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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON I&ILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THUR1DAV EVENING. OCTOBER 4 W06. It FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. x-ciii x- t, x urn u i" - -PJ 5 and 10 Arm TRACTS PKUti U4HD , Aat iMtllM (at a bom. Investment Co. M4 Mark. dMtred, LOT an K. 1Mb end Dlvtoioa at Inquire 4TS 1Mb. oa preBHoog. a barfata; HA VI aa fatal beaten reaping lb arln tram 11.400 to (4.800; wUl all email payaveut Saws, balaac eame u raat. Owner. Pbooe Bait 7S. WARBHOUSB property for aala. tat 100x100, facia .dlalug railroad track. AddroM P M. car. Journal. HOLLA DA T'B ADDITION 1 swelling. tawa. fruit. Honn, oenent aldewelk; cheap far caab. STB Eaat Third at. north. WHOU bteek of flee tata. MxlOO. oa car. worth 11,000; only (1,400 tbla week. H a. Journal. A T-cootB bona and tat IOO1IS8; large tawa ad a variety of fruit trees; .000 lakes It tbla waak WESTERN ORKOON TRUST CO., SI Stark at. SIGHTLY corner lota. 100 1 100, with wtde traata. abort blocka from w. W. car: no (Mr building alte offered; will eooo doable la vahte; aoroe lumber Included ; all for (SBO, part dowa. Baa the Home Land Co., 146 to West Side Acreare Hal now on. Several hundred acraa Jut platted In tracta of 1. z. 5 and lo acraa: abundance of running water on aacb lot." ad joining Urea ninth grade acbool. ctaaa to town aad carllne; land nearly all level and In high atate of cultivation; BO batter anil In the atate; (110 to $175 par acre; tonne. Tbla la the greatest SNAP on the market. Lota aril las net- Poelttvely m n it once. Yon will find the land batter than reprreented. Part lee In r lug oar office every morning at Schuyleman and Co. 7X1 W.ahTngtoa at. Sooma S4-SS. West Side Acreage Have 40 acraa anil. nftiv T ' .li Hi an t . . . . .. . aama eaaily ctaarad. on county road, ctaaa to car Una: will aril In email tract, for $00 to (88 par acre; terma. Hp ton did opportunity far a good borne. scnuyieman ana to. 27 H Wi COST Uttto borne, Al oeadltlrw, near car; blgb. aotae fruit; a bargain; nee it today. . THE CONTINENTAL CO.. Stt Stark at. BRAND NEW bouae. aataet neighborhood, ne.r car; price, .dvinclng all around; terma; pay rent to youraelf ; aaa tbla. THE CONTINENTAL 00.. Ml stark at. EXTRA BARGAIN T lota 40x100. ctaarad, all tagatbar In one tract, for (100; cloaa to 10-room acbool at Lenta; One location; water free; 6c fare to any part ot Portland: terma. 0. B, Addlton. Lewis. Oregon. POB BALE Modern 0-room cottage. 1008 Mon tletb at., aoath St. John.; meet be earn to be appreciated; price $1,000. B. 0. Monnlcb. IS. care Journal. A T ROOM hoaaa on 3 lota wall, .table. L. Bobblaa. price $750. CaB or addreea . watt Portland, Oregon. (1. 100 BUT 8 10-room furatatad hoaaa with lot ,7?' ffwEw airing to lira & part of bouae: terma If da- aired; for tew daya only; no agaata. 448 Eaat ANMOME RESIDENCE SITE. SEVENTY five feat oa Jobnaon a treat, near 23d. See ua far price. Oat the habit. 0. L. PABBI8H CO., 428 Lumbar Exchange, rone Mala 8811. A BUSINESS propoattloa an Front at. tar (36, 000; fine Inveatment 0. L. i'ABRISH CO.. (38 Lumber Excbaage. Fatva Mala (SIB. HOMES AND BUILOIlfO LOTS . In any part of the city. See aa flntT Oat the habit. O. L. PABB1SH CO.. ASS Lumber Exchange. Fone Mala 8311. NBAS UNION ATE. OABLINE. Large 7 room hoaaa, 80x100 tat; coat tt.000; ..-r'fSToi. ig. Tll to 10 a. ' BUILD TOTJE OWN HOME. 1 own a well located 80x100 corner lot with Sent aldewalka. eewer. city water, gaa. trie llgbta. oa which I will build yon a 8, T or 8-room hoaaa; email payment dowa. balance moatbly. Phone a C. Shay, Tabor 1(2. 1 to 10 a. m. . SNAP SB-BOOM BRICK ' In heart of city; 1 loaaa; clean (ISO month ; well ruraraaeu 12-room hoaaa, ana location, (400 If taken "'ts'rwm well-fur alehed lodglng-hoaaa. cloaa to Portland Hotel: $1,800 It taken at oaaa; terma If (Hal. UNO CO., ISO Lumbar Exchange, Second and Stark eta. (2.100 MODERN I -room home on San Rafael at. cloaa la; terma. HAOEMANN BLANCHABD. SI Fifth at. FOR BALE ti block, brick, la buatnaaa cantor: Income 13 par cent; gaaraateed leaae for 8 jee re; am. all amount ar can reqoireo. agen ta. CaU on J. 8. Taylor, SIB Marqaaju $3,500-1 ACRE heme oa Oregon City car Baa; R-room bouae. gooa aeiecuon or iruu ireee aad berrtea. running water; Dora land can be bad If dralrad. John uower, rttatey a ata i Hon, Mllwaukle Oregon. 11.800. A BARGAIN. T-i hottee. modern. fronting rirei at. canine; Va caab. or at 156 Nebraaka at. (8.800 BEAUTIFUL BOMB lot SOxlOO; axeelleot aurroundiaga. JoH. Hellbronner & Co. 618 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark. CORNER 60x100 Kerb at. blgb and aightly. tsso THOMPSON A OAOB. 887 Sherlock bldg. (SOO WILL hay a tpleadld raaldeace let, Eaat 28th and Pine; at recta Improved, newer In, gaa, ata. 80x100 rot at Creaton; wall Improved, t blocka from car; price (600; (28 cnab and (10 per month.- 100x100 on Eaat Sixth at.: aplendld neigh borhood, anaurpaeaed view; mnat be aold thla week; make me an offer. W. H. Buoy 001-1 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4077. 8-ROOM bouae, fall lot, on carllna, (8.80. 