The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Steamer Wynerlo Cornea Into
Port After Having Battled for
Day With 8torm.
Will Load Lumber Han for Port th
CllllH Assistant Engineers Leave
Vessel at Victoria and Now Men
Hare to Be Imported.
An Interesting account of the big
storm that swept th. coast during the
early part of the week sad lashed the
ocean into a roaring mass Of foam was
brought here this morning by the offl
eers end orsw of the British steamer
Wyneric, which arrived at the mills of
Inman. Pouloen Co. at 1 o'clock for
the porpoee of taking a cargo of lumber
riki.I Th. Wvnlrio was outside fOT
three days ana ouring w
to run for the open sea aavsra.
order to have piay room. ,
"We certainly ran Into a good SWeng
bit of the blow." said one of tn o
cere in speaking of the voyage fro
goattle to the Columbia river, and the
eteamer rolled fearfully becauee of being-
light and high out of the water.
She la a fine eea boat, but the mountain-high
seas seemed to almost toss
"3 her clean out of the water at times.
"We dropped anchor Monday .night
between North Heed and the lightship,
bat soon the chain parted and we got
under way quickly and stood out to
sea. All that mgm ino ii-j
teamed about, keeping well from shore
beeauee of the awful velocity of the
wind. We ran in Tuesday night again,
but found the bar breaking violently
and so bung around outaide till yester
day morning, when the wind died down
to about 20 mllee an hour."
J. L. Gibson and John Vent, assist
ant engineers, will leave the Wyneric
today and return to their homes in
victoria. B. C. The brought the steam
er down the coast more for accommo
dation than anything else- a couple of
assistants brought out from England
having quit. Two new men are now
on the way from the old country to
join the steamer here. Mr. Gibson, who
has been chief of the Canadian Pacific
oriental liners for many years, says he,
thought he would msks the run down
the coast Just for a little change, but
never dreamed of getting caught In
euch a atorm aa that Into which the
big tramp poked her noee after passing
i Cape Flattery. . .
The Wyneric is in command or cap
tain Nlven. She Is under charter to the
Paciftc Export Lumber ' company and
. will carry away about 4.090.000 feet of
lumber. She commenced loading Imme
diately after her arrival.
Big Orders Oesae in From BOaotalu for
Cargo for ECUoniai
The steamer Hllonlan will carry s foil
carau Mn nh. Balis tar Honolulu, sav
in ilii Igi JtZ W Lln Jkmit Tn
era i - oiuvib iw -w -
venter da v aftssasoei as a result of res
ent advertising by Portland firms In
the Island. Among other things, the
will c.rrv awav 2.000.000 feet
of lumber, which In Iteelf will occupy
a good deal or tne cargo
of hay and feed will also be stored
... lR. Oia hjfelA
The Hllonlan will have completed her
second trip Between r-omana am, w
Ha wsl lan. islands upon her arrival to
night or tomorrow, and it Is now stated
" positively that she will remain perma
. nently on the route. At first, freight
7 i, i from alt nuarters as sat
lafactorlly aa might have been wished
but gradually the tnerchanta of the la
"i lands are getting acquainted with the
r 11 i AMt mftr. fratrht artace le
Haina nailed for each trio. Aa stated
above the Hllonlan will go out prae-
tlaallv fullv ImAmn this trio with good
prospects of a much bigger cargo next
a o.. uKMitn nf the Oreaon
wi.aIh.1. flmrmrn' association. Who hSS
taken a very active part la getting the
line eetaousneu oeiwsen m chj aim
Honolulu, said thle morning that the
prospects for tne line are Dngni ana
that tne rinonian win muiiuj vw
inv. --- Attinm all ria-ht." aald Mr
Mears. '"and trade between Portland and
the Islands IS eteamiy growing, xss
fmrAmx, T r.flviH a nnmW of orders
- I mr.A frnm what I know the
steamer wlU go out with practically a
. . ,w, 111 t w-
TU11 Cargo ana yev tan win va. rw
third voyage.
