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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1906)
10 ' THE OREOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1906. 2 ii SaBBSBBBI BBBaTBBBBBBBBBBaBtBBaBeSBI BBBBBBSBBl BBSBBBBPBBBS eaaBSASBBSH Baa FOOTBALL TALK WILLAMETTE AT Captain Radar's Eleven Promises to Be as Fast as Last Year's Squad. GOOD SCHEDULE OF GAMES HAS BEEN ARRANGED Coach Boyer Is Well Pleased With the. Quality of His Material and Eapects the Eleven to Make Rec ord on the Gridiron. (Special Plapatcb to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Oct. 8. The football en thualasm at the university is man treat ing Itself In that restrained fashion that augurs well for a sane but nevertheless aggressive season. Several grimes have been arranged, i and the first contest of the season will be October 24, when the Sons of Marcus from Whitman college come to meet the Bona of Jason Lee from "Old Willam ette." The University of Oregon will be here November 17. and that la looked upon aa the great game of the year. The paat week has been given to light practice, consisting of paaslng the bail and running down punts. Captain Rader, whose foot won the day in the two great games against Multnomah laat aeason, la showing up in hla old-time form, and will be watched with Interest the coming aeason. Formation fur criee-eross playa and end rung were also studied. The Willamette backs will he as swift aa last year, with Rader at full and Alvan Nace and Russell at halves. and the back field will present a formid able combination. "Mustart" Coleman has not yet returned from hla outing, but will be here In a day or two. Whether. he will play at quarter has not yet been decided, his presence In the lineup will cheer the local team, aa Coleman playa with a dash and spirit seldom seen, and la never a victim of stage fright. Coach Boyer, speaking on the outlook yesterday aald: "I do not know that we will have a championship team; ttet lan't necessary, but we will have a team that will represent the university and of which we all can point to with pride. - We lost a number of good men last year, but I believe we will be able to fill their places with new men. I am pleased at the low ebb of interest just now; It Is an Indication that we will finish strong at the end of the season."' Among the new men who have made their appearance on the field, and who are expected to give a good account of themselves, are Russell, who two years ago played atar ball for Idaho; Philip Stover of 8unnyalde, too, has the quali ties of a good, clear-headed player; thun there is Pemberton, a freshman In the medical college, who learned the rudi ments of the game at Newberg; Belk nap, who played full on the second team last season. Is a good man, and Stelwnr, Fisher and McKnlght will be heard from. Among the players who were strong in laat year's aggregation and who will not don the moleskins are Pol lard. Phllbrook, Lounabury, Long and Henkle. WELL-KNOWN RACE MEN PAY PORTLAND A VISIT Frank 8. Skinner and Fred Mulhol land. two of the best known racing of ficials on the Pacific coast, arrived this morning from Spokane, where they of ficiated at the Interstate fair meeting. Mr. Skinner says that Spokane people thoroughly enjoyed the racing and pat ronised It well. "Plans are under way now," says Mr. Skinner, "to build a mile track in' Spokane, ao that a big meeting may be held there next year. Thirteen open books were In operation there and everything paased off with out a hitch." Mr. Skinner la very fond of Portland and thinks a well-regulated meeting In this city with an open betting ring would be an attractive card for next year. Both Mr. Skinner and Mr. Mul holland will engage In the Oakland race meet, which opens on November IT, and will ran for ISO days. SPRINTER KELLY WILL BE OUT TOMORROW University of Oregon. Eugene, Oct. S. Dan Kelly will be out of bed Tuesday, If no kind of a relapse occure. The oper ation assumed a more serious nature after It waa over, and Italy has bean confined to his bed ever since. Trainer t Ha t ward says Ahat Dan will be better than ever, and that the operation will f be an