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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PpRTLANP, FRIDAY BVBNINO. OCTOBER I, W. TO TRY TO CURE CHINESE LEPER Wong Sue May Be Subjected to Experiment Meeting With Succeee ki India. CELESTIAL SUFFERING FROM TRUE LEPROSY Board of Health May Grant Permto ion to Attempts Cure Wong Sue by Injection of Leprolin by Local Bacteriologists. Won Su. the Chines leper, ta te be the eubject of the nt at.mpt at cure for leproay' ever tHed In the United Mates. The county health authorltlea have been asked to sanction the experi ment, and treatment will begin aa aoon m their ceneent la obtained. ... which it la hoped will . . ZL . .-- .lit alaattal to nrwg nc L w . health la one dlaoovered by an officer of the Indian nesum " different atatlona In India thla remedy if now being tried with unlocked for Dr. Ralph Mataon. beeterlolpglet of the atate board of health, together with . ?- . a i n. Daw Uatuin he- n roved by bacteriological teata that Wong Sue la aurrenng irom inw w ..-...,, miinti health officer VOrmcKi mo,.. j - a. a ordered the that wade and la satisfied with the reault. Tnere ta muo ' that the cure experlmenta will be mao w . t. f f acted. - . ,. Mira ....i ! t m In kill- in a woru, ia ,..., - a .h live leoroay (terms in tne Chlnaman'a body by Injecting dead lap a. 1111 It la a prpved fact that bacilli of thla class are killed by their own exorettona. .- i. am.A th anto-toxlc treat- meat It la expected that the eurylvin. bacilli in ma ooay win - and by careful treatment no more al lowed to enter. Then Wong Sue will be cured of leproay. ' nr he&ith wlahea to . . . t Thnnsh ten mnae inm kcvw1 , era are acarce on the Pacific coast there are 100 In the United Biaiea. rauawy Ubulslana. Minnesota and .Florida and vi. i.iv,.m. thnuarh not particularly rnntimis disease la a never-falling oeclallata. tv. MmiMitM verms with Which ' the Injection is to be made will prob ably come from Wong Bue. himself. x krmiaht from India, but one valuable part of the experiment la the propagation of these bacilli by ar tificial means, and every effort will be trade to raise them nere. avnim Ave SluuaiaS. n.w rmm ih itltm nodules on the rn. .. hivlT the bacilli will be i culture and left to iimi i "ii via a.. multiply. Then they will be killed by heat and afterwarde atrained and fil--r-A Thai reaiiltlnr substance la -- ur.,iin Hi weeks la re- miiuwn mm. ifivi.". - quired for the manufacture of leprolln It will be Injected Into the body of the patient In doses of about IB drops. Aa ; the tfJM germs come Into eontaot with .1 . , 1 1 i i . a ,-a nf rireek meets Greek, and a tremendoue atrlfe occurs which raise the patient s temperature o a high point. ' When complaint waa flrat made by the people In the neighborhood of the Chinaman's shack In the 'fanner-creek gulch back of the Multnomah field. Dr. - wvi.. health officer expressed a,.H in the ailment belna leprosy. Only a bacteriological teat. It la said. i fh. awliaaaawa hetween len- cin aiiu" n.w .... m- rosy, skin tubereuloele and oontagioua blood poison. Leproey is tne least con tagious of the three. BMh tmm has heen made bv Drs. y.t.nn, acting for .the atate board of health. Been under the microscope, the colonies of germs answered the Inscription of the leproay kind exactly. TIM m -iiii ox tne outer oiaeaae uitvwww ly resembling leproay abow up very dif ferently. Wong Bue la confined on a corner of the county property on the Barnee road, fata hut being In almost the same spot as that of the IS lepers who were found fch Portland some M years ago, and who were afterward shipped home to China. ENTERPRISE PLANS WINTER PLEASURES (Spectil te Th Journal.) Enterprise, Or., Oct J I. A new roller akatlng rink haa Juat been opened In ' this place and It la being largely