"Tk.i. la a flna market for all BOrtS
of Oregon products In the islands and by
simply going arcer 11 tne line win loun
. k... all tha ealaht It ran handle.
Things are beginning to look encourag-
. a .1 . . - . . .1 V... ,w
ing now an u uivra i nv huwvwuu uu. w
Hllonlan will continue in ins Hrtm.
The Harrlman liner Barraeouta, Cap
tain Doran, arrived in the harbor
shortly after the fog lifted this
morning and went to the Alns
worth dock with the biggest cargo of
general merchandise ever , brought to
this city from San Francisco. She com
menced discharging this afternoon and
will probably be ready to sell for the
Bay City by Monday night.
The Barracoota was caught In the
storm that tossed the British eteamer
Wyneric sbout off the mouth of the
river, but she only hit the tall end of It
and therefore did not have to playe hide-and-seek
with the big seas for more
than a few hours. Being deeply laden
she rolled less than the light British
tramp mad hence rode the etorm better.
Formosa Oka rested by Me
land Ti cm ring mils Company.
The Portland Flouring Mills company
chartered the British bark Formosa tc
load wheat at this port for the United
Kingdom. She la now on the coast o
South America, but will receive orders
to proceed north at once ao as to be here
If possible for November loading.
The Formosa Is a small veseel of
1,417 tons net j register and Is well
known on the Pacific coast. She Is con-
Rev. B. C. Horton, Sulphur Springs.
Tex., writes, July 10, MM: "I hsve
used In my family Ballard a Snow
Liniment and Horehound Syrup, and
they have proved certainly satisfactory.
The liniment la the beet we have ever
used for headache and palna. The
cough syrup has been our doctor for
The "Different
Savings in the Apparel and Toggery Shops for
A Special Sale I
Ready-to-Wear Hats
for $1.50
100 Women's stylish ready-to-wear
Hats In the popular
"Vesta Tilly" Bailor Shapes,
made of smooth braid, velvet
bound, quill trimming In
black, blue and brown; a
splendid hat for present
wear. Special at . . B1.50
Savings :
Great Silk Values Await
the-Friday and
Saturday Shoppers '
rifth Street Annex First
4,200 yarda of Novelty Silks
tn all good coloring and
stylee; neat figures, stripes
checks and plaids; regular
11.28 grade. Special for
Friday and Saturday, 7
14-lnch Ail Pure Silk Black
Crepe de Chine; splendid
color and weight; regular
1.26 grade Special for
Friday snd Saturday
only, yard OavC
Rare Values in High-Grade
Dinner Sets
Beautiful ware at special prices
tomorrow on third floor. Thrifty
housewives take note.
These handsome Dinner Seta have
border pattern of small flowers
with full gold line
ysBkii aet. Special Bconorarflatg
price, the set. 94.76
eo-piece get. Special Economy Sale
price, the set. 98.37
100 -piece set Special Economy Sale
price, the set SO. 59
These Dinner Sets have pretty de
signs of brown flowers and gold
line on knobs and handles, fancy
40-pleee seta Special Economy Sale
price, the eet 919.96
100-rlece set. Special Economy Sale
price, the set $28.35
112-plece set. Special Economy Sale
prtoe, the set 931. SO
117-plece et. Special Economy Bale
price, the set... 937. OO
. aTieoiated gle wire in pretty new
shapes; a complete assortment for
table nee. Prices. 50 to $18.00
Bohemian Tases In novel ahapee and
colorings. Prices, each,
from 75 to $9.00
XVibby Oat glees in handsomest
cuttings and designs: also very
beautiful cuttings In frosted en
graved effecta f
Knit Underwear and
Hosiery Underprice
First Floor.
Misses' 1 OO Union gnlte for 4o.
Misses "Merode" Union Suits, In
cream color, good winter weight,
long sleeves, ankle length. H open
front; our. 1 1.00 vain. Special
w Mala M.taa th. anlt alAal
k IliCWnwmr waa hi ..www
Ohildren's Bkesk Worsted atoae,
seamless foot 2x1 rib
Slses T-7H; our 26o valua
Special at. the pair .199
Slses t-ltt; our tOe vein.
