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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
4 OREGON PEOPLE 1ST HAVE Fti PWTtCTIOH Atlwwy-Ciwwi Hokto Surety Company DwpotJtt Ar for Local Benefit. That Explains A LEOPOLD ftANf, , SAMUEL GANS, Patsietin Letter fluilrl DSaasteh e Tee Jssrsal.) telenTor , Oct. ..--Ths attorney-general. In a rpoee to an inquiry from li SSetary of ittW Dunbar ..king Mto Whether tho deposits of surety wmpt- - iiifruH u snectal ana held for the benefits of the TfWenU of trte stste. Is of tho opinion that the whole Intent of the Statute la to aocur ; too cltkeens of ' Oregon In transacting bualnesa with the eurety company, ana nch deposits mult be considered and held aa special pleoga for tho security of demand, of cltliena of Oregon arts lnit out of bustneaa transacted In the state and auoh demands muat be fully protected by a board before the surety company can withdraw Its deposit from the state, and policy holders or persons tranaactlng bualneaa with the company having demands against It outside of the stats of Oregon will only be an. titled to the surplus of the $50,000 after the Oregon demands have been satis fied. . SOLICITORS STILL HOPE (Continued from Page One.) end campaign. If It Is found necsaaary. promises to be hotter svaa than the present one, for the members will tske ' a few namea at a time and centralise their efforts In auch a way that no per son on ths Ust will escape. Unltfcs most r. (fairs similar to ths i campaign of the associations when ths money has not been raised in the sat time, the backbone of the organisation baa not been braken, neither have the members given up In deapalr. They have almply taen a fresh start and : many said that If they had mat with failure the first wtc-k the reaction would have won the fie hi by thta time. In stead, the first two weaka of the cam paign ware unqualifiedly successful. When 'the home stretch cams ths break occurred, and failure, to ralaa the money In the time sat onfronts them. The total amount to data, Including today s subscriptions. Is I30MI. The day s pledges brought In I4.TSS, leaving $111,411 to be collected. turl of Contributions. Ladd estate, $50,000. r. b. Pratt, $10,000. I 8. A. and E. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Campbell, I. B. Wilcox. J. Thor I burn Ross, Eastern & Western Lumber ( company, Mrs. William Honey man, Bal - four, Outhrle a Co.. each $5,000. . ' Welnhard estate. $4,000. T. 8. Doernbecher. $2,500. B Kilere Piano House, P. J, Mann, II. 500 each. Dr. Hanry Waldo Coe, $1,150. Dr. J. R. Wet her bee, Mr. and Mrs. J. I F. Failing. R. Uvlngeton. William B. I Wheal wright. Hamual P. Lock wood. F. A. Krlbs, W. W. Cotton. J. A Alno . worth, H. C. Leonard, James W. Cook, Roberts Bros., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dolph, Mrs Emma L. Corbett, Mra. Marcus Simpson, F. a Morris, Ban Balling, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Fuller, Ed ward Cooklngham, Flelachner, Mayer a m Co.. standard Bos factory. Dr. A. E. Rockay, George Lawrence company. R. L. Ollaan. Oregon Real Estate com- j pany, Marshall-Wells Hardware com- pany, each $1,000. I Earl C. and Grace Bronaugh. $700. Wsdhams Kerr Bros., $$00. i R. C. Coffey, W. M Bain. C. W. ot tlngham. Charles H. Carey. Mr. and Mra. ' W. R. IfarKensle, Hartman Thomp son. R. M. tray, A. M. Smith. W. H. Moore (O. T. a a Co.). Mr. and Mra. H. L. Powers, A. Field. F. Dayton, W. J. . Clemen. I. B. C. club of Second Baptist church. L. M. Holbrook. Glass a Prud homme. J. K. Bowles. Mr. and Mra. D. W. Tllford, "A Friend," Vmcent Cook, J. H. McClung. H. M. Fries (Wekefield Frles), F. Dresser Co., E. A. Sessions. Rsamussen a Co., Llpmsn, Wolfs a Co., I. F. Powers. Andrew C. Smith. F C Knapp. George W. Batea, William Gads by. F. B. .Stanley, Thomas Scott Brooke. P M Dekum. E E Lytle, Portland Trust company, each $500. K. M. Kumvan. Prael, Hegele a Co., Mr. and Mra Albee. Northwest