ultimate benefit. An Earnest Invitation... Is extended you to visit our store and wine cellar at any time. We claim it to be the most complete and modern family liquor store in the city. Our wines and liquors are pure and exquisite in flavor by rea son of the age. National Monogram Pure Rye Whiskey Full quart, 91 ; galkm $3.50 National Monogram Pure Bourbon Full quart, $1 ; gallon $3.50 Imported Ale and Porter, per dozen 92.25 The Quality Store Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6489 ANGELS BEAT OUT THtJIANTS Henderson i Goes Wrong in the Seventh and Dillon's Man Steal the Contest. SPLENDID PITCHING AND BRILLIANT SUPPORT Both Pitchers Were in Good Form, but Portland T wirier Became Un steady in Seventh and Los Angeles Chased Three Rons Across Plate. (Journal Bps Ola, 1 Si lisa.l Los Angeles, Oct. I. The Angels got after oar own If r. Henderson yesterday In the seventh Inning and smashed, three runs across ths plate. Up until this period Henderson had allowed but two hits, and victory leaned toward Port land. Two passes, a hit by pitcher and two safe drives gave Los Aageles three runs and the game. Bargeman and Henderson pitched splendid ball and their support was per fect. Portland's new second baseman. Johnny Wanner, participated in the game and made a good Impression. The score: . LOS ANGELES AB. R. H. PO. A. E Bernard, cf. . Oochnauer, as Cravath, rf. . Brashear. Ib. Dillon, lb. . . . Carllale. if. . Toman, 2b. . . Buckley, e. . . Bergeman, p. Totals .... 4 0 1 5 1 0 S ...... ST S 27 11 0 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Sweeney, as. J o l i I o of. I 0 0 S 0 .if i 0 J t e, rf. 0 11 0 ate Hale. Mitchell atV'ivuir, Smith. Ib. 4 0 0 I 1 .... e 4 t .... 2101st .... S 0 2 6 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 Donahue, c. Wanner, 2b. . Lister, lb. .. Henderson, p. Totals SI 1 7 14 9 0 SCORE BY INNINGS. Los Angeles O0O0OOS0 I Hlta 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 I Portland 0 000 100 01 Hits 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 07 SUMMARY. Two-bsse hits Bergemsn, Mitchell. Sacrifice hits Sweeney, Cravath. Left on bases Los Angeles, 7; Portland, 4. Bases on balls Off Bergeman. 1; off Henderson, 6. Struck out By Barge man. I; by Henderson. S. Double nlaya Oochnauer to Toman to Dillon; Ber nard to Buckley. Stolen bases Cra vath, Braabear. McCredie. Wild pitch Bergeman. Hit by Ditcher Bueklev. Time of game One hour and 45 min utes. Umptrs-Perrine. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. Lost. P.C. Portland 101 4 .478 Seattle St 7S .SSS San Francisco SI 73 .610 Los Angoras SSv. 7 .SIS Oakland (i .411 Freano 68 106 ,198 NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost. P.C. .lit SS .748 . 6 ,SS3 . SS 10 .0S . 71 82 .444 . St 8 .435 t4 87 .424 . SI SS .S4T 48 102 .826 Chicago . . , New Tork . Pittsburg . . Philadelphia Brooklyn . . Cincinnati . , St. Louis . . . Boston At Pittaburg. R. H E. . t t 1 T 10 -Kaaick snd Schlel; Leever Umpire O'Day. Cincinnati Pittsburg . Batteries and Pelts at t. tonis. Eleven Innings. St. Louis Chicago R. H. E. ...S S 1 ...8 10 2 Batteries McOlynn and Noonan Overall and Moron. Umpire Carps n tar. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. Lost. P.C. si ili 10t .SIT Chicago . . . New York . Cleveland . . Philadelphia St. Louis . . Detroit . . . . Washington Boston . . . R. H. E Chicago 1 I S t 11 l Detroit Batteries Flenn and Sullivan: Kill lan ana Payne. R. H. B St. Louis Cleveland Batteries Smith and hardt and Clarke. S 10 3 T IS 0 Spencer; Lteb- . (Journal Special Bertlee.) Freano, OaL, Oct 8. The Seals took both games from the Tigers yesterday. The scores: First game r. H. e. San Francisco. .0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 10 It 1 Fresno 0 0003001 6 S 14 S 'latteries- Wei h. Brown and Wllaon; Fitzgerald and Hogan. Second game . R. H. E. San Francisco ..0 ( 3 6 0 0 f-i-S 4 8 Fresno 1 0 S O 1 4V 6 t 2 1 Batteries Brown and 8 piss; Hoag, Blank and Hogan. Umpire Derrick. for S (Journal Special Service.) Oakland, Oil.. Oct. 8 The Slwaahea were In good fettle yesterday end took both games from the Coraaauters. The scores: First game R. H. E. Besttle 0 0 00 1 0 S 1 1 6 IS 2 Oakland 30 1 000000 4 8 2 Batteries Garvin and Blankenahlp: Qraham and Bliss. ,Boond game R H. K Seattle 8 00000 0 1 0 4 S 0 Oakland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 S T t Batteries Vlcktrs and Rlankenahlp: Catea and Bliss. Umpire Mshalfey. 