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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY BVENINO, CTOBER 4. MCt. 14 We Are Portland Agents for Batterick Patterns Colambia Yarns, Ostcrmoor MattreMet, PepjasidT Stoves and Ranges, Etc, Etc The Meier Sb Frank Store 300 boz. Handkerchiefs 8c Each For Tomorrow's 871st Surprise Sole An extraordinary bargain In Women's and Children's fin quality linen lawn Handker chiefs for tomorrow' ITlt Friday Surprise Sal 10 1osn if them fancy mbrolderd Initial full aeortmnt; a tyl and quality Handkerchlefa other stores aak 16o for. Buy all you want of them tomorrow at 8c each or (Oc per doan. Mall Kf orders will be promptly filled. Bach The Meter (Sb Frank Store $3, $350 Couch Covers $1.95 For Tomorrow's 871st Surprise Sale 100 handsome Couch Covsr at a phenomenally tbw price tomorrow vry best stylss. mad of heavy double-faced tapestry, knotted fringe all around, red. blue and green negus, also Bagdad stripes, In rich Oriental colorings. 10 patterns to select from; all axe full else, 10 Inch wid by I yard long. Regular CI 1.00 and IS.U value, on sale at, each P I erat The Meier (2b Frank Store 50c, 65c Neckwear 25c Each For Tomorrow's 87 1 si Surprise Sale Special lot of Women' wuhibli tailor-made mock of pretty figured Madras, in croat tylea with pearl scarfpln vartoty of sty If a, with lone or ahort tabs plain white, whit with colored stitching:, etc.; regular SOo and (5c values, wt on sal at thl extremely low price, each ?? "La Grecquc" Cforsets'TeiTins" Real French Kid Cloves Stamping Done to Your Order Artistic Pictnre Framtfaga New Moldings ii. 1 1 i 1 1 Meier Bb Frank's 871st Friday Surprise Sale 600 Pairs Long Kid Gloves $3.50 Values at $2.45 a Pair For tomorrow 871at Friday Surprise Sale, we announce a rnoat unusual bargain in Woman's Long Glace Bid Gloves Black and colon 12 button length Juat the f love for wear with the 4langth leere These gloves of the finest French tjlace kid, in black, white, brown, red, gray. navy, green and champagne, and a complete assortment of sizes, 5 to 7 Long kid gloves arc a very scarce article at present Very few stores having any regular stock whatever, not talking of lots for special sales. Our foresight in preparing for a heavy business in long lad gloves, combined with our intimate relations with many of the leading French manufacturers, enables ua to offer this lot of 600 pairs Plan to come early. Regular $3.80 values, tomorrow. jk f at the special low price of, pair J ewe!) See Fifth Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled Today $4.25 Curtains at $3.15 a Pair Special lot of whit and ecru Irish Point Lac Curtain, and scroll pattern borders; very neat, effective stylos; regular 14.25 value, at. Ruffled Net Curtaina, inches wide Djr 1 yards long value, on sale at this unusually low price, per Sola Portland agent for "Oatermoor" Elastic 41 inches wide by S yard long; plain centers ar regular value, at, pair sj long lac Inserting and edge; very best style, $2.50 Felt Mattress. Custom Shade, Drapery Work our specialty. Meier 2b Franks 871st Friday Surprise Sale Another Great Sale of Embroidery 4)4-Yard Strips Values to $ 900 at $3.3 a Strip 44-Yard Strips Values to $ 600 at $3,79 a Strip 6-Yard Strips Values to $1350 at $479 a Strip 6-Yorri Strips Voices to $ 8.30 at $4.13 a Strip Another one of our sensational Surprise Sale bargains in high-class Em broideries will attract thousands of eager buyers tomorrow yards in this lot Corset cover and flouncing from 12 to 24 inches wide in Swiss, cambric and nainsook Beautiful effective patterns in French blind work, English eyelet, shadow work and dainty lace trimmed effects in Ay2 and 6 2-3-yard strips Sold in strips only Quality limited You'll have to come early if you want to share in these marvelous values 4 1-I-yard strip, values to tB.OO, at, a strip 4 1-1-yard strips, values to $4.00. at. a strip. 1-I-yard strips, values to $13.50, at, a strip 1-I-yard strips, values to If. 60, at, a strip 3.85 2.79 4.79 94.13 Bargains in Drug Sundries Today Solid wood-back Hair Brushes, bests quality imported bristle; $1.25 values 98tj 4-rpw imported Tooth Brushes, values 20c and 25c each 124 Nail, Scrub and Vegetable A Brushes, great values at arC Empress Water Bottles of heavy white rubber, 3-quart size; every one guaranteed; great OQ. special value at Spray Syringes, the only perfect vaginal syringe for women; great value; 1 Jr0 each f Family Bulb Syringe of best quality red rubber; regular $1.10 value, on sale t39C Satin Skin Cream, best for the complexion; special t Lifebuoy Soap, sanitary and dis infectant; special A at Fairy Soap, great special value at, dozen cakes ... . Stationery New Box Papers, Eaton-Hurl-burt's latest creations, white lin en stock, 