg recently purchased 88 bales f C. Krua.- at Middle too at 18c. Thla waa made for eastern s count. J. J. Metiler hi ea ported to hare sold a block to another dealer, with price not reported. Poultry Markit la Bather Slow. There la rather a slow tana In the nonltrv Market. Aa oensl on Monday morning, receipt were light, bat larger arrivals are expected later in tna flay Dealers, however, do not sntlel pate much Inquiry thla week, on account of the larger buyer having ovorotocka. Egga art holding firm at 30 and 31c. with one or two sins 11 sales reported s fraction higher Brief Notes of Treat Street Local parkera announce a decline of about c in the cheaper r. rides of bacon. Potalnea are Arm but alow. No outside de mand aa yet for onions. Huckleberries are In larger supply, with price easy today at 8c s pound. Better supplies shown ha peaches. Prices holding about unchanged. Some smsll sites down ss sow aa Oe. Home very choice fresh plume and prunes are in iroru Mount Hood Demand slow on account of ..being out of season. Some sates at 40 and 60c a baa. Hothouse lettuce Id an evereerpply, with de mand exceedingly r8w. Two ears of sweat potatoes aad two cart of bananas arrived In good shspe during, toe paat so nours. Trade pa yi following price to Front street. Price paid to ebippere less commissions: Oram. Hour aad lead. DRAIN BACH Calcutta. SHa buying price: selling. sytMfte. , -m v . WHEAT New club, 84e; rod Russian. 61c; Maeatem, 8c; valley. 87c. BAKL.CI new reed, izi.w; rolled. 83340; ot. 122.00. CO BIT Whole. 127.00; eracked. 428.00 per BIB 4)1.88 per aw. OATS New Producer' price No. 1 white. 823 00; gray 122.00. .., F LOUR Kaa t era Oregon patents. 8380; strslghts. 13.35; export. 18.08; valley, 83. 40- Cham. Ita. 18.50; whole wheat. gl.TB; rye, , 85.00: hales. 8S.T8. MILLSTUrTS Braa. (13.80 ner ton: aid. ling. 394.00; abort, country. 117.80; city IflBO: chop. 818.00e31.00. It AT rrocoeere price Timothv Willamette valley, fancy, ti.008J13.00j ordlniry. tO.OOgl 10.00; eaatern Oregon. 813.001 18.00; nixed. 10.00O10.80; clover, 17.00; grain. 17.5003.50; cheat. 7 00. ( Batter. Big aad Poultrr. BCTTBB PAT r. a. h. Par tie no Sweat cresm. 3tc; sour, 38 He. Ill TTKH Ctty creamery. 30c; outalde faacy. faOftOrt ordinary. 27 Ue; store. UHOjlBe. KOG8 No. 1 fresh Oregon. randledT SOtJAlc; uncandled. XBgjSOc; Weal aad eaatera atorage, "cXUsBSB Now rail cream. flats. 14c; Teen. America. Mlir.u,c pnrl.TRY .Mixed chickena. lBVae per lb; fsnry hens, 1344313c B" D: roost", old. 10c pet lb; Mage. 10 We nee lb; fryer. Itc; broiler. 18c per In; old docks. I2'c per lb. spring ducks, lac par lb: geeee. e)0c lb; turkeys, 18c per lb; aviossc, 3Be pet Ih: squsba. 83.8003 00 tat dag; ptgeoas. Waal aad ansae. HOPS- I pod crop, choir. 1(B1T; ...rriaiKa:-, prima to Oregon, nor. MOHAIR New, nominal. BHRKPSKINB Shesrlng. IBBSn. mcBi short wool, xABtOc: msdlnm woo., 806)78 each: eng woei. tocni to oaew-TAtteOW-PrT, pet HoT H3.i So, I aad CiUTTfW Hark si rTinrs-trrr. ha. i. le rs bb to. istj tetrt sound. 68 list ind oter. 10431 le: eew. MOc: stag sad belli, sonad. Bate: kip. 16 to So IB. Br: clf. tooad. under 13 Ik. He: l!?Ji.,,","HMI- e: jaha. t per lb la: WHAT DEALERS SAY OF THE MARKETS 4 By W. B. aiafka Company. 4 Tha egg market continues O vary firm, with light recelpta and :a good demand. Heavy rocelpta of eaatera eVB have a tendency 4 ' toward keeping the pneea from O BOlng out of night. Pniillre rarielnta during the 4 O paat week bava been very heavy 4 4 and pricaa were lower man mey w O have been before for months. 4 4 The latter part of the week the 4 aiirkit an decldodlv weak and 4 O prlcea for hens and aprlnge were 4 . , " ,a I hi .at 4 down aa low " va w O eenta. O 4 Dressed meat receipts con- 4) O tlnue ateady with fairly good de- 4 O mand at prevailing prices. 4 Recelpta of country atore but- 4 :ter have lnoreaaed and the de- 4 mand rather late. We do not an- 4 4 tlclpate any change re these con- 4 4 dltlona. : each. lOOlBc; Angora, each, 39cO tl.C Frulta aad Teg eta loo. POTATOES Buying price, 80085c : Jobbing. 