The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1906, Image 9

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Recital Given by Mies Irene
Brown Creates a Furore In
Rogue River Metropolis.
Hearst and Hughes Accept Nom
inations and Roast Each
A Great Ribbon
Special Ottering
in Chiffon Bull.
50 doz. Chiffon. Ruffs, with
ribbon ends ia black, white,
and white anal black. Oar
regular $1.71 values. Spe
10,000 yard! Silk Taffeta and
Moutselene Ribbon, in all
colors, 4)4 to5H inches wide.
e. las
Labor Conditions Better in New
York, Declares J. L. Bowmen,
Who Just Returned.
Special tor Bargain
Friday, per yard
cial for Harajain
Friday ,
(aerial OjHTassos4eaee 4s Ike lessee! 1
MeAford, Oct. 4 Southern Oregon
haa a new musical coterie, "the
Browns." This delightful family came
from Minnesota about a year ago and
choae Medford aa their home. They
have proved to be a valuable accession
to the beat musical and social circles of
Are Getting Good Wages and Seem
to Have Plenty of Money Telia
Why Clothing Cannot Be Manu-
lectured in Oregon.
Extermination of Boeaes and Corpor
ation Control Paramount Before
the People, Claims Publisher Bit
ter Fight in Prospect
3. L. Bowman, proprietor of the
Brownsville Woolen Mill a at ore, haa
Just returned from New Tork. Mr.
Bowman makaa four trtpa a year to
Maw Tork lookin- after the manufac
ture of clothing that he haa made by
New Tork tallore from the cloth of the
Brownsville and Salem woolen mllla.
While discussing hie recant trip thla
moraine; he aald:
"I neved aaw conditions in the east
batter than they are now. Money te
plentiful. Labor la ecarca and high
two necessary conditions to prosperous
times. The question la often asked.
Why oan't we manufacture clothing In
Portland yut of Oregon-made cloth
The anawer te plain: The skilled work
men ere In New Tork and they won't
come west.
"There are 440.000 men In New Tork
engaged In the manufacture of ready-to-wear
clothing, and every one of them le
a specialist In making some particular
part of a garment. Thouaands of them
do nothing but make the flaps that go
over the pockets of coats. I don't think
It an exaggeration to pay that prac
tically all of the fine ready-to-wear
clothing made In thla country le manu
factured by New Tork tailors. Even
the big wholesale clothiers of Chicago,
Bt. Louis, Baltimore and Philadelphia
have their finer gradea of goods made
up In New Tork. Then It must be re
membered that the styles In clothing
all originate tn New Tork.
"The sweatshops are a thing ef the
past Now all wholesale olothiere of
any pretenslona have their own ahopa
and pay their tailors from III to 114
a week.'
"Thla season I have shipped hundreds
of bolts of Oregon made cloth to New
Tork and bad It made' up. The extra
coat In freight because of the ship
ment eaat and back here, Is bat I cents
per eult The time may come In a few
years when we can manufacture our
clothing here In Portland. But a man
who would undertake to do that now,
end try to compete with New Tork
workmanship and stylae, would laat but
a abort time."
Mr. Bowman says that the political
condition In New Tork is at a white
heat; that the greatest campaign the
state has ever known le Just beginning.
He predicts Hearst's defeat
. (as i Hi I Dtspates to Tea tarsal.)
Vancouver, B. C Oct 4. The provin
cial exhibition at New Westminster was
opened yeatarday by hie excellency. Earl
Gray, governor-general of Canada. Pine
weather prevailed and thousands were
present at the opening ceremonies.
In the lacrosse match New Westmins
ter defeated the Vancouver Maple Leafs
by goals to I. The fair will oontlnue
till Saturday.
J it- ggfXV
w- 'BS s
(Journal Special Berries.)
Now Tork. Oct. 4 Ths political cam
paign was begun last night when
Charles E. Hugbee formally accepted
the Republican nomination for the gov
ernorship and W. It Hearat the nominee
tton of the Independence league.
The ceremony of the notification of
Mr. Hughes and cf the other candldataa
was held at the Republican club In
West Fortieth street, and followed a
dinner at which Mr. Hughea mat the
membere of the new Republican etate
central committee.