Special at the pair SO
Sixes t-ttt-10; our Us valua
Special at, the pair 959
-ZTK Kid Gloves 98c
First Fleer.
K00 pairs of Ladlee' Kid Oloves. full pique kid, two clasp, giisaeted between
the flngere, Paris point back In all colore, black and white. Special
Economy Sale price, the pair 989
eldered a handy vessel because of -her
a i. , aa mnrtA a monav-maker
else, uui ia ii. .
for her owners as the larger but more
unwieidiy oerriere.
Portland Finds Outaide
Brasy to Construct
William T. Carroll, who la arranging
to build on or more steam aohooners
to engage in the lumber trade .out of
Portland, says that If ths veessts
wsnted by his people cannot be built
at yards already In working order on the
coast arrangements will be made to
build a shipyard here, Th Portland
Shipbuilding company' ha been naked
to make an effort to handle the work
but that concern Is said to be eo buey
with river steamers that It Is heeltatlng
about taking Contracts for deep seagoing
craft at present.
"We will build a shipyard of our own
If we can't do anything better," said
Mr. Carroll thfa morning., "We must
havs the steam schooners and Inasmuch
TheDre$S Goods
Buyers who va aa eye for beautj. a ca-e for style and a thoughl : for
thrift will throng the Dress Goods Salons tomorrow and profit liberally by
buvlna- aenarously of such values. Read:
Colored Dress Goods Friday and Saturday Special
1.000 yarda New FsU Suitings In grays, navies, browns. gTeensall in the
. i uia. -.mJt w-4 aaam Aiir r-aantlar 11 fift aTFB1 A. A A
Special, only, yard
Silk and Wool
aiaiiv adaoted for house and party
ta.iO. 12.21 and $i.M value. Special for two days only,
yard K
' Black Dress Stuffs
All-Wool Black Worsted Sergee. Imported Mohair. Sicilians and Henrlett
all warranted rest oiaoa; regular
A group of rousing bargains tt
little every day needs, spool el to
morrow In the Small Wares Shop,
First Floor.
11.11 Solld-Baok All-Bristle Hair
Brushes. Special 959
100 Fine Hand and Nan Bruehea
Special 9
ISo Box Milled Tar Soap. Spl. .109
10c Box Blxby's Beet Black Shoe
Polish. Sgsslal 79
tee Bon Sanltol Tooth lwdeg and
Tooth Pasts. Special 199
Ma Fine Ruled Ink Writing Tab
lets, gpedal A -59
Bio Box Fine White Linen Cloth-
Flnlsh Writing Paper. Bp l . . IB
lie Package of 100 Plain White
Crepe Paper Napkins. Bp'l. 109
Sib Net Shopping Bag Bp'l. .909
60o Pair Embroidery Scissors.
Special 859
lie Pair Plain Whit Lightweight
Dress Shield Special 109
So Card Black and White Hump
Hooka and Byes. Special 19
Black Darning Cotton.
Special. spools 69
tio Handy Package Pin and Needle
Book Special 17w
llo Book Best Black-Headed Pins.
Special 99
Another Bargain In
Women's Handbags
A line of Women'! New Deep-Shape
All drain Leather Hand Bags,
with stitched leather handles,
-riveted frame, thoroughly lined
throughout with beat moire and
fitted with coin purse; good
value and a ready seller st II. so.
Special at 999
Cushion Covers 47c
A Friday Art Weedleoraft Special.
Annex Second Floor.
Cushion Slips of (The tan or green
art material, tops tinted In floral
coloring of poppy, carnation,
pansy, ehryssntbemum and rose,
all ready to slip In the filling;
regular llo valua Special . 479
as Portland money will pay for them it
Is only fair that the boata be constructed
here if It can be done. We have dis
cussed th matter with local shipbuild
ers and possibly the work may be done
at the yards of the Portland Shipbuild
ing company but we are not certain of
that yet.