8101.10 per ewti aweeta. aVkc. ONIONS Jobbing price -New Oregon. '.) 81.38: buying price, toOSSc; garlic, aQUc per lb. FRESH PRUIT8 Apples, 75cQl 28; oranges. Valencia. 88.00; banana. 60Vc par lb: lemons, choice, 88.8008.75 per box; fancy, 87 par box; limes, Mexican, 81.38 pee 100; plums, 40080c per crate ;cantaloupes, 31 23: grapes, 31. 10431.40; Concords. 27 4c; water melons. tOOTBc; peaches. SOcOSlOO; pears. 78cO1.00; prunes, bulk, 2c per lb; packed. 40O80 per box; hackle berr lea. 8c; ground cherries. MOTS per box: plnsspples, 8554) per doe. VKiiKTARI.ER Turnip, new. 81.00 per each: carrots. 31 sack; been. 31.80 sack; Oregon radishes. 30 per daa; csbbsge. Oregon. 1.30: bell pepper. 8c per lb: tomatoea, 40030c par box; paranlpa. MVejl.BQ: string heana. Oregon. 0JTc pet lb: canlt flower. 31 Ml .28 per do: peas, 4t5c: horse radlsh, eeiOc per lb: artichokes 75c per do: squssb. T8cO(1.00 per box; eggplaat. 31.50 ner rtoa buncbea; encumbers. 38c per box; celery. 75O00c doe: greea earn, 1.80 ssck: summer squash. 780(1 00 per box; eggplant. 31.78 per crate; pumpkins. Ic; cranberries, local. 88.500 00; Cap Ood. 88 par bbl. DRIED PR 1 1 ITS Apples. evsoorsted. ISO 14c per lb; s price Is. IHaia- par lb; paaehes. tSSJIBMe per lb; sscks. He per lb lean; praaaa. 88 to 40. 8c: He dree oa each 1-18 Soulier ia: Bgs. CaUfornla black. 66)Btte per lb; California white. StJtHc per lb; dates, golden. 7Hc per lb: tarda, (llotil.80 per IB-lb box. raoeilea. Bata. Zto. St'OAB All rerinerlea-Cube. 88.70: pow dered. 35.56: fruit, granulated. 35.88: dry granulated. 85.43: rnnf A. 38.43; extra ('. 34.93; golden C. 84.85; I), yellow. 34.03: bbls. lOctH bbls. 20c; boxes. 50c sd ranee oa ss.k basts. (Above prlcea are 80 daya net eaah quota tions.) H0.NET oat ana. COPPEB Pack brand. Jtr.2S01B.TB. ALT Cosrse Half tTonnd loow 38.00 net ton; 60s. 38.50: table, dairy. 80s. 313 00; 100. 312.78: bale. 81.88; Imported Liverpool. 80. 317.00: 100a, 31880; 224s. 818.00; extra bbls. 2s. 8. 10a, 84.6005.50; Liverpool lump rock. 318.80 par ton. 80-lb rock. 88.00; 100. .O0. I Above prices spply to aula of lea than car lota. Car let st sprrlsl prices subject to Suet uat tona. ) RICK Imperial Japan. No. 1. 8c: No. 3. 64MHe; New Orleaae head. 7c; Ajsx. Cat ('PaVtif Rs(( - ' BEANS Small, wait. 3.80; large white, BBS; pink. 82.80; bayou. 88.75; Lima. 84.50; red, 4. NUTSJ Peeuuta. Jumbo 8c per St: tirgtnls. OeHe per lb: roaatod. BOSHe per lb; Jape new. eOBHe: roaated. TOTHc Per B: eocoa- nata. SfTOSOc per doe: wsloats. ISOUHr pel lb; plueaats. MtOTtH par A; hlekory aim, 10c per lb; chestnuts, ess.err.. laaiec per in; Hraxll nuts IV per lb: filberts Itctine pet lb; faacy pecana. 18c: slmonds. IBHOl. Msau. rush aad Prerlslatja PRRBH MB A TP Front Street Hug, fa fOHc pet lb; bulls. SOHc Per lb; real extra. saaH ooor. tic ner per lb: ordinary. J He par lh:1 Ac par lb; mat too. fancy. Viae nr lb: lsmbs. 8T8r HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack (loeall hams. 10 to 14 lb. 18Hc ner lb: 14 to in lbs. 13c per lb; bresktsst ha con, i4H(Zlc per lb; picnics. lOHc per lb: cottage, lOc per Tit; regular abort rleara. una rooked. 11 He per lb; smoked. 13c per b; clear beeka. nnamoked, 13c per 8; nvked 18c per lb; I'nl .o butt 10 t 13 lb: cnamoked, 8c pee lb: smoked. 8e per lb; clear belllae, nnsmoted. 14c per lb; smoked, lac per lb; shoulders. 12Hc per Ih; pickled tetktuee, 8 00 eusrter bbl. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 13H per lb; 8. llr per lb: 50 lb. tlna. 12c par lb; Iteam rendered. 10. UHt per lb; 5a. UHe nee Ih: compound. 10. 8Hc. IAN a EO SALMON Columbia river. 1-ih tstla, 0; S-lh. telle, 32. 78; fancy, l ib Sat. 8180: lb faacy Bata. 81.15: fancy lib ovals. 82 78; Alaska till. pink. fStWOc: red. (1 .50; nominal 2 .00. stock cod. Te per lb; Sound era 8c ear lb: halibut. 