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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, ltQj. 18 RICH BRIDE WON BY BOGUS BARON MILLIONS III FIGHT FOR SENATORSHIP Three Plutocrats Seek to Repre sent Rhode Island in Up per House), WELCH MEANS IT When He Says That He SELLS the Swellest CLOTHING in Portland REPUBLICAN MACHINE FAVORS COLONEL COLT j On the left U "Baron" Seefeld. On the right is "Countess" Ilka Kinsky Palmay, the musk-hall singer who lent $2,000 to the "Baron" and had to sue to recover it At the bottom is a facsimile note issued by "Baron'' Seefeld. (Hunt Maw Serrlw.) New York. Oct. S. When the Ham-burs-American liner Graf Waldcrsee ailed from this port aha had among- har aaloon paaaengere "Baron" Frederick von Gordon -Seefeld and his American bride, a beautiful New Orleans airl. The two left for Germany much against the wtshea of the bride's relatives, and In fact so opposed hare the latter been all along to the match that the girl's brother searched New York high and lew In an effort to locate her, even em ploying Flnkerton detectives to assist In the ehase. Many and strange are the troubles that have met the "baron" In America. He came here with the avowed intention of marrying an American heiress, and it la said he succeeded. Yet It was a stony path he trod and at one time It led him behind prison bars. That was when he met the charming 'Countess" Ilka Klnkay-Pslmay, an opera singer who had come here from Budapest. The acquaintance began by the "baron" borrowing 12,009 and ended by .the "i iniiilsas," (lawsliig hit arrest. and by his making restitution. When she appeared In court to press the charges against the "baron" the "countess" declared she had met Seefeld In the studio of a prominent artlat. She declared that after an acquaintance of Ave days he had visited her and with tears In his eyes told her of how a heartless automobile dealer was going to take away his car from him because he could not meet the balance of the payment. On learning that the sum due was only 12,000, the "couhtesa" wrote out a check and the "baron" gave her a written slip that read: "I owe Countess Klnaky-Palmay two thouaand dollars', which I shall pay to her In three wests' time. "FRED VON GORDO N-BKBFELD. -New York, Nov. IS, IMS." The "countess" produosd the note In court, and later the "baron" made full restitution. A dinner given at Pabat'a also almost ended In the courts, but somehow things were straightened out and the threat ened sensation never materialised. . Following that the "baron" disap peared from New Tore Not until his name (without the title) appeared on the passenger list of the Graf Walderae was his whereabouts known. And then. through the district attorney's office nta life love story became known. During the lata winter, which ha spent In New Orleans, the "baron" met a charming girl, the daughter of a wealthy southerner. He made love to the young woman and married her re cently. But the match caused a do- It Pays To Buy Quality And it pays to sell quality. That's why you will always find at this shop Underwear That is dependable and reliable. Some of the lead ins; brands which we handle are : DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY .WOOL, DR. DEIMEL'S LINEN MESH, CART WRIGHT & WARNER'S IMPORTED, PORTAGE KNIT TING MILLS, AMERICAN HOSIERY COM PANY'S AND MANY OTHER GOOD BRANDS. 311 MORRISON ST., Opp. Postsfflce AS TO VALUE NONE 00 01 CAN IVE BETTER Head of Rubber Trust Slsfed by AM rich to Succeed Wetman, Who Is Making a Vigorous Fight in His Own Behalf. (Jour d1 Spaelal Berries.) Providence, R. I., Oct. I. After months of preliminary skirmishing, the political campaign In Rhode Island, whose nominal object Is the election of s i'ntted States senstor to succeed George P. Wetmore, has been fslrly opened. Senator Wot more ia busy mak ing speeches In cities and towns throughout the state Colonel Robert H. I. Godderd, nominated at a primary convention, the first In the history of Rhods Island, as an independent candi date for the senate, baa returned from Europe, and 'Colonel Pomeroy Colt, pres ident of the United