4-room bouae, full lot for (4.80. Phone Baet 601. MUST SELL u block on Eaat 13th near Dlvleton; worth 8800 more than aaklna price WESTERN OBKGON TRUST CO., 281 Stark at. (8.000 COMPLETE modern home, up to the minute In all partlralare; we cannot offer a more property for a home la Hoi - today Park. Baa Thorn peon A Gage. (87 Sherlock-bldg OWNER trill aall hta new home hi the Irvlng ton dlatriet, 8 rooma and bath, beautifully lo cated, all convenlencea. atrlctlv modern; lot 100x100: one of the beat-built hnmca la Port land. Addreea Owner SO, can Journal, aad make engagement to go through the honae. T-B00M modernleed hoaaa, nntral Eaat Part land, and full lot; $1,250. half caab. Hon recant lota and fractional lota be tween Weidler aad Hancock au. and be tween Eaat Third aad Eaat 11th. at reaenrc eh li prlcs. An elexant 8-room new modera kouae and a Deeutimt tor. wttn nowera aau iruu Irvlngton, (8.600, half caah CULVER, 828 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Pine alte for apartment-bouee. cloaa la waat aide: 1 can: TSllUO: 110.000. TSxl T. L. Garland. 238 rieianer otag, linn aaa Waablngton an. Id -OO t BOOMS. Waaco at. complete la ayery detail; rnace guaranteed: eewer, am trie light, gaa; term.. Baa Tbompeon A Gage. 887 Sherlock bldg. MAT HOME- Full lot: fruit: dero; on ear the; Si. 460. Call SSS FOR SALE FARMS. FOB 8 ALB 40-ecra farm: good taaee. large barn. One orchard. IS acrea under , ulil ration, good aoli, aa gravel nor atone, bear RM l.ld. Waablngton; aat be a;,M $A8fjri. terma. Call en J. S. Taylor, (16 Marquam FOR SALE FARMS. $5300 icb. farai aaS txexry ealtlearlea and leva A BB acta ranch, farm ST acraa to high atate of cultivation A fine trout lead la paature aud i ia tinner, a i to ecnooi. i ,a mmA Kara a bm WaCa aad otBOT bultd toga, about 2 or 0 to, of hay. pouioaa and other vegetebtoe Ptaa outafcta range. echard f bearing tree, and saw orchard ex 100 yeaag apple trade; tbeae go with the place: ( cowa, 4 brtfera. IS hog. and S boreee aad 1 wagoaa, I baggy and saw eeparatar aad othar farm Implement, too. numeroua to oaawtloa; .IS wtaaaa of ch, Apply lit front at. SO AC EM of the very abataaat hattaan laad. callable for gardening or dairy; 48 acraa la high atate of euHlvatW about SB acraa are beeverdara land: fair boaea aad bar a, you merer aaw taw tar eoll la yew Bh; 10 mile, ut aad la eery ckeap at (8.680; eaey term.. Alao other dee treble terma fat aala or at ria ot raa eiate. SSS Lumber Bsrbaage. Becoad aad I Stark eta. (10 ACRES FOB BALE: faacad. 100 acraa culUratad. SO acrea paarura; heaee. large tarn and outbulldlaga; acboolhoaea U place; good orchard., well watered, free delivery ofoi.ll. telephone; -1 mile, from BtlgaSalet Waehlagtoa: worth (10,000 aad aaora; price (8.000: terma. SS.000 cash. baUnaa to eult; atock aad machinery can be purcaaaed. W. W. McCredle, Vancourer. Waablngton. SOO A0EBS cloaa to railroad aUtloa and proa paroue town aad only IK boon' rua from ' Portland; anlendld land, about 70 acrea Bailor cultivation aad about 60 aaora will vary aoou be ready for the plow ; two modern bouaea, S rooua and fl room.; a good orchard and barn and running water In barnyard: well fenced for atock; for prompt aala, $86 per act: 'iota to a beautlfel country home with every tbtag In goad condition. Addreea J 28. care Journal, or telephone Main BOO. M0 ACRES of choice lead la Crook county, Oregon, pan be Irrigated, far aata cheap. Addreaa K. 80. Journal. A BARGAIN (20 pat acre; oaa of the beat farm and atock ranch ea la Oregon. 740 acrea. S mitaa from Eagaae : wall Improved; tele phone; 400 acraa fenced with woven wire; (08 aero, baa been farmed; every acre producing great or crop; terma eaay. John Ingham, Bo- 10 ACRES choice farm land, rood aaw 8-room bonne, tarn, t rial erne, fro ft. bar r lea; eery drelrable for borne; half mile north Gray 'a croaalug. Mt. Scott carllna. George Clark. FOR SALE At a bargain SOO acraa wall lm- proved farm near Eugene. 00 acrea ore tiara moetly 7-year-old Spltarnburg aaplea; price teavtaa (18,000; email payment dowa. eat? tot K. a. ingaam, cugeua. uregoa. FOB 8ALE Farm 0 acrea; good bouae and ill, atock, eropa end farm machinery, cloaa to rail and boat land tag; B bargain at (8,000; term.. J. S. Taylor, 818 Mamuam bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS FOR SALE Team of wall-matched black., weigh 1.100. Apply to Btldartack Crane Co.. SSI Oak at. FOR SALE OB KENT Hon by the dap, walk or month. Club. ISth and Alder. and carrtagee Portland Biding H0B8FS and bnggtee for rent by day, week and month ; epeclal rata, to bualnaaa banaea. Sixth aad Hawthorne. Eaat TS. FINB aaddla bora. for aala. 782 Tancouver av... aaa HOBSB FOR BALE Weight 1.400 Bat., will weigh 1,800 whan la pood ehape Apply at barn at corner Front and Hall ate 1. 1000 - fboae mmx iiwa. . f (. mq. CaU J23S AttantK WORK bona for aata, 880. CaU J 228 Atlantic a treat. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Baaltp la let ar lota aear Hawthorne are. (eaay payment upon balance) for concrete, ptaatartag, pram bang, painting, ar carpenter work. Myan, 228 Beeaad at. SO-ACRE Linn county farm, 1 road atatloa; 8-room hoaaa, mmrntt- will for cjtv or of nil , epring. bam and pay caab difference, or aall for the low price of $700, Home Land Co., laSVa Pint at. FOR SALE or excbaage. grocery atore. la good valley' town: good bualnaaa. but have boatnoa tateneta ataewtaen. Box MS. Hlluboro, Or MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. a LEE COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. We an aiwaya In the market either to bay or aall any active mining or lnduatrial atoeka It will pay you to get onr prtcee. H. W. DONAHUE, Mar. Brokerage Dept. 18-80 Lafayette Bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. t FIRST -GLASS Jeney cowa. 1 freak a daya, . for aale. phone Eaat 4113. i In few LIVESTOCK For Sale Cowa with young calrea. ITlvfc Eaat 11 th at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO FOB SALE An elegant Schaeffer up right btnght 1 year ago at (460. will aell at SSB0 caab. Call 464 Eaat 12th at., North, or phone Eaat 80T8 at once. FOB SALE -Second-hand upright piano, $125; caab ar time. Addreaa R St, can Journal TIMBER. WANTED Timber unaa la crook. Lake. Klamath and Douglaa eouottee; large tracta or aUglc clalma; If you kave anything, come and aaa aa. or write ua anting exact loca m8y tion and price. Lafayette Washington at. Co.. S18H CERTIFIED terlp, aa. rtae ptaceai loweet pricaa. W. G. Howell. 688 Chamber of Com ABOUT 80.000.000 feet near lower Columbia river: alao eeveral good tracta In Douglaa and Curry coantlae. Addreea Box 642, Aatoria. Oregon. FOR SALE 80 acraa timber land, Vi mile from Columbia river: 2.000.000 feet epruee. bealdca other timber: a haraalo If taken aaaa. Call oa t. S. Taylor. 818 Marquam bldg. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB buy, aell or trade any old thing. The Pao nto'e Furniture Honae. 2 to'e Furniture Honae. 21SVa Front et. Salmon TBI. Main axau. BOOKS bought. aold and. vxebaaged at Old Book Store. Z7V lamniu ax. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea far raat av tar Th'e ft TJrfVwiC k5 A K B COLLENDBB OO. 48 Third at. Portland. EWINO-MACBIN ngh t aold. exchanged. (6 aad a i.. - alao ranted. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. (ST Waahlagtoa at WI Briat your aama oa SO calling carda. pre per tee aad style, aae; sou mim naaa enrde. II. A. W. Schmato Oa.. 228 Flnt Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to ardor i a.cond hand gooda for aale. Carlaop KaU- atrom. toucn ei. raaaa viaj ... SHOWCASES, eoueten. Sxt-ree bought aold or e i changed. Weetern Salvage Co.. (ST Waab- ax. raciae tea. tUB aaa. furniture and Will f.Yv fell value. Phone PactSe 788. Weetern Waahlagtoe at Ivage Co.. 817 BOLD EN'S BHEUMA7T0 CUBB Sore rheumatlam. Sold by all drugglate. 1 BAB chalra. FIXTURES, pooltable. safe, tabtae, WESTERN SALVAGE 00., (if . Waahlagtoa at 60 SLIGHTLY damaged taaa at WUeoa, vary low prtcee a DomJuT. "vk.ta."'boW.vVr- athan; to make room for aaw etock Wheeler W raven aad fcagan. - S. 8. Slgel, SSS Mar rieaa at. M.ruaam bldg. ea. a.I w aa aaat. an the dollar, all ta goad order, folding bad. cook range, bedeprtaa and mattraaa. J gaeolln. tampu. Ubln and heating .ten. lad eXherexan. aoath Porttaod. ARTISTS' plctaree aad fnmtaxf. m Oo., BIB a-N FOB SALE CHEAP-1 good tallh drea. Ckaa Oarftold. (M Narth ! St Johaa. Idtooa at, CHERRY TREES of the only ortgael parent tree, the new cherry, the Olent; (rat claaa Jallua Kaltlcb, woouixwn, uregoa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. PIAWO. daak. furaltara. rug. draaaar. lamp, eta ad; I... 7th at. aoo NBW upright piano. (113. aaotbar aprlght. ISO; nrgaa. $18. Mm Plrat. unalaln. WHITE Bplta pupa. Orore. Oregon (Sty cheep; ana bettor. Oak car line. K ui it POE SALE PI aa padtaree ball terrier Paget ee. 40 Iran at., near ar uraaa are., roriiaao. ur. BNOINERBS traaalt and, level for aala cheap at 440 Eaat 11th. at., north. Portland FOB BALE Nice frrab cow; ft milk, call US Montana ate. aa goad rich PERSONAL. FBEE! FBEE! If you are alrk and bare triad everything etoa aad did not receive help, try CHIROPRACTIC and get well. Preaent tbla ad and receive a waek'a treat rrae. IlltS. HARSH at HOG AN. bldg.. 10th and Waablngton eta. BooBta 13S and 21. WANTER Lady to accompany gentleman and email daughter on trip to i.nioruia ana then aeelet aa houaekeeprr after arrival; Mate age and full partlvulara In flrat let ter. J 14, can Journal. DETECT! V g AGENCY ConBdentlal la vert 1 ra tio ae: report, furnlabed an Indlridnata. tbeh character, ree panel blltty. etc: bed debt, col lected; mlaalng relatlrea located: char gee reaeonable. correepondeace eoMctted. Oregaa DetectlTi Service. ufSree 801-804 Flledner bldg.. 10th end Waablngtoa am. Pbooe Mala Bin. MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. Roberto Narva Gloli'tae. One month', treatment. $2: ( montha. J; aent aecureiy aeaajuew Agenta. PToodard. Clarke A Co.. PortUad. 0a. SRXINR PILLS core all forma ol nervoae ar mnacalar wee knee.. For men or woman. Price 81 a box. 8 boxea $8. jjlth fan gaaraa tee. Addreaa or nil J. 0. Ctaeaaaaoa. drag gUt. Second aad Yamhill Sta.. Portland. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, fun reaeodetad. repaired I aad redyed: 80 yean' experience lnanree entire aatlafactlon. Phone Pacific MOT. Lewie bldg. BALM OP FIGS far all featcta dtaeaa Beat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084, OB. 0. V. E ETC HUM euree promptly private itt.e.aea. kldnev. nervoua. atla ana epeciei 1te. OtSea 170V. female trouble.. Call or write. Third at,, ror. Yamhill. Phone Paetfte 2228. ANT an or we man can be at rang and happy by nalng Serine Pllle. the great tonic; price $1 a box. S boxea 86. with fall guarante.. aaa or Mil J. A. v.aamneoa, aroggi.i. Second and Yamhill ate.. Portland. Ot. YES, Palmo Tablet, make too ataep perfectly; they care aervouaaeaa aad make you atrong; nrw. oot a hn.e. 12.50: cu.ranteed. All drugglate, or addreaa Brooke Drug Co.. 87 North Third at., Portland HOLDER'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Ban rheumattem. Sold bp all dragglata. HOLD ON Than ta one thing that will cure rhenmattrm Aak your druggt.t far bark toale or addreaa or call J. 0. Clemenaoa. drug gtat, Portland. Oregon. TURKISH BATHS, (00 Oregoalan bldg.; daya. gentlemen nlgbta. Mala 1BS8. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dreeetng. SSI Tembll at "THE ADVENTURESS Sweat Danger." "A Marriage In High Ufa Twenty Yean Hae'llng," "Ptlaoaei at " "A Social Schauta Co.. Lion," (0 ceata each. 220 Flrat at Aw W. no wvwn rnonao. tnmrtw medicine.; aril. Cfalneae tea, certain care far all dlaeaaea. 181 Id,, bet Yamhill aad Taylor. 01TB preeeed while you wait. 80a Ladtaa' aklrta preeeed. SOe. Gilbert, lOSH Sixth at. next to Quelle. Phone Paetse 1088. EUREKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The oaual brancbea; beat aborthand ayatem. MS A ah. illBllrJ or WOMEN Private hoapltal; quiet location and epeclal can Dr. 1 Atwead. SBOH PeelSe 1791. room 8. Pbooe m ITKTB ALL FOR 28 CENTS Phone POB A BUMMER PLUNGE M. JT44. ewrtaa. atrtke the big tanx at w rnn Natatorlom Batha: ataam and Tnrklab batb. a eprclalty. Bee tna nig aign. oaiaa. Open S a. a. to IS p. m. Corner waaaington and Secoad ata. Expert chtropodlat oa hand. envntrit. cnitnre all brancbea. and Individual and claaa lnatructloii; prlcate borne treatment If dealn-4- The Rlngler School, 808 Alder at Phone Main 1861. YOUR aboea ablned free of charge at the Barber Shop; abating 16c. VIAVI CO.. Lewie bldg., S60V4 Morrteoa; health talka to women Thuradaya, 2:80 p. at. THE October Matrimonial Regie tor ta Juat out. 10c, reriacd and enlarged, with nhotoa; moot co.nplete ever publUbed. St Ruaeel bldg. MADAME ANNA LUCKET ta prepared to re ceive old and new cuetomera and patlenta at oBlt, Stork. Mala SOU. BEST maganine ever offered: ami for prion: agenta wanted. Jonee' Book Store. 281 Alder at.. Portland, Or. WEBFOOT Oil Blacking uvea the leather; ab ae lately waterproof. MARRY Largaat axclnalve marriage paper put, llahed: 10c aent aealed: many worth 1100 to $100,000. L. L. Lore, Box 1800. Denver, Colo. DB. T. J. PIKBCE caraa all nervoua. chronic and private dlaeaaea: both aexra: office treat meat, SOe to (I. Call or write 181 Flnt at , corner Yamhill, Portland. Or. i iniUL iir. Handeraon a Savin and Cotton Root pllle an the only ran remedy for delayed petiole; by mall z per nox. Aaureea ur Pierce. 181 Pint at.. Portland. MADAME VASHTI. DKRMATOLOGIST Curaa all dlaeaaea of the ac.lp and face; aug geatlve tbrrapeutln; old aad new patlenta received at 201H Third at., cor. Taylor. THE buaineea man' a net; poaltrve care for ner vouaneea and tick headache. Room 8, 1814 Alder at. 2 YOUNO ledln glee' face and ac.lp maaaage. not, Fourth, earner W aahlugton. LADIKs; Aak your drugglat for Chlcbnter'a Engllah Diamond Rrand f ilia : regaroect na.r aafaaf- . reran reilabie: birr ot yt druxxlat; take no other. Clilcheatera Diamond Rraiol PHI. are aold by drngglata everywhere CillchMter Chem. Co.. Phlto., Pa. j MOLES, wrlnklea. auperuoua hair removed No charge to talk It over. Mm. M. D. Hill. Room 330 Flledner Bldg. Phone Paclnc 138. RECENTLY opeaed manicuring parlom; ladlee and gentlemen. 381H Morrlaon at., room 14. . MISS RAYMOND giree face and ecelp maa uge at 288 Morrlaon at., room 14. MISS ENGLISH, chtropodlat. magnetic and calp tre.tmenta S'T. . '!?.Iru 224i W.ali ASSAY KRS. OARVIN CYANIDB BXTB ACTION CO, and Moatasa Aaeay Office. II AUTOMOBILES. COVBY A COOK Mater Car Cw. Flfteeath aad Waablngton Agenta tor Cadillac, Fiacre, Great Arrow .od Stevene Duryn ajotor-car: macblaee ranted, repaired aad at eyed Mata ARCHITECTS. H B. M SNOBS. Architect. I IS ART. LESSONS In embroidery every day: Eiw at imped ahlrtwalata., bo ra Jacket., beta, umbnltaa, ata. The eadlecraft Shop. 882 Waablngton at. be tween Weat Park and Tentk ata. PROFESSOR Aider. Portrait ATTORNEYS. J. B. WINCMnaTTBB, attoraey-at-tow. eotary public. 88 and W w""nl""."j!!',i BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCH BBS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Daknat 1(1-111 Pint at. carrtn a fall Bae aad eaat plate eeeorttaeet at tow eel marxea tiaaia. B1BKBNWALD CO., 184 108 aapl BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS Ml HAM. 108-111 Seeta Blank book axaaafactaran; agaata far CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON the crpanler. 304 Fourth at. tare and oftea wark. Rata 1T(T. COLLECTIC'N AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE TOD MONEY 1 WI COLLECT BAD DEBTS 0B NO CHA RGB. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Ctaaalaa Ca targeat ptaal aa the aeaat Larlag aad Harding eta. teta ahane Eaat 380 Carp.ta. c lea eel reSttod. eawad aad laid; both eteam and Uteat a araaaal air aad teatbera ranovetlng aaatiraeaea apeeUlty. SANITARY carpet claaalag. asettaa aad com. CSa'ralaiaU CLEANING AND .DYEING. Sultorlum Tailor! nc Co.