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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER . IWW. Town Topics If you are contemplating pUno lee sona, read ada in Muaical under Buei neaa Directory of The Journal classified. has lonoi TO if a ! 1 i nelem been tranaferred to Ruaaell M Brookm, headauartera at Capitol Drug Store, 404 State atreet, phone Meln 107. and all changes, new aubecrlptlons and com pnjta will receive prompt attepUon. xoviaxri Mfjmmm. ftBf IMS Emjlrt. 'TD Srtlllon.lre Tram KStu:::::::::::::::.::.: v'!! Grand "TV" ' Butt to Quiet the title to 116 lota In the Seventh Street Terrace addition waa begun In the circuit court yeaterday afternoon by Attorney H. K. Sargent for the Terrace Height. Real Batata com pany. Thla involvea the title to elmoet the entire heights where the big electric algn. "I06," atood during the fair. The defendante are the O. R. N. Co.. Rich ard Nixon, Agnea Nixon, C. Hanaen. Kate Hanaen. William A. Lewie, lea belle B. Lewie, Arohblahop Alexander Chrletle, the Portland Truat company, n., T Mb a Tmet nflmunv. Kate L Oove, C. A, Oove, Sarah J. Hendereon and the Seventh Street Terrace com pany. The plaintiff aaka the court to Vit the ituf.niUnti have no in- tereat In the property, and that -they be reatratned from asserting any cwm to It. Jack Harrison, a well-known automo- blltat, waa arreeted lafct night by ra trolman Peterson on a charge of run nlng hlg machine In exceaa of the apeed limit The alleged Infraction or ine or dlnance occurred at Sixteenth and Savler etreete, and the policeman claims that by the aid of his watch he wai able to aat the exact tlma of the auto According to the bluecoat the machine waa traveling at IS mllea an nour at the time. The caae will be heard In the municipal court tomorrow morning. W. C. McBrtde, genra; agent of the Denver & Rio Grande, has returned from a trip eaat and south. .He visited the Whits river country In A r Kansas which the Missouri Pacific la exploiting as a sportsman's paradise. Hla view of the Mississippi river, seen at St. Louis, waa not Inspiring in comparison with the Columbia, and he waa some whet disappointed. One of the beat citlea vlaited waa Memphis, now a city of 200.000. and the largest Interior cot ton market. Samuel end Louie Freedman, who were convicted in the municipal court laat Friday on a charge of constructing a wooden building in the fire limits, were fined 125 each thle morning, by Judge Cameron. Notice of sppesl was given by their attorneys and the case will be tried again In the circuit court. The Portland Presbytery will meet Mondsy afternoon at I o'clock at the Bprlngwater Presbyterian church. Mem bers will go to Betacada on the electric car and will there be met by private oonveyencee'and carried to Bprlngwater, four eailee dtotasrt-. The seawton will continue throughout Tuesday. Penney Bros.' Friday Special Five bargains in wine, 11.10 grade whit or red. port, sherry, muscat and sauterne, at $1 per gallon; the J. W. Harper whiskey, regular 14.60, at IS SO per gal lon, Friday only. Phone Beat 287. Free delivery. 379-881 Eaat Morrison. Or. A. A. Morrison returned leat night from Illinois, where he attended the consecration of Blahop Scaddlng to the Bptscopal diocese of Oregon. Blahop Scaddlng will arrive in Portland Octo ber IS, and will officiate at the conse cration of Trinity church October 14. Wanted A bright and intelligent lad about II years of age that wants to better hie position. Muet be a good talker. Address H 100, care Journal, and atate salary expected. Good pros pect. M , In the circuit court thle morning Roy Wilson and Howard Palmer, youni negroee, pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing a coat and veet from Bteln bach'a etore. They will be tried October 1 and 17. The Conoslldated Dock company, which prior to thle date haa been nneratlnar the Irvine dock and the Co lumbia dock No. 1. has been dissolved and the two docke will be run separately. ' civic Improvement. Don't litter your street with wood. Burn coal. We "de liver it In your baaement. Independent Coal A Ice company, aucceaeor to Holmes Coal 6 ice company. Tour