'ball far Fate. (Spatial IHepatrh to Tto Journal.) Vale, Or., Oct 8. Vale has orgsnlsed Its first baseball team with Dr. H. T. Hoopla aa manager, and he' la putting forth every effort to secure the best players In ths vicinity. He eays that he haa secured several professional playera and that he will have a team of aome note. Enterprlae. Or., Oct. 8. A stock com pany haa been organised for the purpose of building sn opera-house In this elty. The building will be located south of the public square. It will be tfxioo and will have a seating capacity of 100 It will be supplied with all the modern conveniences, snd It will fill a long Salt want la the city. TWELVE TEAMS PUT IN BOWLIHB LEAGUE High Scores Made in Oregon Association During the First Week of Flay. Bowling, the favorite pastUms of winter sports, haa commenced with a larger line-up of old and now ten-pin bowlers than was ever known in Port land before. The Oregon Bowling aaeo olation, which started Its league games October l, has IS team a, divided Into two classes, "A" and "B." The "A" clasa consists of the beat bowlers in the city, and ths scores made rank with any made In eaatera cities. The "B" class are novices, roost of whom have entered the league games for the first time, but the showing mads by some will make the older ones hurry, when the averages are figured at the end of the season. Soma of the scores made the past week are as follows: McMenomy 300. 186. SSS. SSS. SIS. Ullman 2(8. SS4, 286, SIT. SIS. Hamilton 214, SSS, SIS. SSL Keating SSS. Sit. SS4, SIS. Case SSS. 814, SIS, SSS. Stammers 281, 317, SSS. 211. Kruse S47, SSS, SSt. Sit. Sloan SSS, 811, 206. Sit. Kneyse Sit. SIS. SSt. ttt. Ficken SIS. SOS. 816, SSt. Moaer 317, Sit, S10. 806. ' Desvers 206, SOS, SOt. Stl. La Roche SIS, S07. SIS, SOS. Crook 266. 488. 212. S10. Capon Sit. SIS. SOS, 817. Barbour SSS, SOt, SIS. SSS. Daviea 224. tt. 308, 202. Swlnney 22S, 314. SOS, SIS. SWarta 333, SIS. 209. 311. Kllllngsworth 206. 307. 303. Ross SSt. SIT. SOt. Moore SIT, 310. lot. Monday night the league games will be represented bv the Gold Leaf va Bchlllera. Both teams are practicing hard to get out of the rut the past weak put them In. SPORTING GOSSIP The Schiller team defeated the Trunk makers yesterday by the score of t to L The feature of the contest waa the ab sence of "Doc" Anderaon from the posi tion of umpire. Ed Rankin offtcated. 'BBBBBBBBea3pBBBBBBw' Jim Jeffries haa announced his Inten tion to return to the ring. Now listen to the ominous alienee that will prevail In quarters where loud noises were wont to be heard. e -a "Silk" ..O'Loughlln may be a good umpire, but he's a mighty bad fielder. He had 1,600 chances to catch a pop bot tle with his head at Chicago the other day, but he didn't accept one of 'em. e e And so Portland lost another .game; who cares, anyway? The (Hants, If they wish, can beat the Angels every day In the week and twice on the Sab bath. Football experts have got together for the purpose of Interpreting the new rules and all agree Shat under them It is difficult to maim In opponent (when the referee is. looking): Walter Camp believes that It la wrong ' to bite an opposing player under the rules, though he agrees that there is nothing which prohibits biting him under the arms. The rules 4a not specifically prohibit kicking an opponent In the face, but a majority of the experts are inclined to believe that this will constitute off side plsy. In case a player, however, mis takes sn opponent's fsca for the foot ball, his side will not be penalised. Mr. Tost of Michigan haa placed himself In the hands of a Hon tamer, and he hopes soon to be docile enough to teach the game as she Is to be played. Wa are somr what Interested to know how tack ling is to be reprocessed. Under the old system a tackier waa supposed to make the runner feel as if he had fallen aa a pile of pig Iron, while