Mats Irene Brown.
the community. A aeries of recttala
lust given haa firmly established them
In the hearts of all who love the beet
that la to be heard In muaic and admire
genius tn lta rendition. A piano recital
given by Mlaa Irene Brown, aaalated by
Mra. Helen M Brown, Miae Grace Brown
and Mr. Iaaaea, created a veritable een
aatlon for Its high artistic merit It
wee followed the neat evening with a
recital by pupils of Miss Brown and
Mrs. Helen M. Brown, which wee occa
sion for another social furore for the
excellence of the performances by a
number of young people who are mem
bere of prominent Medford families.
Mlaa Irene Brown, the particular star
Of theee entertainments, la a beautiful
young woman whoee fine musical at
tainments are easily matched by her
mental gifts Combining womanly In
telligence with a youthful grace and
loveliness rarely aeen, aha haa a person
ality that haa commanded attention thus
early In life, and It la believed by her
frlenda that she le only entering upon
a career that will fulfill Its promise of
eminence In the profeaslon of music.
The auoceas she has already achieved la
the result of training given by her te!
ented mother, Helen M. Brown, herself
an exceptionally intelligent Interpreter
of the master composers. Mlaa Brown
la a daughter of Joeeph Brown, a well-
known and successful traveling repre
sentative of the Oregon Furniture Man
ufacturlng company of Portland.
Mr. Hughea apcke aa foUowa:
"Highly appreciating the honor you
conferred and realising keenly the re
sponsibility to be aaaumad, I accept
the nomination. Aa a lifelong Repub
lican, aa one loyal tn the principles and
best traditions of the party, I respond
to the unanimous call of the conven
tion. "We enter upon the campaign In
spired by the example end fortified by
the achievements of our great leader,
Theodore Roosevelt The national ad
ministration, with a record of estab
lished reforms, haa strengthened its
hold upon the confidence of the people.
The aotlvltlea of congress In the In
terest of all the people has been at
tested by the paeeage of the railroad
rate act, the meat inspection act, the
pure food act and the employers' lia
bility act
"What then la the supreme issue of
the campaign? It la not an Issue Of
the Republican record. It le not aa le
sua of Republican principles or Demo
cratic principles. It le not a partisan
leeua at ail. It le the vital issue of
decent government The question Is
whether the unholy alliance that suc
ceeded at Buffalo ahaii capture the
etate of New Tork.
'in aay message to the convention I
stated that if elected. It would be my
ambition to give the state a sane, effi
cient and honest administration, tree
from taint of bossism or of servitude
to any private interest. ' Thla la my po
ottion In a nutshell.
"It will be an' nnboeeed administra
tion. I believe In party organisation
In clean, efficient organisation. I
promise ail membere of the party fair
treatment and lust conaldcratlon. No
Individual or group of Individuals and
no private Interest will be permitted to
dictate my policy."
(Ssselll Mepstae te Ths Jonrnal.)
Independence, Or., Oct 4. Claud
Hubbard, head clerk In the grocery de
partment Of Messner s big store here,
returned today from Astoria, where he
was married Sunday to Mies Myrtle Ol-sen.
'. r
- v .
srr-m TryiBrn
KsS JSr mw
MmmUli in I
Suit Values up to $26
Tomorrow $15
This special sale of stylish tailor-made Suits coming as
it does in the midst of the fell suit season will be a
welcome event to hundreds of women who appreciate
stylish garments and economical prices. The styles
are the latest Eton and Prince Chape the materials
cheviots, suitings, plaids end serges. The colors are
blues, grays, plaids and fancy mixtures. So far our
suit sslee nave exceeded our expectations. One half
the people in Portland are trading here now we make
this special offer to interest the other half. We have
a full assortment of sizes, but we advise you to come
early. Suit values up to $26, between the hours tM C
of 2 and i tomorrow, your choice, special ej I O
Eastern Outfitting Co,
Washington and Tenth
In Mr. Hearst's letter of
he saya. In part:
"The great problem of the hour, the
problem that the people muet solve
with their ballots and In leglalaUon,
le to do away with corporation con
trol of the government That control
le now practically absolute. It rests
mainly upon our system of partisan
policies, directed by boss rule and sub
ject to trust ownership.
"I accept your nomination with the
full knowledge that the Independence
league and lta candidate for governor
are pledged In honor to the extermina
tion of bossism by putting Into op
eration throughout our etate' the sys
tem of direct nomination and open
rughes Corporation lawyer.