Byee Bxamined Free. We are still selling eyeglaaeea at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger 4k Co., Jewelers and opticians, ill Sixth atreet. We serve the beet noon lunch in Portlend for 15 cents, at the new Scott restaurant. Seventh end Ankeny. Grill room ssrvlee at popular prices. After deliberating 10 minutes a Jury In Judge Fraaer'e department of the Circuit court yesterday afternoon de clared Mike Potato rullty of a statutory charge on complaint of 10-year-old DR.ANDREW SMITH IS HONORED Reelected National Committee man From Oregon to the United Irish League. WILL HOLD POSITION FOR TWO YEARS MORE Position It One Much Coveted by All Irishmen in America Who Are! Working in the Interests of the Home Rule Question, Dr. Andrew C. Smith of this city haa been reelected national committeeman from Oregon to the United Irish leagus, which la now holding its annual con vention In Philadelphia. Dr. Smith has finished serving one term aa national committeeman, having been elected pre viously at New York. He will bow serve for two yeara more. The office of national committeeman In the United .sTsB Dr. Andrew C. Smith, Who Haa Been Reelected National Committeeman of the United Irish League. Irish league carries with It sn honor much coveted by the Irlahmen of Amer ica. The league le an association formed among the Irish of the United States, hsvlng aa an object the agi tation of the home rule question In Ire land, end the promotion and adoption of all plana which will aid that oauae. The entire list of national committee men Were reelected at the present con vention. The delegate from Oregon to the con vention at Philadelphia ta Father E. P. Murphy, paator of St. Patrick s church of this city. TONIGHT IS VERDI NIGHT AT THE OAKS D'Urbjuao'e band have selected tonight ss "Verdi'' night et The Oaks. The program Is an exceptionally beautiful end Interesting one and Includes thai following: March "Aide" Verdi Overture "Nebuchadnetsar" Verdi Famoua Terset from opera "Attila".. Verdi Solos by Slgnorl dl Fablo. Macarlo and O. OtullL Prelude Scene. Song end Quartet Act III "Rlgoletto" Verdi Solos by Slgnorl dl Fablo, O. dl Fulvlo, Macarlo and C. dl Fulvlo. Brlndlsl "Travlate" Verdi Potpourri "Trovatore" Verdi Solos by Slgnorl dl Fablo, G. dl Ful vlo. Macarlo and O. Olulli. Chorus- "Lomberdl" Verdi Fantasia "Ernanl" Verdi Solos by Slgnorl Macarlo and C dl Fulvlo. Tomorrow night, will be "Wagner" night, and Sunday night a requeet program. Mabel Oaae. At the ft rat ballot the Jury etood 11 for conviction of the of fense ss charged snd one for conviction of aaaault. Without argument the Jury took a second ballot. Which resulted in e vote for conviction. Potato will be sen tenced next week. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on eaey payments; $1 down, 80c a week. Don't go without a good timepiece Metsger A Co.. 111. Sixth street. Swimming pool. Bteam and tub bathe. All for II cents. Separate apart ments for ladlee. 207 Third, between Taylor and Salmon. November All Story, November Peo ples. At Carl Jones'. Fourth and Wash ington. Acme Oil Co. sells the beet safety coal oil end fine gasoline. Phone Beet 7s. Woman's Bxchsnge. Ill Tenth atreet, lunch 11:10 to 8; buelneee men'e lunch. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wel lace, Agt., 188 Id St Tel. Paclflo 1888 Solicitors wented. 628 Lumber Exchange. LHsaVMaaHeK SHHsBsMsMsvBsV Now is the time for ell the little folks to start on the road to financial inde pendence. For any child of any age from one day to twelve yeara we will start an account with a deposit of 50 cents. You add $4.50 to this that will make $5.00 aa a starter, and this money will begin to earn inter est. Don t let this opportunity pass it will lead to a college education for your son or daughter . or provide the mesne for establishing a business of their own. Only $1.00 a week the account will make over $700 to ten years. Ceit eat thle md end arias lat with fire deposit. We Pay 4 Per Cent on"Savlngs Accounts MORRISON AND SEVENTH STREETS BassS! Yesterday marked the commencement of our business In our atore, after several days