"If unable to have one of the old
yarda take bold of the work we will
get -a plant of our own and send to
California fer competent men to do the
work. Our Intention le to build at
least three steam schooners, all of them
to be registered at this port
The British steamer Elaine Is gaily
decorated with flag and pennant to
day In honor of the marriage of John
Letts of Balfour. Guthrie Co.. and
Mies Kmms Failing, which takes place
this afternoon
Trustee Spit buoy No. 2. which went
adrirt on orsy s naroor receawy, win
be ropiacod a soon a possioia
Men and Women, and Sayings Among the Household Wares for Hometolk
Women's $6.50
Walking Skirts
Very neat and" attractive patterns in serviceable, mannish, mixed
goods, black and white, in dark effects, brown and white and
P...' r 1 r kA Knilt- in tli a trim full.
around iiounce witn strappings anu outiuiia ,
best regular $6.60 values in town. Special
Friday only for
Bargains rZZ
Dress Fabrics
wear; all colors In the collection:
o a
Stirring Bar
gains In ,
Sale of
8 TO 9 A. M.
mr.ll gnoee. In 1
ton or lace, a big
eortment of odd andj
ends, all good shoes but
Kmkan llnea: value to
tl.BO. Special for one
hour, the pair 499
size. to t. epring heeL
Special for one hourat,
the pair .V T9
9 TO 10 A. M.
for Sl.89.
Women's Drees and Houee Slippers,
made of patent and kid leathere.
with straps and bow, beaded or
plain, high, medium or low heels;
values to IS.B0. Special for one
hour at, the pair 91.89
women's gl .75 Juliet, for ILH
Women' Hospital Juliets, made of
On soft leather witn brown soles,
rubber heels, elastic sides; ear
$1.78 rata Special for one hour
at, tne pair 91.84
11 A. M. TO IS M.
I w
d'b te-oo college Boots anas.
Women's Patent Colt College Boots,
made on the New Turk last, me-.
dlum broad toe, very pretty and
stylish, dull tops, T buttons.
very popular style; our 14.00
valua Special for one hour at,
th pair $9.99
18 TO 1 P. M.
Women's Shoes, Tataea to a.0O,
Women's Shoe In Ave good style
made by Florehelm a Co. of
patent colt and glaxe calf leathere.
In button or lace, all high grade,
thle season's good; values to t.
Special for ne hour at.
the pair ...... 4s 9949
ond class can buoy ha been established
In II feet of water about one eighth Of
mile southerly of the BUgh Island
reef. Prince William sound.
Henceforth the steamer F. A. Kll
urn will land at the foot of Oak street,
Charlee E Steelsmlth having been ap
pointed her agent because of the resig
nation of Frank L. Oreenbough.
The Olson A Mahoney company will
name the new steam schooner, now be
ing built st Aberdeen, Washington, the
J. Marhoffer In honor of one of the
most prominent business men of Cree
cent City.
The Hawaiian liner Hllonlan arrived
at Astoria thla morning with the bark
Annie Johnaon In tow from San Fran
cisco. The Hllonlan will be at Columbia
dock No. 1 some time tonight or early
tomorrow morning.
The steam" schooner Northland will
sail thla evening for San Francisco with
a cargo of lumber. She will also carry
The Brttleh steamer Blaine will finish
loading lumber at the mills of th Port-
$4.29 Each
neat grays. ua piaucu nuui wwv, -
round length that skim the instep ; 7-gored styles,
. .... m l .aw. wm
d stylos, trimmed
Choos e From Ribbons Worth ioJOc
Plain gad Few cry Bfteets for SB Yard.
Hundreds of yard of plain and fancy Ribbon, In silk and satin taffetaa and
mee saline; all colore, black and white; t to i Inches wide; values to Mo.
Special Economy Sale price, the yard 859
No advertised
special is for
any other
than the hour
a n n o u need.
The values
are matchless.
Be on time.
Get your share' '
of the bar
gains. 1 TO 2 P. M.