8c per lb; crab. 81.0001 SO do; sttleed ha. 13Hc par lb: estSs. 5c per Ih; salmon. Columbia river Chinook. Tc; allveralde. ft; steel bead, 7c lb; herring. 8c pet lb; soles. c per lb: shrimps. 10c per lb; perch. 6c per lb: black cod, Tc per lb. tomeod. ' Te par lb; stiver smelt. Be per lb; lobster. 18c per lb; fresh mackerel. Be per lb; erswflib. hoc per doa: ahad. Br par lb; etargisa. 10c per lb: black baas. 30c. OYSTERS Shoslwster hay. nor gaL 33.38: per 110 lb sack. 34.00: oimpla. par gallon. 82.25: per 118 lb sack. 88 00. ti.AMS- Hardshell, par boa, 33.00; rasas Flams. 83.00 per box. Batata. Oaal Oil. It. ROPE Pore Manila. 14c;' atandard. ISHe; ii. I He. ' COAL OIL Pearl at Aetrsl Caaea 1H per gsl, water white. Iron barrel lot pet gal. wooden 17c oer gal; hesdllght. ITO-deg. eaess ''ABOLiSe- 88-deg. eaaee 84 H per gti. tree bbls 18c per gsL BBNEISE J-deg. eaeaa SB par gal, tro hbla lBHc P 8L . TURPENTINE la eaaee Sue lee gat, wsaBss efblol uWIC l8Jt r nTa I WHITELEAD Toa lot. T par IB; bOO-B lots. Be per lb; less lot, BM pe- lb. WIRE NAIL Present be ate at 83. SB. , LINREID OIL Per raw. la o-uoi lota. BOct l-bhl lot. BSC; riaes. 63c per gal: genuine kettle hot led. eaaee. BOc par gal; i-bbl lot. 54c: Lha. lot 88e per gal; ground cake, ear lota. 830.00 or sou: lata th car lata. 330.00 pat ua BAN TBABCI8C0 atlBIBS EXOHAVOK. San Frar.cleco Belmont I Cash Boy Golden Anchor Home Jim Butler... Ma. Samara .. Midway Montana North Star . . . Otde Oct. Rid. 6.87 .14 8 Official cloalng: Bid. Stelnwav 4A c oa. CaL Ta . . Ophlr Mexican Caledonia Exchequer .... Norctoes Oold Crown Or eat Bend . . . Rescue Black Butte Bx Montgomery Mt Sunset Seepire Manhattan Sey. Humphrey Dexter Oold Wedge . . lone Star Ot. Bend R. . do Annas Crescent Cowboy Denver Annex . Bulla a Bear.. Black Mock 74. T. Oonael... Manhattan Con. little Joe Majrflower ... Jumping Jack.. Red Top eg ... . Mlsatag Bnll Frog Mln. Triangle Starlight .00 BOO .87 .SB .60 1.08 .18 .50 A .33 .08 .83 .13 .48 13 .18 .60 .16 .1 .18 If IS .11 30 -OS .04 ,JT ,M M .64 .88 .06 .IT .44 ISA .6 .80 .36 I 1.12 79 308 2 BO I 6.28 1T.82V l.TB .10 I Ton. Kxten... Nevada Weet Bad Adams Atlanta i Bluebell Booth Columbia Mt Con. Quarry . . Dlamnndfleld . Dial Uoldfleld . ... Jumbo do extoa Kendall Laguna Mar Oeeen... M.hawa Bed Top Haudatorta ... Stiver Pick St. Itee National Baak. Denver Scllpse Oold Bar O. Bull frog . -24 IT .80 .88 .13 A4 .06 .(6 1 80 .48 BT .44 .30A B.T0 1.80 .66 .8 :4 BR 1.88 . 1.1" .14 BAB rRANCISCO LOCAL BONDS. San Pranetseo. OeC A-Loeal atocka: Rid. Ask Contra Costa Water....; 66 334 lapring vaney aaig se illsnt render Mawsllsn cTinm 88 m H'ttokes Snngsr IS 18 13 13 18 1J II t hlrewn Sutsr 18 13 Makewell Sugar 88 36 Onoriea nomas Sugar SB 40 ugr U IS oaottated Oil t M I AaaueUt-d Big Buyer 'of With Supplies Slow Market AMERICAN WHEAT Portland Market Steady With a Good Volume of Sales- Re port at Primary Points. LOCAL FLOUR SELLS TO CHINESE POINTS Portland Flouring Mills Sell Twenty Three Thousand Barrels to New Chwang and Tintaln Chicago Is Three-Eighths Cent Advanced. RELATIVE WHEAT VALVES. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. Gain. 1808. October .Tl 8 .T1H 3 .004 8 .... Iiccuibcr T4HB '-74H . -84 M.y TBI .TZ 00. -88H Locally the wheat market la la eery good shape and conalderable amount of gain ha been reported sold In the Interior during the past 48 hours st prevailing figures. The strength In wheat here la due to the Improvement la the foreign flour market. Ha lea to tbe orient have; lnoreaaed materially during the paat tew day. Today the Portland Flour ing Mill company la reported to have aold 23.000 barren to New Chwang and Tin Tain tn China. Local boor bualneee la good and tha market ia holding steady. Tha Chicago wheat market was atrong today and all options closed He over the previous Crke. Liverpool waa weak and a loss of d I shown IB both December and March options. Official quotations by Overbeck. Starr at Cooke company : rv its. A i . . Open. High. Low. Ctoee. October . December May .... October . December May .... St . 