of activity In arranging the displays on our different floors. On the second, thrid, fourth and fifth floors wo are now showing our new stocks in all grades of Furniture, Carpet, Drapery, Upholstery and Bedding Departments sixth floor. Crock ery, Stove and Range Departments in Basement. BUCK'S Wood and Coal Heaters TSe Complete Line Now On Display in Our Stove Department The meet practical the most attractive the most mod ern and the most popular line of heaters made. Many superior features are embraced in the different styles and sizes for wood and coal features which demonstrate their superior heating powers and effect s surprising sav ing in fuel. The Buck's line includes every desirable size, in air-tight wood heaters, coal heaters and the won derful Buck's Hot Blast. The latter has fully demon strated its qualities in perfect distribution of heat and saving of fuel. In this heater can be used the cheapest grade of slack or screenings, and give more heat with less fuel than any other heater. Our stove and range department is the best and largest in the West, and our displays here are meet complete. We will place in your home any size or style of heater on the terms of $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 PER WEEK BUCK'S RANGE We continue our liberal offer to install in your home either of these splendid Ranges on the terms of 1 IN THIRTY DAYS AND 1 PER WEEK THEREAFTER. "Qfe Malleable RANGE MORRISON AND SEVENTH STREETS YOUR CREDIT 18 0000 jj GZBB XULrLr C0MPLETEH005EFURf1I5HER5 SEVENTH f MAKE YOURl loWHTCRhlt) alHxl5 1 esa . . . a I .saaaassssssaaaaesawaassssaaass mi WORK ON THE BIG TUNNEL BEGINS Laborers Engaged on River Ter minus of the Great Brook lyn SewacT EXCAVATION STARTS IN THREE PLACES to a J Estimated That One Year Will Be Spent in This Work and Two .Years to Complete Entire Sewer System Other Eaat Side Notes. Bast Bide Department Work on the 1.600-foot tunnel for the liver terminus of the 8250.000 Brooklyn sewer wee begun et three, different points et the same time. At the Rest Tenth etreet end thle work waa started by cutttnt the bank from the eurfaee down to the lowsr level and laylns the rail for the tramway to be uaed In con veying1 the excavated material out of the bore. At the river end of the tun nel the aame kind of work la being done. At Beet Seventh etreet, near the cen ter, a aheft 66 feet deep le being aunk ee that work can be stsrted from that point alee. Thle shaft wilt be walled up to prevent caving and the dirt taken from the bore will be lifted by steam elevators. It Is estimated that It will take a year to bore thla tunnel and line It with brick. In the meantime, eurfaee portions of the system will be built. Unless a scarcity of labor and material Interferes, It Is thought that the entire system will be completed In lees than two years The Brooklyn eewer Is believed to be the costliest piece of sewer work ever undertaken In the northwest, aa ths total ceet Will go above It covers such e wide sree that $10 will probably cover the assessment on all lota that are over 100 feet from the trunk sewer or any of Its main branches Councilman Ruahllght Will Introduce a resolution providing for the eppolntment of a number of lnepeetors whose duty will be to make a close In spection of the work on thle sewer, thus Insuring a faithful performance of tbe contract. fhe Mount Tabor branch of the Home Training assoclstlon will meet Friday at 8:80 p. m at Weet avenue sohool hottse. The psper by Mrs. J. Thorburn Ross on "Horns Trslnlng and Amuse ments for Children." Which wee post poned from the last meeting, will be heard. "It Is a mletake, said W. B. Hall, one of the organisers of the new East Side Buelneee Men's club, "to suppose that the new elub waa orgsnleed In opposi tion to any other eaat aide organisa tion. It is rsgretteble that such s thought should hsve been mentioned On the contrary, our efforts will be di rected toward assisting other orgsnlse tlons In building up and otherwise Im proving thle side of the river." Membership of the Business Men's Hub hae eteedlly Increased since Its temporary organisation, until now It promises