35c value, jJ3C Calling Cards, Berlin Kid or lin en finish; special, package 8 Scissors and Shears, pair.... 19) Meier Bb Frs 871st Friday Sorprise Sale 5000 Men's 4-in-Hand Ties Wonderful Values 15c Each In the men's Furnishing Goods section for tomorrow's 871st Friday Surprise Sale we offer to economical men the greatest neckwear bargain It haa ever been our pleasure to place on the counters A mammoth special purchase from a well-known New York manufacturer 'of 5,000 new four-in-hands comprises this grand offeringLight and dark silks Dots, stripes, figures, plaids and novelty effects All the newest shades, blue, lavender, green, afrits, red, helio All, are made reversible so they can be worn on either side Ties, we sell thousands of at 88c and 80c each every day in the year Buy .all yon want of them tomorrow at this low price See Fifth-Street Window Display. Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled. 15c Today Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.65 Pair 1.000 pairs of Men' Standard $1.50 Shoes on ami at $1.45 pair. Thl season's very best stylss In valour calf, patent colt, vlel kid, welt sewed shoes In laoe and Blucher styles, an slse and width all new, up-to-date footwear, selling; regularly at $3.50 a pair; your choloe today and tomorrow at this marvelously , - low price, par pair , spof.OO $12.50, $14.00 White Petticoats $8.98 Special lot of Women' fin whit Petticoat, mad of beautiful quality lawn and cambric, with wide flounce of very fin embroidery, openwork and shadow effects; fin lacea, beading-, tuoks and ribbons, m n Aa Values from $12.60 to 114.00 each, on sals at this special low prloe 4f0.9o Women's fine whit cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed In laces, embroideries and Insertions, clus- a ten of tuck and beading; $1.75 value, at this unusually low prlc 41.9 $2.60 and $$.00 abort Skirt Chemise, on sal at, each second floor . 81.08 Picture Dept. BargMiis--2d. Fl. 100 Colored Pictures in 20-inch black fancy circle frames; very attractive styles, $1.50 valuea at :.... Entire stock of black metal Photo Frames on sale at prices far below cost. Largest and best assortment of high-grade sheet pictures in the city. Etchings, Water Colors, Gravures, etc. Ask to see them. Second Floor. Few more Oil Paintings, in sizes 30x60 incites, SlU values, on sale at, each lompiete new line of framed Pictures in all sizes and subjects. Artistic Picture Framing to your order at low prices. Book News Cynics' Dictionary, special . .401 Peck's Bad Boy with the Cir cus; special value fts at A1V BUI Nye's Red Book 54 Hans Brinker, special S6 All the latest copyrighted Books on sale here at the very lowest prices, always. warn $3.95 Meier Sb Frank's 871t Friday Surprise Sale 200 Men's High-Grade Suits $25.00 Values at $16.35 Men who have need for a high-grade Business or Dress Suit and want to buy aame at a saving of $9.86, will take advantage of tomorrow'e great Friday Surprise Sale in the Men's Clothing Store Second Floor These suits made of the finest all-wool materials fancy worsteds, fancy worsted cheviota and fancy tweeds Made up in the latest 3-button or double-breasted sack coats by America'a beat known wholesale custom tailors, Stein-Bloch Co., Hart Schaffner tt Mam and The Washington Co. All garments hand tailored, and a large variety of the moat desirable patterns and coloringa for busi ness or dress wear Every suit in the lot regular 2&50 and $25.00 value -The exclualve clothier would ask you $35.00 for suits of equal style and quality On aale tomorrow only at this exceptionally low price, per suit. . . See Fifth-Street Vestibule Window Mail Order Carefully Filled $ 1 6.35 " aaat HEAD OF WOMAN'S CLUBS IS COMING Mrs. Sarah Piatt-Decker to Be in Attendance at Annual Con vention in Portland. Th clubwoman of th city ar slated orsr th pro pact of having Mrs. Sarah Platt-Decker at th annual State Fed eration convention, which 1 to mast In Portland. October SO. It la a matter of congratulation, they say, that the con vention this year meeta In Oregon's me tropolis, a It will give many mors the - pleasure and advantage of meeting and had rial Mrs. Decker, . Th ways and means committee, which la i in ! ill of tb president of the ' entertaining clubs, and th chairmen of th various committees, mat last night In th office of Dr. Esther Pohl In th mailing building and perfected arrange ment for the entertainment of th con vention guests. Th meeting will be bald In th hall of th Woman of Wood craft, Tenth and Taylor streets. On Wednesday evening, October (1, Mrs Decker will give a talk on "Th Educa tional and Philanthropic Work of th General Federation" in the First Con gregational church. All meeting will be open, but a special effort will be pot forth to make