- sar , Utiles' work s specially- Low nad. la at. Portland Steam Cleaning Dratng' Ucel tatter la connection. HI 4th Worke; prac-- P.rlBc Ml. CLOTHES cleaned aad preeeed 81 per Unique Tailoring Co., 800 Stark at. U, W. TURNER, profaaatoaal dyer aad elaaaer. 508 Jeffereon at. Phone Mala MIS. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! Read! Read! THIS IS FOB YOUt BEAD CAdtEPULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Bartb I. permanently located In her own home. 428 STARK ST. Tbla wonderful woman, ar knowledged bj hr the world to be the g raa teat clairvoyant alive, without you writing a qaea- tloo or uttering one word, the telle yoa laat what yoa came far. bow many In 7 our fam ily and all about them. Telia name., datea and facta. Telia yoa of lore, marriage., dcatba, buaineea epeculatlone. lnveatmenta, etc,: Wcatea oil. Baa aad mineral, of all klnde. removea evil Influencee and teacbea yoi new to control the oaa yoa tare, aaltee the aeparated aad cauaea epeedy and eoo renl.l m.rriagea. No matter what WBr caa dltlon may be, MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 438 STARK, COR. ISTH. ALL WORK OCABANTKED. PEE WITHIN BEACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A M, TILL SPTM. BNOLISH AND GERMAN SPOKBN. POB A PHW DAYS ONLY. , A SPECIAL 85 READING FOR (L . ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PBOF. 1. KBIMO. Owe feet living .SkS'Smriia voy.nt of the age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAiRS OP UPB: Whrm jrou wlll marry, how to control the one yoa tava. even though ml lea away: reeultea the eap anted: givee aecret power, to control. I will do all other, ad verriee to oo and a great deal mere. TUB BNTIBE KOBLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POW S?KkW. vK.CTftoByooV,,lAJ - Vrtekt-Vrm in by having vour NAME .TOLD JIN FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR. r advice abao-.otely PKEB before Tom deride hare a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO WNTINCB THE EPTIC1 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO TOO AOAIN. PROP. B. KHIMO Parma raretly Located to Hla Home. H0UBS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No 186 Fifth at, corner Madtoaa at OON8ULT TUB STTI Prof. Wallace, the noted clairvoyant Pelml.t and deed trance medium. The oldeat In practice, glvea aatlafactlon. He telle your paat. preaent and futrtra Telia your frleude. enemtee and rlvata. Who and when you will marry action, or he chargee you nothing Coaeult blm on buaineea. ( onault blm In love affaln. Ha chargea you only 50 cento. 141V. Morriaoc at-, corner Seventh. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Baimtaen to . C. R. DAVIS FUEL 00 Phone Eaat SB. atrr Morrteoa at ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealara la cacdwood. eeal and green and dry atabwood. K B. and ATblaa an.. 1 blocka eaat af ferry. Beat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dee. ten la aoal. cordwood aad dtp etab-rood. Pbooe Eaat 414. OREGON FUEL CO. All ktld. .of coal 184 Aiaor at. raeuo an. BOX aad planer wood. 8t.nd.rd Immediate (eBlwy. Phone Beat Weed Oa. WESTERN FEED blackamltb eoale. A FUEL CO. Ho Phone Main 1018. BOX. block .Bd alabwood. Star Boxwood Co. Phone Mata 2I4S CAFES. THE OFFICE SSB Waablngtoa at.. HI. Samuel Vlgneux. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Boom 380 Flledner Rldg. Mr. M. D. Hill. Pbone Pac. 1(6. DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Acadpmy. leading achaol: ballroom etiquette, cornet eoclal and etanale dancing; both aeiea; young folka. adulta: in atrnctlon dally. 3H Alder. Tel. M. 1861. Prof. Rlngler, dancing WOODWARD DANCING 1CHOOL Clan. Hob., Thun. and Sat. eve.; children', claaa Sat afternoon. Soda), fancy and etep dancing taught. Fencing taught. We. tern Academy hall. cor. 2nd and Morrteoa. Pacific 1880. danru, TtWmAavm r HM BlRDI iTlUrWITI. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, S23 Waablngton at. cor. Sixth. Guarantee all work. , DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelea Dreeamaklng P.rlora. 242 Fifth and Main rarnc tx. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. . i Dicurtr ELECTRIC CO. Knglaeen. eoatrae- ; r.oalr.r. electric wiring, eoppllee. Flrat. cor. Stark. Main 888. R. H. Tata, a WESTERN ELECTRIC WOlt .8 81 Sixth et Coutnctora. electric euppttee, Beaton and dynamoa; we Inetal) U6kt and power ptaata. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAVIS MAGINNI8. toaeher of coana tlonal and aeturalletlr cblaa: water-color baada a apeclalty. Studio 321 E ettb at- h. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm lr ruroace. uv. fa,L J a Beyer Furnace Co.. 288 Seaoad. Mala 481. DRYIIOUSE HBATINO PIPES, made to by J. Loall. 212 Jerrereei Pacific 1414. HAY AND ORAIN. E U COOPER A CO.. (our 118 Union eve. -Pot. toe., feed and aat 18IT. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. TUB HATTBB. 18 N. Sixth t. cteana and blocka aoft aad Miff bam. Pane maa a apeclalty - HOTELS. THB BELI.EVUE. Foartl aad Salmaa ata 80c up: ratea ay weea or moata: out-of-town tnde eollclted. Pacilc 2106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL Burosoan ptaa; rooma from 80 gaata ap; meal. 26 rente. Seventh aad Everett ata HOOD HOTEL Roome BOe ap; rates by weak ar moath: eat -of -town trade aollahtas. 