ta go above 69 by Friday night, when the permanent organisa tion will be perfected. The charter roeVbers of tbe elub In sist thet membership le open to all eaat aide buslnees men. Irrespective of whether they belong to other eaat aide organisations of a similar character. At the meeting tomorrow night the committee on permanent organisation will submit Its report and set forth tbe objects of the elub. The meeting will be held In the elub's rooms at Union avsnue end Eaat Washington street. The work of driving the concrete plies for tbe foundation of the Mitch ell, Lewis a Btaver warehouse on East Morrleon street baa again been sus pended. The new eteel cylinder that wee ordered from the eaat to take the place of the one abandoned waa so badly kinked In driving It through the bed of gravel that tt had to be taken out to be straightened. Less than one dosen of these concrete plies have been set out of 400 required for the foundation of the building. The prediction Is mads by those familiar with plledrlvlng In the sloughs of the eest side that the nplen of sinking concrete pilee In that section will have to tie abandonee J ne assertion is made that, JO to SO feet below the eurfaee in these lowlands, there Is a perfect network of huge flr logs, that renders plledrlvlng there practically Impossible. That part of the Union avenue All between East Washington and Beat Oak streets will be finished by the snd of next week. Tbe oontraetore, the Pacific Bridge company, will then begin mak ing the till on Union avenue south of Bast Morrison street. Thle latter fill extends to Belmont etreet. It le not expected that aa much time will be re quired In thle work aa was consumed on that north of Beat Morrison street. The entire Union avenue All will be car ried about one foot above street grade to allow for settling Tbe regular bl-weekty meeting of the Woodstock Improvement elub, eet for next Saturday night, .haa been post poned until Friday svenlng, October 18, when s general rr.eae meeting will be held at the Woodstock hall. All real, dents of the district are urged to be present, aa the Important subject of free msll delivery for that part of the city will be the principal topic for dle cuaslon. fief erred stock Qsnass Oooae. Allen Lewis- Beat Brand. For quins results aae She Waa Oet mne of The Journal. PUtt you I don't know where snsania mas at plattvtllx. As ws wets oe ting bresktsst this cases la from TOO "I em sort? to la I sat at. My wife be asehed ear puppy and bee lying as U dead. And ihr hleii s china cnipldoe at my poor, cblr.g head. N "Oat hired rasa's secreted ta a boi-etall Is1 the barn, And our furniture 1 looking like s skats ef tingled yarn. The girl la Seeing as It wet to save her life Asd my partner'! daihleg after her Bon risk ing g knlft. "Oh. there's bet times here ta Plattvlue set as ever yen did sse E'es our rhlckess sow are roosting In ta tallest apple tree; Asd I. who've cowed the eeaata end the whole 1 ' S defied Sit a qnlrerlng Ilk leaflet at this ragtag woman'! glee." gay. there' bspplnea and pleesars la s-e1n lag people's rlothee. for the humble eeeusetlea ne'er aa tails tbe lightest woes; Asd we'll tU ys very frankly that we'4 rather wed a ret Than beeaas the puny husband of ta faavsu Mrs. Matt. UNION l.ll NDRV "Rome of tbe Staka-Haeted Tel. Mala 8S8, Seenatd sad Columbia. JEWISH WOMEN HOLD MEETING Council Shows Enthusiasm at First Meeting of the Season. The Council of Jswleh Women held its first meeting of thla season yester day afternoon In the Seltlng-Hlrach building, and the unusually large at tendance, the wide-awake interest and the number of new members received, promisee a year of exceptional activity and success. The council haa always been la the lead In the matter of olub affairs In Portland, devoting much of Its time to social and philanthroplcal problem The new president, Mrs. Ben Selling, was in the chair and gave a maaterly address. She spoke briefly of the work of ber predecessor, Mrs. Sol Blumauer. who filled the office ee eapably for two yeere. In apeaklng of tha establish ment and maintenance of the Neighbor hood Houee in South Portland, the