th Wednesday evening mooting of groat Interest to the public Th New IVlglsnd Conservatory club will furnish th music during th session, with a special program for th evening of October II. Th convention program I not quit oat will b announced In a r sit from ""chronic constipation, which I quickly cursd by Dr. King's Mow Ufa Yina. They remove all poi onou germs from th system and In fuse new llf and v4$rr; gar sour 1. neadacn. dliain tbout griping or d I scorn - oy km ureas Pharwssiy. PENDLETON MEN SENTENCED TO SERVE ONE HOUR IN JAIL Judge Charle E. Wolverton today Imposed th lightest sentence ever re corded In th Oregon district of th United States district court Lae Baker, Pat McDevltt. John Paters. Bert Bow ers and Fred Beck of Pendleton war fined $10 each and sentenced to serve on hour In th Umatilla, county Jail for carrying Intoxicating liquor Into th Umatilla Indian reaervatlon. In explaining the light penalty, Judge Wolverton aald that by th testimony th young men had shown no disposi tion to violate t he law and that non of th liquor had reached any of the Indian on the reservation. ' Judge Wolverton announced that had th con dition boon reversed and the testi mony shown that the man had taken th liquor upon the reservation for the Indiana, ho would havs dealt severely with them. Th men were srrested la August within th boundary line of th reaer vatlon with a dnssn bottle of beer In thlr possession Thy explained to th Indian agent that they bad driven to th plao for the purpose of swim ming In th river at that point and that they did hot know they were on th reservstlon. Th spot at which they were arrested 1 only within the line about 200 feet, and one of th defend ant explained In court thl morning that, according o ' th popular opinion at Pndlton. JQn bo undary line was not with In on half mil of th plao they wr arrested In addition to th circumstances ex plained by the young men and by As sistant United Stat District Attor ney Jam Cole, th United State com missioner at Pendleton vouched for th good character of th young man. Judge Wolverton explained that It required all of thess xtenuatlng circumstances to make th penalty a light on. SYNOD HOLDS LAST MEETING Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Oregon Ceases to Exist. few daya. Among th speakera. how aver, will be Professor SweetMr of th t'ntverelty of Oregon, Who Will give a talk on "Pur Foods." Th delegates to th convention will b entertained at on of th hotels. Th social committee haa decided that Instead of th usual re ception a banquet will be tendered th visitor at th Portland hotel. A trolley rid to -Council Crest Is to be on of th octal features. , Mrs. Decker will arriv in Portland th morning of October it, and will b th guest of Mrs. p. J. Mann during hr stay In th city. Already aevsral social functions have been arranged In her honor. ami. tSasetel Dtorites to Tee Jesrasl i Baker City. Or., Oct 4. Mary B Cramer, wtf of Richard M. Cramer, haa filed with th circuit court a peti tion for divorce from her husband. Sh alleges that they war married In Warn county, Pennsylvania. In lilt, and they lived Happily together until about two year ago, when th hus band, without cause, deserted her. Sh want a Judgment for alimony of $20 per month. HOOD RIVER FRUIT FAIR . Sh ft ST. Make RisnsH Bate to Stood Hsa Prom October il to II th Hood River Biennial Fruit Fair and Oregon Irriga tion association meeting will be held at Hood River, and for thl occasion th O. R. ft N. will mak a round-trip rat from Portland of $!.(. Tickets may he secured t th olty ticket office, corner Third and Washington trt. Th last synod of th Cumberland Preabyterlan church in Oregon was held last night at the Hawthorn Park Church. Th business of th synod was th closing np of It affair, preparatory th its consolidation with th Oregon synod of tto Pr byfrlau church of America. Rev. W. R. Bishop called th synod together and declared that th Cumber land Presbyterian church had ceased to exist. Appropriate committees war appointed for bringing about th con solidation, arranging synod boundaries, and adjusting It financial affairs. Like action will be taken by th synod of th Oregon Cumberland church at It meet ing next week at Newport. Th general assembly of th church will meet at Co lumbus, Ohio, next May, whn th final consolidation of synods and presbyteries will be accompTlahed. President H. If. Crooks of th Albany oollege briefly addressed th synod last night in behalf of th college. STEAMER SANTA ANA BEACHED AT CLALLAM (Joorn.l Special ServUs.) Seattl. Wash., Oct 4. Meaaagea from Neah Bay tell of the wracking of th steamship Santa Ana at that plao after aha had sprung a leak during a heavy gal at sea. Th Santa Ana was bound for Alaska with a large rags