Door company, Cloaaat a Devere, May Sho i grsn. Portland Head company, each $300. D. M. Watson, J. W. Reefer. D. W. Pattullo. H. G. Colton, Mr. and Mra. , H. W. Stone, Bruce Frame. Hlcks-Chst- ! tan Engraving company, W. A. Lald law. Peterson, Smith a Pratt, J. K. Gill, Harvey O'Brien, H. Chapina. G. B. Cel- , lers. Lang a Co., Labbe Bros , Warren Construction company, Woodard, Clarke a Co.. each ISM. J. L. Hewitt, ButtsrOeld Bros.. Mr. and Mra. Grant Phegley, W. L. Morgan, F. J. Catterlln. Tom Richardson. R. M ; Tuttle, Charles K. Henry. Pacific Paper company, Walter A. Goaa, W. H. Faar, Sherman a Harmon, Robert S. Far re 11. Robert F. Hall. Charles P. Wright, F. E. Beach, Ashley Rumelln, Nsustadtsr The finest stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes ever sold for FIRE damage ! That's the facts quickly told. A Kl THE ST m ft. eV aV w m m r m CHICAGO tW7 r'' WY0RK Cor. 1 st and Salmon Has secured the goods Hart Schaffher C& Marx, and all the rest of the Clothing Gems. Great Fire Sale Begins Satur day at 9 a.m-30 & of Value WANTED 100 salesmen, salesladies, wrappers, bun dle boys, etc. Apply to Mr. Appelby, manager, 8 to 9 a. m. Friday. (With references.) September 4, 190fi- The Boston Stora, Portland, Oregon. DwarSir:- Do not fail to attend tho solo at Publio Anotion for aooount tiro Underwriters at our Salesrooms, 207 and 209 Madison. St. . Chicago, on.Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19 and 14, when wewill sell the entire ealrage of tha.Polaoe Olothing Houee 0o., St. Paul, Minn.. Mauri oe L Rothsohild, Prop. Stook consists of $150.000 worth of "Seaaoaable. Staolo. Hi 4th Qrado Olothing. Single Garment e. Ore ro oats, Hat and Shoot., Tho Palaoe oarried tho finest etook in St. Paul, principally Bart, Sohafner ft Marx make and thoee of similar 'manufaoture re well known. as makers of Stylish, up-to-date and reliable goods. This to tho moat important sale of ito kind -we have invited yon to attend In yeara and you oannot afford to absent yourself; we urge you to be here, knowing that ltlwlll pay' yon. Kindly let ua know if we -oan-depend on your"pre8enoes Yours reapeotfully, SAMUAL GAIS C0MPAHY. Watoh Chicago Beoord Herald for. our advert iaement a. aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaBSasaBBaaaBBBBBasaBSaBBBBBB Mothers as well as boys will be interested in our October harvest. We've plucked from the finest vineyards of every manufacturer the best be has in boys' gar ments. Come and see how you like our taste. SUITS 82.85 to $8.00. OVERCOATS $ 2.35 to 97.50. LION ClothinoCe Mm'i and Boys' Outfitters. 166 and 108 Third Street. Mohawk BnUdbaf. i,. u.nrr C Jaffards. Martin Forbes. I. H. Amos, E. H. Parka, Wal lace McCamant. Walter Cook. A. H. Uevera. each ll0. Clarence H. Gilbert, Oamond Royal, t f. tt.v.r Knlaht Shoe company, F. M. Ollbert. Charlea lfcOratb, Imperial Hotel company, each tloO. T. T. Burkhart, 10. A. H Crocker, A. L. Veaale. W. B, McDowell, M Walton. Waldo F. Stew srt, Alag C. Rae. C M Bcott. M D. Spencer, Mra F. D. Charaberlln, Chap- ! man Advertising company, uwn !. i d.nrn k Rarr. Robert Kennedy, R. J. Holmes, Jam erf Brlstow, R. S. Howard. Jaeger Brothers. John M. Oearln. F. 8. Myers. George W. Smith, O. B. Helnts. C P. Bishop. W. H. Smith. Merwln Pugh. Albert Welch, John P. Irvln, John F. Carroll, C. P. Bradahjaw, Elnathan Sweet, G. Evert Baker, H. C. Parham, Anderson A punlway, A. a Nichols. P. E. O. aoclety. L. U Paget. C. C. Anderaon. J. T. Wckaon. W. F. Flledner, Mra. Rob Inaon. William D Fenton. Laue-Davls Drug comaany, W. B. Preston, Mrs. Hoyt's benefit concert, l. B. Stearns, D K. Keasey, Arthur t- 'Fragar, G. Roaenblatt, the A. H. Averlll Machinery rompsny, D. D. Warner, George M. Strong, Hewitt, Bradley a Co.. Mra. Walter B. Preston, H. C Coleman. H. E. Noble, F. McKercher. W. D. Fralajr, O. W. Gates, w. H Chapln. William C. Bristol, F. W. Bsltes. O. M. Scott, Cath erine McClung. Joaeph