the spirit of the new rules calls for a feather beat. In some respects the gams will not be changed. It will still have 11 man on each side, snd the shape of the ball remains ths same. a The M. A. A. C. football squad hsld sn Interesting scrimmage practice yes terday. The day waa hot, the sawduat was hot and, needless to say, the play srs were well heated up. The second eleven, assisted by Captain Jordan, scored a touchdown on the alleged var sity. a Tuesdsy and Wednesday evenings of thla week have been set aside at the Multnomah club for football practices. The players are requested to be in uni forms at 7:30 sharp. The Deehler-Donahue bout scheduled for tonight st Valley Falls, Rhode Is land, hss been declared off. In Its place a conteat haa been arranged between Al Delmont and Monk, the newsboy. Those old-time rivals, Arthur Cote of Blddeford and "Kid" Psnts of Bos ton, are to mix It up again tonight In a 15-round go at Augusta, Maine, e Whew they claah with the Cardinals this week the St. Louis Americans will meet a different team from the one they defeated so easily last spring. a It Is said that Charles W. Boyer, president of the South Atlantic base ha 11 league, has bean offered the presidency of the Virginia State league. e a This year Birmingham won the South ern league pennant ana new urieane Isnded In fourth place. Last year their positions at the wlndup were Just the reverse. e Del Mason, Cincinnati's new rubber atamp from Baltimore, did very well In part of a game at Philadelphia, but the next time out, at Boeton, the Beanies sent him to ths settee. e a. i ' r Oood Ditching, base running and team work, rather than heavy hitting, have characterised the successful work of the new champions of ths Nations! eague. Mordecal Brown, the star pitcher of the champion Cuba, nans rrom cox- vllle, Indiana. Hie nrsr prorsssionai ensaaem.nt waa with the Terre Haute club of the Three-I league. From Terre Haute be went to Omaha, from Omaha to St. Louis snd thsocs to unicago. Both the Newark club of the Eaatern ague and the Scranton team of the New Tork State league won in games plsyed recently with the .New Tork Olants. ' Stew Baker City. Or. Oct. 8. O. C. Wright of Sumpter, O. H. Wheeler, the Phila delphia millionaire who Is aasoctsted with him In the Ontario railroad, water works and other enterprises, and W. C. Oleeeon of New Tork. are the In corporators of the Independence Mining company, for which articles of In corporation have been filed with the county clerk. There will be. Issued 6.000 -000 shares of stock at a par value of 10 cents per share, WOMEN GOLFERS ON THE LINKS The Twelfth Annual National Woman's Championship Begins at Boston. PLAYERS FROM ALL OVER COUNTRY TO CONTEST Pick of the Finest Fair Golfers in United States Gather at the Hub to Show Their Male Friends How to Drive the Festive BalL (Journal Special tarries.) Boston, Oct. 8. A small army of fair golfers added gaiety and animation to the Brae-Burn olub llnka at West New ton today. It waa the opening day of the twelfth annual national women'a golf champlonahlp, the hlgheat golf honors In the United B tales. The In tercity matches last wask served as an excellent preliminary to the blue ribbon contest, which will last throughout the present week. That this year's affair will outshine any of Its predecessors aeema to be a foregone conclusion. To begin with, the tournament Is more truly natlonsl In Its scope than haa been the cass In previous years. The entry list Includes ths best women golfers not only of New Tork, Boston and Philadelphia, but thoae or the west are equally- well rep resented. The Chloago elubs havs asnt their best players and Denver, St. Louis and other cities have added to the list Of western representatives. Leaving the first champlonahlp. In 1 895, at Meadow Brook which waa not under United States Oolf association auspices out of all calculations, it la Interesting to glance over the records of paat tournaments). It was at the Morris county links In 1884, whan the women first played for the perpetual Robert Cox trophy, that Miss Beatrix Hoyt, entering from Shlnnecock, led the field with a score of tt, and