States Rubber com pany, popularly known aa the rubber truet, is on the scene to direct his cam paign. The contest in Rhode Island this year nominally involves e senatorshlp only, with a three-cornered fight in progress between Mr. Wet more, who holds the seat. Colonel Qoddard, the candidate of the Democrats, and their Republican al lies, and Colonel Colt, the alleged can didate of the Republican organisation of which Senator Nelaon W. Aldrleh Is the dominating force. Beyond and be neath the aspirations snd ambitions of theee rival candidates, the campaign In volves, possibly, the' future political status, economic policy and public mor als of the state. The formal letter of acceptance of Colonel Ooddard supplies the keynote of the campaign. It la generally regarded aa a severe indictment of the Repub lican party and Its present manage ment Mr. Wetmore depends for suc cess upon ths assumption that posse sion is nine points of the law. Colonel Ooddard relies upon the statement of his letter of acceptance that the people want to down the corrupt bosses, stran gle the autocracy and effect tariff re form. Colonel Colt Is banking on his very keen longing to go to the senate, his wide business connections throughout the state, hie personal popularity, and his general idea that If the Ooddard theory that the people are struggling to be free of bosses and the protctlve tar iff ia unsound hs will be able to win over the machine. meatlc disruption and the "baron,' it la said, fled with hla bride. He was fol lowed by theglrl's brother, who ap peared at the district attorney's office and made copies of all documents there concerning the career of his brother-in-law. He is still looking for the couple. Von Oordon-Seefeld la a young man of distinguished appearance. He is well known In society here, and although he repeatedly declared that his nsme was to be found in the "Almanac de Ootha," a search of its pages for his name Is i fruitless. The "Countess" Palmay de-1 clared he was a "fake," and he retorted with the eame remark regarding her. He claimed to be a retired colonel of the Koenlgsburg Imperial guard. MISSIONARIES TO HOLD MEETING Suits - - $7.45 to $35.00 Overcoats - $7.45 to $25.00 Cravenettes $7.45 to $25.00 - His Jui Jitsu Boy's Suits Are Wonders Strongest Boy's Suit ever made. Ask the boy and see. Triple taped seams, hair cloth fronts, double seats and knees, and ' "Waterproofed Cloth" "$4.50 The kind for which you have always paid $5.00 smvy Ban LsflC Jf a Yfl Lasa VaX Welch's Overweight Shoes $3.50 They were made to wear in Oregon. Also an Excellent Showing in HUNTING AND LOGGING SHOES $3.00. $5.30. $6.50 Working Shoes, $1 .30 to $4.00 New Shipment Received in A A MONARCH Shirts ftl.VV both Soft and Stiff Bosoms IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT THE LEE $3.00 Best $3.00 Hat Mads MORRISON rrr fTsTaisis ar THE SPHINX $3.30 Satisfaction Presbyterians Will Assemble Corvallis Next Wednesday and Thursday. in (Spaelal Mssetsk te Tee Joersal.) Corvallis. Oct. t. A big day for Pres byterians Is set for next Wednesday. when in this city will convene the fourth annual conference of the Sabbath School Missionary Synod of Oregon. The opening meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon, beginning at 2:19, with Rev. T. B. Oriswold presiding. There will be a devotional service led by Rev. E. B. Hayes; words of greeting. Rev. M 8. Buah; response. Rev. D. A. Thompson; "The Child, the Country, the Church," Rev. H. A. Ketchum. D. D. ; "Opening Fields In Oregon." Rev. J. V. Mllllgan. D. D. ; "The Joys of Missionary Life." Rev. J. M. Ferguson; "Sabbath School Missions In ths Last General As sembly," Rev. W. 8. Holt, D. D. The evening services, beginning at 7: 10. will be presided over by Rev. A. J. Montgomery and the address of the evenings will be "The Pioneer Board,)) by Rev. Alexander Henry, D. D., secre tary of the Presbyterian board of publi cation and Sunday school work. Thursday's Sialnsjs, Beginning Thursday morning at o'clock the exerclsaa will be led by Rev. I. A. Townsend, Ph. D., followed by a devotional service conducted by