8SV Sixth at. 8 blocka from depot HOTEL Portia od. American plan: 88. (S pee day. BELVEDBBR; Eotopeaa olaa.tU aad Alder ata. PENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WOEKSSSS ex.. ear. mra. Mate aoou EAST PORTLAND FENCE WIBE WORKS. ISO Baet Water at. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware 0a. eeltctte opportunity gaota pricaa. T4 Sixth at. fhctle 48B, INSURANCE. .t I ISAAC L. WHITE. On Inearan lack bldg. JAB, Met. WOOD, employera- Bebillty , (Irldoal acctdeat aurety Pbooe 4T. 80S McKay aoaae ai au MACHINERY. B TRENKMAN 00- Mining, aaw mill, bar ging machinery; hydraulic ptpee, caatlng; aU alnda repaired. 104 North Fourth. OASOUNB eaglnee. all ataea and etylee. at to weet price.. Relraoo Machinery Co.. 188-4-8 MorrtaOB at. THE H. C ALBEB CO- Saceod band ma chinery, aawmllla. ate. KB Or a ad an. MONUMENTS. NEC KINGSLEY. SSS Pint at.. Pertlaada leadiag marhta aad gnnlte worka. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Money la eaay to get If yoa know when ta get It. We have nadp money at all tlmee. and yea can get It en your eatary: (10 ta (100, oa heat tertaa aad at loweet r. tee. We loan ed the eaay payment plan the Stan that halpa yea end gate you oat of ebt. You get the caab. aU yoa aak for, and repay la amounta yea ran conveniently epen each heyday. We da not 81a paper., require no In- doner.. no reference to friend, or employer. Opea Teee. and Bat evening, until nnga unrn a e eawa. Hutton Credit Co. (11 (Bth Saor) Dekum bldg. 6 Per Cent and T Per Cent Wbv depoart money In banka at 2 tn 4 per cent'- We cen aell you gilt-edged farm mort- Cgea, .ay alae, from (100 to $6,000 aad up. .ring 8 and T par cent; the beat of eecarity. Schnyleman and Co. 127 Waablngtoa, rooma 84-16 Schuyleman A Co. MONEY TO LOAN Ob Improved city property ar tor bnlldlna for from 8 to 10 yean' time, with privilege to rapay all ar part of loan after two yean. Loaaa approved from plana and money advanced aa building progreeeee: mortgagee taken bp aad replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent MS Stark et Loans Any etoa from $100 ap oa flnt claaa real aetata eeeurlty. T per cent Schuyleman & Co. 227 4 Waablngton at Rooma 84 SB. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any aaiarieo employe ware-earner. get ea hla Bote, without aa U laanrh Weak. (80.00 Beaar to aa (18.88 ar 88.80 (SB. 00 Repay to c I 8.88 ar $18 00 Repay to aa $ 4.00 or no McKay mag. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea aatarlea. teeurenn pollrlea, plapoa. furnlran. waa'boaea re ceipt, etc.: .ay deeming pareox may eecore a liberal advance repaying hp ex ay weekly yrT?iArrTKUtT COMPANY 108 Abtngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat on your own name no other eacurlty; don't borrow nntll yoa eee me; my ayatem la the heat for railroad man. clerka. bookkeeper., treetrar men adf all other employee; buai neea atrictly conBdentlal. P. A. Newton. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PF.OPLB And othera upon their own namea without eeeurlty ; cheapeat ratea. eaatoet payment.; of lice. In 80 prtoctpal eltleei aave youraelf TOLMAN bfn. fiST .OR" TH.rd at HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money ran be borrowed oa eaav pay event plea, loweet ratea; etrietly conBdenHal CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 418 Mohawk bldg, car. Third aad Morrlwta. Loans Anv alee from $100 up flrat -clan real mate eeeurlty. T per cent Schnyleman & Co. Diva waaaington at Rooma 84 18. WANTED NotM. mortgage, or contract, on an. kind nt eeal aetata In Oregon and Waablng toa; eeeona mortgagee purcoaeeu ii wen mw cured. II. E. Noble. six uommerciei oia. Commercial MONET TO LOAN On cllr Improved reel ntate at 8 and T per net. S or 8 yean. Moultoa ft Scobey. 601 Columbia bldg. I MONEY LOANED, In aama to ault. on furnl tun, planoa and other aecurltlea. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Waahlagtoa bldg. Ph-xoe Paelfta 1832. (BOO TO $8,000 to loan by private party oa nal eetate eeeurlty at 8 and T per cent 402 Commercial bldg. LOW rata on furaltara, etc. : conSdentlal. 221 2SBx Md'" '0,1 " w"h,nc"0 p,rl MONEY William to taaa oa all klada of eeeurlty. noil, room 6 Waablngton bldg. TO LOAN Suma to Belt ea chattel R. A. Pnme. 814 the Ma roue av ortty. MUSICAL. ONE of the lancet atocka of aheet mualc aad hooka. Reduced dlaeounta to teachera. Levy'a Mualc Honae. 1T1 Fourth a treat. irwmu . THE WEBBER 8TUDIO Mandolin, tax laat ruction. Glbaon mandolin.. banjo, gnl 875 Alder. EMIL THIELnoRN pupil ef SF.VCIK. vlolla teacber. Studio 1HB BlltB. lex aaain LESSONS 80 cent, ob all In.trnmenta; TB centar lnatrnmenta for aale. Mn. tin. S41M, Pint at Mar EXPERT plane lualng. repairing, etc. J. Logan. 874 Oregon at. Pbone Eaat 386. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArtlSclal Kyn Fitted. Ptalon Sclentlflcall.v corrected. 