eventually won out at match play. In a violent storm at ths Essex County club, Man- cheater, Massachusetts, the following year. Miss Hoyt again led the field in the qualifying round, with 108, and at the Ardaley club. In 1898, Mlaa Hoyt returned a S3 on the first day. The next year the same player led again at ths Philadelphia Country club, with 87, while at Shlnnecock, in 1S00, Mlaa Hoyt did a 94. All this time the courses wsre stead ily becoming longer, a fact noticeable the following year at Baltusrol, where four playera tied at ST for low score In the qualification round. At Baltusrol the playing course was about 6,000 yards. The players came to the Coun try Club of Brooklyn In 1S02, playing over a much shorter courss, which ac counts for the SS made in the atroke competition Jointly by Mlaa Margaret Curtis and uMtsa Louisa Wells. With out doubt the moat meritorious achieve ment from a scoring point of view waa the 94 of Mrs. Caleb F. Fox over the long and difficult Wheat on course In 1S0S. The following year, at the Merlon Cricket dub, a much easier course, Miss Louisa Vanderhoef, Mlaa M. Curtis and Miss Lottie Dod tied on the first day with SS. At ths Morris County club last ysar the honors were carried off by Miss Pauline Mackay Of Roston. At that tournament two play ers made an ST In the qualifying round. It la predicted that some of the plsyers will be able to make a round of 86 at Brae-Burn thla week. WHITMAN ELEVEN BEATS PENDLETON HIGH Collegians Roll Up Twenty Three Point in Two Fiftaan Minute Halves. (Special Dispatch ta Tea Jearaal.) Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 8. Ths first football game of the seaaon was played In Walla Walla Saturday afternoon between Whitman college and .the Pendleton High school. Ths result was a victory for the Whitman team by the score of 83 to t. This was the first game under the new rules, and as a whole It (nay be said that their operation waa a dlattnct dlaappolntment to the crowd. The game seemed to be rather lacking In Intereat and to consist largely of an exchange of punts. Although the Whitman team waa considerably heavier, the Pendleton lads made a pluoky defenss throughout. Iln the latter part of the second half they could not hold and Whitman re peatedly made- the required 10 yarda, but in the first half neither side made yardage more than two or three times. The score at the end of the first half stood 11 to 0. Two mors touchdowns In ths second half made It S3, and ths Whitman team was ploughing along for another touchdown when time was called. Only lt-minute halvea 'were played aa It was a practice game. The next game will be with Spokane High school, which will bs plsyed next Saturday In Walla Walla, and then the team will go down Into Oregon for their two games with Willamette and Multnomah Athletic club. REALTY VALUES RISE WITH RAILROAD BOOM (Special Disputes te The Journal.) Tillamook, Or.. Oct S. Thla county la experimenting an . unprecedented activity in real estate transfers. Since It haa become certain that Lytle's rail road will be constructed with all dis patch, real property along the beach front at Netarts and Garibaldi haa al most doubled In value. Thla Isnd Is not particularly valuable for dairy purposes, but la destined to become notes as ths scene of pleasure resorts. The baoh at Garibaldi Is one of the ssyaa s3333J nS-SSW JZm m SBa. " Tsay don't crack to quirt." -y- M Made with "LINOCOKD" m buttonholes thst bold. ta it sitae if yea went them. R SCO. P. IDE 4 CO., Mattel Tret, a V. I I BBBsSBBssStasZaBBBBaajTssflH MY FEE, $12.50 Dm. TATXOaV hs Leading SpeclaUat. ft PAY WHEN CURED I make a definite proposal to wait for my fee until you are satisfied that your eyre la com plete. Thla,. of course, Indicates thst I have unlimited confidence In my ability, but I want you to have other and better reasons for. choosing me aa. your physi cian. I want you to consider my vest experience and my un equaled auccess aa a specialist. For more than SS years I have been curing eaaea Just like yours snd have built up a prac tice that la by far the largest of Its kind west of Chicago. Every method of treatment 1 employ is original and