73 H T4 . IB TB CORN . 45W 45 4BHB 42HB 48H . 424 42 . 48 43 OATS. October . December May .... 88 84 85 . 84 84 H . 86 Va 88tJ Ml.SS PORK. .170 1877 .134T 1367 LARD. . 880 8P2 . 867 818 . 780 TBT 8HORT RIBS. 88 SS 1885 1343 880 857 790 820 TSO May .... January . October . December January 1STT 136T 810 October 832 832 January T2q TSO TSO ' LIVEKPOOL OBAIB MARKET. Liverpool. Oct. 8.--Official prlcea. WHEAT. Open. Cloae. Oct. 4. Lose. I'OBN. December 4a 84d 4s 8Ud 4a BAd ',n January ..4 lgd 4a lgd as Id 3d ADVANCES -IH LIVESTOCK STARTED TODAY Cattle and Lamb Up With Irh proved Conditions) Other Lines Hold Good. Portland Unloa Stockyard. Oct. . Lrveetoek ""to Boas Cettle. Sheep, Today "4 2& Week' ago 301 34e Veer ago 138 48 3M The general advance In livestock predicted bj Tha Journal ot lata baa been partially made when the rattle market waa advanced 23c for Beet, and Isms were moved up the name amount. All luarkete are holding well. Official livestock price: Hog Beet eaatern Oregon, 30.50; blockers and China fata. 88.0038.28. Cattle Beet eaatern Oregon steers. 88.803 8.7.V beet row and heifer. S3.Mtl3.TR: Block ers and feeders. 82.TStt8.00: bull. 31.80. Kheep -Mixed, 4ej4Vc; lamba. 5ve. EASTERN MARKETS DOWN Hogs aad Cattle S Cents lea war tat Chi cago Sheep Bteady. Chicago, Oct. 8. Livestock recelpta: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 83.000 31.000 80.000 Ksnaaa City 8.000 33.000 1B.000 Omaha 2. 500 8,000 23.000 Hogs are 5c lower, with 4,300 left over from Saturday. Receipts a year ago ,wre 84.000. Prices. Mixed. .eT.T3: toot! aad heavy, 88.40tJ8.T8; rough, .Wtte.23; light. 3is Cai tie Ten eenta lower. Sheep Steady. GOOD SALE OF SHEEP Big Band Bwea Bold ae S4 a (Special niipitch to The JouVnal.) Condon. Or.. Oct. s. A. M Smith, a wall known ranch and aheepman of Mayrllle, aold fin band of 1.280 ewea to McOee A Moor of Yakima, receiving 34 per head for the entire bunch. Thla la one of tbe beat aalea made this aeaaon. NEW TOBX COTTON BLABXXT. New York. Oct. 8. Cotton price: OfflcJ! cnottlon by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke comosnv: tlpen. RANGING HIGHER H 77 H S 42 High. Low. Close 1044 MSB 1034 1042 1088 1043 1048 1058 1061 1051 106S 1060 1083 1086 1082 1003 1072 1000 1057 1048 in: Ml 1083 10.17 1038 1028 1038 1038 1029 January February March .. April ... kiy June .... July .... October November December 1084 . . 1052 . . 1058 . .1058 . .1058 . .1081 ..1048 .1021 .1038 Liverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool. Oct. S. Cotton future closed 1 to 33 polata lower. UNITZD STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS. New Tort, Oct. 8 Government bonds mte. Bid. Ask. Twos, registered do coupon Three, reglatered . . . do ecu pon Small bonds Poor, registered do toepea Fours, registered .... do coupon District of Columbia.. Philippine lalsnda ... Opt. 103 Opt. 103 10414 104 V, 103 I0RJ ios" 103 IR1 181 OpL lo2 Opt. lORV, lOSt, 1036 102V, IBOT i U2', 182S 130V, 1B3S 130 1B34 US .... 100 Mew Trk Bond Market. New York. Oct. 8. Official Bnrllneton Mint 4a Louisville A Naahvllle 4a ur'aa:;!!!;1 r:::::::::...?8 ft! Norfolk A Weetern con. Atlanitc noaat Line 4a O. B. A B. 4.. POBTLAND BANK STATEMENT. Clear lugs today 31. 