patron- lsed. The plane are now being drawn for an opera-houae to be erected Jn Enterprise thla fall and winter. Local parties will build It A Reasonable Plea For The Stomach If Tour Stomach la Lacking in Di gestive rower, wny not "iP otomacn uo ia wois-w-dally When It Coeta Noth ing To TryP Mu ih a mm hut with a reinforee- Mant Af A I ...illl. aaanlt Such SS STS naturally at work In the atomaohT Bol- entine analysis shows tnat otgeaiion quires pepsin, nitrogenous fermenta, and Ika uiiallAn nf h vitrnfMnrta add. When youn food falls to dlgeet. It ta proof positive that some of these agents are lacking In your digestive apparatus. Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but theee natural elsmenta nec essary to digestion and when placed, at work in the weak atomach and email In testlnes supply what these organs need. They stimulate tne gasinc !.'" gradually bring the dlgeetlve organa Kailr .A nnrmll Condition. n. vj. rwi haan OlUiiri s uyspepeia ----- subjected to critical chemical teata at hmna ami ahroad and are found to con tain nothing but natural digestives. Chemical -uaooraiory. i eiei ajrmu a dress. "Difflndo," London. Telephone No. 11029 Central, ft Cullum Bt, Fen church St.. K. C. i .nnoon. iin auk., ivub. r Ummm .n.lvaaa mnat oarefllllv a bOX . ai,art' Dvanenala Tablets (which I bought myself at a city chemist's shop for tne purpose), manuiaciureu uj mm a si...., r-A . rthamTnara. London. E. C and have to report that I cannot nna any trace oi ?uw or nlnaralnolaonB. Knowlna the Inare- .e fhm tahlaita T am nf onlnlon that they are admirably adaptable for the purpose ror wmcn vney ai mifuuw. OIIWIl wuui. ... 1 - - . l. nn aaurt In Hi oreoaratlon of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet a Their composition is commoniy mowu aumm nk.lnl.n. mm la ihnwn hv the recom- mendatlone of 40.000 licensed physicians in tne unuea mates ana aiuraa. are; the moet popular of all remedies for Indigestion, dyapcpela, water brash. In somnia, loss of appetite, melancholia. constipation, oysemery ana uraurw eases originating from Improper dlsso- IntliM mnA aaatmllatlon of foods, be cause they are thoroughly reliable and harmless to man or enno. Hi...,!'. Ovanana a 1'ahlets are ai once a aafe and a powerful remedy, one grain or uiese laoteis mui " enough (by test) to digest S.000 gralna . . mmmm mm.A nlh.r fnAdl. fltllflrt'S Dyspepsia Tablets will dlgeet your food for you when your sioraacn can , . A -W mmmm Arnmmimt tnr a flftV CSnt www j . "mm - - m . - . I fn, m M. pacKSge or seiiu id ui uhw .v. - trial samp re package and you will be anmrlaed at tne resun. r. a., oiuan rn (4 Stuart Bide.. Marshall. Mich. LIBRARY WORK IS ON INCREASE Comrjarative Statistics Show Steady Growth In All Departments. CIRCULATION BOOKS SHOW GREAT GAINS Boxes of Books at Deposit Stations Are Befog Recalled and Fresh Ones Sent Out ta Their Places Details of Month's Work. Tha Portland library continuea to otaw with ancouraelna' rapidity and comparative statistics show a constant innreaaa tav all denartmenta. At tha monthly meeting of the board of direc tors of the library association weanes- Amx, avanine the statistics showed a great excess over those of September of last year. The total circulation ror im .nah n all denartmenta waa li.dt and there Is now a total membership of lMSt. Beginning with the let of October the full force of the) library will he present and the work of the winter he wn Miss Reed, who has been a mem- h.