Broken llnea In Women's
Shoes of patent and kid
leather patent or kid
tips, light or heavy
eoles. Bluchers or regu
lar lace, all good ehoea
and values J.o 11.10.
Special fer one hour at,
pair 91.98
2 TO 3 P. M.
Wosaea Shoes, Values to 8 00,
Women'e Drees Shoes In patent or
kid leather with light hand
turned soles, Cuban or leather
Louis heele. duU or bright kid
tips, six styles In the showing;
values to 11.00. Special for one
hour at, the pair 99.99
3 to 4 P. M.
Women'e Shoe, Values to 7.0O,
for S3.78.
Women's finest grsde of French
Heel Shoes, mad of patent and
kid teathera, straight and circle
foxed vamps, a splendid assort
ment of shoes; values to IT. 00.
Special for one hour at,
the pair 98.79
4 to 5 P. M.
(Kris' School Shoe in kid and box
calf stock, patent and kid Up
heavy eolea; also one style with In
serted mat kid lace stay; values to
Sixes I to g Special st.
th pair 91.19
SUes IH to 11. Special at.
the pair 9189
Slses 11H to 1. Special at.
the pair 91.49
5 TO 6 P. M.
Bora 2Qd and Bos Oeif Shoes,
Blucher or regular lace, good heavy
soles, excellent school or drees
shoes , to II H ; our 11.00 value
Special, the pair. 91.89
Slses 1 to IH; our 11.10 value
Special, the pelr., 91.99
land Lumber company thla afternoon.
She goes to China. t
Aatorla, Oct. 4. Arrived at 1:40 and
left up at :I0 a. m. Steamer South
Bay, from San Francisco. Arrived at
11:40 a m. Steamer Hllonlan and bark
Annie Johneon, from Sen Francisco.
Outaide at 11 a. m Steamer Asuncion,
from Son Francisco, and a three-masted
San Franolsco. Oct. 4 Sailed yester
day Schooner Alumna, for Aatorla
Astoria. Oct. 4. Left up at 1:11 p m.
British steamer Wyneric. Left , up at
10:11 p. m. Steamer Barracouta.
Astoria, Oct. 4. Condition of the bar
at I a m Moderate; wind, east;
weather cloudy.
a- r--
It wab not altogethsr on account of
his selfish and shady political career
that old Senator Piatt observed a while
ago that his life had been a failure.
$4.50 Black Silk
$3.25 Each
aw aa
Handaome black
brellas, with fancy handiest
trimmed with gold or silver
and pearl. For either men
or women. Bpienaia
value. Special Economy Sale
price, each 93.25
Special Bargains
for Men
Annex; First Floor.
Men's gg Wight nobes 7o.
A line Of Men's Flannelette Night
Robes weU mads and finished;
regular value lib. Special.. 479
Men's Derby Ribbed Wonted Under
wear, medium winter, weight, best
make and finish. In natural, flesh,
tan and blue; regular value 11.26.
Special, garment 974
Men's SO atolaaij MH
Seamless Merino Hose In natural
and Oxford gray; regular value
20c. Special, pair 19H4
Curtains and
Worth WkUe Moo. Behold Boonoxales
Fourth Floor.
Very pretty two-tone Lace Curtains.
Brussels effect, 10 inches wide.
tt yards long; regular value
23.26. Special, pair 91.98
97.SC Wool Blankets $4.98.
Fin All-Fleece Wool Blankets in
canary and white; regular value
17.10. Special, pair 94.98
Fall Flannels and
Plrst Ploor.
Special prlcee arranged with
thoughts In mind of th thrifty
housewives who throng through the
Domeetio section aisles on Friday
The savings' are worth while.
Bobs Wlannrta Bl ,
A large assortment of heavy Bark
Robe Flannels. Special, yd. .919
Large else Wlflte Fringed Bed
Spread s. out corners; regular
value 14.00. Special 98.98
I-lannelevte and Outing rlannsl Bo
ll 000 yarda Light and Dark Col
ored Flannelette and Outing Flan
nel In checks, stripes snd patterns
suitable for house dresses.