K. Hall. A. W. Moore, A. Berg. R. D. and J. O. GoKra, Cake a Cake. Barnes market, Frank C. Barnea, F. A. Jonea, 8. J. Barber. John K. Kollock. George E. Hoyt. J. E Hasel tlne. W. H Pope. W. M. Baharrell. Charlea Archer, F. Eggert. Eggert Toung company, Mrs, D. 8. O'Nslll. H. Bruck. C. P. Bishop. Adolph A. Dakum. i William F. Woodward. J. M Btrow- brtdge. William F. Amoa. Lillian J. Amoi, J. F. Shea. C. E. Curry. H. Me Cormlrk. Bushong A Co., Mrs: Kate V. Wondllng. Williams Wood a Llnthl- cum, William J. McClure. Tllton Broth- era, Kwetlond Sons. A. D. Chariton, George W Collins, Mr. snd Mrs. Brews ter, A C. Emmons, A. King Wilson. J B. C. Lockwood, J. C. Roberts, Kelly Clarke company. Dr. Ford Wsrren, Wll llsms A Begga. John Pesrson. M Rellera, 8. E. Wrenn. Irvlngton club benefit con cert, Brlcklnyera and Masons' Interna tional union, etch 1100. Musical. Well Attended. More than 200 persons attended the musicals at the Irvlnsjton Tennis club's home st Irvlngton lsst night and listened to the excellent program ar ranged by the women In charge of the affair. Moat of Portland's leading mu slclsra participated In the event and I thoroughly good time was enjoyed by all As a result of the entertainment more than tl00 was added to the build ing fund. Unlike moat affairs of this kind, every ticket sold was used, which fact la taken by the members of the commit tee In charge of the arrangements to show that the program waa of unusual excellence. .... BREAK IN RANKS (Continued from Page One.) from eastern Oregon this morning. Though some of the strlke-breakera are raw youths, aa a whole thay appaar to be an able-bodied lot and will undoubt edly be able to unload ths wheat Into the big warehouee. The number of workers at the other docks lias also been tnatsrlally Increased and today the majority of the dock on ths water front are In operation. Tha large num ber of loaded wheat cars which accumu lated during the first few days o tho strike are rapidly being unloKle.1 and A. J. Hhanks. manager of the dock, said today that there la no need of tliesm nsrgo remaining In force any longer, hut aU tfat wheal consignee U UUa point SELECT YOUR COAT from the Md en slock 01 COATS ON THE COAST Just received by Wells Fargo Express the Largest Shipment of Coats and Suits ever Brought to Portland in ONE SHIPMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL $15 Coats $850 $12.50 Coats $7.50 Suit Special-$20.00 SUITS $14.75 THE J. M. ACHES0N CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 131 FIFTH STREET BETWEEN ALDER AND WASHINGTON could now be unloaded promptly. This embargo, ha said, would be raised at ones and the usual quantity of wheat will be flowing Into Portland by the first part of nest week. Assumss Peaceful Aspect. The gun-play on the part of Ulre-I dstecUves at Montgomery fcwk No. a last Tueaday night and the Jlrm stand taksn by Chtsf of Polios Orltsmachet agalnat auch men going armed la said to havs oaused the discharge of the ma jority of the armed guards. At Mont gomery dock No. t, for example, there are now only three private watchman besides two pollcealen. guarding ngnlnst, possible attack by strikers, and the strike on the wkjole has assumed a peaceful aspect. The striker themselves have so far glvsn no evidence that they would do violence of any kind. The dock Siftrict la thoroughly picketed, hot no attempts whatever are made to treepaas on for bidden ground. Several strlke-breakera who have been spproaehed by the ptoketa and urged not to work stated to a Journal representative today that they had not been threatened In any way, that they had merely been told of the circumstances of ths strike and had been requested to refrain from tak ing the strikers' places. SIXTY-ONE DROWNED BY STEAMER'S WRE0J (Jearaal apeclal gervles.) Hongkong, Oct. 4. The steamer Char, terhouae haa foundered and (1 persona, including captain LI ft on, are drowned. . .aiite i itier a4M t. ',l'i,if'i