- nf the staff for six years, haa left for an Indefinite time on account of health. Teachers are aaked to notice that since the rule haa been enforced of not limiting the books on the non flctlon card, teachers' cards can be ob- t -i in the rhlldren's room and laniau v,a- -- - are to be uaed for the Juvenile collection aula- Th. rAfarence QfDaninnil, iur ui benefit of the art clasaes and all other architectural atudenta. la Indexing all platee In books Illustrating buildings Theee are orougni ou. uuurr im, m L..MJI-- mmA aivla nf architecture. and will no doubt he an exceedingly useful catalogue. Tor the benefit of people living outside of Multnomah ... .un wiah to hecome members of V.UUU i j " 1 " - - -- . the library, the subscription fe has bean reduced from 50c per month to 3So nar month The . library Is of course free to all residents In Multnomah Tn answer tha demand of atu denta, which comes from various parta ik. atate tt waa decided that any li brary In the atate can draw books of non-flctlon from the Portland Public library for the benefit of an Individual reader by paying transportation charges both ways and assuming responsibility for the books so taken. The boxes of booxs at the deposit stations of the Portland Publio library are being recalled and fresh collections will he sent to the stations some time early In October. A carefully selected list of books haa recently been pur chased for circulation In the county, thua making It possible to fill theee boxea with new and attractive volumes the beat among the current hooka and late editions of the old favorites of - i -1 . mmrmw tlraa ' Tn addition to i 1 1 1 1: i vii a "-' t - - - books of trsvel and dlacovery. there are useful books full of practical sugges tions for the homebullder, the frult- k .Iu.irtn1an naw oonV hooka S (VWiii uh: - - m and books on household economy, and nlentv nf sood stories old and new. The until irationa of the rnlted Sfatee de- n.rtmani of aeticulturs that are of nra.tlcal value to fsrtners and fruit growers tn this section have been bound and theee volumea will be added to the ........ t .. nnllartlon ealp csulng the icalp lo bemtaejlrr and lever- r """"rh Rni n RORRER HOLDS UMBiriDO WVTM WwaraWS w Sj W was SaW liwawaw Danderine CREW THIS HAIR AND WE CM PMOfE IT MISS JKANCTTK WALUCC, 4S S. 14tm aratrr. Ntw Yoaa Crrv. When the sealp throws off either dandruff or ..k.i.aa it is an evidence of scalp dis ease, and so time should he lost In corrueting It. Yos certainly would sot beHtata to toke treat a , n innk at thla matter through magnUylng glass. When talgblv magnlssd It re- cables a wots mass m aww. creatares absorb the natflaHol or itteeap o w- a ..fhi araSleaias all trace of mm a makes the hair grew an- seoally long, ttroog aodbeaullfal. Ooe sj ee bottle I enoegff to show yea mm. this and eves more. WOW at all druggists. - - . aat a mlJtO per bottle. HU -naaai - . gKOWLfOH DAJTDSW- weego. (Jeeraal SsesUl sexvke.) Stockton. Cel.. Oct. I. An unmasked .nkw narrvlni an automsttc Colt a gun entered the Palece saloon near th a -. Dantetn 'anal aertv this morn- ro SAia. AKDaUArrrpsk pkeuu rVomt0thk. 'til I . . L. . m SV0xSsy0W UP STOCKTON SALOON MAIL ORDERS For anything in this superb bargain list will be promptly filled. Fall catalogue ready in a day or two. Money in your poojeet if you send ua your name for our list. NtW III Fa? THE nrf I T EwTlRlS- Block t a OM YAMHILL GOLi COUPONS Oold Merchandise Coupons here all days with every sale. No matter how cheap you buy, Oold Merchandise Cou pons with each 5c you spend Pay Is but 50c on the Dollar And Choose Tomorrow (Saturday) from a New List of Electrifying Bargains Men's Shoes $5 Ones $3.49 No better shoe possible at $5 the pair; buy Where wou wilL Only an excep tionally fortunate purchase of a misaent ahiptpent makes them this price. Made of patent colt or best kid, button or Blucher styles; really regular, d- iQ $5 shoes, 241 pairs at eJOsf T THIRD STREET CENTER AI8LE gfgBBBBBW WWm Children's Hose Psat black ribbed cotton; a regular 15c grade. t Saturday only, pair.. 7 The Bur son Hose for CrtUttetv-wuhwiKery seam less, fast black. Special