328. BBS S3 Clearing year ago 1.074.745 84 Gala taday. ..4. e$, 364,134.86 What Bluff la. Proas the Washington Sttr. "aVonomr." ald I nele Bhen. "le sanipln' del are all tlnka other people ought to prac tice eo's we wes t bar tt Uat ettraeltet s Poultry Are Heavily Overloaded and This Seem to Insure a During the Coming Six Day.. METAL HIGHEST IN 25 YEARS Copper Goes to Twenty-Two Cents a Pound Today and , Breaks Recent Records. GENERAL LIST GETS A GOOD GAIN EARLY American Smelters Three and Fife Eighths Up for the Common Amalgamated One and a Half Points Higher. MBT GAINS. ... lHIColorado Fuel Anaconda Amalgamated Cotton 00 Chesapeake Locomotive Sugar Smelter Brooklyn Canadian Pacific. ... IH N. Y. Central.... Pennsylvania .... Hook Island Southern Pacific. I I. Ion Pacific ... U. B. Steal National Lead... Out. A Western. . St. Paul a. r. ad pro Batj NET LOSSES. , .. HM S. Steel. . Brie Copper metsl went to 23c pound today, the beg heat price rescued for 25 rear. This helped tbe mining laaue. and caused aa early advance In the general liat. Toward the cloae. ureooare took away part of the early profit. Amalga mated gained 1 Vi and American Smelter 8 points. Pool manipulation caused a gala of a boat 3 points In dan r'rauvleco Second pre ferred. Official notations by Overbeck, Starr a Oooka company: v , Bid. Ak. Amalgamated Copper Company 14 118 American Car roundry, common. 48V 40 Vs Amarlcsn Car A r'oundry, preferred. .... 103 American uotton ttu, common... American Locumotlva. eon Amerlcsn Sugsr, com American Smelter, common....... American timelier, preferred Anaconda Mining Co American Woolen, common Atchlaou, common Atchlaou, preferred Baltimore A Ohio, common Baltimore Ohio, preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Cauadlau Pacific, common'. Central Lestner, common Central Leather, preferred Chicago a Great Weetern, cum . . Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago A Northwestern, common Chess peeks A Ohio Colorado Fuel A Iron, com . re .188 186 -SSIM ilOSK ilSJrjj . TS .1T 18 '. ssik 88 V Colorado Southern, common 40 Colorado Southern, 2d preferred ... 84 1 Colorado Southern, let preferred Delaware A Hudeoa Denver A. Bio Urnde, common 43 Denver A Bio Urendo. preferred Erie, common 48 ii Erie, second preferred rie. DC. L preierreu - Illinois Central Louisville A NaahvlUe Manhattan Railway .... Mexican central Railway 33 Missouri. Kanaaa A Texaa, common. 88 Mlaeourl, Kausaa A Texaa. preferred 71 Distillers 80 Missouri Pacific MB National Lead T7 New York Central 140 N Y., Ontario A Weetern 48 Norfolk A Weetern, common Norfolk A Weatexu. uraferrad. ,. jam ib americau Northern Pacific, cosamoa Pacific Mail Steamship Co 1'ennsylvsnls Hlllway People a Qaa. Light A Coke Co Pressed Steel Car, oeosmoa . . . . Prtsaed Steel Car, preferred... Reading, common .314 . 8T .140 ', 54 1MV itrsning, second prererreu Res ding, first preferred Republic Iron A Steel, common 88 Republic Iron A Steel, preferred 88 Rock laland, common 3B Ko.k laland. preferred 881 St. Louie a S. r.. 2d preferred S St. Louto A 8. fa lt preferred St. Louis A 8. W.. common St. Louis A S. W.. preferred Southern Pacific, common 86 Southern Pacl&c, preferred Southern Railway, sumosua , . . 36 Southern Railway, preferred.. Tennessee Coal A Iron Texaa A Pacific 38 Toledo, St. Louis A Western, com. 4A Toledo, St. Louis A Western, pfd. BT r ii i..n PeelBc, common 1ST Colon Pacific, preferred United Steles Rubber, com 4B t'nlted Ststes Rubber, preferred 6TV Cnlted State Steel Co.. common. 4R t'nlted Statee Steel Co.. oreferred .list Wabaah. common 30 1 Wabaah, preferred 44 Western I'nlon Telegrsnh BT 86 Wisconsin CeWral. common ST Wisconsin Central, preferred 67 86 NO SALES SHOWN ON LOCAL STOCK MARKET Although bidding wss quite lively there were bo ssles on the Portland atork exchange today. Official prices BAKU STOCKS, Bid. Bank of California Merchants' National Oregon Trust A Savlnga 12B 180 130 106 Portland Trust to Banker' A Lumbermen's United Statea Natanlal BOO MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbell's Gas Burner Union Oil Associated Oil Alaaka Packer' Pacific Statea Telephone Home Telephone Puget Sound Telephone Oregon Life Insurance Cement Product J. C. Lee Co 0. B. A N. By. 4s Latter Manufacturing Co MINING STOCKS. 