meet Ing'of the Bible study classes and the establishment of a library of Jewish literature, ehe told what had already been accomplished and what remained to be done this year. The work of tbe Neighborhood House la a great, one offering opportunities of education, reading and social advantages to the poorer class of Hebrews who would otherwise be denied them. Many of the women In the council give up whole afternoons to teach the children to sew, to entertain them with kindergarten amusemente and In various waye to help them to better and pleasanter Uvea. Another philanthropy In which the coun cil la lmmedtetely Interested la the fund for Jewish Immigrant girls which ta uaed In New Tork for the protection of euch Ignorant girls who land at Ellis island without trlenda or relatives The local society turns over to the New Tork society a portion of tha annuel dues. Delegates were appointed to the State Federation of clubs which meets In Portland thle fell, es follows: Mrs. Sol Blumauer. Mrs. Mfcx Hlrach, Mrs. L. Samuel, Mrs M BarUh, Mrs. I. Alt man, Mrs. H. Bertha Myers. Mre. H. Prager end Mra Alex Berneteln. Mre. Mark Levy waa made chairman of a committee to confer with the reprseen tatlvea of the other clubs concerning the entertainment of Mre. Sarah Piatt Decker of Colorado who will be the guest of honor at the convention. Mlee Fanrhon Kline reed a paper on 'Current Events" et the meeting and reviewed the evente of the summer hi Jewish history In, en eble manner, touch ing on all the greateet points of Inter est The program of music waa sa peclally good, presenting the talented Rosencranta family, which haa recently arrived from Sen Franclaco. Joeef Ro eencrants. the lT-yeer-old violinist, wee received with enthusiasm In two num bers a Pagsalnt concerto, which he played In hie own transposition, and "Souvenir d'Amerlque." arranged by his father, WllhelmJ Rosencranta His mother played hla accompaniments and also gave with excellent finish the sex tette from . "Lecta dl t.ammermoor' with the left" hend only. A social hour and a buffet luncheon followed the program. Opening Dance Profeeeor Ketone opening danee to night. October 4. Arlon hall. Fo or chestra. Admission. 86 cents, ladles tree. Woodard, Clarke & Company LEATHERWARE New Arrivals in Oxford and Kit Bags for Men, Ladies' Handbags, Suit Cases and Traveling Cases in all the new Shapes, Styles and Leathers. J 24-inch Leather Suit Csse, double-action lock snd bolts, riveter cor ners, hand sewed. Regular $6.75 special B5.00 Swell new styles in Ladies' Handbags, handsome frames, new shsdes in green, gray, tan and white, with inside pocket, new snd popular back strap. Special Tt)) Exclusive European novelties, just arrived: Handsome Beaded Work in Purses, Handbags, Card Cases and Opera Bags, dainty shades and designs, from B2.00 to 8J30.0O Chain Purses, the new snd novel woven-link Dress Purse, sll shapes snd designs fl.BO to 8.00 All our Trsveling Cases, fitted complete with toilet snd manicure sets combined, shaving and'manicure sets combined. 36 per cent off regular prices for three days only. Music Rolls, tsn and black special Ts6 Jardiniere Savings 4isaaaN!SBsaH9sa A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Louwelsa and Georgian Jardinieres ALL SIZES AND SHAPES HANDSOMELY DECORATED LIOHT AND DARK COLORS. 75c value Jardinieres, 4V4-inch. Special Si .00 value Jardinieres, 7-inch. Special $1 . 10 value Hanging Jardinieres, 6-inch. Special $1.25 value Jardinieres, 7 and 8-inch. Special 11.50 value Jardinieres, 8V-inch. Special $2.00 value Hanging Jardinieres, 8-inch. Special $2.50 value Jardinieres, 8V4-mch. Special $4 00 value Jardinieres, 12-inch. Special Re te Tt 91 ai.os f 1.4 il.ST $a.Bw Brass BRUSHED AND POLISHED FINISH. vslue Jardinieres. 3'j-inch Special value Jardinieres. 5 inch. Special , value Hanging Jardinieres, 354-inch. Special value Jardinieres, 4Vi-inch. Special value Jardinieres, 6-inch. Special value Hanging or with Pedestsls. 6-inch. Special value jardinieres, with Pedestals, 6-inch. Special . value Jardinieres, 10-inch. Special value Jardinieres, 9-inch. Special J U4 1.19 iaa l.S)f) laUIT