138 Seventh Street. DR. B. J. MILLaV- . Mj Optometrlet aad Eyeatght Speclallet. Rooma 28-27. US Waablngtou Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB. ARNOLD Li X Its A 1 . eradcate af Oateeuathlr college of Kit Seville. Mleeourl. who la a apeclallat on rheumattem. atomaca aaa aU female dlaeaaea. Office 4lo Failing bldg . sorner of Third and Waablngtoa ata. DBS. ADIX A NORTHBUP, 4IS18-IT Dehorn bldg. Third end Waeblaitca Mala MS. Examlcatloa free. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art I. tie prlDtlng. 28 Rneeel bldg.. Fourth aad Morrteoa. Phone PaetM 1626. REAL ESTATE. PABR1SH. W ATKINS A CO.. Real ntate. Inauranca, nntal and agenta. BBS Alder at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. MO Alder at., pbone Hala T10: nbber atampa. an la. atenclle: baggage. trade dock a, bran a erne and pletat. PLUMBERS. FOX CO.. naltary nlnmben. Ml Second ket. Mala aad Salmon. Oragoa Phone Mala BOOL i DONNEBBEB0 B BADBMAOBBB, a. SSS Buraalde at u a i.a yaxyaaxyaaxoa nawved to! atolSBBBBJ FINANCIAL ;IBST NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND, Dealgaated Depoeltery aad Financial Agent A. u aiuj i ALVORD Lattera at Credit Available la Enrepe aad tfce EeMcra State; - - Snrkt Excbaage aad Telegraphic Traaafera vol 4 aa New York. Jtaatea. Cbtaapa, Be. LI aaa St Peal. Omaha. Man Fr.ncwco aad the priaripel point. In the Naltawert. . LADD TIL TON. BANXERS-tErtakllabed ta IMS.! Treaaaeta. . weaeral Banking Bualaaea Col aha taeaa. T.ttan af credit laaaaal ...liable ta aa Loadon. p.rt.. BerMa. Fnnkfort .yaafhaag. M MKB CHA NTS' NATIONAL BANK. POET I. PRANK WATSON. Prealdeat . Caahler R. W. HOYT. Drafta All Parte at the World NITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP P0BTLAND. OBEOOK. Norfbaveat Corner Third ml Baaktaa Saataaea the United Bute. ab Earopa. Hongkoag aad Prealdeat J. C. AINSWOBTH I Vtce-Prealdeat R. LBA BABNBS I Aaalatant Caahler B ANKERS LUMBERMEN' 8 BANK Per Commercial .ad aavlnga department. I letten of credit leaned aval! aiiaate ta an parte D. C. PBLTON .....Pnatdeat I FRED R nnrnrratrtJl trteat Vlca-Pveetdent JOHN A. K R A TI NO . . . . Beeoad Vice-Praai dent KE BANK OP OALrPORKIAv Betabltahad IKK, Capital aa time dapoalta. Acooanta opeaed far PortJaad Branch -Chamber WM. A. MACHAB. Maaager I J. TRUST COMPANIES, V-mOXTLAND TRUST COMPAJFT OP 0KEO0N Y RESOURCES OVER 11,780.000. General banklnr. 2 per cent tatereet fla) an dally halaaeee of $808 d. Bavlnga aecouutr. Time w over. 2 H to 4 per rant. teven nunoreo. part, af the world. . , ..u auw. a,, . iitMM.. ur o'.r, .a. SO e p. wa.. - paatbeaat Corner Third and Oak Btreeta. none rnvata ""' , ., RERJ. I. COHEN Pnatdeat H. L. PITTOCK : I:?? B LBB PAGET ...iaeretary J. O. QOLTRA. Aaatexaaw aawretary E ECU aa a O.naral Baakbag Bwalaeaa. aad Baring. Accountv, Acta, aa Credit Available ta All Part, ar tn. weriu. ADAMS Preeldent I L. A LEWIS Parat VWPrvaddaUt MILLS Second Vice Prealdeat B. Cj. JUBITE BecrataTF OEO F. RUSSELL AaatataBt Secretery . TK1 M0KTOAOE GUARANTEE St TETPJT Tranaacta a General Banking Baal laeea-J Department; 4 per rent lutereet CAPITAL O. W. WATBRBUBY K LOGAN HATS Elka' Temple. Seventh and Stark Street. NORTHWESTERN SUABANTEE m TBTJST COMPANY Portland. 0 leg ate. Lumber Exchang. S. B. Corner Second and Stark Straeta taecoad Seer) wiavar. intN'T roR CORPORATIONS. State, coaaty. Municipal and Corporation Banda aad 8n need. mtTTv aniaiVTR A TRUST COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portland Baal Batata at Loweet Ratea. " Ttttoa Ihaured. Abatracta Faro tab ed. J. THORBUBN BOM - fre.!?.' I JNO. V?S!?N' GEORGE H. HILL Vftae-Praatdeat T. T. BCBKBLABT. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BR0THEEB. Chamber of Municipal, railroad aad lV OWNING -H0PKIN1 COMPANY-Eatabllahad J STOCKS, BONDS. ORAIN Height Private Wares. BOOM 4 CHAMBBB ewiHE J. " See HE J, 0. LEE COMPANY I (-SO Lafayette Rrokeraea Den.rtmaal Da Bafon ttaylng at etatttap JKaaBaer WTXDE HOME TELEPHONE OUTS J. Member r-ortianu aioca r-xcn.Bge. Sixth aad Waahtagtoa Street.. Parti aad. Ovegaa. Corner OvcrbeO, Stair & Cooke Co. .atv MfiVTSirtirm WE DO A miOTt' Private Wire. Quick Ceattna M.rk.ta by Private Win. acrroa. era. aad Ualted Stataa National Bank PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH A CO -The Pioneer Patat Co. : window -a lam and glaring. 118 Facet at Phone Ills. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering reMl'lng ad geaejal Jobbing J. Loall. Ill Jeffereoa at. Pac. 1484. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., tola agenta for Hen-tug ii.ii Marvin aafea aad Maaganan Steel Bate K.a. .. r,. The l.reeat aeaortment of blgb grade fin and burglar-proof aafaa la the north vraeL St Seventh at. DIEBOLD OLD Manganeae and Snaroaf aafea I eae ful progreaa agalaat burglar and Bra; lock I opened. Mr. Super, mecb.nlc.l expert i. iwraa. a euta opened. Mr. Bauer, with J. K Darta. 88 Tall ltd. Pbooe leee. EIGHT eeaoad-hend flnproef aafea aad two eecond-baad tank aafea for aata cheep, at .8 Sixth at. Portland. Or. 8ION PAINTERS. rnaTlB a. KLEISEB SIGNS. Wa have built ap the tor-put elfn bu.ln.ea to the city by Orat-chum work and keeping ettr promiera. and Evcntt eta Our prlcn an right. Fifth Pbone Ex. 86. p RERGKR AaSON BM Yamhill et Sign. of all kind.. raaaa racinc -SI0NB THAT ATTBACT" A. H. Boat Co, aT atarg at. raaxee a-aciiic iuaw. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deacrlptlon; tank, tar and atore oxtune made to order. The Lata. Manufacturing Co., Portland. H. BIBD8ALL. deatgner: ageat M. Winter Lamher Co.. H.muion niog. aa.iu wot. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cunetrnctlno Co., etreet paring, alde- walka and rroaalnge. eia lanaBW niruiuir. THE Barber Aapbalt Paving Co. Of flee 858 Worceater blk. ef TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE OMNIBUS TRANSFER, CO.. aaa, Slath and Oak ata.; baggage checked from hotel or rnldence direct to deatlnatli nn.eeneera tbcrerore avoiu raa ng loavj aaaa et depota. Private Exchange 88. SAFES, ataaoe aad furaltore moved, packed ready for ablpplog and ahlppad: all warh -.. . , - laeae 1-exorr brick. Bre-proof L...." for i'oreeo. OfSce 208 Oak Xt. 0. M. Olaen. Pbone Mata 847. ft O. PICK. efBra 88 Ptrat at. between piano, .ad fat rattan pnone aaw; i . ... a.aharf fa. ahlDDlOX brick w.nhoua. with eeparate lroa Front aad Clay ata. all point. aaaei we make BB nrloeda: epeclal trunka while waltl tag Oregon Apto-Deapatcb. aaa Mala T18. ' r. IS Flnt at. Phone Meln IOREOON TBAN8FBB CO.. -Hie a era Phone Mala BB. lie.vy oaaiias aa PIANOS .nd ftirnltor. Bwved. Callaa Broe.. at SOB rhrat at Mala 2318. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Stonge. SM Stark at Mala aSf. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ne, SBOH loetou .t. Pbone Mela SSK TYPEWRITERS. Tag 88 vaee - B 11 make "rape CM,,er iJ4; TOWEL SUPPLY. CI. RAN TOWELS DAILY Camb (1 per moata. rwuim aaiwa trepply Oo. Nlath aad Ola ah ST s TELEPHONES. THB oaly exrtoat' PSSPtf- IN DOW SHADES. bTdBt ' rranltHw . e BANKS. OBBeMML af rba Catted Beahat. . aan Secoad AaataVant" cjattat iV .' fcBTatawi TnhafafC axhalta lad BaaalaBt LAND. OBEOOK B. L nUBHAlt. GEORGE W. HOYT Vtral'SBB'SJP and lattera of Credit Colleetloae a Bpoetalty ad Oak Street. ,, af DRIFTS ISSUED Av.tla. la H..a" Manila. Coltoettaaa Made aa '"".rr Caaktar B. W SCH MKB B, A.alatant Ca abler..., W. A, avwam A. ex. WBUVtrx Uaad. Oregon. ntareet paM oa of the world. B. O. MBABS H D STORE PLATT m PLATT Read 01 SX auaaa af (18 "d jrpward. of Commerce Banding. T. BUBTCHAELL. The Oldeat CO eCX .ccaaai. or over. Letten of CT-diJaad Jha axe oaaa certlflcatee. S to 4 nar cent : .pecxa. Call for Book af "itXnSTBATIONK " -. y . aa BATINOB DEPAjrrware. "lZLZ, 3 Truatee for .Batatn. Dnfta aad Letten eg COMPANY BANK, lataraat Paid on Tim a W rLLarv Bought aad Sal (.New 840 no Bldg. public aeralea corporation boada. IS aad Bald far Caah .ad aa Marat.. ad COMMBBOB. r-aaaw Bldg Portia ad. Ongoa. . Donahue. Maaagae. ex. Caa Aiwaya Ban xea mewer. BONDS BANK STOCKS. lM VrTnS (Member. Chicago Board of Service. BEFEBENCESLadd TUtaa, WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ... - , . ... a. taataae taga aaa enoe atore wppuo. no aw wa. M. A.' OUNST A tO- Dl.TRCTOE.C.OASbR ORBGON Furniture Manufacturing Manufacturer, ef faraltan for Portland. OregSa. FUBNITUBE BMaafacturiaa aad atrial ocoera. L. Ravaasky'a far.ltare factorr. 1T0 Fro.t et. WADHAMS B CO.. f.eturrra end aad Oak ata, ananixn A r.RRELL aloe merchant. 140 Front It. Pertlaad, Ot. Pbone Hala ITS. ALLEN B LEWIS, eommlnlon aadjridaaa laar etante, Froat tad Daria eta.. Portland. Or. STEIN B WAYN 208 Secoad Bepele Co, mo to 108 Fifth, ear, tttaem et- WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California wine depot: all klada of wine, 8c a gt.a. Cook a 1 aad Cook.' Help- era Hradqaartan. 148 Fourth at. a-a- rifle 2188. P. Loratl. CONTRACTS AWARDED OK IRRIGATION PROJECTS , Work on Tieton and Reclamation Schemes to Be gin in Near Future. rWa.blngtoa Bureau ef The JoaraaLi Washington. D. C, Oct 4 Thej secra- tary of the interior has awarded & eon tract to the Pacific Portland Cement company for 17.000 barrela mora or lass of Portland cement for tne l leion ana Bunnyslde Irrigation projscts itt Waab lngton. - This marks the baglnnltVB or construc tion work on the Taklma project, of which Bunnyslde sad Tlaton ara Inde pendent units. The Yaktmd VrriRatlon system planned by the recU-matlon aervlca will ultimately be one of tm largest government projects. The nucle us of irrigation aireatoy esutDitsnea in Yakima valley has shown that tn the fertility of soil and climatic condHlon It compares favorably with bast Irrigated sections In the west. The people ara said to have bean ener getic In removing the difficulties en countered by th government tn start ing the work, and conditions are favor able for a large Increase In the Irrigated raw in th next few years. The plans and speMintvitlOPJl ftvr the Canyon por tion of the main canal or tne Yiatavt project war completed Ms July and bids for its conatrtvetton will be opeaed ob November If. The development of the distribution system for the) Sannyslde project Is now occupying engineers' attention sad plans and specifications sre sbout com pleted for the concrete welr to rtplsre th movable dam at the head of tbs Sunnyalde canal. PORTLAND MOnIyIsT TO BUILD NEW LEVEE (Saeetal Dl. patch ta The Jaareal ) sBBStdleton. Or.. Oct. 4.--TH8 SMUtasrw a, i nwiharmana hank OS Ornish this dtp with ( bulldtng mlc cetv Oaraar Secoad aad Jtark .treeta. aavtaga aeoeaau. awaiva- aa Caebtar ...Aaatetaat OaaWer h UTajsSS Pr work for the Mtvee bid for exoeaPaUOtl (4 41 en yardand JSSSSBBBBBBj 1 I I