"Ton eee a corporation lawyer put
forward aa the standard-bearer of the
Republican party In this campaign.
Tow eee corporation lawyere held up
to you aa the only men fit to eelect
your Judges.
"The people know that thalr enemies
are the originators and managers of
oppressive truaie. idj uuw iusi
these trusts are tn control of the ma
chine of the Republican party tn this
state. They see Mr. Sheldon choaen
aa treasurer to raise and epend the
money for Mr. Hughea, the corpora
tion attorney. And when they realise
that Mr. Sheldon, director In ll cor
porations, notoriously connected with
the collapsed shipbuilding trust la the
financial reliance ' of the ticket which
Mr. Hugbee heads, they cannot look on
that ticket as promising much for ths
prosperity ef the mass of the people."
(Joamal Special Berries.)
St. Louis. Mo., Oct 4. Tribute waa
paid today to Saint Louis, the namaaalte
Of the Mississippi valley metropolis,
when the Nlehaua atatue of the illus
trious Frenchman waa unveiled with
Impressive ceremonlee. The atatue la a
gift to the city from the Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition company and occupies
a oonsplcuous site In the exposition
grounds in front of the art palace. The
unveiling was preceded by a mUltary
pageant President Francis waa the
principal speaker at ths exercises and
the unveiling ceremony waa performed
by th daughter of Mayor Walla. The
atatue stands over 4t feet. high and is
said to be the largest equestrian status
ever cast In the wprld
Past Sales Insignificant
When compered with the Are sale of
the Palace clothing- stock of St Paul.
Minnesota. Mr. M. I. Rothchlld, the
owner of the Palace, had In that atore
aa grand and great a etock of finest,
grade clothing, hats, shoee and furnish
ings as stood In one etore on Uncle
Sam 'a soil. Ths reputation of the Pal
aoe for line goods wee supported by
ths fact that Hart SchaSnsr Marx
and othare of Amerlca'a greatest goods
could be found in ubundaace. -The Bos
ton Store, corner First and Salmon
streets, has secured the entire finest
and beet of 1 1 40,000 damaged stock at
10 per cent of original value. Satur
day morning at o'clock this great firs
sals wUl open and the sacrifice begins.
There will be a rush that Portland wtU
remember for yeara. Kvery precaution
will be taken or the safety of the
crowde. Special guardemen and floor
walkers will be assisted by the fact
that when a fatr-elsed crowd Is once In
the etore,' of eay 100 people, the doors
will be cloeed end no one admitted un
til thoee lnalde are eerved and the atock
pat In order for the neat crowd. Sat
urday at I a. m. Be there. See adver
tisements Friday for prioce and all par
We are prepared for another day of rousing selling. Every department in the house bears witness of the price cutter's
work. Now is emphatically the tune to supply your winter needs, for we are selling our newest fall etock of merchandise
of every description at prices usually quoted in January, after the season is over. We can meet your demands to your
entire satisfaction. Our stock is complete fairly exhaustive as to styles. Remember, we carry practically everything
you need and that our store, being centrally located, is convenient for everybody.
Winter Hosiery for Women
Great October Sale
Great October Sale
A great sale, because the quantity Involved to enormous; the qualities and styles the very beet; the prices decidedly in
your favor. Therefore, this event should and will prove of absorbing interest to ell knowing, economical and particular
women. "Price-lowness" to a meaninglese term, unless associated with it to "unquestioned quality." The two go hand
in hand here, making a combination that must prove a trade magnet. This sale of Hosiery opens with the most complete
and attractive Tinea that intelligent, careful select inn akilled and experienced buvinz could possibly assemble.
Women's All -Wool Cashmere
Stockings 50o
A sale tomorrow of our best qualities In Women's
All Wool Cashmere Stockings, extra fine imported
woolen hosiery, plain black, black with natural wool
soles, outslzes in black or natural gray ; best FA.
70c and 85c qualities. Bargain Friday, pair. OIK
Women's Fleece-lined Stoeldnjrs
"Wayne Knit" Silk Fleeced Hosiery Full fash
ioned, silk fleece lined Stockings for women, double
soles, elastic tops ; best 60c quality. Bargain 77s
Friday .L I C
Children's Fleece-Lined Stocking
Two of our best 26c sellers, in extra fine or heavy
ribbed, long silk fleece lined, elastic, and splendid
for wear; the best 26c quality, all sixes. H r
On sale at 1 1 L
Women's All-Wool Cashmere
Stockings 3 Bo
Black, Natural or Oxford Gray 200 dozen, all
weights, in plain cashmere or wool ribbed; splen
did 40c values, all sires or weights. Here TRf
Bargain Friday awtJC
Children's All-Wool Stockings
50c Quality, 38HV Extra fine, wool, cashmere
Stockings, for boys or girls; our best 60c quality.