tor oaruroay -01117, sw Charming Street Hats m. . a at A Saturday sale of supreme Importance to women wno kvo pretty neao sr A kt ol captivatinc Street Hats juat received; Jaunty ahapea, . nL7, lef. Hat. that look like the moat wrpenalre models usually sold at $1000. A Great Bla Special Sale on them Saturday, and though In the regular way they wouldn't sell for less than $3.50 to $5, the, price will be. Dress Hats, in all colon and best Children's Caps; good 1 aesortoent .rlel'-..8r4a! $5.00 I of SOcEturday ZC REAR OF THIRD ST. STORK, $1.89 Back Combs for 79c and 39c Verv orettv ones too.. All of them mounted with gold or silver backs, with combs, some wen only 75c goods. We divided them in two lots and price them very low Saturday. Take your choice; one lot ; one lot... THIRD STREET CENTER AISLE 39c Dress Goods All wool Serges and Granite Cloths, excep tionally good colors, good aaortment of col ors; regular 60c and 60c. for, the ytt, J(r Saturday, Third Street store Qjf V Barqains on All Sorts of Goods ssz. DRESS GOODS FOR lOf I Wool Suiting,, new pattern., a I Huck Toweto. good I W I PRS8JPATTg nr Qooda? S8 Inches splendid $l3S grade to beA I thi"ty i,H?.W!i TS? 8C Dress Goods, cnou the Second t Store Mixed Dress GoodsT 38 wide, good neat patterns; ia worth 25c yard. Saturday . . . IUw Mercerised Dress Goods, new tan styles; regular 25c qualities. Jr White Corner sale . . .' I' Mercerised Plaids, handsome pat terns, for waists and dresses; worth 45c the yard. Sale 7Qv price splendid $1.25 grade to be.Qr had here Saturday at. yard. . U7W Remnants of Everything in Yard Goods Drees Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Linings, etc. Half - Sale price rl Kid Gloves, mostly small sizes j some slightly damaged, others par feet; they are $1.50. fr Saturday VUV Umbrellas $1.48 and $1.09 This is the best Umbrella value we've been able to offer vet They are Hnen and silkvcovered, have plain wood or very pretty fancy handles; strong frames and in all respects they are regular $1.75 and $2 umbrellas; very AQ special at fl.48 and IeV7 Third Street store? : -' rh saturaav oniT Embroideries and Laces of all sorts; worth to 20c the yard. r Sale price Wj Children's Wool Hose; regular 25c qualities. Selling Saturday 1 A p at, pair Huck Towela: regular 10c ones. Sale price only H MEN'S GOODS Men's Overalls, good weight -denim, double seams. Special k aale price Men's Underwear, shirts only, with double front and back; A Ap worth $1.00 each, at v Men's Work Shirts, colored, striped patterns; worth 50c Qr each? Saturday -t.a7w Boys' Jersey Sweaters, striped; Saturday regular 50c goods. 1 Boys' Wool Sweaters, Juat re ceived; White Corner price QO -$1J0. Sale price -OV DRES8 PATTERNS, HALF. Dress Goods, enough for a dress in each piece. Just came in for toe White Comer; we bought them atj half price. All on sale Sat- ty urday; your choke at half ... Dress Linings of all kinds reduced Linings that the White cor- no ner sold at 15c and 19c Saturday, yard. 10c Saturday Dress Linings in all colors, several weaves; White Comer price iq 35c yard. ati. v Women's Waists, mostly small sises, made of lawn, flannelette and wool goods; White Corner ?Q price $1J0 to $3.00, for.... Boys' Sweaters, all wool, neat stripes; White Comer price qo $1.50. Sale OV $3.98 Buys a Splendid Coat Here Saturday The Golden Eagle is the only store where you'll find a good coat for W.W. Good style, materials out of the ordi nary, 4-length loose-fitting style, black or brown, braid trimmed; special value for Saturday's selling Third Street store We Sell the Pictorial Review Paper Patterns Here Now 14 18 Corsets n- wasr this sise? Kor it you there' a big bargain here for you. Some 01 tne near wre mu, worth up to $2 the rr-Sale price Sawunu os. you uo 19c Belts for lc One cent each