Special, yard 89
A Remarkable
foe 10.
First FJoor.
Point de Parts Lace and Insertion,
from ltt to I Inches wide, splen
did for trimming underwesr, ss It
will wash and wear well. Special
Economy Sale price, the yd. .194
iSaeelal DUpeteb to The Jssrsal.)
Salem, Or, Oct. 4. The monthly re
port of the state portage railway at
Celtlo Falls was presented to the board
of commissioners and showed the total
earnings for the month of Septem
ber to have been, and the
expenees 11.111.01. The report further
The steamer Mountain Gem started in
hauling wheat on September 11, bring
ing the first load down from Rock
Creek of i.lii sack The last time she
came In with 2.111, the principal amount
from Hover. Washington. She wUl be
able to make a trip up thla far every
third day. or making an average dell v.
per nay at ceiuo. The
has prove to do a
making the first trip
ook September in withy
She can make a trip
point, and will carry
ery of 7(4 Sack..
new steamer Belief
very, good carrier.
from Boually H
1.0(0 sacks.
day from thla
1.100 oacke
silk Um
A Bargain Trio
Boys' heavy Pndea-entlata nf
twuiea ami.
shoulders with straps; sixes
1 to 10 years; regular
prtoe lie. Special ayC
Ladles' fine enmbrto Corset
Covers, full front, torchon
lace trimmed around neck
and armholee: finished with
bagging and draw ribbon 1
regular price He Jin
Special at aVtJV
Ladles' Aprons of extra ftne
white lawn, very fun slses,
long, wide strings, t-laok
hem at bottom, bib and
shoulder strap of beautiful
embroidery; regular prtoe
S! .".f! 69c
Good News From
Jewelry Shops
A quartet of attractive special ar
ranged for shoppers in Jewelry aisle
Friday. Pretty little things, orna
mental and useful, and all under
to aa.
Men'e Heavy Sterling Silver Link
Cuff Buttons In various designs;
our regular 11.00 value
Special, pair 899
Fancy Crystal Top Bat Pins in
white, topaz, amethyst and Alice
blue, beautifully cut and strongly
made; our regular lOo value
Special, each 394
An assortment of pretty Sterling
Silver Photo Frame, round shape,
with plain and fancy borders, '
Inchee In diameter with remova
ble easel backs; our regular 11.60
values. Special, each .9 1.88
ago and 780 Wis BiauiliM few ego.
An assortment of pretty Wire
Bracelets, set with assorted col
ors of Stones; our regular llo
and Tio values for 494
House Heaters $.1?
A Timely Bargain Special Tomor
row, on Third Floor.
EeaiMag St rag with heavy lin
ing; well made, swinging top with
double ltd, middle foot rail, heavy
oaat top and front
II-Inch alae. Special Economy Sale
price, each 94.96 '
20-lnch els Special Economy Sale
price, each 98.89
Kerchiefs and Hat
Vnnsual Prises, Vain Considered.
First Floor Shops.
Booaomy sals of Trees BxeUksr
Richardson's Purs Linen Handker
chiefs with tt and tt-tnch hems:
our 10c and Utto value Special
for Friday Economy Sale
at I for 894
A lot of Blank and Colored Hat
Drapes lb Tuxedo Mesh, with
chenille dots, ltt yarda long; our
11.00 valua Special Economy
Sale price, each 994
both boata running we should have i
2,000 sacks of wheat per day. At pres
ent ws have on hand ready for delivery
to the lower river boot 4,711 sacks. If
th wheat le not kept clear at Big Eddy
we will be blocked up shortly. We are
putting It In the warehouse In order
to get ears for the next load from the
boat on the upper river.
Lincoln. Neb.. Oet 4. W.J. Bryan
bexun a second speaking tear
will lost until election gay. M
last nlxht to 10.000 people at
ana will snend the naxt t
sgeahlng la Nebraska.
Sao ram eat
man James