makes a distinct sdvance In medical science. Surely, onalrterlng all these things, you will not remain un decided as to what phystclan can serve you best. MEN ONLY 4i WEAKNESS" There are few phyetclans treating functional weakness by my method or obtaining results that even resemble complete and permanent cures. I employ no tonics, stimulants or electrlo belts. VARICOCELE ' No caustic, no cutting. Mild and painless treatment that re stores complete health and tone to the weakened and dilated velna In me week's time. Can not fall. I ease Contracted Disorders, Specific Blood Foleon, Stricture, sTarvo-Debllltation and alt re flex ailments. X will mail yon free Interesting pamphi.ts snd will give yon free anatomloal charts It yon can ealL If you cannot call, writs for Diagnosis ("hart. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays from 10 to 1 only. THE GR. TAYLOR CO. sstVi Btommzsow st. Corner geoond. MBTLABD, firmest snd finest In ths country. stretching from the town of Garibaldi to the mouth of the Nehalem . rlv'sr, a dis tance of nine miles. One attraction at Netarta la the great seal rock, rivaling, If not exceeding, the famous curiosity near San Francisco. Netarta la only a dlatance of alx miles from Tillamook, while Garibaldi la 11 miles awsy. Railroad grading Is expected to begin In this vicinity within three weeks, snd ths projected tight of way will parallel the Garibaldi bech.j while a branch of the road will tap the playgrounda at Netarta TAY PAY CALLS UPON PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT (Journal Special Service.) 'We.Mnr'nn. Oct. 8. a The president and T. P. O'Connor, the prominent Irish leader In the house of commons, wtte exchanged, compliments. It waa a closa race as to pleaeantrlee between Made in New York TO be in Style means to wear In this city clothes that are correct in style to-day on Broadway and Fifth Avenue, in New York City. There are only two sure ways to be in Style. Go to New York and patronize New York's best Tailors, or buy their clothes Alfred Benjamin Co. Clothes here in town. Correct Clothes for Men ft WE CURE MEN FOR Tea of the ailments alao Sad that we are following oat the plans of la ear treatment uifrtou or an. out disease, ot men. W. ny acute conditions neatly Oar reliability and financial steading la unquaattoned and from records, which. If rou wish to do. so, too stay took up and jou will and that w. are all w. claim to be, both in profeaalonal standing and the oldest aneclallata In ttw city, .a tbla lnatttutlon has been her. for SB reara aad haa aa nnnproachabie reputation. It will set east you anything ts mil et ear eftee, and by aa doing it may ear. you muok time, worry aad mosey, taeaaaa If we oanaot oar. yea w will aasastly aad frankly tall yea aa, and yea will sot be under any financial obligation ts as. We wail every mi In the coo n try who Is afflicted to write as about his ailment. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. BLOOD rOISOB I PtULDL Ther. comae a time In your life where, after res have tried all the health resorts. npTtBgs. ate., that you glte up all hope aad at time, yea i uailrtac lit. very dark. Too have spent a great deal of money trying te be relieved and yet bare rfcelred ao result. We will guarantee te care you of your dreaded malady snd by our methods we do not as. say draft that will cass. any bad effects or destroy rear eooautattea. Call aad as. aa before It la too late. KEBVOUS DEBILITY. Loss' of energy, will' power, 'lack ttt concentration 'of thought, lose of mepMry. wblck weakens your entire systen.. mental aa well aa physical. This lowered vitality of the nerrooa aad phyaical condition la etrang theiied ae that ta a abort time yon will have year original strength and be youreelf again. BKETOATTSM Both aeate or chronic, or varied forma, cared te stay eared for IMS. Our methods are unexcelled and aclentiae. VARICOCELE la a dtsessed condition ef the acrotal velas. It may be cauaed by bio we, slcke. falls, heavy lifting, mumps, early iadlscrettoa. or may be a aymptom only ef aome apeclal weakness. The proper treatment -.,nlta of local application for the pugpoae of dispelling the