Take your choice; there are belts of ailk, belts of leather, all S sizes. aH styles; White Corner price I f up to $1.00. Saturday V SECOND ST. Economize on Good Bedding SBCOfld St- Stare Gray Cotton Blanketa, 11-4 sise; White Corner price $1.25 and $1.50 the Pir 0ftC Sale 1 Striped Blankets, good sizes, for bedding or bath robes; White Corner tfJJ 1C orice $1.75. Sale Half Wool Blanketa, 11-4 else, striped pet terns; White Corner price $2X0 IQ nalr. Sale Drice e9l.tJ7 Comforts, aUkoline covered, white 1 1C cotton filled. Special at sJI.ItJ Other Comforts priced in proportion. Save on bedding at this aaU. tnar s 9c woman's Sklrta. of alar It sold at S5o Ribbons for 9c Buy all you can use Saturday, for that's your last chance. Satin and gros grain in all colore, several widths; 1 i a .L. mrA fiarnrnss THIRpiTOHFAratS. Men's $1.50 Shirts for Only 89c 750 Shirt, for a rousing sale in the men's aisle Saturday. Shirts that fit juat right In the 1. j .1 ,U... . .nnJ nattarni tnat EOOQ QI CSSC IS WW, iwmmi 1"- . ... -1 r . a .v,irtrr.alrr Hsherdasheries ask $1.50 each fori stampea wrxn mc name vi m a""" 1 1 . a, .u: . Qatiirrlav ' Men. of the latest shapes, awl ta the best colorings. fjc Regularly sold at 35c and soc eacn. oaruraay 89c Entrances: Second and YdmhiK: Third and Yamhill WOODSTOCK HAS BAD CAR SERVICE Residents Register Objection to Manner In Which Company Ignores Their Comfort. There was a miniature Indignation .1-. ,1,1a mornina on Portland Con solidated ear No. lit. which leavea Woodstoe at For nearly a year the company has run eatra morning care to the Kenll worth swlteo. but U was L-a ,m,. mnrnlni that hsreaTtsr they wohld stop at Baat Twenty-sixth and Clinton atreeta, one mile nearer the business center man neroor - Kh 114. 10 feet In CUIlBWJHWaw. --.- ' CASTOR I A Por InfanU and Childrea. Tut Khd Yoo Ha Always Boafht the W00DARD, CLARKE & C0. Signature of length, had II passengers when It reached Baat Twenty-sixth and Clinton, and t at Beat Morrison, and Grand ave nue. For a couple of weeks the company haa rim an onsn ear to Kenllworth hill. The mornings being foggy and chilly a few passengers rerueeo to nae in it. but waited for the regular Woodstock ear two minute later. It la claimed that It was to punish tneee ooouraie ones that the apeolat oar service waa m.mmAnmmA on this hrt of the fUIL and aa a eonaecuenoe a large number of per sons wno nsvs no nsanaiwi m pmi-i agklnst the open ear and their morning "shivers are maae 10 svxrar. The expression of passengers thla morning was not complimentary to the company. There waa tslk of appointing a commutes to wait on President Puller with the object of hawing the Kenll worth hill service restored, and with a eloaed ear. HOOD RIVER FRUIT FAIR o. prom October 11 to II th Hood silver Biennial Fruit Fair and Oregon Irriga tion association meeting will be held st Hood River, and for thla occasion ths O RAN. will make a round-trip rate from Portland of ti ll. Tickets may be aaeured at th elty ticket office, comer Third SSsV Washington atreeta. LILY DENTAL CO. THE T AIMLESS Th Ons-Wcsd OxSe. at Ws as aaly first class sit tertals. S ttas work coasrwstlosaty sad pries M wittda Br rssib. tvssilss ssdsstlBawsfras. Bolls Said OrewB..S Brldaa Work, sar SS.SV Ssst aaiSjar m sit fir.';;; Forfoot ritttse - gsassi Inf a ATI Work Sssrsstsad rv 10 xsars. Ready forWork Comprises all that's necessary to predi cate of the BUT STATB palnta which are a re for your selection and Par ana. It'a our bualneea to know ealnta. to keep on hand a supply of paints with which to Sll your orders. FAXjr ailen EswJaT l ...... , MJa Fisher, f horsen &Co. TEETH Cut Rates 30 Days '.7jrjaii i -jaaa raha BOSTON DENTISTS 29m swtwasW U: .... . rli. ' iaSS isswswawawaVS. K I . aawi MM ... I I . I awawawaaawl . I , ... . -'-i. . .Jalwaa.