304 T 104 60 80 1000 80 140 101 186 08 64 1T Si, 203 101 100 Nicola Coal International Coal Britleh Columbia Amal Pacific Metal F.x traction Alaaka Petroleum Alaska Pioneer Standard Consolidated Oregon Securities Snowstorm Snovrshoe Leva Creek Oold Taoama Steel I Is lice Consolidated (lallaher Golden Rule Conaolldated. Bullfrog IBrrlbl OolcorjrJ North F sir view Le Bay Hiawatha Casradla v Lucky Boy Heels Rambler t'srlboo Dixie Meadow Great Northern OS 60 04 3e S40 60 Sit 03 1 SB I 380 30 jf 1000 100 338 26 03 Mountain View Bio River Oold Garvin Cyanide SUGAR STOCKS. Hawaiian Commercial IT 13 ft Hutchln Makawell 40 IS ::::::::::: Paaohaa 1 nlon Decidedly Clerer. "That fallow serous the street Boa a fine heed." "Tte, he's bright." "What haa ha doner' "Why. he's the Inventor ef the Postal Card rllrtatlee." Inutginatloa. From J edge. Mrs Barring tmaglnstlnn! What I Imsglns tloai Mr. Bnrelag It I tht facalty. my deer, which eaake- hellers that marrlagg la FORESTFIRES BURN MUCH TIMBER California Coast Range Has Been Blazing for Over a Week. FIGHTER8 WORN OUT AND FLAMES SPREAD Santa Lucia Government Reserva tion Endangered and Loss Will Be Great If Rain Does Not Pall Very Soon. (Journal Special Service. 1 Salinas, Cal., Oct. 8. The forest fire along the coast In thla county which started September 30, gontlnuea, to rage and spread with unabated vigor. From the scene of devastation cornea the re port that cloae onto 160.000 aerea have already been laid bare. The men who have been fighting the flames are worn out and can only save the dwelling and stock. The Are la still going southerly along the coast The Santa Lucia government reserva tion, near Taaaajara Springe, la now burning. The line of flame la over 13 mlloa wide and SO mllea long. Unless rain falls the entire Santa. Lucia hill will be denuded. TIME SAVING WRENCH Takes But a Second to Adjust the Jaws to Any Position. Every week some enterprising In ventor brings out a new style monkey wrench, but with ail the various designs EASILY ADJUSTED. submitted few are superior or aa good aa the wrench of everyday use. Natur ally a novelty wrench. Ilka tbe one shown In. the Illustration, laamediately attracts attention. The patentee la a resident of Indian Territory. Ia this wrench tha stationary jaw, the handle aad tha ratchet teeth are no different from the usual type, but the movable jaw Is adjusted In a manner quite out of tbe ordinary. Pivoted on the mov able Jaw ia a small lever. Extending from the lever la a catch which regis ters with the ratchet teeth. To adjuat the Jawa the lever la moved away from the handle far enough to bring the catch out of locking position. The mov able Jaw ia then free to move in either direction. After determining the sis of the nut the lever ia sprung Into its closed position. It will be obvious that tha adjustment le very quickly and readily accomplished. UNIQUE ROLLER SKATES Wearer Capable of Traveling at a Remarkable Speed. At the present time roller skating Is receiving more attention than for many years. A revival of the sport aeems Im minent, the older admirers being aa en thusiastic aa the younger recruits. Probably the decline fit the sport can be attributed to the fact that at the time roller skating waa popular every where no attempt waa made to Improve upon the stereotyped style of roller skate. At this late day, with good prospects of a boom In the sport, a Ne braska inventor brings forth a design which promleee a revolution In the con struction of roller skates. The accom panying illustration gives a good Idea of Its form. Two wheels, not rollers. LARGE WHEELS ASSURE SPEED. are used, the wheele being half a dosen timee aa large ue the old-fashioned rollere. Connecting tbe two wheels In the renter le an sale about the width of the foot. Bueutnded upon the axle le a plata which supports the shoe In the usual way. It Is claimed that wear era of thane skatee can Iravel at a re markable epeed. Cushion tlrea are placed on the wheels, requiring only a minimum of effort to gt over the ground. ' A WISE ANSWER From Hoard's Dairyman. A merchant asked a dairy farmer thla queatlon: "In what conatate your revenue from your farm V Tha