Rev. W. A. Robinson. Rev. T. B. Oriswold will speak on "Presbytery's Part In Sunday School Missions"; Rev. W. S. Smith, on "Sunday School Mlestons in Southern Oregon"; "Sunday School Miaslons a Factor in the Evangelisation of the Great West" will be discussed by Rev. I. G. Xnotta; Rev. Levi Johnson will have as his subject, "He Goeth Before You," and the concluding feature of the meeting will be opening the question box. by Rev. Alexander Henry, D. D. At 1:96 Thursday afternoon all mem bars of the conference and othera who desire will go from Corvallis to New port for the aynod there. Everything possible in the way of preparation has been done in this olty to mske the meetings here successful, and there is no doubt that they will reach the expectatlona of theae Interact ed. Rev. M. S. Bush Is to meat visit ors and assist them In finding hotel accommodations. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY TUhsts Still em The dates of sale of summer excur sion tickets ts Newport and T squirts bay have been extended to October II, with a final return limit of October 31. which will enable thoee who have not already been to this delightful resort to take the outing et the reduced rate of fered during the Bummer. Full particu lars in regard to rates, etc., by calling at City Ticket Office. Third and Wash ington streets, Portland, Columbia if e -ptusTohPANY. Building BxSsPr oorporattoB which lights as gssssstiil ass fsssjim: the aiillss huld's rate, than any etas, oompaay. TT ateuasie stem scans vm aw - V Hill CSV arm ar IDAHO MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS AT LEWISTON (Journal special service.) Lewi st on. Idaho, Oct. 4. There was a good attendance today at the opening Of the fourteenth annual meeting of the Idaho State Medical society. President J. B. Morris of Lewlston called the meet ing to order and delivered the annual address. Mayor Heltfeld welcomed the visitors, for whom response was made by Dr. W. r. Howard of Pocatello. With the conclusion of these formalities - the' convention entered upon the dtceusclon of sublets of interest to the medical profession. The convention will remain In session over tomorrow. EDUCATORS TO MEET AT SALEM THIS WEEK (Special Dlapatrk the JeerseC) Salem, Oct 4. Superintendent J. If. Aekerman has given notice of a meeting of the department superintendents of the schools which is to be held here Oc tober 5 and . This gathering has fori Every Day but Sunday Prom PORTLAND to ASTORIA Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 7. A. M. And Every Night But Sunday Night From ASTORIA to PORTLAND Leaving Astoria at 7 P. M. THE PALATIAL Steamer Lurline The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line. LINE Passengers and Freight for All Landings on the River at Lowest Rates. Its object the preparation of what shall be asked from the legislature In the tatter of school legislation. No Drosram haa been prepare, but eaeh of the schoolmen In attendance will be expected to make suggestions and to co-operate with his fellows la the reach ing of an agreement of what ought t be asked from the legislature. The session will be held at the atal boose and the public Is li present. Invited te be? Allen Lewis' Best Brand. For Rent TWO STOBE SNAPS AT SEVENTEENTH and WASHINGTON $50 PER MONTH EACH Two Elegantly Appointed Stores at Seventeenth and Washington. Full Basement Under Each. The fine brick structure is new and the stores have just been completed. Each has a frontage of 27 feet and a depth of 70 feet They have magnificent plate glass fronts, strictly modern, and are provided with perfect heating and lighting appli ances, toilets, etc Washington is rapidly developing into the great retail business street of the city, and theae stores will soon be considered a choice location on the street WE WILL GIVE A FIVE YEARS' LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE TENANTS And there can be no question that before the expiration of that time the leases will be worth three times the sum we are asking now. Apply to I. GEVURTZ & SONS The House Furnishers First and Yamhill Streets aVj-ftSaaWWasamWaatfr '