ger list. No lives War loot, but th chief engineer and on other man re ceived serious Injuria when th steamer wan beached at Clallam. CALIFORNIA HOLY ROLLERS WILL INVADE CAPITAL CITY (gpsrlsl DISBstrh to T Joarsal. Salem. Or., Oct 4. Th great revival which haa seised Log Angeles 1 march ing northward and th Tongu of Fir" will be In Salem th first of th week to hold meetings at th local mis sion on Twelfth street. Rev. If. I Ryan, th pastor of th local mission, ha so announced. H ha recently re turned from Do Angola, where he haa been Investigating th evidence of th nJut how th California workor will 1 . . , . i. t . .. Uhaw " mmA hel D njOflTlu uerw A wj mw. - -' i. .,. "We have been narsecuted and thla will doubtless be no xoptlon to tn rut. It I this sect which the Do Angeles secular and religious press havs char acterised as "Holy Roller." Th scenee that have been enacted at Loa Angeles ar beyond description. Th members of th sect claim to be filled with th spirit, speaking In tongue a thy did on th day of Pentecost. The so-called Pentecostal fir has, according to th Apostolic Faith, on of th organs of th ect published In Doa Angeles, spread throughout Monrovia. Pasadena, San Pedro, Saw tell and WhlttUr. Th coming of th Callfornlan to opan their work hr will ho awaited With considerable curiosity. Th Holi ness mission ha been established her for about thro years and for a while Creffield was on of Its mmbr COOKING RANGES NOW A KITCHEN NECESSITY No horns the day I considered complete without a steel range. A rang in a large degree lessens the burdens and drudgery of th kitchen and therefor la a blessing to th aver age housewife. Th coat of operating a good rang is no more than th com mon cast stovs, and a th rang lasts a lifetime th difference In th original cot between th two I of little Im portance. Thar ar many rangee on th market, on of th moat popular being the "Eclipse," sold by Gevurts ft Sons. In speaking of their range today, one of th firm aald: "T, th 'Eclipse' I a vary popular rang with Portland buyers Th railroad freight office how that more TCcltp' ranges ar old in Portland than any other make In fact, as many ag all other make combined. Now; there's a reason for it. and It Ilea In the fact that the Eel I pee' la ao constructed as to be a perfect baker. We ar nvr aaked to take bank an EcIlps' owing to Its failure to bake. There ar many ranges which look as wU as th Ecllp.' but non of them will bake ag quickly with as little fuel. Th Ecllpe' haa th fire box and oven built on scientific prin ciple and that's th aacrat of Its uo cess. Th, air, this is a fact not Idle advertising talk. We sell thousand of thee ranges every year, and evary one of thm becomes a standing life-long advertisement of our furniture house. Neighbor speak to neighbor about th excellent baking qualities of our range, and we ar proud of It and proud to be In a position to offer the public a house hold necessity of suoh superior sxcsl lnc." Oovurts ft Sons mak a spa Lai offsr In today's Journal of th four-hole "Eclipse," series "R," for $$B, and th eaay term of 91 down and $1 a week. A Philadelphia man haa been aaleep for eight daya Why not mak him a bank examiner or a dhteotiv? After looking over Taft, Th Cuban flghtsrs never left LAID FRAUD APPEAL CASES ARE DOE THIS WEEK Arguments Will Be Heard In San Francisco Within the Next Three Days. Th appeals In the cases of Repre sentative J. N. Williamson. Henry Mel drum. Marion Bigg and Dr. Van (lea ner, all convlctsd of land fraud offonaea, will b heard before the United States circuit court of appeal In flan Franclaoo within th next two daya R. W. Mon tagu, attorney for Meldrum, Judge A. 8. Bennett, who represents Qeaner, Biggs and Williamson, ar in San Fran cisco and will argue for the defense when the cases com up for hearing. Francis J. Heney will present th government' side of th Williamson case whan It Is argued. He will be as sisted by William C. Bristol, United State district attorney for Oregon, who I also In Sau Francisco waiting for th case to be heard. The persona appeal of Congressman Williamson has bean taken to th United States supreme court at Washington. D. C, and will not be heard at thla time. When It doe com up for argu ment Mr. Heney will present th Sid of th prosecution. n.SO Chicago and nVetora STLSe an. torn and On October 13 and 1$ th Oraat Northern railway will hav on aale ex cursion talckets as above, ticket allow 10 day to roach destination and good for, raturn until November It, stop overs allowed within limit, tickets good going via Oraat Northern rail war. re turning same or any direct rout. For tickets, sleeping car reservations or anv additional Information call on or ad- dra H. Dickaon. C. P. ft T. A- 111 Third street, Portland. iiffgjAi