farmer replied aa follows: "My revenue doae not constat alone In my eaah aalea each year. Add to that the growth In value of my young Btock, the food grown oa the farm for TRANSPORTATION. North Pacific S. S. Co's Popular Steamship ROANOKE, 2,600 tona, sella for San Francisco, Loe Angeles and Eureka, Thursday, October 11, 8 p. m. Thuraday, October '36, I p. m. Thuraday, November 8, 3 p. m. From Martin's Dock, foot Seventeenth street Ticket OfIce, 132 Third, near Alder. H. Young, Agt. Phone M. 1114. STEAMER TELEGRAPH Kouad Trip Sally, Portland -Astoria aad Saturn. Leave Arrive Portland ... T OO . m JAstorl 1.80 p.m. Attsrl 3:30 p. as. 'Portland 8:00 p. ns. URALS SERVED A LA CABTB POBTLABO LABDXBO. ALBEB-STBEZT DOCK ABTUKLa LAJIiJiau, msiil.s,BTSJm swa B. B. SCOTT, agent. Pnone Mala BOB. S. S. F. A. Kilburn fat Gate Bay, Bucks aad Baa nalso Next sailing from Portland Friday, October 11. Neat aalUag from San rrsnclsco, Ttaora.. Oct. 4. OHAS. B STEELSMITH, Agent. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 TEETH rUTt, Cut Rates To advertise our now aad wonderful ly anooaesful Alveolar Method, we will do work at eat rates lbs 30 Days a ' in me nursatia with sB warn;. BJaaoalaalinB free. Silver fillings, SOe; crowns (SSk.) 83.50 to S8.001 brldg.- v tt),t 4.1 M tn an. OO. Plates as low as S8.00. Everything first olass. Lady attendant- BOSTON DENTISTS 39 1& Morrison Street Opposite Poetoffice ReadyforWork Comprises all that's neceaaary to predi cate of the BAT STATE palnla which are here for your aelectlon and pun ehase. It's 'Our bualneee to know paints, to keep on hand a supply of paints with which to fill your orders. BIO 3 AX SIT Fisher, T horse n &Co. O ' SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FUSVOPIHO EXTRACTS AaajslijhrfuTrry, Firttsr Flivor, CLOSSET ft DEVERS l PORTLAND. OREGON. v. i : j my family, and lastly but moat 1m portent is the Increase Of fertility ot ' my farm, if I keep thla laat going ui riant ovoryigyng etsa cornea The farmer waa rooted and grounded In true agricultural faith. He edw things In their right light and from the right viewpoint. "All things will work tojteinar ior.gooo to inone wno acep up the fertility of their call. Of the Janitor. mm ths Chicago Inter-Oeoaa. UndeasraM, t ra barbae Ohio villaga shoot te Incorporate, la In tha midst of s warm Sue casalon over the slleged rkllcokeoa noaltloa It icbool board hoe kicked It la. They have discovered that the Janitor of their own pub lic seheal received 8TSD per year, while Ita principal, the man of learning and In ckarge ef elgkt teachers, receive leas by MB set aanum than the man ef labor. Tbe SNastke fBleaUae a disruption In Vsso- -ahAd whs gagsd la sehert 1 Lm al vw)BsBsssssBsssf 'SsbsbbbI BBS ' OKsskal Base MRS. WMSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hss been naed by Mlllh.ns of Mothers for thalr , ohlldreo while Teething for over Ptfty Teara. ' i It soothes the child, so he as thai gams, alloy i i srlnCTUVwlnd oolto, aad Vis boat 1 1 too orbool Board. Wo,r rise ' Hamexoaa, Fort Staiise, uxr- sTaat a BVhynaa. hart Park, Seaside .. 66 sm 11 88 est From I'uck., Ssert. sspraa do you A when not etc j All tr.lna Ulti." ' kept Beey rhymlim wlu 68 Bjsjtj TRANSPORTATION. Oregon SHOJeJJtUlHC Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Through Pothnaa standard and tpurlat Bleat ing -eara dally to Oasaha. Co lea r. Spokane: tourtat sleeping care dally to Kansas Ct'r Through reclining ehalrcatra (seats free) te the Rest dally. t'nisa Depot Leave. Arrive. Chics go- Port Is nd Special for tbe Bast via Hnotlagtue. dir. 8:80 am 8:08 pot Spokane river (or Eaatern wasnmgton. walla Walla. LeuTvTTO, rnenr d'Aloae aaa ?ret Northern points, dally. 4:18 era :00 ate . .. "press rot rat tsseevee- vis Hontlngton. dally 1)18 BOB T:1B BOB Port, sad-Biggs local, for all Kin's between Bigg aad rtlaasj, dl5y . . . .VT."T a IS sm IKSp COLUMBIA BJTBB DIVISION. For Astoria and wsr points, eoRaoetssUt with teemer Bar Ihvaco aad North Beach. STeamet HbbosIo, Asht. dork, leasee 8 p. m. dllv. 