8 rjaira tor the reeular once ot two. Bar
gain Friday only
Infants' Wool-Cashmere Stockings
All sires in Infants' winter weight Stockings, fast
black, cashmere, with gray heels and toes;
the regular 26c grade. Bargain Friday at. . . 1JV
Extra Special Values in the Domestic Section Friday
Quality and little prices form a combination which makes shopping most profitable in our domestic section. Compare
the following extraordinary values with those, offered elsewhere. Quality and low price stand out preeminently in this
brilliant list of rare money-saving specials for tomorrow. '
AT f 1.23 Couch Cov
ers, 60 inches by 3 yards,
rich Roman and Oriental
stripes, fringed all around,
large assortment of pat
terns; best SI. 60 value.
Friday, each.
AT 84s Tan Leather Blankets, full size; our
best $1.10 values. Q A n
Special, for one day only 04C
AT SI. 19 White Hemmed Bedspreads, full
size; neat Marseilles patterns; our regular
$1.60 values.
Bargain Friday only
AT 64 Our best 85c value Bleached Linen
Damask ; large assortment of patterns LA
Bargain Friday only, at per yard IfTaV
AT f 2.20 Our best $2.76 value Napkins to
match damask; size. 22 inches: good values.
Special Bargain Friday,
per yard aGeaeU
Specials in Notions
Tourist Sponge Bags, waterproof, each 15e
Tourist's Face-Cloth Case, waterproof, each. 25e
Tourist's Soap Case, waterproof, each 15e
Tourist's Tooth-Bnish Case, waterproof, each lSe
Tourist's Combination Case, waterproof, each 50
Golden Fleece Tarn
About 1,000 pounds of Shetland Floss, Imported Saxony
and Germantown Zephyr, in light blue, pink, lavender, yel
low and green, slightly soiled. Un sale
Bargain Friday, at, per skein
Specials in Gloves
12-Button length Glace Gloves, in
green, with mosquetaire wrists.
Special for Bargain Friday
12-Button length Suede Gloves, in black, gray, blue and
green ; best heavy quality. r rv
Bargain Friday, per pair eyVet)U
Women's Hand Bags
white, red, blue and
Large line of new high-grade Women's Handbags, in Mo
rocco, seal and walrus leather, covered riveted frame, coin
purse fittings, in black, brown and green ;
excellent values. Special for Bargain Friday.
Unparalleled Bargains in
Having purchased a manufacturer's stock of 30,000 rem
nants of Embroideries, from 3 to 24 inches wide, in strips
of 6 yards, edgings and insertions to match, we place same
on sale Bargain Friday at Prices Far Below Cost.
. See Window Display.
Special Corset Sale
For the Best $1.00 Corset
Extra Sneoaal
Bargain Friday
An extraordinary sale of
made to fit and to wear,
models for the slender,
the stout figure ; these
made of coutille, boned
med with lace and have
at front and sides ; colors
best $1.00 grades.
On sale tomorrow
Corsets that are
Three different
the medium, or
Corsets are well
with steel, trim-
hose supporters
drab and white ;
; 60o
V BatS
Two-Day Sale of Shoes
Bargain Friday we inaugurate a two-days' tale of good shoes. Both days we give you Bargain Friday
prices. Ws have made the prices unusually low for the purpose of making it a hummer. We've 6.000
pairs that we want to sell in these two days. The prices are so liberal there shouldn't be a single pah-
left when the gong sounds at 9 .30 Saturday night.
Women's $3 hand-made
Shoes, ei OQ
in the basement e9l(3r
Girls' entire leather Shoes, that are
warranted; they are worth $2.00; in
sizes up to 2 ; Qfta?
basement Ov
Women's $2.60 an
Shoes, CO
in the basement ei.Oy
Women's $6.00 Shoes , on sale in the
main floor shoe department, at
We are selling 66c Rubbers
for women at
ticular a.