ataguant blood aad contracting ta. swollen vatae, aa well aa Internal medication to atrengtben the nervea which govern the Mood supply te these velas. Though , analog yon no trouble st the preseat time, year Varicocele will. If permitted ts ge without the proper treetsasat, impair aad destroy the .lamest! of vitality. Wa daily demonstrate that Varicocele can be positively aad speedily eared without cutting, burning or aay other form of opera Ilea. r HOURS A. It. to f P. at STBNISOS, I ta S:S0 P. If. SUNDAYS. A. M. to 18 M. St. Louis Dispensary COBMEB SECOKD AMD TAKXOLL BTBEETS. PORTLAMD, OBXSOST. We Make Strong Men of the puniest, weakest specimens of manhood. We care not how long they have suffered, nor who has failed to cure them. This Is not Idle boast, for we have done It for thousands, and msny of them had epent hundreds of dollars without obtaining relief before com n to us as a last resort. blood roxsKrsr We treat with unrivaled suocssa Blood Poison (Syphilis) in all stages. Suf ferers from this fearful dtseaaa should consult us at once. nCPOTBBTCIl AJn SKTJAX A thorough cnnrise of treatment for all these afflictions, in this fkr-fsmed Institution, will Inaora robuat health, physical strength, mental power, manly vigor and all those virtues and attri butes thst comblno to maks splendid manhood. We have cured hundreds of theee cases that were considered hope less, and will guarantee to cure you. VABIOOC1L1 A YD Cured without the una of the knif of treatment peculiar w ..rmnnentlv cured without cutting or dilating by an ebeolutely painless prurJ. which dlssolvea every abstraction In tan days, leavlng.the or gans In a perfectly normal condition. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 t ...m. to ealL write, giving symptoms In full. Treatment by mall ".iv7i rw..w.tlnn frse and . . i Office Sfconre a. m. to B p. nu, days, 10 to IS. ML W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices In VAN NOT HOTEL, SStt THIRD ST.. Cor. Pine. Portland, Or. ths Irishmsn snd the American. Mr. O'Connor expreesed the hlgn measure placed on Mr. Roosevelt by Europe, par- tlcularly on sccouni - forts in the rar aaai.. oleaaed the pre.ldant byrjcsH'nS,, .'2 him a s.ntence 01 -""T;" Heard him make ai m. v.-y--- olub IS years ago. in; ' " tloned hla deep regard for the Irish peo ple snd told Mr. O'Connor how much he desired their welfare and Pro-P"y. air. O'Connor was Kgmj.. w, Presldent Mlchasl J. Byn or r ...j. phla. of the i niiea - other leading Irishmen. The president touched on hie forthcoming srilcle on he sages of Ireland wnicn win ppwr In January in a leaaing m.n.. rvm't think that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obetinats cases hsve been cured by Doan'e Ointment. SO cants at any drug stork. 311 MORRISON ST., opp. ftKtofflca. $ 1 2.50 ESTABLISHED St TZARS IB rOATLAlTD. Consultation Free WX WILL TStXAT ANT 8IKGLE. uTTOOMrLIOATED ALUIEBT 10 818.50. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Jf UFE.LOMG CURE FOR BLOOD FODJOK, SaUJt DISEASES. SOBXS, ULCERS, SiTSUOTVSUS, VARICOCELE. HYDBOOELE, KEBVOUS DECUVE WEAKKXSS. OOMOBBHOEA, CKBOBIO DISEASES OF THE SU0MIIS AD fBOSTATE, AMD ALL RECTAL DISEASES. eepecially InTKe all awn amictra witn canonic contracted. w. ears te stay cured tor lira. OCBLB e and without pain, by a new system strictly confldentim and 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday i aad holl- TO DECREASE STOCK GRAZED ON RESERVE Sumpter, Or., Oct. 8. Forest Superin tendent D. B. Sbeller states that a stock meeting will be held In this city Novem ber S for the purpose of making graslng allotments In the eastern division of the Blue Mountain forest reserve The notice also gives the percentage of the decrease In the number of stock to be allowed to grate and attention to the fact that certain areas have been withdrawn from graslng snd that certain driveways will be established next year, upon which the stock must be kept In crossing. Because of the crowded condition ef the range k reduction will be made In the number of sheep allowed for 1807. The eastern division comprises thst part of ths reserve lying north tt The Dallea military wagon-road. aBstia