'jcept Sunday: Ba turds r 10 p. m. Arrtvos snout 6 p. m.. except 8Vindy. TAMHILL BITER ROUTS. For Dayton. Oregon Ctty and Yamhm rivet Clata, stesmere Ruth and Modoc. Aah-et. . Berk, ire T a. in. dally, except Sunday (water par mlttlngl. Arrlvs T:80 p. m. dally. esAept Sunday. SNAKB BIVRB BO 0TB. Per Lewlaton. Idaho, and way points from RIpsHa. Wash, steamers Spokaoo sad Lewav Jon leave 5:40 a. m.. or apoe arrival Train Bo. 4, dally except Saturday. Arrive 4 p. ax. dalle ex-ent Friday. Ticket Office Third end Washington tea. Telephone Mala TIB. O. W. STTNORR. CUtr Ticket Agpat. Wm. Mc.MI'RRaV. Oeneral Psseenger Ageot. EAST VIA SOUTH Union Depot Leave. Arrive. Overland Ex press Trains for Salem, Roeeberg, Aah land, Sacramento, Ogden, San rrsnclsco, Stockton. Lo Aagslss. Bl Base, New Orleans and the coat. 8:46 pm : Morning train connects at Wood burn daily except Sunday with train fee Moaat Angel, srtvartoa. Brownsville. Springfield. V.' codling end Natron 8 :00 am T:3B faa Eugene pasesngsr con nects at Wood bum with Mount Angel and Stlvertoa local 4:18 pta 10:8 tat Cnrvalll paaaenger T :60 am 80 pro Sheridan paaaenger 4:60 pm S pm Foeeat Orove passenger. . . . 1111 :00 am 1110:30 am Forest Orove pass sag sr. . . . IISOO pm 3:80 pat Dally. IIDatly except Skadar. JEFrERSON STREET STATION. For Dallas aad Intermediate points dally. T:3B a. . and 4:16 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:16 l m, ana e'.aa p. m. yor Hme ind eBM oT OBaatu satmihaa Trttne prlj at Cltv Tlckt Office, or station. Ticket, to Eastern points sad Europe t asm Japan. China. Honolulu aad Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third aad WaSB tngtoe streets. Phone Main 713. C. W. BTTNOBB. Wm. McMTTBBAT. City Ticket Agent. Can. Baas. A goat. TIMECARD OP TRAINS Portlandi Leave. Arrtv. Yellowstone Park Kanaaa CI ty 8t. Umls Special for Cbebslls. CaatraUa. Olympkt, Urs's Harbor. South Bead. Taeeasa. Seattl. Spokane. Lewlaton. Butte. Billings. Denver. Oma ha. Kanaaa Cltv. St. Lcnla nd Sonthesst. dally 8:80 pm 4:36 pm North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Tacotna. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul and the Beet, easily. 3:00 pa TrBB am Paget Bound Limited, fat I'larrmont. Cbehalls. Cen- trslls. Tacoma and Seattle only, dally 4:30 pas : pm Twin City Eipi for Taco ma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena. Bntte, St. Peel. Minneapolis. Lincoln. St. Joseph. Kanaaa City. Omaha. St. Loufc. with out chsage of cart. Direct connections for all netota Boat and Southeast, dairy 11:43 am 18 88 ooi 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 The Oriental Limited, the Fast 3U11 VIA 8EATTLB AND SPOKANE. Port Is nd time echodnt Dally. Dally. Leave. Arrive. To and from Spokane, St. I'snl. Mtaneapolkt. nuiuth and all poluta Eaat vie Seattl 8:80 am T OO am 1148 pm 8 80 pm Te and from St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth and all points Hast via gpoksne 6:1 psi 6:00 am Oraet Bartaern BteamiBtp Oa. Sailing from Seattl for Japan aad China ports snd Manila, carrying see aengera and freight. S. S. Mlnneeeta. Oetehet SB. B. S. Dakota, Severn her 33. NIPPOK TTflUOI BAISRA I Japs Mall Htessaskia Co. I B S. Tom BUru will sail from Seattle about October 16 for Japan and Chinese porta, carrrtng pssaauger and freight. Pot tlcketa, ratee. Berth, reaarve tleaa. etc.. rail aa at oddret H DICBSOB. 0. . t. A, It Tk4rd St.. Portland. Orsaaa. Pkeae Mala 6B6. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer . ..., An vtorwtav. ii?7:i ' i rriT., at 1 a to far Wednesday and Friday at 7 a m, w coiiS! liiiisaaTllig with i cortaUea Com: U. .r Vive a PortUnsl. Tueeday. Thars d.e amt ftiit'irdty at 1 B b. Low rate and excellent 2M0 and 320 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. m ok fife I THE COafPOSTTABLC WAY. J Lee so. AeoBoe.